Nearly There Chp. 2.5 - Troy's Dream.

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#3 of Nearly There

Well, here you guys go, chapter 2.5 I know it's short, but how much sex can you write for an entire chapter? Plus this is just a side chapter I wrote. Hopefully it fills needs and it makes your friday, that much better c:

Troy yawned as he rubbed his eyes and focused on the road in front of him, shaking his head as he steered with his right paw and his other flowed through the wind as he stuck it out the window. Feeling the breeze going through his paw felt nice as he drove. Tilting his head side to side as he drove down the highway, enjoying the music on the radio, glancing over at Luc to see him squirm a bit in his seat. His eyes closed shut as he slept, looking in the review mirror to see Neon lean against his window as he blankly stared out his window. Looking back out onto the road, Troy squints as the sun starts to slowly pass over the horizon. He grabbed the steering wheel with his left paw as he digs around for his sunglasses with his right paw, finally grabbing hold of them as he puts them on as the sun sets. Wiggling his nose as his sunglasses sits on the top of his muzzle, tapping his paws against the steering wheel as he continued on driving down the long stretched out highway. Finally driving past a green sign that said Madison, Wisconsin. Suddenly hearing Neon speak up as he sat in the backseat, asking where they were as he let out an audible yawn and a stretch that caught Troy's eye through the review mirror. Troy speaking out as he focused on the road, asking if they should find a hotel, hearing Neon say yes as he started looking around for his phone, Troy nodded as he reached out for his GPS, entering in locations as he swerved a little from losing focus on the road, quickly swerving back onto his side of the road as he finally entered in the numbers and coordinates. Driving along the road as he followed the directions given out by the technology in the truck. Taking lefts and rights as he strayed away from the highway and into the city, sighing as he stopped at red lights and waited impatiently. Finally as they arrived at their hotel he told Neon to wake up Luc as he went inside to get a room, taking his keys out of the ignition as he walked inside, talking to the lady behind the desk, watching as she smiled brightly at him, he noticed that she had put her paw on top of his, he smiled back as he pulled his paw away. He didn't really admit it, but he had a more of an attraction towards men, but with his job he didn't have time for any relationships or anything. Troy watched as the girl behind the desk blushed as she looked at her computer, typing away before giving him the key as he nodded and turned back to see Neon standing and waiting for him. He smiled at him as they walked back outside the lobby and back to the truck to see Luc get out as he rested his paws on his knees before stretching out big, his fangs showing as he yawned. Troy paused for a moment as he started to finally take a good look at the doberman. His nice coat of black fur, his short spiky head fur blowed in the wind momentarily as he stood there, Troy took note of his fairly well built body. Not as built as Troy but it was the perfect balance, his muscles showing through his t-shirt as he stood there, watching as he smiled at Neon as he walked up to him, he had a nice set of white teeth, all gleaming in the setting sun. Troy shook his head as he finished looking over the dobermans built body, making a fast pace towards his truck to grab his bags before catching up to Neon and Troy back to their room. Catching sight of Neon's rear end as he walked behind them, Troy sighed audibly as he walked and tried not to focus too hard on his friends butt. Hearing Neon's voice distract him as he still looked over his butt, shaking his head as he looked up to see him turn around and look at Troy, Neon's words finally going into his head as he stood there, tossing him a set of keys as they wait at the door to their room. Finally getting inside their room Troy quickly walked past them and into the bathroom as he closed the door and locked it, flicking on the lights as he stood at the sink. Opening up his bag and digging around inside as he grabbed hold of a cylinder like object from inside. Pulling it out as he held it in his hands standing in front of the mirror, checking the time on his phone before looking back towards his pills. He took them to help him sleep at night opening them as he tipped the bottle back, letting a couple pills drop into his maw. Closing the bottle as he puts it inside the mirror cabinet, turning on the tap as he leaned in to take in a few gulps of water to help wash down his pills. Shaking his head as he stood in front of the mirror, looking over himself as he stood there. Flexing his arms a little as he stood there, letting out a small chuckle before grabbing his bag again and walking out, turning off the light as he walked out. Walking past Neon and Luc's bed as the laid on it, Luc already curled up asleep and Neon had most likely zoned out looking at the ceiling as he continued on to the bed beside them, tossing his bag beside the bed as he collapsed onto it. Yawning loud as he laid there, already feeling the pills kick in as his eyes got heavy. Resting his paws behind his head as he wiggled his body, yawning once more as he couldn't hold his eyes open anymore. Slowly closing them as he listened to the soft sound of breathing in the room.

