The Shade Cheonicles: The Time Complex: Section 2:Say my name

Story by ShadyDANIEL on SoFurry

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My second section for my Series.

The Shade Chronicles:The Time Complex Section 2: Say My Name Copy Right Warning: Pokemon doesn't belong to me what so ever, as it belongs to the Pokémon Company, the Call of Duty: Black Ops weapon the 'Scavenger' belongs to its respective owner, and the Aperture Science Quantum Portal Gun and the ideas of Portal belong to Valve(I think, it belongs to its respective owners, the game is so epic I need to have some inception-like stuff in here.) Alright, I finally got Section 1 done, and we are entering a magical section... Two. Special thanks to who ever I have Beta Read. Lord knows how many mistake I had made. Leg' go! Section 2: Say My Name 1326 Hours, Somewhere above the Upper Coastal Forest in the Kanto Region, CO B.O.-S.O Capt. Daniel "Shade" We rode for about ten minutes, until the pilot slowed, and shook a thumbs down three times. "'Ight, this is your stop, rappel down, and good luck." I yell back, as I was in the secondary pilot's seat. Squad 113, Loony, and PJ started to hook their rappel lines into the carabiner slot on the floor. I gave a thumbs up to Squad 113's Lead, and he was the first off, followed by PJ and Looney, and the rest of Squad 113 was on the other side of the hold. Lis started to pull the ropes up, and was back in her seat in under three minutes, finished. I turned back, and we slowly flew to the trenches. "Floorman, get ready for any RPGs, or the sort, I want this bird intact for HillTop's dethroning. Gunners, start up the cannons, Lis, ready your sniper, this time we take Kanto!" I start shouting orders. "Can I have the stick?" I ask the pilot. "She's all yours. I'll take the radio, and type in what to do and what to burn so it's on your HUD!" He says. "Stick is mine. We are now 20 yards from our front line, radio that we now take To-Go orders." I call out. "This is Hunter-239, we can now fire in the target zones, tell us where to make it Rain!" the now-radioman cooly speaks into the Air-Ground Radio. "Okay, shut the buckets, we talk on our channel now, it's gonna be too loud to yell!" I bark out, before pulling down my helmet and sealing it. With a puff of cool air, the helmet pressurized to make its own environment. I tasted the metallic filtered oxygen, and exhaled. I was in my zone. I saw a flash, then the HUD show dozens of little red pyramids in the enemy's trench. "This is Seeing Eye 16, now in position above target area. They can't hide from the Seeing Eye! Hope this helps, Hunter-239. Burn 'em out, preferably painfully, for us up here. I'll inform you for anything major." Exclaimed a slightly static-voice from my speakers. Apparently we had something like a BlackBird scouting for us. Sweet. "Copy that, Seeing Eye. Down here it just got fun. Thanks, we are now going to initiate the op." I speak happily through the Mic. "Alright, everyone use the eyes in the sky to take 'em out!" I bark into the BlackHawk's channel. Four green acknowledgement lights blinked twice on the left side of the HUD. I started to make a dipping strafe to clear out a small section of the trench, then started to hover just above the trench. I heard the whine then loud barking of Gatling guns, and smiled as the trench became like that little indented area in a gym's shower room to carry the water to the drain, only much, much bloodier, and chunkier, too. I quickly switched to the GroCoAdvance channel, then quickly relayed my message. "Dear all ground forces, feel free to run across no-man's land mostly unscathed at your pleasure. I'm going to take out any thing not in the trench via missiles, but hurry, secure the area, before we get stuck somewhere not dug in right." I fired a pair of short missiles at an advancing tank. It took them, but was destroyed on the inside because one of them slid under it before detonating, an the other jammed into the piece of Canopy that had a small opening to prevent the shells from overheating. I lifted the BlackHawk up, and started to lay waste to the dug-in armor a bit back. I decided it was a Priority One target, and a single Bunker Buster ballistics missile dug in deep in their forward bulwarks, then promptly blew up the entire entrenched position. We should now be bringing in our armor, seeing it was clear. "Okay, some one bring the mobile bridges! Our armored divisions are getting to the trenches, and we need to get them across NOW!" I bark into the SatCom. This revealed a very Irish accent, German, and an American accent pulled into one strange yell. Meh, I got my wish, which was several large Chinook-looking planes carrying pieces to a bridge. They quickly set them down, and departed as fast as they had came. I watched the tanks, trucks, tankers, Mobile Artillery, Jeeps, some Portable Medical Platforms(they resembled the bridge of a Cruise ship, but smaller, and about took up the entire bridge as they crossed, and some other stuff I couldn't tell, due to that a emergency call came to me. "This is Staff Sgt. Roam, my platoon is pinned down by Elite Troopers, and we have wounded. Some one, anyone, please, respond!" Came a distressed yet calm voice quivered as it played through my helmet. "This