Mutts, Malls, and Missing Moms

Story by Will Thomson on SoFurry

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#9 of New Kid

Part Nine: Mutts, Malls, and Missing Moms

Here we hav...

Part Nine: Mutts, Malls, and Missing Moms

Here we have an interesting day out with Matt that will lead to a lot of new developments in his life later on. Also... I really like alliterations and the like so it was fun to be able to make a title like this and it be relavent, at least it will once you read this whole thing. Enjoy!


It was dark, I was walking around looking for something when Matt came into my field of vision and turned on the lights. He had his shirt off and started walking to me smiling slyly, like he had something planed in mind. He pushed me against the wall and pushed his webbed paw up my shirt and started rubbing my stomach. I was surprised by his advancements but was enjoying what was going on. He took off my shirt and I pulled him close to me and pushed our muzzles together. I slipped my tongue into his maw and we fell onto a bed there in the dark and he started rubbing his paws all along my back.

Matt broke off the kiss and smiled rubbing the stripes on my arm, "Nice stripes, tiger." I smiled and went back down on him kissing him with an intense passion. It felt great to be doing this and have another body next to mine so freely. I reached down and rubbed at the firm flat stomach on my otter and grinned up at him. I could feel the ridges of his muscles and felt his heat and need radiate from his body.

He grinned back up at me and growled a bit at me, "Ya know what I'd really like to do now, Zeke?" He moved his paw down my chest towards my stomach and raised his eyes suggestively with his motions.

I murred and smiled at his advancements, "No, what would you like to do now, Matt?"

He chuckled and circled his finger around my navel, "I'd really like you to..."

"WAKE UP!" I jumped out of my sleep with a shock and looked around my room and saw my dad standing at my door grinning and laughing to himself.

"DAD! WHY'D YOU WAKE ME UP?!" I was panting and trying to calm down from the sudden fright of being rudely woken up from a very pleasing dream. My dad though just walked in and sat at the edge of my bed looking at me smiling broadly.

"So..., How did it go last night? You two have fun?" I perked my ears up and blinked at him for a moment. He didn't make a joke and was serious about knowing how my date went with Matt.

I smiled a bit and took a deep breath, "It was good, we went to the movies, then we went for a walk on the beach a bit out of town and then he brought me back home. It wasn't anything grand but it was nice... and I think we both had a lot of fun with each other."

My dad smiled and nodded before he reached out and pet me on the head. "Well that's good to hear, pup. Glad it all went well with ya, hope to see more of that boy 'round here. Be good for ya to be able to have someone like him I think, course that's just one ol' wuff's opinion for what it's worth."

I nodded and chuckled a bit, "Yeah... I know, dad. Thanks. Oh, and by the way Matt's takin' me to the mall today, we're gonna look around and he's going to show me some places I guess. That's ok, right?"

"Yeah sure, ain't nothin' goin' on 'round here today, just gonna unpack some more and take it easy." He got up nonchalantly and got to the door, "Oh, and before I forget I got you something the other day, and since this is like your second date, I figure I should give it to you now." I perked my ears up as I watched my dad reach into his pockets and toss me a box of some kind. When I saw what it was though I put my ears down and blushed.

"CONDOMS, DAD?!" I couldn't believe he'd buy me a box of canine condoms, but was even more surprised when another box landed on my lap. I looked at the second box and saw that it was another box of condoms, but was for felines.

"I didn't know which one you'd need, so I got you both." He snickered and I threw my pillow at him just as he retreated into the hall and closed the door behind him. Honestly I'd prefer getting the talk or having him try to show me porn again compared to him actually buying me condoms, but that's something I locked away years ago.

I looked down at the two boxes and sighed heavily getting up and putting them into a dresser draw. I honestly don't know why he did this to me, he knew as well as I did that I didn't have to worry about most types of STDs unless I mated a canine or feline. HIV, FIV, AIDS, and several other STDs, I didn't have to worry about them coming from Matthew. Even if he somehow contracted Mustelidae Immunodeficiency Virus it wouldn't be carried to me since I had no mustelidae DNA in my genetics. And that was all assuming that he would be sleeping around.

