Fallen Stars: Together At Last

Story by Shock/Rice on SoFurry

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#1 of Fallen Stars

Warning: The following story is for mature audiences only. If you are over the age of 18, please continue. If not, then let's hope that your parents or any other adult doesn't find out, huh?

Fallen Stars: Together At Last

_ Why must I live this way?_

The water from the showerhead hits my naked body, washing the filth from a hard day in the yard, mowing grass and pulling weeds. I felt tired but, as I crouched down, letting the water hit me and trying to cleanse both my body and soul, I felt something in my heart. Something that felt similar to a knife plunging down into my heart, twisting around inside and pulling out, only to repeat the process again and again.

The feeling of loneliness was ever present as I sat there, on the verge of tears. Every time I think about this, it always brings me to the verge of tears. I just want to be close to someone, to be able to hold her in my arms and feel like I'm meant to be there.

_ WHY? Why must I torture myself with these thoughts? Why can't I just let this go?_

"Because," I said out loud, to no one but myself, "no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the loneliness that's eating you from the inside out. It doesn't matter anymore..."

I sat in silence, the only sound being the water hitting me and the walls around me. I couldn't care less who heard me anymore, as the tears came out, mixing with the water hitting my face.

"CHRIS!! GET OUT OF THE SHOWER!!!" my sister hollered from outside the door.

I sighed, getting up and turning off the water. The water slowed down its flow until it was just a trickle. I pulled the shower curtains open, grabbed a towel from the rack and promptly dried off. I covered every inch of my human body, drying off first my head, vigorously drying off my dark brown hair. Next, my face, with my high cheekbones, my scraggy beard, and my deep blue eyes that look out into a world with nothing but a blank expression, no happiness and no sadness, just nothing.

Then, came my arms, strong and toned to a degree. My legs, toned as well, but I don't have much use for them, tending to just lie on my bed, either stare at nothing or watch TV.

When I was dry, I put on my PJs and just went to my room, ignoring my parent's calls as I went. In my room, it was filled with things that I liked, back when my life had meaning. Now, I had no job, no car, living with my parents, don't know about college because I fucked up. As I sat at my desk, turning on my computer, I let my mind drift to the happier times, seeing myself enjoying life the way it was meant to be. But, all that changed when reality hit. I suddenly was thrust into a world I was not prepared for. Suddenly, I had to grow up and be a man. I hated that day, hated it with a burning passion.

Whilst in my thoughts, the computer chimed on, prompting me with a password box. I snapped out of them, put in my password and waited for the computer to load up. While this was loading, and me still on the subject of why I hated that day, I thought something darker. I thought about suicide. Thoughts of me jumping off buildings, impaling myself with sharp objects, a number of ways to kill myself. Those thoughts comforted me, knowing that at least I had a way out if I wanted. But, I was always a coward when it came to doing it. Still, the thought counts.

The computer was on and fully loaded. I turned on my browser, Safari, pulled up my favorite furry website and searched for stories to pass the time. For a couple of minutes, I found nothing, nothing to grab my attention for me to take the time to read. After what seemed like hours, I found a story that might be suited for my interests. From the title, "Christmas Cheer", and the tags surrounding the story, it seemed to be about a human male and a female Anthro reindeer.

I clicked on the story and began to read. It started out simple enough:

"Kylian sighed and rolled over onto his back, putting his hands under his head and staring at the ceiling. Soft snowflakes were falling outside his window, blurred from the fog on the panes of glass.

Even though it was the day after Christmas, when everyone expected the workers of the North Pole to be having a nice rest, they were still working hard. That's how it was.

Blurry, out of focus shapes were moving on the flat plateau outside his modest cottage, most of them..."

I kept reading, slowly the pain in my heart began to fill with content. It was getting better, getting emotional. When I was reading the sad parts, the pain came back tenfold. I tried to look away, occupy my time with something else that wouldn't make me feel this way, but my heart had other plans.

I couldn't look away; my eyes were glued to the screen. I kept reading, the emotions of both characters seeping out of the screen and into my heart, making me tear up. When she ran away from him, crying all the while, I wanted to chuck my computer against the wall, tear up the hard drive with my bare hands, but I couldn't. My heart wouldn't let me.

Tears were welling up. Just when things couldn't get worse, they found each other and confessed their feelings, telling each other they loved each other and wanted to solidify their love with the only thing that could: sex.

"Fuck..." I moaned out, seeing in pure detail how they love each other. I kept crying, my heart making me see these things, wanting that feeling for itself but no matter how hard I try to satisfy its cravings for love, no one cared to show me these feelings. No one cared about me, not like these two, who clearly care about each other. No one showed me that kindness. No one loved me.

As soon as I finished reading, I turned off the monitor and slipped into bed, not caring to eat or shed my clothing. I just wanted to forget those feelings of love and happiness, I wanted to forget everything.

I wanted to die.