Troy stood there as he looked at himself in the mirror before kneeling down and grabbing the two big dumbbells. He wore a black tank top and some short shorts as he started to lift the heavy weights, standing there as he lifted them and looked around the room in the mirror, no one was in sight as he continued to lift the weights. Hearing the door to the weight room open he noticed that Luc and Neon had walked in, Neon sporting some short shorts as well as he had headphones in, walking in with Luc who wore some board shorts. They walked in without noticing Troy, Troy started to watch as his muscles tensed and relaxed from lifting his weights standing in the mirror. He looked around the room again in the mirror to see no one had been in the room except for the three, and Luc and Neon had gone into the other part of the room as he continued to work out. Feeling satisfactory with the reps he did, Troy dropped the weights, making his way over towards the stationary exercise bikes, noticing Neon and Luc on the treadmill in the other room as they ran, glancing back down to his bike as he started peddling. Watching from the corner of his eye as Luc got off his treadmill to go over to the bench press, the wolf watched as he slowly removed his shirt, revealing all of his muscles, his six pack gleaming with sweat as he stretched and flexed his muscles slowly while sitting at the bench press. He watched as he laid underneath the weights, waiting for the husky to walk over and be his spotter. Lucas started to lift slowly, his muscles tensing and bulging as he lifted. Troy blushed lightly as he saw Neon glance over at him, he saw Neon smile as he walked over towards Luc, watching as the doberman put the weight back onto the holder as he leaned up a bit and kissed the other canine. Troy blushed harder as he looked away and continued peddling, he felt a little uncomfortable watching as he sat there peddling.

Not noticing as they made their way over towards him, Troy jumped a little at the feeling of a paw suddenly trailing along his jawline. Turning his head to see Neon smile at him before pecking his muzzle softly, Troy blushed even harder as he sat there. Troy had never experienced a kiss before, feeling his lips press against Neon's as he sat there, feeling Neon invade his maw as his tongue poked it's way inside. Letting out a small murr as he felt Neon's tongue against his, intertwining his tongue into his as he kissed slowly, blushing more and more as he felt his sheath starting to stir in his shorts as he made out with the smaller husky in front of him. Feeling Neon pull away he let out a small sigh, looking over towards Luc to see him grab onto his paw, pulling him off of the bicycle as Neon pushed them slowly into the other part of the room, the wolf felt anxious as he walked, sweat dripping from his forehead as he stepped towards a blue mat on the floor. Watching as Luc takes seat on a nearby piece of equipment, Neon brushing past Troy as he trails his paws along his bulging muscles before standing on the mat in front of Troy. Slowly stepping onto the mat as well, he watched as Luc leaned back against the wall watching them, Troy watching as Neon slowly pulled his tank top up over his stomach slowly, revealing his nice lean body, gleaming in the light with sweat. He blushed as he watched, the shirt slowly slipping up over his pec's and over his head as he tossed it to the side, the lupine barely knew what to do. Watching as Neon pressed up against him, he blushed, his bulging shorts pressing up into the huskies stomach as he murred softly, feeling the canines paws slowly rub down from his chest, trailing along his abs as he stood there. Closing his eyes as he felt his soft paws explore his body, yipping and opening his eyes as he felt a sudden grip of his crotch, feeling him squeeze onto him he let out a soft moan, feeling his length slowly starting to push its way out of its sheath.

