Tree's Company

Story by Yogloo on SoFurry

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#3 of Mark and Kim

Tree's Company by Yogloo, June 2007

WARNING: This story contains graphic depictions of heavy sexual activity. If you are offended by this sort of thing, or you are under the age of 18, please do not read any further. Treesinger (c) herself. Mark and Kim (c) Yogloo. This story is Copyright 2007 to Yogloo, and is NOT public-domain. It is a continuation of the "Tea and Ecstasy" series.

  • * * It had been about nine months or so since Kim and I got together. By now, we were a regular couple - we'd finished out the year together, and we got to spend the summer together too, since we both signed up for summer classes. I'd come to really admire how ambitious my lioness was in her studies - she took on a lot of classes for credit that summer. I felt kinda lazy in comparison, having only two classes in my major. But it was enough to let me keep my room in the dorm, and with most everyone else gone, it had been blissfully quiet. That summer, I helped Kim study a lot. There really wasn't anything I'd rather have been doing, actually. I liked helping her... though I suppose the fact that our study sessions invariably led to rolling around in the hay had something to do with it. I think we probably tried just about every position we could think of in just the first month alone. I couldn't believe how much Kim turned me on - I swear, each time she got me off, I came harder and longer. And we both loved it. When the fall semester rolled around, the college was nice enough to let us keep our own rooms to ourselves. So we studied often in each other's rooms, usually ending up sleeping there too. And when we weren't sleeping together, we'd send each other all sorts of instant messages and emails. It was fun to flirt with her online, especially when she'd let me in on her little kinks and fantasies - turns out we had quite a few of them in common! That October, Kim invited me to go with her to a local Oktoberfest celebration. I'd never been to one of these before, so I agreed to go. I remember it was a really nice day out, warm and sunny, and the drive to the fairgrounds was quiet and pleasant. Kim drove, so I got a chance to just breathe in the fresh air and look around. Once we got there, we got to see all sorts of German-Bavarian stuff. They had people dancing polkas and waltzes to some awesome accordion music, there were some mocked-up streets with false fronts that looked just like traditional mountain cottages... and they had beer gardens. Kim and I ended up in one eventually. We sat down and ordered some ale, and each time a different serving girl came out to help us. Now, this is where my memory starts to get a little fuzzy. I don't hold my liquor all that well, so after just a couple of ales, I was starting to get a little tipsy. But Kim was having a good time, so we ordered another round, and this time a cute deer girl came out with our steins. She was dressed in the traditional Bavarian serving wench costume - white, poofy blouse with a square neck and a blue apron pulled tight around her waist, flowing out into a wide skirt that came down to about her knees. I couldn't help but notice her chest, her bodice pushing her breasts up and out to make them quite prominent. The sunlight seemed to shine off her fur, looking very fine and soft, even pettable... I shook my head, realizing my thoughts were going in directions they probably shouldn't have been. When the deer arrived at our table, Kim suddenly stood up and put out her arms. "Treesinger! Hi! Didn't expect to see you here!" The doe smiled and hugged my lioness, still holding the beer steins and not spilling a drop. "Good to see you too, Kimmy! How are you?" I watched the two of them as they chatted for a couple moments, and eventually the waitress set down our mugs and bent down in front of me to give me a smile, as well as a better view of her cleavage. "And you must be Kim's boyfriend!" Tipsy as I had gotten by then, I almost felt like I was going to fall into that furry valley. I had to snap my eyes away, and I'm pretty sure Kim had seen me staring. I replied as pleasantly as I could manage, "Hi, I'm Mark." The serving girl smiled again and said cheerfully, "Nice to meet you, Mark. I'm Treesinger. Let me know when you're done with your ale, and I'll get you another!" She put out her hand, and I shook it somewhat clumsily before she turned back to talk to Kim again. Now I was looking at her backside, and I spent a few moments staring at what I could see of her slender legs, mentally tracing them up under her skirt, imagining what her butt and tail must have looked like. Not sure why I started fixating on that, but it was definitely having a bit of an effect on me, one I was later thankful was hidden under the table... I heard my name come up again, and I snapped my head up to see Kim looking back down at me with a grin on her face. "Hello, Mark. Spacing out a bit, honey?" she said. I blushed, hoping that she hadn't picked up on what was going through my head. The doe I'd been ogling turned around to look at me and giggled softly. I was blushing harder now, and I scooted myself a little further under the table to try to hide the growing bulge in my pants. But Kim knew me too well, and I saw her grin a little wider. "I think I know where his mind is," she said to the waitress as she stepped around the table toward me. "Hey, Treesinger, why don't we give him something to really think about?" The next thing I remember was having my head caught between two sets of warm, soft breasts. Kim and her friend were pressing themselves against me, hugging each other as they squished me from both sides. Warm flesh and fabric pressed against my cheeks, my head sinking slightly between each set of mounds. The girls kept me trapped there for what felt like a minute, squishing and gyrating against me and each other, preventing me from really doing anything to resist. I'm not sure if it actually registered in my head as pleasant at the time, but anyone who'd been watching could have seen the bulge in my jeans plain as day. Eventually, they let go of me, allowing me to finally turn my head and see Treesinger straightening out her blouse. She giggled and grinned slyly as she glanced down at my lap, then she said, "Well, I need to get back to work now, Kimmy. See you in class!" She waved as she headed over to help another table. Once the deer had gone, Kim sat down and put an arm around me. She kissed my cheek, but I was still too stunned by what had just happened to really respond much. Finally, she asked if I was okay. I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just had too much to drink, I think." Kim cuddled with me for a bit, telling me that she was sorry if she'd upset me. I didn't really know what to say, so after a bit, we headed back to the dorms, mostly in silence. --- Kim left me alone in my room that night, and for a while I worried if she had been upset at me. She'd left me a reassuring email, saying that she had had a good time, and that she was looking forward to the weekend. We'd been planning to go see a movie, so I replied saying I was still up for it. That made me feel a bit better. But as I sat there, my mind kept going over the events in the beer garden, starting with when I saw my lioness and the serving girl hug each other. For some reason, it really stuck out in my mind how I could see their chests squishing up against each other as they embraced. There was something oddly... erotic about that. Then I remembered looking right down into the doe's cleavage, seeing the tops of her breasts so supple within her