A Wonderful Night

Story by Truedrago on SoFurry

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Note: this storie is not mine!! It belongs to a friend who does not want to post it her self, so she asked me to do it for her. Enjoy and please comment

A Wonderful Night

we have been to the movies, on a date, and now we are back at your house with a bottle of wine, which is open but we havent really drank much :P being in your presence is much more intoxicating than any wine! Sitting on your couch, cuddling up to you, our conversation is on the movie and how we would have changed it and what we enjoyed about it. Your fingers keep stroking my hair and your eyes on my smile. I love how comfortable I am with you. How warm you make me feel. You run your finger over my cheek, you brush my lips and run your hand up under my hair cupping the back of my head, bringing me up for kiss. I respond by returning your kiss.. almost a perfect kiss, so soft, gentle and longing. Your other hand takes the other side of my face holding me there, and I open my lips, inviting you to kiss me deeper, which you do. Our tongues lick at each others tips and there is a little spark that runs down into my belly, lighting a small fire and making my face burn with desire. My hand goes up your arm to yours, my fingers link into yours and I hold your hand to my face as I turn my torso pushing up into yours. Your other hand moves down around my waist and you pull me up into your lap, having my legs straddle you. It runs up the back of my shirt and over my naked back sending a small shiver up my spine in response to your touch. I wrap my arms around your head and your lips connect with my neck, you can smell my perfume as you kiss my jaw line and down my neck to the collar bone. I feel your hands run up under my shirt, over my hips and to my ribs, holding then as your lips work their way down over my chest kissing me. I grab your chin and pull your face back up to mine, I smile at you and kiss you again as I undo the top 3 buttons on my shirt revealing a pink lace bra that you can clearly see my brown nipples poking through. You look and smile, your hand cups my left breast as you kiss me again and undoing the buttons pushing the shirt off over my shoulders.. I reach behind and undo my bra, it too is removed and my breasts are free for you to lick, which you do straight up.. Your tongue caresses the nipple on the right breast and you wrap your lips around it, bringing it to a peak as your fingers tweak the other one. I lean back, my hands on your knees, giving you full access to them, letting you enjoy feeling, licking, sucking... I watch you work, you obviously love playing with them and you are so gentle.. My skirt has ridden up around my thighs, my legs are bared and pressed to your sides. You lean up and kiss me again, your fingers stroking my thighs, over the top, down to the knees and then up the inner thigh, so softly on the skin it tingles. You push the material of my skirt up a bit more, up over my hips and your run your fingers under the band of my panties. "very sexy baby" you tell me.. and I smile into your face.. You stop... and look into my eyes "You know I want you so bad" I tell you, you smile. I grab the bottom of your shirt and pull it off over your head revealing your sexy torso... I run my hands over you, such a turn on! I pinch your nipples, just playing :P and I get up off your lap... I grab your hand and pull you up too... I undo your button on your pants, and making sure you are watching I drop to my knees and use my teeth to undo the zipper.. I pull at the denim, and like you know, you push them off over your hips and they drop to the ground. I look up at you and wink, I can see your hard cock under your boxers, very large indeed :P I smile and run my hand up your legs brushing over the bump of your testes to rub the whole length and the tip, I dont stop there, I go right up to the elastic of your boxers and pull them off leaving you naked in front of me. You step out of your pants and pull me back up to you, kissing me you push your cock into my skin and I love it :) You take my hand a lead me to the room, where you lie me down on the bed. You stand at the end and pull my skirt off. Im left in nothing but my panties and there isnt much of those! You look me up and down, taking in the sight of me on your bed, waiting for you. You run your hands up my legs, teasing my skin with your fingers, kissing my thigh, you push your hand up and over making me spread my legs for you. You move your fingers over the lace of my panties applying a small amount of pressure to the clit and running your