Office Conflict: Part 3 - Wednesday

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#3 of Office Conflict

This story and all characters within are the property of the user Ghosty on SoFurry (Ghostwolf36 on Furaffinity)

Do not copy or redistribute this work in any way!

This story involves strong sexual themes, if you are not comfortable with such themes in your reading please leave this page now. Further themes will be explored in later chapters.

Enjoy your reading and please leave comments.


Lisa arrived at work early as per James' instruction or threat; she couldn't decide which it was anymore. Looking around the car park she didn't see any other cars around and hoped she was first into the office, that way she would have time to prepare herself for James' arrival.

The office floor was still dark, the lights were off, but a small amount of light from behind the window blinds left the open office and cubicles cast in a dark grey. Lisa crossed the floor to her personal office in the dark and opened the door. She sighed as she closed the door and dropped her purse on the couch across from her. She stepped up to turn the lights on when a voice came from behind her. "You were almost late." James' low rumbling voice came from the leather couch behind her.

Lisa spun around and barely saw the edges of his clothes where the minimal light caught them. She was surprised she hadn't seen him when she had entered the room. "James!" She yipped in shock. "You frightened the life out of me."

"Well I figured after yesterday, I'd keep you on your toes." James voice levelled out as he got up from the couch and approached her. A tiny glint of light caught his attention as he approached her. "Still got your collar on?"

Lisa nodded. "I put it on before I left the house this morning." She said quietly.

James took his time as he stepped closer to her, then slowly attached the leash he had to her collar. "Well at least you've got the idea now." He whispered mischievously. "So what do you think I'm going to do with you today?"

Lisa shuddered; she had been thinking about it all night but had done her best to avoid drawing to any conclusions. "I... I don't know." She said with a chill running down her spine. "Please, just don't hurt me James."

James stood face to face with her; his body pressing her back against her desk. "Now why would I do that? Hurting you doesn't do either of us any good. This is just a dressing down." He said with a grin.

"So what do you want with me today?" She said softly; excited but also terrified by his closeness.

"Take off your jacket, blouse and bra Lisa." He growled deeply; his words tinged with deep perversion. He remained in front of her, staying close as she slowly began to peel her clothes off, the slowly gathering light, mildly illuminating her creamy white and deep brown fur. She lay her clothing over her desk and stood in front of the timber wolf, curious as to what he would do next. She let out a soft gasp as she felt his paw roughly grasp one of her breasts. "When you first got here, you were the talk of all the guys. We all goaded and teased each other with thoughts of what we wanted to do to you. How the guys would envy me for what I'm doing now." He growled softly as he firmly pinched her nipple, making the husky moan softly. "Oh they'd love to get a hold of you like this." He chuckled. "I just don't think that they'd be too gentle with you these days... Ice Queen."

The words echoed through her, chilling her to her core. Was that what her co-workers thought of her? "I didn't know you thought of..."

"And why would you?" James butted in. "You're always too busy lording over us to consider what people think of you or how you come across."

Lisa bit her bottom lip and looked away in shame; had James thought of her as attractive before? She wondered why he hadn't said anything, but she quickly realized her actions had prevented him from crossing that bridge. "James, do you find me attractive?" She asked sheepishly. She squeaked loudly as she felt his paws firmly grab her backside.

"Don't get me wrong Lisa, I think you're hot. There was a time some months ago when the sway of your hips and the way you'd pose as you spoke to the others drove me wild, even the way you wear those tight blouses and jackets to make your bust seem bigger. Lets say though, your personality stuck a wedge between the desire I had for you and actually saying something."

A look of excruciating pain crossed her face as she felt her world collapse; she was responsible for keeping everyone at arms length and building barriers that she thought others already had against her. "James I'm sorry I didn't..." Was all she managed to say as she raised her paws to try and cup the wolf's face, only to have them brushed aside as he released her from his grasp.

He stepped back and gave the leash a firm tug to remind her of the situation. "You see Lisa, this isn't just about me having had enough of the way you treat me and my team. It's about you."

Lisa nodded and dropped to her knees. "What are you going to do to me James?" She said softly.

"Lie down Lisa." He growled, once again reasserting the authority he had over her now. She did as he asked; laying flat on the floor and feeling vulnerable even though she still wore her skirt and panties. She watched James as he slowly got out of his trousers and underwear then straddled her body and knelt down over her. "You know what I want now?" James growled with a smirk on his face as his member began to swell and rubbed against her chest.

Lisa nodded and slowly cupped her breasts; gradually forcing them together around the wolf's shaft. "Is this what you want?" She said shyly.