bodice. Then I thought about how it felt to have both girls suddenly squish me right between them. It had all happened so fast... Yet I could remember every little detail about that one moment. Treesinger's furry bosom had felt very soft and warm - kinda like a set of fuzzy pillows. Kim's breasts were larger and firmer, her bra and shirt holding them fairly tight. Both of their chests had been nice and warm, but I had felt Treesinger's fine fur against my own, and I'd smelled her scent, a hint of fragrant perfume mixing in with her natural musk. That's what stood out in my mind the most - her scent was new and different, and tantalizing... I felt myself getting hard again as I thought over this, and before I knew it, I had started to stroke myself. My cock had been pressing almost painfully up inside my jeans, and it had taken a while for it to calm down after that, so I can't say I was surprised to feel it again right then. My mind wandered a bit more - I imagined what might have happened if I'd turned my muzzle and let it slip down into Treesinger's top. I wanted to take in more of her scent, feel her warmth surrounding my muzzle... I began to picture how that might have looked to a casual observer. I stroked myself a few more times, then decided to undo my pants to relieve the growing pressure inside. Once free, my canine shaft grew to full erection, glistening in the light of the room. I wrapped my paw around it and started to squeeze and pump a little faster, while I imagined someone else watching us as the girls start to stroke their paws all over me. Paws reaching down into my lap, stroking that bulge in my pants. Paws reaching up to start pulling down the sleeves of Treesinger's blouse, slowly sliding it down her chest, just beginning to expose more of those soft, furry breasts... I suddenly tensed up and came right there, my shaft pulsing in my hand and shooting several wads of hot seed all over my chest and belly. I grunted with each jerk, my mind fogging with the pleasure, the image fading as I rode out my orgasm. When it finally died down, I just rested there for a moment before cleaning myself up and getting ready for bed. I laid there for a while with my mind in conflict between my loyalty to Kim and my sudden, inexplicable lust for the doe we'd met that day. I worried that I had somehow betrayed my lover with these adulterous thoughts, that she was upset at me for staring at places I wasn't supposed to. I even briefly worried that that group hug had been some sort of a test, and that I'd flunked it and would be hearing all about it the next day. But then I reminded myself that all I had done was to look. It wasn't like I hadn't looked at other girls before. Kim knew very well that I had a fair chunk of porn on my hard drive, that I watched lewd videos and read erotic stories. Heck, she gave me half the porn in my collection! And she knew that I sometimes fantasized about sex outside of our relationship, though she knew I would never act on it. So why should she be worried? Besides, we were both a bit drunk, and it had been Kim who'd started that hug, not me. It was that last thought that finally set my mind at ease. Deep down, I knew that she still loved me, and no matter where my eyes might wander, I still loved her. This was just an aberration, nothing more. I let myself smile for the first time that evening. As I started to drift off to sleep, my mind wandered back to the girls again. This time, I envisioned them both standing naked in front of me, moving closer and closer until they were pressing their furry bodies against mine. This made me feel horny all over again, my cock quickly rising to erection once more. Before long, I was entertaining a fantasy involving all three of us at once. It wasn't long before I came again, making an even bigger mess of myself this time than before. I didn't bother cleaning up afterward - I was going to take a shower in the morning anyway. So I finally went to sleep, feeling as though I'd gotten it out of my system at last. --- One day a couple weeks later, Kim sent me an email asking if I could drop by her room for some homework help that evening. By then, I had all but forgotten about the beer garden incident, as I came to think of it, and I knew by the way she'd phrased her request that my girlfriend had other activities planned for afterward. So today, I decided to dress up in an outfit I knew she'd like: A black microfiber button-down shirt, which I wore with the top three buttons undone to expose part of my chest, and a pair of snug khakis that hugged me right around the hips. I knew she'd like the pants, because every time I got aroused in them, she could clearly see the outline of my erection through them. As I cleaned myself up, I grinned to my reflection and then set off for her dorm, ready to give her the pouncing of her life. When she opened her door, however, I stopped cold in my tracks. She had another visitor. A deer. A female deer. Kim grinned as she looked me over. "Well, hello there, Mark!" She was obviously pleased by my outfit, giving me a kiss to show her appreciation. She beckoned me inside and shut the door, then gestured to her friend. "You remember Treesinger, right?" Kim's friend smiled and put out her hand again, and when she spoke, I immediately recognized her voice. "Hi Mark. It's good to meet you again." She was dressed more casually this time, wearing a pink t-shirt that stretched a bit across her chest, and a fairly short, dark blue skirt. I smiled politely and shook her hand in response. "Nice to meet you. You two know each other then?" Kim nodded. "Treesinger's in my math class. She's from Germany, and she's here on a foreign exchange program this year, so I figured we'd work together on our homework." The doe replied, "It's nice working with Kim. She's so smart." She smiled cheerfully and continued, "I'm actually from Bavaria, so I have to say the Oktoberfest party was put on very well. Very authentic!" As she spoke, I finally understood where her slight accent had come from. It was nice to listen to. I smiled back and said, "Well, I'm glad to see you again, Treesinger. I'm afraid I was a little drunk last time we met." I blushed a little at the memory of being caught between these two girls, so I turned my attention to Darkfire's desk. "So, what did you two need help with?" Kim walked over and pointed to her open Calculus book. "Well, we're kinda stuck on this one problem, and we were wondering if you could help us solve it?" She pointed to the specific problem. It was a big one. I knew it would take a while to work out the solution, so I sat down at the desk and started writing out some notes. "Okay, so the first thing you do is..." For the next few minutes, all I did was concentrate on the problem. I was in familiar territory again, and it felt good - especially because I was helping more than just my lovely lioness. I continued to talk it out and I wrote out all of my work - I even sketched out a couple of graphs so they could see it more clearly. And I was aware that they were both standing there watching... but after a bit, I noticed that Treesinger was standing very close to me. I glanced to the side to see her facing slightly toward me, her bosom rising and falling just above my eye level, within inches of my cheek. I ignored it for the moment, figuring she had just leaned closer to see what I was doing. Another few minutes went by as the problem started to elude me. I felt Kim's hands settle on my shoulders and begin to knead softly, and I murred softly as it helped me concentrate. I went on with my solution, starting over with a different approach. But I became distracted again as Kim leaned