is Hunter-239, light a beacon or flare to let me pinpoint your location, heading towards the way your call came. Over." I offered. "On it. Last I could tell, we were about two clicks due East from Rally Point Bravo, and we can hardly take potshots at them! I think they want to trick the heavies into a trap." "Copy, I am up high, and Seeing Eye has my ass covered. I am maybe 200 yards away, and a Medical ship is tailing me at a safe distance. Keep your heads lower then they are, as I'm pulling a Danger Close." I inform him. "Copy. Flare out." A bright green flare flashed up ahead, and I went full throttle to our platoon. "Take the stick once I finish the fireworks, and keep her steady as I'm sniping." I order the other pilot beside me. He nodded. As I broke the small tree line around the position, it wasn't pretty. The Charlies were hiding in the edge of the trees, easily invisible to the Platoon. "Okay, gunners, I hate to order this, destroy the trees all around their position, use HE rounds. We can't let this Platoon die. Sweep when firing." I speak calmly into our channel. I start to burn, shatter, mangle, disintegrate, pulverize, and mow down the trees with my revolving cannon and missiles. Plumes of dirt, wood, leaves, and bloodied limbs flew up skyward as I obliterated the enemy forces. When the returning fire stopped, I shifted the stick to him, grabbing my Scavenger behind my seat in one, fluid motion. I quickly strap my cable in, and rappel the short five yards down. I land in a crouch, aiming the Scavenger at the demolished trees. I turned on the Aura-Lens piece, and checked again. All was dead. I disengage it and switch the Scav for my rifle. I crouch-run to the closest entrance of the small above-ground bunker that the platoon had taken, and push myself into the wall beside the door. "Poké?" I shout in. "Dex!" came from inside. Out of the several correct responses, that was the answer to signify that it was a hostage situation. Since it was always a mystery to the Half-Island Alliance, they had no idea what it meant, it assumed that it was an all-clear signal. It's not. "Got it, a round hit one of the hinges, let me work this." I casually answer, kicking at said hinge, while silently placing a Breaching Charge on the front. "Okay, I can't open it, so I'm going to try to shoulder it open. Stand back from the door about two feet!" I yell out, slamming my fist down on it, making it sound like it's true. What I had actually told them was that I had planted said charge on the door. "Got it, thanks for savin' us! We nearly ran out of ammo! There's only 13 mags left to us, but the HMG had only two cases left! I can't wait to get back to base, where they had good Caf for once!" The radioman answered. He just told me some important things. One, they were held hostage by 13 Foxtrots. Two, two of them had full-auto guns aimed at the door. Three, the 'cases' mention that they were by said HMG. Four, they were ready to jump the guards when I breached, and that they were ready for flashbang. I held the det in between my thumb and index finger, while I cooked a flashbang in my other three fingers. When two seconds were left, I hit the det, and was starting to under hand the 'bang when the charge went. I kept up the fluid motion, bring my rifle to bear, and was aiming at the window which earlier I saw had the HMG poking out. Sure enough, two rifle - toting zoroark was aiming at me. I double tapped, dropping them both at once, while pulling my SOG knife from its sheath, throwing it at the shotgun-wielding Foxtrot to my left. I only needed to do that as the platoon jumped the guards assigned to them. I was aiming at a guard when I felt some one on my right about to shank me via aura. I throw my right arm out, catching the guy in the temple with the hand hold on the bottom of the rifle. He was sent spinning back, dazed. I sensed another behind me, so I crouched as I did a low roundhouse, kicking him on his ankles. He fell, and I managed to blast out his brain. As I started to get, the first guy tried to get me again. I turn and try to block with my rifle, but he knocked it aside. I grabbed his wrist, stopping his shank. I push him back, and he charges, but I'm ready for him, as he shanked, I side-stepped, grabbed his wrist, and kept moving, due to his forward momentum. I jerked his arm back, which snapped the shoulder somewhere, and as he turned around, he ran the knife through his throat, as it was positioned from the snap, and him turning. He slumped to his knees, and tried to reach for his throat, and as a finishing move, I pulled my titanium and poly carbonate boot up, and slammed it into his face. He flew back about four feet, and stopped moving. I pulled out the X-7 pistol, and walked over to the trooper that was impaled on my knife. I saw his video recorder, used to figure how they died if broadcasted or manually retrieved, and his was broadcasting. A sergeant walked up to me. "You Shade?" He questioned in a gruff voice. "B.O.