The Naga's Ruins 2

Story by Crazygamrr13 on SoFurry

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The Naga's Ruins Part 2

It has been a few months since that fateful day that Kran met Kukulcan. They had experienced the joy of each other's bodies many times since then, and Kran had started to show signs of pregnancy, and for a while, Kukulcan was unaware... that is, until Kran's belly started to swell outward...

Kukulcan would gently coil around Kran, keeping the smaller dragon close in with a hug to the cool white scales of the front of his body. The burly hands would begin to slowly stroke over the evidence of the gravid belly, tilting his head while looking Kran in the eyes* Hmm... Kran, is there something you'd like to share with me?

Kran gently pressed back against the much larger male, gently cuddling into him, before gently pressing a finger into his slit, rubbing at the heads of his cocks, before looking up at his mate and saying "Yes there is sexy... I am pregnant!" Before leaning up and giving the bigger snake a kiss to his lips, pushing his forked black tongue into it.

The cool scales of the naga would press right up against the back of the clearly content dragon, he able to feel the muscled body of the naga with crystal-clear perfection. The invasive fingers within that slit would gain a soft and warm dampness upon them, he touching oh so playfully against the twin cock-heads that could clearly barely fit within the naga* What wonderful news my Kran. Tell me, how long have you known? *He would say while leaning down against the dragon, parting the scaley lips to happily suckle upon the small tongue which happily found it's way within

Kran looked up at into the eyes of the naga, before saying "I have known since we first mated, I had known from the morning right after our first time together." Grinning, he pushed another finger into the slit, his cock starting to grow hard, as he grabbed on of Kukulcan's hands and pressed it against his abdomen gently, letting him feel the eggs rolling around gently inside of him, before grinning, and moaning at the sensitivity of his belly.

His emerald gaze, soft as ever, would stare right back while giving a warm smile. *As have I, Kran. As have I. *He would say before giving a much deeper kiss to the dragon, albeit a quick one, just to tease him further as the fingers of the naga would be felt rolling along the bulging belly, moving the eggs within ever so tenderly. His own dual members would begin to bulge the slit of his form, before finally growing right out, Kran able to feel as they would part ways right from the get-go and begin enlarging on either side, the bare flesh grinding smoothly along the fine scales.

Kran groaned again as he felt the eggs shifting around inside him more, before grinning up at the naga, and sandwiching his own cock between the two larger ones, thrusting in between them, and moaning out in pleasure. Yes, it was true, he knew that Kukulcan would be the one, for when a dragon fell in love with another male, he would be able to have children with that male, either carrying them himself, or giving them to the other. Either way, Kran couldn't have been happier, and nuzzled up into his mate, kissing him gently again, before running his tongue down the cool white scales on his chest.

Kran could feel quite clearly the multitude of eggs that would be hidden within his belly. A healthy clutch would be laid on the fateful day that the time would come, and the eagerness from both would surely rise. However, there was a different sensation within Kran's mind... he could feel multiple sets of eggs growing at different rates. It was highly possible that, each time the naga would have sexed the dragon in an intense heat, that a new clutch would begin to grow, effectively turning the dragon in to a highly pleasured breeder. The tongue would be able to uplift the earthen flavor of those smooth white scales, the pectorals on which the ebony muscle graced would cause the broad chest to flex with an impressive strength. He was able to watch as the dual shafts would grow to their full glory in front of him along with a tight and musky hug, already leaking a stream of pre to dribble down upon Kran's own lustful flesh

Kran groaned again as he felt his mate's fluids dribbling over his cock, not knowing himself that the eggs were growing at different rates, for to him, they all felt about the same size. Lustily, he licked more down the naga's body, licking around the base of both shafts, before passing right past them, seeking another place with his tongue.

He would let out a quiet groan of bliss as he would recline back against his coils, allowing for the two blue flesh obelisks to hang jut straight in to the air, allowing Kran as well to move from that position much more easily. His tongue would trail along the deep crevice of the abdominal region of the naga, the beauty of the muscles only truly appreciated by those he was close with. That tastebuds upon the tongue would dance with glee as they would taste the musky interior of where the shafts would normally call home, the rich flavor of the protective liquids within flowing through his mind.

