Summer Camp

Story by Summer Folf on SoFurry

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Summer Camp by Summer Folf

Summer opened one eye. Blue, a vast stretch of blue appeared in front of his face. Mind flipping over he opened the other eye, more blue. Sitting up quickly was a bad idea, as soon as his head left the pillow it started to throb. The wind gusted and shook the thin walls of his tent. That's right I'm camping, he thought. The night previous was the first of the week, it must have been fun because he couldn't remember most of it just yet. At least he told himself that, its what he always liked to assume whenever his memories were blank from a night of drinking.

With one paw on his forehead, Summer reached for the zipper on the tent flap and it fell open, spilling sunlight into the Folf's sensitive eyes. A soft groan and he crawled out into the retched light on all fours, shaking his last paw free of the sleeping bag. The world reeled when he stood up and he noticed, to his embarrassment, he was naked as could be. Reaching back in the tent provoked more pained groans while he riffled around and finally pulled out a pair of black shorts.

Summer was tall, skinny, his wide hips and slender shoulders looked feminine though nobody mistook him for a girl. His fur was a deep orange in the sun, reddish in the dark except for the white on his belly and the brown on his hands, tips of his ears and the tip of his tail. His hair was cut into a mo-hawk and died into a rainbow, though currently it hung limp around his ears. He often wore skirts, tank tops, panties, he loved girlie cloths but he preferred to make them part of his style rather than just trying to look like a girl. His shorts though were not fashion, simple long black things to cover his nudity. He added a red t-shirt from the tent as well, he wasn't even feeling like going topless today.

Feeling a little better being dressed, Summer consoled himself that at least his camp-mates hadn't witnessed his embarrassment. Paws grabbed a cup from the night previous and filled it from the box sitting on the ground outside his tent. Wine, he sipped it and felt better, if he could stay a little drunk his hangover would go away. It worked in fact, giving him the strength to rub his eyes and survey the campsite. It was a mess; cups, food, blankets, chairs, and other assorted items lay on the ground in various stages of chaos.

Summer righted a chair and sat heavily in it just in time for Lexi to return to the site. Lexi was a tall snow leopard. Her body was curvy, full, she walked with confidence, and was wearing very little clothing. Her breasts were bare, though not overly large, their smooth curve drew the attention of most straight men. A light, blue skirt hung from her wide hips, showing just the beginning of her thighs. Summer admired the blue she wore, it made the white of her fur look all the brighter and vibrant.

Lexi twitched her ears at Summer, giving him a grin and saying "hello".

"Hello" Summer replied "any idea where I was last night?"

Lexi shook her head, prompting Summer to raise a paw to his forehead and rub at it again. "I went to the fire and never saw you again."

"Sorry, I'll be there tonight, you can keep me out of trouble." Summer said, raising his cup and drinking.

"Well I'm going swimming, just came back for my towel, wanna come?" Lexi asked, grabbed a heaped up towel off the ground and slung it over her shoulder. The camp was hosting an event for adults only and her semi-nudity would certainly be a hit at the beach. He envied her confidence, her casual nudity. He longed to show off his own body, he wanted to be wild and crazy, having casual sex with multiple furs. In the end he was just to embarrassed, to shy.

Summer shook his head painfully in way of a response, raising a paw to wave goodbye at her. Summer sighed, enjoying the feeling of the sun warming his fur even if it was hurting his eyes so much. What had he done last night? He was fairly confident it hadn't been anything 'bad' he just drank a little to much. A few moments passed, or maybe hours, the young folf had trouble telling. Eventually one of those moments seemed like a good one to get up and go for a walk, maybe it would clear his head.

Summer passed a few other campsites before making it onto the main pathway, he planned on heading towards to beach, maybe he would go for a swim after all. A largely built, chubby wolf wearing nothing but his smile past him, recognition lighting in his eyes. The wolf put on a sly grin, waved at Summer and said "Hey!". Summer was uncomfortable, giving the wolf a shy wave back and quickly walking by. Who the hell was that, his mind wandered back to the previous night but it still refused to give up any secrets. He glanced back at the wolfs round ass, bit his lip and decided not to worry about the problem any more.