As I slept, I began to dream. Dreams are usually a gateway to what the heart wanted and what the future holds for you. It's usually one or the other. This time, however, it was both.

It started out simple enough. I was in a room, white all around me. I thought I had died, but somehow I knew I hadn't. I got up from the white bed I was in and wandered to the door. I pushed it open, looking out into the blackness of nothing that lay beyond the door frame.

As I stared, I thought about actually going into the blackness. There was a feeling of comfort that emanated from there that I wanted. I put one foot out, into the blackness, and it was swallowed through the threshold. I could still feel it, as I moved my toes experimentally to see if I indeed could. But, I also felt something else, something warm that could make me feel safe inside this inky blackness.

As I was ready to step through the doorway, ready to embrace the darkness, shifting my weight so I could fall through, I felt arms surrounding my torso, holding me back.

I heard a voice, female in tone, telling me to stop.

"Please, don't leave me...."

I was about to question her, turning her to face her, when the damned alarm clock rang.


I sprung up from my bed, sweating profusely like I ran a marathon, my clothes soaked.

I looked about, seeing my room and the sun shining through the window. I relaxed, unleashing the tension I felt.

"It was all a dream..." I sighed out, going back to bed. I took off my wet clothes, leaving me in my boxers, and went back under the covers. As I closed my eyes, preparing for sleep to take me yet again, I felt something creep around my body, holding me closely. I was about to get up and get away from the bed, when I heard her voice again.

"Thank god... You're safe... Don't ever do that to me again..."

I stopped, wanting to open my eyes and see who actually was stupid enough to care about me, when I felt something on my eyelids, keeping them closed.

"Not yet, even though I want you to see me. You have no idea how much this hurts me to see you like this, but I have no choice. Please... wait for me..."

I felt the presence slowly unwrap her arms around me and leave my skin feeling the ghost of her touch. I felt cold, wanting to feel her touch again. My heart, for one second, felt content by her touch. I felt lips touch mine in a soft kiss.

"That's something to remember me by..."

After that, I felt her go. I opened my eyes, reaching out into nothing but thin air. I felt tears welling up. Finally, after years of searching, I found her, only to wait more. The pain was killing me. I needed to be with her, to hold her by my side.

But, I couldn't. She was gone. For one brief, shining moment, life had meaning. I felt wanted and cared for. Now, I was empty. Now, I felt tears being to flow down my face. I couldn't wait.

I went back to bed, my head hitting the pillows and hoping that sleep will take me, hoping to feel her touch again. But, sadly, sleep never came. I was truly awake.

I grumbled and sighed, getting up and putting on PJs. I went to the kitchen, got out cereal, milk, a bowl and spoon, made the cereal, and began to eat. It was still early, about 6 AM, and no one got up. It was a Saturday and my family usually slept in 'til late. As I ate, I began to fantasize about her, what she'd looked like, how we would feel when we saw each other.

As I ate, I didn't notice someone creeping in, taking extra time to make sure to not make a sound when sneaking up on me. It got closer and closer, then grabbed my shoulders, scaring the living shit out of me.

I turned and saw my sister, Kate, beaming up at me, proud of the fact that she scared me. She climbed into a chair beside me and began to laugh.

"You should've seen your face. That was priceless!" she said between fits of laughter.

I looked down at myself, seeing bits of cereal and milk on my shirt and pants, spilling the contents of the bowl on myself when I felt her hands on my shoulders, hoping it would be that presence again. But, instead it was my sister. My annoying, bossy sister who thinks the world revolves around her and usually tries to get on my nerves. I grabbed some paper towels and began to dry myself off, knowing full well that I would have to change out of these PJs and get new ones.

I scowled at her, hoping that she responded to this level of anger that I felt for her, "You're paying for the dry-cleaning bill. If you ever do that again," I began, dropping my voice an octave, going so deep and menacing that I began to scare myself, not knowing where this level of tenacity came from, "I will personally make your life such a living hell, that even the real hell would be sympathetic towards you and take you away to a better place."

I left, without seeing the expression on her face, but knowing that I scared the ever-living daylights out of her. I went back into my room to put on some music, playing Dirtyphonics' new EP "The Tarantino".

I let the music take ahold of me, letting me calm down to its melodic notes and danceable beats. My mind began to wander, sleep somehow taking ahold of me. I closed my eyes and began to drift off into a sea of unconsciousness.


Well, the first thing that grabbed my attention was I was on a boat, surrounded by a large body of water. It was a small row boat, with two oars inside. I grabbed the oars, put them in the water and rowed out in no particular direction.

For what felt like hours, I managed to get nowhere, not seeing anything that would be land, the sun still in the same place as I started, my arms getting tired from rowing. All seemed hopeless.

_ What am I doing? Why am I rowing? It seems pointless, it's getting me nowhere. I should give up._

I stared off into the sea, looking at my reflection. I noticed something off about it. I know it was staring back, but it seemed to know me, like it had intelligence.

