My Knight in Shinning armour ch10

Story by Sindal on SoFurry

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#10 of My knight in shining armor

Disclaimer: Ya know the drill; this story contains gay activity and is not suitable for peoples under 18. If you find this offensive or don't like it, please leave before you get into trouble for being tati or traumatise yourself.

My Knight in Shinning armour

Chapter 10: Tranquil in chaos

Alex had to stay in the hospital for a few more days, even though he looked fine they wanted to make sure he was truly healed and ready for the outside world. During that time David had visited him daily, talking to him, bringing things like flowers and chocolates. He even sang to him when no one else could hear them. This always made Alex blush, because singing was something that most furs liked to do in the presence of anybody else. His mother, who was fulfilling her place as a mother to be over worried, also visited him. His father never came, but that was because his mom told him that he was still sick.

The others were the rest of the group of friends he had. Daren, Nicholas, Sam and Jeff visited about once each and kept asking him if he would be ok. Alex would normally narrow his eyes and nod slowly, in place of just a monotone yes. David was the one that he saw most. The mouse believed that the bright caring smile of David's made him feel better. It was better than the solitary silence of his white room. Each night Alex would dream of the thing he currently could not do with his boyfriend, specifically because it was a hospital and being caught here was beyond embarrassing, not to mention just plain wrong.

So Alex just let his fantasies carry him into pleasant dreams. Wonderful candy coated dreams placed on a rainbow above a field of bright vivid spring flowers and going higher, approaching cloud nine...

"Ok, Ok, OK, pause and rewind for me please!" Anthony watched his brother pace back and fourth in the living room.

"Augh! Why do all the bad stuff happen to me?" David muttered in a frustrated manner as he basically walked a hole in the floor.

Anthony glared puzzled "I still don't get the bad side here"

"What do you mean, we both have powers"

"But shouldn't that be a good thing?"

"NO! It's a very bad thing, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad"

Anthony snorted "And this is because?"

David stopped pacing. He faced his brother and pulled on his long ears "OK, here we go again, listen CAREFULLY. Fact one is that I have powers that stem from bane, chaos and other dark related things. You've seen me do it, I absorb and use the abilities of monsters and demons alike...Fact two is Alex, my boyfriend, is an angel."

Anthony smirked "Oh, we all think that about our loved ones bro"

David shook his head rapidly and pulled tighter on his ears, crumpling them out of place "No, I mean he's got angelic powers, ya know, holy stuff and light, the force of good, bla bla bla bla bla."

Anthony titled his head slightly to the side "Still not getting the bad side"

David sighed "Bro, that makes us enemies. Its like I'm some villain and he's the police force"

"Welllllllll, you know that they say, opposites attack"

David groaned "Except in this scenario, He has the power to eradicate me while I can basically annihilate him"

"Yea, but you two would never do that to each other, I mean, you love each other don't you"

"Yes, but although I've learned to control my powers, he does not even know they exist yet..."

"So just don't tell him he's got them"

"Not gona work, its growing to fast for him, sooner or later he's going to notice the fact that he can heal something instantly or blind someone with a light that's brighter than the sun itself"

"Then...are you going to tell him?"

David looked at his brother like he was totally insane "I CAN'T DO THAT, if I tell him about his powers, I have to tell him about my own"

"And the down side is...?"

"The down side is the fact that I'm basically Dracula reincarnated with my powers. You've seen my other form..."

Anthony sighed and patted his brother on the back "BUT, the fact is that you AREN'T Dracula reincarnated, you're good for pity's sake"

David hung his head low and flopped onto the couch "Yea, yea whatever"

Anthony shook his head slowly while making that 'tisk-tisk' sound with his mouth. After a moment of silence he muttered "You know have to tell him eventually right?"

David felt like crying, "Ya, I know...I just don't know what to do..."

He was confused, worried, worked up but most of all...he was afraid...

The day Alex was discharged from the hospital, there was a group waiting for him at the large automatic sliding doors of the glum hospital. It was late in the day, like 7:30, so things were started to get dark. The mouse dashed out and rather tightly hugged the first fur he saw, David.

David chuckled at hugged back just as tightly "Good to see you're glad to see me"

Alex giggled, "I'm always glad to see you darling"

"Hey dude, good to see you out of that medical trap" Sam and Jeff chimed in together

"Yea, most people don't survive being hit by a car" That was Daren, Nicholas standing right next to him, they were holding hands, they looked so cute together when they did that.