-C.O. Commanding Officer Captain Daniel 'Shade,' Squad 115, Cryogenic Storage Division Lead. What?" I ask coldly. "Captain, I thank you for saving us. Twice. Apparently these guys were laying in wait for a platoon of us to pop up. The idiots outside didn't know, hence the beautiful set-up. Very nice handy work on the door entry. And good CQC, too. I think we should get our wounded out, before they bleed out or get infected. Got a radio? They broke it one you sent your last message." He began. "Sure, here you go," I say, offering the handheld alternate radio I had on the side of my pack," just make sure you give the go ahead for the MedEvac that's above." I aim the pistol at the downed Foxtrot's helmet, and fire a single blast, ending his broadcast. And his life, too. "Curtain Call." Sub-Section 2: And Remember it! 1647 Hours, About one mile South of BlackThorn City, CO Capt. Daniel "Shade" "Okay, I'm personally glad at Today's results so far. We have taking most of the South half of Kanto. Soon, we will seize Black Thorn City, officially cutting off HillTop from the rest of Kanto. This is very good, as Kanto is the major food provider from the two Regions. Which makes it easier, as we have clear swathes of land to drive our armored forces. This will be the second hardest Operation you will have in your career. We have the biggest vehicle in history to use, which we are in. This is called The Zeus, and has enough munitions and artillery to level ANY target of our choice. Black Thorn city must remain standing, if only barely. Luckily, since we expected alot more squads to die, there has been more squads then roles, making this that much easier. We have only lost two Squads. If you're wondering, that's Squads 125 & 52. They were assigned to be supportive squads for the Trenches, but their assigned platoons were eliminated, they held a valuable area, which was our weakest flank, and killed over a battalion of Infantry, being overrun by the Wolf Pack, which is an Elite force of Mightiyena. They nearly killed them too, but it's now at a third of its fighting force. I think this can be your chance at revenge. Intel shows that BlackThorn isn't a small town anymore, and is bolstering a large army of its own. I plan for this to be mainly the people in this room to capture it. I know this bugs you, but this vessel will be a supporting asset. This has every type of artillery and weapon we got. The armory is yours to use, and the garage is too. I need some pilots for this, as the Hunters are the name of the air game. Tanks will be airdropped down, once the air clears out the LZs, and then the tanks and infantry will be landed and shall be taking the South area, because the North end will be set up like a line of sheer power. This allows the Hunters to loop around the mountain that is near by to get them from behind. This must be swift, as they will turn to engage, which allows the tanks to get some shells in, and allows footmen to move up. The tanks will need to also make a hole so that they and the infantry can enter the upper half of the city. I hope you get this done easily, as while Command is happy about everything else, but not a solo Op for just you guys alone. We need at least five Hunter crews, three tank crews, and mostly Infantry. Good Luck, you depart in about two hours." Was the our briefing. We scrambled out as fast as possible, hurrying to get Lunch, weapons, ammunition, Tech upgrades, and the like. I visited the armory first, and had my ammo back to its pre-mission count. I secondly headed to Lunch. They had soft tacos, which no one argued with. I then went to the Tech Lab. This was where we had adjustments made to our armor and its software. I got the update for the my main system, then I got to choose my 'Perks.' Which was just really a bunch of random add-ons to put in to assist you for what ever mission you had. I choose to get the 'Hard Landing' Perk, which made it so you could make your armor to produce an energy anti-ballistics shield around you, and made it so it would lock-up and prevent movement at all, making you practically invulnerable, but made you unable to move. It was like normal lock up, but a bit better. I then downloaded several other pilot-oriented stuff, and some other random stuff I wanted. I finally went to the other half of the Lab, which contained the armor pieces that were made or being tested. I stroll up to the Head Technician, and decided to see if I could get some armor changes. "Hello, are you the person I talk to about armor?" I ask. "Yes, I am. What do you want?" He asked. "Can I see your selection of helmets for now? I am somewhat wanting a new helmet for a special Op I'm doing." I explain. "Sure, we have several helmets that are specialized for certain combat roles. I have divided them into four groups; Specialized Designation, Vehicular Assistance, Special Operations, and Forward & Direct Observations. Which grouping would have the helmet for which you need?" He said. "Do you have a pilot's helmet in my version?" I ask meekly. "We have a PILOT helmet that would fit that perfectly. Would you like to modify it before you take it?" He answered. "Sure. Can you show it to me?" I request. "Okay, here." He replied, as he reached inside a drawer, and pulled it out. It was kinda large, but not like the "Fish Bowl" EVA helmet. But I liked it, as it provided a large enough view to make it perfect for flight. "What can I have added to it?" I ask eagerly. "We can change the visor color, add a hard-lined com, and a lower helmet chin guard to protect from hazardous