Suddenly, "I" sprang from the sea, but it wasn't me. I felt darkness surrounding him, trying desperately to pull me closer, pulling me to what I knew to be trouble.

I grabbed the side of the boat and tried to hold on for dear life, but the pull was too much for my strength, plus my arms were tired from all that rowing. I felt myself going closer and closer to him, his arms spread wide in a welcoming gesture.

I felt tired, not caring anymore. I let go of my grip and felt myself moving closer to him. I knew that if I did touch him, I would die. I don't know how I knew, I just did. It didn't matter anyway.

_ Maybe death is a blessing..._

I smiled, thinking that death can really come and I can be away from the pressures of everyday life, the constant worry of our economy, our current job crisis. None of that mattered when you're dead. So, I gladly gave up and let myself be taken by the darkness.

But fate had other plans...

I heard the sound of metal slicing flesh, the sound of liquid hitting wood. I looked and saw a huge gash in my other self, inky blackness escaping and hitting the floorboards.

I heard her voice again, scolding me at my stupidity.

"Why is it that when I find you, you always seemed to be in some amount of danger?"

I turned around to find her, for the voice was coming from behind me. Only, there was no one when I turned to look for the source.

"Wait, who are you? Please, tell me!" I begged, wanting to at least know the name of my mysterious savior.

"It's Sno. You'll see why soon enough." I felt her arms wrap around my waist and something pressed against my back.

"I want to be with you so bad, it's killing me." She pressed more of herself into me. "Please, don't give up hope. This will all be over soon and you can do whatever you want to me..."

She let that hang there, while she slowly released herself from me, lingering her touch for as long as possible. I wanted to hold her there, just hold her until the end of time and caress her, but the alarm rang again.


_ Okay, seriously. Who keeps setting the damn alarm?!_

I got up, seeing the sun hang low in the sky and hearing the end of the second and final song on the EP. Damn, I was out for ten minutes. It didn't feel like that. I guess what they said in "Inception" was true. The human mind processes information faster when asleep, therefore making time slower in a dream.

I went to my computer and turned the monitor on. It still had the page of that story from yesterday, so I promptly searched for a new one, hoping that maybe there'll be another story to stop this feeling of intense loneliness that started when she left me in my dream. Apparently, my heart didn't get the memo of it being a dream.

I searched and searched through the list of stories, looking for anything to peak my interests, if I had any. I found a story, "Eragon - A Rider for Saphira", that had my favorite characters from my favorite series. From the tags, it appeared to have some sexual nature to the story. Me being a horny teenager, I immediately opened the story and began to read.

I wished I hadn't.

As I began to read, the story started out okay enough. Keeping to the original story, it began with Eragon and Saphira figuring out how to continue their training. As I kept reading, it began to get more serious, with them beginning to show feelings for each other. I began to get disinterested, but my heart kept me reading.

Then, the kiss happened...

""Do you love me Saphira?" he asked, not allowing her any way of escaping the question.

"Of course, Eragon, how could I not?" Eragon didn't let it go.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"Eragon... I can't take this anymore. The answer to my question, it has long since been in front of my face the whole time. The reason... the reason why we are intimately linked, why I chose you as my rider, why I get a thrill every time you ride me through the skies." She stopped for a moment, and looked at him with piercing sapphire eyes.

"Eragon, my feelings for you... they are not what I believed they were. In all my travels I have sought out the company of another male dragon. But now, I realize, the only one I need is you." Eragon was confused.

"What are you trying to say?" he asked desperately. Saphira didn't know how to respond, so she did the first thing that came to mind.

"Eragon," Saphira said, bringer her head down to his and kissed him. Her mouth pressed against his, a fiery passion beginning to swell in her heart. He was shocked, he broke the kiss and stepped back. Saphira realized she had gone to far and moved her head quickly.

"I'm so sorry," she said quickly, "I just..."

"Saphira," Eragon said softly with his mind, "I was just surprised, that's all. You've made me see the light of feelings I have had for a long time." With that he took her strong jaw with his hand and kissed her back, Saphira melting into his lips as they shared their emotions with each other.

A minute later Saphira stopped and looked deep into his eyes.

"Eragon, I should have said this a long time ago. I love you, and I want you to be my soulmate for the rest of my life." Eragon stared at her, before putting his arms around her long neck.

"I would be honored, Saphira." he whispered to her. Saphira smiled and allowed Eragon to climb onto her back. She took off and flew back down towards the forest. They travelled about a mile further away from the city before landing in a hidden patch of forest."

At this point, I really wanted to stop. I wanted to get up and run away from my computer, getting as far away from this monstrosity as soon as possible. But, as I got up, I felt myself being forced down my something. I felt a pressure on my shoulders, holding me down. I heard her again.

"Don't stop. Keep reading."

"I don't want to... The pain..."

