Forgive Me- David 5

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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#5 of Forgive Me

DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. This chapter has M/M love, kissing, cuddling, anal (unprotected), rimming, cum eating, fingering, face-licking, and tickling. A few curse words are present. It also has passing out, and a dun idea in case you ever have an unconscious friend and a bottle of hair dye. If you are under the legal age (18/21), it is illegal for you to view this material, or you are offended, you may leave. Otherwise read on. Any resemblance to real people/places/events is purely coincidental in nature. All characters from the series, unless otherwise specified in all parts in existence and from this point forward are copyrighted to Thomas Andrews (tapanther).


NOTE: Due to me being to lazy to put for italics, all mental notes/thoughts will be in some form of brackets. Ex: [It's been so long since he's been this lively]. This is a pretty long chapter, but it should be very interesting, so keep reading even after the yiff.


Part X

{From Pt.3}

-Sigh- " '-whisper- It all seems like one sick joke.' You remember that one cop found us first, and saved you? Well, there's a problem. He wants to talk to you. But I've refused to let him."

[A sick joke? What could that mean?] I began to worry why Tavis would refuse to let him talk to me.

"Why? What did he do?"

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, a crazy thought entered my mind.

"Honey, what's his name?"

The room became deathly silent, neither one of us was breathing. He looked me in the eyes, and I looked into his. Their faint, yellow glow pierced the darkness around us. His next words would give me the greatest shock of my life.

"David, you're not going to believe this, but it was Captain Chris Burman."

Needless to say, I passed out.

When I came to, Tavis was quietly sleeping on the chair next to me. He seemed so peaceful, angelic even. His head was bent forward onto his chest, which was slowly rising and falling with each breath. [So Chris saved me. -heh- Chris Burman!] If anyone other than Tavis had said it was Chris, I wouldn't have believed them. Not only had Chris saved me, now he wanted to talk to me. [About what? What could he and I possibly have to talk about? He probably just wants to gloat that I brought it upon myself for being a 'faggot'.] If anything, Chris just saved me so he could kill me himself. But I have to say, curiosity usually gets the better of me. So I decided to listen to Chris.


[Looks like Tavis woke up. I'd know that sound anywhere.] Sure enough, I heard him yawn, and looked over. He always looks so hot when he stretches. Something about the ruffled fur and the sleepy eyes that makes me feel ticklish inside.

"Morning Love. Sleep well?"

"Not really. That chair wasn't made for sleeping. I have a sore back and neck. Could you give me a hand?"

He walked over to me, and I placed my arms around him. I began to stroke his back and neck, and rubbed everywhere I could reach. I felt his tense muscles slowly relax under my touch, and Tavis began to purr. Tavis rarely purrs. He says it's embarrassing for someone as bog as him to act like a little kitten. I think it's adorable. It's a soft rumble that spreads to my body when he holds me, and thrills me to no end. The only times I get to experience this wonderful sensation is when we make out, or when we make love. [And in my opinion, we don't do either of those enough.]

"Mmmm. Honey, you have magic fingers. Thanks."

"My pleasure. By the way, why didn't you wake me up last night."

"I -ah- I thought it might be best if you rested. It also helps that I took advantage of that to go out to eat. Unlike you, I'm not confined to hospital . . . 'food'."

"You sneaky devil! That's cheating!"

"It's a valid tactic. -kiss- Besides, the doctor says just one more week, and you should be fine to go home. And when that happens, we're gonna catch up with all the stuff we've missed. If you know what I mean."

He groped my crotch during that last sentence, making it perfectly clear what he meant. I reached around his head, and pulled it towards mine. He closed his eyes, and opened his maw, as did I. Our tongues reached out, and we embraced each other in a loving kiss. After months of being deprived of such pleasures, I didn't really care if anyone saw us. There was a slight hint of wintergreen in his mouth, which made our kiss all the better. I ran my tongue against his teeth, feeling the soft enamel coating of each, and loving the power they represented. Shivers ran down my spine as my tongue was pricked by his canines. [Ha! Canines on a cat. I crack myself up.] My excitement only grew as Tavis reached under the sheets, and lovingly stroked my cock. I arched my back in pleasure, but his chest prevented me from going too far. He softly squeezed my member, causing me to inhale, but instead of air I got more of Tavis' tongue. He pulled off as I gagged a little, and we both laughed at the silliness of it.

"Remind me not to do that again! I could've lost my tongue."

He pulled me in, not for a kiss, but for a hug. Our bodies met and converged into one, and I felt his muscles press into me. He lovingly rubbed my back, and began to purr. The vibrations spread throughout my body, tickling and exciting me. My hands rummaged through his fur, feeling his powerful arms flex under my touch. -Knock! Knock!- Tavis suddenly pulled away from me, and turned around both to see who it was, and to cover my obvious arousal. It was a young feline nurse, looking away from us. [She certainly didn't expect this sight.]