I shook that thought off though, no need thinking about that now. I wasn't planning on sleeping with him anytime soon so it was a moot point anyway. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10.

"Heh, oh well guess I might as well get up and shower and get ready." So after grabbing my towel and readjusting my still noticeable bulge I made my way to the bathroom and showered.

After getting my fur combed down and looking smooth I smiled at myself in the mirror for the first time in ages. I could see a new type of sheen to my fur and it seemed to be feeling softer than it had been. I guess all this sea air and calming spring weather was doing me well. Add to that the fact I wasn't so stressed and tense and I guess it would make sense that my body would start to make adjustments that would show outwardly. I truly did feel great and after I was dried off I went to my room, slipped on a fairly baggy t-shirt and some shorts over a new pair of boxers and made my way downstairs.

"Yeah Sarah, yeah... yeah... oh he's right here hold on a sec." I walked into the kitchen still shaking the last bit of water out of my ears before looking to see that my dad was on the phone.

"That mom?" I walked over to the fridge and got out some juice, eggs, and milk and looked back at my dad as he walked over and handed me the portable phone.

"Yeps, and she wants to talk to ya. See what has been goin' on and all that, told her about what's been going on with you over all," I cringed and looked back at my dad as I took the phone, "No none of that yet, just the fact you had a date and been having an ok time at school so far."

I let out a sigh of relieve at that. I loved my mom, but she could be a real worrywart, even before all the stuff that had happened years ago she was always overly concerned with my well being, what with being head strong and determined as all get out. I put the phone to my ear and held it there with my shoulder and cleared my throat, "Hey mom, how ya been?"

I could tell that she was happy to hear my voice just by her tone when she spoke, my mother may have been a tigress but she was a loving creature and above all other things a very emotional person who you could tell how she felt just by being near her.

"Oh same old, same old. I'm fine, nothing special, your brother and I have been adjusting well and he seems to be doing well in his schooling and everything is pretty peaceful, though we both miss you horribly. But enough about us, tell me about this otter of yours and your week at school so far."

I smiled as I cracked some eggs into a bowl and started stirring them as I told my mom about my time this week, leaving out the parts about Jarrod and his friends for my ear's sake and for hers. "And we're going to the mall later today. He's going to show me around and maybe I'll find something interesting there while I'm at it."

"Well ok then, baby. You have fun and be careful today then, dear, and I'll call you some time later to check in on you two." I said goodbye to her and hung up with that, and made my breakfast while my dad watched the news and sipped his coffee in the other room. Forty minutes later I was done eating, had put my plates up, and was back in my room laying down. I put on my headphones and closed my eyes as I listened to music and just waited for Matt to call me.

I thought back to my dreams as I waited and let time pass me by. It had felt so good and so right to be able to take off my shirt without worry around him. I knew I was going to have to tell him eventually and risk it all, but as much as I cared about the young male, I just wasn't ready to put that much faith in him yet. I'd been hurt to much and to often to just go out on a limb like that.

I let my thoughts run free as I let time pass, and before I knew it, my phone was ringing. I turned off my iPod and pulled out my ear phones before I reached over to my nightstand. Picking it up I saw that it was Matt calling me, just a few minutes before noon like he said he would.

'Heh, the boy's good at being on time if nothing else I guess." I chuckled a bit and answered the phone, "'Ello?"

I heard a light chuckle on the other end, "Hey there yourself, wuff, you still up for going to the mall today, and hanging out?"

"Sure, just have to slip on some shoes and I'll be ready to go." I got up and straightened myself out, "We just gonna hang out at the mall for a few hours and look around?"

"Yeah, maybe drive around, just enjoy the day and stuff, supposed to be a fairly sunny and bright day. Pretty nice day."

I rolled my eyes softly. I personally hated days like this but I didn't make any mention of it. I told him that it sounded a good idea, though, and he said he'd be over in a few minutes. I hung up my phone and put it in my pocket and then put my windbreaker over my shirt and slipped on my sandals. I then grabbed my wallet and made my sure I looked presentable. I never really cared about how I looked but that didn't mean that I wanted to look stupid. I put on my sunglasses and then put my hair into a ponytail and made my way downstairs.