The lupine noticed as Lucas started to rub the front of his shorts as he sat there watching the two exploring each others bodies, Troy looking down to see Neon's shorts bulge out, poking against Troy's thigh as he stood there blushing. His own length rubbing against the huskies stomach, he felt Neon slowly tug his shorts down as he bit his lip, his first thought that popped into his head was if any of this was okay. If he would be good for them and if he was big enough, feeling his length spring out of his shorts all of a sudden, looking down to see the canine on his knees and in front of the wolf as he stood there, over looking his own length. He was nine inches, looking over towards the doberman as he sat there, still rubbing the front of his shorts, looking down to the husky to see that he was fully erect at around six inches. The lupine let out a sudden gasp as he felt a warm tongue brush up along the bottom side of his length, he moaned at the feeling and clenched his fists as he felt the canine wrap his muzzle around the tip of his cock. Feeling his warm maw slowly slide in more and more of his length, Troy was amazed at how much he could put into his maw, moaning as his tongue swirled around his length, almost every inch being pushed into the small canines maw. Finally noticing Luc as he tugged his shorts down, revealing his seven and half inch cock, Troy let out a small whimper as he felt Neon's paws grasp onto his balls softly. Suddenly feeling cold air upon his wolf meat he murred loudly, looking back towards the husky to see him grab his paw and tug him onto the ground, the wolf laid on his back as his length stood straight up in the air, feeling the husky crawl over on top of him as he blushed. Feeling his maw once again meet with the huskies as they locked in another kiss, closing his eyes as he kissed back, gasping audibly as he suddenly felt warmth wrap around his length once more, moaning and squirming a bit underneath the husky as he kissed back sloppily. Lucas had went down and started to suck onto Troy's meat as the both of them locked in another kiss, the doberman not slowing down as he shoved in all he could into his maw, quickly bobbing his head up and down, loving the new taste of someone else's meat in his maw.

Watching as the husky pulls away from the lupines maw as he watched the wolf pant heavily laying underneath him. The husky slowly crawling up as he shoved his own meat against Troy, rubbing it along his cheek almost forcing it into his maw as he sat there. Troy blushed as he let out his tongue, gliding it along the dogs meat, trailing it along his already formed knot as he licked and tasted it for his first time. Feeling the huskies meat being shoved further and further down in his maw, choking as it gets pushed in too far. Troy closed his eyes as he does his best to not choke, his eyes watering a little as he gets used to it being there in his throat. A growing arousal in Troy slipping out as he tastes more and more of the huskies meat in his maw, completely indulging himself in the new sensation. He continued to twirl his tongue around, making his best attempts to please the husky before him as he continues sucking and licking. The husky started to slowly pull out but Troy wanted him to stay as he continued to indulge himself in the new found taste, he whimpered softly as he pulled himself out completely, watching as Luc pulled off his cock as well as they fully took off their clothes before telling Troy to turn himself around as he nodded anxiously awaiting for what was next. He perked his ears as he heard the two talking behind him, tilting his ears as he felt more anxious now. Hearing as Neon whispered to Luc "You think he can take you?...I mean, he is a... You know.." he blushed completely red as he propped himself with his paws, biting his lip as Neon walks around to the front of him, kneeling down in front of his as he slides his paws along his jawline again before slipping underneath him, he blushed as he looked down at the husky. Suddenly feeling a set of paws wrap around his chest, Troy jumped a little, noticing the doberman laying on top of him, the canine resting his head on the wolfs shoulder as he smiled at Neon. Neon watched as Troy blushed harder as he could feel the tip of Luc's cock just rubbing at the back entrance of him. The husky quickly pulled Troy into another kiss as they locked muzzles, kissing hard and messy. The lupines eyes widened as he felt a sharp pain in his back end, he winced and tried to cry out in pain but couldn't as Neon's maw was locked with his, letting out a small whimper throughout the kiss. He never felt such pain in his life, he could hear Luc whisper into his ear telling him to relax and that the pain would go away, he didn't believe him at first as he felt the doberman push further and further inside of him. Troy's eyes glistened as he tried his best to relax himself, nearly biting down on Neon's tongue as he started to scratch his claws against the mat. He groaned as he felt Luc stop pushing in, his eyes watering a little as he laid over Neon, watching as the husky licked over his face in comfort, feeling Luc starting to kiss into his neck as he rested all the way inside of him, whispering "See, it wasn't that bad... Soon, it'll be all pleasure.."