"Mr. Kenningcot, there's someone at the front desk asking for you. And, uh, Mr. Kenningcot, there's a little sign that says 'Please Do Not Enter' right here if you need some privacy."

I felt my face burn from the embarrassment, and I could tell that Tavis was feeling the same way by the rapid movements of his tail. I could also tell that he was smiling sheepishly at having been caught with 'his hand in the cookie jar'. The nurse stepped away, and Tavis turned around. He was desperately trying to suppress a smile, and was failing miserably at it.

"David, I'll be right back. -kiss- Don't go anywhere!"

"Not that I could anyway. Love?"


"If it's Chris, tell him . . . tell him I'll see him tomorrow. Today, I just want you to put that sign up, climb in here, and sleep with me."

"Are you sure?"


-Sigh- "I'll tell him. Scoot over so I can climb in the moment I get back."

I made room for Tavis, and waited. Five minutes passed, although it seemed like much more, and there was still no sign of Tavis. Ten minutes more, and I heard the door opening, but it was just the nurse from earlier. She took my temperature, looked at all the beeping instruments, and took out a small bag from her pocket.

"Here, I'm technically not supposed to give you this, but it might help. I went ahead and told the doctors that you didn't want to be disturbed today. They said since you were doing so well, it was no problem."

I took the bag, but I didn't open it yet.

"How did you know I was going to ask that?"

"I could tell. Besides, you and your boyfriend deserve a little private time -wink- together."


She then turned off al the equipment, saying that it wasn't necessary anymore. She disconnected all the sensors from my body. She then nodded and left, so I decided to look inside the bag. I laughed when I saw what she had given me. Inside the bag, there were five condoms, a tube of 'probe lubricant', and a travel pack of wipes. [She must be a psychic. Too bad that all I wanted was to snuggle. Still, it'd be a shame to waste such a thoughtful gift.] By now, half an hour had passed, and Tavis was nowhere to be found. I actually began to worry that Chris might've done something rash. I wondered what Chris wanted. Knowing him, I wouldn't like it. But then again, knowing him, he would have helped the gang members. [Why did he save me?] My mind filled with ideas about Chris. Could he want to rub it in, or does he want to see me hurt? Is he going to be the same ass from college, or is he more mature now? Does he want something from me? My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened again, and Tavis walked in.

"Sorry I took so long. It was Chris, and I told him you'd see him tomorrow. I had to pull him aside and talk to him. He's different now. I can't explain how, or why, but he's changed. I still don't trust him though. Here, make room."

"Thanks Honey. Oh, by the way, the nurse came in again. The doctors aren't going to bother us today. She made sure of that, and she brought me this."

-Heh!- "Are we going to use these?"

"It'd be a shame to waste them, wouldn't it?"

"Only if you're up for it."

"Just be gentle."

He pulled the covers aside, and got on the bed with me. I felt something warm poke my back, and I knew exactly what it was.

"I see you're ready."

He snuggled up close to me, his member pressing into my back as he did so. His arms reached around me, and stroked my chest. His hands wandered down to my crotch, and stroked my cock and balls. I quickly became aroused, and moaned to let him know I wanted him. I turned around to face towards him, and he gave me a peck on the nose. He opened the lube and pressed some into his index and middle fingers, which he then pushed up my ass.

-Gasp- "It's been a long time, so let me get used to it."

He wiggled his fingers inside me, coaxing my ring to relax and open. It took a few minutes, but he was able to push another finger in, eliciting another gasp from me. He took his free hand and pulled me closer to him. I rubbed my head against him neck, enjoying the sensation of our furs rubbing against each other. I felt so happy, to be with a man as great as Tavis was a privilege. My ass relaxed some more, and he was able to slip one more digit in, and kissed me to relieve the pain. His tongue danced around my maw, and I forgot all about the discomfort in my anus. His tongue felt like an angry serpent in my muzzle, searching for some elusive prey. He pulled back his head, and gave my face a good licking. I loved it when he did that. It made me feel as if I were a succulent treat, and that made me feel special and desirable. I've always wondered why Tavis loves me, and chose me as his lover, seeing how he could have had anyone. It was the little things like this that made me feel like I deserved to be with Tavis. He soon finished, and my face was covered in his delicious saliva. By this time, I was so horny I wouldn't care if the entire hospital watched us; I was going to make love to Tavis. He began to neck me, taking care to loosen my ass at the same time. My ring loosened enough for his fingers to freely move in and out, so he pulled them out all the way, and pushed them back in with ease.

"I think you've loosened up enough."

