Fates of the Unicorns 30 - Food

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#30 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 30 - Food

SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters.

CONTENT WARNING : The second half of this chapter contains hard core vore! No major plot developments happen in the vore scenes, so if it bothers you, you can stop reading and go to the next chapter when you reach the section marked " Part Two" in this chapter.

Rickie looked over yet another form on his desk as he sat naked in his chair. It wasn't a fancy desk or a particularly comfortable chair, but they were both his, which was pretty good for a mere slave. He often thought the dragons couldn't POSSIBLY really need all this stuff done, but just invented crap for slaves like him to do because they enjoyed it. It was probably true. Nobody needed four copies of a list of all the female slaves in order of their breast sizes. He grinned. He had to be accurate so he of course double checked by hand to make sure the figures were right. Motion at the door caught his eye and he saw the dark red scales of his unofficial Mistress. He smoothly slid off his chair, pushing it behind him so he was kneeling before his desk, continuing to work, but also showing proper respect. He was just an enslaved unicorn stallion after all.

Leshyet said, "Come, slave. A farm inspector is coming here to look over the unicorn you recommended be uses as cattle."

Rickie nodded, "Yes Mistress" and stood, following the dragoness with nervousness and excitement. He kept his eyes down as he knew dragons liked, which was easy as it let him watch her wonderful ass. Leshyet was dressed in tight fitting leathers today and it showed off her figure much to her advantage. He wondered why she wanted him with her for this one. When Sabeth had been sold he didn't find out until after she was gone. Did she know he picked Brant for the farm because he hated him? He actually was a good match, so he didn't think he had done anything wrong but was nervous anyway. Dragons were just impossible to predict.

The unicorn and dragoness made their way to one of the slave pens overseen by his Mistress. This one was partially his responsibility as well, containing all the slaves taken from his village. Except him of course. He had turned traitor on his own kind and had been rewarded for it. He never regretted it. Every one of the unicorns in there deserved their fate. They had all been mean to him his whole life, and now they were paying the price. It was mid-day and all the unicorns were hitched to slave posts in varying positions. Sometimes the guards just chained their collars to a post while other days they were inspired and bound them up in elaborate poses and positions. Today it seemed was mostly standard, wrists attached to pegs above their heads.

All the unicorns were watching with apprehension. A visit from Rickie was bad enough, but dragons were worse. They knew by now Rickie had limits on what he could do to them. He could tease and fondle and abuse them, and sometimes torment and rape, but a dragon could do anything at all.

Brant knew he was in trouble as soon as he saw the pair. They were making right for him. For the thousandth time he wanted to run, run hard and fast to get away, but he was shackled and bound and there was nowhere to run to. His instincts screamed that two predators were coming for him, his belly tightening up in knots, dreading the belly punches and ball squeezing Rickie liked to inflict on him whenever possible. He let out a soft whimper and immediately felt ashamed and humiliated that Rickie the runt could make him feel so helpless and afraid. He wanted to pound the little shit's muzzle into a bloody mess, but would settle for simply being able to run away!

Leshyet said, "So... this is the big stallion up for consideration." She looked him over quickly and nodded, "A good choice, slave Rickie." She grabbed the stallions nose with a hand, directing his attention to her by forcing him to look up into her face. "So, you are the big bully that used to beat up the little runt?"

Brant quaked in fear as the dragoness held his muzzle, his eyes first focused on her sharp claws just inches from his eyes, then looked up at her as she spoke. He answered truthfully, for the dragons gave all incoming slaves harsh interrogations and you quickly learned they could TELL when you lied, and did punished any untruth or evasions swiftly. "Yes... Ma'am" he said.

"Did you enjoy it? Was it fun to hurt him? Humiliate him?" she asked.

Brant tried to nod but his nose was held too tightly. "Yes" he said in a soft voice. Those days seemed so long ago.

Rickie stood behind and to the side of Leshyet and trembled in remembered hate and humiliation. Why was she asking him these questions?

The dragoness almost purred, "Did he ever fight back, or did he submit to everything you and the others did to him? Was he a wimpy little runt?"

Brant groaned, a quick look saw the anger in Rickie's eyes and he knew he was going to suffer for this, but he suddenly didn't care. He had a chance to hurt the bastard and he took it, "He was a pitiful little colt. He never fought back, he was too afraid. The fucking little wimpy shit!"

Leshyet watched her pet unicorn out of the corner of her eye, his anger and humiliation as clear to her as if he had been speaking his thoughts aloud. She felt a sexual thrill at seeing him look so weak. She could clearly picture him getting his nose pushed into the mud, being made fun of, being looked down on. It made her pussy heat up just thinking about that weak little colt having power over her, even if it was just playing. She knew she was a pervert for enjoying being dominated by the weak instead of the strong. But she couldn't help what she was, and she never let any slaves REALLY control her. No, that she could not stand for. But a little pretending and play now and then... that was hot! She had other reasons for teasing the runt though, she wanted to make sure he still understood his place and could control his anger and feelings. Letting him tie her up and fuck her was fun but required being extra strict and observant to make sure he didn't forget what he was. Pleased at his self control she licked Brant's nose. "He was your bitch, wasn't he? You loved to make him suffer." she said.

Brant said, "Yes! He was an ass! Nobody liked him. It was fun to laugh at the little runt."

Leshyet slowly grinned, showing her teeth. She watched Rickie clench his fists, then slowly relax them. Good. She slid her powerful hand between the stallions thighs and grinned as he suddenly whined at her touch, her fingers caressing his balls and sheath. "And now you are tied up and helpless" she said, leaning forward to lick the side of his face. She whispered to the trembling stallion, "But don't worry... I'm not going to rape you. No... Rickie fucks me good and hard when I need it... I'd never fuck the likes of you. I like sucking his cock. The only time I'd put yours in my mouth is if I was going to bite it off." She let go of his muzzle and gave it a smack, stepping back and letting her talons run dangerously along the underside of his balls as she withdrew. "He is here, slave..." she said to Rickie.

Rickie flushed at the statement, his humiliation and anger draining away as he heard the dragoness telling Brant off. She likes ME, not Brant! Take that you big, ugly jerk! He nodded absentmindedly, then remembered where he was and dropped to his knees as the new dragon approached. He watched the male from the corner of his eye, black scales, shorter than his Mistress but extremely well dressed. The dragon had gold and silver piercings along his ears, an expensive looking necklace and various bits of jewelry attached to his horns.

The black dragon nodded to Leshyet, "I am Nalor. Is this the meat you are offering?" He looked at the suddenly whimpering Brant, his eye moving up and down the stallion's naked body.

