Encounter With Two Hunters

Story by Draco179 on SoFurry

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#6 of R&K

A huntress paces with dissimilar behavior as she ponders about what to do. If her theory was correct, then it was possible that the creature she was after will strike tonight. However, that is just a theory none the less, one Kara would more than welcome to check out if she had some help from other another source other than her fellow hunters.

That source being her mate.

Alas the two haven't met up again since the anal play session, and that was over a month ago. With Gorier's death, things have been uptight in the search for the killer and unfortunately Raze has been targeted as the same. Because of this Kara hasn't contacted the lupine mostly because for safety measures. Unfortunately that also means she hasn't been able to warn him all of what's going on and on top of all being today the 13th, when there was the possibility of another killing.

Fortunately, until now, neither Raze nor the other creature has been seen, which relieves her. Even so, seeing as no other murder has taken place is what pushes the huntress into trying for tonight to contact her mate. As Kara deals on how to be free and safe a way to do this, she is suddenly distracted by a usual comrade.

"Did he do something to you?"

Kara looks over to see Sarge, who stands upfront. The huntress startles of not having been noticing him on the first place which makes take notice of how distracted she was. She met up with him as well as with some of the other seekers' at one of their usual gathering points to recon about the situation. But ever since today her mind of course is elsewhere dealing with trying to contact her beast in order to find another one. Nevertheless, she answers back at what against that repeated topic.

"Why are you going to pay him a visit?"

"Could if you answer the question"

"Nobody, because told already am not with anyone. And even if was I don't think you wouldn't be able to confront him"

"So this nobody you aren't with is untouchable"

"No I'm saying you wouldn't like to deal with him"

"Who is this nobody?"

"Trust me, you wouldn't like to know"

The huntress wonders about the lycan again. She knows contact with him is urgent and with not much time until sunset is what makes Kara take a drastic idea given her conversation with the other hunter.

"Sarge I need to ask you for a favor"

"If possible, what do you need?"

"To be somewhere and for you to cover for me tonight"

"That's why you have been strange is it. You're meeting with him tonight"


"Alright then, but if you need to be free see what I can do"

"Thanks Sarge I knew could count on you"

Kara gestures to him whom Sarge acknowledges knowing a favor he is doing even though with some prying. The huntress gathers up and leaves with no hesitation. She then gets in her vehicle and sets off while leave-taking at her friend. While driving away Kara's sighs that thanks to Sarge, she may be able to stop a killer tonight. That is of course if she can get to Raze to sense her in time, which is why the female speeds up as she travels towards to another secure checkpoint for her to do this.

A confident slayer travels through a busy metropolis as she doesn't waste any precious minute. Passing through streets and cars, she wanders off with ease and expertise as to time is in the essence today, as Kara conjuncts. Takes no less for her to outdo through the monumental structures composing the city along, to cross the extensive avenues just for her to get this certain skyscraper, a faultless spot to in every sense to get in touch with the one Kara wants.

Getting off from the motorcycle the female steps inside the immense building and heads towards the elevator, once inside she pushes up a button, and the door closes. As Kara heads toward the rooftop, she hopes that in time her scent will travel through and let Raze know of her.

The elevator stops and Kara walks through the respective floor room with levelheadedness and avidness to pass unnoticed. She heads and goes into the staircase which uses to access the roof. Walking on the open and wide top Kara sets foot over a ledge and awaits with optimism. The coolness and breeze that travel through there makes it perfect spot for her scent to travel long and far. An unease huntress dwells on that the scent disperses quite enough to travel to where Raze could track her, especially with time running out after she remains for hours. Kara looks up in the sky with concern then The sun is setting, and with that meant trouble could be looming on. She stares as time goes by, and eventually night falls on the city which is depicted by the clear full moon shining above. The moon setting depicts a bad sign is what her instincts tell her and although not present there Kara's premonition is correct, especially when a certain individual has been waiting for this night. The huntress is more than right to be worried.

The mysterious man lurks within a dark tunnel and stares with please at the full moon. His sight stares at the moonlight and reflect upon the same and with it's soon when the humanoid eyes change until a pair of a red-colored pair replaces these. With this, the individual goes into shifting until its beastly alter ego emerges once more until a pair of malevolent looking wolfish eye's glow within the subway gazing and observing at everything.