We both sat up, and pushed the sheets onto the floor. He grabbed one of the condoms from the bag, and gave it to me.

"You put it on me."

He put his hands on his head, and looked at me. I could see the hunger in his eyes, and felt a shiver run down my spine. I took the condom, and ripped open the package with my teeth. I leaned forward, and licked all around his cock, coaxing it to full erection. I wasn't going to give him a blow, but I still wanted to taste him again. I kissed each of his egg-sized balls, and kissed all the way up his cock. I placed the condom on the tip of his rod, and tried to unroll it, but Tavis was too big for the rubber, and it broke. [The nurse got the wrong size. It's too small!]

"I guess she thought you were smaller down here."

"Just lucky of me I guess. So what do we do now? I could either fuck you bareback, or we could postpone it for a few days."

"I am not waiting a few more days. You know, I've always wanted to try bareback. And don't worry, the nurses have kept me completely clean, even in there."

"Oh really? Bend over then."

I thought he was going to fuck me right away, but I was wrong. He put his muzzle up to my ass, and pushed his tongue in. All I can say is that I have never felt anything like it before. He swirled it around a few times before pulling it out.

"You're right, it is clean. There's no real taste, just a little sweat. Did you like it?"

"God yes! Please don't stop."

He licked around my ring for a while, teasing me by pretending to push his tongue in, but never actually doing so. I felt my butt fur being soaked in his spit, and loved the feeling of his rough tongue against my ass. He put the tip of his tongue on my asshole, and pushed it in as far as it would go. I felt like I was about to blow my load. He licked all around the inside of my ass, massaging the rim as his tongue pushed in and out. My legs began to tremble from the pleasure. He pulled his tongue out, and turned me around, resting me on my back. He came up to my muzzle, and kissed me. Out tongues met, and I saw he was right, I couldn't tell the difference in the taste, except it was less minty than before.


I nodded, and he got between my legs. I rested my feet on his meaty shoulders, and felt him moving closer to my bottom. I then felt his cock pushing against my ass. Thanks to his previous work, his cock easily slid past my ring, and he slowly pushed all the way in. I gasped at the feeling of being slowly filled with his member, and savored the pleasure. His cock felt different without a condom. It wasn't as slick, but it had more texture to it. I wouldn't say it was better than a condom, just different. His cock was soon all the way in, and he left it there to give me time to adjust. I squirmed for some time, loving the feeling of being so full again. I was a little scared that someone might come in and find us, but I didn't really care. All I wanted was for Tavis to start thrusting. I moaned and squeezed his cock to let him know I was ready. He pulled out until only his head was inside me. I felt empty, so I moaned to get Tavis to thrust.

"I can't believe we're doing this in a hospital!"

"Oh! Shut up and fuck me!"

A grin spread through his face, and I lost my breath as he thrust into me. He started with a slow rhythm, so I could feel every bump and vein on his cock. I was in nirvana. Pleasure spread through me, and I trembled. Tavis leaned forward, and I lifted my head to meet his. His tongue lashed out, leaving a warm trail running down the length of my face. He began to thrust harder, hitting my pleasure center every time. I felt his hand envelop my member, and he began to jerk me off. His pads ran across my cock, and my body spasmed. My cum shot out, landing all over my chest, some of it even reached my chin. My anus squeezed down on his cock, and I could tell he was about to shoot. He began panting, and a little droplet of spit fell out of his mouth. He groaned, and planted his cock as deep as it would go. When his seed shot out and hit me, I grasped the sheets under me so hard, my claws ripped through them. The feeling was so erotic, and so unexpectedly pleasurable. It was warm and sticky, and it spread deep inside me. With a condom, the cum just ballooned out inside the rubber. But without, the little buggers were free to roam my ass, spreading through to every nook and cranny, some of it even slipping through my ass and matting my fur.

"That was -pant- new."

"Yeah. So, how was my ass?"

He didn't have to say anything. The kiss he gave me was enough of a response. He kept his shrinking cock inside me as we cuddled on the bed. He stroked my chest and gave my nipples soft squeezes. When he pulled out, cum rushed out behind his cock, and made a pool on the sheets. He scooped some on his hand, and fed it to me. It tasted just as good as always. Salty and slippery, which was strange since it felt sticky in my ass. I sucked on his fingers as if they were lollipops. He tried to pull his hand back, but I grabbed it, determined not to lose my delicious treat. I licked all along the sides of each finger, around the pads on his palm and fingers, making sure not to miss a drop of his cum. I took his hand, moving it to the pool of cum, and scooped some more, and covered all of his hand in what was left of his seed. I sucked on his fingers, running my tongue all over them. He just chuckled and let me continue. By the time I finished, his fur was completely matted down with spit.