Troy didn't know what to expect from this, as he noticed Neon switch around, the huskies cock springing in front of his face as he laid there, suddenly feeling the return of a warm maw around his cock, biting his lip as he moaned at the feeling. Suddenly he felt Luc slowly start to pull out, he knew what was next as he felt his paws tremble a little, moaning at the new sensation. He surprisingly loved the feeling of Luc pulling out of him, closing his eyes at the sensation as he felt shivers go down his spine. Luc had pulled out almost all the way, just leaving his tip inside as he whispered once again into his ear "This just might hurt a little." Troy felt worried by the statement as he still indulged in the last feeling, his eyes widen suddenly as he yelped by the fast thrusting motion inside of him as Luc had started to thrust in and out of him. A few seconds went by and Troy didn't feel pain anymore, he groaned as he felt Neon's tongue playing around with his tip, taking a tighter grip onto the mat as a wave of ecstasy hit him, the pain in his rear end had been numbed over and filled with extreme pleasure. He gasped as he felt the doberman thrust harder into him, sending shocks through his body as pre-cum shoots out and into the huskies maw as he laid there. Suddenly hearing Luc's voice again, telling him to suck Neon's throbbing member as he continued to fuck Troy's tight ass. The wolf didn't want to disobey Luc's commands, so he started sucking on the tip of the huskies cock, he gasped out loud as the doberman started to thrust in harder and harder. He started to enjoy the feeling more and more as seconds passed by, wanting more and more as he continued to suck Neon's cock more sloppily as he was fucked. Both ends being filled, Troy did his best to keep up as pleasure was shooting from every end of him, he didn't know how much longer he could last as he felt his knot slowly starting to form as Lucas fucked him hard. Feeling Neon's cock being shoved in deeper as he choked suddenly, still not used to the feeling of it as he tried his best to swallow and suck his cock in his maw. Every thrust forcing him to deepthroat even deeper as he choked every time. Troy started to feel as Neon started to slowly thrust in and out of his maw, he kind of enjoyed the feeling as Neon continued on thrusting, nearly choking still as he pushed in too far.

Troy didn't know of how much more he could handle as the two continued to fuck him from both ends, he was filled to the brim with pleasure as he let out moans and groans throughout the entire thing. Suddenly feeling Neon stop sucking as he slowly pulled off his length, Troy let out a small whimper as he felt cold air rush up against his throbbing member, his knot now fully grown as he felt his length covered in a nice coating of spit and pre. Feeling as Luc slowed his thrusting he let out another whimper as he heard Luc whispering more into his ear. "Now now, don't want you shooting your load just yet\'85We still want more fun." Troy felt the two tug him up off of the ground as they pushed him down onto a piece of equipment, he laid back as he watched Neon once again climb up top of him, he smiled softly as he watched the husky inch his way closer and closer to his throbbing length. He bit his lip as he felt his tip rub up against the smaller canines entrance, watching as how he kept lowering himself, the first couple of inches already inside. Troy gasped and let out quiet moans as he felt the tightness of the huskies backside, letting Neon slide in every inch of Troy's well lubed length. The wolf let out a loud groan as Neon finally slid every inch of him inside, he took grip of the sides of the cushioned seat as he moaned, feeling Neon clench around his length. Troy indulged himself on this new feeling, loving the enclosed tightness around his nine inch cock, almost completely forgetting about Luc as he stood behind them lubing up his own cock more, while watching them. All three of them glistening with sweat as they continued to pleasure each other, Troy letting out an audible yelp that echoed throughout the room as Luc moved in and shoved all of his 7 inches inside of him. Troy letting his head lean back as the two pleased him in every way they could, Neon starting to slowly bounce up and down, sliding Troy's length in and out of him as the doberman behind him started to pound away at Troy's back entrance.