Leshyet nodded her head, "Yes it is. As you can see he is a muscular specimen. Well toned, good build, tall. But not especially handsome. I'm sure the mares like him for his body but he doesn't have an especially pretty mane or any other outstanding feature that would get the interest of a collector. Perfect for the cattle ranch. Let me show you." She grabbed Brant's wrist cuffs, detaching them from the post and pulled him several stumbling steps forward. She was tall enough she could hold him in place, arms yanked high.

Brant whimpered again, trying to cringe away from the black dragon as his face was seized in cruel paws. He cried out as those wicket talons went for his eyes but couldn't get away as his eyelids were peeled back, the dragon peering closely before grunting. He nearly slumped as the claws moved away... the dragon was just looking at him, not trying to blind him. He made an ahhhhing sound of surprise as scaly fingers pride his mouth open and the dragon pulled his lips back to look over his teeth. He stood there in humiliation. He had seen feral horses inspected like this. But he was no horse! Then his tongue was yanked out by a pair of talons and he made more incoherent noises.

Nalor grunted a second time, "Looks healthy enough." He poked at the stallions chest and sides, groping and feeling the muscles. "Mmmm-hmmm. Probably works out. Lots of meat here" he said to himself, his hands moving down.

Brant squirmed as strong paws grabbed his ass, squeezing and exploring. He rrrrrrfed at the intimate examination, then yelped as his balls were gripped and examined, his testicles felt and explored. Those dragon fingers were not gentle and it hurt. He struggled not to kick out, knowing it would only make things worse, but almost lost his fight when fingers pushed into his sheath to examine his penis. This couldn't be happening!

Rickie watched with excitement, his cock hard from simply hearing his Mistress talk about sucking cock. He couldn't believe she said that in the open, but supposed only Brant could hear, and who was he going to tell?

Nalor said, "Hold him."

Leshyet nodded and pulled Brant's arms back down, wrapping one powerful arm around him to pull his body to her. Her breasts pressed to his back and her other arm got him in a choke hold, her hand closing around the base of the stallions horn.

Brant whined loudly as he was restrained, squirming as a heavy tail coiled around his ankles and legs to pin them tight. He could only watch helplessly as the black lifted a paw, extending a single talon and jabbed him in the shoulder. "Ahhh!" he screamed, and then sucked in a breath as the dragon pressed his lips to the wound and suckled at it, tongue probing the wound painfully.

Nalor stood back and regarded the stallion thoughtfully, smacking his lips. "Not a bad flavor. Yes... he will do. I'll take him. Bill the ranch."

Leshyet said, "Very good" and let go of Brant, giving him a hard forward and downward shove to send him to his knees, the stallion clamping a hand over his wounded shoulder. She snorted, it was hardly a very deep cut and he would heal quickly from such a simple thing. Due to his size the stallion probably never got into fights and wasn't used to being hurt. He would soon make up for lost time.

Rickie watched the black dragon loop his tail around Brant's thick neck. He could see the stallion's muscular neck being squeezed by the more powerful coil of the dragons tail and choking, get dragged off behind his new owner. Rickie closed his eyes, wanting to remember that sight for the rest of his life. He opened them and only after a moments hesitation bent over to lick at the toes of his wonderful dragoness mistress. He didn't care that the other unicorns could see him. They couldn't hurt him any longer. He would make sure he visited every last one of them today to make sure they knew he was still the boss of THEM.

Part Two

Brant yelled as he was thrown bodily through a pair of heavy steel doors, landing on the hard stone floor with a grunt. He heard the exits close behind him as he lay on the floor and rubbed at his neck. That dragon had dragged him for what seemed like miles before taking him into these dark and crowded caverns. He didn't have much chance to see anything but remembered large, well lit passageways with dragons and slaves busily scurrying about while he was forced to crawl on his hands and knees. Both of those hurt now, along with his neck, his shoulder and his pride. Pushing himself up he took a look around. It was the first time had been inside any of the dragons caves, and it was impressive. Carved from the stone itself the room was lit by softly glowing stones set into the walls and ceiling. One wall was covered in bunk beds, the rest taken up by tables and chairs, some bookcases and doors leading to other chambers. He could see dozens of furries, all looking in his direction and curious at the new arrival. They were all naked, collared and a few were sleeping on the beds. There seemed to be a lot of avians here, normally somewhat rare in the furry lands. At first glance it actually looked like a much nicer place to live than the dirty, smelly slave pens he came from.

"Well hello there" came a voice from behind him. He turned to see a stunning unicorn mare. Naked like him, and all the other slaves and wearing a collar, hers a simple iron ring the color of rust. He coughed, his throat hurting and said, "Hi..."

The unicorn mare said, "My name is Felestra, it's my job to welcome newcomers and explain the rules, and why you are here. Do you... know where you are?"

Brant got on one, then both hooves and stood, trying not to stare at the mares breasts. He had seen so many naked mares since captivity but still couldn't help himself, she was new and very alluring. He said, "Something about a farm?"

Felestra said, "Yes... thats the nickname. The dragons call it the Cattle Ranch. This is just one section, the dragons call it the cow pen. It's where you will live."

Brant snorted powerfully and said, "Cows?" Even through his fear he was insulted. Being called a horse sometimes was bad enough, but a cow?

Felestra said, "It's just a name. It means furries who live here are not eaten but only milked, so to speak."

Brant was still annoyed and made no effort to try and calm down. It felt much better than being afraid. "I'm not a mare!" he said.

Felestra tilted her head down to give his crotch an obvious looking over and said, "Oh, I doubt anyone would confuse you on THAT point."

Brant blushed deeply at her look, feeling a stirring in his loins at her attention and tried to recover his anger but it was quickly fading and leaving him once more with the familiar feeling of dread and fear. He glanced around again, trying to reassure himself... the furries here didn't look too bad off. Then he said suddenly, "Not eaten? You said nobody is eaten here? I'm not..."

Felestra interrupted him with a shake of her head, "I'm sorry, no... that's not what I meant. This part of the ranch is for furries who are not meant for slaughter. There is another section where that happens. Furries who try to harm or kill a dragon get sent there as examples, and sometimes others that are considered un-trainable. Slaves are too valuable to eat normally, so there are not many living in the slaughter house. They will be cut up for meat, or eaten alive if a dragon can afford to pay for it. Sometimes they 'donate' a leg or arm if the dragons want to punish them especially badly, but usually they are harvested all at once."