For the next few hours, we slept on the bed. My body was tightly pressed against his, making my dreams very, very pleasurable. [If only today never ended.] I was woken by a light knock on the door.

"Mr. Halse? Mr. Kenningcot? I need to come in to run a little cleaning, which I think you might need."

It was the same nurse who had brought us the lube, and the too-small condoms.

_"Tavis, should we get up, or just put a cover over us?"

Tavis just got an evil grin on his face, and pulled a blanket over us. He then asked the nurse to come in. The moment she saw us, she just turned around smiling. I saw her shake her head as she closed the door, and started to clean around us.

"I never did ask you what your name was."

"Evelyn Myre. You can call me Evy. I see you enjoyed yourselves. -sniff sniff- Maybe I should've gotten you an air freshener too!"

She made us both laugh. She was such a kind person, I wonder why. Most people just ignored us or tried to make us miserable. [If only our parents had been like her. Would've saved us a lot of heartache.]_

"I need to change the sheets."

"Oh, sure. Just give us a minute to get dressed."

She left the room, and Tavis and I got out of bed. I donned my hospital robe, and Tavis put on his shorts and shirt, and opened the door for Evelyn. Tavis sat on one of the chairs in the room, and I sat on his lap. I rested my head on his pecs, where I could feel his heart beating. Evy quickly finished, and brought in an air freshener. [Mmmm. Vanilla!] She helped me into bed, which made Tavis jealous. As she left, she looked back at me being held by Tavis and looked into my eyes.

"You remind me so much of my son. He has a boyfriend too. They're very much in love. -whispered- I just wish I could do it all over again."

A single tear ran down her golden face, and she left. _Tavis held me closer, and kissed me lightly on the cheek, just like he did our first night.

"I gotta go love. I have an early shift tomorrow, and I need real rest in a bed, not a chair. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, just before . . . Chris gets here."

Chris. I had completely forgotten all about him. I had no clue what I was going to do. My eye's felt like they weighted a ton each. I fell asleep to the soft hum of the air conditioner above me, and I dreamt of nothing._

-Yawn- [Wow, that was relaxing.] I woke up from one of the most restful sleeps I've ever had only to be hit by the realization that Chris was coming today. I looked around, trying to find a clock somewhere, but the room lacked one. [Well, I'm sure someone will pop in eventually.]

I waited for about ten minutes, stretching and getting the cricks out of my back. Evelyn came in, carrying a tray with hospital 'food'. [Yum yum. Dry, unsalted eggs, bread, and a glass of water. My favorite.]

"Good morning Mr. Halse. How are you?"

"Morning Evy. I'm fine. Also, please call me David, Mr. Halse sounds too much like my father."

"Alright. Mr. Kenningcot left you a message, here. He said he'd be back by 3:00."

"What time is it? There's no clock in here."

"It's . . . 11:54. Hmmm. Maybe I should've brought you lunch."

" '-Jokingly- Maybe. But then again, lunch and breakfast here are not very different.' "

I heartlessly wolfed down the bland eggs and toast; after all, I was hungry from last night's activities.

"Evelyn, can I ask you about your son?"

She stopped for a minute, as if stunned by the question.

"Nicholas. He's a little younger than you, still in college. I always thought he looked cute, grey striped fur, black ear-tips, and silver eyes. His father is a lynx, so his ears have the little hairs that make his ears look longer. He was always such a nice kid, never talked back to me or my husband, never got into drugs or gangs."

"Why'd you say you wished you could do it all over again?"

"He came home for Christmas a year ago. We were so excited; he said he had a surprise for us. When we picked him up at the airport, he was with a red panda. We thought he had just brought a friend home. You see, he hadn't told us anything. We were so happy to see him, and then he went over to Mark, the panda, and hugged him. I remember his words perfectly, along with all the sounds of cars and airplanes around us. He said 'Mom, Dad, this is Mark, my boyfriend.' My husband just turned and left. I was angry, now it seems so pointless, but I yelled at him. -Sniff- He was so -Sniff- sad. And Mark, he seemed so overjoyed -whine- but he cried. He probably -whine- blamed himself. We -sob- just left them there in the terminal crying."

She sat down and cried. I got up, walked over to her, and put my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I always cry when I think of my Nikki. I shouldn't have -sniff- left him there like that, with no place to go on Christmas. I haven't spoken to him since then."

[Well, at least she feels sorry. Tavis hasn't spoken to his dad in years, and I can't say my family and I are close.] I felt truly sorry for her, she seems like such a good person.

"Why don't you call him?"

"I'm afraid. I wouldn't know what to say, or I might say something and make things worse. "

"Just tell him you're sorry, and that you love him. You'd be surprised how well that works."

"I'll try. I hope he can forgive me. I'm sorry about that. I'm supposed to be taking care of the patients, not the other way around!"

