Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch1

Story by XenoElite on SoFurry

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#1 of Xenomorphs

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and entertainment, don't like it? Don't read.

_Italic words;_will indicate thoughts/ideas/memories.

Story and Character are copyrighted by me.

Without further ado let's begin.

Year; 2285, June 17, Time; 9:00 a.m.

Cold, that's all Aaron felt as his body slowly came to awareness from his deep sleep. Next was the chilly wind from the ships air conditioner that always seemed to run. His mind, finally awake, forced his eyes open even though Aaron wished to stay asleep. Only one thing waited for him once he awoke completely and that was a debriefing from his superiors.

Can't wait for that, just some stupid speech on; this is your target don't destroy it. Second, don't leave said target at any time. Third, don't fuck up.... If you do your pay will be cut.

"Pfff it never changes, but gotta help keep Peace in the galaxy". With a sigh Aaron forced himself up to a sitting position looking around at his surroundings. In truth he only did this for the benefits that followed after a 10 year service, but here he was part of the United States E.B.R. (Elite Black Rangers) only 7 years from enrolling when he was 20 making him 27 years old.

Aaron made his way to his locker passing by some other members of the team who also where starting to wake from the Hyper-Sleep 4 weeks ago from Earth. Their Destination? Planet EV-697 home of the new colony settlement Vargo, duped of course. It was the furthest settlement from Earth and thus not only a pain to resupply but in this case provide search and rescue.

I know what some of you are thinking, why send an Elite group of soldiers for a simple check up that may prove to be nothing more than a bad transmitter or temporary technical problem with the hardware. Well turns out the higher ups tried that.... result, no response from either the colonist's or the Backup. So now the major corporations that funded the settlement have their panties all twisted up their ass cause they think this all turned out to be a poor investment. Thus hassling the government to send some more experienced group of soldiers who would rather stay home with friends and family before they die for some snot nosed rich bastard.

By now Aaron was dressed in a simple gray sleeveless shirt with typical military camouflaged pants that had too many pockets. He stared in the mirror on his locker, a 6.4 mostly Caucasian with some Hispanic male stared back with brown hair and eyes with finger length hair with no mustache or beard. As for the physique he was well toned in muscle but not overly done like body builders. Due to his Hispanic background he had a bit of darker tan than the typical Caucasian person which helped him during the heat and chicks back in his High School years.

Half-hour later Aaron was in the mess hall eating the poor excuse of a meal before the entire team had to go and be debriefed on their mission. Aaron was sitting with his 3 close buddies Mark, Nathan, and Dave, all of which have known and served together for 2 years now. Dave was a full Hispanic male descendent with a 6.1 muscle build complete with the stereotype Mexican mustache and ascent along with dark hair with blue eyes. Nathan was plain Caucasian male with an even 6 foot build like Dave's but had a similar facial resemblance to Aaron's with no mustache or beard with blond hair and hazel eyes. Mark was 6.2 German descendant with grayish hair and beard with brown eyes followed with the ascent.

They sat together not saying a world trying to enjoy the bountiful feast before them of mashed potatoes, stale corn bread, pea's, something that looked like ham or pork... it sure didn't taste like either.

"You'd think they could afford some real actual food for use since where part of one of their best forces they got but nnooo. Instead we get the same crappy food the standard grunts get in the army." Nathan grumbled as he washed down a bit of corn bread with some water.

"You know, back in my home land we would eat whatever we could catch cold and raw since starting a fire was sometimes out of the question, due to the wood being coated in a inch thick layer of ice" Retorted Mark, "So quit your complaining".

"If you don't want it I'll gladly eat for you", said Dave now joining the conversation.

"You eat anything in front of you" Nathan replied, "It's no wonder your starting to gain a gut on you".

"Can you blame him? This could be our last meal we have in comfort before where all shot up or blown apart left to rot all in the sake of peace for mankind", replied Mark.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that the meals shit", Nathan shot back.

"Can you shut up and enjoy each the peace and quiet before we all die?" (Mark).

"Don't tell me your actually going all sopy on us Mark", said Aaron finally joining the senseless discussion.

"It speaks!" Nathan sarcastically shot at Aaron. "Here I thought you'd stay silent like an abused Emo-Faggot till you started shouting orders at us on the field".

Aaron happand to be in chard of the small group of four, why? Well command thought that instead of having one person compose and direct a squad of 20 men into battle. Why not limit the number down as to prevent confusion when things go to hell or when the person in charge dies forcing some one of lesser experience to pick up the responsibility. However a rule was set that groups had to have up to five members with no more than ten.

"Donde esta el chico Nuevo que se supone que nosotros?".

"Dave, English, it's spoken here, use it", Nathan retorted in a somewhat of an annoyed tone.