environments. And I think we can do all of that." "Can you change the color to Black, and put all those things on it? And can you show me the shoulder plates, I hear that they have a lot of different kinds." "Sure, we have every variant of the helmet, so that works. And I can in fact show you." He answered. He reached deeper in, and pulled it out. I liked how the black visor made it less of a target. We walked to a wall with pairs of shoulder pads. I started looking at them, until I grabbed two I liked. One was a Right Shoulder only, but it had a wicked angled blade, making it great for slicing circular things, like throats. It also covered a lot, so it provided ample protection. The other one was like a shoulder-sized riot shield, but was thicker, pure titanium, had a white arrow pointed down, and was angled at the sides so to be protecting the front and back of your shoulder. I like it because it guarded your head a lot. He nodded, then paged for a technician. He arrived, then removed my old plates, and screwed the new ones to my shoulders. "Chestpiece?" I question. "Sure." He replied. We went down further, and there was a rack of them. I immediately saw the one with my name on it. It was largely thicker then the others, but had a LOT of ordnance hanging on the chest. It also had a grenade belt full of grenade launcher rounds. "I want that, I want that good." I laugh out, making a Gir reference from everyone's favorite cartoon, Invader Zim. "Sure, I shall call for the team of technicians. We have the piece of kit to go with it too, if you like." He off-handedly remarked. "Please?" "Fine." I felt happy. I stepped back, and the team of techs managed to get the armor piece on me in under three minutes. I like that. One also changed my left thigh-pad, an replaced it with much thicker one, which had a indestructible pack on the side. They changed much of my other armor, and was now hulkier. I noticed it said I could lift triple the old amount. Sweet. He then handed me a weird looking weapon, which was shaped like the grenade launcher version to my rifle, but was thicker, and had a little 2x1 blue display, which had angling lined on it. He had a second one, and showed me how to load and reload it, and how the two modes worked, which had a remote detonation, and a normal one that made it blow up after a bit, too. "Thank you very much, this should be perfect if they manage to land a shot on my gunship or myself. I need to get to the garage now, so thanks and good bye!" I said, heading out. "Anytime." He called. I stopped by the armory, and dropped off the attachment, as I no longer needed it. I then pocketed some more ammo, due to that the belt was meant to be as a back up. I clambered into the hold, set my weapons in a crash-webbing behind my seat, sat down, and started to initiate the start up. Once it finished, and the propellors were at Standby speed, I checked for my passengers. PJ walked over, and sat beside me. "All of the people riding out on this is present. Also, Lis is about to get on, and she's taking the Floor man's gun. And we have some new add-ons for the Hunter. She's arriving with them now." He explained, pulling on his helmet when he finished. "Got it, what kind of add-ons?" I reply. "Some one thought the cockpit wasn't crowded enough, so there's new shields to protect us if we are fired at." He sighed out, in a private channel. "Nice." Was his reply. Alyssa entered, with these weird plates. She tapped the center of my helmet and turned to fit the add-ons. First made a slot that would hold that had two sliding plates, so the gunner could hear from pilots, or more likely to relay info to said pilot. The other piece fit so it cut the cabin in half. Once they were fit on, she slid into the depression for the gunner. "Shouldn't you fly the Hunter now, by the way?" She asked shifting so her nice ass disappeared. I sighed,"Maybe, but your taunting me in the cruelest ways." I lift the Hunter up, and sent it towards the Hanger Bay's door. I noticed PJ's I.D. tag in the corner of my eye. 'Secondary Head Hunter's Radioman, Head of Forward Observations & Infantry.' I laughed, knowing why that made me. I need to do something. "This is Head Hunter-239, all pilots, status report. Over." I ask into the channel for the AirOps channel. "This is Side Slap 32, we are to the far most left of ya." Came a southern accent. "This is Ascension 85, right behind and slightly above you, sir. Over." Came a woman's brisk voice. "Camper Alert 64 is at the back, over." Played a deadpan toned voice. "Incessant Whining 472, sir, and we want better Caf." Was an young man's voice. "Copy that, Side Slap 32, Ascension 85, Camper Alert 64, and Incessant Whining 472, and I don't want lip on the Caf, we had to get it rushed, so maybe we can get our Caf after we start Bi-winning again. Over and Out." I answer, mirth enterring my voice at the end. We flew in the silence of lack of talking. Then, the first signs of our objective appeared, which was smoking bunkers, burnt out vehicles, and bodies. The streets and sidewalks were pockmarked with the gaps left by artillery. I saw a gas station burning from the gasoline tank burning underneath the concrete. I even thought I saw a tumbleweed blow across a street. Soon, we saw signs of our forces embedded