We laughed again. [If nick is anything like his mother, Mark is one lucky man. I hope it goes well.] Evelyn left, and I was left to ponder what I'd do when Chris gets here.

The next three hours crawled by as I thought about Chris. After hours of thought, I still had no idea what he wanted. I looked over at the clock, and saw that Tavis would be here any minute. Sure enough, Tavis popped his head in the door with a box of chocolates in his hand. [That reminds me, I need to go work out a bit. I've eaten too much candy the past few months.] Thankfully, the hospital food had more than made up for any gains made from candy, I had actually lost a few pounds.

"Hey David! Guess what?!"

"You discovered the joys of sugar?"


"We won the lottery?"


"You found the lost city of Atlantis?"

"Oh shut up and let me talk!"

"Then get on with it and tell me."

"I got promoted!"

"That's wonderful! So what are you doing now?"

"Supervisor. Pretty much the same thing, except that before, I was on floor 3, now, I'm on the main floor."

"And I'm guessing that's good."

"Bigger office, more vacation days, and more assistant supervisors, so I work less. Oh, and did I mention I now have a cute otter for a secretary."


"What? I didn't pick him. Besides, you're cuter. Aaaaannndd, as soon as we pay off the medical bills, we're going to England for a few weeks."

"Seriously? I LOVE England. I can say 'guvnor'. When do we leave."

"Next year. Medical bills are not cheap, and our insurance didn't cover everything. But hey, you've already gotten like four months of vacation."

"Being stuck in a hospital bed is NOT a vacation Honey. Well, at least I'm almost outta here."

[Just a few more days, and I can go home, sleep in our bed, eat real food, and make love to Tavis for days on end.] Tavis and I talked for a while. He told me about his new position, what Mr. Hauspie was up to, and random stuff to pass the time. At about, oh, 4:30-ish, Evelyn came in. She looked a lot better, almost relieved. [Maybe she called Nick.]

"Mr. Kenningcot, there's someone at the front desk asking for you."

"I guess Chris is here. I'll be right back. David, are you sure you want to talk to him?"

I just nodded. Once again, curiosity got the best of me.


Tavis left, and Evelyn stood by the door for a minute. Looking back at me, she said "I called Nikki. He wasn't home. I left him a message."

"Good luck, I mean it."

She left, and I awaited Chris' arrival. _I heard Tavis' voice coming from outside the room, but I couldn't make out the words. [Probably threatening Chris.] The door opened, and I saw a tall, muscled black wolf. Chris had changed somewhat. He was less buff than in college, but he still looked way stronger than Tavis. He'd also lost the arrogant glint in his eye, making him look . . . softer. [Not to mention cuter. What am I thinking?! This is Chris for crying out loud!] I could see Tavis leering a hole right through Chris' back. [Lucky for him, Tavis doesn't have laser vision.]

"If you need anyone thrown out a window, I'll be outside."_

I had to fight back a smile. Tavis would throw Chris off the roof if I asked him to, without giving it a second thought (or for that matter, a first thought). Chris was wearing a black tee shirt and blue jeans. The shirt left little to the imagination, bulging in all the right places. The jeans were apparently a size too small, since they were stretched near bursting. If I hadn't been raped by him, I'd be horny as hell. But the sight of him just made chills run through me, and I was feeling short of breath. For some reason, Chris didn't look at me; he kept his eyes on the floor, and his hands in his pockets. I stared at him, waiting to see what he would do. He looked very sad when he finally looked up at me.

"I, ah . . . I, I want to apologize for college."

I couldn't believe my ears. [Chris is apologizing? I must be dreaming.] I really couldn't believe it. The last time I saw Chris, he was beating me and cursing at me. It was all so unreal. I put my hand on my forearm and pinched. [Ow! Okay, so he is apologizing.] He must have seen the look of shock on my face, because a weak smile appeared on his muzzle.

"Tavis had the same look you do. I've had a lot of time to think, and I am sorry. I, I had no right to do what I did to you."

I was stupefied. I heard what Chris said, but it all felt surreal. Not only had he apologized, but I saw tears running down his muzzle. When he spoke, his voice was quivering and he often stopped to catch his breath.

"I was a horrible person. I was throwing my life away, and hurting everyone along the way. I nearly killed you -sniff- I hurt my family, and I can't expect you to forgive me. All I want is -sniff- to say I'm sorry. I really am."

He told me everything that had happened to him. He told me how he felt in prison; how he met someone who had helped him. He told me about his family. How they had helped him through after prison, and how they had forgiven all the pain he'd caused them. I listened as he spoke about joining the police, and how he had been given a second chance. In all, Chris had told me everything he'd told Tavis.