finger in a circle there, making me moan. I stop you and I push my panties off, offering you access. You lick your lips and you run you finger over your tongue making it wet. With one hand on my inner thigh you run your finger up my slit and spread my lips to expose my pleasure spot. You rub there a little and slowly run your finger down around my vagina. Gently you push it into me, I bite down on my bottom lip and I look at you, you're watching my face. You start to slowly fuck me with one finger and when you feel I'm wet enough, you insert a second. I spread my legs for you and push myself up onto my elbows. You use the other hand and rub my clit as you finger fuck me, then suddenly you just stop. You move around and position your face between my legs and your tongue licks up my wetness. I fall back to the bed, you're licking and sucking and caressing at me, I'm feeling so close to a climax! I'm moaning so loud, I feel your fingers moving inside me, your tongue flicking me, your teeth nipping me, god its so good!! "more" I tell you.. "fuck yes" I look down to watch you, I'm so close to cumming on your face! You can tell, you can taste my juices starting to flow and you lick them up. My hips lift, my body tightens "Oh fuck" I say my hand grabs your hair "Yes, FUCK YES!!" I start to cum for you. I start to shake a little and I arch my back.. and you stop.... I am breathless, lying on your bed... You come up to me, kiss my lips and I lick my cum from your mouth.. "Oh My GOD!" I say, "that was fucking awesome!" I press my mouth to yours and kiss you, tasting me all over you. Its such a turn on, I'm ready for more! My hand runs down to your cock, it's so hard and big and dripping pre cum. I wipe it up with my finger and let you watch me lick it off. I kiss your lips softly, your cheek, your ear.. "your turn" I whisper and move down to kiss your shoulder.. Your chest, I flick a nipple with my tongue. I lick over your abs, and I grasp your cock in my hands.. I look at you, smile and wink, and then I kiss the head. I lick a little.. watching your face, making sure you are watching me. You push my hair back and tuck it behind my ear. Your fingers run over my face and I grin... I squeeze my hand firmly around your hard cock and push down to where he meets your body, pushing, making him as long as he can be, and I open my mouth, stick out my tongue and lick up the entire shaft leaving a wet line of my saliva. I then take him as deep as I can into my throat and close my mouth around, enveloping him and eating you up. My lips drag back up over him, sucking softly, stroking with my tongue, flicking at the tip with my stud, I repeat, over and over.. Gaining speed, soon you are raising your hips in rhythm with my mouth.. I pause and look up into your face, your sweating a little, I like it :P I cup your boys and lick them too, watching you watch me.. I like that you like watching, its so sexy! I bite around the base of your shaft so soft, just teasing, no pain.. its all for visual ;) and lick again.. I work the tip for a bit, just sucking, licking and caressing, you know, the little spot just under the head ;) little circles, long strokes and gentle - hard sucking.. I look at you and smile, I get up on my knees and I wrap both hands around you, I lean over and spit on the head of your cock, it runs down the side and I run my hands up to meet it, rubbing firmly.. I start to work you with my hands, slow at first, then a bit faster.. gaining speed, spitting as I need to, to keep it wet, I lick the head, tasting your pre cum.. I feel your thighs tighten under me.. I know I need to stop, but I cant.. you taste so good! Your hand grab my hair, you push my head onto your cock, and I open my throat for you. You start to fuck my mouth, finding your own rhythm. I close my eyes and feel you, just letting you enjoy my mouth... "oh fuck" you say.. I feel your cock start to throb... your cum starts to fill my throat. There's so much! I lick, I try to swallow, but you are still cumming, I choke a little.. you pull out and I swallow as much as I can.Licking up the cum, I swallow it all.. I look at you and you signal to your cock, and I suck and play until you are hard again... I know I want you inside me, I know I have to have you! When Im happy you are hard enough, I climb up onto you, I press my body against yours and I stroke your hair and face, I kiss your lips, my legs spread over you, I feel your hardness rubbing my pussy, so warm, so wet :P feels like all it would take is a little push and we would be connected, but you don't. You kiss me instead. Your hands in my hair, your arms around my body, holding