into the ground, with bunkers, foxholes, sniper posts, checkpoints, and tanks. "This must be the group that shall reinforce us if called for. I'm going to contact them. Over and out." I comment to the other pilots. "This is Lead Hunter-239 to nearby ground forces, do you copy? Over." I call out into the com. "Copy that, Hunter. This is the HA/DV Bottoms Up, we read you loud and clear. Are you the Unfrozen? Over." Came a gruntled voice. "Yes, yes I am. We came to take Black Thorn, if you don't mind. Over." I reply. "I wouldn't mind at all, in fact, we have been trying to take it, but we can't seem to get a hold. Can you help? Over." He asked. "Well, if we make some noise and 'accidentally' blow open a very large hole that would allow a full-on push un-bottle necked, I think we can help. You game? Over." I innocently reply. "That might work, I'll start to mobilize my platoons. Over and out." He finishes. I switch my channel back to the AirCom. "Okay, when we hit the South end, be careful to blow a hole open so we can have some fun with our friendlies, got it? Over and out." I tell my forces. They all lit up a small green acknowledgement light in my HUD. We started to curve around the West side mountain, and when we finished, we saw our city. "Wonderful." I mutter. The city was built in armored layers, so we would have to get some large support if we had a shot at it. I had an idea. "Bottoms Up, do you copy, this is Hunter 239? Over." I ask, switching once again. "Copy, Hunter, what is it?" He asked. "Does your Infantry have BioHazard suits? Over." I ask carefully. "They do, in fact, as the Halvies love to use Bio Weapons. Why? Over." He responds. "Got it, just wondering. Over and out." I reply. I switch to the SatCom channel. "This Lead Hunter-239, pilot B.O.-S.O. Capt. Daniel 'Shade,' I need a request. Does the Unova Region happen to have an old virus deemed Nova 6 in its archives? Over." I ask. About two minutes later, they answered. "We do, and it's quite old, two decades older then you, why do you ask? Over." Came a brisk voice, likely a Navy NCO. "How much do you have? Over." "We have about thirty large original containers, what about it? Over." He dully responds. "I need a low bomber to drop about ten inside of these targets," I ask, starting to send in a map," Target Ascend, Target Fox, Target Home, Target Greentree, and Target Hace. Over." I answer. "Your getting creative, Captain. I can see about it. Over and out." He replies, monotonous. "Bottoms Up, Copy?" I call out again. "Copy that 239, what is it?" He requested. "Can you order your men to put on their gas mask when they hear a low-strike bomber inbound, and make sure they obey, because I ordered a highly dangerous toxin that will boil them alive in their skin to be dropped upon the enemy's position, and they are going to be entering the gassed area, so I hope you see the importance of wearing the mask. The good news is that you can get some damage into your helmet before the Toxin gets in, because of its consistency, it can't enter through small cracks, but it can through larger ones. Hopefully, you shouldn't have to worry about any resistance, because it will kill any living being as far as I know of. My Squads should be fine, because of their cellular structure which has damaged and slightly changed from the freezing, and we aren't full Pokémon. Over." I explain. "Well, I guess if you think it's that bad, we can go and advance with mask on, but one thing? Over." He asked. "Yes? Over." I reply. "What does it look like? Over." He questioned. "It looks like a pus green, it is slightly heavier then air, so it will stick around for a bit. But anything they can conjure won't stop it, I seen it do some horrible stuff. It isn't too flammable, but it won't stop fires from burning. Make sure you don't inhale any. If your men cone in contact with it for the shortest time, it will probably kill them. Death occurs from 18 seconds to about 42 seconds. Healthy victims last the longest. This is somewhat volatile, so don't let too much chemicals come in contact with it, because it could be different if you added things to it. I hope this works, because they're dug in much deeper then you imagine. I remember when Humankind used it as a last resort in an attempt to exterminate large numbers of Pokémon, but there were too many, and we had to stop, due to the fact it killed everything. Plants, micro-organisms, and it damaged water. I think this will be a good test to see if we can quickly win a war with it. Over and out." I finish, and hear the far off roar of a bomber. "Okay, everybody, seal your helmets, I have Nova 6 gas being dropped on Black Thorn, we can't take it otherwise. I think we all know the effects of what happens. I know this will bring back some memories, but we need to take out the forces, then we can remember. Over and out." I dryly tell my Unfrozen. All flash green acknowledgement lights in response. They bomber flys by, and grey canisters can be seen falling out of it. I watch as they break apart mid-flight, and the pustule green color of the gas starts to make a cloud and sinks down upon the city. I feel a small chill, and the voices start to whisper to me, as I know what was just done. Soon, a whole city will be killed in under three minutes, no