The Scent of a Lover Part 14

Story by Castro Talon on SoFurry

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#14 of The Scent of a Lover

Part 14! And better yet, it's a sex part! WOOT! Just to let you guys know this is my second sex scene I have ever written so there may be a few mistakes yet but thanks to aacids advise I hope this one will be more detailed and exotic for you! Enjoy!

(Talbain's view)

I was slowly started to regain my sight. It was so blurry down here and still pretty dark. There are little bubbles of light in various places around this dark room. My eyes slowly got back complete focused vision and I looked around my new surrounding.

This place seemed fimilar, like I've been here before. The ground was covered in this clean but obviously old carpet that was brown. The walls though were a cream like cover. The room though was completely bare. Not a single decoration or peice of anything to rest on or something.

That was before I remembered how I got here first.

"Wait...Collin....did he drug me?" I said dreamlike to myself.

I started to move but soon noticed the position I was in! My hands were tied together and a chain came down from the ceiling that was very tight and made my hands and arms useless. My hands were placed just above my head and I could only wiggle them a bit, but otherwise they were tied up!

I tried to kick my way free but soon I discovered that my feet had also been bound! Two chains and collars, one for each foot, spread my legs apart and I couldn't move them either! The source of the chains were on the ground and completely out of my reach. What the hell was going on?!

That was before of course I saw the out fit I was in. I had these strange leather pads on my shoulders and they were a tight fit!. There was also a two leather collars around my chest that crossed each other and formed an X around my pecs and muscles.....And that was my whole outfit....I was otherwise completely naked.

"Wait.....Drugged?..Bound?....Oh god....Collin...he wouldn't!" I said looking at my outfit and chains.

As I said that a door opened and a figure emerged from the bright light outside. The light was quickly gone when he shut the door and stepped into the candlelight.

When he did, my jaw dropped and I grew a bit erect at the exotic sight before me. Collin in dark leather clothing giving the sexiest smile I have ever seen him give.

His outfit had dark leather leggings that went from his ankles to his upper thighs, they also went between Collins feet and showed his toes and heel. His arms were also covered with the same dark leather that covered his strong sexy legs. They went from his wrists to halfwat between his shoulder and elbow.

Pretty much imagine yourself in a one peice swimsuit, except everything that didn't need to be covered was....and everything that needed to be covered wasn't. The leather was the same type as mine and with the candle light it shined off the leather making both of us looked oiled up or something.

Collin approached me slowly giggling at the position I was in.

"Well, well, A horny sexy human and a muscle bound werewolf....what fun we will have Talbain." Collin said seductively and rubbing my chest and circling around me.

Oh god! He was in charge now!

"Wait! Collin! Umm please I'm sorry for being so physical with you! It won't happen again I swear!" I begged in my helpless position.

Collin stood in front of me and pressed our bodies together. The feel of his smooth yet hard skin was so arouzing, I felt his cock rub against mine and sent shivers of both pleasure and nervousness up my entire being. Collin was also humping our cocks together both growing more erect with each hump. This was a torturous tease!

Collin then gently felt my abs and pecs and kissed me deeply and passionatly, this time his tongue entered mine and made my tongue his personal slave and explored all around my mouth. His warm soft tongue pressed against every soft and wet corner of my mouth as I blushed a bright red under my fur and my went sleepy again.

I think he both humped me and kissed me for a whole minute before he broke the kiss and licked my cheek. That was a werewolf tradition of marking a mate and claiming said mate his property, like I did to Collin before. It was only when Collin pushed his body away that I realized he did in fact rub oil on himself before all of this.

The oil went down my chest and was now making my abs even more soft for his sexual desires.

"Begging already Talbain? But we haven't even started yet." he stoking my cock gingerly and licking it completely wet. My chains rattled at the feeling of his warm soft tonuge lick my erect cock clean.

"Ah! Please wAIt! oh yea, I'll never kiss you OH! Deeply again! I swear!" I begged hoping for him to forget his revenge.

I was already leaking of precum and Collin licked that too and had some on his fingers which he licked right in my face like it was some treat. I was already panting and had my tongue out. My arms were killing themselves to have Collin to continue sucking my already erect cock and going to burst seed soon. I knew this was all just a teasing game for him! And it was horrible for me!

"This is what I went through everytime you kissed me deeply but never did it all the way with me. Must suck doesn't it?" He said posing his cock in front of me.

I only nodded my head, there was no doubt...this sucked but yet felt so good!

"Now to make you forever mine" Collin said walking behind me looking at-

Oh NO! My...hole.

"Please Collin I swear! I'll cook your meals or anything!" I said wishing he would stop.....but truth was I didn't want him to stop.

Wait a minute....this something I-HANG ON A SECOND!

"Wait a minute! This leather is the same leather I got at the blacksmith awhile ago isn't it?!" I yelled a bit mad.

This was suppose to be my plan! Except Collin was suppose to be in this position while I was the one teasing him! I turned my head as far I could behind me and saw Collin smiling evily at me.

"Yep! I saw what was in that crate and knew it wasn't good news for me! So I decided to get you first!" Collin said putting 2 of his still precum cover scented fingers in his mouth lubercating them.

"Wh-What are you doing?!" I demanded

"Just-loosening you up a bit." Collin replied with and evil smile and refering to the first time we had sex, when I pressed my tonuge into his virgin hole lubricating and loosening it up. I even said the same thing.

Collin shoved the fingers into me and I yelped that fingers unstoppable penatration into me. I felt his wet fingers wiggle around my insides and indeed loosen them up. My legs were nearly giving in, and we haven't even started the real deal!