The beast steps out of the tunnel and sets foot on the ground as he gazes around with the need to feed and upon a standpoint for better visual he climbs over a large tree from which observes and sniffs for a while. The creatures' red eyes gaze as his nose within a moment pinpoints to a target lurking almost close. Savoring that, the wolf beast leaps away and begins a new hunt for food.

Meanwhile on another side of the city a black furred lupine grabs a hold of a ledge as he climbs the same. Standing over a rooftop Raze gazes at the night life enveloping the metropolis as awaits there. He misses not seeing Kara for weeks as the female hasn't contacted him, which makes him wonder if something is going. Still, he stands and as usual sniffs the air with optimism of getting her scent. Unknowingly, but fortunately for Kara and himself, the message he's been waiting for arrives.

The werewolf perceives his mates' scent traveling through the air with longevity. He moves as the intoxicating aroma calls for him which he tracks and forms a road to where it's coming from. Once doing this the lycan leaps from the roof and heads straight towards Kara. Assaulted with an anxious feeling he begins traveling through buildings as usual to the satisfaction of being with his mate. However, the scent comes for the other side of the city and because of the same is that the lupine travels almost through all of it. Not that this discourages the male but instead pushes him more as some sort of challenge that needs to be completed. That's why he continues on jumping through roofs until he reaches a mid point.

The mid point leaves the lycan to stand on one of the many buildings that collide alongside a widened and groovy city park. Raze momentarily stands there just to get mark his destination. Sniffing at the air with expertise his nose and senses sets course again towards Kara, and at least if it were another night it would be the only thing Raze would a hold of, but not tonight.

Same reason comes from the point where the lupine has tracked something else. The odor puzzles the lycan as it is new but somehow similar. The scent clearly distinguishes from the humans as he perceives even for afar its senses indicate to him that whoever it belongs to is somewhat distant from him. This attracts the male but only because of curiosity as to know whom the scent belongs to. Clearly Raze decides that this means delaying to see Kara but still his senses and mind processes that the odor comes from someone who is just like him in every sense. Something which odds him as for what he knows there isn't any other werewolf in the city that he knew of.

All the reasons make the lycan ignore Kara's message as he detours towards the puzzling odor. Jumping from the building he sets course towards the park where the source is. The male although somewhat skeptic is with the expectation of meeting with this other werewolf, much towards curiosity of learning who it is and why is it here.

Raze eventually sets foot on the park, although he lands in a dark and hidden spot as always. Certainly, he is curious but acting with carefulness as he always knows of. He walks along the trees as he heads towards the other mysterious lycan and as baffling as things are at this point, it gets weirder, particularly when these known smell assaults the lupines´ nostrils. The stench came from what appears to be blood and something dead.

Not unusual for this lupine when he's known such reek from before and now as he hunts for animals as a source of food. Even so, the lifeless source stinks different and prominently associated with that of the other lupine there. All this paints something already wide of the mark for Raze, who senses something is not right. Reason is which he paces up to get to the stench source.

Getting close to the same is when the lupine hears this shriek, which drenches in fear as he gets track of. Gazing with cautious it soon when the lupine spots the source of the cry and along with something else and that else been one ominous werewolf lurking above a woman. However, that's not at all that depicts the scene as Raze gets a sight of something else present there, which stuns him, a mauled body which lies not far from there which the lupine notices of that depicted to have been a man.

Although just present at the moment Raze is aware that the other lupine is responsible for the thorn body as he observes back at blood covered being. Even though not understanding the situation or at the reason for the beast to attack the female being or the killing, Raze's mind tells him not to let whatever the other beast wants to happen, which is why a black fur lupine jumps out of hiding just to tackle the other canine beast away. While the other lycan lies afar, Raze gazes back at a frightened female who lays in terror.

For safety mostly is why redirects to the woman.

"Leave now"

A frightened woman, although still with dread obeys the black furred monster. Raze only observes the human understanding without doubt as she scrams up and leaves the gruesome scene with much hurry and terror. As the lupine observes the woman disappear with safety, is not uncommon for him to hear this growling sound. Tilting to the source the black furred being stares at a pissed-off grey colored lupine which snarls back at him. Raze stares with carefulness at the other creature who in turn stares at him with hatred, something the other male is aware of but still a dumbfounded lupine takes notice at the appearance of the other beast.

