Family Ties Ch. 1

Story by Tyson Shadowfur on SoFurry

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You know how they say "when the shit hits the fan start running"? Well, this fan was by far too big to outrun.

Of course, when a genocidal race of white supremesists invade all of Europe and most of Russia it is expected that this "fan" would be pretty damn big.... But that hardly covers it.

Weeks after the totalitarian group "the White Reich" began its invasion, millions of people suffered from the effects of chlorine based gases which in turn ment the Reich soldiers were breaking treaty after treaty, one at a time.

The Reich included most of Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, parts of France and its basis: Germany. This destructive new race of white supremesists became known for wearing strange armor and shooting any one on sight.

Firing squads of shadowed men, in skull-shaped masks and long grey trench-coats, came with black machine guns and assault rifles, breaking into homes and killing all of the original inhabitants.

Oddly enough they took nothing leaving the bodies and everything else where it lay, rumors that the men inside of the masks were little more than skin and bones, that they were hell's eternal guardians, reaching up from underground to cleanse the Earth of mortals.

I know the truth, of course.

For I am one of them.......

My name's not important, among other things, besides in the reich's Facist army we are only known by serial numbers printed along our spines.

They did hellish things to us in the Reich's hospitals.... Some of us are less than human, some of us shot ourselves as soon as we were given a weapon, some of us just stopped doing anything and just stood there, not even blinking until we were gunned down by a Reich firing squad.

Implants, tracking devices, internal adrenalyine stores, anything to make us more than human or fur... Unfortuanetly half of us lost everything in the process...

The initiations were the worst.

We were lined up in front of our famillies as our childhood homes burned and were forced to watch them be shot.... Then we had to shoot one of our own choosing.

It nearly broke me, the only thing keeping me sane was the almost father-like guidance of the officer assigned to me.

I was taught to shoot, build, fight and endure with this man and the other children till I reached the age of 16.... Then it all went to hell.

As a final test, we were crowded into a circular room filled with hoses, all of us nakid, this was the last I saw of the other boys.

We were forced to kill eachother.

As gas seeped into the room we all began to cry at the strange biting and acidic feeling in our eyes. Our skin began to redden with every passing second and scars criss-crossed our veins, opening gashes and spilling blood everywhere.

a light in the darkness appeared; a semi-auto with six rounds in it.

I watched, spell-boundidly horrified, as the first boy turned the gun on himself. A flash of light, a crack of gunshot and a sickening crunch as his limp body hit the ground.

You can guess the rest.

I emerged, scar-covered and bloody from the gas chamber and then the true horrors began.

Injections, diagnosises, blood transfusions, castratration and many surgeries later I was given a mask and was ready to wreak hell on the world.

My sanity was ground down to a measily, little strip and it was pissed.

Life on the other side was quite different but also shadowed in darkness.

Mark Domarkis, the average wolf child of his generation, never expectedm to live half his life underground at all. He hated the darkness and the low groaning of machines in the depths of his ancient pre-war bunker.

His life's ambition was to be a soldier, like his uncle, who told him stories of the world above and what Germany had been like before the "Reich bastards" had taken over. It had been peaceful and lush with plants but was now little more than a wasteland filled with military installations and extremely poisonous clouds driven by the wind.

It sounded horrible but even so Mark longed to fight in the trenches, respirator clinging to his face and rifle in his paws, ready to face down the strange skeleton-men with black-peircing eyes that would kill you on sight.

Instead he was forced to work on the heavy machinery with their never-ending noise and problems. His father had told him it was for somthing that he would need someday more than anything else in a letter but nothing more....

The letters stopped when Mark turned ten the letters stopped coming..............

This is really just the informational chapter of the story and I hope you liked the little bit of the twisted world that is family ties that I managed to cram into one chapter and belive me there's plenty more to come........

Family Ties Ch.2

The darkness swallowed up Mark the way it usually did as he entered the tunnels deep below the dusty old bunker that he had lived his entire life in. The dank smell of teppid water and dust filled his nose as his boots scuffed the old,...

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Bonfire Pt 2

Suddenly Jake snapped out of it, this wasn't just some random person he could fuck, this was Kiba. His best friend... There was no way in hell was he going to screw that up by making things weird between them. Sure it seemed okay now but Kiba was...

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It's about time I wrote a new story the last one i wrote was about two years ago.. People seem to like my writing though so I'm going to start again :D This story is partly dedicated to my friend Kiba Whitewolf from FaceBook who is probably my best...

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