One fur Alex didn't recognise was the female badger standing just behind David. He was smaller that him and had an arm cast over the right arm. He wore blue slightly faded jeans and a matching blue shirt. Alex had to admit she was pretty, even though he would never think of her in any other way. A pair of those considered nerdy glasses perched on her face and a long blond platted ponytail at the back of it. She smiled at him kindly.

Even though he was still hugging David he asked "Um...I'm sorry but, have we met?"

She just grinned with David answered for her "This is Stefany, he's the one that found you when you got hit and brought you here, you kinda owe her for saving your life partly."

Alex blinked and smiled lopsidedly "Oh, well then nice to meet you Stefany and thank you for helping me."

She nodded with the smile still plastered properly on her face "No problem at all, and you can call me Stef if you like, that's what everyone calls me" She looked down at her watch "OH! I have to run, nice meeting you!" she shouted as she ran off down the pavement, her ponytail bobbing behind her.

Sam and Jeff turned around "Yea, we need to head off too, catch you two later" Sam said as they walked off

Nicholas turned to Daren "Daren, I just remember, I need to be anywhere...but here" he then twisted around and started running.

Daren blinked "But...oh, come back here Nicholas" started to chase after him.

Nicholas had started hopping "Catch me if you can" giggling.

Daren was smirking in-between laughter "You are SO asking for it"

A 'Maybe I am, what are you going to do about it?" was heard was they both disappeared out of physical sight, leaving Alex and David.

There was silence before Alex chuckled "They make the cutest couple, don't you think so honey?"

David nodded with a smiled "Yea...of course, nothing is cuter than you"

Alex chuckled more and was joined by the bat. They laughed for some time at the entrance of the giant white building with a Red Cross emblem on it. The mouse put on the cutest face he could "Can I say over at your house tonight?"

David smirked "You're not going to give me much choice with that face of yours..." He laughed lightly and grabbed Alex's paw, entwining it with his own "C'mon, we should get going"

They started strolling down the pavement. It was getting darker by the second, the streets illuminated by the streetlights and car headlights whizzing. Alex was feeling an overpowering need to hold onto the bat rather closely, so he did. David smiled and lifted him into his arms "You mind if I carry you?"

Alex shook his head then leaned it (his head that is) on the bat's strong chest, feeling a large aura of safeness form around him. They, well David walked on and on. They pasted through a park, which was looking lovely under the light of the moon. The trees and other flora added to the environment of tranquillity. Cars could amazingly no longer be heard. Everything was so peaceful...

There was one bench in particular that captured the moonlight brilliantly, it looked like it had been blessed somehow the way it was glowing besides the large amount of red, white and pink roses surrounding it. David was walking towards it. He gently placed Alex down on the bench and sat down next to him.

David smiled "'re heavier than you look sweetie"

Alex smirked "I'll ignore that comment for now"

David leaned over and wrapped the mouse with his arms, even his wings lightly "Alex...I love you so much...I don't even think there's a word for how much I love you...I would do anything in your are the most precious thing in my life now...I will protect you forever...I'm never letting you go...for as long as I live"

Alex cuddled back, a tear running down his cheek "David...that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me...I'll always love you...that's a promise..."

David smiled, looking equally touched, but not tearing up like Alex was. Slowly he pushed his muzzle against his mate's, locking both of them together. Alex really loved how tenderly David kissed him; it was not rough in anyway possible. His lips were smooth, the same for his tongue. Like David was handling a piece of the most fragile glass, he took great care not to fracture or harm it at all. They kissed passionately under the brilliant light of moon, staying closely huddled together like their lives depended on the fact.

David rubbed all over Alex's body, making him murrr gleefully. His chest, arm, leg, back and nearing crotch was all caressed gently. Nothing was left untouched on the mouse. Alex shivered and vibrated from the sheer pleasure of the moment. Everything was perfect, so perfect...

Alex slowly disconnected them, muttering out "Hate to spoil the moment hon, but I do think we should be going, we can't sleep outside in the cold."

David nodded and picked Alex up again "True that"

They departed, heading towards David's nocturnal home. When they got there, everyone was asleep. Apparently the little stroll had taken much longer that the two had expected. Alex had fallen asleep as well along the way to the house, resting his head on David's chest and breathing lightly, so David tiptoed to his room and gently laid his boyfriend snugly under the covers. He then climbed under with his mate and embraced the mouse once more for the last hours of that day.

He whispered to himself "I hope you keep that promise my love, for the sake of my well being and emotional state, I hope to god you will still love me after I tell you..." closing his eyes and drifting into a deep sleep. The light reflecting in the little gems in his room slowly died down the further their masters state of conscious went down...