My dad was watching T.V. when I came down stairs and he smiled a bit, "Ain't it getting a bit warm for that jacket a yours? Don't you think you'd be better off leavin' it 'ere?"

I sighed softly and nodded, "Yeah, dad, I know but I don't want my stripes to be seen."

"Well what are you gonna do when it comes to the warmer weather? You got your ma's and mine's fur on ya, and it ain't meant for heat, you'll get over heated during the summer. Lord knows me and some a mah teammates had issues durin' summer practice what with our long fur."

"I'll figure something out, but for right now..."

Before I could go on there was a knock at our door, "Come in its open." I waited for a moment and then the door opened and looked behind me to see Matt walking in looking freshly groomed in a pair of jeans and a dress shirt. He looked well groomed and upper crust material, especially compared to my baggy and laid-back casual style that I enjoyed.

"You're just trying to outdo me aren't you, slick? What with the dressing up like you're going to church or somethin'," I chuckled and got up walking over to him and hugging him. "You look nice seriously, though, but I hope you don't mind my casual dress style."

He smiled and nodded, "It suites you, you're more comfortable like that and I like that look and I like mine so it's no problem... So you ready to go?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I am, let's go. See ya later dad, have fun today."

We headed towards the door and I said goodbye to my dad before we went out and got into Matt's car. He started it up and we headed off from my home down the road.

"So how'd you sleep last night, Matt?" I looked over at him smiling as he drove along the road, in a safe, yet, easy going manner.

"I slept alright, kept thinking about you and everything while I dozed off and woke up smiling. Yourself?"

I chuckled and almost wanted to tell him about my semi-erotic dream, but I just told him that I slept the same as he did and we kept on driving. I felt calm while we drove, it was cloudy out, and still a bit cool. To me it was a nice day, without the sun out, with everything just calm and cloudy.

"Oh, and I brought your clothes back that I borrowed the other day," I looked over at Matt and tilted my head. "I thought I'd bring them back today, and I brought my cash card so if you want to buy something I'll pay for it..."

"Hold it there." He looked over at me a bit confused as I had interrupted him. "I don't want that, I don't want you to be buying me things like that, birthdays, holidays, that sort of thing, fine, but I don't want you buying things for me like that... I'm not like that, and I don't think it's right to buy or take gifts like that all the time. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am, splitting dates, paying for movies, and that sorta thing, is ok, but I don't want or need any gifts, ok Matthew?" I looked over at him and he nodded and said he understood, but that he just wanted to show me that he cared about me.

I chuckled and leaned over and kissed him telling him he already had done that by going out with me. He smiled and pointed ahead and I followed the finger, "We're here, that's Brookdayle Mall, home of a bunch of clothing stores, restaurants, electronic places, and all your typical mall type stuff... nothing special, but it's a nice place to hang out for a few hours, look around and such."

After finding a place to park, we headed inside and I looked around. There were various furs of all kinds walking around, socializing, eating, shopping, and I even saw a few humans too. There was a large fountain in the middle of the place where we had entered and it had a bunch of plants growing around it as well as some sitting around the edge. There was a nice sit down restaurant to one side of the entrance and some weird hair and fur salon to the other. I looked around some more and saw some clothing stores that had those name brands all the kids liked, some random specialty places, and a few electronics places along with a varied selection of places to eat at the food court.

"Nice place... Looks like a pretty standard mall, but it's still nice." I looked over at Matt and he smiled and motioned me to follow him.

We walked around for a couple minutes when Matt entered a store and I followed him. Inside the shop, where all these shirts, things for college teams, and even some interesting looking decorative items that were just things to appeal to the eyes. I didn't really see why Matt would bring me to this place and when I looked over at him he motioned for me to come to the front where the cash register was and that's when I saw them. The store also had a selection of knives and swords on display behind the glass, and from what I could see of them they looked pretty unique.

"I see you noticed my love for weapons in my room didn't you?" I smiled to Matt before I turned my head to look at the prices and cringed at how much they were. I'd have to be saving up for a real long time to be able to afford these things at their current prices.

