Cultist Brood: Chapter 3

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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_Chapter 3 finally after fighting off the evil clutches of writer's block! No promises but Chapter 4 will probably be up quicker than 3 because I have it pre written and just need to get deeper with some areas and what not, so enjoy for now guys :D _

Prologue --

Chapter 1--

Chapter 2--

Midnight Love

"So you and Lord Rhen are together?" Sarahs little voice went off. I nodded. "We both know it's not normal and probably wrong... but I can't seem to keep myself from thinking of him." I smiled. "He's so different when he loves... He has this side I have never met before... I've realized he hasn't lost his kind side after all. All of us thought he lost his loving side in war, replaced with discipline and the urge to not show weakness." I wanted to be with him now. "Sarah," She cocked her head. "Can you go see what he's talking about with Thera? He mentioned he was going to speak with him." "About what?" Her curious little head cocked to the right. I huffed unsure if telling her would make things feel better. "...He..." I took another breath. "Thera was very upset when I was announced next in line." She nodded. "Dad said he would speak with him, but I'm scared that it would only make matters worse." "I'll go look." Her body slipped through the rug and I was alone. 'You realize if Father fines her snooping for you we'll get the punishment.' I nodded to myself. I don't care right now... I would rather take Father's punishment than loose Thera. 'Suit yourself.' My canine side buried itself away. I waited patiently for Sarah to return to me for several long minutes, each one I becoming more and more anxious. Finally she appeared through the floor. "Thera doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that you will be King. He hasn't spoken out, only nodded and responded with calm words. Whatever you're worried about isn't going to happen... I'm sure it's going to take a much greater impact to separate family." "Thank you Sarah_." I should have known... Thera wouldn't give up his family even if it meant for the crown... I've over reacted._ "Can you check once more please? I want to be positive." She nodded and vanished again. 'You're just searching for Fathers beating aren't you?' _ He's not going to find her, Sarah's smart._ _ 'When he screams your name, I'm gone.'_ _ Coward... 'I'm not taking your punishment, you deal with them on your own, when I do something stupid I'll take the blame for it!'_ "DARRIN!" My eyes widened feeling the castle shake and suddenly Sarah's body flew up from the ground. "He saw me, he saw me! Run! Bye! I'm sorry!" She evaporated into smoke. _ 'See ya'_ He was gone as well and I watched dead eye at my door, hearing his heart travel up the stairs. Should I run? No, running would only make everything worse... you knew this was coming. The door was forced open and Father had me at the throat. "What the Hell were you thinking!" He had me on my back and on the bed before I could react. I clenched his wrist trying to free myself."Dad... wait... I just wanted-- "Don't think that just because you and I share a unique love that you're exempt from any of the rules! You still live in my castle; you must abide by my rules!" His grasp was tightening around my throat and my wind pipe was clogged as I struggled to breath. He released me in seconds and I flooded my lungs with oxygen coughing as the rush of air scratched my throat. "I was just," A cough exploded out of my lungs. "making sure Thera-- "I told you I would deal with it!" He pulled me up toward him, a puff of smoke shooting from his nostrils. "I will not tolerate sneaking around in my castle... that's traitorous, treason acts! I have warned you many times of this and now cannot spare you anymore!" He forced me down onto the bed a heavy paw on my chest. "There was nothing for you to worry about, Thera had not changed since then, he had a single question as to why, but nothing more." He held a finger at my nose. "Thera will commit to my decision as the child I know him as." I caught myself from glaring knowing the consequences. No Father knows how his son exactly is! 'Watch yourself Darrin... your being naive again... retaliating will only get us in more trouble.' I nodded to both myself and Father, closing my eyes and reopening them with gentle ones. Taking in a deep breath I felt the tense feeling flood out "I just don't want Thera to hate me..." The grip on me loosened as he realized my pain. He dropped his chin into his chest and sighed very deeply, then met me eye to eye. "Darrin... Thera would never hate you, none of the family would hate you." He kissed my forehead. "...Becoming King is a great thing to celebrate... it's what I intend to celebrate tomorrow." Then he grinned. "You're lucky the fire festival is tomorrow," He released me and stood up. "You always seem to have luck on your side with the festival arriving I want you to look your best... Don't think I'm finished with you though Darrin... the festival is only prolonging it." He made his way to the door and looked back to me as he gripped the handle. "But keep your Poes to yourself... I can sense them too you know... You got the gene from me." I nodded and he winked at me before leaving. My doors shut and I lied there on my bed just pondering. Was Thera really okay with me becoming King, I had to talk to him... had to know for sure. After what Sarah said I thought I could believe it... but now... I needed to see it. I waited out a good ten minutes to give myself distance from Dad then stood from my bed and snatched my maroon cloak hanging from the wall, then descended down the stairs. I followed my ears, hearing his familiar thump of heart, the dragon's hearts were always easy to hear, larger than any of the humans. The beating of his heat led me to his room. Taking a quick breath, I knocked. "Who is it?" He sounded sort of irritated and I bit my lip. "It's... Darrin... Thera can we please talk?" It was silent behind the door for a moment and then he spoke. "Yes... Hold on." The door unlatched and Thera stood in front of me, leaned against the door shirtless with a serious face and crossed arms. "What is it?" His voice was normal now, he was acting as if he really didn't know what I was going to talk about. "Yesterday..." I took a breath. "When Father said I was to be the King... I-I didn't know." He hushed me then smiled. "Darrin, the decision wasn't yours to make... it was his I'm not upset with you." "But you are upset?" He shrugged. "A little, just as upset as you or Brendon would be for not getting the crown." "But... but it was yours to take, not mine." He frowned now. "Are you trying to make me upset?" I quickly shook my head. "Then lay off the topic, Father already explained the reasoning... and I have to say... that the way he spoke of you... really made me think that I'm not the one that was meant to have it." His words were like daggers striking at my heart, I felt so guilty. "I really am not fit for becoming a King, so don't feel bad." He put a hand on my shoulder. "But hey... if you ever need someone to command any of the armies, I'll be ready any minute you need me." His words uplifted the stress in me and I smiled. "You'll be the first I go to for more than that." He grinned at that. "So you're not upset?" "Just as I said, I'm as upset as you or Brendon would be. Darrin you have nothing to worry about." He nudged my shoulder with a fist. "You think I would turn on you just because of this?" _ 'I told you Sarah told you, Father told you!!' My canine self immediately said bursting into the conversation. _Hush! I half smiled. "I'm sorry I thought what I did... This last day has been a little bit stressful for me... a lot of things going on."

