Seeker Origins: Chapter Five

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#15 of Seeker Origins

Year: 2080, May 15th.

Time: 08:30am

Location: Club Nova, Room 27.

My body ached as I slowly woke to the sound of my alarm clock; at first I didn't respond at all, but as the alarm seemed to get louder, I realised that I had to get up in order to turn it off; luckily enough, someone else did the work for me. I opened my eyes as the alarm suddenly seemed to turn itself off, only to face the bare, scaly chest of another Bearded Dragon; with the alarm turned off, her arm withdrew and stroked the back of my neck slowly as the other was propping up her head. She smiled with tired eyes, showing that she had just woken up like me; unlike me, however, she had the will to respond to an alarm in the morning.

"Are you always this lazy in the morning?" Elle asked gently, letting me pull myself towards her as we shared our body-heats; I shut my eyes again and listened to her own heartbeat as she breathed in and out slowly.

"Only when I wake up with someone." I managed to reply, pulling away from her and waking up as soon as she decided to dig her claws into my neck...not a bad substitute for an alarm, I guess. "How long have we been asleep for?"

"Since last night...about nine or ten hours." Elle groaned as we both got up at the same time, rotating around so we were sitting on opposite sides of the bed. "'re up for a shower, right?"

We both got up in unison as I accepted her offer, letting her take the lead as we stepped into the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower to let it warm up; Elle slowly wrapped her arms around me and hugged me from behind as I grabbed a pair of towels. I dropped the towels to the floor as she quickly dragged me into the shower, soaking both our bodies with hot water as I turned around, then turned her around, effectively changing our positions so that I could massage her shoulders slowly; I managed to hook my claws around her underarms whilst slowly working the palms of my claws around her shoulders in small circles.

"Mmm, why aren't people paying you for this?" Elle moaned, reaching over her shoulder and stroking my left hand with hers; I could already see the scales on her back turning red again, forming four large circles on each side as she started to breathe slightly heavier...ah well; it's not like we were going to stop with a simple massage.

I felt Elle's tail start to twist and move up my leg, though I already had that in mind once her scales started to change colour and instinctively grabbed the base of her tail firmly, making her growl in anger, though it was purely her instincts, and slam me up against one of the walls of the cubicle. The warm water from the shower was still soaking us as Elle pressed her body against me, locking my muzzle against hers whilst she slowly dragged her claws along my chest, leaving shallow grooves behind from the pressure she was putting on each claw.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Elle growled, a twisted smile now forming on her face as she now wrapped her arms around my chest, then her tail around mine; I was practically immobilised as she began to plant her foot-claws on the wall behind me, just on level with my waist.

I gasped and tensed my body as Elle suddenly lowered herself onto my member all the way; I still had to keep my legs firm, however, if we wanted to stay upright as she assaulted my body. After barely a minute, my legs had finally given out from the weight and force Elle was using, sending both of us onto the floor; but she didn't even seem to halt. I began to breathe heavily from the heat that both Elle and the shower were giving off, desperate to fill my lungs with as much air as I could manage.

I eventually found a good rhythm, breathing in as Elle pulled herself up, then breathing out as she quickly slammed back down on my member, sending constant, violent surges of pleasure through my entire body. The heat was almost unbearable as Elle worked my body into a climax, sending a sudden wave of pleasure and heat through my body that made me yell out of instinct. My half-closed eyes could barely see Elle as she quietly lifted herself off of me, now leaning up against one of the walls of the shower and letting the warm water wash over her bare chest.

After a few attempts at getting up, Elle finally reached out with one arm and managed to lift me back on my feet, offering to dry me off as well; I reluctantly nodded and accepted her offer, turning off the shower and staying motionless as she dried me off from behind, occasionally nipping at my shoulders as she went. We were both finally dry as Elle led me out and laid me down on my bed, her red scales beginning to fade away; I had barely recovered as Elle dropped down next to me, supporting her head with both arms.

"...Can I get you some breakfast?" Elle asked nervously, probably embarrassed about what had just happened; I took a few deep breaths and tried to stop my head from spinning, creating an awkward silence before I finally replied.

"The usual..." I moaned, keeping one eye on Elle as she quickly lifted herself up, walking nakedly up to the small counter right next to the bathroom to make a quick breakfast; a piece of dry toast each and a cup of tea.

This was the only breakfast we could have without having to shoot a bunch of antibiotics into our bodies; the water, sugar, even the milk had to be synthetic and purified until the risk factors were low enough and the tea was weak enough to not be able to put us back in bed with an illness. As Elle boiled the small kettle, I managed to pry myself from the bed and step over to the bare piece of wall next to the front door; I lazily leaned against it, putting enough force on the wall to push it in by an inch so I could sweep it to one side, revealing my last biosuit; fully dark-blue, with a shaded plastic facemask that worked like a one-way mirror, in a way.

"I see why they call you Statue, now..." Elle remarked, looking over the biosuit or, to be more specific, the facemask that prevented anyone from seeing how I felt. I glanced at Elle for a brief moment, blinking once and turning back to grab the suit. "I'm almost thankful that I didn't end up with that name; but then, that's because I have an open personality."

"So what name did you end up with instead?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from me as I quickly put on the lower half of my suit, just give me a little dignity, of course. "Or do people just keep calling you Elle?"

