Kaliopi's way

Story by jd on SoFurry

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Kaliopi's way

By jd

As the sun rose over the meadow, the small anthro-rabbit Brinker continued to munch upon the dandy lions and cowslip made fresh by the morning dew. He filled himself confidently as the sun established itself knowing that most predators were done for the night and would be sleeping by now. He stood little more than 3 feet tall, plus ears, and shone stark in his brown over white against the green of the meadow. He paid little mind to the fact that he was in the open as he had been watching the sunrise from this clearing for the last 5 days now. Living on his own successfully was giving him a feeling of confidence. He had no doubt that he would be back in the warren in just another 2 days.

Leaving the warren had not been such a festive occasion for the young buck. Growing up the runt of his litter caused him always to be shunned, and unpopular with his littermates along with almost any of the other rabbits in the warren. With an innate disdain for his type, they had been watching for the opportunity to get rid of him. They wasted no time when the opportunity came.

He remembered the way Sundown had criticized him before the banishment, "Your foolishness is too much for us to bear," he said. "We cannot tolerate such actions. You have endangered us all. If you wish to bring a predator, you may do so upon yourself - by yourself. You must leave this place now."

When the chief rabbit of the warren banishes you, you go. He couldn't say a thing to change Sundown's mind. He was to leave and never come back. As he turned to go he heard Brandywine say "Ha, you won't even last a week, fool. I just wish I could be there to watch you get eaten."

Brinker looked back at Brandywine holding back tears and anger. The hurt delved to his core. He stared at his former home longing to stay. Finally he turned to leave.

Sundown speaking stopped him in his tracks, "Brinker, if you survive a week, you may come back and I will judge then if you may return to the warren. The lessons you will learn in that week may relieve you of your foolish nature."

He looked to see if Sundown were serious

"Go now, we will see you in a week."

He padded his way into the forest, slowly. The sorrow in the pit of his stomach was unbearable as he made his way out of the clearing by the Old Oak. He moved as slowly as he could walking into the dark forest to spend his week.

Brinker spent his first night cowering in the shelter of a fallen log, haunted by sounds and shadows the entire night. His terror remained in his throat and chest until he saw the sunrise. When daylight came he made his way quickly to be as far from the spot as he could. It was just twilight of the first day when he found the meadow where he spent the rest of his 5 days.

Feeling the enveloping warmth he continued to eat his fill moving now and then to take a small drink from the pond. From there he went over to the brambles where he could enjoy his fill of blackberries before going back to his little hole at the edge of the meadow.

Kaliopi also saw the sun rising over the meadow. . The young catgirl indulged herself in the maturing rays of the day's new sunshine. The advancing warmth enveloped her giving her an optimistic feeling for the coming day. Viewing her perfect body she smiled knowing that she was beautiful. She stretched and advertised to the awakening meadow her well endowed and curvaceous body and full flowing blonde hair. As a new adult catgirl, just coming of age, she was on her own for the first time in her life. Greeting this morning she was still in the process of finding a place to live.

Kaliopi, unlike the bunny she was watching, had left her home proudly, an accomplished female ready to set out on her own. She received many fond farewells from family and friends alike. But 3 weeks of being alone in the forest, eating only mice and shrews - the last 2 days without eating anything at all - had left her feeling hunger that she simply was not accustomed to. When she was living with the family her needs had always been met. Now however, it was up to her to meet her own needs, and she was discovering it would not be an easy task every day.

Sitting at the edge of the meadow when the sun came up she watched the indistinct movements evolve into a young rabbit as the sun's rays revealed to her what she'd spent the dawn watching. She stood slowly, her shapely 5 foot eleven inch frame highlighted by the morning light, and studied the rabbit as he ate in the morning's glowing sunlight. Intelligence overruled her instincts as she stifled an urge to run right straight out and attack. She wisely determined that he would be startled and then get away. Her stomach reminded her head that she wanted this rabbit, her head explained to her stomach that it would remain empty if he were to evade her. So she waited.