His plan didn't work entirely though, three other furs, a cat, a ferret, and a dog all seemed to know him though Summer hadn't a clue who they were. The beach was in sight when he decided he must have made friends the night before, surely that was all that had happened. Shy, timid Summer certainly wouldn't have done anything too crazy (though he secretly would have wanted to be the camp-slut, he just would have died from embarrassment.) Lexi was standing knee-deep in the water, naked and talking to another cat. Her long fur dripped, hugging tightly to her body, enhancing the curve of her hips, breasts, and ass.

Feeling the heat of jealousy rise to his cheeks, Summer decided that no, he definitely did not want to go swimming. Summer walked away from the beach, heading for the boundary of the camp where the forest became heavier. He stepped into the trees, slipping past bushes and through undergrowth until he was well away from the camp and had found a patch where the sun shone brightly through the trees onto the ground.

Paws slipped underneath the waist of his shorts and with only a moments hesitation he slipped them off, checking over his shoulder to make sure he really was alone, he then pulled his t-shirt over his head. He stood in the sun for a moment, feeling the heat of the light on his bare ass and sheath. The sun lit up the paw tattooed onto his hip, the fur there black against his regular orange colour. With eyes closed, Summer imagined himself walking confidently through the camp fully naked. Furs would stop, drink in the sight of his body, admire it. His cock stirred in his sheath, the red wet tip of it poking out from his it as he fantasized.

He could feel heat rise to his cheeks again. Imagining even being naked in public always made him hard, which was one of the reasons he never went naked in public. Alone, he could embrace the arousal and soon one paw gripped his sheath. His fingers squeezed his hardening cock through the fur, coaxing more of his length free from his sheath. Fur standing on end Summer took a moment to feel the sun on the hard length of his cock as it slipped out. His cock already dripped with precum, his hard red length hot in the sun. Soon he moved his paw to the tip of his member, feeling the precum there and spreading it over his fingers, over the rough pad of his palm. More precum leaked out of his cock, dripping to the forest floor while his paw started stroking the length of his shaft.

Paw moving faster with each stroke, Summer fell to his knees, one landing on a stone but the pain barely registered. In his mind he was being publicly used, his muzzle full with a strangers cock, his own hardened cock bare for everyone to admire. His muzzle hung open in a series of gasps, his paw worked quickly over the length of his cock, each backstroke bumping into his rapidly swelling knot. Summer cried out, falling forward onto his free paw, his cock jumping in the other seconds before a swell of folf cum splattered the forest floor. His balls were emptied by the careful, precise last few strokes of his paw before he let his cock fall free.

Summer was on all fours in the middle of the forest. His large puffy tail was held high and he was panting. Cum soaked into the ground underneath him and his cock stood out hard between his legs. It took him a while to come back to reality, when he finally did he sat on the ground, tail swishing and brushing leaves clear of the ground behind him. Feeling slightly ashamed, Summer rubbed his sore knee, looking down at his still hard cock. His knot had swollen to it's fullest and he would have to wait a while before he could return to the camp. A long sigh escaped his muzzle as he lay back in the sun and without meaning to Summer found himself drifting off to sleep.

The sun was much lower when he woke, more than a couple hours must have passed. For the second time that day he groggily pulled on his shorts and t-shirt. Making his way back to the camp, a moment of doubt struck him that it may not actually be the same day, though by the time he appeared back on the main pathway he was fairly sure it was the same day. Padding back to his shared campsite, he felt relief that no more passing furs gave him knowing looks or mischievous greetings.