Similar to him on physical appearance and gender the other lupines' fur coats in grey, same which at this point is drenched in blood that covers the beasts' chest. Looking at the head of the vicious creature is noticeable that it differs a bit from that of Raze as the other lycan himself looks primeval and much dangerous. The aspect is given a pair of glary red- eyes, which stare with this challenging view. A pair of eyes also matches to the color of the blood which drools from the muzzle of the beast.

Raze remains with carefulness at this given that is the first time to see that a lycan feeds on a human, or at least for him that's the case, not that he hadn't heard that story, but to see something like that is another tale. Certainly, this other werewolf has other instincts which Raze is warned off with some snarls. It's almost trivial that he isn't aware of what the monster has been doing over the last months, something a certain mate of his wanted to tell of before another killing had occurred.

However, on this night thanks to him, the casualties were diminished, which is good but that still brought consequences. Mentioned result is derived because of the lookout of a certain monster who thanks to Raze was about to be warned of because of an innocent and frightened woman. Warning of course being picked off by the group whom he ignores is after him and which Raze's mate belongs to as well.

Speaking of Kara she remains on the skyscraper concern for why her werewolf hasn't come yet. She wonders something that's she dismisses quickly as her mind remains with the optimism that Raze hasn't been spotted and killed, unquestionably she would know if this were true. Nevertheless, still if that weren't the case, she wonders why her male hasn't appeared. The huntress wonders if staying there is good or if she should move, that place being Raze's shed home.

Kara knows this might be dangerous but his unappearance tonight is something that worries her much. Given how things are running makes things worst and make her concern for him to grow. Ultimately after some minutes Kara decides to go to him. Nonetheless likewise mentioned before, the search for the being responsible for the multiple mauling is being reported, same reason, which is what has Kara´s cell phone ringing.

The huntress is with doubt to answer at first, but her mind changes as she sees the caller I.D identifying for it to be from Sarge. If this was him then it was important, to which the female answers to right away.

"About time I had gotten a hold of you"

"Don't tell me that..."

"Another murder yes but it's also something else which you better hurry and get to from wherever you are"

"Sarge, tell me what has happened"

"Don't have all full details yet, but there's this call through police radio of a woman reporting her fiancé being killed by this wolf creature."

"But how did she escape the beast?"

"Here is where business gets off board. Apparently, another one appeared before the creature could kill her and saved her. After that the woman was spotted running away from the park by a squad car. The murder has taken place there as you can deduce."

Kara is stunned at this. Certainly, the creature they are after is responsible for tonight´s killing, this something she is sure of. However, another one appearing on scene and saving the woman is what makes her think that just maybe can it be....

"Sarge has this woman gave any description for any of the creatures."

"There's hasn't been any report for this, which is not good, in my opinion. Chiefly, if we had some could know what we up against. Anyway, you better move, the others are on their way, as for me am closer actually and would be good if I could have your backup"

"Sarge where are you exactly"

"Say 15 minutes least from the park"

"Wait there don´t move alright"

"What are you talking about; I can handle things if necessary, and the others are going too if you're worried." "Sarge"

"Don´t worry, just get here fast"

The hunters' call gets cut off, which worries Kara. If she was right, then the other beast is hers which unease's the female. Despite that fact and as many dread courses through Kara, her experienced mind tells her to breathe and follow her instinct through. The huntress knows that following doing this right might have a better chance and so follows on and with that she reflects on possible ideas and scenarios.

Going there and trying to help Raze if possible might expose her or make things worse with other hunters around. May be suspicious if she doesn't but a potential justification for this might help especially if she is given a lead to catch a beastly serial killer. She knows that Raze can help with this more than ever if her suspicions are right. Nevertheless, that means not able to be there and help him if necessary, which could be a downhill or not.

At this point although her trained mind analyzes through, Kara's uncertainty bypasses because of her relationship. She doesn't want to lose her lovable and oversized male whom she deeply cares for. Same reason has Kara to debate on what to do and no matter how she rounds things up. The truth is that she wants to be there and help Raze. For an equal reason is that the female opts on going as to which she begins walking. However, on a given moment, she is stopped.