"People call me 'The Diva'." Elle sighed, now plating up both breakfasts on a small tray and carrying it over to the bed; "at least you won't have to guess what I do for a living, now."

"So you're a singer?" I assumed; I received a short nod from Elle as we both sat down on the bed, tucking in to our breakfast. "My guess would're in a group; you always have a bit of stage-fright whenever you're left alone."

"So do you." Elle retorted, half-munching on a slice of toast as I drank down a few antibiotics that'd last me the day; "but then, you're the one who decides to hide behind a facemask all day."

"If I got paid for showing how I felt all day," I began, now leaning back and resting my head on a pillow; "then I'd most likely end up being chucked out of the club anyway; if everyone knew how nervous I was - how scared I can get - I wouldn't survive one day in these shoes." I watched as Elle slowly got up, picking her biosuit up from the floor and quickly fixing it into place over her body. "Aren't you going to take any antibiotics before heading off?"

"I just need to get back to my room." Elle explained, already fixing her helmet into place, indicating that she'd finished her breakfast; "I'll change into another suit and take some antibiotics when I get there, then get to work."

"Do I even get a goodbye kiss?" I asked, fitting the rest of my suit on as Elle was preparing to walk out the door; she quickly turned around and strode over to me, embracing me in a tight but affectionate hug, which she ended almost as soon as she started. "At least you're giving me a good substitute."

I only saw Elle smile sadly at me behind her facemask as she quickly walked out of my room, leaving just me; my expression turned blank again as I fixed my facemask into place, turning the room a slightly darker shade as I cleared the remains of our breakfast. Once everything was clear, all I had to do was strap on my two revolvers, then a couple of small blades, then I'd be out of here and onto the streets again; but there was something that started to itch in my head, forcing me to turn around and face my bedside table. I slowly walked up towards the small table and pulled the very bottom drawer open, eyeing the six small drug-cases that fit in perfectly; I had to really work my mind and body until I shut the drawer and got up, leaving the room immediately with the same itch in the back of my head...


Year: 2080, May 15th.

Time: 09:20am

Location: Club Nova, Front Exit.

I quickly headed through the ground-floor of the club, cutting through the actual club to make up for the time I had probably lost...or rather the time that Elle cost me; it wasn't as if I was angry at her, I just didn't expect her to feel so 'active' in the morning. I quickly pushed all thoughts out of my head as I walked through the club, noticing the few patrons situated around the stage-side of the room, probably a dozen or so; I wasn't exactly sure, but I think during the day the club had more of a 'jazz-club' theme to it, as opposed to the usual 'night-club' and 'sexually deviant' themes during the night.

I quickly navigated my way through and exited the club, passing through the metal scanner at the front door and instantly setting them off, attracting the attention of the large Canine guard just at the entrance; he regarded me with a quick smile as he walked up next to me, unlocking a small panel next to the alarm and turning it off casually, turning back to me and noticing how rough I looked; even if I was wearing a biosuit with a one-way facemask, the guard could always tell by how uncomfortable it looked at times.

"Had a rough night, Rush?" The Canine asked, putting on a sympathetic smile as I tried to smile back with tired eyes, failing due to the black material hiding my face; over the past few weeks I made a few friends in the club, and the local 'bouncer' was one of them.

"I had a rough morning as well." I nodded, now trying to put a tired kind of happiness into my voice; it was often like this in the life of a Bearded Dragon; if friends couldn't see you emote, you had to make them hear you emote. "Elle was a little...impulsive this morning."

"It comes with being a Red-Scale, I guess." The Canine sighed, itching the back of his head and still wearing his sympathetic smile; "anyway, the scanners are all clear, so you can go on through now...not like I was going to shoot you down if you kept walking."

I turned my vision to the front door again and kept moving, noticing Viggo leaning against the limousine parked just outside the entrance as usual; I began to have the idea that the Fox kept waking up earlier than me just so he could catch me out; that was one of the downsides to being the 'bitch' of the group. Viggo looked at me with an evil smile on his face as I stepped out into the empty streets and into the limousine, though he stopped me with one paw just before I opened the door.

"Late as usual, I see." The Fox laughed, looking over the third suit I had changes into over the past two days; "you've changed looks as well; what, wasn't the whole 'red and white' look good enough for you?"

"I still need to sort out the tear in that suit." I replied bluntly, gently pushing his hand to one side so I could get in, though he had managed to snake his way in first somehow; "I'm still waiting on my grey suit, and all I had left was this one."

"If you had as many biosuits as you did ammunition," Viggo began, looking over the many cylinders strapped onto my belt, plus the extra two cylinders in each of my holsters; "you wouldn't be having so much trouble."

"You mean getting shot at or the lack of suits?" I remarked, glancing briefly at the Dragon in our group, Pump, sitting down in his usual position; with his head facing the ceiling in deep concentration.

"Let me answer that question with another question." Viggo sighed, taping on the surface just between him and our driver, Rex; to let him know we were all in. "How confident are you that your biosuit will last the entire day?"

We all shared a long silence after that; I had already guessed how long my suit would last that day; and considering just how lucky I felt, I'd probably last up until the evening...good thing I stocked myself full of meds.