Kayla In the CargoHold

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#2 of Kayla's Life

Kayla Redux: Cargo Hold By: Professor Bob Owned By: Shippo

In the 28th century, the technology of rejuvenation allows for immortality. This is not that planet, or that time, or even part of that timeline. Alternate events lie around every corner for a certain Aspatrian fox.

  • * * Once aboard her trade freighter, the kindern Kayla chose to stow away in the back of the cargo hold where no one would hear or find her. Where she was going, she had no clue, nor care. Sitting atop her bushy tail, knees pulled to her chest, she hugged herself and huddled between two metal cargo containers. Head between her legs, ears folded, the girl stayed quiet without a whimper left in her. Opening her eyes from time to time, she'd eye down her thin belly to her groin, where the silky thin fur around the opening to her lips was dyed red from her own blood. Her once tight and puffy labia, soft with fur and babyfat upon her smooth pelvis, now looked slightly loose and raw from the treatment she had received shortly ago. It had been two hours, but her abused entrance and stretched lips still hurt, leaving her to sit back on her tailbone to avoid putting pressure on her sore groin. Time passed slowly for the worried girl, curled up as she was and playing with the fur on her knees to avoid complete boredom. After some time she received a heart stopping fright. To her left as she sat between those two containers, her ears flung erect and pivoted at the sound of a loud, low growl. As soon as the child flung her head to the side to see what it was, she squealed aloud and shot her back away from the container, towards the other opening between the two containers. Paws and footpaws steadily trying to push herself along the metal cargo room floor, her eyes shrank and locked on what was in front of her, standing there staring back at her with it's teeth gleaming. It looked to be some kind of.. beast! Not a creature Kayla was familiar with, even if it looked so similar to her own appearance. It was a guard dog with grey fur across it's entire body, standing on four legs and clearly not of sentience. Such a thing made no sense to an uneducated five year old who knew nothing of species aside from her own. The dog's nails clacked upon the metal as the heavy animal padded it's front paws closer, then it's hind, slowly approaching Kayla as she slid away in fright, ready to kick her legs at the dog's muzzle from her position on the floor. The dog was trained to hurt and maim what it found stowing away in the hold, but something had caught it's hormone-sensitive nostrils, causing them to flare and sniff at the air as he approached the two legged fox child. Being nude, Kayla's feminine scents were strong in the air, especially so soon after copulation. The smell of female, juices, male cum, all intoxicated the canine's senses, causing his growls to dull, and his teeth to slowly disappear back under his uncurling muzzle lips. As large as the dog was to Kayla's tiny body, he was still frightening, and with good reason. The moment Kayla got scared enough to really want to take off, the rolled onto her belly - knees painfully smacking the metal floor as she tried to crawl away out from between more boxes to safety, she was his. Yes, his. There was no difference between a fellow dog and an Aspatrian fox kit to the aroused animal, working on all the hormones and scents left by the girl's aroma-filled vagina, being blown around by her briskly lashing tail. Being on her knees only gave the dog a chance to consider it an invitation, leaping from his stance on four legs to get right behind the child. Forelegs going over Kayla's shoulders, she was promptly pinned down by his weight. It made her want to scream, but.. she could not get caught! Not now! It was too hard to resist though at her age, as soon as the heavy, panting animal whacked his thick, bulbous canine penis against her tender and sore slit lips. She yelped aloud into her paws, squirming to little avail. Her eyes quickly filled with tears, feeling a certain familiarity in what had been pressed to her adolescent crotch. In strong pumps from his cock, the dog had Kayla mounted and his hips poised to copulate with the "willing" female that had presented herself to him, but just needed to get himself inside of her. With each of those strong pumps his hips would shutter slightly, penis jumping up and down and tapping her labia to try and make it's mark, pressing and prodding against all of the skin and fur surrounding her female organ. Balls jiggling and jumping in the canine's black furless sac with each primal thrust, it was only a matter of time before the dog found his mark. Kayla yelled into the floor and tried clenching her legs to force the canine out, but there was nothing she could do against an animal of this size and weight, and a cock that felt massive. She couldn't even see it having been mounted and her body pinned down, but as soon as it spread her lips and the tip touched her tired little hole, she knew she was one thrust away from being in deep trouble. And that she was. Once the dog found the tip of his thick shaft between the girl's lips, he thrust in to force her entrance wide open as it was only two hours ago. Kayla went from quiet tears to a baby's wailing cry into her paws, trying to muffle herself even if her cries were outright screams. The stinging pain shot up her poor groin and into her belly, as if the pounding the back of her uterus received earlier had bruised her. With no knowledge of her tiny size or regard, the guard dog kept his forelegs clamped on her shoulders and bounced her hindquarters closer and closer to her backside to hump in deeper and deeper. Unlike the man that had raped her shortly ago, the dog's method of thrust was much different. The dog pressed himself in deep, his hind legs and underbelly meeting her backside and crotch and remaining there with rapid, shallow thrusts. Instead of a long rocking motion, the dog employed primal speed, simply humping slightly to do it even faster. The movement of his shiny, pre-slickened cock within the confines of her young, now dry slit, served to strengthen Kayla's crying. Her legs would buck and try to free herself, pelvic and vaginal muscles contracting and squeezing at the hot, intruding male appendage to force it out of her, but none