In the Heat of Love

Story by ZER0prototype on SoFurry

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As always don't read if ur under-aged. All characters in this story r copyrighted to me and don't read if

u don't like or find yiff offending but if that was the cause u wouldn't b here would u. =P

In the Heat of Love

By: Zer0

It was a cold winter night as the black panther dragged himself forward through the swirling

snow. Water was forming into ice in his fur. The nearest city was several more miles ahead and

without a soul in sight he wasn't sure he could make it to shelter before he died from the cold. He

collapsed in a heap as the falling snow settled over his body. Soon he would be lost from sight.

It had been a pleasant winter day out at sea, with a soft sky and only a chill breeze. That was

before the storm. Rain, wind, lightening, thunder; they all assaulted the craft. Driving it this way and

that. Smashing it mercilessly into a hidden reef, laying just below the waves. The ship sank down,

down into the abyss.

The panther had washed to shore on a splint of wood, with nothing more than the clothes on his

back he set out. Following the first road he came to, hoping to meet someone that could help him. But

no such anthro appeared. When it had begun to snow and he was still walking. Still hoping to meet

someone that could help him.

He awoke; feeling warmth all around him. He could see a faint orange light. Was there a fire

near by? Was that what had saved him? The panther could feel a large soft blanket wrapped around

him. He ran his paws over the worn fleece until he felt something else. Another blanket? It was even

warmer than the heat around him. It felt soft; softer than anything else he had ever felt; smoother than

silk. Opening his eyes lazily he looked down into the gentle, sleeping face of a female feline. His


A light whistling filled the room. The kettle on the hearth seemed to be boiling. The feline,

laying on his chest, gave a wide yawn and stretched. Opening her eyes she looked straight into the

eyes of her bewildered guest.

"Oh good! Your awake." Getting up she walked over to get the kettle off the fire. He could now

see she was a nicely tanned puma. She seemed to only be lightly clad for modesty, which emphasized

the delicate curves of her body.

"So what's your name, my good sir," she asked casually. Giving him a cup of something hot and

sitting impudently on his lap.

"Ahh... Srylarken. What's yours?" He tried to relax, it was already so uncomfortably hot for him

in here and this mysterious female really wasn't helping his problem.

"I'm Trixie. Oh and you should probably drink that soon. When I found you in the snow you

were nearly frozen stiff. I had to heat you up as fast as I could or else you may not have made it."

"So would that be why?" Srylarken pointed to her almost completely naked body.

She giggled. "Yeah, body heat is the best way they way. And what gets a guy hotter than a

pretty girl in his arms." She made a teasingly seductive motion. "Also I'm a gymnast so I have to be

comfortable with my body. Every time I have to go to compete I might as well be naked thanks to

those stupid uniforms we all have to wear." Taking a sip she sat and waited for his next question,

which didn't take long in coming.

"Well let me thank you properly. But I'd better be going as soon as this storm clears. I wouldn't

want to be any more of a burden on you than I already am after you saved my life." Finishing his drink

Srylarken tried to get up. Pushing the enveloping blanket aside, he realize he was standing totally

naked before this female.

Before He could cover himself back up again, Trixie was kissing him lightly. Pushing him back

down onto the couch. "Then please thank me improperly," she whispered into his ear, letting her body

rest against his.

Srylarken couldn't have stopped himself, even if he wanted to. Wrapping his arm about her thin

waist, he pulled her closer to him as he returned the kiss. Rubbing his furry chest with her paws Trixie

moved down a little to kiss his neck before going even lower to his chest. With his paws behind her

back Srylarken fumbled with her bra strap until he finally got it off. She giggled as the garment fell

away from her body, fully revealing her generous breasts.

"Glad you ready to get serious with me." Taking his paw in her's, she cupped it over one of her

soft, furry breasts. Moaning softly as the panther caressed it playfully. Reaching his other paw down

between her legs he began to stroke her already damp thighs.

"Oh God! Your amazing." Rubbing her delicate paws over his sheath, smiling as we was

rewarded by the sight of his large cock. Disposing of the very last of her clothes, Trixie started

grinding her hips over Srylarken's waist, encouraging him to greater heights with little murrs of


The lustful panther couldn't restrain himself anymore as his animal instinct took over. Pushing

Trixie of his chest and onto her back he spread her legs wide and forced his way into her with a single

thrust. Trixie let out a soft yelp of surprise as her pussy was stretched uncomfortably wide. Reaching

up and wrapping her arms around his neck, Trixie held on tight and hugged Srylarken close to her as

he pumped his length into her body.

Thrusting over and over, the tempo picked up. Slowly the pain melted away into pure bliss. The

puma wasn't sure how much longer she could hold on. Her thighs were already so wet from his pre and

her own arousal. She wanted this to last as long as possible.

Roaming his eyes down her toned body, Srylarken continued to pump into her tight body.

Gripping her hips firmly he fucked Trixie even faster, watching her firm breasts bounce on her chest.

With a lustful roar, he buried his shaft completely in her. Shooting his seed deep into her warm depths.

Trixie couldn't hold out any longer! The large shaft of her lover filling her body, the warm seed

of her lover shooting into her womb; finally pushed her over the edge. Crying out, the name of her

lover, "Sri, Sri," she hit her orgasm! The two of them collapsed on the couch, wrapping their bodies

around each other in a loving embrace, before they fell asleep, enjoying after glow.

Opening his eyes, Srylarken looked into the peaceful, sleeping face of Trixie. She was

murmuring his name gently in her sleep, licking his cheek affectionately. It felt sos perfect laying

there, with her soft, furry body pressing against his; his tail wrapping itself around her's; his cock

inside her. At this last thought the panther came fully away, pulling out of her with a start.

Trixie's eyes flew open and gasped as his shaft was roughly pulled from her, letting the liquids

from their mixed pleasure spill out onto her thighs. "What's wrong honey?" She asked of him, walking

towards the wide eyed panther, holding the blanket they had slept in around her body. "Please tell me

what's the matter?"

"We shouldn't have done that." He stated flatly. "I had only just met you and you had already

done so much for me, I shouldn't have allowed myself to use you."

"Who said anything about using?" Asked Trixie seductively, "I happened to enjoy it just as

much as you did. Anyway from the minute I nearly tripped over you, half buried in the snow, I knew I

was in love. Please don't go because you think what we did together is wrong. If you do go please do it

cause you don't love me, and not cause you didn't feel it was proper."

Astonished at hearing these words, Srylarken stepped forward and pulled his lover into a tender

hug, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. "How could I not love someone as caring as you?"

Trixie let out another small giggle and returned the kiss, letting the blanket around her fall to the

ground. "Then how about round two, my little Sri." Giving him a playful wink, Trixie took his paw

and lead him into her bedroom.

(plz people leave comments this is my first yiff story but i have another whole book of like 25 chapters that im working on and i want 2 know what i need to work on, sry but the 25 chapter book doesnt have any yiff in it... yet)