Awaiting her opportunity she observed the rabbit going between the water and the blackberries, finally finishing his morning meal. A sudden gust of wind brought his scent to her filling her nostrils with the sweet muskey smell of rodent. As her mouth began to water she detected the additional aroma of maleness. This stirred another desire in her. Her self-control was now being strained to its limits. She wanted this rabbit now more than ever. She had hungers that he was going to satisfy. She slowly lowered herself into the grass to watch the young male as he finishing his meal.

"Yes", she thought to herself, "fatten yourself up, you'll fill me up twice today, bunny." She watched the rabbit and pondered her options. Slowly she developed a plan watching him bed down in his poorly built burrow. Kaliopi surmised that he lacked experience in the forest. He was more than likely a warren rabbit separated from his home. "You're just dinner waiting for your predator to catch you, aren't you hon," she thought to herself. "I'm glad I found you first."

She thanked him for his poor selection of a location as she began the arduous task of sneaking up on him. The moist ground, with a lack of twigs made silent movement quite easy for her. She debated removing her halter-top, but decided there was no need to as there were few bushes for her to navigate. She worked her way slowly around the edge of the meadow staying in the shadows, and keeping a keen eye on the resting rabbit in his burrow. Each step closer brought with it a new wave of smells from the rabbit increasing her desires. Her self-control was teetering on its limits to make this approach correctly. Inexperienced or not he would be able to escape her should she startle him too soon.

It was almost noontime when she began her final approach. What went wrong wasn't her fault, the grass was tall, and the branch had fallen many summers ago. So there was no way for her to see the branch that tripped her, landing her within inches of the tender young rabbit. Almost simultaneous with her startled oath, the rabbit was up and running. Kaliopi felt a rush of excitement when she saw that he did not run into the forest, but across the meadow toward the pond.

She was up and in a crouch almost instantly, senses alert and watching the terrified bunny as he dithered by the pond's edge. Rabbits always use the cover and terrain, as well as their ability to turn instantly to evade the predator. Was this an isolated mistake by him, or was this rabbit unfamiliar with the area he lived in. She began to relax and think it out. She watched the rabbit steadily, studying everything about him. His eyes were large and searching, his ears were nervously twitching trying to catch any sounds. He looked at her and then quickly from point to point on the edge of the meadow, then his eyes would rivet back upon her.

Brinker was unable to prevent his body from reacting to what he saw when he looked at her.

Kaliopi smiled to herself, seeing his reaction she grew excited. He had to be an inexperienced rabbit in strange territory, who was too foolish to take time to learn the surrounding area. On top of that he was making the mistake of allowing her body to entice him. She took a deep breath, drinking in the smell of his fear and his maleness. She could feel the stirrings within her belly as well as her sex. She felt her fluids flowing even as her mouth watered.

"Why don't you make this easy for both of us and come over here now?" She said to him.

He did not answer, he simply stood stock still, confused and looking from place to place. She moved slightly toward him and saw him tense as if to run. Kaliopi smiled gently. Should he run, she knew there were few directions he could choose that would not take him directly into her. She need only make her way slowly enough and like all rabbits he would wait until it was too late to bolt. Then she would have him.

Step and stop, step and stop, she inched her way toward the frightened young bunny. She loved the flavor of young bunnies, they were invariably the most tender and sweetest to eat. Oh how she wanted this one, she could already taste him she wanted him so much. She also loved the way young bunnies could satisfy a catgirls needs like nothing else. She could hardly keep herself from staring at his bunnyhood standing erect, inviting her to indulge herself with him.

Brinker was unsure what to do next. He'd never had to face a real hunter in his short life. He was unable to think of what she was going to do next, nor what he must do to get away from her when she did it. He was having a harder and harder time looking around for an escape as his eyes kept wandering back to her shapely luscious body. She was a most beautiful catgirl and she captivated him completely. When she spoke her voice made him feel as if he were dipping his feet in cool water on a hot day. He wanted to run fast and far from her, yet he wanted to stay where he was and hear her speak again. He wanted to flee into the forest, and he wanted to surrender himself to her and feel the softness of her voluptuous bosom. Terror gripped his chest as indecision gripped his legs.