Brant's horror grew as he heard the mare calmly talking of furries being eaten, stepping backward until he was leaning against the wall, not wanting to hear any more. "No..." he said, not sure who he was talking to or what he was protesting. The whole idea of what went on here chilled and scared him to the depths of his soul. Being eaten was a prey animals worst fear. But he wasn't prey! He was a unicorn and wasn't used to feeling like a hunted animal. He wasn't going to be eaten! He looked back at the mare and said urgently, "I have to get out of here. I... we... we have to escape! Come with me!"

The mare smiles and shook her head, "No... there is no escape. Even if you could somehow get out of the ranch where would you go? You are still wearing your slave market collar. Any dragon, or slave that saw you loose would call the guards. As for me... I'm wearing the collar of the Ranch so the same would happen. Please... let me help you. They will come for you soon and I want to help you understand."

Brant's eyes were white with fear now, the calm voice of the mare seemingly unreal with the horrors he saw around him. "Come for me? Understand? There is nothing to understand... we are being held by monsters! Why do they want to eat me? I never attacked any dragons. I didn't do anything wrong!"

Felestra shushed him, "No, of course not... but you are a unicorn, and since the raids they have been preparing to buy unicorn stallions and mares to use as new stock. It's our ability to heal you see. And... they like how we taste. So they pick slaves that they find suitable, and send them here. You were just unlucky that they picked you."

Brant grew angry and stomped a hoof, making a loud cracking noise on the floor. "They didn't pick me! Rickie did, that traitor... he sent me here!" He pushed off the wall and stomped about, infuriated. He stopped after several minutes and went silent. "How can you be so CALM?" he asked, seeing her simply watching him.

Felestra said, "I've been here a while. I was captured long before the raids. Now, will you listen? As bad as things seem, our dragon masters can always make them worse if you displease them. Being here will be bad enough without extra punishment."

Brant bit his lip and nodded, he didn't want punished, no... he had enough of that in the slave pen. "Ok... what... what is going to happen to me?"

Felestra said, "That depends on the needs of the ranch. They sell food to dragons, food they get from us. Some of it is not too bad. They milk males and females daily. They take eggs from the avian slaves here. They sell your blood as well. It doesn't hurt too much, and most furries here don't mind. It's much better than being sent to slaughter."

Brant put his muzzle in his hands and groaned, "I'm not a mare! I'm not... not... cattle!" He had to spit the last word out.

Felestra put a hand on the unicorns uninjured shoulder, "You have to understand that to them you ARE. If you are good you might not have to go endure the worst parts of life here. They reward obedience by giving out the easy assignments. Be bad... and you will see the worst that they can do to you."

Brant calmed a bit, feeling the gentle touch. It seemed so long since someone touched him for any other reason than to cause pain. "What is the worst?" he whispered. He wanted to know now. To get it over with.

Felestra said, "They will drink your blood. You will be rented for dinners where dragons will take bites out of you. Haunch, rump, legs, arms, ribs. They know how badly we can be hurt and still recover, so you won't loose a leg. But it will hurt, and take moons to recover if they chew you up badly enough, or pay extra to sample bites of various organs. Kidneys and liver are a very expensive item."

Brant just shook his head in dismay and horror... they couldn't do that to another living being! The thought of eating meat was an idea that repulsed most unicorns, let alone the meat being their own bodies!

She went on, "They will cut steaks out of you to sell. Less expensive since they can get more off you than just chewing and tearing. You don't need to worry about them taking a leg or arm since we can't heal from that." She looked over at a door, a dragon was there, waiting. "Come, it is your time to be milked." She tugged at his wrist and pulled him in the direction of the door.

He stumbled along, his mind still unable to process all he had heard. They were going to CHEW on him? He let the mare take him into a room full of jugs and jaws, tables and strange leather straps and chairs. She took him to stand in front of one of the many workstations and she knelt down and nuzzled at his sheath. "Huh?" he said, surprised. He shivered as her tongue delved into his sheath to tickle at the tip of his penis, letting out a moan as he began to erect. He watched her select a long glass tube from a row of various sizes and attach a tube to the end. Then he closed his eyes and forgot all about his troubles as her mouth surrounded the tip of his shaft, her lips sliding down, down all the way and then back up to leave him slick and glistening. He gulped as the long glass tube slid smoothly over his dick. He shivered at the look and feel of the strange device.

Felestra stood and lifted a leg, swinging it over the stallions cock to straddle it, facing him. She squeezed her thighs over the thick glass tube and held it in place in the snug hole made from her inner thighs and crotch. She kidded him then leaned back, showing him her breasts, offering them to him.

Brant groaned and nodded, he was so hard, and so horny... all this time with naked mares all around and he couldn't even jerk off. His hands moved to her breasts to squeeze and fondle... wanting to thrust into her, even with the weird contraption on his dick. He kissed her again, hands working her furry tits and never saw her reach back to pull a small lever. Suddenly there was a soft purring, thumping noise and the glass tube began to SUCK at his dick! His eyes opened wide and he groaned, feeling his cock swell to completely fill the tube, gasping at the strange sensation. Then she was kissing him again and thrusting her hips against his, the tube pulling at his shaft, working it. He couldn't help it and came, hard... days and days of frustrations releasing all at once, making him whinny loud and hard. He shuddered, looking down over his shoulder... he saw the milky white streams of his cum being sucked down to be deposited in a small bottle. It was milking him... like a cow. He groaned as it continued to suck his slowly throbbing cock, getting every last drop from his balls.

Felestra smiled, turning the machine off, a little hiss sounding as the stallions cock was released from the grip of the machine. She got off him and pulled the tube off his still rock hard cock, detaching the tube and setting it aside to be cleaned. She said, "You will be required to do this daily... in your case... maybe two or three times, depending on how much you can produce."

He shuddered, flushed from excitement and the humiliation of what had just been done to him. He gulped, "So... this is your job... to do this to newcomers?"

Felestra shook her head with a slight movement, "No, I just tell new cattle what to expect, show them what to do... but don't have to help them do it. I have certain freedoms here... so I chose to help you because I like you. You will have to do it yourself next time."

Brant tried to think of anything but sex, wanting his erection to go away, "Why do you have special freedoms he asked, grasping at anything to distract him?"

Felestra looked shy for a moment, ashamed for another, then calm as she admitted, "Because I like to be eaten, and they give me rewards for my willing cooperation in being fed on."

Brant's cock drooped down even as his jaw did the same. He closed it, then opened it again to say, "You LIKE being eaten?" He was sure he could not have heard.

Felestra said, "I told you I was here before the raids. I was traveling close to the border. It was foolish of me, but I was fascinated by it all you see. The danger of the dragon slave huts, hiding when their big drakes swooped overhead on patrol. I was with a small trading party when we were caught. Looking back it was only a matter of time. I was taken, and the dragons... they can see things you know... they found out my secret... that the idea of being prey turns me on. A lot."