of it would work. The dog was too heavy and strong, and she was too tired. Pinned to the metal and trying to support the canine's weight on her small, spanked and scratched back was much too tough for her muscles, and her chest and head ended up getting held tightly against the hard metal. Being so dry between her legs, and not even stimulated or aroused before being mounted, the friction of the male's smooth cock-skin against her delicate raw skin generated a less-than comforting heat that burned at her howling nerves. They were confused between the pain of being raped a second time, now by a primal animal, and the pleasure of the canine's rapid, undulating pumps of his hind leg muscles against her less injured folds of pink feminine flesh. Broken bits of skin around the bowl-like opening to her passage bled somewhat from the dog tearing her wounds back open and re-stretching her vaginal skin. The pain and pleasure was nauseating as both were without her consent or joy, with the ache of each pounding thrust of the dog's muscular hind quarters into her body, shooting out from her lips and insides like a shockwave spiraling up into her belly, and down into her tense legs. Her knees grew scratched and raw as her squirming tore strands of fur out trying to support him and get away, and her tail was growing tired of trying to force itself down over her slit to protect herself. Flinging the furred appendage around in a futile manner, Kayla could only cry harder as it became trapped and immobile as the rest of her young form. Toes curling against the pads of her footpaws, her hips rocked towards and away from the canine's punishing thrusts that battered her outer slit and her insides, either to try and avoid the blows to her tender genitals, or involuntarily from her natural pelvic reactions. Fluids seeped around the head of the canine's penis from the kit's uterus, lining her walls with sticky clear lubricant all too late to save the girl from getting additional tears from the swelling cock scraping against her broken sensitive skin. It was a burning sting up Kayla's back, and she begged inaudibly into her arms and paws for the creature to stop doing this to her. Cries desperate and hard, she was quickly soaking her fur with sad, defeated tears as this thing took her torn cunny by force. Soon the ring of blood outside upon her slit was met with the joining of pre-cum and her own fluids, with the dog taking it's time thrusting. He didn't have a sizable vagina to use his rapid-thrust technique that was programmed into his mind, leaving Kayla to endure his punishing, lustful thrusts for longer then a female dog normally would have to deal with when they became more difficult from the dog's swelling knot. It took much force for the canine to attempt to continue his quick humps as he gripped and held the child, ramming at her slit and digging his's claws into her arms and paws. He was too big to move freely in the child's tiny hole and passage into her warm and wet organs, as the bulb became trapped in her nethers. Not ready to stop, the dog continued to try and thrust, pushing and pulling Kayla's entrance around while he was finally tied to the kit. Already howling and bawling out her wailing cries at her loudest, she lets them all out into her arms and paws, not even bothering to move or fight it now that she was stuck. But the dog needed to stop trying to thrust into her, she was tied to him! It wouldn't move anymore, it was just making her poor vagina hurt even worse! Clit coated in blood from the canine's tearing of her old wounds and adding new, it flowed gently down into her pubic fur above her slit. Tender as she had been, as soon as the muscles of the canine began to stop twitching and thrusting, and her puffy abused slit stopped moving and being jerked about, Kayla let loose a scream into her paws as if to say, "I made it!". Guard dog panting above her, he lifted his right leg and turned slowly around, getting off her body while his penis remained firmly planted in her tiny slit. The weight going off of her back was another relief, but a tension grew in her insides from the dog's position. No longer able to cry into her arms, Kayla whined sharply from the ache, feeling the dog's testicles resting on her bottom in the odd position he had tied her in. To try and take the pressure off her inner feminine organs, she lifted herself on her paws and footpaws a bit, even if it was very painful for her knees to assume such a position. They trembled and buckled in less than a minute, smacking her knees into the metal and causing the knot to again yank on her battered girlhood. Muzzle open, the little Aspatrian kit soaked her orange fur with salty tears and cried aloud till the knot finally subsided, and the dog stepped away from her body. Tail flinging down over her backside and somewhat gaping vagina for someone as young as her, hole wide and leaking canine cum across the metal floor between her legs, Kayla laid on her belly exhausted and cried like a broken kit. She hadn't found her escape yet it seemed. Crotch full of burning ache, and her knees throbbing from being abused and trying to support the dog's weight, she just wanted to lay there.. Even when she began to feel hot fluid being sprayed across her back and tail, down her legs and sides. She was too tired to care, but after a moment her nose began to smell what it was. The dog stood over her as she rested and released a stream of urine from his semi-firm cock, with the yellow soupy fluid marking his owned territory. Kayla's orange fur soaked in all the urine and she didn't bother to get up, and just allowed the creature to do as it wished so she would not be harmed again. The hot fluids soaked into her back fur to rest against her pelt, and ran around her tailbase to pool around the pucker of her tailhole before running down her rear and flowing around the swollen lips of the kit's labia. It smelled ripe of urine to her sensitive nose, and the dog simply left while she cried in a pool of the yellow fluids. A touch of her own mixed in with what pooled on the floor, trickling down her vaginal folds in tiny, frightened drops to leave her lips to drop to the cargo floor. This would be the least of her problems, considering she was soon to be found. A female child on an Aspatrian vessel would receive a beating she would not soon forget, before she reached her final destination.