Something mysterious tells Kara not to go on with her current plan. This extraordinary feeling is strange and might be good not to pay attention to, but for some reason, it becomes stronger. It as if it wants to guide her for good and help. Kara through skeptic listens to that voice which tells her that she needs to have some confidence that things' will be alright. The huntress, although puzzled at this guidance bet's chances at it. Wage Raze's fate on the current situation may seem huge, but this new instinct tells her is for the best. Whatever was guiding Kara is also what makes her move towards another spot. An auspicious female directs to where things afterward for both her, and Raze will be safe.

Nevertheless, while Kara deals with an answer for an upcoming problem, back at a certain park, two werewolves keep themselves as much distance from each other as the situation drenches with hostility. Same comes from a grey furred lupine which watches the other beast there with deride and intrigue.

It has been months he has seen another werewolf, which somewhat interests him. However, what the creature didn't like was Raze interfering with food. His thrill to kill hasn't been fulfilled, but alas now the wolf monster thinks about something. The other lycan there might just serve for something else as hunting humans was somewhat fun but not good enough. What the creature need is a challenge which to him is staring at and whom better to have a superior moment to clash against than another one like him. The grey beast looks more eager than as he stares at his new hunt.

Raze on his part though unaware of the beasts' intention is alert, after all a pair of red eyes looks at him with loathe and anger. Clearly, this lupine is aware that he has interrupted the other males' hunt even though it is erroneous. Moreover, he tracks that something that warns him that the other beast, there isn't good and how right the black furred lupine is as without warning the grey colored one launches at him.

On a moment, both werewolves are rolling on the ground with Raze finding himself below an assaulting lupine. The grey beast keeps him pinned down as he begins to attack its rival with a couple of crunches towards the same. Raze on his part very much aware of what´s going on keeps some distance from the offensive lupine as he uses its arms to hold him off. However, his self-protective move isn't enough against a ferocious lupine as it counters back quickly and painfully. Same has the grey beast changing direction just to have him biting something else as he snatches Raze's right arm with its fangs.

The black furred lupine agonies as his opponents' razor-sharp teeth pierce onto his arm with force. Blood drools from the wound which a grayish lycan comes to taste before letting go off. Raze is somewhat alleviated of that but faces another problem as his opponent covets to assault him directly. And as blackish lupine struggles to hold him off again, things aren't so easy given the severe gnaw Razes' arm sustains, same, which allows his opponent to get in closer.

An injured werewolf knows what his opponent is after given his heated and not to forget on top slaughtering activities. Raze attempts to keep the other lupine from getting to his neck no matter what, which keeps on working at least somewhat as he thinks but not enough against the other fervent male. For the same reason is that Raze's foe instead of clawing on to the neck can incrust its fangs on to his left shoulder. The grayish lycan bite pierces there with eagerness and enjoyment much to another one's dismay and burden.

The pain, although unimaginable to another wasn't something Raze wasn't accustomed to. Unquestionably it still it is a throbbing injury to sustain given the force his opponent is exerting it with. However, a darkened lupine has already experienced something like this given the disputes he had against a former leader and friend of his. Against Caleb, Raze in the past suffered a quite an amount of damage from their fights. Nevertheless, right now's encounter differences on a one solemnly fact that a wounded werewolf distinguishes. His opponent pursues on the will to kill him, which is a clear message Raze receives especially when he gazes and locks onto a pair of glaring eyes.

Staring at the wide and malicious red yes, an injured lupine observes at the corrupted owner who continues to pierce with force at the shoulder which at this point seems to be enjoying doing that. Raze unease's at the detail as he observes what looks like grin forming at a mauling snout which warns him to counter quickly before things get worse. Same warning which has Raze to move his paws towards a bloody covered muzzle.

The furry hands move on to position themselves at the snout of the attacking creature. An important and necessary procedure for Raze as he uses its paws to undo the trapping nibble that keeps the grayish lupine fangs incrusted on his shoulder. Same which claws' against a blood-spattered snout as the black canine´s prickly nails dig deep into the skin and with force as they begin to try and open up a set of teeth than on the moment resembles a bear trap. And even if the other lupine wimps at the painful digging claws tries to counter, another swift and stronger werewolf is able to snatch the trapping fangs off the shoulder just to allow Raze to throw his foe away.