The dragon groaned in pleasure at the taste of the naga's slit fluids, before running his tongue past the cocks, finding the naga's tailhole just a bit further down and, after a deep sniff right into the slit where his cocks jutted from, pressed his tongue up against the larger male's tailhole, liking how the naga liked to keep himself nice and clean back there, searching around, and finding the nub of Kukulcan's prostate, idly dancing the tips of his tongue's forks against it, letting them dance across the spherical gland.

He would give a gentle push forwards for the dragon, helping ensure that his snout would be able to bury as deep as possible within the tight location, giving him what would feel like a haze in his mind as the rich scent of the body would flow through his nostrils. He did so remember how much the beautiful dragon would care for the tailhole of his body, making sure to always wrap his tail around the base of his body so that it could be exposed at all times for the all-too eager dragon. He would make sure to audibly compliment his mate for always being so diligent with his tongue-work, and with giving a soft coo of bliss, would begin to stroke along his mighty two members, the large and unhidden prostate within gladly accepting the pleasures of the dragon full-on.

Without any need for encouragement, he began to press the flat area of his tongue against the naga's prostate, gently applying slight pressure, then pressing a bit harder, before removing it completely, then pressing the forks against it again, and repeating the process randomly, and grinned to himself as he heard the slick noises of his mate pawing to his administrations to his prostate, groaning himself as his own cock was rock hard and bobbing beneath him, making little purrs of pleasure as the eggs shifted around again, gasping at the pleasurable sensations of his cock bouncing off of his slightly swollen belly, wanting nothing more than to please his mate.

Such a good dragon... *He would mutter as the slick sounds of the pre-covered shafts would begin to increase audibly, the sounds of Kran's mate's flesh moving so tenderly always music to his ears. Kukulcan's careful movements of his thick tail would be felt directly upon the invasive tongue, the heated interior flesh squeezing along it in waves to show it's gratitude for the dragon. The prostate itself would weight down the area that it was within as it began to kick in to high-gear, as clearly shown for by the naga as the low amounts of pre would quickly turn in to a constant flow*

At the compliment, Kran began to press his tongue up against the snake's prostate with more energy and force, groaning as he felt the naga's tail moving around, before reaching down and grasping his own pulsing ribbed black cock, pulling his tongue out of his tailhole suddenly, only to push it all the way back in, literally fucking the naga's tailhole with his tongue, making sure to press against the naga's prostate with each tongue thrust.

He would, possibly to the dragon's surprise, suddenly lift his tail upwards and towards Kran's snout. Ensuring that the tongue would be able to reach as far in as possible, beginning to use it as his own toy if anything as Kran would prove once again just how professional dragons could be with their pleasuring sensations. Sending the snout tip right within the careful grasp of the tailhole, the warmth flowing along his scales, the smell nothing like one would expect from such a place, it instead only rich with the addictive musk that the naga consistently gave off.

With the smell of his mate so close, and hearing the slick wet sounds of his mate jerking his cocks, Kran let out a deep moan, jerking his own cock as fast as he could, before he felt himself release all over his mate's tail, his thick blue cum spraying down the front of the naga's scales, before pulling his tongue out and moving up to plant another kiss on the snakes lips, while positioning his spurting cock to where it would spray all over his mate's lengths, knowing what would come shortly afterward.

He would gladly accept the kiss that the dragon would plant upon his lips. Tilting his head slightly to the right, locking the reptillian scales together, a single powerful arm would come up from it's duty of pumping one of the needy twin-flesh and squeeze the dragon instead. Kran able to feel the power of those muscles flexing all around him, the contours of the muscle working perfectly around him in what would be the greatest of spectacles, truly only for his mate. The sensation of that seed blowing over the colored-matching shafts, he would reach upon his own orgasm; a rush of seed flowing from both of the members to spray along the underside and back of the black dragon, painting him partially white.

With his mate releasing his seed all over him, Kran reached up and pressed one of his hands up and rubbed the cum into his chest scales, the other scooping some up and pressing it against his tailhole, feeling a great need to be filled there by his mate again, his cock still completely hard despite the previous orgasm.

With a sudden grunt of bliss, the orgasm slowly dying down, the naga wouldn't quite be pleased with this ending. Oh no, instead, what he would do was grip the busying dragon, playing with copious seed, and wrap his large hands around the waistline of the dragon. Pushing and moving the eggs within about, causing the dragon a sudden streak of bliss, his fingers would reach down and spread apart the bottom-cheeks. Positioning them over the shafts, he would be confident that Kran would have gained a sort of stretchiness over the months... and allowing his mate to fall, both of the uncut blunt heads of the shafts disappearing within the black tailhole of the dragon.

