The Chronicles of the Seven: Who's Who

Story by Alabaster Diamond on SoFurry

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#2 of The Chronicles of the Seven

Who's Who of the Seven Avatars

Each of the avatars has the Japanese symb...

Who's Who of the Seven Avatars

Each of the avatars has the Japanese symbol for their elements (or equivalent thereof) on their left arm.

Malachite Qi Muladhara

Height : 0.15-100m Age : 23,000+ Gender : Female Breast Size : Varies Orientation : Straight Personality : Hippie Abilities : Being the avatar of earth, she can shape the land as she sees fit, cause earthquakes, alter the gravity in a given area and even create magnetic fields. She can find north in a heartbeat thanks to her magnetic abilities. Her scales can change colour like a cuttlefish and adopt all sorts of patterns from camouflage to psychedelic, but they are usually green in colour. Her breath weapon is blasts of dirt and sand. Occupation : She keeps a huge garden that's sacred to her and underneath is where her hoard is hidden. Her hoard can only be accessed by geokinesis and thanks to her skills as an entrepreneur and economist, its value is worth an estimated half a trillion gold pieces give or take, making her the richest person on Auris. Her garden has plants from all over the world as well as a river that flows through it.

Eridanus Naia Nereid

Height : 0.15-100m Age : 23,000+ Gender : Varies, but usually female Breast Size : Varies Orientation : Bisexual to the max Personality : Flirtatious, enigmatic and a nymphomaniac Abilities : Being the avatar of water, she's the best swimmer in all Auris. She's kinetic with water and is capable of using ice and steam as they are both water in different states. She can change her gender and become a male, a female or a hermaphrodite. She can alter her breast size at will as well as her hip size and penis size (for her male/hermaphrodite form) to maximise the potency of her flirts and they'll work on anyone, earning her the nicknames "Sex Queen" and "Love Doctor". Her breath weapons are a high-pressure blast of water that can pierce and rust armour, blizzard breath, burning steam and a pink mist that is a powerful aphrodisiac. She is also capable of granting anyone the ability to breathe water as well as air. Occupation : She is a counselor that deals with personal relationships in general and the author of The Kama Sutra.

The Honourable Judge Vulcan Ignitus Magma

Height : 0.15-100m Age : 27,000+ Gender : Male Orientation : Straight Personality : A born leader, brave, hotheaded, strong and impartial. Next to his belief in the Great Dragon, the law is his religion. Abilities : Being the avatar of fire, he is kinetic with it and he can change the temperature of anything as well as ionise a gas to a plasma. He can also make fireworks displays and explosions from a firecracker explosion to a matter/antimatter annihilation. Being a firedrake, his breath weapon is (of course) fire. Occupation : He is a judge, a general (during war) and a pyrotechnician with an expertise in munitions.

Zephyr Aeras Kazeryu

Height : 0.15-100m Age : 15,000+ Gender : Male Orientation : Bisexual Personality : Intelligent and open-minded Abilities : Being the avatar of air, he can conjure winds from his namesake to cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes and alter the air pressure in a given area, allowing him to create vacuums. His hearing and vocal ranges are second to none and his sense of smell is the most acute in Auris. He even has multiple sets of lungs and vocal cords. Like a microbat and some cetacean races, he can echolocate when he's in total darkness. He can also cause embarrassment through the use of the brown noise[1] when in the mood for a prank. His breath weapon is either a hurricane force blast of air or a 300dB scream that can disintegrate things depending on pitch. Occupation : He is a minstrel that can play any musical instrument on Auris at virtuoso level (favouring his golden ocarina), a scholar, a doctor and a teacher. His criticisms are constructive.

Queen Amethyst Abigail Ajna of the Spirit Plane

Height : 0.15-100m Age : Indeterminate[2] Gender : Female Breast Size : Varies Orientation : Straight Personality : Wise Abilities : Being the avatar of spirit, she has a range of supernatural and paranormal talents including ESP, telepathy, empathy, second sight, self incorporeality, mind control including hypnosis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, teleportation, dream control, soul extraction, reincarnating the departed and conjuring/banishing objects to/from thin air including Bags and Boxes of Holding. Her voice is more dulcet than a siren and when she sings, anyone who listens will be entranced, sometimes falling into a dreamless sleep. She is also immortal. Occupation : She is the queen of the Spirit Plane and during her time on Auris she is an undertaker, a psychiatrist, a hypnotist, a seer/fortune teller and the writer of prophecies. Her fortunes are very accurate based on current circumstances.

Alabaster Yang Diamond

Height : 0.15-100m Age : 7,500+ Gender : Male Orientation : Straight Personality : He is gentlemanly, but protective of those under his charge and/or close to him. When he gets angry or feels hatred, he glows a twilight colour. He is also very religious. Abilities : Being the avatar of light, he has perfected everything to do with light magic including an ability to distinguish colours at a difference of one nanometre wavelength, vision in the whole electromagnetic spectrum and the panacean ability to cure all ailments. His eyes change colours depending on what part of the spectrum he's seeing---red for radio waves, vermilion for microwaves, orange for infrared, yellow for optical, green for ultraviolet, blue for X-ray and purple/violet for gamma rays. He is capable of travelling as a bolt of lightning at the speed of light, but usually travels at half that speed, giving him the capability of traversing Auris thrice in one second. In short, it's a form of pseudo-teleportation, but when he carries passengers on his back, he'll opt for performing a sonic rainboom. One ability that makes him (in)famous is his total honesty. He cannot tell any lies at all, but he can detect when someone else tells any lie from a white lie to a whopper. His penis is atavistic as it has a canine knot and feline barbs. Occupation : He doesn't really need to work for a living as each one of his diamond scales is worth one million gold pieces. He has been exalted as a figure of worship among the unicorn race.

Ebony Yin Thanatos

Height : 0.15-100m Age : 23,000+ Gender : Female Breast Size : Varies Orientation : Bisexual Personality : She has a split personality of sorts where one side of her is demonic and intimidating with a love for BDSM and torture and the other side loves children. She is capable of controlling her mood shifts. Abilities : Being the avatar of darkness, she has perfected everything to do with dark magic as well as Ninjutsu. All her tools and weapons are made of elemental darkness and her breath weapon is similar to the Night Fury (from How to Train your Dragon) but poisonous as well as explosive. She has perfected her cooking skills to the point of being second to none on Auris. Occupation : She has mothered several children (each clutch of eggs with a different father) and she's a dominatrix in every sense of the word. When torturing for information or breaking her pets and slaves, Ebony's preferred method is a blast of phobomancy (fear magic) at her victims that will cause the darkest fears of even the bravest of people to surface in their minds. Failing that, she'll inflict several lashes with her cat o' nine tails, torture her victims' genitals and do some bloodletting (not necessarily in that order).


  1. A phonomantic (sound magic) spell that causes the unfortunate victim to lose bowel control
    1. No time exists on the Spirit Plane, but she is at least an elder

The Chronicles of the Seven: Overview

# The Chronicles of the Seven ## Overview Sadalmelik---known to us as Alpha Aquarii---is a yellow supergiant star that has its own solar system. The planets in order of distance are Karshak, Selissa, Auris, Absor, Ethera, Beraflan, Antedeus and...