His heaving sends the other lupine a couple of feet away on which at the same times he lands with harshness. A grayish werewolf stands with quickness and much hatred towards the other beast as its claws had deeply dug making the creature to bleed quitely. The pain coursing there makes him roar back at his opponent same, which is quite aware of a growling threat signals an oncoming assault.

Razes' suspicion is correct as the other werewolf charges at him which this time he backs him off with a warning as the wounded but angered lupine utilizes his left paw to lash and scratch the other male with efficiency and force.

The scrape throbs and makes the other lupine to gripe in pain as the wound clings on deep. A visible set of marking and parallel lines are left on the grayish furry chest on which is the skin there has been exceedingly torn by a couple of bloody covered claws. Raze stares with satisfaction at the injury he has caused denotes caution for the other lupine if it continues with the assault.

The grimy lycan frustrates at the point. With the profound wound at his chest and the minimal at the muzzle he acknowledges that his opponent is superior to him on every aspect. Clearly, the black furred lupine is at another level or rank so to speak of and not to mention that he has experienced other fights. Not that topples off the challenge for him but certainly warns him to attack differently which puzzles the lupine as to how. Even so, as his mind wanders on what to do without notice the grey lupine senses' alerts him off something else.

Raze stares with puzzle at its opponent as the same behaves with some strangeness as on the moment, the other lupine sniffs at this familiar scent which warns him of a possible threat. Because of the same reason is that the grayish werewolf suddenly and quickly runs off the battle field leaving a dumbfounded canine alone. For Raze it's almost as if his opponent has sensed something that scared him off or maybe else, to as if he knew something is coming. That is what also guides the other werewolf to leave the murder scene without doubt.

Nevertheless, before the lupine can run off it's soon when the sound coming from what appears to be a gun is heard. However, the sound isn't what distresses but that what the gun contains and where it has pointed at. To resume things on that same moment is that the lupine yelps as this excruciating pain ignites on his back. Raze grunts at the bullet wound as it stings and burns his skin. The sensation isn't new though as the werewolf has already experienced being shot with silver made bullets. Something he isn't too keen but even so, the presence of that means that the person responsible has to be a hunter to which under that circumstance prompts the male to run away from quickly. He tries to do this but none the less is unable to as another shot is made, same, which isn't directed at him for a change but instead to the ground and yet close to his feet.

Raze identifies the gunshot as a warning which he follows with caution as he turns around just to see who his new assailant is. Staring at the hunter, the lycan snarl with this resonance that echoes through the current scene. He remains with prudence against the individual who in turns observes him with vigilance. It's almost odd if one were to think that the furry beast is facing the one person he shares somewhat a connection with.

Sarge who remains with cautious towards the lycan in front of him can't help staring with curiosity at the same time, the reason being the injuries the werewolf has on his arm and shoulder. To the mercenaries' opinion they are sever given their appearance and profoundness. Wondering as to their origin, a suspicious Sarge reflects that such wounds could only have been caused by another beast; one theory which if is it true can confirm what that frightened woman was telling to the cops. In any case for the same inquiry is that he redirects on to speak to the werewolf.

"You're going to have to forgive for shooting you, but it was necessary as to prevent that you leave the crime scene."

Sarge's words, although descriptive still make a piss of lupine snarl to. None the less Raze answers back with some curiosity upon noticing that the hunter hasn't attacked him again.

"Be warned hunter, leave now or else"

"Careful with the threat pal, apologize for hurting you, but I need to know who is responsible for the mauling"

"If you mean the other creature you just miss him. So if that's all, then with your permission, I'll leave."

"Just hold on, tell me if the other beast is the same as you because those injuries you have certainly looks that have been made by someone similar to your species."

"Like me, that other werewolf is nothing like me, got it"

"So is true, then can you describe it"

Raze got curious about this hunter, his weird behavior, mostly for someone of its profession. Strangely, for the lycan the reason of why he notices this is because the hunter reminds him of Kara. Now that he thinks about it the man certainly is similar to her given the inquisitive and careful, and somewhat fearless behavior. Raze's meeting with this hunter actually reminds him of that when he first met his unknown and future mate.