Kran knew that his mate was about to penetrate him, realizing right when he gripped his waist, before all conscious thought left him as he felt the eggs being shifted again due to his mate's grip, but was unprepared for the feeling of both his cocks being pressed into his tailhole. When they both pressed in, he groaned in pained pleasure at the stretch, before pressing himself down against the cum-lubed cocks.

He would be able to feel as Kukulcan's twin members would squeeze together within the already tight location within the dragon. Fighting for space, they would try with vain to stretch apart, and thus causing Kran to feel something unlike he had ever felt in his life. The rivers of pre still flowing from the shafts would continue to spurt up in advance through the tight anal canal, allowing free movement and reign to penetrate the smaller male.

Groaning in pleasure, Kran never thought he would ever be able to be stretched that far, attempting to push down on the cock's to fill his ass even more, before he felt them press against his eggs, which caused him to gasp as they sharply moved within him from the push of the cock. Little did Kran know, though, that this would be the cause of him laying a couple of eggs today. With another groan, he said "W-wait love. I think you just pressed against the eggs..."

He would push Kran ever so quickly downwards upon the shaft, they able to be felt gliding right up the anal canal to greater depths, the bulging of the belly inevitable, the size of the eggs becoming apparently much more so to Kukulcan at this time as he would discontinue his upwards thrusts within the dragon. *mmh... I feel them... they're ready, aren't they*

With a groan Kran said "Y-yes love... I think they are... but let's finish up first..." before lifting himself upwards, gasping and moaning as the cocks slid across his prostate, before pressing back inwards, the sheer feeling of his mate's cocks inside him causing him extreme pleasure, before lifting again, and dropping, repeating the process over and over, groaning in pleasurable bliss.

He would deftly begin to exert very distinct ministrations along Kran's bloated belly, feeling along the contours the eggs would make once pushed up against the belly walls so noticeably. These sensations would make Kran all the more eager to lay the eggs for certain, intended for such purposes, but with how sensitive it made the dragon there would be no surprise as to what might have been a questionable action. Pre flowing out from underneath the dragon in a constant stream, the prostate would be forced back against the anal walls for want of room against the invading shafts.

Kran groaned as his mate's shafts pushed the eggs outward from his belly a bit, only to gasp as he felt the scaly hands rubbing his sensitive belly, and it did indeed make him want to lay the eggs even more, but what he really needed at that moment was for the big male to continue rubbing his prostate into his anal walls, before gasping as the naga's hand pressed against the tip of his cock, clearish blue pre oozing out in a constant stream, before squeezing his anal muscles down playfully, trying to give his mate more pleasure.

"That's a good dragon... " He would moan out with a clearly pleasured tone as his hips would rock forward with the down-thrusts Kran provided. The sudden increases in force, no matter how used to one may grow to them, if they were as stretched as Kran was at the given time then they would continue to find sharp spikes of absolute bliss from each movement. The prostate would be given no room to push back outwards to it's original starting position, being given very quick vibrations against it as the seed-coated shafts would continue their merciless actions of penetrating the dragon, moving the eggs, ensuring to give the children what would certainly be a blessing for well-endowment

With each thrust in from Kukulcan, there would be a sharp pleasured sensation from Kran, and while these feelings were currently taking over his mind, the thought of what their children would look like briefly flitted through his head. Would they be dragons, or would they be nagas? What color would their scales be? Would the males have one cock or two? Would any of the eggs hatch to be female? Would the males be able to impregnate each other? As these thought flitted through his head, another one did too. Would he let his children join in on the "fun" when they were sexually mature? At the thought of mating with his kids, Kran came to orgasm, the feeling hitting him quite suddenly.

Through the quiet thoughts Kran would be focused upon, Kukulcan gladly took the time to wrap his hands around the waist of the dragon, thumbs gently moving along and massaging the sides of the belly in particular, before the interior muscle of the dragon would increase at a sharp and unexpected rate due to the inevitable orgasm. Letting out a quiet grunt, this would only allow Kukulcan to fully take matters in to his own hands (quite literally) as he would freely bob his mate up and down along the shafts, penetrating him further along than the eggs would be residing. When what must have been several minutes after the orgasm, Kukulcan could no longer hold back, as his 'legendary' orgasm would hit once again, rocketing thick ropes of seed as deep as Kran's body would allow, the ejaculate wasting no time in flowing right over the eggs once again and out through the tailhole due to lack of space!

