Just a little surprise for you

Story by RalvrWuff on SoFurry

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#3 of The First Time for Love

This is the third part of the "First time for love" series.

Pat woke up with a yawn the morning after making love with his boyfriend for the first time, and true to their age and being so comfortably wrapped around Alex, his knot was still going strong inside his boyfriend. As there was no way that he would get out of bed, he decided to cuddle up against his boyfriend again. The movement as slight as it was woke up the other wolf, who just smiled at Pat as he opened his eyes to meet him. "Hi there handsome. I hope you slept well bec..." he was cut short from a kiss, a bit shocked he didn't realize what had happened, but soon eased himself to the fiery embrace. With that first kiss of the day out of their way, they proceeded to hold each other in bed. "I slept like a log. And having one in me to keep me warm inside made it all better. And it seems that someone is still a bit on the 'hot' side, aren't you?" finally said Alex as he caressed Pat's chest fur. He then put his muzzle close to Pat's ear, breathing softly to it and said "Would you like to love me again?" as he clenched his ass. The moan coming from Pat and the stiffening feeling that came from Pat's cock was all the answer they needed.

They rolled until Alex was on top of Pat, and started riding his cock. There was not much movement because of Pat's knot, but it was enough to make Pat close his eyes from the pleasure he was getting. Pat was sure he would not last long, and even less when he felt Alex clench his ass regularly, gasps escaping his mouth as the warmth around his cock massaged him again in less than 12 hours. When he finally opened his eyes, the only thing they focused on was Alex's own red and hard cock. His knot was forming too and was leaking profusely. Since Alex's hands and legs were busy holding him from collapsing on top of his boyfriend, Pat took the initiative of taking Alex's 'matters' in his own hands. He reached his arm for Alex's cock and stroked it in the same rhythm as he was riding Pat. After a few minutes passed, Pat was on the verge of orgasm, barely stroking Alex, just moving his had erratically on his cock and panting heavily. With a few more strokes though, Alex was the first one to come and his hard clenching on Pat's cock sent him over the edge. Again he coated the inside of his boyfriend with his seed, again he marked his boyfriend as his mate. This time however, after Alex collapsed on Pat and kissed him again, Pat's cock did go down and was able to free himself from the place he would choose to never get out of if he could.

Alex rolled off Pat and the latter got up to go to the bathroom to take care of his morning needs. Alex just lied in bed, fully content and drowsy again from the recent heavy activity. He woke up again a few minutes later to the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. The rumble in his stomach was another reminder that he had to get filled again, but with food this time. "Fine, I succumb to the digestive overlord" he thought as he patted his belly and got up to go to the bathroom himself. As he finished taking care of his own business he started the shower, noticing that Pat had taken one already due to the wet towel hanging on the rack. He hopped in sooner than expected since the hot water was closer and started to soap up.

Alex scrubbed himself, paying special attention to the region under his tail, he had to clean the mess after all. His hands were going over his body, and he started touching himself in the shower. First his chest, then going lower on his body until he reached his balls, giving them a light squeeze than made him whimper in delight. He was smiling like a pup for the first time in a very long time. He just had sex! And more important, Alex had made love with the wolf he loved and longed for over a year. The thought of that was driving him to fell like a little roll in the hay again, but decided against it since it was a bit too early to play with his boys again. When he finished his shower and toweled himself off, he left the bathroom with nothing on him. "We're all boys here after all" he thought. He approached his luggage and was about to get his computer out to check his e-mails when he noticed a small package in a bag inside the notebook bag, right next to his computer. His eyes widened when he opened the bag.

----------An hour earlier----------

After Pat was done with his toilet routine, he stated the shower and waited a bit for the hot water to come through. As he waited, he was remembering the love making from the night before, and sniffed himself to get the scent of Alex again, regretting having to wash it away. Pat entered the water stream and let it soak him up before grabbing the body wash bottle. He too started to imagine his boyfriend as he washed himself off, even leaning on the wall as he got to his cock and balls. And unlike Alex, Pat did give in to his feeling of handling his now growing erection, stroking it lightly as it grew on his hands. Pat was imagining being inside Alex again, the tightness that engulfed him the previous night and earlier that morning was something he would cherish for the rest of his life, not so much because it felt very good, but because he now knew what love in the physical plane felt like.