shots fired. "Alright, let's finish this." I mutter into the mic. "We understand, Daniel. We were there with you, in that horrific hour. We watched and saw with you, remember? You know what needs to be done to win. We follow you because we respect you. I'll make a hole for the ground forces, just go and make sure we can get this done." Incessant Whining's pilot said, he was right. I remembered that day the most. It was all of us, a small surgical strike force, all of us aged from 16 to about 22, when we were fighting off an attack by Pokémon somewhere in Texas. It was a large bunker complex that housed many refugees and victims of the war. It had most of our families in it. We were entrenched when it happened, they were overrunning us, and we had to pull back. They had dug to the bunker underground, and were killing refugees left and right. That killed my father. A Flareon burned him to death. I was with my closest friends, now my Squad, when that happened. We tried so hard, but they had numbers and two places of attack, an the U.S. Army thought we were all dead, and so gassed the entire area with Nova 6. We had gas mask to protect us from attacks like StunSpore, but not the refugees. I watched as they boiled inside their skin, vomit up their stomach acid, and their skin bubble and melt. That killed my mother, my step-sister, and my uncle. We got spread apart, practically blind due to the thickness of the gas, and I saw the horrors of corpses start to melt, and they spasmed because of the virus melting their nerves, which was horrifying to watch lots of bodies spontaneously start to spasm about. I was lost there, my old self burned away with the gas. I was caught by some group of Ghost-Type Pokémon, as they were immune to it. I was too stunned to even try to resist. They took me to the infamous Area 51, where the U.S. had experimental aircraft, and some secret weapons, like a dry-wet converter, which made programmed things become living organisms. They also had some weird life-preserving Cryogenic Chambers, which were designed to gas you them freeze you, but the gas prevented cell degeneration. And that's how I got here. Back in the present, I lead the Hunter formation to the LZ. The Squads that chose to go Infantry rappelled into the green fog, now invisible from above. "Ground Lead, do you copy? Over." I ask into my mic. "Somewhat garbled from the gas, but copy. It's more visible down under the thick of the cloud, but we can operate here. Over." Was Ground Lead's radioman's reply. "Copy, precede with caution, something might be immune to it down there. I'm going to blow open the first set of blockades. Over." I answer, somewhat relieved. "Copy that. We have a mess here. It now apparently can be stored for several thousand years, and not be affected in the least bit. Wait, I think I see some one, what the hell is with him? He isn't dead? How can that be? Nova 6 would have killed anything by now! Hey, Corporal, look at his eyes, aren't they- no, that's impossible, they seem to be glowing orange! Captain, what is that?" He barks in the mic quickly, scared. "I don't know, give it a warning, then shoot it once if it doesn't stop." I glance worriedly into the thick gas below the Hunter. After about seven seconds, a shot rang out, and a throaty moan sounded. "Sir, it barely flinched! I shot it in the heart, and it didn't stop! It's started to limb faster toward us! Oh God, what's happening?" He cries out. "Shoot its head." I blankly stated. Another shot sounded, and I listened carefully. "It dropped, but I think its eyes stopped glowing before it dropped down. What was that? I'm scared man, this is some messed up shit!" He exclaimed. "I'm dropping down, that isn't right. Stay put, aim for the head if more come. I need to analyze this firsthand. Copy that?" I tell him. "Yes sir. Copy." He hurriedly spoke. I switch the stick to PJ, then com the other Hunters. "This is Lead Hunter-239, I want all ground Squads to form up on my location. If you see some one, look at their eyes. If they glow orange, give them a third nose hole. If they move, and they aren't on our side, do the same. Something is not right. I'm going dirt-side. All gunships, if a Rain call comes, light up that target, I'm getting our FoF tags to show up on the HUD. I think I have an idea about what's going on." I order the Unfrozen. I tap Loony on the shoulder, and she nodded as we stood up to clip in. We both rappel down, rifles in one hand, other guarding the line as we fall. We both land, checking each other's Six. I motion for her to follow, and we advanced toward the last spot our ground Squad had radioed from. We arrived, and saw them looking around, anxious for some one to help them. "Squad 45, this is Shade, about ten yards of your Six. Do you Copy?" I call into my com, and watched as two of them swiftly turned and spotted us. "Copy, we see you. We saw another one of those... Things. I hoped you were gonna be here soon. Are you our only back up?" Was my reply. "Nope, we have the other ground Squads inbound. They should be here soon. Show me one of the things." I inform him. He points to one of them, and two of his Squad go and drag it over. It was indeed killed by Nova 6, and the shot to the face. Its eyes were glazed over, and seemed dull, like they