Boundless Skies- Chapter 5- Starlit Shenanigans

Story by Renardfrost on SoFurry

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Starfox: Boundless skies - Starlit Shenanigans 



Starfox: Boundless skies - Starlit Shenanigans 

It Took Renard  a few minutes to even realize that his eyes were open by the time they had adjusted to the pale moonlight that spilled softly over his bed and over him. He looked around the dormitory and checked the clock that he kept on his nightstand. "20:58.... Eight hours exact... Morning everyone...."

Ayon Sat up, Rubbing his eyes. "  Man... I really hope it's a long way to Fichina, because I'm gonna sleep real hard on that transport..."

Renard gave a wry smile. " Same here... It's two hours after curfew."

Dicen Rolled out of the bunk above Ayon, landing on the carpeted floor with a loud thud. "Uuuugh..."

Ren Chuckled softly. " Really buddy? I've seen you get up earlier than this during vacation."

The angel twitched his wings irritably  "Yeah, but I didn't have a sleep schedule during vacation."

Kenshin Sat up in the bunk above Renard, gathering his wayward hair and tieing it back.  " You all complain too much.."

"Wait..." Renard said.

"What, Ren?"

"Will's missing..."

They all scanned the floor until they came across the yellow jacket, Laying in a beam of moonlight.  As he stood, Dicen Picked up the jacket and shook it lightly. " Hey..... Hey Will, Time to get up."

When nothing happened, he shook the jacket harder. " Will, C'mon! Get up sleepyhead!"

At that, the door of the dorm's adjoining bathroom opened and Will stepped out, Tieing back his hair and smoothing his wings. He had on a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt.

" I'm up, I'm up..."  He put on his glasses and  gave the group a look of confusion. " Dicen... What are you doing with my jacket?"

"...Nothing..." He said, Handing it over.

Ren Turned to a small chair in the corner of the room. He walked towards it, and sure enough there was Reid, Calmly snoozing away in some odd position. " Hey.... Buddy, Get up."  He said, shaking him lightly.

After a bit of shaking, Reid's eyes began to ease open.. "hrrm.... uh... Hey Ren... Is it time yet?"

"Yes, It's time to get out of here and see how the city is at night."

"Alright... let's get the girls..."

Kenshin shook his head. " They'll meet us on the top floor dorm lobby."

"That's where we're heading?"

"Yeah, then we're gonna  take the bridge across to the training center, where we'll start  at the top of the rock wall, and rappel down, and head out the door. From there, It's a straight shot to the outer gates."

Renard nodded. " The only two doors that work after curfew... but what about the gates?"

"We jump the turnstiles and run past the booth!"

"Alright.... So that also makes our only problems the security drones.  You make one bad move and you're splattered with bright blue dye  that never comes out of clothes and takes weeks to get off of fur and skin."

"Yeah... about that... it's probably a good idea to grab a weapon and to keep moving."

Ayon sighed and closed his eyes, pinching the space between them. " You mean to tell me that you didn't have a plan regarding those creepy things...."


Renard sighed. " Well... We're all awake, so we can't turn back now."

Ayon shook his head. "Of course we can turn back. It's probably better to-"

Kenshin stood suddenly. "Mission time! Too late!"  He said in a singsong voice, dashing out the door.

Dicen Got up next and followed. " Whoa jeez!" 

Reid then dashed off, By then Will was already gone.

Ren smiled. " Well damned if ya do...." He said, taking the time to snag his reflector and clip it to his belt before heading out.

Ayon groaned and stood "... And damned if I don't..." He said as he took off after them.

Renard pulled ahead, knowing the way around the place a little better, especially in the dark. He listened to his footfalls and those of his friends clicking against the tile floor. With a squeaking halt, he made a hard left and stopped infront of the second in a set of three elevators. He pushed the button and waited.

The others stopped in front of him. " Ren, What the hell are ya doing?" Kenshin half Whispered, Half yelled at the fox.

"This Elevator works no matter what time it is." He said calmly. 

"Ya mean you-"

"No... I'm just too lazy to use the stairs at night when i want to get to the roof"

The doors slid open silently and they slunk in. Dicen quickly pressed the buttons and they began thier silent ascent, not even breathing because how crowded it was in the mobile room. after what felt like minutes, the elevator stopped and opened, the boys spilling out. Renard, being on the bottom of the pile looked up to see Lily and Sakura standing infront of them. "You're early..." Lily said with a smirk  as they picked themselves up. " No time to wait boys." Sakura said softly. " Let's go."

Ren Was moving as soon as he got to his feet. dashing through the archway that lead to a concrete and steel walkway to a square tower in the distance. There, he came to a dead halt.

Dicen stopped ahead of Renard. " C'mon Ren... let's go..."  He took a step, and Ren narrowed his eyes.  " Hold It!"  Cried the fox as he grabbed his friend by the shirt collar and pulled him back just as a drone passed by. It was a large, floating sphere with a searchlight "eye" in its center, and a network of tubes running through it filled with a blue liquid, two small nozzles on either side of the light.