Sarge's conduct earns the lupine's respect to which he wants to answer to. However, the meeting is cut short as the lupines' hearing alerts him of this oncoming noise. It is something moving towards this spot, which is not a good thing, given the hunter's presence certainly that could only mean...

"Think your friends are coming so I'll leave."

Raze turns around and steps away towards. Sarge unsure and of course incapable of hearing that what lycan is doing tries to detain him.

"Just stop there"

"No and if you want to shoot me then go ahead"

A defying lupine lasts words are before he charges ahead and tries to run off. Sarge on the moment, although amuse at the lupines' behavior points his gun towards the huge canine beast. However, the hunter hesitates to take the shot mostly given the apparent innocence of the lupine there. On the moment though, Sarge learns that the Razes' words are true as he hears someone calling for him, something that troubles him for some reason, mainly when if the others are coming and if anyone spotted a potential and erroneous culprit.

Same thought is what has Sarge take a shot which Raze hears too and for a second scares him. To his surprise and curiosity, the gunshot impacts somewhere just near. The lupine gets away then with some wonder as if the hunter has missed or...

Sarge, on the other hand, gazes at the unseen figure as at the same time he is met by other comrades.

Meanwhile, a lucky lycan races off and quickly exits the park. After that he climbs a nearby building with swiftness as he routes towards the top. From there he jumps towards another one until he begins to climb up. The lupine, although with some difficulty, moves from building to building until he is far from his previous destination.

Eventually Raze stops once he makes sure he is far from the crime scene. Standing on an unspecified roof he calms down for a while and instead shifts into tending his injuries. Same reason is that the lupine sits on the ledge as he moves his uninjured arm to the back. He grunts as his paw looks for a bullet wound of his which it locates at the lower left side of his back. Once this, he goes into the search for the bullet, even though it was going too painful but necessary. His claws dig in but at this point the male discovers something.

The sharp look alike forceps don't get far as they spot the bullet. Raze extracts it though but is left with oddness that the gun wound wasn't deep but instead superficial. Once getting the bullet it's tossed aside by a lightened and still perplex on lupine. He wonders as if the hunter shot him just to detain him as said. An unusual case is what Raze makes note of to ask Kara about that certain hunter. In any case, a still wounded creature eases somewhat and tends to his other truly profound injuries.

The lupine laps at the bite on his arm. May not seem much but truly this action helps him especially with the healing process as it brings some comfort to Raze. He does this for a couple of minutes until he stops, but in respect to the one at the shoulder is difficult to do something given where it is. Still the male rests in there still somewhat with skepticism, mainly towards tonight's' brief encounter with the other werewolf.

Although Raze still can't believe to have seen another one, what puzzles'. him is the monsters' identity and reason of being. Referring to the fact that he had killed a human and was about to go for another one, and lastly not to forget was the fight in which he was aiming towards killing him. Those entire details still are something that Raze keeps on processing and as to raises more questions about the mysterious male.

However, while Raze's mind reflects on tonight another part of his brain makes notice of something as it processes some very important information. The lupines' keen senses, mainly his tracking one catches onto a scent that calls out his attention. Same belong to a mate of his, which mysteriously seems to be calling out for him. At least, that's what Raze perceives at first as he quickly sniffs the air in search of a direction.

Kara's scent as the male perceives doesn't come from the park, much to his sake, mostly. Instead, it is from somewhere else, which at the same time is different from the first route he was been led on to before the current events. Not that should be worrying for him, but Raze is somewhat hesitant to go after the scented and mark on route. His worry is that Kara is aware of the murder, and that alarms him.

The lupine is afraid that his mate would think he was responsible and that thought scares him, personally because the lupine doesn't want to lose her for that. However, then on the moment Raze's fear is shaken away as his mind reminds him of something important. Kara was with his mate and no matter what knows he can trust her. Certainly he is not a killer as she knows, which is pretty deeply as well as the lupine knows her. Lastly and more important to forget are the two significant battle wounds the lupine has that serve as evidence to support him.

After such a helpful reminder, the lupine stands and without hesitation directs in the direction towards Kara. As he leaps from the roof, Raze travels with eagerness to finally meet up again with his huntress.