I felt something on my lips, what felt like a single finger hushing me. I then felt a hand caressing me, which felt weird from the way she was behind me and holding my cheek. I reached out to hold it, to stroke it, but I was told otherwise.

"No, not yet. Soon, my love, soon..." I felt her lips press against my cheek. It was short, but the passion that I felt behind it made up for the shortness of it.

"I... This is torture..."

"I know... My father is testing us. To make sure your right for me. He wants us to know each other beyond physical capabilities. But, I know you better than that. I know you'll accept me for who I am, no matter the appearance."

"But... I hardly know you," I said, wanting desperately to turn around and let her see my face, the confusion sprawled on it. Wait... did I hear her right? Did she really say that she loves me?

"I know. I know you don't know me. But, you can start right now. And to your question: Yes, yes I love you." She giggled, sounding like little bells chiming together, making the most beautiful sound that I have ever heard.

"Your laugh... I like it."

"Well, that's sweet. Thank you." I felt her hug me and pressed what felt like her head against my back. I felt her head move from its spot and over to my right shoulder, feeling the weight she put down on it. I stiffened, the temptation right beside me.

"What'cha reading?" she asked with the purest curiosity I have ever heard. I told her it was a fanfiction about a couple of characters from a book series. She was silent as she read, catching up to where I was.

"Sno... please get off my shoulder..."

"Why? I thought you liked my touch..." she sounded hurt, genuinely hurt, when I said that.

"NO!" I replied, then quickly saying something before the situation got worse, "I meant that I don't want to turn and see you before the time that your father can allow us to see each other. Please... don't give me that temptation. I can hold my own when you're behind me, but when you're beside me... I can only hold myself back for so long..."

She was silent, but she moved her head. She didn't move it to where I expected her to move it, which was behind my back as before. Instead, she moved her head to the top of my head, still seeing the screen but being able to feel me move so she can move away from my sight.

I continued to read, Sno on top of my head reading as well. We got to the part where they were performing oral to each other, first Saphira sucking his cock then Eragon licking at her folds, when Sno started to drag her fingers over my chest, getting lower and lower...

When I felt her hit my pants, I stood up, hearing the sound of her falling over. She cursed and I could feel her eyes on me, glaring daggers into my back.

"What the hell was that?! I could feel your excitement when reading that part and when I tried to show my love for you, by actually going to that region to pleasure you, you got up from your chair and ran away. I'll ask again: WHAT THE HELL, CHRIS?!!!"

"I'm sorry! Truly, I am. It's just... I..." I tried to say what I felt at this, but the words escaped me.

She was silent, then said, "Oh... I see... I'm sorry. I'm truly an idiot for doing that to you. You wanted to wait so you can see me and for it to be special when that happened. I'm sorry for not seeing that, and not seeing that it would only heighten the temptation for you. Please..." I felt her wrapping her arms around me, feeling the softness of her touch. I then heard soft sobbing, then something wet on my back. "Please... DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" She sobbed out, clearly upset over these events.

I had my eyes open to all of this, but could only stare at a corner, my back turned to her. I steeled myself, closed my eyes tight, and turned to face her, wrapping my arms around her. I felt her body, having a slight hourglass figure and feeling soft... fur?

I felt my face becoming confused and said, "Why do I feel... fur?"

She giggled, saying, "That's how I normally am. I can change it for you... if you like..."

"No, it's fine! In fact, I prefer it this way." I smiled, hoping she would see it.

"Aww..." She snuggled closer to me, burying her head in my chest and wrapping her arms tightly around me. "You're so sweet! But that still doesn't help my situation... Are you or are you not going to leave me?"

I was silent, stroking her fur and comforting her. I spoke truthfully, "Listen, I don't know you and you saved my life twice in one day. Obviously, you know me and are willing to protect me by any means necessary. But..." I stopped, trying to find the words. "I wish that I can see you! Your father has no earthly IDEA as to how torturous this is! All of a sudden, someone finally shows up, offering love, comfort, and security that I craved from a girlfriend and your father forbids you to let me see you, thinking that I would not appreciate someone as wonderful as you except for your looks. I DON'T CARE!!! I... I... I LOVE YOU!!!"

I began to cry, not knowing if she was still there or not. After all that I have been through, I didn't care at all. If she really did care enough for me, she would still be there and comfort me. Tears were leaking from my eyes as I gave up standing and went to my knees, head down and hands to my face.

I cried, releasing all of my frustrations of this world, our relationship, out of my body. It felt good to release all of my emotions, screaming at the top of my lungs until I was out of breath. I kept repeating this process, not caring about my parents, the neighbors, any of them. All I cared about was us, cursing at how unfair this was becoming. I felt like Orpheus, not looking at his wife, Eurydice, when returning from the Underworld with her soul. Only this time, I will wait. I will wait until we both get to the upper world for me to look. That would make me seeing her all the more special.

