A Street dog named Desire

Story by Cloudbane on SoFurry

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This story is not meant for any fursons under the age of eighteen and/or if the acts described in this story are illegal in your area.

This is my first attempt at writting a story, i would appreciate any advice, ideas, or inspiration you readers can give me. Either catch me on YiffChat or mail me at [email protected]

A Street dog named Desire

By: Cloudbane

It was a midnight on the main strip, the roar of the engines sounding like thunder. Filling the air with an electrical charge from all the untamed power beneath the customized hoods of the competing vehicles. Desiree, or Desire as she was known on the circuit, paced almost lazily around her car. She owned a lovely little neon violet VW Golf Gti named Heat Of Passion, or the HOP to those more familiar with Desire and her car. At a cool $500,000 dollars her car was one of the top performers on the circuit, and always getting better as she was continually playing with it and tweaking it to get the best performance parts. But of all the modifications to her car, the hood was her most prized possession. It was a standard carbon fiber hood, sure plenty of other cars had something similar, but none had the same custom vinyl as her. Her self styled rose, each petal representing a championship that she had won. So far seven in total, and tonight would hopefully give her an eighth.

She took her place amongst the crowd as the second to last race began, the Skins versus the Pack. Snakes against Wolves, she didn't care whom won, she was sure she could beat either of these jokers. Typical rich boys using daddy's money to get some street credit, where she had worked hard to build her car from a stock VW Golf Gti to the mean machine it was now.

She watched as the buxom vixen waved the silken white handkerchief above her head twice then let it fall, signaling the drivers to go. With a loud ear splitting screech and a thick black cloud of smoke, both cars tore off into the night, their glimmering red taillights getting smaller and smaller with each second, then off in the distance the flash of a bright blue flame could be seen flickering out of the exhausts of the cars as they put on their NOS.

The smell of burning rubber still clung heavily to the air as the two cars drove slowly back to the starting line, the Beast doing an easy arc to return to it's starting position on the white line. As Desire looked at the wolf face vinyl on the hood of the Honda Civic she knew she would be racing the pack. She grinned at the thought of beating this rich kid. She would be glad to take Marcus down a few notches as he had been getting a little big in the mouth lately, bragging that he could take on anyone and beat them with enough room to allow a third car in between them. This big talk was not anything unusual amongst the drivers, but that fact that while he said it he had been looking at her while he said it was what got her back up. Now she had the chance to put this wolf pup in his place.

Marcus slowly did a lap around the Beast as his crew readied it for the next and final race, satisfying himself that everything was in order he decided to go and check out the competition. He had first seen her a month before he bought his first car, one of his friends had convinced him to attend one of his stupid street races and he had reluctantly agreed. But the moment he saw the beautiful collie step from the HOP after decimating the current champion he decided to join the ranks of the street elite. Within a month he had a car and was racing, quickly rising through the ranks until he was a finalist in this years championship. His competition was her, Desire the beautiful collie.

Desire groaned audibly as Marcus approached, a satisfied smirk adorning his face. He was handsome she had to admit, it was just a pity he was such a jerk otherwise she really could have had a thing for him. She pretended not to notice him until he was right next to her and he spoke her name.

"So, what did you think? I really showed the Skins what driving is all about. I bet they're already crawling back under the rock they came from"

"Not bad, but you're still wet behind the ears Marcus. I'll show you what real driving is, then we'll see what you think of yourself...and your giant ego"

She was grinning broadly on the inside as she saw the brief flash of anger on the wolfs face. She had already gained the upper hand, he was giving into his emotions and would be easy to manipulate. With a soft chuckle Marcus grinned, almost menacingly.

"So then Desiree, what say we make this interesting? Care to raise the stakes?"

"What do you have in mind Marcie?"

He knew she hated being called by her proper name and she new he hated being called Marcie. They were both trying to play on their emotions, doing whatever it takes to gain the upper paw. She had to admit that she was intrigued by this statement.

"If you win I'll buy you anything you want. I know that there must be something you want that you can't afford."

"Hmm..sounds good. And if you win?"

"Your ass is mine."

Marcus smirked inwardly as he awaited her answer, knowing full well that she couldn't resist such an offer. He watched her sitting there on the hood of her car, the clinking of the gears in her head almost audible to him as she thought.

She wasn't quite sure what he meant by her ass would be his if she lost. But she wasn't all that worried because she knew she could beat him. And the thought of getting something she needed for free was something she could not pass by. Especially seeing as it was going to be something really expensive.

"Okay, you have yourself a deal"

"Good, I thought you'd say yes. See you at the finish line. The two red lights in front of you will be my taillights"

With that he strutted off back to his car to check on its progress, laughing as he went. Desire's eyes followed his back as he walked away, shooting daggers at this cocky wolf. She would be glad to see him empty out his daddy's bank account to pay her reward.

Desire pulled the HOP alongside the Beast and turned her head to look at the grinning wolf behind its wheel. She stuck out her tongue at him as he winked at her, blushing slightly as she realized how childish her action was. When she looked back again at Marcie he was laughing at her and stuck out his long pink wolf tongue. Desire didn't want to admit to herself but seeing the wolfs tongue sent a slight shiver of pleasure tingling up her spine at the thought of it gliding over her shapely belly and thighs. She quickly pulled her thoughts back to the moment at hand as the vixen waved the silken white handkerchief and dropped it.