"So ist die deutsche" Mark grumbled.

"Don't get him started Mark, he'll never stop if you do" (Aaron).

"I said, where is the new guy who is supposed to be joining us" (Dave).

"Heard whoever it was just got accepted into the E.B.R., and this is thier first mission with us" (Mark).

"Great....." groaned Dave.

Could always be worse Aaron thought, whoever it was could've been placed in charge of us for this mission. That thought alone made Aaron shudder, normally it wouldn't but Aaron had heard of a rumor as to what their objective was... needless to say he hoped it was only a rumor.

The Entire team on the military class 2 battle ship named the SS Carolina was now in the briefing room to get the finally details on the mission, Aaron's team along with 9 other teams were seated in a dark room with their Commander up in front. A Hologram screen showed the layout of both Vargo and its surrounding landscape.

"Alright listen up!" shouted the Commander, "Your job on mission is to:

  1. Breach and secure the facility.
  2. Search for survivors.
  3. Any Specimens you come across bag and tag, bring them to base as well, if possible.
  4. Escort any and all survivors back to this location here.

A green dot showed up on the Hologram screen on a large building on the Far West side of the complex.

"This building here is where your make base" continued the Commander, "The roof has a landing pad plus reinforced doors and windows along with a direct access tunnel to the main complex building. Once you have established communications at your base, one team will move in to the main control room you were you will download all files of the past 4 months. Another team will head to the medical labs and look for and extract any Data and/or Specimens back to base".

"Excuse me sir", one of leaders of the other 9 teams raised his hand.

"Yes?" the Commander asked.

"You said to extract Specimens.... what kind of Specimens?"

The Commander was silent for a sec before answering; "All we know is that the colonists at Vargo came across some sort of local inhabitant of the planet and within a week's time of said encounter, the entire settlement has gone completely silent. The Head of the Scientific Department wants us to bring back any Data on the possible thing that caused this, as well as Specimens samples we may find" Concluded the Commander.

Aaron now raised his hand, an unpleasant observation becoming apparent to his mind.

"Yes?" the Commander indicated to Aaron to speak.

"Then this entire operations is nothing but find and retrieve bug hunt isn't it?" replied Aaron.

The Commander smiled at the statement, "That's what the scientists want us to do... but we are soldiers, not scientists. There for we are also looking for survivors but yes, this is mainly a bug hunt. Since most of the governments money comes from research and development we are forced to comply with the Scientific Departments request on this" finished the Commander.

"No further questions" replied Aaron.

"Good now, everyone get suited up and ready for your drop off.... You'll be landing sin 7 hours".

6 hours later in the locker room, all 10 teams were fitted and ready to go. Everyone was with their respected group... well almost everyone.

Susan Crowt, 5.11 athletic build with a size C chest, shoulder length blond hair with brown eyes. Profession Hacker/Programmer with 5 years' service in the U.S. Army and just recently recruited to the E.B.R. This was her first mission with the E.B.R. so to say she was slightly nervous would be an understatement. After all she didn't know anyone here other than the Commander and the name of the person in charge of the group she was to join. She didn't have a chance to look or ask due to the fast pace of things on ship for this mission.

"My first mission with the E.B.R. and it happens to be a very important one" Susan mumbled. "Where is he? Didn't they tell him that she was joining his group? Or did he simply not care, preferring not to deal with the rookie". Sighing she continued on in the locker room looking for the group that only had 4 members in it. Susan was close to giving up till turning the corner she saw a small group way in the back near the showers.

"A fucking bug hunt? Why the hell do they need us to do that? Cant the Army take care of that?" Dave cursed aloud.

"Well the first squad sent in obviously did a shitty job hence were here" (Nathan).

"Still.... they had 3x as many men then we do now.... and they got wiped out, you don't find that a little strange we don't have a larger force ourselves?" (Dave).

"Command thinks that since were an Elite group of soldiers why send such a large amount, that would cost too much money for their liking" inputted Aaron.

"Just like the cheap little weasels they are" said Mark.

By this time Susan had made herself apparent to the group of 4.

"Um sir... you wouldn't happen to be Aaron would you?" (Susan).

"Who me?" replied Nathan.

Susan nodded her head.

"Pfff I'm nowhere near as ugly as him that hearts..... *sigh* hey Aaron some chick wants ya".

Aaron was lost in thought about this whole thing, Why? An entire team already gone and they send us in with less than 3x their amount. Are they trying to kill us too? But what really troubles me is the fact what we will be going up against.... No doubt it's them. _ Aaron had made up his mind after the Commander said, "Bug Hunt", since then he knew without a doubt that they would soon be facing the one thing that gave him nightmares. _Well used to give me nightmares he thought, but that was 2 years ago.... Aaron had hoped he wouldn't see them again but fate seemed to think he does. The only good thing about the entire shit storm was the fact he not only lived to tell about it, but he learned how they _ moved, hunted, thought, strategized, behavior patterns, and executed their motives_. All this and other thoughts of Aarons past encounter with the Black Serpents that killed his entire squad 2 years ago and plagued his thoughts ever since.