Brant shook his head aghast, "How could you WANT to be eaten? It's... it's grotesque!"

Felestra shook out her mane and said, "To you it is, but not me. Sometimes others are fascinated by what's forbidden. I have seen much in my time here. Dragons quickly strip away your inhibitions, tear down your walls and reveal what lays hidden. I have seen furries that like to be beaten. Ones that enjoy being enslaved, and others who enjoy doing the enslaving. Furries that want to be covered in the waste of others. Some that like cubs. Gay, lesbian, and even stranger things. And with me... it is the idea of being food that fascinates and excites me."

Brant swallowed, her mention of furries that want to help their captors... that was Rickie. He too had seen the dragons reveal a hidden desire, and it was not pretty. He didn't understand this strange mare, but he knew she was right... there were things in all of them, things better left hidden but here... here they had no choice. He supposed the poor mare didn't stand a chance... one they saw the desire in her they would have done everything in their power to bring it into the light so it could bloom. How quickly things change he thought. Before his capture he never would have believed anyone could WANT to be eaten, but after just a moon of being a slave he was ready to accept that furries, even unicorns were capable of anything. He looked at Felestra closely and said, "You don't look harmed..."

Felestra said, "They allow me to heal completely before I am rented. I'm now recovered from my last session and ready for another. Tonight in fact." She looked sadly at him for the first time, "I'm afraid I must go prepare, as must you as well."

Brant didn't want to go but he saw the dragon guard approaching, holding still as a leash was snapped onto a d-ring of his collar, a quick and hard yank dropping him to his knees. He felt his face redden, being treated like his in front of the mare he just met, feeling humiliated and ashamed at his obedience and surrender. He began to crawl at another tug, and soon was too busy to spend much thought on the strange little mare as he scrambled to crawl and keep up with the dragon leading him.

He was dirty from all the time in the slave pen, and now several furry slaves began to clean him. Brushing him down, scrubbing bits of fur and places that were stained. Polishing his hooves and horn until they gleamed and sparkled like they hadn't since he was captured and taken far from home. The worst was having his cock, sheath and balls worked over by a male furry who was enjoying the job a little too much. They gave him a large glass of some unpleasant tasting liquid, saying it would help him heal. With the dragon guard watching and ready to step in, Brant didn't dare disobey. He grimaced as he drank the thick sludge, and then a second large glass of it. He was then forced to relive himself, a humiliating process that a furry said was to make sure he didn't piss or crap himself once the meal started. The meal. He shuddered.

Eventually it was over and he was led through yet another of the many doors leading from the slave quarters. He crawled along a long corridor and was made to heel in a small chamber where a familiar black dragon was waiting.

Nalor looked over the kneeling unicorn and nodded in approval at the stallions appearance. He grabbed the front of Brant's nose in a powerful hand and forced the stallion to look up at him. "You have not been trained in how prey is expected to act for customers. This is on purpose. Tonight you will be serving clients that enjoy new, virgin prey. They will not expect you to know all the rules and customs, but listen closely... you WILL do everything they tell you. You will be polite, submissive and you will NOT RESIST."

Brant whined as he felt the crushing strength of the dragon holding his muzzle. He gulped and stared, hands trembling in his lap.

Nalow leaned down and GROWLED deep, "Your dinners with clients will never be fun or pleasant and you WILL suffer. Behave, and the rest of the time will be as pleasant as a slave could expect. Misbehave and you will spend your recovery time being punished. When you are fed on, the point is not to cause as much pain as possible, but to feed. Punishments on the other hand... they can be made much, MUCH worse. Do you understand, boy?"

When the hand let go of his muzzle Brant dropped his head, not wanting to look at the scary, cold eyes of the black dragon a second longer than he wanted to. "Yes Sir..." he said in a quavering voice. Almost before he was done speaking, rough hands grabbed him from behind, forcing his arms straight and then pulling them behind his back to bind the wrists tight. A leather belt was looped around both arms just above his elbows and tightened, pulling his arms together and making it so he couldn't move them at all. He grunted at the discomfort. Once his ankles were secured with a short chain he was lifted and carried out of the small preparation area, and into the dining room.

He looked about him, his stomach a tight knot of fear. It was as large as the slave quarters, but that was the only similarity. It was clearly a restaurant, with dragons seated alone or in groups at tables. Fancy chandeliers hung from the ceiling, the whole room lit with a comfortable glow. To the front were several balconies overlooking the dragon capital. He could only get a glance but could tell he was very high up. The sounds were both familiar and terrifying. The clink of silverware and plates, the sounds of chewing, and the moaning and crying of the prey. He only saw three other furries, bound and trussed up and heavily gagged. They were either kneeling on the floor or tied to the top of large tables. The tables holding furries were slightly bowl shaped with rims along the edge. For the blood he realised with a shudder. None of the furries here looked like they were being eaten... but he did see one that was being... licked and nibbled. He shuddered again, looking away. The rest of the tables were what he would expect to see, diners sitting at meals. IF they were furries instead of dragons he might imagine himself in a fancy restaurant back home. Unicorns did not eat meat but he had certainly seen plenty of other furries having meals and was no longer disgusted at the sight. But the meat here came FROM furries... maybe even unicorns. He convulsed once and closed his eyes, not wanting to see any more. Just a glimpse told him too much when he saw a plate with nothing but a small, fancily dressed steak.

The world spun as he was swung around to enter what looked like a small garden, but was actually one of several private booths in the restaurant. Plants were growing in the diving wall separating the private area from the rest of the restaurant, and inside on a soft leather bench were two dragons. Both dragons were dark brown in coloration and clearly a couple, wearing matching trinkets and decorations on their horns and bodies. He grunted as he was placed onto the serving table, struggling to keep his balance with his arms s tightly bound behind him. He settled down on his butt, kneeling on the table surface. It was more a bondage bench with steel rings set at the corners than a table. he glanced at the dragons and then quickly looked back down, not wanting to attract their attention. His eyes focused on drainage grate in the floor and he gulped.

"Fresh unicorn for the Rudas and Nisole party" said the dragon that had carried Brant and now waited at the entrance of the booth. Both dragons stood and approached the table, looming over the white furred unicorn.

Brant kept his head bowed, trying to make himself look as small and invisible as he could as the two dragons approached, but a firm hand gripped his horn and yanked his head back hard. He gasped, panting as his throat was exposed, watching the two dragons out of the corners of his eyes as best he could while held by the grip of the male dragon.

Rudas said, "Yes, he will do nicely. You may go." He ran his talons over the soft white fur of the unicorns throat, feeling the warmth and pulsing from the stallions quick breathing. "Do you like him my dear?" he asked his mate.