While dwelling on this, I felt warmth spreading around my front. Through my eyelids, I saw the light and I instinctively put my arm in front of it. When the light died down, I put my arm down but my eyes remained shut. My head was now bowed and tears were beginning to slowly tear up, already thinking the worst has happened, my heart aching already.

She left me.

I curled up into a ball and just stayed there. I felt my body being wracked with an unbearable pain as the sobs took hold of me. I felt a hand on me and shoved it off, thinking that my parents or my sister have finally taken notice of all the shit that has happened to me. The hand came back, and I shoved it off, hoping to have some privacy as I suffered like never before. I felt like I had no heart anymore, for it was taken when she left me. The hand came back, determined to stay there. I had enough. I reached up and took the hand forcibly and... stopped.

Instead of the cold skin of either of my parents or my sister, I felt... fur.

I only know one person who has that amount of soft fur on her hands.


I relaxed my grip. Instead of squeezing it in anger, I gently caressed it, sending new tears to flow out but with a smile on my face.

"Chris... open your eyes..." Something in her voice wanted me to open my eyes, but I held them shut.

"I can't... you'll go away..." I pleaded with her. "I don't want the temptation..."

"Chris, believe me when I say this: It's okay to open your eyes. That light was my father's way of telling us that he approves of us. Please, open your beautiful blue eyes. For me..." As she said all of this, her voice was getting lower and lower, until I could barely hear the last part.

_ Can I really trust her? Is she really telling the truth? After all we've been through, do I want to risk everything on her word? If this is another test and I fail, I'll never hear from her again. I'll never feel her touch..._

All of these indecisive thoughts surged through my mind, confusing my decision. I was about to give up when she spoke.

"Chris... After everything we've been through, after all the things we've shared over the course of a day... I can't blame you for not believing me. You only just met me and you don't know if I'm someone you can trust or not. But believe me when I say this: I love you. I always have, and I always will.

"I've watched you grow up from where I was born and raised. Everyone else wanted me for who I was connected to, but somehow you interested me more that those other guys. I have seen your rises and falls throughout your life. I have seen the struggles and wanted so bad to go down there and comfort you. I pleaded with my father numerous times to let me go down there, to just hold you in my arms and let you know that there is at least one person in this universe that has the capability to love you and be with you.

"After years of pestering, he finally relented on one condition: that I can't show myself to you for twelve hours. I thought that this would be easy, since all I had to do was just be around you and just talk to you, to let you know that you're never alone. What I hadn't counted on was how much love there would be when we finally found each other. With each second passing, it feels like an eternity. I hadn't realized that your scent would have this effect on me. I wanted to just strip you down and mate with you right then and there. But, I had to control myself. I had to be strong, for the both of us.

"I know you were feeling the same way, I can feel it coming from within you. You wanted me as much as I wanted you. You were right when it was torture, how we can't actually be with each other and how we can't actually look at each other in the same way as other couples. But now, it's okay..." I could hear her start to cry. I could actually visualize her holding her hands to her face, slowly lowering herself to the ground.

I got up, still having my eyes closed and walked over to the sound of her crying. When I was close enough, I crouched down and reached out for her. I waited for a few seconds until I felt something hit my hand. As I started to feel around, taking in the curves and ridges of this new appendage, I could still hear her crying but it was beginning to quiet down until I could only feel her tears still streaming down her face.

I felt a hand lay on top of mine and heard her voice, closer than the other times I heard her before.

"Chris, if you love me... please open your eyes and look at me..."

I was still second-guessing, still being indecisive. Still not listening to her. After all the shit I had to go through to get a girlfriend to trust me, only to end about a couple of days later, here she was and in only a couple of hours, I felt for her what I have been searching for all my life to get: love.

I made my decision, but wanted to play it out. I began to search around for her chin. While looking, I took in all of the features that I couldn't wait to see. I felt along her muzzle, the length reminding me of a fox. As I searched, I found her ears, long and slender and as I began to rub them, I heard her whimper and moan at my touch.

"Oh... Chris..." She absolutely loved my touch, because I could feel her shiver against me.

I kept at it, but I also felt around for more. As I searched, I found her mouth, tracing over her lips and feeling the vibrations as she purred at my touch. I also touched her wet nose, letting her get a whiff of my scent. When she breathed in, she shuddered out a breath, feeling pure pleasure in my scent.

I reached her chin, stroking it and waiting for some time, enjoying our time together. She never experienced anything like this and when she couldn't wait for more, I pulled her in for a kiss.

Our lips touch, and we were in heaven. I sought to gain entrance into her hot mouth, only to be cheated out by her tongue entering my mouth. But I wasn't complaining. Her tongue was sliding up and down my tongue, going over every ridge and bump, moaning all the while. I also ran over her tongue, savoring how she tasted and how her tongue felt on mine, sandpapery but smooth.