Justin had returned to their campsite, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground beside lexi. Justin was an otter, taller than Summer, his body long and lithe. Justin's fur was a shiny black, though the bright sun showed the lighter brown of his undercoat. Justin wore only his swimming trunks, blue and white things that showed off his long legs. The other two furs were just lighting up a joint when Summer sat down beside them. They shared a grin, the joint was passed wordlessly to Summer who took a drag, inhaled and held it in his lungs. Summer exhaled with a bit of a cough, passing the joint on to Justin.

"How was swimming?" Summer asked, glancing at Lexi who was still bare-chested and wearing the same blue skirt. He noticed that her fur showed no hint of water meaning he must have slept for some time.

"Good" came her reply "I wish there was a dock or something to jump off though."

Summer nodded "Swimming isn't really my thing"

Justin grinned over at the Folf, passing off the joint to Lexi "You're crazy, swimming is perfect for this heat."

Summer rolled his eyes at the way Justin, an otter, defended the act swimming. "You would be swimming even if it were snowing right now".

Comfortable silence fell over the group, the three of them lounging in various states of intoxication. The joint made it's way around three more times before Summer spoke up again, turning to Justin. "Do you have any idea what happened to me last night?"

Justin shrugged. "You were pretty drunk, I tried to get you to come to the fire but you wouldn't."

That was hardly enlightening. Summer's mind was searching for answers within itself when Lexi broke out laughing. "What?" Justin asked and Lexi struggled to answer. In seconds Justin was laughing too, for no reason. Summer tried to resist, tried to swallow the laughter but couldn't. Three furs, rolling on the ground with laughter attracted more than a couple curious glances from the nearby campsites and it seemed (to Summer) to go on for an eternity.

Finally recomposing themselves Lexi jumped to her feet. She shimmied out of her skirt and let out a silly, wordless call. Summer could feel himself blushing and turned away at the sight of her wide hips and full thighs, never mind what was between them. Lexi went to her tent and searched until she came out with a bag of chips. She set them in the centre of the circle for the three furs to devour.

Summer cleared his throat as he watched Lexi sit down again, cross-legged. Her position revealed more than a little bit of her womanhood. "Aren't you embarrassed?" Summer asked of Lexi.

Lexi gave him a confused look. "Why?"

"Well" a pause "I..." Summer started to reply but was cutoff by Justin elbowing him in the ribs. "Don't talk her out of hiding the scenery!"

"Awe, is Summer afraid of a little pussy?" Lexi laughed at him, making him blush harder. The snow leopard laid back, parting the lips of her womanhood with one paw for the both of them to see. "No, I just .... whatever" Summer stammered, looking away as she exposed herself even more to them.

Justin, stoned as he was clapped appreciatively as lexi dipped a finger inside of herself. The cat's eyes closed and she sighed softly as her finger slipped in until it was buried to her knuckle. Lexi appeared to enjoy herself for a moment, pumping her finger gently in and out of her pussy until Summer could see the fur of her finger getting wet. It only lasted a moment, Lexi brought her paw to her muzzle and licked her finger clean. "You need to lighten up!" She told Summer.

"Hey! I would have cleaned that for you!" Justin exclaimed with exaggerated disappointment.

Summer lapsed into silence, focusing mainly on the bag of chips while Lexi and Justin started chatting about their sex lives, past partners, wildest experiences. Summer really had nothing to add, his sex life was hardly non-existent, but he was to shy to share any details. Even if he had they were nowhere near as exciting as his friends. Justin with in the midst of telling a story about a night with twins who had been very adamant that they record their nights adventures with him.

The joint had been left alone and gone out while only half-smoked. Summer reached for it and relight it. He inhaled and offered it to Lexi who shook her head, then Justin who also said no. Lexi was saying that if she didn't get fucked soon, she would going to have to rape someone. It was a joke of course but Summer tried to ignore it, taking another drag from the joint. He figured if he got high enough he wouldn't be so jealous. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect.

Dusk started to fall around them, the three furs went through the first bag of chips and in a fit of gluttony opened a second. Justin and Lexi both stood and stretched. "I'm going to get ready for the fire" Lexi said and went into her tent. Justin patted Summer's head in a silly way "Don't worry pup" he said, then wandered off towards the main path, calling out "I'll see you at the fire".