Nisole nodded, "Oh yes... very much so. A handsome beast and so FULL of blood..."

Brant shook in fear. All the dragons he had met scared him, making him feel like prey at some level, but these two were openly talking about him as food... they WERE going to eat him. He let out a whimper as he squirmed helplessly on his knees.

Nisole said, "Let's give him a taste of us first... then we will dine." She stood up against the table, hiking up her dress to her belly and spreading her legs. "I go first this time..." she said.

Brant whined as his head was pulled forward and shoved down between the legs of the dragoness. His furry face slid between her dull brown scales and he let out a squeak as she flexed them, trapping his head and face between the powerful thighs. His nose was brushing against her sex and in his first breath he could smell her dragon scent, his nose soon damp from her wet pussy. He squirmed, first worried he would tear his face on her scales, but dragonscale was not made of rough scales as it looked from afar. It was closer to snake scales, as if a pattern had been lightly stamped onto soft leather hide and painted in all the colors that dragons came in. It was very pretty close up, not a simple repeating diamond pattern but scales of all sorts of shapes and sizes forming complex patterns. He felt he dragoness wrap two hands around his horn and yank up hard, his mouth and nose now shoved tight against her smooth dragon sex. It was hard to breathe, and dark under the dress. The dragoness smelled of well oiled leather, her sex musky and strong. He struggled to breathe in the confining space, his nose already damp with the dragons juices.

"Lick, my little horsie..." said Nisole as she petted the white head between her legs, squeezing his face and trapping the stallion.

Brant managed to mostly ignore the insult and obeyed, licking as best he could, getting the taste of her on his tongue, in his mouth. Maybe if he pleasured her she wouldn't eat him? Maybe she wanted to fuck him... like that dragoness fucked Rickie? He worked his tongue as well as he could, not having much experience in this sort of thing... probing... shoving it in, desperate to make her like him and take pity. Her sex was hot and wet, his muzzle soaked as he desperately worked.

His hopes for pity were crushed as he was yanked back, tongue still hanging from his mouth as he was turned around and presented with a huge dragon cock. He ahhed in shock and surprise and felt it ram into his muzzle. Mmmmmph! He tried to pull back but the grip was to strong. Without any hesitation the dragon's cock shoved in and out of his helpless muzzle, fucking his face. The saw-toothed ridge on the underside of the shaft hurt his tongue and the angular tip rammed painfully at the inside of his mouth. Then it was over and he was pushed back between the two dragons, acking at the strange tastes of dragons in his mouth, mind numb from the quick... rape? Was he just raped by two dragons?

His thoughts were cut off as he was spun on the table again, this time pulled roughly onto his back. The male held him by the shoulders while the female pulled his ankles apart, attaching his cuffs to the steel rings at the corners of the table. He whined, feeling vulnerable spread like this and jerked his hips up as a smooth dragon hand cupped his balls. Even after all the touching, groping and abuse he still was not used to being grabbed so boldly. Once more his head was yanked back, his shoulders were at the edge of the table and his head was pulled hard, exposing his throat and making him groan at the stress of being stretched so far back. Something was shoved into his mouth, a large gag of some sort. It filled his muzzle and forced him to breathe through his nose. This time it was not talons and fingers he felt, but two dragon noses as they began to nuzzle at his exposed and helpless throat. He felt his body go limp in terror from the two predators at his neck. He wanted to curl up and protect himself, or run hard and fast, but he could only squirm and whimper loudly in his gag.

The two dragons knew exactly what they were doing, moving expertly into position, kneeling on either side of the stallions head, facing each other, their prey between them. Nisole took the stallions throat into her jaws, mouthing him just under his chin. Rudas did the same from the other side, but biting below his mate, taking Brant's neck in his jaws down closer to his heaving chest.

Brant trembled, eyes wide and white with terror. He could feel the dragons hot breath against his neck, their fangs pressing against his skin. Then they bit him. He screamed into the gag, making a muffled whinny of pain and terror as he felt long dragon teeth pierce his neck. The sharp upper fangs sinking into muscle and then opening his jugulars, one set of fangs on each side of his neck, both dragons hitting their mark perfectly. Despite the warnings he thrashed, but dragon feet stomped down on his legs and ankles and rough hands held him steady. He heard slurping and swallowing sounds as the dragons fed on him, drinking his lifeblood as it flowed from both sides of his neck, his throat in the double grip of the two dragon predators. His neck and shoulders were on fire from the pain, but the worse was knowing they were FEEDING on him. They were EATING him! He shuddered, his struggling fading away to twitches and slow writhing.

Rudas mmmmed in pleasure, his lips pressed right to the dragons neck, tongue lapping at the blood, swallowing slow mouthfuls. He was careful not to tear too deep into the delicate vein, and also not to hit an artery which would cause his prey to faint from the interrupted flow of blood to his brain. No... he liked hearing his screams weaken, his struggles slow as it weakened. No fun if it was unconscious. That's why he paid extra for fresh blood.

Brant trembled and grew weaker by the second, hearing nothing but the sucking, swallowing sounds. The pain was a dull throbbing now, except when a dragon shifted for a better grip and the pain shot through once more. He didn't seem to have the energy to scream any more, just making soft ahhh-awhhh-awhhh sounds through the gag in his mouth. He couldn't swallow, could hardly breathe as the jaws squeezed his throat and choked him, wheezing noisily through his nose. Even this quieted as he felt himself slumping, now only upright from the dragons grip on his body. He watched his upside down view of the dining room fade as his eyes drooped, slowly blacking out. He gave a little kick of his hoof at a harder bite, moaning... no longer able to think coherent thoughts, feeling only the helplessness and finality of prey being brought down by a hunter, helpless as he surrendered his body, his very life to the predators. Then he gave up, knowing he was beaten, just food to be consumed. He sank into unconsciousness, welcoming the coming oblivion.


Felestra sat in her private room, kneeling quietly with her head bowed as she meditated. She felt the excitement running through her. It was time to be eaten again, and she couldn't wait. She had spent the past hour getting cleaned and prepared, drinking down a good amount of a specially prepared liquid meal to prime her body to deal with the damage that was to ensue. At the sound of the door to her room opening she stood, eyes cast downward and followed the guard meekly, obediently, and eagerly.