"I told all of this to Tavis. But I left a few things out. I- I need your help with something."

This was too much. Not only had Chris apologized for everything he'd ever done to me, he needed my help.

-Phew- "Wow . . . that was, that was unexpected. I thought you were going to rub it in that I'd brought this on myself, or that I owed you big or something like that. -heh- I can see why Tavis was confused. You're right in one thing, I don't know if I can forgive you. Not because of what you did to me, but the pain that it caused Tavis. But then again, you did save my life. Well, the least I can do is hear you out."

He seemed somewhat relieved, and another weak smile forced its way onto his face.

"What I'm going to tell you no one knows. Not my family, not my friends, no one. I'm going to tell you because you're the only person I know that can help me."

I was slightly worried. How could I be the only person who can help him? After all, he hated me a few years ago, now he was nearly begging for my help.

"At the police academy, I met a raccoon. He's now my partner but . . ."


"This is probably going to sound ironic, but I think I . . . I think I have a crush on him.

My heart jumped several beats, and once again, I felt my consciousness drifting away, and my world went black.

-Whispered- "David? David, this isn't very funny. I'm not kidding."

I felt a hand shaking me back into wakefulness, and as soon as my vision cleared, I could see Chris looking into my eyes. Then it hit me. Here was the guy who'd beaten me and almost raped me for being gay telling me he was in love with another guy. All I could do was laugh. I couldn't control myself. I laughed and laughed. It was uncontrollable; every time I tried to stop it just came back harder. And the sight of Chris befuddled by my laughter only made it worse. Suddenly, the door slammed open, and Tavis rushed in. He grabbed Chris by the scruff of the neck and lifted him a few inches off the floor.

"What did you do?!"

"-Haha hah- Wait -hehah- he -ha ha- didn't do -aha ha- anything!"

I couldn't stop laughing. My chest began to hurt, and I felt like I was choking.

"I -haha- need air! -Haha-"

I heard Tavis drop Chris, and I struggled to breathe. My eyes were useless by this point due to all the tears blocking my view. I wiped the water from my eyes, and saw both beefcakes staring at me with confusion. I finally calmed down enough to breathe, and took in several deep breaths to keep from passing out. [What is it with me and passing out? Every little shock sends me into unconsciousness. It's really annoying.]

"And they say God doesn't have a sense of humor!"

Chris rolled his eyes, and crossed his beefy arms, looking tough, but it just made me laugh more. Tavis just cocked his head sideways, feeling out of the loop.

"I'll be alright love. But THIS really should stay between Chris and I."

Tavis kept looked at me, trying to see some kind of hint of what was going on, but swiftly left. I looked over at Chris. He was still standing where Tavis had dropped him, looking at the floor. He rand his hand through his headfur, and looked up at me.

"You have to agree, it's pretty funny."

"-Grumble- So will you help me?"

"You still haven't told me what you need help with."

"How can I know if he likes me, or if he's gay for that matter. And how to tell him, things like that. I don't really have any idea about that stuff."

"Well, you shouldn't have any problem finding out if he's gay. You found out about Tavis and me."

He looked hurt after I said that. Chris really seemed sorry.

"I'm sorry; you really are sorry. Well, ironically, Tavis would be a better person to talk to about that. He was the one that took the chance. I was too worried to do anything that might damage our friendship. But by the expression on your face, you don't want him to know. Hmmm. Well, has he done anything that makes you think he might be gay?"

"Well . . ."


"He's slapped my ass several times, and smiles afterwards. He's also complimented me on my body. But that's it."

"That's not much to go on. Okay, so why do you think you like him?"

He grinned and looked down. He was really embarrassed about this.

"I like being around him, I get this warm feeling in my chest. I often catch myself staring at him, thinking about how his fur would feel against mine. I try to get a look at him whenever we shower. And, uh . . ."

"This sounds good. What's the 'and'?"

He looked down at the floor again. I could tell this was going to be good.

"I've, uh, had several wet dreams with him."

"Boy you've got it bad! You just described how I felt in college about Tavis, except for the wet dreams. Well, it sounds a bit more like lust than love, but that warm feeling, does it go away when he's not around? Uh huh. When he's close to you, does your heart beat faster? Mm hmmm. And do you find it hard to talk to him at times, and say stupid things."

-Sheepishly- "Yes."

"How long have you left this way?"

"Two years."

"That long? I'm surprised you haven't done anything by yourself."

[This is turning out to be a wonderful day! Tavis gets promoted. Evelyn might talk to her son. I get an apology from Chris, and turns out he's gay, or at least bi.]

"There's no easy way to tell if he's gay or not. But if you feel that you love him, you should tell him."

"I know, but how? What did Tavis do to you?"