me close. I can feel your heart racing, trying to escape your chest. I love the way your tongue dances with mine, licking, teasing, tasting. I can feel you gently thrusting your hips, rubbing the head of your cock over my dripping pussy, teasing me.. I push down on you, I'm trying to get you inside me but you keep stopping me! like you want this to last forever. Your hands run up my naked back, teasing my skin and making me shiver. You bring a hand around and rub my nipple, it stands to attention right away. You push my body up and I sit up on you, I look down and I can see you poking out between my legs, so close to me. My hands on your chest I gain your eye contact and I lift my hips, you grab your cock and guide him into the right spot, I feel you rub him over me, making him wet and teasing me more. Your other hand on my hip, pushing me down, I slide onto you with ease while I stare into your eyes. "OH MY GOD" I say to you. You push up so gently. I cant believe how big and fat you are! So hard... I feel you pushing deep inside me. Your hands on my hips you start to move me on and off your cock, slowly, stretching me. I bite my lip, it hurts a little, but not too much to kill the pleasure of having you. I start to rock my hips, moving with you. You sit up and wrap your arms around my body pulling my head to you, you kiss me as we rock together, connected as one. The feeling is beyond anything I have felt before and being so close to you makes my desire spread. As if you know exactly what I'm feeling, you bury your face into my neck and kiss me, nibbling my collar, caressing my skin with your lips. I lick your ear and my breath starts to catch in my throat. You push me to my side and push one of my legs up. I look down and I can see you inside me, watching you slide in and out of me, its so hot! You grab your cock, pull him all the way out and start using the head , just the head to fuck me. Pulling it completely out, popping it back in. Its extremely pleasing! You push the whole length into me and I just about cry out! You run your hands up my arms and hold my hands above my head, controlling and restricting me. Using the entire length of your cock, your fucking me, making me squirm under you. I say "Its so big" I cant take much more and you just run your other hand down my cheek and say "ssshh" as you keep fucking me.. You let go of my hands and grab my thigh, pushing my leg up higher, thrusting harder, your cock gliding inside me so easy. My hands grab the pillow at the top of my head, I dig my nails in.. You move on top of me and your push my legs up, folding me in half. You lower yourself over and slowly re enter me. My legs on your shoulders, I feel you, so hard, so thick, so big, inside me. I close my eyes, I bite down on my lip. a tear streams down my cheek.. and you stop.. like you see it hurts a little and you pull out, You bring my legs down and you run your hand up my sides. You're back at my face and kissing my lips "are you okay?" you ask me "you're so big" I say.. "I'm not used to it"... "we can stop" you offer.. But I don't want to! I shake my head.. I push you up against the head of the bed and take control myself. I climb into your lap and bite your lips. I lower myself onto your cock and start riding you softly. Its much better when I can control the speed ;) My hips rock on you, your hands roam my body. I bury my face in your neck and kiss you there. You hold my head to your neck and I can hear you breathing, so rapidly. I sit up and look at you, you smile at me and close your eyes. I put my hands on your shoulders and close my eyes too.. All I can sense is pleasure... all I can feel is heat... all I can smell is you... before I realise it, my body is shaking, my breath is speeding up, your arms are around me and I feel you starting to throb inside. You thrust up into me harder, faster, more vigorously. Its so exhilarating " I'm going to cum baby" I whisper and I start to shake harder... "me too" you tell me "Oh God me too!" You grab my face, and you look at me "tell me you like this as much as I do" I say to you... "mmmm" is all you get out as I feel you get so hard, and you convulse into me bringing me to the final moment where all my senses are gone and I can feel only one thing, you. I'm shaking beyond my control, I gripping to you so tight and you are gripping to me too. I can feel you breathing on me, its warm.. it brings me back to life. I lean back.. I'm done, my body still shaking involuntarily.. You lean forward and kiss my chest, my heart races inside.. One hand up my back, you bring me back up.. I smile and kiss you.. "that was amazing" I tell you..