a little more against me, her heavy chest coming to rest gently against the back of my head. I also noticed Treesinger standing even closer, and Kim's familiar scent of arousal began to greet my nose. I heard a soft giggle from the doe as the distractions caused me to stutter. I was close to figuring out the problem, real close. But so was she. I could feel her warmth radiating from her chest barely an inch away from me now. And my nose began to pick up another scent. Unmistakably the scent of feminine arousal, but it wasn't just Kim's anymore... I could feel my body betraying me, reacting to the combined scents of the two girls. That all-too-familiar stirring in my loins was even more distracting than they were at this point. I tried really hard to ignore it, focusing on the paper, writing out the last little bits of my solution, then double-checking it to make sure I had it right. Their scents were growing stronger by the second, and despite my efforts, my shaft was swelling inside my tight pants. I finally set the pencil down and said uneasily, "So t-that's how you do it. Does it make s-sense?" Kim reached down over me to pick up the paper, pressing her bosom more firmly against my head in the process. Treesinger turned to look at it as well, brushing her chest against my ear. A moment later, I heard Kim say, "That's great! It makes perfect sense to me now. Thank you, sweetie!" Treesinger snatched the paper and put it back down on the desk, then suddenly slid into my lap, straddling my legs and scooting up as close to me as she could. "Yes, thank you so much, Mark! Let me show you how much I appreciate it." And I'll never forget what happened next: Before I could say anything, the doe grabbed my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. A hard, passionate kiss. My eyes went wide, and all I could do was sit there stunned, while this lovely deer girl I had deviously fantasized about was pressing her whole body against me and giving me the smooching of my life! A wet spot started to form, those tight pants feeling tighter by the second. As Treesinger's smooth, narrow tongue slipped deeper into my mouth, Kim stepped around me and leaned against her desk with her arms folded across her chest. My heart jumped - she was going to kill me! I squirmed a bit, causing the doe to pull away, but as I looked up at my girlfriend, a smile slowly formed on her muzzle - a decidedly evil smile if I'd ever seen one. Then I glanced back to Treesinger, her chest rising and falling with deep, predatory breaths, an obvious look of lust in her eyes. Another droplet of pre emerged from my tip, soaking into my khakis. After a long moment, I finally found my voice. "W-what's going on? I... you..." I looked back up to my lioness and whimpered, "I'm ... I didn't mean to... I mean... a-are you okay with this?" My heart jumped again when Kim's smile turned into an even more evil grin. She bent down to bring her muzzle toward mine, looked me straight in the eyes, and said, "Actually, it was my idea." She gave me a quick wink, then suddenly grabbed my cheeks and kissed me just as hard as Treesinger had. My tail frizzed out from the tension, but it also wagged behind me involuntarily, the familiar touch of my lover's lips helping to calm my nerves. After a moment, I started to kiss her back, but she pulled away again and grinned to the doe, who was still in my lap. "Mmm, I think we're in for a long night, dear." Treesinger nodded in response. "Mmm, yes, I agree. A REALLY long night," she replied, then she focused her eyes on me and said, "Kim tells me you're quite the stud in bed, wolfie." She started to lean toward me again, one hand reaching up behind my head, cupping it gently and pulling it toward her. With her muzzle coming ever closer to mine, she half-lidded her eyes and added, "So tonight, I intend to find out just how much of a stud you really are." Just an inch to go, her eyes closing the rest of the way as she tilted her muzzle. "Even if it takes alllllll night..." My eyes went wide again as I suddenly felt two muzzles press against mine at the same time - Kim had leaned in alongside Treesinger, and both girls licked at my lips, coaxing them open. Then I felt two tongues slip inside to seek mine out. I couldn't hold back anymore - my tongue rushed out to greet theirs, and I remember the contrast between them. There was Kim's familiar broad, raspy tongue that brushed playfully against mine, and then there was Treesinger's longer, smoother tongue which explored the inside of my mouth with amazing dexterity. Both of them flitted around and under my tongue, licked at my lips, even wrestled with each other now and then. The two girls moaned as they pressed themselves harder against me, squishing me against the back of the chair. The air was growing thick with their combined pheromones, driving me even more wild as their heats grew stronger. My cock was aching now, but the teasing was far from over. As my lover and her friend continued the three-way kiss, I felt Kim's fingers starting to sift through the fur on my chest, reaching into my partially-unbuttoned shirt. Her other hand moved down between my legs to join Treesinger's hand, which had slipped down to stroke my inner thigh and was slowly massaging its way up toward my crotch. I started to relax a little, and I hugged both of them and slid my paws up and down each of their backs, reaching a little further down with each stroke until I started to tease just a little at their rumps. Treesinger gave me an approving moan and deepened her part of the kiss, while her hand slid up to cup my trapped testicles. Kim's slightly larger paw found its way further up, starting to brush against my throbbing erection. I was sure my pants would rip open right then and there, the pressure was so tight, but somehow they stayed together. My paws finally slipped down to cup and squeeze gently at each girl's rump. My heart was still racing, but I didn't care anymore if it was right or wrong. But it must have been right, because for each stroke I gave them, they gave me a good, long squeeze. I could feel the tension beginning to mount in my loins from the stimulation, my hips starting to buck involuntarily against their hands. Finally, the girls pulled back, and Kim looked to the doe, wiping the excess drool from her muzzle. "There are better places to be doing this than on my desk chair. C'mon." They got up and grabbed my arms, pulling me up before I could say or do anything - not that I could have resisted at this point. Kim quickly undid the rest of my shirt and slipped it off of me, then guided me over to the bed and made me sit down. She looked me closely in the eye and said, "Now Mark, this is really important. I need you to sit right here, on your hands. You're not allowed to bring them out and touch yourself, at all." I whimpered as I felt my poor cock straining to break free of its prison, my loins still tingling from earlier. She continued, "No touching, got it? The moment I see those paws slip out, we stop." She turned her head to glance back at the doe standing behind her. "Isn't that right, dear?" The deergirl nodded, looking at my hands. "That's right. No fun while those hands are out." I whimpered again and obediently pushed my hands under my rump, squirming a little to make sure they were hidden far enough under me to satisfy the girls. Kim nodded with a smile and said, "That's better. Good boy!" She leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek, then stood up and stepped back to stand next to her friend. After regarding me for a moment, the two girls began to slide their hands up and down their bodies. Each one made a point to linger at