FriendBrother Love

Story by lucky_winner on SoFurry

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Ummm soo I this is my first time writing and it's still a work in progress so if anyone can help me I would really like that ^_^ umm please comment and stuff lol well any way here it is....

(Josh is a 16 year old, Tan furred fox)

(Kyle is a 17 year old , White furred fox)

Before this day I would never think what I thought I would never do what I wanted to do now. It all started three weeks after living with my best friend Kyle after my parents died. It had been a year since my parents died. "Josh...Josh" I heard a whisper and muffling.

"What Kyle?" I moaned. No response. "Kyle?" I moaned again.

"Ha I made you moan my name ha-ha wow I'm good" Kyle snickered. I turned and hit him with a pillow. He laughed, I guess I missed him. I turned around to yell at him and was kind of dumbfounded when I saw Kyle with his boxers off, shirt not covering his...unmentionables, and fully exposed from the waist down he must have slept nude (It's been very hot lately since the air conditioning broke). He looked at me I quickly turned around and hid my eyes for some odd reason I felt the urge to turn around but I didn't.

"Dang it Kyle put some clothes on!" I yelled into my pillow.

"Aww but Simon didn't say." He chuckled. I laughed at that one to I guess I thought it was funny. I got up out of bed and headed toward the shower.

"Oh no you don't!" Said Kyle rushing toward the shower

"You use all the hot water!" I said, he stuck his tongue out at me as he just beat me to the bathroom door and closed it. "No fair you were first, last time!" I yelled.

"Well I didn't say you couldn't join me if that's what you want?" he laughed again. That was Kyle always making perverted jokes but he always made me laugh. I waited there for 30 minutes. When he came out the shower and opened the door with a towel on. His abs were damp, moist, or wet whatever you wanna say I couldn't stop staring at his glistening white fur. All I had was a surfers body minus the abs. I stared for what seemed to me like hours but in actuality was only 30 sec. "See something yah need?" Kyle said with a grin and one hand on his towel.

I grinned back and said "I wonder what your mom will think when I tell her someone's been sneaking into her bathroom and using up all her conditioner?"

He glared at me with an even bigger grinned "And I suppose you want something for you to keep your mouth shut don't you?"

"Well I could be taking showers early in the morning with hot water every day now that would shut me up?" I laughed at the thought.

"I have something better in mind" Kyle said keeping his grin he charged at me with immense speed I ran down the hallway and down the stairs. He was so close so I jumped over the living room couch and sort of landed on my belly I turned around only to see Kyle falling right on top of me as his towel slid right off of him. Kyle landed on top of me with his nude body staring into my eyes. I could feel his naked body press against my half naked body (all I was wearing was my boxers and now that Kyles naked, wet body was on me they were almost seethrough) and then the weird thing happened we laughed and then it happened just like that I knew I loved him it's weird yes I know but I've known him ever since I was 3 and I started living with him 7 months ago right as school began, his dads been fighting in the war, and his mom loves me as her own. How did I not fall in love sooner?

"Are you gonna get off now" I said with a slight laugh still staring at his body. Then silence, there was no more laughing just us both stared longer into each other's eyes. Then he leaned close to me my breath slow his lips touched mine. I felt his member getting harder against mine it felt huge. Our eyes closed, what was this.... This feeling I felt great. Enjoying the kiss suddenly his tongue pierced my lips and explored my mouth, chasing my tongue and rubbing his against mine. Then a thought went through my mind. This couldn't be right. I wasn't sure of my sexuality but, this couldn't be happening but I liked it soo much. I suddenly opened my eyes freaked out and pushed him off of me.

"Get off!" I yelled out. "that wasn't funny Kyle that was gross"

Kyle just stared at me on the couch naked and his face blank he thought he did something horribly wrong "Put your towel on geez Kyle" I turned around trying to hide my blush through my fur.

He picked up his towel and went upstairs without saying a word. "Ky..." I stumbled in words.