were gone-out lights. It looked like a human, but a Pokémon at the same time. Suddenly, Gengar's face was about two inches away from mine, and I naturally punched it. It hurt it, enough for it to scream in agony. "Bitch. That is why I never get too close to a corpse. Right there. See that Mother?" I yell at my oblivious Squad team. "We'll kill it now..." He sighs, embarrassed. They mow it down with some special round. I think they're blessed silver bullets. I sigh, annoyed by this. "All ground-side Squads, proceed as normal, damn Genger." I order my Squads. "Copy." Came by the plenty. I signaled to the Hunter-239, and climbed up the rope to the cabin. I wordlessly get back in my seat, and PJ gives me the stick. The first signal to rain down lead came about three minutes later, to open up the last pair of gates. "All nearby ground forces, I would back up, because I'm about to knock." I sweetly remarked into my com. "Oorah!" Came several ground leads' yelling. I aimed, and let loose a hell storm of high-explosive Gatling gun rounds, and was proud of how the missile lit up in a grand fireworks display, after PJ fired them. "They might need to oil their hinges more often..." Lis commented. "Squad 115, Stray Dogs, do you copy?" Played through the SatCom channel, significantly shutting everyone up. "115 Lead, we copy." I formally answer, I mean, we can be reached via our long-range signal, so interrupting the forces' main channel meant something made shit hit the fan. "There is a supply drop for you and Squad 53, copy that? Dropping in at where the light show was, over and out." The Officer who was talking abruptly ended. A C-17 flew high overhead, and a small speck from it. It progressively grew larger, until a coffin-sized white polyester-looking box slammed into the metal flooring around the gate. I gave the stick to PJ, and signaled to the Incessant Whining's crew, and 53's Lead and Cpl. rappelled down. I did the same, and PJ did the same, apparently putting the Hunter in standby-mode. The four of us sprinted to the box, and 53's Lead helped me get most of the latches open, but the last one bashed in when it landed. "Can we even get this open?" Oliver, 53's Lead, questioned. "There is only thing I can't open, and that's the gate to Heaven, because I boot them to Hell. Watch and learn, Oly." I laugh, setting my Scavenger down, and pulled out my pistol. "I would stand back." I remark, and double-tapped the latch. "Remind not to get you to help me when I lock myself outside my room." Oliver half-joked. "That's why I have a crowbar..." I answer flatly. I bring my foot up and slam my boot at the seam of the box, causing the top panel to spin off. I reached in, and pulled out the strangest looking device I have ever seen. It had a oval-shaped bowl-like sterile white casing, which had a small hollow circle with Aperture Science to the right of the circle. I held it two handed, due to the grip being on the edge, and I felt two triggers, the second one below the first. At the end of it, there was black cylinder-shaped piece, with three claw-like parts stemming out from it. It looked a child's ray gun or some cartoon-like death ray, or something. "Aperture... Science?" I ask, reading the label. "Isn't that the old 20th century laboratory that is being self remade now that the AI is back Online?" Asked some Unova Marine to his sergeant. "Think so, they made all these weird turrets that fired the entire bullet. I never figured out why, though. And I think they sold these like 15 million gun that made a portal between two points. They stopped when a freak energy storm blew up most of the top layer of their laboratories." The sergeant answered. "Let's find out." I tell them. I pulled the bottom trigger at the cement wall of the bunker we had just blown past, then a orange sphere of something flew out from the device, and made an oval-shaped pool of orange something about six feet tall and about three feet wide, and it seemed to be a infinitely deep pool or orange swirls. I cocked my eyebrow, then squeezed the top trigger, aiming right beside the orange pool. It released a blue sphere, and made an oval ring of blue. It and the orange pool formed an image, instead of the pool of orange, it made a mirror image of what was in front of the blue ring. I decided to stick my hand through the blue portal, and my hand is waving back at me, but from the orange portal! Sweet. I walk through the blue one, and sure enough, I was out via the orange portal. "I like it. We can use this to bypass security checkpoints." I tell them. I waved to Hunter-239, it landed, and I hopped in, taking a seat on the seat closest to the door. "Pilot, I have a Aperture Science Mobile Portal Device. Its got the ability to save ordnance via making a door, lift up and take me over the gate!" I yell up to the cockpit. "Got it!" Was the reply. I fired an orange portal on the side my squad was at, and fired a blue once the Hunter had made it across. "Please proceed through the provided portals." I order out. They clear through it, and they set charges on the main gears so it would fall. after it detonated, most of the infantry and armor moved up, and we started to march forward when suddenly, out of nowhere, a pair of artillery shells screeched down, and nearly