After minutes of endless kissing, we had to break apart for air. She breathed out, "Oh, Chris! Had I'd known you were this good, I would have kissed you earlier!"

I smiled, taking pride in the fact that I could please my love. Now, it was time...

I dropped my head to the ground and stood up. "Hey, Sno... Could you stand for me, please?"

I heard her shift her weight and stood up. While my head was down, I slowly opened my eyes. At first everything was blurry, then began to clear, the blurry shapes becoming more distinct. When I slowly looked her up and down, she was... I was at a loss for words, really.

She was everything I would imagine in my dream girl. She was about my height, shorter by about an inch or two. Her amazing physique was everything I had imagined it to be, her chest slowly thinning to her belly then expanding to her waist. Her legs toned to perfection, her arms with the perfect amount of muscle to compliment her beautiful figure.

She had flowing snow white hair that reached all the way down her back, piercing baby blue eyes that could peer straight to your soul, but that wasn't what I saw that took my breath away. It was her fur, pure and simple. Now I know why she was called Sno.

Her fur was of the purest white, even I could see it through the coming darkness. Nothing could hold a candle to her. It was covering every part of her body, her digitigrade legs, her muscled arms, her beautiful breasts, her foxlike head.

I walked closer to her, noticing her long, bushy foxlike tail swishing back and forth in excitement. I reached her and stared into her eyes. "My God... You're beautiful..." I leaned into her and kissed with enough passion to make her knees wobble. I caught her before she could fall and held her close to me. I felt her hands on my chest, her tail wrapping possessively around my waist. She too was giving me the passion that I craved, shoving her tongue into my mouth.

She moaned out, "Chris... you can't believe how long I've waited for you to see me and hold me..."

"You and me both, sister..." I heard her chuckle at this, actually laughing at my lame jokes, then went back to kissing. Soon, we were having a tongue battle in which I was winning, either by me alone or her wanting this as much as me. Somehow, my tongue was in her hot mouth, exploring every ridge and crevice that my tongue could reach. I open my eyes a little, seeing her face in pure pleasure from just my tongue. I decide to play with her more, touching her in ways that I wanted to do to any girl that let me get this far.

I kept a hand on her back while my other hand slowly stroked her fur along her side, slowly creeping down to her ass. I grabbed it, hearing a moan from her and smiling. I took my hand away from her ass, slowly making my way up. When I reached her chest, still kissing, my hand latched onto her right breast and slowly groped it. She moaned a little louder and panted in my mouth.

"Chris, whatever you're doing... *moan*... keep it up... OH!" she squealed when I found her nipple, slowly twisting it between my fingers. I walked her over to the bed, slowly pulling her down towards it while continuing to pleasure her. She kept moaning and softly called out my name, the vibrations of her tongue whenever she did this sending shockwaves of pleasure through me as well.

I broke our kiss, hearing her whimper, causing me so much pain to hear her like that, but I had to pleasure her as much as I could. I slowly kissed my way down, slowly going over her neck, then her chest, finally her breast, where I took my time. I teased her, kissing around her nipple, much to the pleasure of Sno. I saw her hand reach down to her crotch, but I held her back. I made my way over, my hand reaching her precious lower lips, caressing around it. She moaned louder and said, "Chris, quit teasing me and get it over with. I don't know how much I can take it anymore..."

I happily obliged, rubbing her slit up and down between my index and middle fingers, while my other hand teased her right nipple and my mouth latched onto her left, sucking it and licking it until it was hard.

Her moans were doubling in volume, it was getting so loud she had to grab a pillow and put it over her face so as to not wake my parents. I could feel her getting wet between my fingers, which was my cue to stop her nipple treatment and head down there.

When I reached her treasure, I gasped, not realizing the true beauty at the sight. I could feel myself getting hard at this, wanting to strip down and stick it in there now, to feel her tightness and warmth surrounding my meat. I had to wait, pleasing her came first over anything.

"It's beautiful, just like you..." I looked at her and could see her smile at me lovingly. I reached up and kissed her, a short kiss but it was filled with passion that more than made up for the lack of length. When I pulled away, she said, "Whatever you do, you seem to solidify my choice of choosing you. You're nice, considerate, funny, strong, loving... Everything I could ask for in a mate."

"Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet..." I smiled down at her and moved back down to her nether region. When I was close enough, I took a deep sniff and nearly passed out. Her scent was INCREDIBLE! It was a mixture of all my favorite things. It reminded me of home, of security, of warmth. I ran my tongue across it, gathering up the juices that were flowing freely from her snatch. I could feel her shudder and moved her hips jerkily in the direction my mouth was currently at. I chuckled at her reaction to my tongue and I looked and saw her blush.

"Please... keep it up... Don't stop... Please..." she begged for me to continue, wanting to feel the pleasure my tongue gave her, so I had to oblige.

I spread my fingers to take hold of either side of her vulva and pulled them apart, seeing the real beauty behind them. I just stared, not saying anything to ruin this beautiful moment.