their chests, at first just sliding over and around them, but eventually starting to press their breasts together, teasing in circles around their stiffening nipples. Kim began to dance a little as she slid her paws further down her body, a routine that I she did for me often. Treesinger started her own little dance as well, murring softly as she raised her hands high above her head and locked her fingers together, thrusting her chest out toward me now, her shirt rising up enough to expose the white fur of her belly. Next, I was treated to the sight of both girls curling their fingers underneath the bottoms of their shirts and very slowly beginning to pull up. I couldn't believe what I was watching - two of the sexiest women on earth were giving me a strip tease! I instinctually started to pull one hand out from under me, but Kim caught me and immediately dropped her shirt again, wagging her finger at me. "Ah ah ah, hands down!" Treesinger stopped in the middle of her pose and stared admonishingly at my errant hand. I quickly stuffed it back under myself with another whimper. My shaft throbbed in my pants, begging for mercy, but it would have none as I forced myself to sit still and continue watching. The girls continued their dance now, peeling their tops slowly upward and revealing their breasts to me one inch at a time. Kim had on a smooth, black silk bra that looked like it was a couple sizes too small for her - as she lifted her blouse off her chest, her voluminous breasts looked like they were going to spill out the top of those cups. Treesinger's slightly smaller chest was adorned by a lacy leopard-print bra that cupped her lovely, furry breasts very nicely. I started to pant, my tail wagging uncontrollably behind me, my eyes shifting quickly between each girl, watching them pull their shirts the rest of the way off and fling them away. Treesinger cupped her breasts from underneath and pressed them up, further showing off her cleavage. "Mmm, I'll bet you'd like to play with these, wouldn't you?" I nodded, once again tempted to start pawing off right then and there. But she went on now, murring softly as her hands drifted southward, her fingers sliding through her soft, luscious bellyfur until they arrived at the waistband of her skirt. The doe's hands then slipped slowly backward until they disappeared from my view. I could tell she was fiddling with something in back, but she was being very slow and deliberate about it. Meanwhile, Kim had hooked her fingers into her jeans, swaying lithely from side to side as she started to slowly slide them down off her hips. It always amazed me how she could manage that without undoing them. My tongue was hanging from my mouth as my cock continued to throb painfully, the pressure continuing to grow with my lust. She turned her hips toward me to let me see the pink silk panties she was wearing, then a moment later, she turned her back to me and bent forward. She thrust her lovely rump in the air and slid her pants down off of it, holding her tail high to let me see more of that lingerie. Just a little more, and then she let go, letting her pants fall into a bunch at her feet and kicking them away. My eyes went back to the doe as she finally finished undoing her skirt from the back. She let it fall to the floor, revealing a matching set of leopard-print panties that hugged her hips and showed off every detail underneath. As she stepped out of her skirt, she tugged her undergarment up tightly, forming a bit of a cameltoe right between her legs. And I could easily see that those panties were very moist - no, soaking, with her arousal. Kim made the next move. She turned to her friend and pulled her into another embrace, the two girls squeezing each other tight and squishing their voluptuous chests together again. As they did, I watched Kim reach up and undo Treesinger's bra, the doe quickly following suit. Within seconds, each of their bras came undone, held in place only by the pressure between the two girls. Another short moment went by, and then Kim pulled back, letting both bras fall to the ground. I saw them both in perfect profile, their arms still around each other, giggling as they studied each other's bared chests. Treesinger murred, "I can see why Mark likes you so much, Kim. You have a very nice chest!" Kim reached up to cup first her own breasts in her paws, and then the doe's, making me watch as she gave them a caress and a gentle squeeze. "Mmmm, so do you, my dear," she replied, her fingers moving in to tease at the doe's nipples, which grew firmer under her touch. Treesinger moaned again and began to gyrate against the lioness's hands, whispering, "Oh yess, that feels good..." Kim matched her movements, bending down to cause her own swollen nipples against the doe's, flesh touching flesh. It seemed that this was too much for the poor deer to take, because a few seconds later, she suddenly wrapped her arms around my lover and kissed her, just as passionately as she kissed me. Kim hesitated for a moment, the kiss apparently catching her off guard. But she recovered quickly and returned the kiss, her muzzle tilting and opening, her tongue visibly pressing into the deer's mouth. The two caressed each other in front of me as they French-kissed each other so deeply - I could only imagine how passionate that kiss must have been, knowing how hard my lover liked to kiss me. I watched as their hands roamed all over each other's bodies, slipping up and down their sides, caressing each other's breasts, moving down to cup and squeeze at each other's rumps... I was in agony, the temptation to rescue my poor, tortured cock almost unbearable. Treesinger took things one step further as she began to tug down on the lioness's panties, peeling them down off her rump. Kim moaned into the kiss and pushed her rump out against the doe's hands. I watched, wide-eyed, as more and more of that soft, curvy rump was exposed to the air, until those fingers slipped around to the front and yanked the panties the rest of the way off her hips, a little more wiggling and tugging finally causing them to fall the rest of the way to the floor. At this point, the two girls broke their kiss, breathing heavily as they looked lustfully into each other's eyes. I was too dumbstruck to think anything of it - I could only continue to watch. It was Kim's turn to reciprocate now - she flashed an evil grin as she knelt in front of the deer, pausing to nuzzle at her chest before continuing on down to her waist. My naked lioness squatted there now, reaching around Treesinger's rump to pull her closer. Her muzzle pressed right into the deer's mound, just below the waistline of her lingerie, and she took a deep breath, inhaling what must have been an overpowering amount of the doe's musk. She exhaled with a moan, then grabbed the edge of Treesinger's panties with her teeth, pulling and tugging them taut, eliciting an encouraging moan from the overheated deer. "Oh yes, Kimmy, rip them off me..." Kim pulled harder, her teeth maintaining their hold on the fabric. Treesinger moaned a little louder this time, pushing her hips toward the lioness, then pulling away again to stretch that tortured fabric even more. Kim growled playfully and suddenly yanked hard, finally shredding the undergarment right off of Treesinger's waist! The deer's slender body was now completely exposed to the air, the tattered remains of her panties dangling from the lioness's mouth. Kim stood up again and held the garment between her fingers. "I don't think you'll be needing these anymore," she said, tossing them across the room, Treesinger murring hotly in return. I whimpered again, the pressure in my pants getting