Pat kept stroking himself with increasing speed as he let out small moans and used his free hand to touch other sensitive places on his body. He started on his neck, touching it ever so slightly from his chin down to the start of his chest, where he treaded further down while also imagining Alex's hot breath on the places he touched. The middle of his chest, his hard nipples, all of it was being taken care of by Alex as Pat continued to stroke himself. The imaginary Alex lowered his head and continued to breath onto Pat's midsection, with Pat's fingers tracing Alex's would be tongue under his fur, the electric touches giving him shivers as his eyes rolled back from the pleasure. Alex was going lower and lower on him, until he touched Pat's cock. This touch got a loud gasp from the wolf's muzzle, who kept stroking himself through the fantasy, and continued to imagine Alex's hot breath and tongue lavishing him. His free hand got a hold of his ready-to-cum balls and squeezed them lightly, making his cock shoot some pre that went away with the water stream.

He started to stroke himself harder, calling Alex in his mind, who was now taking him all in his mouth, the sweet warmth enveloping him, the feeling of Alex sucking on him, his tongue lapping at the cock that had claimed him the previous night and sealed them as a couple. He couldn't control himself any longer and came as he clenched his knot with both hands. The ecstasy was fur raising, his senses were obliterated for a few seconds, the only things in existence to Pat were his cock and the muzzle that made him come, shaking him to his own very core. His mind shattered, he slowly regained conscience. He was panting hard, and caught a glimpse of his softening cock going into his sheath, to recover from yet another session of pleasure. After Pat regained his composure, he turned off the water and toweled himself off, the images of his play time still fresh in his mind. He was glad he didn't howl or scream as he came, or he might have awakened his slumbering mate.

He left the steamy bathroom and walked in all his clean and naked glory towards his closet, taking out a pair of pants and a black t-shirt, his favorite color. He decided to make breakfast again since it was still early in the morning to make it, so he headed to the kitchen and took out some bacon, eggs and other breakfast stuff to make. He set up a couple of pans to heat and proceeded to start cooking the eggs and bacon. As the smell of a hearty breakfast filled the place, Pat heard the shower being turned on again. "He is up already, I'm sure he's now hungry" Pat thought as his own stomach started to grumble in anticipation of the food it would be receiving soon.

As he was finishing cooking the bacon, Pat was pulled quickly away from the stove and found himself in Alex's arms. The younger wolf was holding him tight, and sobbing could be heard coming out of him. A few seconds later the pressure on Pat was lessened and before he could do anything Alex's lips were planted on his. Pat was taken aback by the sudden kiss and actions from Alex, and it was not until he felt his tears that it dawned on him: he had found it. They finished the kiss and now Alex put his head on Pat's chest, while the older wolf held him close. pat was able to feel Alex's heartbeat, the soothing rhythm making him wish they were in bed again to sleep cuddling. "Thank you" was all Alex said before another tear formed and rolled off his face. This time it was Pat who held Alex close, whispering "everything for my boyfriend" into his ear. They stayed like this for a while, separating only when the smell of burnt bacon became overwhelming to their sensitive noses. After taking quick care of the burning bacon, Pat noticed that Alex hadn't even bothered on putting clothes.

"Baby, you should get dressed or maybe Cli..."

"I've seen it already!" shouted someone who was entering the apartment.

Both wolves turned to face the source of the voice to see Cliff standing there, with a grin on his face. "Wow Pat, you lucked out with him you know" he said as he winked at them both. Alex blushed hard and made a run for the bedroom to put something on. He exited the room a couple of minutes later wearing dark blue boxer briefs and a muscle shirt, also dark blue. Pat just ogled at the sight of Alex in those tight fitting clothes, his instincts telling him to get to him and rip them to shreds. Instead, Pat turned around and started to cook a new set of bacon strips, adding "Didn't you say that you would be naked all the time inside the apartment Alex?". Alex glared at Pat as he laughed while cooking their breakfast.

"I said, in the bedroom" was all he said before he was engulfed in embarrassment as he met Cliff's eyes again.Cliff just smiled and turned to Pat, now him also waiting for breakfast to be served. After eating, Cliff got up and started undressing as he walked to the TV area of the apartment. Both wolves were dumbstruck with his actions until he faced them, took off his underwear and said "We're all guys here, aren't we?". Everyone laughed at the comment, with Alex and Pat taking off their shirts and snuggling close in the kitchen table. Pat took Alex's hand and asked him if he liked what was inside the box. The other wolf snuggled harder on Pat and said lowly "Me using it is just as certain as me having my way with your ass tonight. Actually, I think I'll use it right now". He then got up and walked shirtless to the room.

As Alex walked back to the bedroom, Pat started to clean the table; he was finishing the dishes when he heard Alex coming back. He too had forgo of his underwear and stood proud with his junk in plain sight. He was carrying his laptop, charger, and the newly found box.

"Why don't you take the stuff to the table in the TV area?" inquired Pat.