"Yeah, I thought you'd like to know a store that sold blades, but I guess you can't afford them based on that expression you've got now."

I smirked and nodded, "Well yeah, I don't get that kind of cash often and one of those swords were gifts from a friend and another was from a family member, the other one I bought just a year or so ago."

"So you know how to use a sword, like one of those ninjas from Japan?" I smirked and looked over at my otter companion.

"I think you mean samurai, ninjas used various techniques and weapons in their martial arts. Samurai were swordsmen and used them to protect their honor. And yeah I know a few basic moves, nothing compared to a master but more than your normal person would know for sure."

He seemed satisfied with that answer and so we browsed the shop for a few minutes before we left. We looked around the one wing of the mall looking around at various shops before we made a u-turn and came back to the main entrance and the food court area.

While we were walking I suddenly perked up my ear and stopped. I heard a crying noise somewhere and I couldn't quite hear it over all the noise. Not one to just dismiss such a sound I looked around and rotated my ears about to get a better idea of where the source of the sound was coming from. After stopping and looking around for a moment I had finally found the source of the noise and moved towards it, and when I saw what it was I was deeply saddened by what I saw.

A small fox kit was curled up and whimpering in an alcove in the walls. The poor thing was crying softly to himself as he held his knees up to his face. I walked closer to him and got down on one knee and touched his shoulder to which he quickly whimpered and jerked away.

"Hey there, kit... You ok...? I ain't gonna hurt ya's." Instead of answering though, he just shuddered and curled up tighter. I figured the kid was lost and frightened but if he wouldn't talk to me I couldn't help him, so I had to figure out a way to get him to talk to me.

"Hey Zeke... You mind telling me before you wonder off? I turn around and don't see you and..." I turned around to look at Matt and he looked over and saw the cub that was crying before he looked back at me. "What's wrong with him... who is he?"

I shrugged and looked back at the poor boy, and then I smiled as an idea came to me. "Hey, Matt, can you go get a napkin or two please for him?"

He nodded and went off to a nearby food place as I rolled up my sleeves and slipped off my sandals. I knew exactly what to do to at least get the kit to smile and he was sure to get off on it.

"Woof!" the kit looked up at me as I barked and sat like a dog cautiously. I had done this a lot when I was younger for my brother. When he was sad or depressed about being called names by jerks for being a hybrid, I'd pretend to be a dog and act silly for him and it never failed to make him smile. I guess looking back on it all that maybe I was just good at making people smile and stuff.

I yipped at the kit and panted a bit trying to look as silly and dog like as possible and he was slowly starting to calm down. I turned my head and bit at my shoulder like I had an itch as he sniffled and then got up on four paws and started chasing my tail for him. He giggled at that and when I stopped I saw that he wasn't a normal fox at all.

Instead of the typical white fur on his throat leading down to his chest, it was black. He wasn't a pure blood at all, but I didn't stop my act after noticing that. I went up and got into a begging position and lowered my head to be pet and he reached up and pet my head softly. I murred for him and gave a playful bark before I nuzzled his face. He was getting better and was smiling at me so I got on my back and showed him my belly which he went and rubbed. I actually did enjoy this sort of thing so I murred and kicked my leg and that got him giggling.

"Ahem...?" I looked up suddenly and blinked as I saw Matt smirking down at me and smiling slyly and I lowered my ears slightly embarrassed at being caught in such a position.

I got myself up and got the napkins from his paw and muttered a 'thank you' under my breath as I went back to the kit and wiped his eyes. He had calmed down now and was even smiling at me. I guess my brother wasn't the only one who I could make smile like that and that was something I'd have to file away for later.

"Mind telling me what that was about, 'puppy-dog'?" Matt reached over and ruffled my hair as he said that; it was a playful gesture, but I still groaned a bit as he snickered a bit to himself.