Then she was walking down the familiar hallway to the ranch's dining room. She quivered with excitement. She stopped at the large doors and dropped to all fours. Only then was she led out into the hall. She didn't look around, she knew what she would see from the sounds. A few furries were here to be blooded, but no sounds of a devouring, no smells of a furry being eaten. She was glad. It was a special occasion when a live furry was brought in, and so far, she was the only unicorn. Poor Brant... he would soon join her in the role of live prey. She hoped she could do something to help him, but those were thoughts for later. She felt strong hands lift her up, easily setting her down on her knees in the rounded bowl of a feeding table. She did not move, keeping her gaze down, her hands now at her side. She didn't look at the dragon seated at the table, only catching his dull purple scales and the build which indicated a strong male. He must be very wealthy to afford her. She kept her eyes obediently downcast.

"Is she to your liking, sir?" said the waiter.

"Very much so..." said the dragon who was looking over the mare greedily.

The waiter nodded and then pulled a flogger from his belt, giving it a few test swishes through the air, and with an expert grace, swung it to send the straps smacking against the unicorns back.

Felestra didn't make a sound. The blow was very light, she hardly felt it. So was the next few, but the blows began to slowly, steadily grow harder. She grunted a bit, feeling the strikes of the leather straps begin to sting. From her meditation she was already well on her way to a pleasured haze of submission. The flogger only sped up that process, but served a second purpose. Each blow triggered her brain to release pain-killing chemicals, and the next harder strike caused even more to flow. She quickly lost track of time, her back a dull burning from neck to waist, and she wavered in her kneel, finding it hard to stay upright from the rush of pleasure the beating brought her. She was an expensive meal, a willing one, and properly prepared she was a unique experience. The hands pulled her backward, laying her down onto the table. The cold touch against her back made her gasp and squirm and she looked up into the eyes of a predator.

The dragon looked down at his meal, so very hungry, and horny. He brought a slave to service him while he ate, and she was between his legs now doing what she did best. But she was nothing compared to the feast that lay before him. He ran his hands over the soft, pure white horsehair of the unicorn. he felt her slim build, her firm breasts, her living, breathing throat. He leaned down to kiss her muzzle, feeling her breath as she moaned more than hearing the soft noise.

Felestra moaned quietly at the look of the dragons eyes. She could see his hunger... knew she was his prey. Her body was just food... meant to be eaten... her whole reason for existence was to feed others. Her eyes saw his teeth, so sharp and dangerous... meant for meat not grass or hay. Her body lay open and exposed to him, her belly quivering and vulnerable.

The dragon licked his lips, moving his head down his prey to lick at a nipple, teasing it... tasting it. He took it between his teeth gently, and then bit... piercing it with his fangs and tasting the tiny drops of blood welling up. Delicious.

Felestra cried out at the sharp pain of her bitten nipple, arching her back at the sensation. She willingly took the offered gag, letting it slide deep into her mouth to both stifle any screams and to keep her from biting her tongue or damaging her teeth. She would have enough to heal from without hurting herself. She moaned into the gag as her nipple was released, feeling the dragon's jaws closing over her breast. As the dragon bit down she grabbed the edged of the table, moaning loudly into the gag. She could feel the power of the dragon in his bite, her breast crushed in it's grip, fangs sinking deep. Her body... in it's mouth... as it should be. He was eating her, she thought with a thrill of sexual pleasure. She was his FOOD.

Mmmmming at the taste of the mares breast the dragon sucked hard at the breast, tasting both rich blood and sweet milk. His jaws released the tit, and bit the side of it... this time letting his jaws close completely and taking a bite from the squirming unicorn spread before him.

Felestra howled into the gag as the bite tore flesh and ripped into her mammary. Nothing could really prepare her for this, but somehow the pain was worth the pleasure it gave her. She was quickly loosing herself in the experience, writhing but not struggling. She wasn't tied down, but there was nowhere she wanted to be than here... a dragons meal.

Watching as the diner chewed slowly to savor the taste, the waiter discretely pressed a medical pad onto the wound which would staunch the bleeding and allow the mare to last much longer before needing to be taken away to recover. The dragon waiter had done this many times for the mare and knew the bleeding would stop quickly on it's own, but every bit of help let her last longer and allowed the ranch to charge even more for her services. The waiter watched carefully, for this mare was priceless. He would step in if the dragon began causing too much damage, but to sit in that seat one had to pay a LOT of gold, and the penalties for killing her would ruin the hungry male.

Felestra lifted her leg, stretching it up and out as an offering to the hungry beast who had her in his power. Her mind was full of pain and pleasure and satisfaction at being so well used... imagining her flesh in the dragons belly, soon to be broken down and made a part of him.

The dragon licked up the long, sexy leg of the unicorn and shuddered. His cock was rock hard, but he hardly payed attention to it and the slave working it, his focus was on the taste, the meal, his prey. He nibbled up and down the leg, enjoying seeing the unicorn tremble and shiver at his teasing, and then he sank his teeth into the calf muscle, chewing and tearing out chunks of raw meat to savor and swallow. He drew his tongue in long licks up the bleeding leg before biting and swallowing more. He greedily moved up the leg, laying it back down and ignoring the waiter who dressed the wounds. He bit down hard into her thigh, knowing just where to bite and where to avoid as to not sever a major artery. Even with the restrictions there was plenty of meat for him.

Gasping for breath, Felestra felt the dragon eating her... the pain overwhelming, but the pleasure even more so, her entire body alive, bleeding for the predator, her blood his food, his wine. She felt herself being rolled onto her side, then her stomach and howled as a bite was taken out of her backside, her tender rump slowly devoured.

The dragon slowly ate his fill, savoring the taste of the pure unicorn flesh. It was like nothing else he had ever tasted, and tearing it from her living body made the experience all the more enjoyable. It was worth every coin he paid, and more. He slid his tongue between her bloody thighs and licked sensuously at her sex, covering it her own blood as he tastes her flowing juices, smelled the scent of her arousal.

Felestra cried out at the lick, the touch sending pleasure running through her body. She wished he could eat her pussy... wished she could offer her most delicate flesh to the dragon, but he had not paid for that privilege.

His muzzle bloody, the dragon licked his lips and had the mare rolled back over... it was time for desert and he began to bite and chew on her unbitten breast, fangs sinking deep, growling as he pulled and took what was his, feeding on his prey. When he finished he sat back in his chair, his belly full and only then did he close his eyes and climax hard, roaring his pleasure.

Felestra's vision slowly darkened as she heard the roar, managing a shiver at the sound. She could just make out the sight of the dragons face above hers, then feel his jaws at her throat. She closed her eyes, wishing the dragon would finish the rest of her... leave her nothing but bones, her body in his belly to become fuel. She was too far gone to groan as the dragon bit into her neck, her mind swimming in bliss as she slid into unconsciousness, happy to be where she most wanted, in the jaws of a dragon.