"We were sitting together on our couch; he told me he wanted to tell me something. I went over, sat next to him, and he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. Heh, I was so shocked, I tried to move but I couldn't. He thought I hated him and started to get up, but I pulled him back and kissed him. Somehow, I don't think you're the romantic type, so I don't think that a kiss is going to work for you."

"No it wouldn't."

He toughened himself up, but I began to see that it was more 'bark' than 'bite'. He wasn't the same tough asshole from college. [If he's changed that much, this might be the beginning of something beautiful. I guess I'm a sucker for lovebirds, oh well.] Chris was thinking deeply, I felt sorry for him. I knew part of what he was feeling. I had gone through it before Tavis became my boyfriend. But he'd also caused a lot of pain to people who were gay, and now he feels the same way they did, and he knows just how much pain he's caused them. He'd also beaten me, and was now asking for my help. Life has a strange sense of humor.

"Chris, I know how you're feeling. If you want, I can talk to him. I can think of a few excuses to ask him what he thinks about you. Who knows, maybe he'll slip and tell me if he likes you."

"Why are you helping me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you helping me? I nearly killed you. I made both you and Tavis miserable. I called you every name I could think of. So why?"

I was confused, to say the least. Just a few moments ago, Chris and I were talking, we both laughed a little, almost like friends. But now he looked angry.

"What do you mean 'why am I helping you'? I'm helping you because you're not the same person who hurt me. You've changed! I hardly believe it, but you're a good person now."

"Everyone says that. 'You've changed. You're different now. You're a new person.' But that's a pile of shit. Dammit! I'm still the asshole that hurt you! I'm still the fucker who threw his brother into the streets when he needed help! I'm -sob I'm -sob-"

Chris collapsed on the bed crying. He was sobbing and trying to speak, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I felt sorry for him. I got up and put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. [Ironic really.]

"You say you haven't changed, but you have. The old Chris wouldn't have apologized. The old Chris wouldn't feel sorry for what he did. Hell, if you hadn't changed, you would've shot me instead of the rottweiler. You think you're the only one who's screwed up before? Every one screws up, Tavis did too. He ran a fire poker through me. You're not that Chris. You're a nice guy. You don't need to apologize for what you did before."

Chris was calming down now. [Now I've seen everything: a nurse that hands out lube and condoms, Tavis threatening to throw people out of windows, and now, Chris crying like a puppy.]

"You're such a nice person. Tavis is lucky."

"So you want me to talk to the raccoon or not? And what's his name?"

"James Silcox."

"James. Well? Should I talk to James or not?"

"I can't ask you to do that."

"Don't worry about it. Besides, if you two do become an item, then I'll get two new friends."

Chris looked at me incredulously. He obviously thought that I never wanted to see him again. He smiled, and it wasn't an evil grin or an arrogant smirk. It was a soft, friendly smile. [Yup, he's changed. Like Tavis would say, 'What the bloody hell happened?']

"Should I tell James to come in?"

"Yeah. Just promise me you won't leave any fire pokers pointing upwards."

Chris narrowed his eyes, wondering what in blazes I meant by that. [I'll tell him later.]

He left, and Tavis came in.

"The last thing I expected was for you to start laughing. What was so funny?"

"I can't tell you, not yet at least. Anyway, a raccoon should be coming up, he's Chris' partner."

"Hmm, well, that explains a few things. Wait, why are you going to talk to the raccoon?"

"His name is James, and I can't tell you."

"Again with the secrecy. If I didn't know better, you're all planning my birthd-"

"Uh, excuse me, Mr. Halse, I was told you wanted to talk to me."

"Yeah, give me one second. Tavis, could you step out, this is kinda private."

Tavis just shrugged and left, accidentally crashing into Evelyn as he exited the room. The door closed behind him, and all I could hear was muffled voices and laughter.

"How can I help you Mr. Halse?"

"Umm, could you call me David? Mr. Halse sounds too much like my father, and I was going to ask you a few questions about Chris. Do you mind if we keep this informal?"

He seemed to relax and become more comfortable. His shoulders dropped, and his voice became warmer and more inviting. I also began to hear a bit of an accent, but God knows where it's from.

"Sure David, call me James. What do ya wanna know about Chris?"

"First of all, what do you know about Chris' past, before he joined the academy?"

"Well, I don't all of it, he always avoids the subject. All I know is that he was a jerk, and that he beat and almost raped someone. I'm guessing that someone is you?"

"Yeah. He was an ass back then. He found Tavis, my boyfriend, and I kissing in a park, and you know the rest."

"I know he got out early on parole, and somehow, he was able to join the academy and now he's my partner. That's about it."

"What type of person is he now?"