"It's just something I used to do for my brother, when he was down. It always made him smile so I thought it might work for him as well." I brushed him off and smirked at him, "And it worked so lay off, and you don't tell a soul about this. Got it?" I smirked and smacked my fist into my palm to emphasize that but I made sure that he didn't take it in a serious matter. I wouldn't hurt him and I didn't want him to think I would either. There were however other things I now had to do, such as figure out what was wrong with the fox kit.

I leaned down to eye level and smiled to him, "Hey there, buddy, my name's Zeke, and this is my friend Matt, what's your name and what's wrong, pup?"

He looked up at me and sniffed, "M-m-m-my name's Toby... and-and I-I-I lost my mom... and when I asked for some help from a big gator man..." he sniffled again and his eyes filled up with water as he went on. "And-and-an-an-and-and...he told me to get lost and... he called me a 'Mi.Bas.'"

I jerked back in shock and ground my teeth. That filthy word being used on a kid his age even though most would accept his type was inexcusable. I suppressed my anger though for him and smiled petting him on the head and rubbing his ear like most canines liked.

Suddenly a paw was placed on my shoulder and I turned to see Matt kneeling down next to me. "Hey, Zeke, what's a Mybass?"

I told him I'd tell him later and then turned back to the cub who was starting to look sad again. "So... you want some help finding your ma', Toby? We can help ya if you want us too."

He smiled and nodded to me sniffling a bit and I pet him on the head. "Thatta boy... now... you see the problem you've had is that you're still too small to see your mom from down there, so..." I smiled and picked the young cub up and put him on my shoulders and smiled up at him. "You'll just have to sit up there for awhile to get a better view of the area and hopefully see her or catch her eye."

After Toby had a good hold on we walked around the mall, looking for a frantic mother. We looked around the clothing stores, shoe stores, and even through some trinket stores, but we just couldn't find her. After about 10 minutes of searching Toby started to cry again and whimpered holding onto my head a bit tighter.

"We... we... we're never gonna find my momma, are we...?"

I looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile as we headed back to the food court. "Don't worry, Toby, we'll find her somewhere, it's a big place and I'm sure she is looking for you..." He smiled back at me and I went over to an ice cream shop they had there and asked the raccoon there for an ice cream cone. Once I had paid the young lady I handed the cone up to Toby who giggled and started licking it happily. "Just don't be letting any drip on me from up there, ok buddy?"

Toby nodded and I looked over and saw that Matt was staring at me with a sweet smile on his face. I was about to ask what he was smiling at when Toby made an excited noise.

"Oh! Lookit that!" I looked over to what he was pointing at and it was a game store and there was a display of a fighting game on a T.V. just inside.

"Huh? You want to play a video game or somethin', Toby?" I looked up at him as he took a bite of his cone and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, can I play please, please?" I started walking over that way with Matt beside me as he finished the cone licking it and starting to bounce excitedly.

"Well sure you can, you're old enough to play a game right, you're... 7... 8?" I picked him up and put him on the ground before getting a napkin I had from the ice cream place in my pocket and wiped his muzzle of the ice cream residue.

He smiled and looked at me with one of those sweet looks that only a child can give and nodded, "I'll be 10 in May." I just pet his head and smiled as I walked over to the player with him. He then started playing with the game as Matt and I stood close behind him and watched him.

"You're a real sweet guy, Zeke." I looked over at Matt and looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean; did you expect me to be mean or something?" I never thought much about myself so being called that was a surprise to me.

"No, no..." He shook his head smiling and looking back up at me. "You just seemed like one of those guys who wouldn't show their soft sides to anyone, and wouldn't do anything like what you did for him in public... It was just real nice of you is all. I liked seeing how kind and cute you can be."

I fidgeted my feet at that comment and muttered a bit. I'd never much cared for my looks and really didn't like how I looked so being called that always made me feel a bit self-conscious.

"I ain't cute... and I just couldn't leave the poor kid like that... and I just did what came naturally..." I shuffled my feet as I watched the screen Toby played on and smiled. "He's a good kid, just needed some help..."

Matt reached over and discreetly gave my paw a soft squeeze and smiled at me, "Well I like that about you; you should be warmer more often. It actually suites you."