to be too much to take now, and finally the girls looked toward me, eyes quickly settling on my lap. Kim gave off a bemused mrowl. "I think we've tortured him enough now, don't you think, Treesinger?" Treesinger let go of the lioness and grinned deviously as she stepped over to me. "Oh, I suppose we could give him a break now," she said back, sauntering closer and closer to me. I got a full view of her naked body now, seeing her soft, fluffy breasts and her firm pink nipples. I admired her slender waist, her white belly fur sweeping down to her hips, which flared out enticingly, and my eyes caught a glimpse of her sex-moistened mound, glistening in the light. As she approached, her musk grew stronger and stronger. I couldn't help but want her, but in eager anticipation of what else they might have in store for me, I continued to sit on my hands. Kim followed close behind, the fur between her legs similarly matted with her juices. "My poor, sexy darling," she cooed as she climbed up onto the bed and knelt next to me. "Let's get you out of these tight, restricting pants of yours - you look like you're going to explode!" Her paw slipped down to cup my churning balls, squeezing them lightly before stroking up along the length of my trapped manhood. She lingered at my damp tip for just a moment, and then Treesinger's hands joined in, sliding up along my thighs and along my groin. They moved up to deftly undo my pants, then her fingers hooked in to start yanking both my pants and underwear down off my hips. If my cock could have breathed a sigh of relief, it would have. As it was, I moaned as my rock-hard shaft was finally allowed to extend to its full length. I breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of my lover and the sexy deer she'd brought with her, and I felt a long dribble of pent-up precum travel up along my shaft and emerge from the tip. Treesinger murred as she watched. "Mmmm... now that's a nice cock," I heard her say, as she continued to peel me out of my clothes. Kim scooted around on the bed and sat down behind me, pulling me back until I was lying in her lap and looking straight up at her wonderful chest. She grinned down at me and started to play with those voluptuous breasts some more, stroking, squeezing and tweaking them in all the ways she knew I loved. The smell of her heat was overwhelming, but I wasn't about to complain. It still hadn't quite fully registered in my mind just what was happening, but I was far too gone to care at this point. A moment later, Treesinger finished getting my pants off and tossed them aside, rendering me completely naked as I lay halfway off the bed. She spread my legs and slid up between them on her knees, getting herself into position. I tried to look down to see what she was doing, but Kim pushed my head back into her lap and told me to just watch her, so I did. A moment later, though, I twitched hard as I felt a smooth tongue brush against my length. My cock twitched against that touch, which was followed quickly by another, longer lick. Then another, which went all the way from my base to my tip. I gasped, and then moaned with yet another lick that swirled all around my tip, before I felt smooth, soft lips come to bear on it. Another drop of pre greeted that warm, wet tongue, and a soft murr from the doe told me she wanted more. Kim squirmed a little, grinning toward my lap as she watched. She then shifted around a bit, pulling her lap out from under me and causing me to lie flat on the mattress. She moved a bit more, swinging her legs out to the side and settling back down, this time setting her heavy breasts right on top of my forehead. In return, I leaned my head back and nuzzled at each of those firm, warm mounds, and she responded by squishing them all around my muzzle, nearly engulfing my face. I reached up to stroke and play with her erect nipples, making her moan in the process. I had a feeling this was going to become one of our favorite foreplays. But the licking and suckling at my cock was growing stronger, more insistent now. Treesinger's dextrous tongue continued to massage my shaft, coaxing it into even further hardness, while her fingers twirled, stroked and squeezed my churning balls. I could feel a climax already beginning to approach, and I thought it would just explode right then and there when she suddenly took most of my shaft into her muzzle, her tongue and lips squeezing it harder. My muscled clenched, my loins and malehood starting to tingle with the oncoming orgasm... And then she pulled off again, pulling her muzzle back and removing her hands. Leaving my shaft to twitch helplessly in the air, a long dribble of pre dribbling into my fur. I whimpered, but Kim kept me occupied, holding me down with her breasts, grabbing my arms and pulling one behind her to caress her rump so I couldn't use it for anything else. She kept my other hand on one of her taut nipples, encouraging me to tease it more roughly. I was helpless now, and my climax receded. Treesinger started working on me again, this time curling her fingers lightly around my shaft and stroking it slowly, while her muzzle moved further down between my legs. She kissed first one of my balls and then the other, and then her free paw cupped them from underneath and hefted them up for closer inspection. She said, "Mmm... feels like you've got a lot stored up in here, wolfie. So full, so heavy..." I blushed again, finding myself hoping I would have enough in there to satisfy both girls. The doe kept going, though - she let go of my cock and concentrated fully at my aching, churning orbs, her tongue licking and curling over each one one at a time. She then pressed her tongue more firmly right between the two, pushing it and her nose right up against the base of my shaft, sending another shock of pleasure deep into my groin. I couldn't help but squirm, my legs kicking up in a mix of tickling and overstimulation... but she didn't stop - her tongue kept exploring the space between my legs, licking over every last place she could reach... then she started to take each of my testicles into her mouth one at a time, squeezing each one with her lips and rolling it with her tongue. They ached even more with her teasing, but it was such a pleasant ache that I didn't want her to stop. Kim shifted herself again and reached behind her to guide my paw further down her rump, pulling my fingers down to just underneath the base of her tail. I obliged by crooking them and scritching there lightly, quickly finding her sensitive spot. She gasped and moaned, "Yes, that's it, just like that," and her heavier breaths caused her chest to further surround my muzzle. My free paw moved over to start teasing my lover's other nipple to hardness, giving it the same treatment I'd given the first one. Another gasp told me I was doing just what she wanted. I gave off my own gasp as Treesinger tried to take both of my balls within her muzzle at the same time. She worked at it for a bit, each movement of her tongue and lips driving me more and more wild. It almost seemed as though she was going to give up, but after another harsh squeeze, she finally sucked both of them in and closed her lips around them. It was an incredible sensation, her warm, moist mouth completely surrounding my orbs, licking and rolling them with her tongue, making them churn and ache even more. I jerked my hips into her hand, feeling my climax looming, but again she backed off, slowing down in her suckling, lifting her paw off my shaft, making me whimper even more, and making the tension slowly fade. Kim decided she'd had enough teasing now. She took my hand off her breast and got up on her knees, quickly