Lonely Fox Chapter 6

Story by darkwolf_162000 on SoFurry

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**Chapter 6

A fox gets curious**

Genris was still ecstasy from Luke filling him. All Genris wanted was him to keep pounding him but he knew as well he was only animal. Genris knew as well all good things had to come to a end. So Genris nods his head to Luke and says to him;

Genris: Oh, yes... I just wish it could last a longer. Don't you agree?

Luke just smiles and says in a panting voice to Genris;

Luke:Yeah, but all of this working out is very tiresome. How about we rest now, then we can clean up later? I figure as well for you, you have to be tired.

Genris was smiling bigly and he just shook his head "No". Genris was a fox that had plenty of energy when he needed it. So this was nothing for Genris, this was actually something he been trying to find for a long time. Yet while this was going on, Luke's body was expanding greatly and every breath Luke took. It looked like he was growing even more while he was just standing on his knee's holding onto Genris. Luke had to hold onto Genris until his cock was soft enough to pull out of him. If Luke pulled to soon, Luke would hurt himself and Genris. Genris loved the idea that he was tied to Luke at that present time.

So while both Luke and Genris were waiting, they both got on their sides and each movement made Luke's cock go further into Genris's ass. Genris just murred at the feeling of Luke going deep into him. It was a sensation he never wanted to stop again. It came to a stop as they both finally were on their sides and both Genris and Luke kissed one another and slowly fell asleep.

After a few hours passed by Genris wakes up. Genris didn't feel Luke's cock in his ass and turns about to see if Luke was in the bed with him. Luke was passed out sleeping beside him. Genris smiles at Luke as he slept. After a point of just laying there beside Luke, Genris was checking him out again and was getting horny again. Genris was wanting Luke's cock badly. So Genris looks down to Luke's cock and saw that Luke's tip was just barely poking out. Genris smiles and was thinking to himself, "Maybe if I just lick it..... It may grow." Genris then looks at Luke, then looks down to Luke's cock. Genris slowly approaches Luke's cock, while he was doing so Genris stopped and looked up and heard Luke mumbling in his sleep. Genris waited for him to stop adjusting himself and tried to continue with his idea. After a few minutes past Luke was comfortable and was on his back. This couldn't worked out any better for Genris as Luke was wide open for Genris to lick his cock.

Genris then moves even more closer to Luke's cock, just as Genris opens his mouth and lowers his tongue to Luke's cock, Luke just bounced his hips and inserted for a couple of second of his cock into Genris's mouth. Genris closed his mouth as Luke lifted up. Then as Luke Grunted, Luke's hips stayed in the air for a few seconds and slowly was going down. Luke's cock was caught in Genris's mouth, And Genris was using one paw to hold up Luke's ass as Genris made sure Luke didn't wake up. Luke fortunately didn't wake up yet. Genris sighs in relief as he let go of Luke's ass and then Genris felt Luke's cock going deeper into his mouth. Luke's hips slowly sank down as Luke's cock was growing and going further into Genris's mouth and down Genris's throat. Genris had no idea what he just done and was soon going to be finding out about Luke's growing cock.