"Why do you stop?" asked Sno, a look of concern and annoyance on her face from the lack of pleasure she wasn't receiving.

I was silent for a couple of seconds, then brought my tongue over her exposed vagina, hearing the pleasant moans of my lover. I kept licking, wanting to hear her moans and keep tasting her wonderful fluids, which tasted like all of the drinks I like mixed into one. I kept drinking, taking everything into my mouth. It was like a drug, I wanted more and more, tasting her sweet fluids.

"Chris... I'm about to.... OHH!!" she exclaimed, feeling my tongue going straight inside her, her walls clamping around my tongue, trying to pull me in deeper and explore all over this new region. I tasted everything she had to offer, making a mental map for all of her pleasure spots. Soon, her clit was showing and I grinned, taking my other hand and rubbed it. She screamed in pure pleasure, then pulled a pillow back over her head that muffled her screams of pleasure.

I pulled up from her and said, "You don't have to silence yourself for me. I want everyone to know of our love, so scream your little heart out. I want to wake our parents with our lovemaking so we can get over that awkward stage out of the way early. Don't deny your pleasure, scream to the heavens! Do it for me..."

I went back and doubled my efforts, moving my tongue frantically all over her insides, wanting to hear her scream. She didn't disappoint, for she yelled out my name and moaned out curses in pure pleasure. A few seconds later, she screamed bloody murder, her hands flashed down to my head and held me close and she blasted my face with her sweet honey, which I gulped down greedily. Minutes later, she released her grip and her whole body relaxed, her mind reeling from the intense orgasm that I gave her, while I licked my lips of her juicy honey and her lips as well.

I grinned and said, "WOW!! And had I'd known you tasted this good, I would have done this hours ago." I moved up next to her and began to stroke her belly, staring into her beautiful blue eyes. "Those are beautiful, you know..."

She shuffled closer to me and draped an arm over my side, bringing me closer to her. "Now that you have pleased me, it's your turn..." With an evil smile, she moved with lighting speed down to my pants, zipped them down and took them off, only to pause as she looked at my hardening tool.

"Oh, Chris," she smiled up at me as I looked down at her, "I can see you're as excited for this as I am..." She took her hand and gently wrapped it around my dick, slowly moving her hand up and down, exciting me to no end. I moaned at this, encouraging her to do more, which she complied. She began to move faster, lowering her head closer towards it and licking her lips. Once my cock as at full attention, she stopped moving and slowly moved her tongue from the base to the tip, lingering at the top because she was swirling her tongue around the tip, further exciting me and causing me to moan louder and say "Fuck..."

She giggled and continued, stroking the shaft and suckling my head. The combination alone wanted me to shoot right then and there, but I held back, waiting to see what else she could do. When she noticed this, she pouted and took drastic measures. She took her hand away, opened her maw and lowered her head, tongue coiling around my cock. When she reached the base, she closed her mouth, encasing my whole dick inside her hot mouth. Oh, how that felt GOOD!!

She smiled and purred, the vibrations of that purr sending shockwaves from my penis to my mind, sending me into euphoria. I moaned so loud, I think my neighbors could hear me. I didn't care, I was in heaven with the one person on earth who could love me.

She went up and down, increasing speed as she went. Whenever she came back up, she would suck on it, tugging at my skin and creating friction, which felt amazing. She put her hands on my thighs and continued to bob her head up and down, going faster and faster, creating wet noises as she went.

"Ooh... SnOO.... I... I think..." I couldn't get the words out, she was silencing me with pleasure.

She released her mouth, only a little bit and said, "Cum for me, baby..." It was so seductive that I felt I could cum right there, but I held back, waiting for her to get her mouth around me again.

She did and went faster and faster, really wanting my cum now. She felt my dick spasm, cueing her to move her head up to my head, suckling it and stroking my shaft, milking me for all I'm worth.

I released, hard. I screamed and saw her cheeks bloom out and her eyes wide open in surprise, never expecting all of this at once. But she was a trooper, swallowing in time with the releases, continuing to stroke the shaft and milk me. After a few minutes of riding the orgasm I had, I felt completely drained and collapsed, never feeling that I had my back arched up and my toes curled up upon release until I could feel them now. I looked down at Sno, seeing her lick every inch of my penis and swallowing the last bits of cum before she shuddered and said, "Chris, your seed... It's sooo good. It just makes me want more, that's how good it is." She crawled up to me and kissed me, some of my cum entering my mouth. On any other occasion, I would be repulsed by this, but somehow this actually turned me on more. "You're right," I said, "I do taste good."

We looked at each other for a couple of minutes, not saying anything, just enjoying the afterglow of our oral escapades. I was the first to shatter this silence, saying, "I love you, Sno."

She leaned in for another kiss, but stopping an inch from my face before saying so softly, I could barely catch it, but I didn't need to, for I knew her answer already. "I love you too, Chris..."