"I can see that... when you left the other day, Dad was more than infuriated... I'm sure the topic was about becoming King right?" I nodded. "Yeah...I... wasn't expecting to get it over you... and sort of threw my own tantrum. I mean... having all this duty and never being able to leave the castle. Dad rarely leaves his room except for meals and when he has to talk to the council... Thera, I'm part werewolf that's not going to really work out for me... You really should have it... not I." "Darrin, stop saying that... you're perfectly fit to become King! Get over the fact that I wasn't picked, stop stressing over this, what's done is done. You and I both know Dad's decisions are more than final! And hey... you won't be stuck inside the castle all the time. Father has the time to do other things... he just doesn't make them. He concerns himself too much, over reacts to a lot of it... that's why he's so protective over us... we shouldn't have these new mentors. All of us are trained, it's his part that needs to improve and discipline us. I agree with what he said in the throne room, but what he did I don't. I'm sure you will agree with me with what he said too?" "Yes." I did, thinking about it now I really felt unorganized. Brendon and I should not have broken out at each other like that. "Master Thera!" A women's voice came from behind. Thera's eyes went over my shoulder and my body followed as we faced one of the servants. "Excuse me, but Captain Greyn is waiting for you outside." "Damn..." He dropped his head. "I will be down momentarily." She nodded. "God," He said shaking his head. "Greyn is just like Gorik... but he's not as strict with every single stance." I smiled knowing exactly what he meant with Gorik's strictness. "Remember what I told you Darrin, I'm not upset." I nodded and watched him walk away. 'You had nothing to worry about.' _ ...Yeah... I'm sorry for panicking..._