moving to straddle my face. She lingered there for only a few seconds, making me gaze right up at her glistening velvet folds. I don't think I'd ever seen her in such a heavy heat before - or smelled it, for that matter. Then she lowered herself onto my muzzle, and I had just barely enough time to bring my tongue out before she practically impaled herself on it! She pushed herself down on me and moaned as my tongue slipped up inside, tasting her tangy arousal and being forced to breathe nothing but her scent. That alone was enough to get me close to the brink again, even without Treesinger's stimulation. She sucked and licked my testicles for a few more seconds, then finally pushed them back out one at a time, letting them cool in the air for a moment. Then she used both of her hands on my poor, aching balls while she started to lick at the base of my cock once more. She squeezed and pulled on them, then pressed them against me, twisting and turning them almost painfully, all the while massaging my base without mercy. The pleasure of that smooth tongue against my rock-hard shaft was offset by the slight pain further down, keeping me in a torturous cycle of getting so very close to the edge without letting me go over... Kim gasped as she rocked against me, taking not just my tongue, but part of my muzzle inside her, forcing me to breathe through the sides of my mouth between licks. Her juices coated my muzzle and ran down my cheeks as I felt her getting close. She ground her hips against my face, grunting and moaning and whimpering with her rising tension, tail lashing behind her... then finally, she yowled and pressed down hard on me, all but completely burying my muzzle within her wet slit as she clenched tight, cumming fiercely all around me! Her sweet, tangy nectar practically poured all over my face and into my mouth, and my tongue eagerly licked up as much as it could. I tried to pleasure her further, prolonging her orgasm as her vaginal walls rippled tightly against my muzzle. After a while, they eventually slowed to mere twitches and spasms... until she finally let go of me, pulling off my soaked snout and settling down beside me. In the sudden excitement of Kim's orgasm, I had lost track of the doe between my legs. I noticed her still staring at us while I cleaned myself up, and when Kim settled down next to me, I heard the doe say, "That was hot!" Then she started in on me again, causing me to gasp and prop myself up on my elbows. This time, I got to watch as both of her hands returned to my shaft, one wrapping around my base and the other around my tip. Both of them started to pump up and down along my length while she dove back down to start licking and sucking on my balls again. I squirmed and jerked my hips against her strokes, determined this time to go over the edge. And it seemed Treesinger was ready for it this time, because even as I began to tense up, she worked at me harder and faster. Having been teased for so long, I was surprised at how slowly my climax built. I felt the tension rising in my loins, my cock starting to tingle and my balls clenching up, churning ominously. She whispered, "Yes.... Cum for me, wolfie. Let me see what you've got." Her lower hand closed tightly just below the knot that had formed at my base. My whimpers and moans raised in pitch as I got closer and closer, my whole body on fire now. Treesinger sensed that I was about to cum and sat up just a little more, pulling my cock toward her just as I hit my peak. I howled and jerked my hips hard into her hands, my tip exploding with a powerful jet of seed that splattered right against her face! A second shot squirted out onto her muzzle, causing a fair amount to drip off onto her chest. She kept pumping and squeezing my shaft, crying out, "Yes! That's it! Cum for me!" More spurts of cum shot all over her face and chest, into her hair, all over her cheeks, a couple of spurts arcing over her shoulder and onto her back... it was some time before I finally calmed down, and she was very messy as a result. By now, Kim had recovered from her orgasm and was ready for more. She cooed as she watched me cum all over the deer, saying "Ohh, I like that... wouldn't mind watching that all over again." Treesinger giggled in response, grinning as she got up and licked her lips. "Mmmm, your boyfriend sure does have a lot to give... and he's delicious, too!" She reached down to feel my balls again, which still felt full and heavy even to me. The extra stimulation made me twitch, and I saw a look of delight hit her face. "Ohhh, yes. A VERY long night indeed..." The girls gave me a moment to recover and spent some time focusing on each other. Treesinger got up and crawled up onto the bed, kneeling to my left, while Kim scooted over on my right. They both leaned over me to hug each other, and Kim didn't seem to mind all the cum that squished onto her chestfur as a result. I could hear them kissing each other again, though all I could see were the undersides of their breasts and their hands locking together. So I decided to help - I reached up and slid my paws up along the backs of their legs, moving up to touch and caress at their rumps. I was rewarded with a couple of moans and the girls pressing their rumps back against my paws. My fingers began to explore, especially at Treesinger's tail, attempting to find her sensitive spot, and once I found it, I worked at it lightly but insistently, hoping to tease her even half as much as she'd teased me. After a moment of that, my fingers slid down between her cheeks, rubbing and probing lightly, slowly working further and further down to her crotch. She spread her legs apart as I approached her womanhood, encouraging me onward. Finally, my fingertips encountered moisture, and a quick twitch of the doe's hips sent one of them right between her folds. Her lips quickly wrapped around my finger, seeming to suckle on its tip, her juices making her very slick. My other hand began to tease between Kim's legs in a similar fashion, and I felt myself starting to get hard again. Some licking noises from above me told me that my girlfriend had taken to grooming Treesinger's face, no doubt cleaning up the rest of my cum from there. Treesinger, meanwhile, seemed to focus on the stimulation I was giving her, starting to press down against my fingers now. I felt a familiar paw wrap around my growing erection and begin to stroke it again. Still sensitive from my last climax, I twitched again, and then I heard Kim say, "Seems like someone's ready for another round. You want to give him a go?" Treesinger's sex clenched more tightly around my finger, and she said, "I'd love to. But are you sure you're okay with that?" Kim responded with a playful, sultry tone, "Go right ahead, my dear. I want to watch you take my boyfriend all the way until he comes inside you, and then I'm going to enjoy finding out how you and he taste together." My heart jumped in my chest - I never thought I'd hear my lover talk like that. My cock twitched involuntarily against Kim's paw. Treesinger murred and said, "Well, when you put it THAT way..." The two girls then got up off the bed again, cleaning each other up while I got myself into position. I laid there on my back and watched Kim lick the rest of my cum off of Treesinger's chest, spending a moment to tease her nipples back into hardness, and then Treesinger did the same for Kim, licking up the smears of cum that had gotten on her furry breasts when they'd hugged earlier. Then they came back to the bed, seeing that I was ready for them. Kim climbed on first and knelt beside me, petting and stroking my hair with one hand and my chest with the other, tweaking and