Kran groaned as his mate released his seed into him again, groaning as he felt the cocks thrust past the eggs, to fill up the space behind them, before the semen rushed back out, coating the eggs in a thick layer of the seed, before it slowly oozed it's way out of his tailhole due to the shafts plugging him up, before he leaned up again, planting another kiss on the naga's scaly lips, pressing himself against his mate's chest gently, until the seed stopped spurting and he felt the cocks withdraw. Shortly afterward, though he gasped again, as he felt one of the eggs starting to move down through his anal cavity...

His chest would work just as perfectly as a cushion as any other time Kran would bask in the afterglow of the magnificent sexual interactions the two would have, one pectoral being broad enough to lay a head upon with ample space afterwords. He would remain hard within Kran's tailhole, giving small and teasing thrusts afterwords with just his hips, as he could quite clearly feel one of the eggs move downwards. " And it is time... you must go and prepare yourself."

Kran lifted himself off of his mate's blue spires of flesh, now drenched white with his seed, and made his way over to the nest, before laying down on his back groaning softly and moaning as he felt the egg slide somewhat easily through his stretched, cum-lubed passage, brushing up against his prostate, feeling his mate shuffle up near his tailhole, getting ready to pick up the egg as it made its way through the tunnel.

A single hand would be there to catch the egg, more than ample enough room for certain, as he bent down in order to do so... giving his mate, if he were to look, a unique flexing of his bulging muscles that was not normally seen. Waiting there patiently, he would make sure to catch the egg with due haste, yet with a careful and caring hand, putting it within the designated spot upon the nest.

Kran moaned in pleasure as he felt the egg moving through his just used passage, groaning as he felt it almost all the way out, before giving a loud gasp as he felt it push out, the egg looking to be about 5 cm across, and 7 cm tall. Then with another gasp, he felt another one being pushed out, sliding right along his prostate again, glad for the cum-lube, for if it wasn't there, then the eggs would most likely be hurting him to lay. With a gasp, he felt a third moving through, right behind the second and groaned as he felt them moving through, his cock becoming semi hard at the feelings.

The swift hand would ensure that each egg be properly delivered after they were laid. Soaking white from the lubricating seed, he would leave them like that to help insulate the warmth for proper incubation outside of the dragon. His free hand, however, would slowly move along the left leg of the dragon, stroking along the beautiful black scales, before the fingers so gingerly would massage along the again-hardening shaft, to help ensure his mate was in nothing but pleasure even during the trial of laying eggs.

Kran gasped as the eggs moved through him, and moaned as he felt a scaly hand rubbing his cock, before reaching one of his own hands down and rubbing his now flatter belly as he felt the second egg reach the ring of muscle that was his entrance, groaning again as it passed through and into the hand of his mate.

His hand would likewise do the same with this egg as it did with the last-- keeping it safe and protected upon the nest that the dragon had made so long ago from instinctual needs. His other hand would continue the careful ministrations among the hardened flesh of his mate, working more of the unique blue-pre from within, his fingers squeezing just beneath the head of the shaft where it would be most sensitive, sending a sudden lightning-bolt of pleasure to the dragon's mind as the hyper-sensitive flesh was again worked upon.

With a groan Kran felt the last egg moving through his body, pressing up against his prostate again, groaning as he felt the scaly hand rubbing the most sensitive part of his cock, which caused it to throb, and when he felt the egg pushing against his anal ring, the feeling caused him to orgasm, raining his thick blue cum out onto his chest and belly, while the egg practically shot out of his tailhole, and into the waiting hands of his mate.

"Mmmh, perfect..." He would exclaim with a quiet tone as he would safely and successfully deliver the last egg from his mate. His hand would encompass the orgasming shaft, pumping it with a sudden vigor, strengthening the orgasm tenfold, sending spasms of pleasure up and down Kran's spine, proving to him that as long as Kukulcan is around, even the task of laying eggs would be nothing short of instant pleasure.

With the last of today's eggs laid, Kran moved over and licked the seed from them, enjoying the taste, before pressing against his mate, moving his coils to wrap around him and their eggs, feeling loved more than he ever had before, and able to feel the seed in his belly already doing its work, making even more eggs inside him, and he knew that next time, it would be even better.