I returned to my room, closing the door behind me. Head turning to the balcony and then to my bed I walked forward and slid into the sheets. It wasn't near night but I felt sleepy, I figured the stress had something to do with it. But knowing how Thera felt I could finally just relax... Relax... what an enjoying word to say, I felt myself sink into my bed as I said it. I started to breathe calmer, longer intakes through the nostrils and gentle exhales from the mouth. It felt like a state of meditation, but became deeper than that and soon I had myself wandering into sleep. It was days like these I hated the most though; I would become so bored through the day that I would fall asleep and wake up through the middle of the night unsure what to do. Father unapproved of these late nights, except of course Morei who was an entirely different person during the night. I was at my balcony, watching the white Poes float through the city. The thought of the afterlife suddenly came to me. What was it like, was it miserable living this way, watching the living do what they pleased? Or was it a new type of life? Was it a way that sort of stretched the normal way of living into a more bizarre sort of dream? Then another thought erupted... What would happen when Father died? I knew thinking that was awful... but it really stuck to me. He would surely be here in spirit... but would it really be him... his same personality? In that case... why would he have to give up the crown if he did so? There had to be a reason or I'm sure many kings before us would still be here. I would ask him tomorrow...I looked up to the moon... or in the morning rather. In the morning, was a very long time away, I spent a few more hours thinking to myself about becoming King and the pros and cons. I found myself measuring out the cons with the pros very quickly, but there was that one major con, that would always kill me to think about... time. Time was the largest restriction of them all... all of the things I loved to do would soon vanish, meditating in the forest, keeping myself entertained with sketches and paintings... all vanishing. All being replaced by a new set of rules that entwined into the life I wanted and would quickly overcome it. Eventually I found myself unable to stand the thoughts and left the room, wandering the castle halls admiring paintings of the family. I stopped at the painting of my Father and me when I was younger. He had me up on his shoulder and I was hugging his large dragon head pressing my werewolf face against his. Thera was at his side, standing straight, arms folded behind his back and chin lifted high in the air with confidence. On his other side was Morei who clung to his left leg with a cute vampire smile, her little fangs showing through her childish face. Brendon was being cradled in his right arm asleep wrapped in a maroon cloth. I was starring at my face again looking closer at the painting noticing I was kissing the top of his forehead. It made me smile, I guess I always had that secret love for him... just sort of drowned it out since my body matured and from being taught right from wrong. But... was it really wrong to love him? What was the reason I fell for him so much... if it was so wrong... why did it have to feel this way? His gorgeous figure appeared in my head, standing nude before me, but turned away and starring off into the distance. A bright sunny glow from above and far out the ocean calmly pushed its tides toward the earth. Emerald green covered our cliff side, as well as the many much further away. Calling to him he slowly turned and just before I saw his face, the vision ended. The feeling vanished and the icy cold atmosphere of the castle hall embraced me. It sent chills up my spine to suddenly be unwelcomed back into a place I didn't want to be at the time. I was in the main hall now, watching the spirits as they patrolled the castle. I was missing him; and that's where I was going, I knew he would be angry with me, but I wanted to see him. Needed to have him embrace me in his dragon heat... I wanted to taste him again, taste his tongue as it would slip into my lips and play with mine. Standing before his new door I took a deep breath and pushed open ever so slowly. I kept the door as quiet as I could while entering his room. The door clicked shut and I froze hoping he didn't hear. Taking a moment to listen for his breathing I listened to the silence and then proceeded. The massive room looked strange at night, the moon shining through the fixed glass and the shadows almost creating an entirely different outlook. His room was its own home in a way, bigger than many of the homes in the kingdom. With a door on my right and an opened room to my left, I slid along the wall creeping closer to the slumbering dragon. The gentle beating of his heart drew me faster and my pace quickened. The way it pounded in my ears was like the beat of a drum, steady but powerful. Nearing closer, I stopped when I could reach out to touch his face, but instead sat there admiring his beautiful features. It warmed me to see him so peaceful, to see him in a state like this was so rare. He was so angered all the time, everything always serious... The price of a King. I thought to myself. 'Sure we're ready for a sacrifice this big?' (Heh... you're still awake?) '...Yeah... it's not easy sleeping when you're other half isn't with you.' _ I'm sorry... I couldn't keep him away from my thoughts... I never realized how much I've wanted him. 'Neither have I... until he showed how much he wanted us.' He's so beautiful..._ I wanted to touch the rough scales but felt hesitant. Think he'll be upset if I wake him? '... I... don't know... maybe wake him gently? Slide into the bed?' Pondering for a moment, I nod and round the large bed. With his back side exposed, I take a long look at his body. He's so... muscular... I reached a hand outward to touch him. Suddenly he had me at the wrist; straining it and yanking me close in a headlock. I whined in pain feeling my wrist twist more. "Darrin?" He released me. "What's going on?" "I- I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to wake you, I- I couldn't sleep and--" My words were frantic. "Do you realize what time it is?" He grunted rubbing his face in the shadows. Nodding in response I apologized again. "Sorry... I- I didn't mean to... I... I." I was babbling again and calmed myself letting out a sigh. "...I just missed you." I was sure I saw him smile through the shadows. He took my hand rubbing the wrist he used to control me. "Sorry for that... normal reaction." He leaned in. "You should have warned me before climbing in." "I didn't want to-- He cut me off with his lips, pressing them against mine softly lighting sparks. "You're perfectly fine... Just warn me next time. I don't take surprises lightly." Our lips met again and the love began, catching flame as the sparks skittered over my heart. Letting go I grinned.