destroyed the front of the tank line. We had waltzed right into their trap, and unless some shit got hauled, we were royally fucked. I put the portal gun in a little cabinet on the way to my seat, and took the stick. "Get to cover! I want everyone nice and hidden, I want all gunships to form up, we are jacking up those mortar! Over." I start giving orders to the soldiers. I started to head higher up, towards the area where artillery would most likely be. By the time we were half-way up, the artillery had started to rain down on the low, somewhat open area that our forces are now pinned down at. "This is Squad 115 Lead, H.O.I.F. of the the Blackthorn City Invasion, Personal Callsign Shade, Squad Callsign Stray Dogs, with a Priority 5-Theta request for a UAV on area Bravo-Zulu-Meta, and prepare a Priority 3 anti-artillery package on previously mentioned area on my mark. Do you copy, Cloud Nine?" I ordered into the com, needing some extra assistance. "This is Flying Eye 3, inbound on your position, carrying your payload, will be at observing point in approximately 48 seconds and descending. Copy, Shade? Over." Came a slightly messed up voice from the com, which was the pilot driving the UAV from the giant air vessel. "Got it. Glad you could help us, Flying. I am worried that my Hunter group will be pimp slapped out of the sky the moment we clear the edge of the plateau." I inform him of my doubts. "You may be right, streaming feed to your HUD... Now." He replied. There was about twenty heavy artillery cannons, with smaller mortar cannons ranging from thirty to maybe sixty. Around the edge was a line of heavy flak, with support speckled throughout the entire artillery area. Had I not waited, we would have been so screwed it would make everyone be like,"heh." "We might need a LOT more then the requested payload." I comment. "I brought a full UAV of explosives, but damn, I am going to use all my ordnance, then selectively call down airstrikes if I can't take out that flak. I will also airstrike the major clusters of artillery." He informed me. "Copy, fire for effect." I order. In a maelstrom storm of shrapnel, explosives, and body parts, the majority of the artillery was destroyed. The Flak was relatively now nonexistent. I began my series of orders. "Alright, let's go, Hunters. Flying, pick targets towards back of the group, Hunters, comb those bastards." I eagerly order out. "Oh, HELL yes!" Whooped Incessant Whining. "I love my job..." I laugh out, hitting an ammo dump near some mortar cannons, causing a big ass explosion. "SPLOSIONS!!!" Laughed out Flying Eye. It was almost sad when we destroyed them all. "All ground side forces, please proceed with caution. Air Support is standing by, I will making sweeps with Incessant. Over." I inform the soldiers ground pounding. "Copy." Was some Captain's answer. I lead the formation back down to the area where our troops were re-ordering themselves. Once they had their wits back together, a nice push up the slope was in progress, and Charlie was not holding back the advance. "Side, Ascension, and Camper, do you copy?" I ask. "Yes sir." Came three synchronous answers. "Alright, you will answer any requests for fire support, Incessant and I will be combing up the Slope. Over." I order them. As we break off, orders were coming in, and PJ was assigning the Trio of Hunters assigned for it their orders. Incessant flew parallel to me, and we flew up the slope, raining fire and explosives along it. As we carefully flew backwards, some Charlie fired an RPG at us. "Evasive maneuvers, RPG!" I yell out to Incessant. I watched in horror as it hit Incessant's tail. "This is Incessant, we are going down, I can't control her, she's spinning out of cont-AAAAGGHH *Crashes and static is heard.*" Was the scared answer to my statement. "Incessant is down, I repeat, Incessant is DOWN! Move it, marines, I see movement in the cabin of Incessant. Gunners, open up at Charlie starting to shoot at Incessant. We need them alive!" I bark into the comms. I opened up on any Charlie I saw attacking the downed Incessant with the front mounted Gatling gun, meanwhile, ground forces made their way up. After five minutes, our marines, after a short but violent firefight, managed to secure the crash site, and we had medics carrying them away. "All Incessant Personal away, sir." A random medic informed me. "Copy, thank you, we need them." I thanked him. We continued our assault, and eventually reached the City Hall. It was a fortress. With reinforced walls, Flak, mortars, bunkers, and pillboxes, it was a slaughter house reincarnation. "Well, fuck." I dryly say into the comms as we take positions. "We are going to bomb that to hell." I say into the mic, already contacting Cloud Nine, and laser sight the bunker. "Get to cover, shrapnel WILL fly!" The artillery attendant informed us. A single bunker buster missile ended the entire engagement. And just started a whole 'nother war...

The Shade Chronicles- The Time Complex

The Shade Chronicles: The Time Complex. Warning: This is a violent, gory, ill-mouthed, & maybe some explicit scenes later on in this story. Viewer Discretion is partially advised. Viewers should be 18+, but why i even say this is strange as it is....

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