"Not entirely." James chuckled to himself. Lisa looked at him a little puzzled as he began a gentle thrusting between her large soft furry orbs. "You're going to wear something a little different today Lisa." Again Lisa looked at him uncertain of what he meant. "I'm going to cum all over you Lisa, and you're going to wear it all day."

"But the other's they'll know your scent is on me." She yipped in panic.

James smirked. "Well it's up to you to cover it up, but no trying to clean yourself up." He growled and tugged firmly on the leash. "Understand?"

Lisa nodded and shuddered at the thought; She'd be putting perfume on most of the day and trying to stay clear of just about everyone, no easy thing when she knew she had two meetings later that day.

With a firm buck of his hips, James started her day's lesson. Her soft fur and warm flesh tickled and excited him; at this time of day, he knew it wasn't going to take long to finish, but he would try to make it last as long as possible. He watched her through stern eyes as he thrust between her breasts, her paws cupping them tightly around him as he proceeded. She whimpered quietly as he firmly pinched her nipples and tugged on them sharply; not enough to do any real harm, but enough to keep her attention on why he was doing this to her.

Panting gently as her work colleague made use of her body; Lisa couldn't help feeling shameful. Not for what was to come, she had accepted that as a deserved punishment, but for what she had done to arrive at her current situation. Over and over in her mind she remembered so many different occasions where she had given James verbal abuse and unnecessary grief over trivial problems that were far from his to bother with. In a dark corner of her thoughts, a voice seemed to call out to her "Finally getting what you deserve." over and over again.

Her mind was quickly brought back to the present as James' thrusting became harder and faster and he demanded that she squeeze her breasts more firmly around him. Not wanting her situation to get any worse, Lisa obliged. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as she began to squeeze and press her breasts tightly around the wolf's shaft. A soft moan escaped her mouth, moan she hadn't expected to convey her satisfaction in her current situation; she had never been the sort who enjoyed giving up any power she had, but now being commanded by James she felt as if some weight was slowly being lifted from her.

James smiled wickedly at her moan and reached down to pinch her nipples. The sudden firm pressure on her sensitive flesh made Lisa gasp in shock. James teased, tugged and pinched her nipples for what felt like several long minutes before he released them and took a firm hold of the leash again.

Lisa's eyes flew open in shock as James gave a sharp tug to her leash as he thrust forward harder and further than before; she barely registered the motions before her mouth was forced open and James' shaft filled her mouth. She tried to make him stop but it was a feeble effort; her paws pushed at his thighs and hips to try and make him back off. In truth though, she didn't want him to stop; her resistance lasted less than a minute before she had gripped him and tried to get him to do more.

Seeing that Lisa was far too occupied with his cock to look up at him James allowed himself a small smile of triumph; it had only been two days of 'punishment' and Lisa seemed to beg for more as soon as he made use of her. He wondered if deep down the real Lisa would rather be told what to do than to be in charge. He allowed himself a moment to wonder if Lisa really was all that bad as he tugged on the leash repeatedly and Lisa's muzzle slipped back and forth along his shaft, her breasts now pressing to the tops of his thighs and crotch.

A tightening in his crotch made James aware that his lesson was about to come to an end. Abruptly, he pulled himself free of Lisa's muzzle and stood over her. Lisa could only find the energy to stare back at him as he began pumping his paw along his shaft faster and faster. "Push your tits together Lisa." James growled. Without a second of further resistance Lisa obeyed, then a moment later she watched thick ropes of James' cum shoot from his cock and splash over her chest and belly fur.

Lisa sighed heavily to herself, unable to believe that she had let herself drop to this level; she sniffed back a tear, but she couldn't decide if it was because she was upset or that James wasn't giving her more.

"On your knees." James braked in a low tone as he slowly but firmly tugged on the leash. Lisa obliged and got to her knees then looked down, watching James' semen trickle down her fur. With an almost pleasant smile James placed a finger under her chin and made her look up at him. "Now that won't do, it'll give the game away when you put your blouse back on." Lisa understood that even the slightest contact of his cum on her silk blouse would stain it and leave awkward questions to be answered. She almost recoiled when James moved closer and ran the tip of his cock over the largest pools of his cum, smearing them deeper into her fur. Lisa tried to look away and bit her bottom lip, only to have James grasp her ear then gently start rubbing it.

James almost laughed to see Lisa's reaction. It seemed her ears were a particularly sensitive spot for her and she nuzzled and pressed herself more firmly into his paw while he smeared his cum across her fur.

Suddenly it was over. The rubbing of her ear, his cock tip brushing cum through her fur and the leash was unfastened. "Is this all I am to you now?" Lisa asked as she watched James get dressed again.

"That remains to be seen Lisa." He growled softly and approached her as she stood up. "Do you understand why I'm doing this now?" He asked softly.