With that, she kissed me again, pulling me into a hug. We held each other for some time, before she pulled away and with a determined look on her face, she said, "Take me. Now."

"Are you sure?" I asked, hoping she knew what she was doing.

"I'm sure." And to solidify her choice, she got up on all fours on the bed, her beautiful ass turned towards me, her pussy shining in what little moonlight we had. She turned her head back to me and said, "Well, are you coming?"

"Not yet, but I soon will be..." I got up, moved over to her and got into position. I lined up with her and began to stroke my semi-hard dick up and down her slit, hoping to get hard by that stimulation and get her some pleasure, as well. She looked back at me pleadingly, wanting it inside her as much as I wanted to.

Seeing that look, that desperation in her face, it looked like I was looking at myself. My cock was hard and I began to move it into position. I grabbed her hips and pushed slowly into her, taking time as to let her get accustomed to my size. I felt the tip push her lips aside and heard her moan out. I made to the head and she panted out my name. She looked back and said, "Chris, give it to me... Don't hold back..."

I nodded to her and pushed into her some more. After three inches and a few curses from both of our mouths later, I felt something stop my advancements. It was her hymen. She was still a virgin.

Noticing me stopping and looking back at me, she panted out, "Take me... Make me yours, now and forever... Until the end of time and beyond... Take me... I have saved myself for you and you alone... Make me yours, mate..."

I noticed the love and conviction at saving herself, just for me. I held back a tear and I pulled back and slammed my meat to where it should belong, now and forever. I felt her hymen give way, hearing her screams of pain and pleasure. I reached forward and hugged her, kissing her neck tenderly and waited for the pain to die away before continuing. Already, I could feel the blood begin to pool around my dick and find its way out.

She looked back at me, licked my cheek and gave me a nod, letting me know to continue. I got up, put my hands back on her hips and began to pound her. Slowly, but surely, I got closer and closer in, already hilting her when she began to start saying that she was about to cum. I pounded faster, wanting her to release her honey all over the place. She didn't disappoint, for not long after I began to pick up the pace, did she cum and cum and cum for what seemed like minutes. But, that didn't stop me.

I kept at it, wanting release as well. When her orgasm was over, she began to match my pace and met me in the middle, saying encouragements like "Cum for me" and "Fill me up with your spunk" and the likes of that.

As I was nearing release, she began to move positions on me, turning to face me and be in missionary. I put my hands on the bed and began to pound her faster and faster, wanting release to come soon. I then thought of a better position and after a couple of thrusts later, I pulled her back with me, my back landing on the bed and her body up in the air, grabbing ahold of her hips and pounding her senseless. We both began to moan again, going at this faster and faster, our moans increasing in volume.

I could feel myself coming closer and closer to orgasm, but when I felt her have her third orgasm, sending her juices around my base and the sheets below, her walls clenching at me in random intervals, that was what killed me. I came, hard, sending stream after stream of hot cum straight into her womb. I screamed out and she kept encouraging me more. "YES, baby!! Impregnate me, make me have your child! I want it all inside me!! OH GOD!!!"

After minutes of milking me of cum, sending all straight into her womb, seeing a little bulge in her belly, we finally collapsed onto the bed, exhausted after our long session of lovemaking and our orgasms. She fell on top of me, trying to regain her breath, when I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I felt her get comfortable, squirming around until she found a better position. She looked up at me, a huge smile etched on her face and her eyes happy to be held by me.

"Chris, thank you. I've waited so long for you to do that to me, and now that it's done, I'll never go back on this decision. I feel more strongly for you than ever before. No matter where we go and what we do, as long as you're by my side, nothing can ever go wrong. It feels as though we were made for each other... Soulmates, even..." She soon fell asleep, her head on my chest and lightly began to snore, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took.

I settled back into my pillow, pulling the covers over us as I began to drift off into slumber. I laid there and began to wonder about us, how my parents will feel about this and the world. After a few minutes of worrying, I thought about her and didn't care what anyone else thought. I only cared about her and her happiness. If she was happy with me, then I was happy.

As I felt my eyelids begin to close, I felt a hand reach up and stroke my cheek. I saw her blurry image above me and saw her come down and kiss me. When she pulled back, she said, "Good night, my sweet prince..." and I felt my eyelids close and began to sleep and dream, seeing her in my dreams beside me, where I felt she belonged...


Welp, that's it for this chapter. And as my first sex story, don't be too harsh in the comments. Please be gentle, hmm?

Anyway, now onto what everyone's probably been craving for, Division 42!!

Also: Special thanks should go out to Xianyu and GryphonWings for the use of their stories, "Christmas Cheer" and "Eragon - A Rider for Saphira" respectively. I had to explain to them why I wanted to use their stories, without revealing too much of course, and they agreed, much to my pleasure. THANKS GUYS!!!!

Until then: rate, fave, and comment.

See ya then...