"Posture is essential!" Said Alex with a pseudo-British accent and started setting up his equipment on the table. He fumbled with the cables a bit, plugging them to the computer and power outlet and hit the power button. The usual chime was heard and Alex waited eagerly for everything to boot up. As soon as he entered his password on the log in screen, he opened the box and took out the HDD in it. Before he plugged it, he hugged Pat from his sitting position.

"When did you buy it!? How come I didn't see it!?" He said as he held Pat.

"Remember I went to buy that game? I went to the electronics store too and bought it for you. I saw the way you were looking at it. And then discarded the store bag and put it into the game store bag". Pat answered as he kneeled and kissed Alex on the cheek.

"This is going to be so helpful at school and work!" said Alex, his tail wagging rapidly from the excitement. He immediately hooked the HDD on his computer and started setting it up for his use. Formatting the drive, folder creation, among other things that Pat didn't bother checking before he met him. Pat just smiled at his wolf, loving every bit of 'geek' that poured out of him whenever he got his hands in a new "toy".

Alex suddenly turned to face Pat. "Are you ashamed or what? Why haven't you taken off your underwear?" he asked with a sly grin as he focused his sights on his lover's groin and with a taint of lust in his eyes. Pat felt the interior of his undies twitch at the thought of any and all ideas that the sitting wolf might have. He was usually the one who led the way whenever they "played" over Xbox Live. With his underwear out of the way, Pat's semi-erect cock hung free for all to see. Alex's face was one of full blown lust again, but instead of pouncing Pat, he turned around and continued to work on his computer. By now he was checking his unopened mail. Pat didn't know to be whether relieved or sad that he turned. They knew it was fine if they went at it on the kitchen table -yes, Pat did discuss that possibility with Cliff- and yet he didn't do anything.

"Well, there wasn't anything important. Now, why don't we go around town? I'd like to know more of the city and New Jersey. But please, don't take me to 'THAT' shore" Alex said, laughing at the last part of his comment. "Oh we will, but later. First I want to kick Cliff's ass on the game we bought yesterday" answered Pat while going to sit next to Cliff.Alex just watched the beginning of the game before getting immersed in his computer again. Now that he had more time, he browsed through the long list of webcomics that had been updated that day. When that task was done -more rapidly than he would want-, he popped open a book he had bought to get a head start for the next term. He was still in college after all.

As was usual with him, he got way too much into the book, not hearing Pat calling to him after he and Cliff stopped playing, even when he was patted on the shoulder. What got the studying wolf's attention back was a series of lewd comments whispered into his ear which made him shiver when Pat was done. His hot breath on his ear brought memories from the previous night, igniting the flame of lust that told him to take advantage of all the time he had with his boyfriend. He hadn't finished school yet, and knew that the time he was spending with Pat this summer would end sooner than any of them wanted. Alex rose from the chair, and taking Pat's hand led him to the room again. Inside, Alex hugged and kissed Pat with all the force he had. When they broke the kiss, Pat was getting hard again. Alex led Pat bak to the bed and both of them laid down, Alex holding Pat and both of them getting lost in each other's eyes. "Do you mind if we take a nap before we go out? We didn't really get much sleep last night" said Alex in a whisper. Pat's only answer was holding Alex back and kiss him softly. It was barely a few minutes after noon, so they still had time to go out after the nap.

When they woke up again it was two in the afternoon. Both wolves became a little reluctant to get out of bed since they were more than comfortable, as evidenced by their touching erections. After finally exiting the apartment for the day the couple headed to a restaurant to have their lunch, with Pat treating. Alex chuckled when he saw the Taco Bell sign. "Really? Taco Bell?" He asked as they parked and left the car. "I'm sure you're gonna like it wolfy" answered Pat as he put an arm around Alex's shoulder and entered the place.

Hi there everyone! Ralvr here.

This is the third part of the series, I hope you liked rading it as much as I liked writing it. :3 I hope I was not too anticlimatic with the surprise. I am that huge a geek to squee over a fine piece of HARDware. >_> Yeah, lame joke I know...

Well, I also have to tell you that since school is starting for me this Monday (the 8th) I'll start posting stuff once a month if I can, anf there's not much to do at school some days there might be more ;3. I'll have to distribute my time between classes, my job and Skyping with my boyfriend (yes, that's a high priority activity for us), and my free time.

Finally, please comment and rate the story, and if you have time, go read the other parts. I also ask you again to point me to any grammar, dictation and/or punctuation error you spot, and any criticism you may have. It'll be greatly appreciated since I'm not a native English speaker. :3

Thank you all for reading!

For my boyfriend: Just like any story I write, I dedicate this to you. I love you woofy.

Ralvr out!