"He's a nice guy, kinda weird at times. He can still be a jerk. Last week he stole my clothes while I took a bath, and made me walk around the precinct in a towel. But most of the time he's a real nice guy."

James smiled a little as he spoke, making him look adorable. [No wonder Chris likes him.]

"If you don't mind me asking, are you two friends, or just partners?

"I dunno. We go out for a coffee every now and then, and we've gone to watch a few movies together, but we don't really spend much time together."

His smile disappeared, and he looked sad for a moment. [Maybe he wants to spend more time with Chris. Or maybe, he likes Chris. Or I could be projecting, I always do that.]

"Just between you and me, I don't think he likes me a lot. Whenever I ask him if he wants to go someplace, just for fun, he always says he's busy or something like that. At first, I thought he WAS busy, but I've gone over to his apartment a few times, and I can hear him walking around, bumping stuff or hitting it."

"I think he likes you more than you think. Maybe he's scared of something. After all, he's never really had a friend."

"Maybe. You said you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, the panther that was here a while ago. His name's Tavis."

"Right, right , right. Are you two happy together?"

"Yeah. I love him so much; he means the world to me. He feels the same way."

"Anyway, is there anything else?"

"Not really, I just wanted to know what you thought of Chris. Keep an eye on him, will ya."

"My pleasure."

He smiled again and stood up. He shook my hand and left, almost crashing into Evelyn, who was carrying a bunch of sheets.

"Hey love, what'd the raccoon say?"

"James said that Chris has changed, anything else I can't tell you."

"You know I'll find out eventually. Or, I can tickle you 'till you tell me!"

Tavis threw himself at me, and tickled all along the sides of my stomach. I collapsed with laughter again, kicking my legs and squirming every which way, laghung my head off. Tavis kept on tickling, moving his hands all over me, finding every little sensitive spot on me.

"Haha stop heheha! Stop i-i-i-it. Haha hah haha heh hehah!"

"Not until you tell me."

I felt like I was chocking again. I was laughing so much my lungs couldn't get any air. I tried to hold my breath, but more laughter just burst out of me. I felt tears matting down my facefur. Tavis grabbed one of my feet and tickled along my pad and sole, and my body convulsed from the ticklishness. He then ran the tip of his tongue all over my foot, and I couldn't take it any longer.

"Okay haha heh ok-hehe hah heh. I'll haha hah tell hehe stop haha hehe ha!"

"Alright then."

Tavis finally stopped, and I gasped for oxygen. I fell to my knees, trying to catch my breath.

-Gasp!- "You sneaky devil! That wasn't fair!"

"It's a valid tactic. So spill the beans, or I grab your foot and lick 'till you pass out."

I looked around, like the spies in so many movies, looking for anyone that might overhear. I came up to his ear, and spoke as softly as I could.

-Whispered- "You know the raccoon, James? Chris has a crush on him!"

After a few seconds, Tavis' body became limp, and fell forward, and would've landed on his face had I not turned him to his side. I had dyed my headfur pink a few weeks before the whole hospital thing, and had put the bottle in one of my bags. Tavis had brought me some clothes in that bag, and unbeknownst to him, I now had a great opportunity to get back at him. I walked over to where my bag was, and quickly retrieved the dye. I squirted some on my hands, and smeared it all over his headfur, giving him a nice coating of pink on the top of his head. I rushed to wash my hands before the dye colored them pink. [He he he! In five minutes, he'll have pink headfur for weeks. If only I had a camera.]

I waited for the dye to work its magic, and snickered as I thought all the interesting conversations Tavis would be having for the next three weeks. Tavis began to wake up, and fortunately for me, didn't notice any changes.

"Ugh. Oh, bloody hell. Of all the people on this Earth, it had to be Chris. That explains the laughter. Heh, I guess God does have a sense of humor. So, does James like Chris back?"

"I think he might, but I'm not sure. He definitely wants to spend more time with him. Hey, did they leave?"

"Yes. Chris left this for you. He said the top one is his cell, bottom is his house. He said you'd understand. So, are you gonna tell him?"

"Of course I am. We could all go out on double dates!"

"That'll be the day. Me and Chris, sharing stories about our love life! Can you imagine it?"

"Well, if you don't like talking, we could all just have an orgy."

"Oh shut up! Why's my headfur damp?"

Well, that's Part 5. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. This is the longest chapter I've ever written of anything, 21 pages on Word.

Tell me what you think. Send me a PM, e-mail, or post a comment!

Special thanks to:

Cauldron O Boyfur







for posting comments that make it all worthwhile. (And you thought I'd forgotten to read the comments! Shame on you.)

It's the responses from the readers that let me know that people actually like the story, and make it fun and exciting to keep on writing. If you have any comments, post them, or send them to me. (+/-) both are good.

Thank You.

Thomas Andrews.