With the squealing of tires the two cars lurched forward. Rapidly gaining speed. The lights of the other cars along the track quickly becoming a blur. Desire smiled to herself as the speedometer quickly rose, her quick paws manipulating the pedals and gears as if it were mere child's play. She quickly glanced to her side and saw the Beast almost nose to nose with her, when she looked ahead she saw the finish line rapidly approaching, the white blur growing larger and larger with each heartbeat. She looked to her side again and saw the Beast nose-to-nose, and starting to slowly pull ahead of her. In a brief moment of panic she flip the toggle switch and released her nitrous. The loud purr of the engine as it sprang to life underneath her paws caused her to smile, a smile which soon faded as she heard the all too familiar whine of another car using NOS. Her heart sank as she saw the Beast glide past her and across the finish line just a fraction of a second before her. The brilliant bright blue flame from the Beast's exhaust making the rose petals on her hood glimmer and appear to sway as though it were a real flower.

Desiree's heart was in her stomach as she pulled the HOP alongside the Beast and slowly climbed out. She walked casually over to the grinning Marcus, determined not to let her emotions show, she would not give him that satisfaction at least. She walked up to the grinning wolf and looked up into his eyes, her breath catching in her throat as she suddenly realized how beautiful they were. A clear crystal blue, she tried to resist them but they penetrated her armor and held her captive. She could not bring herself to look away.

"So now what? You won, what do you want from me?"

She had intended her question to come out as a snarl, but was surprised when it came out in a soft, sweet voice. Marcus still stood there grinning broadly, but something similar to confusion now showed in his eyes as her strange tone reached his ears. He had expected her to be pissed off, ready to tear his throat out. But instead she was here in front of him, the tone of her voice making her appear soft and vulnerable. He wasn't so sure of himself now. He had already told his friends about the deal he had made with Desire, and now they all stood around the two grinning and look at one another, waiting for Marcus to make his move. When they saw him hesitate they took things into their own hands, they knew Desire and all thought that she was a stuck up bitch whom was about to get what she deserved. A tall skinny gray wolf was the first to speak and take action.

"Marcus said your ass will be his and now it will be. Hold her down boys"

The four wolves that were standing around her and Marcus suddenly leapt forward and grabbed her arms and legs, shoving her face down onto the hood of the Beast. Their strong paws almost tearing her clothes from her body, being careful not to hurt her... too much. In her shock she didn't put up much resistance to the assault, but when they started ripping her clothes off she tried to scream, kick, punch. But it was useless, their strong paws held her firmly in place, her now bare breasts pressing almost painfully into the cold metal hood beneath her. The wolf face vinyl seeming to leer up at her, seeming to mock her humiliation. She tries to scream as a paw starts to grope at her mound roughly. Blunt clawed finger rubbing against her hooded clit and tugging lightly at her outer labia. She tries to scream but it is cut off before a sound escapes her muzzle as the silken white handkerchief is shoved cruelly into her mouth. With a muffled cry the rape continues, the fingers now starting to probe into her cunt roughly, the laughing of the four wolves filling Desire's ears. Tears start streaming down her muzzle as these vicious beasts violate her. But through her tears she sees Marcus just standing there, as if in shock. He is watching her being humiliated by his friends, a large bulge forming in his jeans.

"Come on Marcus, come and get your reward"

It is the skinny gray wolf that speaks. Yanking her tail up hard and causing her to yelp into the silk handkerchief in her muzzle. Her tears coming harder now as she realizes what is going to happen. Marcus Nods almost with regret and pads behind her and out of her field of view. She hears him unzip his jeans and the ruffle as they fall around his ankles. She jumps slightly as someone spreads cold lube on and in her tight pucker, the probing fingers causing a little pain as they spread her virgin rear. She lies there waiting for her final humiliation as Marcus readies himself. All too soon she feels the broad tip of his cock press against her lubed tailhole.

With a soft groan from Marcus and a high pitched whine of pain from Desire the wolf cock presses the tip into her tight rear passage. He waits a short while for her to adjust before pressing painful inch after inch into her clutching tail. She hears Marcus start to pant and whine as he slides all the way into her stretched tailhole, black dots of pain burn through her vision. She closes her eyes and waits for the pain to increase, when she suddenly feels his growing knot press against her anal ring. He waits a few seconds before pulling almost all the way out of her, the tip of his cock trapped in the tight grip of her muscular anal ring. He moans loudly as her asshole spasms and clenches tightly around his invading member uncontrollably. Marcus starts to press home again, slightly faster than before, but being careful not to rip his prize open and being careful not to hurt her more than need be. He starts thrusting in and out of her clutching rectum, his rhythm and pace increasing with each desperate thrust. Marcus's mind briefly surfaces from his lust filled state and he realizes that Desire is no longer resisting his intrusion into her ass but is now moaning softly and pressing back into his every thrust. He grins to himself and lets his primal urges take control. He grips her tail and slides it's length through his paw over and over, raising it high so he can watch his swollen member slide into her. Her body rocking with his every thrust, her now erect and sensitive nipple rubbing harshly against the beast's hood. Jolts of pure pleasure shoot through her body with each rub of her hot nipples against the cool steel of the hood beneath her. The mixture of intense pleasure and pain coming from her stretched tailhole filling her senses. Her cunt quivers and drips her sweet honey onto the tarmac as her orgasm hits her. A muffled scream of pleasure hits Marcus's ears as he feels her rear clench tightly around him, almost brining his thrusts to a grinding halt. But he continues to growl and press harder into her. He leans forward and gently bites the scruff of her neck. She jumps slightly as the teeth graze the skin on the back of her neck as she is taken into a gentle mating bite. But the bite is soon released as he leans forward and pants into her ear. She is expecting him to gloat about his victory and how her ass is now his. But her eyes shoot open as the three words she never expected to hear from him reach her ears.

"I love you"