teasing my nipples for a moment and rubbing all over. I reached up to tease her chest in return, then slipped my fingers down to start stroking and teasing at her femininity once again. Treesinger got up on the bed a moment later and set her knees to either side of me. She looked down at my rock-hard cock and grinned. "Are you ready for this, wolfie?" I nodded as she scooted up closer to me and reached down to wrap her fingers around my shaft. I gasped at the touch, but this time she wasn't out to tease. I watched with wide eyes as the sexy deer started to lower herself, her warmth coming closer and closer to my tip. She was tantalizingly, agonizingly slow and deliberate in her movements, and I could feel her heated folds radiating against me, so very close... finally, we both gasped together, one of my fingers pressing deep into Kim's folds as I felt Treesinger's lips begin to wrap around my tip. She paused there for a moment, those velvety lips seeming to kiss and suckle on my pointed member, bringing forth another dribble of pre to further lubricate her. Then she pressed down a little more, starting to take me inside. "Ohhh, yeeahh," she sighed as her smooth, slick walls slid down along my tapered shaft, beginning to stretch a little. I could tell by her jagged breaths and gasps that it had been quite some time since she'd taken someone like this. She sank slowly down, her lips straining to take me in, my cock disappearing inch by inch inside her hot, sexy body, more and more of my pre mixing in with her copious arousal. Kim began to gyrate her hips against my probing fingers, and she brought her own fingers down to tease her clit while I started to press a second one inside her. "Oh man, that is hot," she said as she watched intently, and then she turned her gaze to me and murred, "Give me more, Mark." I moaned and nodded, starting to work a third finger in alongside my first two. Kim's vagina stretched around my digits, causing her to moan more deeply, pressing against them and pulling them as deep inside her as she could. Her walls started to ripple around my fingers as she continued to watch her friend taking me deeper still. Treesinger gasped again, whimpering and quivering atop me as she took another inch inside her. She'd taken the thickest part by now, and I felt her lips starting to close around the remaining couple of inches. Her walls rippled and squeezed tightly around me, pulling more pre out of me and into her depths, and she gasped as she pushed herself down to my base. With my cock now fully inside her, she relaxed and rested with her hands on my chest for a moment, getting used to my thickness. "You're thicker than I thought you'd be," she said breathily. Kim giggled a little between her own husky breaths, saying, "Just wait until you take his knot." She licked her lips suggestively. The deer grinned up to my lover and said, "I'm looking forward to that." With that, she started to lift off of me, making me gasp again. She pulled almost all the way off of my cock, leaving just my tip nestled between her warm lips, and then she thrust herself back down on me again, groaning as she took me deeper inside. Then she pulled up again, a little faster this time, then sank down and ground herself against my hips as hard as she could, gyrating around in a circle and making my tip press all around deep inside her wet tunnel. I felt my shaft quiver and throb inside her, more pre continuing to coat her inner walls. Then another lift and a fall, and this time I felt my knot starting to grow, offering some resistance as she took me back inside. When she pulled me out one more time, her tight entrance tugged against that knot before it popped out of her, and she grunted with the effort to take it back within her, her lips stretching even more around it. Kim moaned again, quivering as her second climax started to approach. "Ohh, Treesinger... you're in for it now, girl..." The doe tried to pull up off me again, but this time she was stuck. I saw a brief wave of panic hit her face as she realized what was going on. My knot continued to swell inside her tight tunnel, stretching her much more than I think she'd expected, growing to its full size in a few more seconds. She tugged again, half-heartedly trying to see if she could get off me, but Kim and I both knew my cock was locked firmly inside now. She groaned and rested a bit more, panting, "I... I've never taken a knot before... didn't know it would... be so big..." My head fell back to the mattress as every ripple and squeeze of her hot tunnel stimulated my cock more and more. The doe and I both knew what was going to happen now - it was inevitable, and after she'd gotten over her brief panic, Treesinger began to tug and press against me, gyrating her hips some more and moaning with each movement. I started to thrust against her in time with her motions, feeling my knot sinking just a little deeper and my loins starting to tingle once again. Kim watched intently, tweaking her nipples with one hand and her squeezing her clit with the other, while she thrust herself against my three fingers. She gasped out, "Oh gods yes! More, Mark! Stretch me!" In response, I carefully worked my fourth finger in, curling the first three in such a way as to give it some room. With nearly my whole hand inside her now, I was able to reach much deeper, and I wiggled each of my fingers in different directions to press at her walls and stretch her the way she so desparately wanted. She looked down to where my cock was locked inside the heated doe, and sensing that I was getting close, she said, "Do it... cum inside her..." Treesinger groaned out as well, her own climax starting to wash over her as I thrust my hips harder against her. "Oh yes, oh yes... please, give it to me..." I leaned my head back and howled as my second orgasm of the night crashed down upon me like a tidal wave! Much more powerful than my first, I felt my shaft swell and erupt forcefully inside Treesinger's tight cunny, my balls churning and roiling as my loins clenched and my shaft pulsed. I felt my cock vibrate as a powerful spurt of cum shot straight up into her, quickly filling what little space remained. That was followed by a second, even more powerful spurt, and then another, my cock pressing right up against the end of her tunnel, seeking to fill her as deeply as I could. I groaned and panted in ecstasy as my firm knot held absolutely every last drop in, more and more cum filling the doe's spasming cunny. She cried out, "Oh gods, Mark! More! Give it all to me! Fill me!" Kim squeezed my fingers hard against each other as she climaxed as well. "Oh god, that's so hot!" She squealed as her orgasm washed over her in waves, her juices soaking my fingers and running down my hand, which I thrust eagerly in and out of her while I continued to cum inside the deer. Treesinger started to squeeze my shaft harder, the rippling of her tight, powerful muscles renewed by a second orgasm. That in turn drove me on to another climax of my own, overlapping the first and doubling my pleasure. I felt my balls tighten up again as my loins pumped yet more of my seed into the deer, shooting it relentlessly into her depths. Kim's climax finally died down, but she held my fingers deep inside her, only my thumb still exposed to the air. She continued to watch as Treesinger's belly started to swell visibly with my climax, the poor deer thrashing about atop me in pure pleasure. All the sex that my lioness and I had been having had greatly improved my stamina, and looking back on it, I think she'd been looking forward to seeing someone other than herself experience that. It was another minute or so before my