I just shrugged and gave his paw a soft squeeze back and nodded. I didn't know what to actually say so I just left it at that. We watched Toby play for another few minutes when I decided that we needed to keep looking for his mother, but before I could say anything I perked up my ear at someone that was yelling.

"TOBY? TOBY!" I looked over into the crowd of people and saw a black female wolf quickly walking up to us, or to be more precise, up to Toby. "OH GOD, TOBY! I've been looking all over for you..." She walked quickly up to him and kneeled down and kissed him as he hugged onto her and smiled wide. I chuckled and watched her as she spoke to him about how she was worried about him and all the classic things a mother would say in that situation.

"Hey momma...," Toby suddenly pulled her hand over to where Matt and I stood and pointed to me, "Dis, is Zeke and he took real good care of me, and even got me an ice cream cone..." I smiled down at him, pet his head, and ruffled his head fur before bowing my head to the mother and reaching out my paw.

"Ezekiel Thomson, miss. Glad I could have helped out your son."

She took my paw in her own and smiled, "Well thank you so much, Zeke, my son was lucky that you came along, I was looking for some clothes and he wondered away from me and I've been looking everywhere for him, through the shops and just frantic..., Thank you again so much I hope he wasn't any trouble."

I shook my head and smiled a bit towards her, she was about the same size as I was, around 5'9" or so I'd guess, dressed in a nice light blue blouse and white slacks. She was a very lovely wolf and her black fur and long shoulder length head fur made her seem very warm. She just seemed like a sweet person, and you could tell that just by looking at her.

"He wasn't any trouble at all ma'am it was fun to watch after him, Miss..." I'd stopped at that as I suddenly realized that Toby had never told me his last name.

She smiled and gave a nod of her head to me, "Please, excuse me, my name is Carla Tucker, in all the rush I forgot to introduce myself. Please to meet you boys though," She smiled and shook Matt's paw as he told her his name. She just nodded and looked back at me. "Thank you once again for watching over him... I was out of my mind with panic... Now, let's go Toby, we need to get home and get ready for dinner tonight."

I chuckled and was about to turn away when I suddenly heard Toby speak up to his mother, "Hey momma? Can Zeke watch me when you and daddy go out from now on? He was nice and funny and really cool!"

I stopped and looked at Toby as his mother turned around and looked at me and smiled. She looked me over for a moment longer and then walked back up to me and gave one of those sweet motherly smiles that just makes things seem ok no matter what is going on. "I believe you heard him. Would you like to watch Toby for us sometimes? We don't go out much but if you could watch him for us, I think he'd like that. And of course we'd pay you for any trouble."

I just stared at her and blinked unsure of what to say to her. Sure I liked kids and all but I was new here, and being asked by someone to trust their kids when they didn't even know you was a bit weird. On the other paw, I'd already proven that I could be trusted with him to so form of degree and that I could likely handle him no matter what happened. I weighed my options around in my head for a moment before I looked up at her and nodded.

"I would be honored, Ma'am. I'm sure I could watch him whenever you needed me too," I just smiled at him again and she nodded and took out a pen and paper.

"Your phone number where I can contact you please?"

I gave her my number and smiled as I waved goodbye to the small wolf fox. Once they had gone Matt looked over at me and gave me a sly grin.

"What?" I looked at him weird unsure of why he was looking at me like that, and I really didn't know what he was thinking.

"Just you... You put up this really big tough guy image... but deep down you're a real sweetheart... It's cute, and sweet all at the same time..."

I scoffed at what he said and got back into my cold state, "And what about that first night when we had to share a bed... You didn't know I could be soft and gentle from that...? I'm more than what you see, Matthew..." I smirked at him from that and gave him a sly seductive look, before chuckling and turning forward. "Anyway... that was an interesting way to kill an hour... what'll we do now?"

Matt suggested that we look around some more and see if we could find anything of interest, so we started walking back around. After awhile, though, I noticed that Matt was looking at me curiously. I asked what was up with him and he just tilted his head in curiosity to me.

"So... You were going to tell me what a mibas is, and why that kit was so sad at being called that?"