Lisa gave a hesitant nod. "I think so, and I'm sorry for anything I've done in the past."

James lifted a paw to silence her. "What happens from here is pretty much down to you Lisa. I'll be seeing you like this for the rest of the week, we can talk about me once we're both sure you've learned what it means to be part of a team."

"But I..." Was all she managed before James rubbed behind her ear again, making her purr softly.

"I'll be watching you around the office and I'll have my ear in on some of your meetings. How you behave will decide if you get more of this." He rubbed more firmly at the back of her ear making her shiver with delight. "Or this." His paw swiftly dropped and roughly pinched her nipple, his claws firmly dragging along the soft flesh. She gave a soft howl of pain laced with the tiniest hint of pleasure. He dropped his paw after a short moment of inflicting the small amount of pain to make his point then turned to leave her office. "Sort yourself out Lisa; people will be arriving in a few minutes."

As the door to her office closed Lisa leaned back against her desk and removed her collar; she looked it over carefully. It was a symbol of power, power that James had over her, part of her liked that; another part of her wished that he was her superior from the beginning. She wondered how different things might have been in that situation, but it seemed like a flightless fantasy now. Slowly and calmly she picked up her purse and pulled out a large bottle of perfume and began to spray herself with it. It was going to take a lot to mask the scent of what had just happened.

* * *

Lisa had spent the remainder of the day on a knives edge. She had attended her meetings and gone about her business as usual to the best of her ability, a few comments had gone by that had made her blush once or twice and one employee had made the mistake of commenting that there was a smell of loving in the air. As it had turned out, he had just gotten engaged, his choice of words however had earned him several minutes in Lisa's office being told about appropriate use of language in a work environment. A few confused or uncertain faces took double takes as she had passed them during the day, but Lisa tried to pass it off as the rather heavy amount of perfume she had used that day.

Five thirty came, but not soon enough for Lisa. As the office emptied she found herself lazing back in her chair and pulling the collar out to look at once more. She lost track of time as her mind wondered, thinking about what James would do next. Catching some movement in the corner of her eye Lisa looked towards the door to see James standing there; her eyes went wide with anticipation, curious to know if he had something else in mind for her today.

"Surprised to see me?" James asked in a level but unusually friendly tone.

Lisa shook her head. "Not entirely." She got up and placed the collar on her desk before walking slowly up to the wolf in her doorway. "Are we alone?" James nodded in response. Lisa breathed a sigh of relief.

"Quite a good performance today Lisa." James said with encouragement. "I did worry at one point that you were going to mess it up but you seem to understand the game now."

Lisa sighed and turned her back on the wolf. "A game? Is that what this is to you?"

"Easy Lisa you're slipping away again." James growled softly in her ear as he rested his paws on her shoulders. "If you're lucky I won't do anything at all tomorrow and we can actually talk for a change."

Lisa shrugged and sighed, her head dipping a little as she did. James gathered from her body language that she would rather still play his game, even though she feigned her loathing of it. She suddenly stiffened as she felt James' paw grip her backside and slowly push her skirt up. "On the other hand I could always give you some treatment here." He whispered softly as his paw slipped between her legs and rubbed at her pussy, pressing the soft fabric of her panties gently against her sensitive flesh. Lisa drew a ragged breath and firmly squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to trap his paw where it was. "Your call." He said softly as he slowly pulled his paw away, cupping one of her buttocks and giving it a firm caress as he did.

"Please..." Was all Lisa managed to say.

James smiled and gave her cheek a tender kiss. "That's for being a good sport; now let's do lunch in here tomorrow. Everyone goes to the pizza place for the full hour for their deal day, so we won't be disturbed."

Lisa nodded. "Do you want me to bring anything in particular?"

James chuckled to himself. "Leave the food to me, you just make sure you've got something sexy on under your suit."

Lisa tried to lean back against James but heard him step away. "Alright, I can do that." She whispered.

"By the way." James called back. "I never thought you'd go through with it for the whole day." Lisa blushed and thought of the nightmare that awaited her when she got home. Cleaning cum out of her fur was not something she wanted to do, but she knew it would give her time to plan for tomorrow and perhaps turn the game around and make it more favourable to her.

Lisa smiled to herself, if he wanted sexy, she had just the thing to make him come around to a more favourable resolution about his work status. She grabbed the collar James had given her and after a moment of consideration slipped it back around her neck. She suddenly felt more like James' girl and that regardless of their actions, she would still get something she wanted even if she had to give up what power she had to get it. Lisa knew it was going to be a long night, and James' recent gentleness and softer words made her wonder if tomorrows game would be more pleasurable for both of them.