Summer groaned, leaning forwards and resting his chin in his hands. "The fire" was the main event of the camp and it happened every night. A large sandy area had been cleared and every night a huge fire was lit in the centre. Some furs would come with instruments, drums, guitars, flutes etc and play music while the others shed their clothing and danced around the fire. Not everyone got naked, but most did and those who didn't often wore so little that nudity would have actually been less sexual. Summer loved the idea, he wanted to join in but in the past he has just been to nervous and shy. This was his second year at the camp and this time he was determined to dance and maybe even get naked.

Even without dancing or nudity the fire was fun. After a few drinks, maybe some other drugs, the fire became a surreal event. Flickering light, jumping shadows, furs waving glow sticks through the air. Sometimes the sounds of other furs in the woods grunting and panting would be heard whenever the music lulled. Mostly Summer just sat at the edge and watched, but not his year he wouldn't, he hoped.

Summer stood a little unsteadily, pouring himself a glass of wine and gulping the entire thing down. He pour another, sipped and thought about what he was going to wear to the fire tonight. Nudity didn't seem like an option, well it did, but he was stalling. He had five more days to get naked at the fire.

The young folf started pulling clothes from his bag, he didn't even feel up to dressing to girly that night. He settled on a pair of tight very short pants, they were closer to underwear than actual shorts and he was already blushing as he set them aside. They were red, a deep red that went well with the orange of his fur, broken by heavy diagonal lines of white running over the hips and meeting at his tail. For a shirt he chose a simple tight t-shirt, it was brand new and he bought it specifically to match the shorts, which he had also never worn in public. The shirt had red sleeves and red that ran down the sides with a thick bar of white in the middle.

A cautious look around and Summer considered changing outside, his tent was to cramped to change in easily. The campsite was fairly open, and they had chosen a spot next to a path. Still nobody seemed to be around at that moment. As before he quickly stripped off his clothes, checking around again to see if he was alone, yet thrilled at the idea that he might not be. Noticing, with no small amount of embarrassment, that some of the fur on his thighs contained dry cum he grabbed Lexi's towel and cleaned it off as best he could.

Clean and thoroughly abashed, Summer quickly got into his new clothes. He still felt naked but at least he wasn't actually naked. The clothes hugged his body tightly, showing the bulge of his sheath, his lean belly and chest. With the addition of a few glow-stick bracelets and bells around one ankle Summer was ready. He took a deep breath, finished his glass of wine again, poured another and headed down the path towards the fire.

The sun was just starting to fall behind the trees, casting a dark shadow over the fire pit. The fire itself was already well underway, flames easily reaching five feet from the ground. There were a few dancers already, two naked male dogs (a collie and a German Shepard) and a lioness dressed like a belly dancer, her skirt and top made from light fabric and adorned with tiny bells or trinkets. Summer sat on a log set a little back from the fire and sipped his wine, watching.

A large draft horse was approaching, he was wearing the same knowing grin that Summer had seen earlier that day. The horse looked huge, his shoulders and arms were muscled, his skin stretched tight across his massive chest. It was hard to see the colour of his fur in the dusk light, the Sun was almost completely behind the trees now.. The horse's hooves though were covered in a shock of flowing white fur. The horse was wearing what Summer would have considered and embarrassingly small pair of shorts and had a backpack slung over one shoulder. They were white and showed off a considerable bulge in the front that prompted Summer to knock back the rest of his wine when he noticed.

"Hi again" The horse said, stepping in front of Summer. Summer started to speak but struggled to find the words as he found himself at eye height with the beast's impressive bulge. The horse laughed, seeing Summer's obvious discomfort. "Can I get you a drink?"

Summer nodded dumbly and watched as the horse set his back down, pulling out a bottle of red wine and tipping it against Summers cup. Again? Summer started to panic a little, maybe he should be concerned about what happened last night. He flushed, his embarrassment deepening as he became absolutely sure that he made a fool of himself the night previous.