"Aaron!" Nathan yelled.

"Hmm... what ya wont Nathan".

"Did you hear me? Someone wants ya".

Aaron rolled his eyes at Nathans comment and continued to stare a whole into the wall in front of him. However before he could return to his troubled thoughts a voice he didn't recognize spoke.

"Aaron sir?" (Susan).

Aaron turned his head to the voice and saw a young woman probably no older than him staring at him. Here I thought Nathan was just being a wiseass again.

"Yes?" he replied.

"I'm the new member that was to join your team, I'm sure you were informed about that".

"Aw yes... I remember, was wondering where you were. But I'm glad you showed up before we diploid" (Aaron).

"Yes I got lost and I wasn't informed in detail about the team I was joining, but I'm suited and ready to go sir" (Susan).

"No need to be so formal just call me Aaron, you've already met Nathan there", Aaron pointed before continuing, "That's Mark and that's Dave" he finished.

Each respected individual either nodded their head when called or gave a slight wave to Susan, She in turne nodded back in greeting putting their faces to their names.

"Nice to meet you all" (Susan).

"Likewise" Nathan responded with a slight hint of seduction in his voice.

"Hey Nathan, keep your small pecker in your pants till were done with the mission" (Mark).

"What, I'm simply saying hi what's wrong with that?" (Nathan).

"The meaning you put behind hit" retorted Mark.

"Bah! What do you know? You're acting just like Aaron, all quit and antisocial till you but-in with some wise wisdom ass words".

"I'm not antisocial, I just prefer to watch, listen, and observe things around me so I know what's going on.... or what's about to happen" (Aaron).

"Likewise" agreed Mark.

Dave looked to Susan, "Well welcome to the misfited team of 724, were there is little excitement we take upon ourselves to mike shit happen".

A voice was heard on the ships intercom speaker.

"All teams report to the landing bay for drop off" the voice blared.

"Well, it's out of the freezer and into frying pan" chirped Dave.

Everyone made their way to the bay to begin boarding on the 5 V-16's gunner ships. 2 teams per ship along with 1 Infantry tank with 2 pilots flying them to their destination. Once everyone was accounted for, the Commander addressed everyone in the Hanger before they departed.

"Alright you all know what to do, remember to keep constant communication between your selves and each other's teams. Above all, do not lose your head when shit starts to go astray. Good luck men" finished the Commander.

Without any further words everyone boarded up on the 5 V-16's, strapped into seats, everyone one cleared their minds preparing for what ever met them once they landed.... except for one individual.

"Estimated time or arrival 10 minutes" one of the pilots said over the speaker.

Aaron sighed trying to clear his head.... but to no avail. Every time he tried visions of himself running through a series of dark tunnels with screams and shouts of some sort of creature(s) in pursuit of him. It was only him.... everyone else was either dead or already caught by the things pursuing him. Aaron didn't know where he was or where he was going, the only thing he knew was that he couldn't stop running no matter what. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" was all Aaron yelled as he continued to navigate his way in the tunnels. The Sound of his pursuers was getting closer and Aaron knew he had little time before they caught him, his legs and chest burned and his body was telling him to stop and rest. However the adrenalin coursing through his veins and the images of those he came across to late compelled him to keep going.

"Hey Aaron?".

Aaron snapped himself out of the painful memory that had surfaced and looked around his breathing slightly irregular.

"Wow hey calm down what's wrong?" asked Susan.

Aaron, having calmed his breathing and racing heart, replied to Susan's question.

"Ow... nothing just... remembered something unpleasant...".

Susan looked at Aaron with a look of concern and suspicion on her face. Whatever he remembered must have been one hell of a memory, she thought.

"Beginning decent" said one of the pilots.

Calm down_Aaron thought, you still don't know for sure that they're the ones responsible for all this._ But deep down, Aaron knew he was only kidding himself by thinking otherwise. Well... at least I know what I'm up against, but that only put him one move ahead of everyone else here... it didn't guarantee the survival of his team and the others. "It still gives us a chance", a voice in his head echoed, maybe... but who knows how they operate now. They were creatures of instinct and survival after all, that meant they were more subject to Evolution. " But you still know them ; you still have a chance thanks to your last encounter". Encounter doesn't begin to describe that shit storm, but maybe I do have a better chance against them this time.... maybe...

Feel free to comment and criticize, I will try to put up the next chapter as soon as possible.