Kaliopi noticed his terror was bordering on panic, he appeared so confused that he wanted to sit down and cry. "How can I use this?" she thought to herself.

"You're my little bunny you know, and there is no stopping that," she said softly.

She saw the imperceptive move he made as she spoke to him. She continued her incremental movements toward him. She watched him closely as she neared him for his tension and an explosion of movement.

"I love little bunnies like you, why don't you come here and let me love you?" she said gently taking two more steps. He was so enthralled by her voice; he did not notice her movements.

"Come to me, I'm soft and inviting, little one," she said taking another step. She could tell she was having an effect on him by speaking. He clearly liked the sound of her voice. He must have been alone for some time, because she could tell he wanted her company. But he was torn by his fear of her and his desire to escape. "Come to me and I'll make you feel so good" she said rubbing her stomach. "

As her hand made the circular motion on her belly his eyes widened and he bolted to the left darting past her and taking refuge in his burrow again. 'Oh, how nice' she thought. 'He's afraid to leave the meadow. She licked her lips and began to circle around again. She watched her prize as he huddled in terror unable to think clearly. Kaliopi nodded at him realizing his inability to evade her properly, she could almost feel him filling her void as she made her way to the other side of his burrow. When she was out of his sight she moved quickly to the other edge of the clearing and set herself up.

She tossed a small stick over by his mound, then moved lithely as he took the path she had guessed he would follow. She was rewarded with the feeling of his small body running directly into her knocking them both to the ground. He recovered quicker than she did, regaining his footing and running across the meadow before she could right herself. Sprinting after him she realized that he was headed out into the forest.

"Damn!" she exclaimed. As fate would have it the branch that began the entire dance ended it as well. She watched him topple over it in his headlong run into the safety of the forest. Before he could recover she was on him.

She had him pinned on the soft cool ground in the shade of a pine tree as she prepared to relax now that she had him. Suddenly he let out a scream that she recognized as the sound of a rabbit in full panic.

She placed a hand on his cheek caressing him gently saying, "Shh, shh, calm down. - It's okay. - Be quiet now. - Shh, be quiet. - Here put your head on my shoulder, and be quiet." She cradled and caressed him gently until he calmed down. "There now, quiet."

When he had sufficiently calmed down she looked at him and said, "Do you know what happens now?"

"Y, y, y, you are going to eat me," he said tears flowing uncontrollably down his cheeks.

"Maybe later," she answered "but not yet" she said licking his tears from his face. First you are going to satisfy another hunger for me," She said smiling. "Do you know how to do that?"

He nodded quietly.

"Of course you do, you're a rabbit," she said as her hand found his member and she began to rub him. She could feel his bunnyhood respond to her ministrations instantly. She could see his appreciation for her action on his face as she began to stroke him in earnest. She laid him back and straddled herself over his rapidly twitching bunny nose and told him, "Now, I want you to lick my sex, and I want you to do it right." She then lowered her mouth over his full and throbbing member. The feeling of his tongue on her sex sent shivers through her and waves of pleasure as she enjoyed the flavor of his meat in her mouth.

When he climaxed and spewed forth his sticky sweet bunnycum into her mouth her desires began a war within her. The desire to eat all of him began to overpower her desire to be fulfilled. She fought down the impulse and continued to enjoy the quick light strokes on her clitoris by his rough-warm tongue.

Brinker, in spite of being repulsed by the flavor of her juices - being a plant eater - endeavored to stimulate the catgirl eagerly even as he tried to avoid allowing any of her juices in his mouth.

When she climaxed she felt herself go flaccid and collapse upon him. She could relax in this afterglow as he would be going nowhere until she got up, and there was no way she was letting this prize up. After she recovered she sat up and held him in her lap. She gently licked the juices from his face and kissed him gently as she held him. She held him at arm's length and looked at him.

"I have a deal for you," she said. "If you will satisfy me properly, I'll keep you, and make certain no other predator ever eats you. How does that sound?"

She could see the hope in his eyes nodding his agreement. "Do you really mean that. You'll protect me?"