"You know you're in love with someone who relies on surprises?" We kissed again, long this time. It felt endless and beautiful I never wanted to let go. Panting for breathe we released and I fell into him. Back at it again, he kissed my forehead. "Like I said... I don't take surprises lightly." A warning I should have kept in mind, but instead laughed. "Surprising you... is only half the fun." He chuckled with his deep voice towering my body, caging me. "And what's the other half?" I shrugged. "I don't know... I haven't figured that out yet." He smiled nuzzling my neck with his warm nose then kissing me again. "I've had 18 years to figure you out... and I think I've found everything I need to know." "Oh?" I was curious now. "What do you know about me?" His hands ran through my hair putting me into a light trance of relaxation. "I've know this one for years... ever since you were an infant, always loved your head rubbed." Another brush of his fingers combed through my hair. "Also here." His hand moved to my stomach, sliding under my shirt. I shivered feeling aroused, and kissed him to let it out. He laughed. "That one I just figured out, the day I told you how I really felt for you." I smiled and sank onto his lips. "I'm really glad you did that... even though I took off."

"I've always wanted to tell you... but telling someone I care so dear about made it difficult." Our lips connected for a long minute. "But wasn't sure how to tell you..." He huffed attacking again. "Then finally... you caved me in..." I felt his domination taking affect, his kingly manner forcing me off my will and onto his. He slid the tips of his claws down my naked stomach. Strange... I didn't remember taking anything off. He caught my look and grinned hanging my shirt at the end of a finger, slightly torn at the collar.

I felt weak, being lost in his lust so easily and forced myself to grow with the heat instead of embrace it. Leaning up, I tempted him with a kiss and followed with a deeper and tongue tied one. While distracted, my hands slid in and worked his throbbing member. He didn't interject, instead moaned as I touched the tip of his dragon cock. Red and thick I brought my lips down, savoring the man meat presented to me. Taking him down as far as I could. My tongue found the underside of his member, teasing the sensitive side of the cock. He moaned again. I puckered my lips and sucked hard running my hands over his chest, loving the roughness of his body while finding his nipples. Inside, I was being clawed by my feral, but I had no intention of sharing and began to suck the length. New smells lingered around my nose putting me into a thick foggy state of mind where the only way out was to go deeper. I sucked harder hearing him grunt and a new flavor splashed into my throat. It had a salty mixture and a flavor I had never tasted before. It was an addictive and delicious taste. I wanted more. My hands returned to their original spot and I followed the skin up and down. He thrusted, exactly what I wanted. It was a sign that he was nearing. Sliding the hot meat down my throat I tightened my lips. "Darrin," He said running his fingers through my hair. "Darrin--" He grunted, my hard suck forcing him to stop and concentrate. I looked up into his eyes, mine large and gold, begging him to give me what I wanted. "Let me have it." I took a long hard strive down his cock with both my hands and he growled into a moan, lapping up the small spurts of his precum. His breath came at a faster rate almost in a panic and I knew the moment was here. He started thrusting and I readied myself... waiting for the moment... holding my mouth as it pushed past my lips and slid down my throat. Suddenly he began to shake violently; grabbing the back of my head and roaring into the air pushing me down as his hot seed shot in globs down my throat. His roar fueled me and I too convulsed howling as strings of white shot onto the bed and over his thighs. The release was amazing, ecstatic throughout the entire flow, feeling light as the pleasure was spilled over the one I love. The feeling almost had me stunned, my cock twitching in approval.

I tried to swallow it all, but found myself savoring too much. The strangely addictive taste harbored my mind... telling me to enjoy this moment as if it were the last and I greedily followed, swigging his nectar around in my mouth. It had me convinced and before long I was overcome by the mass and slightly choked spurting rivers of his cum down my chin.

"Hey..." He said out of breath and with a chuckle. "You're supposed to swallow it all." Leaning over me he licked my chin and met my lips with a kiss. He kept a gentle look, never leaving my eyes and slid down slowly to my legs lapping up the white seed. I felt spent letting myself sink into the bed with exhaustion. "Mmm." A gentle moan escaped my lips while I laid there. My cock was sensitive to the slightest touch, and his tongue made every part of it twitch. "You know..." He started returning to my height. He licked me at the neck kissing from the ear down. "I've realized something..." I lifted my head from the pillow. "You have much more than a human taste to you then I thought you would... I've tasted it before... but can't remember where from." I weakly smiled. "... My canine side... I'm sure." "Mmm." He kissed my forehead. "A part of you I can't wait to meet." "I'm not sure if he's containable." I managed a dark look before letting my hand slump back into the bed. 'I am so containable! Don't speak for me!' I grinned to myself. "You're talking to the King of the Cultist Brood Darrin..." Over my body he leaned in and playfully bit my neck. "Being fearless against enemies is only part of the role!" He grinned lifting and kissing me one final time before pulling me into a hug readying the both of us for bed. 'We'll see!' "We'll see..." I laughed cuddling into his arms and into slumber.