After minutes of the agonizing teasing Collin decided my insides were soft and loose enough for his cock to enter. I was both blushing and embarrassed by this experience. He was indeed making me his. I rattled my chains one last time and knew it was helpless for me to turn the tables into my favor.......why was I even thinking that? I want Collin to make me his.

Collin grabbed his erect cock and whispered into my ear.

"I've gotten bigger you know." He said knowing that would only please me more.

"Make me-Make me yours Collin" I said softly back.

Collin wrapped one of his arms around my chest and gripped onto my oil covered chest that felt like cotton to him and pressed his tip into me. I gasped at the feeling of bliss enter through my hole and knew I wanted to continue to feel this pleasure.

It was to bad I was chained up like this. There was no doubt in my mind that my legs wouldn't last through this and that my arms wanted to grip around something or Collin. But now...I was in his control. Collin was panting as much as I was to and for the first time seemed concerned for my opinion.

"You ready?" he asked

"Yeah" I replied after a few more pants.

I felt a slow thrub and stiff cock enter my hole, making the loosening with the fingers almost useless. I was already having a small orgasm as Collin pressed deeper and deeper into me. I could already feel my knees giving out to the tingling going through my entire body.

I wanted to say I was in pain but the blissful and wonderful feeling in my hole and heart said I was in complete paradise. I felt Collins balls hit my butt cheeks and knew he had reached as deep he could. He pulled out slowly and when I felt the absense of the cock leave my insides alone. I felt...empty, Collin pull out his lubricated cock until it was about 3/4's of an inch in.

Suddenly, using his entire body and force he could master he slammed the next thrust into me causing me to yelp and shout in both pleasure and pain.

"AAAAAAHHH YEAH! DON'T STOP! OOHHH! YES! MAKE ME YOURS" I shouted at Collin, feeling his member pressed violently into me and slid easily out.

Collin and I orgasmed at least 5 times throught the whole ordeal. His member pressed in and out of my hole that I swear he was somehow getting deeper and deeper into me! His thrusts were more powerful and I could only tell by the corner of my eye that he was blushing as much as I was.

I felt Collin's body tense up after awhile and knew his seed would enter me soon. He smacked my butt and gripped on to my waist his thrusts being slower and more rhythmic with each thrust. I think Collin wanted to believe he could knot me as his balls where right there to my hole.

I think it was shame to how he couldn't

"AH! TALBAIN!" Collin shouted as his seed exploded into me sending shockwaves of ecstasy into me.

"COLLIN!" I howled as I felt the seed enter deep into me.

The seed had went so deep into me and was backflowing out of my hole. But Collin's balls nearly into my hole stopped most of it from falling out.

Collin was gripping my fur hard and I knew it was because his legs had given out and he wanted to stand up throught the whole thing and afterword. My legs had long given out to the tingling before and would be useless right now. We were both breathing heavily. Collins deep, heavy, and steady breathing brushing my back fur while mine was aimed down at my chest pushing was little still wet oil there was to my own throbing member.

I don't know how I didn't blast, but I knew I was close. Collin put his mouth near my ear and whisper softly.

"I love you Talbain. Be there for me always." he whispered softly.

"I am forever yours Collin" I said back in between my breaths

With that we stood there for awhile before I heard 3 clicks first my legs then my wrists. I fell to the ground only my elbows would be the only things to stop myself from falling face first into the ground. Collin laid down completely on the ground showing his hole in my sights.

I looked at him despite the exhaustion I had to know one thing.

"Collin? Did you pressed so hard against me because you wanted to believe you could knot me?" I asked refering to the his balls nearly into me.

Collin sighed loudly.

"Yeah. I know it can't be done but I wanted to believe I could. I wish....I could tie you and for you to be forever mine."

Despite the torture he gave me before I smiled at the thought. I crawled over to him and with my jelly like legs I swooped them around his waist and pressed my own member into him. He was very relaxed from the sex before so I there was no need to lubricate him....that and I was also tired as hell.

I heard Collin moan in pleasure with each thrust I barley managed to give." I am pretty sure my legs are going to have to be amputated from the numbness their in" I said in my mind

It didn't take long for my knot to form. I smiled at it and knew the hidden meaning behind it. I whisper into Collin's ear.

"I am forever yours and now you will be forever mine" I said softly.

I don't know what energy got into me but suddenly I started thrusting heavily into Collin making him shout and moan loudly in pleasure. My knot was begging entrance into his insides after what seemed like minutes.

Finally I saw Collin's hole open just a bit wider and I forced my knot into him sending bolts of bliss into me and surely into him. We both howled loudly and know what we knew would be our eternal mates forever by this action. My seed blasted into Collin and blast back to my knot stopping most of my seed from leaving his.

Here we were both having each others seed in us and both tired and exhausted beyond all belief. I laid right on top of Collin and I used his back as a pillow. Collin used his arms as his pillow as I wrapped my arms around his waist again and we both drifted into sleep.

"And imagine." Collin said nearly asleep with his eyes closed.

"What?" I asked

"When you rule the Krisa kingdom we can do this everynight if we wished" he said opening one eyes and looking at me.

"Yeah...that would be my dream come true" I said licking his back and falling asleep.

"Talbain......I love you.....I am forever yours." Collin said

"And I'm forever yours Collin." I said drifting to sleep.

Well I hope it was....alright X3. Again any problems or advise you could give me in the future would greatly be appreciated! Thank you all! ^_^