The returning feeling of wanting to explode his load right then and there overcame Troy as Neon kept riding his length, but he held back as the pleasure was too great to give up just yet. Lucas kept focus as he fucked Troy as hard as he could, his own load building up more and more with each thrust. Moaning and groaning filling the room as each one of them basked in their own pleasure. Troy felt Luc hitting a certain spot inside him that made each thrust explode with ecstasy, he wanted more and more as the doberman kept thrusting, he clenched his fists as he screamed out "fuck me harder!! Mmm\'85Fuck!". Troy got his wish as Luc took a firm stance and started to thrust even harder as he took grip of the end of the bench, Troy growled and moaned loudly as each thrust was firmly hitting his prostate. The wolf couldn't hold back any longer as he howled at the top of his lungs, bucking up hard inside of Neon as he started to violently shoot out his load inside of the smaller sized husky on top of him. With that, Neon had started to spray his load out onto Troy's chest and muzzle and Troy moaned at the feeling as he clenched tightly around the dobermans cock, that meeting with a similar howl as he started to spray his load inside of Troy. Troy growled and let out loud moans as Luc filled him with his white substance, the filling feeling and his load washing over his prostate making him take grip of the leathery fabrics that covered the bench as he started shooting more and more inside of Neon, Troy had never orgasmed so much in his life as they all released their loads simultaneously. Panting and gasping as they all collapsed onto each other, Troy's orgasm finally subsiding as he laid there, basking in the afterglow. He felt Neon's sweaty furred pressed up against his own as they laid there, thrusting up a few times as they laid there, groaning.

Troy awoke in bed, he laid there in his boxer briefs, looking under the covers to see his length throbbing, hoping for release. He groaned softly to himself at how hot the dream was, he slid his paw under the covers as he tugged his briefs down. His paw wrapping around his throbbing hot length, slowly starting to stroke himself as he laid there. Letting out small moans as his finger paw rubbed up along his tip, he sighed softly. Quickly letting go of his length as he laid there, realizing that Luc and Neon were just 5 feet away from him on the other bed, he tucked his length inside of his underwear as he slowly got out of bed. Quickly making his way towards the bathroom as he walked by the bed he saw Lucas underneath covers but the other side of the bed was empty, turning back forwards as he gasped and jumped a little, seeing Neon sitting in a chair in the dark. He blushed like crazy, wondering if he saw his member through his briefs as he stood there.

"Oh jesus, you scared me" Troy exclaimed as he stood there, trying to cover himself, wondering if Neon was staring as he could barely see his eyes.

"Hmm? Oh...I'm sorry."

"What're you doing? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Couldn't go back to sleep."

"Oh, how long have you been sitting there?"

"I'm...not sure..."

"Well, I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll be right back"

The wolf quickly continued on as he flung open the door and flicked on the light, shutting the door quickly behind him as he stood there. Squinting his eyes as he slowly adjusted to the new level of brightness in the room. He had a moment to himself, quickly going over towards the toilet as he let his briefs fall to the floor. Wrapping his paw around his length once again as he started to quickly stroke his length fast, closing his eyes as he groaned and moaned, trying to not be so loud as he pawed himself off. His other paw sliding around to his backside as he rubbed his own back entrance before slowly pushing inside. He winced and groaned at his own tightness, doing his best to force his finger inside as he moaned and continued quickly pawing off his own throbbing member. Finally pushing his finger up as far as he could he exhaled, his paw slowly down its pace as he continued teasing and pleasing himself. His finger started to slide in and out faster as he felt his load building, he growled quietly, suppressing his loud moans as he shot his load into the toilet. Panting lightly as he pulled his finger out, wincing a little as it slides all the way out, turning around back to the sink to turn it on. He watched as the water flowed out before splashing some cold water onto his face as he grabbed the cup, a small puddle formed on the ground making him slip backwards. A small thump emits as he hits the ground, moments after the cup hitting the ground as well as it lets out an audible smashing noise, watching as a piece comes flying out at him, he quickly covers his face as it stabs right into his paw. He yelped quietly as he got up and kneeled onto his knees to start slowly picking up the pieces, stopping for a moment as he grasps onto the shard of glass stuck in his paw. Quickly jerking it out as blood seeps out along with it, he didn't even care, he just continued on picking up the glass shards on the floor as he suddenly heard the door open in front of him. Seeing Neon quickly enter into the room as he kneels beside him and grabs onto his wrist

"Oh my god Troy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just dropped the cup...-"