"Whew.... Thanks ma-"

Renard clamped a hand over the angel's mouth. " Quiet, Featherduster. One wrong move or sound, and your new name is gonna be Dicen Blueface."

The angel nodded soundlessly. Renard removed his hand and took a few steps forward. it was going well, till Will  ran ahead and gave a big flap of his wings. " Ah! Fresh air!" 

Before they could even say "Barrel Roll", They were surrounded by drones, a fearsome humming coming from the lot of them as they focused on Ren. "God damnit Will!"  He said, moving just as a Dye pellet landed behind his last footfall. " If you guys want to look good in town, you better be ahead of me!" He cried, putting on a burst of speed. The others soon caught up to them.  If it were not for the utter urgency of the situation, he probably would have laughed at the sheer terror on their faces.  "These are my favorite clothes!" Lily said as she pulled about 4th in place.

Ayon was also willing to show his sentiment. " This Is some Grade-A  bullshit!  I knew we should have gone back to bed!"

Renard threw open the door, guided his friends through, and shut it behind them to stop another barrage of dye. " Gods, those things are fast as hell..." He said as he moved to the top of the rockwall, setting up a cable through one of his belt loops. Dicen and Will ran ahead and just flat out jumped off, using their wings for a safe landing. Once the others caught up, he started jumping down  the side of the rock wall, letting out the cable to slow his descent. Once he and the others were on the ground, they ventured a short rest.  "Thirty seconds, that's all the time we have to stay here." Renard said, sitting on a rubber mat.

"How do ya know all this fox-boy?" Sakura asked.

"Ren chuckled and smiled. " My dad did this exact same thing, only it was the cornerian boarding school on the other side of the city a long time ago... but the tech is the same."

Kenshin shook his head and stood up. " Lets go... I don't wanna waste any more time than I have to here."

Ren stood as well, dusting off his pants and walking calmly to the door, easing it open.   He gave a beckoning wave. "Come on!  Let's go!" He urged, hoping they could get out before the drones could find them.

Out in the courtyard, they were everywhere, and the air felt alive with their humming. He slipped back inside and shut the door.

"Ren? What's wrong?" Asked Kenshin.

The fox sighed. " Want to know the bullshit first?  Or what we have to do to get out of it?"

"The B-S Please..."

"They're out there, and there's a whole lot of them"

"Damn.... Our solution?"

"Run.... Run like hell."

"Sounds good to me"

Lily's tail gave a slight twitch. " They're joking, right Reid?"

"I wish they were..."  The Hylain replied calmly

Kenshin flashed a smile. " A race then?"

Ren's tail flicked softly  "Oh yeah."

Sakura drooped her shoulders a little. " They're insane..."

Ren Smiled. " 3....2..... Go!"

The two boys shouldered the doors, flinging them open and running like mad fiends to the gates, the others becoming just as fervent, although unwilling participants in this gauntlet.

So far, Kenshin was far ahead of the pack, evading all the dye the flew around him as the gates neared him.  Ren Soon pulled ahead, the others following with the kind of speed that comes with running for one's life, soon they were all neck and neck as a line of drone descended infront of them and fired a line the blue gunk.

Dicen braced for impact. " We're Screwed!"

Ren Smirked and unclipped the reflector from his belt. Holding it in front of him, he moved his hand over the small blue crystal in the center, activating it. It glowed brightly in the night. " Guys, get single file behind me!" The others did as told as a blue hexagon shaped energy shield formed infront of ren, parting the dye as they moved through it.

The others were slightly surprised. " Woah..." was the general comment.

Ren, Didn't really have time for wonder at the moment. "Stop gawking! Keep moving!" he said as he powered through the azure substance up to the  drone itself, blinding it it with it's own dye. Losing its target, it flew off, leaving ren to dive and roll through the line of fire of the other floating drones, his friends emulating his moves as they passed through the gates and landed face first on the street.

Ayon grumbled as he got to his feet. " The Headmaster sees all that dye and we're in trouble."

Ren shrugged. "It'll be taken care of... this stuff happens all the time around here."

Kenshin kneeled, panting. "Really now...."

Ren Shrugged. " Yeah... although some are not as lucky as we were."

 The group turned around again as a blue-spattered fox and dog of now unknown breed... a shepard of some sort came walking out. " Sheesh.... they were everywhere. I wonder what set them off."  They ignored the group and started walking to the nearest building with a washroom.

"There's dye all around, all the time... weather or not you get in trouble depends on whether you're coated with the stuff or not." Explained Renard " So.... we'll be fine."

the others smiled at the fox, causing his tail to wag. 

Kenshin walked ahead of the group, as driven and slightly taciturn as ever. " So... let's find the road that leads into the city, shall we?"

Ren's notes:  Feels kinda forced, huh?  Well The next one will be better, and hopefully filled with humor... I might be writing some of these in script format once i get far enough into the story itself, so animators and comic artists be on the lookout, alright?

Boundless Skies- Chapter 6- The Luminescent City

  Starfox: Boundless Skies- The Luminescent City   Renard looked around him in wonder.  He tried to tell himself it was nothing special, but he couldn't deny the fact that he always wanted to know what the city looked like, the laws normally keeping...

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