I went upstairs and took my own shower I somehow felt wrong for pushing him off but I mean I had to we couldn't do that it was wrong. Wasn't it? I still felt the feeling inside me. Somehow I thought the shower would wash it off of me. But it didn't. I turned the handle turning the water off. Then I began to cry. Had I just lost a great friend? Had I pushed him away from me for a kiss? We were better than that... weren't we. And I enjoyed it... so why did I push him away? I don't think I'm gay... The water was turned off but my face was still getting wet. I realized I was crying. I did love him but it was wrong. I whipped my tears and dried off and left to the room

I opened the door to our room and saw Kyle listening to his IPod. "Uhmm.., hey," I stumbled. He rolled over and looked away. My eyes began to water again but I managed to keep it in. I got dressed and then left the room to get my school things. Kyle's mom was down stairs making breakfast. Kyles mom Jenny was a White fox just like Kyle except she had long brown hair and freckles on her fur.

"Hey hun. Where's Kyle? You guys don't want to be late for your first day as juniors do you?" Jenny, Kyle's mom, said.

"I think he's just wondering what to wear for his first day Ms." I replied trying to forget the fact Kyle had kissed me and there was no way I was going to tell his mom I mean they're the only family I've got and I'm not sure telling someone their son just kissed me nude is the best thing to say. She gave me a friendly smile and then put a plate of pancakes on the table with a bottle of syrup next to it.

On the way to school Kyle didn't say anything to me and the moments I tried to speak I was at a loss for words. Once we arrived at the school I greeted my friends whom I haven't seen since last school year. Even though Kyle was nowhere to be found that kiss was just on my mind. In the middle of a class I asked to go to the restroom and bumped into Kyle just washing up as I entered. "Ky..." I fell over my words. He turned around and then tried to head towards the door way and that's when I couldn't stand it anymore. Placing my hand in front of Kyle I stopped him from exiting. He looked at me confused. Then I did the most fearful move of my life and pushed him against the wall and kissed him. Kyles eyes opened wide shocked by my movements then closed his eyes and joined me into the kiss. I felt that strange feeling in my chest that I had when we first kissed. I backed off leaving Kyle on the wall and felt the blush on my cheeks.

"But, I thought... that you... didn't want me?" Replied Kyle trying to shake of the shock.

"I... do want you I just don't didn't know... why... I mean I never thought you... of all people would... be gay I mean ... I don't even know if I'm..." He stopped my rambling with a kiss his tongue racing around my mouth I joined his tongue with mine. Kyle's hands ran down my back sending shivers down my spine as he grabbed my firm butt. "Ech em!" a voice interrupted. We both quickly turned around to see one of our friends, Andy. Andy was a handsome looking lion his mane always looking so perfectly groomed, and his fur seemed to glisten in the light whenever he entered a room, he was about the same height as me. He sat there arms crossed.

"Uhhh..." I mumbled trying to think of what to say but then Andy spoke up.

"When were you guys going to tell me you guys where... what exactly does this make you?" He said confused. After finally unfreezing and taking his hands of my butt Kyle got infront of me and pleaded. "Please don't tell anyone Andy I mean we're friends..." Andy stopped him "It's... ok I mean im no homophobe... and I won't tell anyone, promise. Now if you don't excuse me I really gotta pee." He said as he walked passed us and then to the stall. Suddenly realizing where we were we decided to hold off until we get back home.

The walk back home was amazing me and Kyle talked and laughed the whole way. It wasn't like we were dating, it was like our friend ship was even stronger.

"So and then the new literary teacher got up and wacked him with a book! Haha..." Ryan said laughing and I laughed too. I leaned over and hugged his arm and smiled. Kyle turned rapping his arms around me and kissed me. Then it started raining and we looked at each other and laughed. As we ran home in some hope of not getting to wet, we got to the door and just laughed at our soaked clothes. Kyle opened the door with his key since his mom was still at work and she usually doesn't get back until 6:30.

Talking and laughing about or day at school we made our way up stairs to our room. When we got in I noticed our clothes where making the carpet wet "We should take these off." I said gesturing to our clothes.

"Whoa your quick to get me out of my clothes." He snickered and grinned.

"Well I like to try new things" I laughed and smiled. This was the first time I actually played back with his jokes. It was fun....