The throbbing ache in his neck and throat slowly brought Brant to wakefulness. Even before opening his eyes he grimaced, hands moving to his throat. He didn't know where he was at first, but then an image of two dragons with his neck in their jaws flashed into his mind and he opened his eyes in terror.

He was sitting on a bed, one of many ling the wall of the room he now knew as the cow pen. He tried to sit up, but slumped back as his vision dimmed and he nearly fainted.

"Easy there, big boy" said some sort of bird. She had colorful feathers ranging from green to yellow along her body. Like all anthro-avians her 'wings' were also her arms, with three-fingered hands at the end. The wings were vestigial, but they could glide a bit for a short distance. "Don't try to sit up, you lost a lot of blood and will be weak until your body recovers" she said.

He coughed and winced at the pain in his throat. The tearing fangs had been bad enough but the powerful grip had nearly crushed his windpipe. He relaxed in the bed and consoled himself that by the feel of it he would be ok by tomorrow. At the end of the dinner he hadn't been sure he would ever wake up again. He shuddered and squeezed his eyes tight.

The bird patted the unicorns head and said, "I'll stay here with you until you can talk at least. Go back to sleep... it will all be better in the morning."

Brant doubted that very much.

Suddenly he opened his eyes again, remembering what that nice, but very strange mare said. "The other unicorn..." he said with a pained voice. "Is she... *cough* ok?"

The bird looked away and said, "She is back now... she will live."

Brant forced himself to sit up, slowly this time. He was weak, but not bedridden. "I want to see her."

"That... that might not be a good idea..." said the bird hesitantly.

Brant grunted, a bit dizzy bit his head clearing as he woke up. He touched his neck again, no bleeding, the wounds were closed, as long as he didn't get bit again anytime soon he would be fine. "Help me up or get out of my way..." he said angrily. He didn't know why, but he had to see her.

The bird sighed and said, "All right." She slid to his side and put a wing-arm around him, helping the large stallion up. The horse was heavy... all that muscle was mostly dead weight now from his weakness. She led him out the door, taking slow steps and making damn sure her feet were out of the way of the unicorns hooves. One step and she could lose a foot! Luckily the stallion was being kept in the room set aside for them, next door to where the mare had her quarters. She opened the door and helped the stallion into the doorway.

Two other avians were inside, one holding out a feathered hand, "No visitors. Stay outside please." It looked at the stallion and snorted, "Oh all right... you can come in but stay back, it will be MY ass if she is disturbed and has a slow recovery." The bird took several steps to the side, revealing the unicorn mare.

Brant gasped, unable to walk further into the room as he slumped against the door frame, only the female bird at his side keeping him up. At first he wasn't sure what to make of the scene. The mare looked like she was floating over her bed, but he could see there were wide straps of cloth looped around her and hanging from the ceiling. It looked like she was hanging in a hammock someone had cut large parts out of. The reason for the setup was painfully clear. Felestra, or what was left of her had large wounds all over her body. The straps supported her in places where she was unharmed, and there were not many of those. He closed his eyes, the vision seared into her mind. Breasts savaged, her ass a ruin, legs deformed from so much meat having be... eaten away.

Now he knew why he had wanted to look so bad. He wanted to know, he had to see... because soon that would be HIM torn up and bloody. Felestra had been right, he had to face this or go insane. He opened his eyes again and gulped. Where once was soft white fur he could see large holes. Thankfully there was no bleeding, the wounds were covered in thin, reddish-pink flesh. The holes would fill in he knew, the fur growing back... good as new. Only to be eaten again. He groaned. Finally he pushed himself back upright, looking over the poor mare, her own eyes closed as if she were simply sleeping. A tube ran from a hanging sack and entered her mouth. She wore nothing else, tail limp. He said, "Is she... in pain?"

The bird who spoke to him earlier shook his beak from side to side, "No, no... she is sedated. We will keep her drugged and are tube-feeding her until she heals enough to be able to move around again. By then the pain will be mostly gone and she will be able to recover on her own. It's ok... we have done this before..." The bird stopped, realizing what he was implying and clapped his beak shut, not sure what else to say to the unicorn who was obviously going to be going through this himself.

Brant nodded and turned his head, "Help me back... I... I've seen enough." He didn't feel any better, knowing what was to come, but was slightly reassured to see the mare was still alive. Nearly dead on his feet he took his time making it back to his room to collapse into the bunk he just came from. Exhausted, still weak from the massive loss of blood he immediately fell asleep, his breathing slow and deep, but his dreams restless.


Esten whimpered as she was marched down the hallway in the direction of the ranch's dining room. She knew what waited her there... it's where furries went to be eaten. They had already taken off her collar, and the others said that was a sure time it was the end. The fox looked back over her head at the dragon guard that was escorting her, but saw his cold look and quickly glanced away. Even with death moments away she didn't want another beating. She whined. She was only in the range for a few days... didn't they get more time than this? Her mind raced... would she be given to dragons to rip apart? Or taken to be cooked? Or cut up? She watched door after door pass, and was not led into any of them. Instead she found herself on a large ledge used for shipping out food and receiving dinner guests who had, or could afford to rent the big drakes. One was waiting now with a female dragon riding on its back.

"Come on, we don't have all day." said Nylye from dragonback. She indicated an already open pouch on the side of her yellow colored mount. "Put her in there."

Esten couldn't help but look at the female dragon with anger, ignoring the drake as just a big animal like a horse. It was all their fault! She told them she was straight, that she liked males, but no, they had to sell her to a female dragon like she was a lesbian or other kind of pervert. The other slave girls said she was lucky, that male dragons had horrible cocks but what did they know. They just repeated what their Mistress told them to. Male dragons were probably real nice once they got laid. But that female dragoness was terrible. Making her do all sorts of disgusting things with her muzzle. The places she had to put it! It wasn't her fault at all that she snapped and grabbed a paddle and cracked the bitch over the head with it. She winced at the memory. The dragoness seemed to hardly notice the blow, but then the beatings began. Then the trip to the farm where she was told she would be served up on a platter!

The fox yelped as she was shoved into the rough leather bag and strapped in. The takeoff was frightening but she huddled down low so she wouldn't fall out and couldn't see anything which was a relief. He stomach did all sorts of unpleasant things, and then she grunted as the drake landed heavily. Hiding did her no good anymore as the leather straps were unbuckled and she was revealed, pulled free and marched a few steps before having her knees hit from behind and forced to a kneel. "Ow!" she said, her knees hitting hard and painfully, the vixen looking around.

She was back in the slave pens. Was she being returned to be sold again? Maybe this time a male would buy her! She could hardly hope... dumb dragons! A shadow fell over her and she looked up to see the dragoness rider standing behind her, then a smack to her nose made her quickly look back down with a grumble.

