Just a little surprise for you

Pat woke up with a yawn the morning after making love with his boyfriend for the first time, and true to their age and being so comfortably wrapped around Alex, his knot was still going strong inside his boyfriend. As there was no way that he would get...

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Day 1

Alex woke up with a huge yawn, his pearly white teeth showing as he reached his chest to scratch it. The wolf looked to his right to see his boyfriend was still submerged in dreamland. Or at least most of his body was, because when he turned on his...

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Alpha and Bitch

Alpha had just arrived at his apartment. Work had been as dull as always and he had started to feel frisky in the middle of his shift. Due to his position at work he had to suppress his urges until he got home, and now here he was. He threw his...

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Dad's Lesson - Saturday Morning

A pair of big paws ran over Junior's body, caressing his sides from behind. he could feel something hot, big and pointy pressed agains his buttocks, leaking a slippery liquid whose scent made him long for whoever was holding him to put it inside. He...

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Lección Paternal

El silbato que finalizaba el entrenamiento se sopló duro, haciendo que todos los adolescentes rompieran sus formaciones, se quitaran los cascos y comenzaran a caminar hacia el vestidor. "Excelente práctica muchachos. La ofensa se está volviendo más...

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Dad's Lesson

The whistle signaling the end of practice was blown hard, making all the teens break formations, remove helmets and start to walk towards the locker room. "Great practice guys. Offense is getting stronger but we still gotta polish some corners in...

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\*You may now remove your seat belts\* That was the sound on the speakers as the plane's passengers descended from the plane. Among all the business people there was a shy wolf of foreign origin, sticking out of place due to his not formal attire. ...

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