A Mortal issue

Story by FrostySnowTail on SoFurry

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A mortal issue ~SnowDragon

Ja, antoher story from me of the... other kind. Also solved a writing issue with my combats I think, so have fun with this one. This makes number... six I think, posted works. And something not related to the modern/fantasy war I keep writing for once, how about that. I really butchered on the flow in the last couple of paragraphs, but that's just me, apparently... Enjoy!

PS: I'd also like to apolgeize for any typo's/misspellings, as this is the just the raw result of my writing, with a little bit of a spellcheck.

Writing time: 2 hours (10:40 pm) Size: Soundtrack: Ave Maria, Clubbed to Death (Kuryayamino Variation)

More dust filled the air as another fireball slammed into the ground before him, smoke casacading into the air as the wind of twin pairs of wings blew it into rolling circles, more screams from the human populace of the small village that the territorial engagement had taken place over. Or at least, over at first. Now the duel had fallen to the ground, both sides too tired to continue in the air, the stakes simply too great. Aquamarine blue scales rustled against the sliding drake's back as he came to a halt, covering the front of a building in dirt and debris as he snarled at the air, a bolt of blue-white lightning leaping from his muzzle into the smoke, the air catching alight as the cackling beam of energy spiralled into the air without striking anything.

The fireball's smoke caught to the beam like it were a blade that dragged the entire surface backwards, it disappating, revealing the blood red drake on the other side of the town's main path, an echoing snarl to challenge the lightning's own roar. This had gone from a simple challenge over land to a fight to the death, with the town's population very much in the middle of it as the blue let loose another bolt of lightning, his scales fanning out, giving him the appearance much like that of a hedgehog, his whole body arched into the beam of pure electrical power, one that only mother nature herself could ever hope to come close to.

While he had the strength, the fire had his agility and he leaped out of the way, hopping to the left with a short flap of his wings as the heated bolt skipped off the ground where he was once standing, blue arcs dancing off the ground as it cooked the very air itself in ways the more classic dragon could only hope to accomplish, his scales folding back against flesh before the muzzle of his mortal foe opened wide and he pounced behind one of the human's structures right as the magic ball of flame and hate smashed into it, leveling the whole structure with an almighty explosion that shook the very earth itself with it's power, dull whacks and thunks of shattered and splintered pieces of wood bouncing off the ground, the blue hued drake's cover blasted into nothing but a mere memory, with who knew how many terrified humans inside.

It wasn't so much the fact the humans died that irritated the aquamarine dragon, after all he hated the vermin just like any other. It was more the fact that was more than likely several less humans to collect for his impressive hoard of gems, the last thought only coming to the top of his mind for a flash of a second thanks to the tiny, glinting pieces of what could have only been... or what used to be a ruby half buried in the sand of the town's roads.

He let out an echoing roar, one that was again returning, showing the fire had zero wish to surrender and keep his dignity before his next action brought a blink of surprise from the larger drake as the fire charged at him, pouncing before the lighting could react, tearing at his scaled sides with curved talons, a bolt of fire escaping his maw to impact the ground between his four paws, the resulting explosion sending the lighting flying as the smaller dragon slid to a halt, paws kicking up dirt as he went, while the lighting's scaled form smashed through the town's church, the bell tolling one final time before it too were shattered in the building's sudden demolition, the humans hiding inside crushed beneath tonnes of wood and steel.

Shaking dust from his head, head rolling back as he snarled violently, scales flaring out strongly, blue arcs dancing and rolling all over his form, the fire only getting half a second to realise what he had picked a fight with before the lighting's second bolt of pure blue anger shot through the air, striking the overconfident fire breather right in the chest, bowling him over into the front lobby of the town's tavern, the sudden smell of achocol joining the smell of burning flesh, wood and crushed dreams of the townsfolk around the battle of creatures formed of pure power and hatred for each other's forms.

As the fire stumbled out from the wreckage of the lobby, the lighting charged him down, his scales still flared as they bristled with pure energy, the firey scaled one's agility meaning nothing at this moment as the far stronger form of the lighting rammed against him with massive force, sending the fire dragon straight through the otherside of the lobby into the structure itself, where it collapsed totally around him, a soft whimper of pain the only sound in the air before there was silence...

...As the fire awoke some time later, his blurry vision was filled by a smirking aquamarine muzzle, the bigger dragon sitting atop of a blue cushion ahead of him. There was a defiant growl only for a second before the fire realised he had been beaten, the final seconds of the battle coming back into his mind, crushed under the debris of the town he had so eagerly tried to claim out from the lightning, raised up on the stories of his friends, fires were the strongest dragon, he knew that... but now, he wasn't so sure.

The lighting's scales flared a little, but he had no intention to cast his deadly bolts, only grinning as he mind wandered through the fire's, another little known power of his kind, sometime he took great delight in discussing. "You know, cursing the one in your mind who just broke both of your wings isn't all that wise..."

The fire could feel it, eyes widening in terror as he tried to deny it, a quick shuffle of his wings turning his somehwat regular breathing into a gasped choke of pain, not sure what part of this whole situation terrified him more, that he'd been kidnapped by a far larger dragons for purposes unknown, or that his flight had been so readily stripped from his body.

But even the unknown reason for his capture didn't remain unknown for long as he looked around subconsciously, his eyes taking in the cavern surroundings, dark, damp, far too cold for something he'd enjoy living in... and the lighting's well-endowed length throbbing gently in the air just ahead of his muzzle.

The lightning's grin widened visibly just as the fire's eyes did. Oh, this would be a welcome diversion from the usual... "You never did listen to your parents did you?" his voice echoed across the cave, enhanced by means unknown to dance off the cavern walls, while his mental self drove long spikes through the mind of the smaller fire, making him cringe and gasp out, able to sense what was happening, but completely defenceless to stop it. His head nodded helplessly as the lightning beckoned it to.

"But I guess they also never told you of the pleasure of what happens when your natural betters take you as a plaything..." Those words came in a soft growl, almost half in amusement, forcing the fire to his paws, the mind helpless, trapped within his own body as the lightning willed him around like an object to be used as he felt the cool scales of his captor behind him, rubbing up against his back as the redscale spread his legs as willed, hopeless to stop his impending violation, body only able to wiggle his rear as he presented like a dragoness in heat to the larger male, dragonhood swollen much to his own hatred, a point the lightning was quick as his element suggested to pick up on.

"Well aren't you just enjoying yourself there..." the bluescale cooed, grinning and biting into the fire's neck, while forcing one of his forepaws down to wrap about his own cock, stroking himself until jets of his pre splattered over the wall his muzzle was pressed against, the scent of his own need flooding the cavern, joining with the cool watery scent here before, an unbidden moan escaping his muzzle as the lightning mounted him, taloned paws wrapping around his upper shoulders, tapered length pressing against his all too raised tail, his scales being marked with the larger serpents pre, a short whimper escaping his maw as the drake finally took him in one swift stroke of his hips, going from teasing grinds of his hips to one brutal stroke in an instant, spreading the fire's tight little hole without any regard for his prey's pleasure.

For each slam of his hips, every strike driving his thick draconic length deeper within the fire he twisted the drake's defenceless mind, grinning as he growled loudly in pleasure as he ruined the dragon under him, soon the once innocent redscale moaning out lewdly with each inwards thrust, mind disappearing beneath his new urge to be taken, filled with dragonseed by all those who his new master would allow.

As the last vestages of his mind collapsed, surrendering to his new life, pleasure overtook him, hot firedragon seed coating the walls as the lightning seeded him as his own, marking him forever as his mind faded.

The rest, is merely a blur...