"All right, slaves! Pay attention!" the dragoness roared, quieting everyone in sight. She was in the middle of several large slave pens, perhaps two hundred furries of mixed species were standing, kneeling or chained to posts. All were watching her as she scanned them, good. "This slut here attacked her owner with a weapon" she said.

Esten wanted to laugh. It was a wooden paddle! Hardly a weapon.

Nylye continued, "For that she was sent to the cattle ranch to be used as food. We thought she might serve as a good example to the rest of you what happens when a slave commits a serious crime." She took several steps back and called out to her drake, pointing at the fox and issuing several strange words in a deep voice.

Esten said, "Huh?" at the speech, and looked up as another shadow fell over her, but this time it was the yellow head of the big drake. She screamed, trying to scramble to her feet but the head came down, it's long and powerful tongue wrapping around her waist, trapping her arms at her side, the creatures mouth open wide only feet above her. "HELP!" she screamed, struggling in the drakes mouth.

The large beast knew what it was doing, it had eaten furry two legged prey before. Get its arms trapped and it couldn't claw and scratch. His stomach rumbled but he willed it to quiet. Mistress told him what he was to do and he loved his Mistress. Would do anything for her, anything at all. Now he got to eat one of the delicious furry two-legs. It was a rare treat and he was so happy!

Esten cried out as she was yanked up off her knees and to her feet by the tongue, the strong muscle pulling her up and into the beasts jaws. She was too big to fit entirely inside, but when it closed its mouth the only parts of her not inside were her legs. She panicked at the dim shapes inside the drakes mouth and screamed, "I'll be good! Please! Noooooooo!"

The drake smoothly tilted his head back, cradling his prey in his lower jaw as he lifted his head high, straightening his neck. All the fuzzy two-legs were making noises now and he could smell fear wafting out from the masses. It just added to the delicious taste and feel of the prey in his jaws.

Esten struggled and kicked as she was tilted backward further and further, now nearly upside down as she squirmed in terror and helplessness. It was going to eat her! No... nooooo! Suddenly the tongue released her, the jaws opening but before she could even think to try and grab onto anything and pull free she slid backward further into it's mouth! She could see the dark, gaping hole of it's throat and screamed as she slid into it. Her body was suddenly surrounded by hot wetness, squeezing and compressing her as she fell, her arms trying in vain to cover her head in an instinctive reaction to falling headfirst. Then she grunted, feeling herself squeezed through a constricting opening and into a tight, confined space. Throat muscles forced her all the way in and her body was helplessly curled into a fetal ball.

She wailed, curled up, pressed in at all sides by hot, sticky and heavy flesh. Oh it was so hot... she suddenly gasped for breath in the total darkness. It ate her. It swallowed her! She was in its belly! She was a hunter, a predator! She wasn't meant to be eaten! She struggled, pressing her hands against the hot walls of the dragon's stomach, her fur matted to her body by the slimy insides.

The drake let out a rumble of contentment. Nothing was as good as live prey in the belly except finding a she-drake in heat to fuck. He licked his lips as he felt his stomach bulging pleasantly, full of squirming prey. He had had plenty of training for this, so he concentrated hard at keeping his belly under control. Save his food for later... save his food for later. Once a dragon began to digest their meal they quickly became lazy, so they could hold off on digesting their food until they were done hunting and had a full belly. He had a full belly NOW... but Mistress wanted him to wait, so he did.

Nylye walked up to her yellow beast and hugged his belly. It was visibly distended and she was sure if she looked carefully, could see subtle motions in it as the fox struggled deep inside. A drakes hide was too thick and there was too much muscle to be able to see any details, but the lump itself was clearly visible, with smaller lumps occasionally shifting as the fox squirmed and struggled into new positions. She pressed her ear and heard the thumping of the drakes heard, the gurgle of various organs... and yes... screams. She listened for a while and called over a guard, "Get a few slaves from each pen and make them listen... they should have nice stories to tell the rest of the slaves what they heard."

The fox cried and pushed but was getting exhausted in the tight, hot confines of the dragons belly. It was so dark, so tight... she pushed as hard as she could with her legs, stretching the stomach just a bit only to be crushed back into a tight ball once she stopped.

The drake watched the little furry things touch his belly. Some came quietly, other shrieked and made annoying noises. He wanted to just step on them, or maybe chew on a few but glances at his Mistress told him she would be displeased, and he would never do that! His eyes snapped to her as he saw her lift a hand and call out a command. He obeyed instantly, well trained. He lowered the tip of his nose a bit, neck arching and opened his jaws to let out a belch. Then he inhaled, closed his mouth and gulped down a swallow of air. He was proud of it, it took a long time to understand what his Mistress wanted and then do it, but he learned! He was a good mount!

Deep inside the belly the fox felt muscles moving all around her and was suddenly squeezed hard! She felt the breath squeezed out of her as the stomach walls pressed in, no room to move or breathe... and then suddenly it relaxed as fresh air blew over her face. It was on fresh for a moment, and then the smell came back... she gagged at it, the awful smell of the drakes belly. She squirmed and struggled again, harder... but once more slumped in defeat, trapped... tired. Her terror had dulled to a steady presence but was no longer overwhelming... she just couldn't keep it up. The heat and pressure, the darkness and exhausted and tired muscles put her into a dulled state... unable to think clearly, but realizing that this was it... she was going to be digested. She moaned softly, huddled... waiting for the pain. But it just didn't come, only the helplessness, the hopelessness of being swallowed alive with no escape, and only one way out. Time passed slowly, or fast... she didn't know anything but the crushing darkness,, the thundering beat of the beasts heart and her own tiny body nothing more than a meal.

The drake held out as long as he could, but eventually what existed of his mind wandered and his stomach began to gurgle pleasantly. The little fuzzy things were led away and his Mistress patted his belly. He let out a rumble of pleasure at the touch and crooned down to her.

Esten twitched and squirmed... a new sensation bringing her out of her haze. Her skin itched... all over. She coughed, the smell suddenly much much worse, and breathing burned her lungs. She gasped and started to struggle again, pushing and arching, trying to escape. She screamed as the itching turned to a burning... her nipples! She covered her breasts with her hands, but her tender pussy lips began to burn as well and she tried to cup herself. Then her whole body was covered with the pain. It only lasted moments, fading to a dull burning like a day old sunburn or the ache of a hard workout... but the ache and burn seemed to seep deeply into her muscles. She had enough time to realize what was happening, to know she was finally being digested. Then her body softened and began to come apart and she knew no more.