"I give you my solemn promise, when I make you mine no other predator will ever eat you," she answered softly. "Do we have a deal?"

He nodded quickly and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, I'll do my best for you," he promised.

She placed his hand on one of her breasts and showed him how she liked to be rubbed and he continued to rub her gently and massaging her breast in slow circular motions. She pulled his head down to the other breast and he began to suckle on her. She moaned softly with the delicious pleasure of his hand and tongue upon her breasts. She could feel herself becoming charged again in her sex and she began to massage his member hard again.

Lying back in the grass she slowly lowered him onto her guiding his member into her and feeling the instant burst of pleasure as he penetrated her sex. He began pumping softly at first, trying to maintain his massaging of her breasts. But as the warmth of her sex enveloped him he began to pump harder and harder. His rabbit muscles, designed to keep him alive by being faster than a predator, began to take over and work to keep him alive by pleasing this catgirl with his powerful short strokes into her. His member continued to make its way into her body with firm strokes, his hips hitting hers firmly with each stroke.

With each stroke she raised up to meet him allowing his bunnyhips to drive him into her deeply. The pleasing feel of him within her took control of her and she dug her nails into his tender back drawing blood, even as she luxuriated in his bunny humping strokes into her waiting sex. The strokes came so fast and strong she was surprised when she climaxed without warning, clamping him to her chest and wrapping her legs around him and squeezing him close, she screamed into his ears.

He did not hear the scream nor feel her claws, experiencing his own climax at the same time. Spent they both lay together breathless the afterglow of sex holding them in a relaxed state. She gently held him as he nuzzled her breasts and her chest; slowly they drifted into a contented sleep.

It was drifting into evening, an indigo sky with a softly glowing moon reflecting on the surface of the pond, when she woke. Kaliopi held Brinker in her arms for some time before she gently shook him awake. He shook the sleep out of his eyes and looked at her dreamily.

He nuzzled her breasts and kissed one of her nipples. "What is it?" he asked her.

"It's dinner time," she said softly, smiling at him. "And I cannot wait any longer to eat you up."

"What? No! You promised you wouldn't eat me. - You can't do that," he protested.

"No, I never promised not to eat you. I promised no other predator would eat you. And after you're safely in my belly there will be no way another predator can eat you. Ever!" She said licking her lips. Clamping her hands around his wrists she began to lick him and taste his sweetness. His terror began to mix in with the already luscious tang of young rabbit and filled her with a pleasing flavor that gave her a gratification making her earlier encounter with him all the more worthwhile.

He looked at her terrified, tears welling up in his eyes, his voice cracked as he said to her, "This... this isn't fair. Ple... Plea... Pleas don't eat me. I'll make you happy every day... plea...."

Her open maw answered him as she took his head into her mouth starting to devour him. His struggles to gain freedom were ineffective as she simply took him deeper into her with each attempt he made to get away. Now and then she would bite down and crunch a bone here and there to make him fit easier into her. In a short time there was nothing showing but twitching and struggling feet that she pushed into her mouth swallowing him fully.

One last pull, her eyes closed and her muscles finished the job, sliding the young bunny down her gullet and completely into her stomach. Now her satisfied stomach would begin the process of digesting him and nourishing her body. She felt struggles from within her for almost half an hour before she was sure that he had finally succumbed to her digestive process. She patted her stomach gently basking in her fullness. She could not help a feeling of triumph as she relished the satisfaction from his desire to please her. She felt a particular contentment from the way she'd managed to make the little fool trust her so completely. She smiled to herself with pleasure as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning she followed the young bucks path back to where his warren was. She knew that to place her home near a warren would keep her fed with her favorite food for a long time to come. Her mouth watered at the thought of fat little nestling bunnies for dinner, in spite of the telltale bulge at her waist from her meal the day before.

"Thank you, my little bunny" she said softly to herself, "you fed me yesterday, and you're going to feed me tomorrow too." Two hours later Kaliopi located a place for her home far enough from the warren so as not to be obvious to her new found treasure.

She would find herself a nestling bunny tomorrow; tonight her body would finish with her first little bunny then eliminate him in the morning.

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