I sighed and leaned up against a pillar that was in front of a store and looked up at him. Right into those bright blue eyes of his that I just felt so guilty about, what with my having to lie for who I really was and all the pain that I kept hidden away. I just sighed and decided to tell him the truth and just explain to him that awful word.

"It is M-I-period-B-A-S-period...and it stands for 'Mixed Bastard'. It's a major insult for certain furs, mainly those of mixed heritages along the same level as the word "faggot" is for homosexuals. The so-called 'Mixes', 'No-Shows', and 'hybrids' though those aren't the proper terms that science classifies them as. Anyway, when called that they are being insulted for what they are. Some people really hate and despise mixed heritage furs and so they use that insult to show how much they despise what people have done, 'polluting' the bloodlines of species and mucking them up. They call mainly the hybrids that as they come from two different families and so 'mixed' from being mixed from two species and 'bastard' because they come from outside the family of either parent. I don't know why he called him that though as his mother is a wolf and his father is some type of fox and so is just a regular mutt, but they're mostly accepted in society these days. And that's your social studies lesson for the day."

I looked at him and he just looked at me confused and opened his mouth, only to shut it again and shrug. "What?"

He just smirked and shrugged again, "Was going to ask how you knew all that, but it doesn't matter. Never met a mutt of anything, don't know what to think about it but ehh, I'm not exactly part of the norm so guess I can't say anything about it."

I smirked back at him and thanked him for not prying. We looked around a bit more, and Matt ended up buying some CDs and I even bought a new pair of sunglasses to wear. I had always had a problem with bright lights and wearing sunglasses outside was a bit of a necessity for me. I wore them around inside, and I think it added to whatever aura I was emitting as Matt kept on smirking at me.

At around 3 o'clock we both had had enough of the mall and so decided that it was time to head on home. We got in the car and drove off, being fairly quiet, I was feeling tired from that mini adventure so I just leaned against the door and admired the passing scenery.

"So, that was an interesting trip wasn't it?" I just smirked at that and nodded,

"Yeah... was a bit unique, but I got a gig watching the kid, and it was by far not the worst day of my life."

"Yeah... same here..." I looked at him and he just glanced over at me. We both knew what the other meant by that, but neither one of us felt like ruining the day by trudging up old memories.

It didn't take much longer for us to reach my house after that. We sat there for a moment again and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Heh, well this sure seems familiar doesn't it?"

That got a chuckled from him and I leaned over and kissed his cheek, "Hey... thanks for taking me to the mall today, it was... interesting... But I had fun."

He fidgeted and nodded, "Yeah I had a good time too... Well... I've got some minor things to do at home, homework, some chores, and then I'm going to take a few laps in our pool and I think I'll call it a day. Call you later?"

I nodded and thought about seeing him in a pool swimming with a soft smile on my face and wanting eyes behind my new glasses. "Yeah... Not like we got much of a choice in that even if we wanted to right...? Not that I would ever not want to see you." I gave him a slight lick to his nose and got out. "See you tomorrow handsome, have a nice afternoon."

He smiled and waved as he pulled out and drove off again, and I was just left standing there for a few moments letting a nice gust of air blow through my fur. It was one of the sweet spring winds that carried the scents of the countless blooming flowers in the air and brought to my mind the peacefulness which I so wanted in my life. Sadly, as long as people were around like that gator I would be forced to fight for others.

I looked at my phone again; it was about 3:30. It was too early for bed, but I was tired. I don't know why, but I often felt tired when I was stressed out a bit. May have been the feline blood in me, or it could have been the fact I was a teenager. Whatever the reason, though, I went inside, said hello to my dad and went up to my room after a short conversation of how things went.

I opened the window to my room and kicked off my sandals and crawled into my bed. I felt another cool breeze blow into my room and I sighed at the peaceful serenity that it carried. Before I knew it, my eyelids were feeling heavy and I just reached for my blanket and covered up and slowly let the peacefulness of slumber carry my consciousness away.


As it says in the tags there's important information in this chapter, what it is I shall not say but will show to you another day HA. Ok I suck, but that's what this is here, enjoy it, please rate and leave a comment as that is what sustains me.