climax finally faded into a glorious afterglow, my spurts slowing to trickles while my knot continued to hold Treesinger's luscious body against mine. The doe was gasping and panting, holding herself up while she caught her breath. Finally, she panted, "That... was incredible... might have to... do that again sometime..." She slowly laid down against me, her belly pressing against mine while she waited for my knot to shrink enough to let her off me. Kim murred, licking her lips again. "Don't you go all exhausted on me, dear. I haven't gotten a chance to taste you yet." The doe nuzzled my chest, and I stroked her hair and her spotted back with my free paw while she said, "Oh, don't worry... I just need to rest... for a minute..." A few minutes later, my knot slipped out of Treesinger's folds, followed by a fair amount of our combined juices flowing all over my thighs and into the mattress. Kim then pulled my fingers out of her sex and got off the bed, beckoning for us both to get up. Treesinger nodded and pulled the rest of the way off me, rolling onto her back and then sliding off the bed as well. I saw her push her hand down between her legs, perhaps to keep from making a mess on the floor. I got up as well, my cock still mostly hard and dripping with another strand of cum. Kim then quickly dove onto the bed, taking my place and lying on her back, her bountiful breasts jiggling a bit. "Okay, c'mere, you sexy beast," she said as she patted her chest, and Treesinger wasted no time getting back up onto the bed, quickly straddling the lioness's face and lowering herself to that eager muzzle. Kim immediately murred as she set to work on the doe's heated folds, licking up the combination of her juices and my seed. After a moment, Kim spread her legs and parted her folds with her fingers, using her other hand to gesture to me. I certainly needed no more invitation than that. I quickly got into position, holding and stroking my shaft as I felt my lust rise once more. My cock soon grew fully erect, another drip of my cum emerging from my tip. I aimed it so that the strand would land right on those spread lips, and a muffled moan from between Treesinger's legs told me how much my lioness liked feeling that. She smeared that cum all over her vulva, then reached up to stroke at my tip and tug it down toward her. Treesinger moaned as well, rocking back and forth against Kim's muzzle as she watched eagerly. I got myself into position now, lowering myself to my lover and guiding my cock to her entrance. I pressed forward as soon as I felt my tip touch her lips, and then I forced my engorged cock all the way inside her in one firm thrust. I held there for only the briefest of seconds, then pulled back out and pushed back in more forcefully, starting a rhythm of thrusting and pulling, each time feeling my expanding knot stretch her entrance just a little more. Kim groaned and arched against me with each thrust, yipping between Treesinger's legs each time I popped in and out of her, until finally I shoved it in as deep as it would go and held it there, letting it swell to its full size and lock my maleness inside her. Treesinger squeezed and massaged her breasts and started to whimper with the approach of another climax. "Oooh, now I get to watch. You gonna fill her up like you filled me?" I grunted with the effort and nodded, feeling Kim's sex lips close around the base of my shaft and pull me deeper inside, my hips continuing to thrust against her even though my knot prevented much of any movement. The doe suddenly squealed as she clenched tight over and around Kim's muzzle, and I could see her convulsing with her orgasm, watching as our juices flooded back out of her all over my lioness's face. Kim groaned as well, trying to catch it all in her muzzle, purring with the big mess this was making, while her own climax swiftly approached. I could feel my lover's walls tightening and rippling harder around me, trying to pull me deeper, starting to milk my cock for all it was worth. And once again, I felt that wonderful tingling, burning sensation in my loins, my own climax looming. After just a few more seconds, Kim and I hit our orgasms together. She squealed into Treesinger's rump and ground herself hard against my shaft while I howled and pounded her as hard as I could. I felt my cock start to spurt again, thick globs of my cum shooting deep into my lover's body, filling her quickly. She moaned and thrust back against me, her muscles clenching and rippling around me with each pulse. Treesinger groaned as she also climaxed again, so turned on by watching this sight, and I heard her moan out, "Oh yess! Keep cumming, Mark! Don't stop!" Kim's heated sex continued to ripple around my engorged cock, her copious juices coating and streaming all around me while my pleasure heightened. My shaft pulsed and vibrated with each powerful ejaculation, and within seconds, a second wave of orgasm washed over me, quickly followed by a third, each time renewing the energy behind my spurts. Kim showed me how much she enjoyed all of this by stroking Treesinger's gently swollen belly with one paw and her own with the other. Several minutes and several more climaxes later, I finally collapsed atop my lover, panting for air. My cock stayed rock-hard inside her as my cum continued to trickle into her overfilled tunnel, and Treesinger finally got up off Kim's muzzle, allowing her to catch her breath as well. My lioness wrapped her arms around me and rolled us both over so that I was on my back, and then she kissed me deeply for a long moment. I felt my shaft twitch inside her, a little more seed entering her depths as she rippled around me just a little more. I knew what she wanted, but we both knew we were too exhausted and spent now to keep going like we had in the past. She finally broke the kiss and smiled down to me. "I love you," she said. I smiled back up to her and said, "I love you too... thank you." I gave her another tender kiss and then looked over to Treesinger, who had lied down next to us. She smiled, also looking pretty tired. A few more minutes went by, and then my knot popped out of my lioness. She then slid off of me and curled up against my side, and Treesinger followed suit, the two girls resting their heads on my shoulders. As we all drifted off to sleep, I thought to myself, "I'm the luckiest wolf on the planet." --- Epilogue Kim and I walked past the student union building some time later, heading out to town to grab a bite to eat. At one point, I asked her, "So, how many times had you and Treesinger been together before that night?" Kim paused and looked back to me, apparently caught off guard by my question. After a moment, she replied, "Actually, that was the first time." "I see," I said, and we continued walking down the hill. Another moment went by, and then she asked, "Why, were you worried I was cheating on you?" I shook my head. "Oh no. I just thought you might have done something. You both seemed to know what you were doing." "Well, we'd talked about it a couple of times. You knew already that I was bi, and she was too, so I thought you'd enjoy having a little extra fun." I nodded and grinned to her. "I don't think I'd come so hard since that first night you and I did it." She grinned back and said, "Mmmm... and you've been getting better each time, my love. Good thing, too." She stopped and turned toward me, giving me a sly look. My ears perked, and I stopped as well. "Why's that?" I was glad we were out of sight of the union by now, because she said, "Because I'm looking forward to watching Treesinger do you again this weekend." She winked at me for emphasis. It was going to be a long week.