The horse filled Summer's cup, with a wink, placing the bottle back in his bag next to a large hand drum. "I'll be back for you later"

The little folf was practically quaking. That was weird was all he could make of what had just happened. His eyes studied the red wine in his glass and he tasted it tentatively. Finding it quite to his liking he took an earnest gulp of it.

Some while later the sun had gone down completely. Summer had made several trips back to the campsite to refill his wine glass. He had met up with both Lexi and Justin, who were both off dancing now. The strange horse who had shaken him earlier was on the far side other fire with his eyes closed, drumming and swaying to the rhythm of the music. The drink and weed were getting to Summer, everything looked a bit fuzzy around the edges. The music felt like it was moving through his body, he tapped his feet, his paws and nodded his head to it.

It was time. He hadn't planned on it but, damnit, he was going to dance. Why shouldn't he, he knew he was better looking than half the furs at the fire, there was no reason for him to sit off to the side nervously. Teeth chewing on one lip, he sprung to his feet and strode with fake confidence up to the ring of dancing furs around the fire. Someone was kind enough to take a step back and motion for him to join in. It was the chubby husky who had greeted him earlier that day.

Summer took that last step forward, the heat of the fire was intense despite being a good ten feet away. He shivered and closed his eyes, loving the feeling of his fur heating up while he started to circle the fire with everyone else. At first he simply walked, eyes cast up to the sky and not at the faces he past. The fire was busy now, perhaps more than a hundred furs stood around the fire watching and more were arriving all the time. Music started to take him, his heart racing Summer started to move his hips in time with the beat, a few more revolutions around the fire and he started to twirl. Suddenly he realized he was lost in the music, that he didn't care or feel embarrassed. He threw his paws up and howled. It wasn't the long strong howl of a wolf, or the quick yip of a fox, just something in between but it was answered by many of the canines around the fire. Even many of the other species yelled, hooted, roared, growled to add their voices to the cacophony.

Summer was feeling good, feeling unbelievable actually. It started to break down though, the chubby husky tapped him on the shoulder. "You should get naked hun, like the rest of us" Without waiting for any kind of reply the husky grabbed Summer's shirt and pulled it up. Instinct made Summer raise his arms and the shirt slipped easily off exposing his chest to the crowd and the fire. That wasn't to bad, being bare-chested in public was only a minor embarrassment, drunk as he was it only registered as something he would feel bashful about the next day.

Wine encouraging him, Summer yelled out happily at being bare-chested, dancing around the fire. Unfortunately his yell seemed to encourage the husky. The dog grabbed his shorts, pulling them down. Summer had wide hips, but once the shorts passed his thighs they fell easily to the ground. He yelped and tried to cover his bare sheath with his paws. The husky laughed, deep and loud, snatching the shorts from Summer's ankles and he was forced to lift each foot or be pushed over by the crowd.

Summer was speechless, it was what he wanted. Naked in front of at least a hundred furs. He cried out in surprise when the husky slapped his ass to encourage him to keep moving. He was tempted to leave, to run, but he had no idea where his clothes had gone. Leaving now would mean running naked through the camp until he reached his own tent. Somehow that thought seemed even worse than dancing naked in front of all the furs present. His dancing was noticeably less enthusiastic, he more or less shuffled around the fire now, fighting the urge to cover himself with his paws or his tail which would easily wrap around his waist to hide his nakedness.

Summer was having to fight down the stirring erection in his sheath. Even as it was the red tip of his cock showed at the end of his sheath. The heat from the fire was especially noticeable against the sensitive flesh. The folf's mind was swimming with wine, he had never felt so comfortable with the thought of even being naked around so many people. He started dancing with more enthusiasm again. The husky tapped him again and Summer noticed the fur on the dog's forehead getting wet with sweat.

"What to take a break for a drink?" The chubby husky asked.

Summer nodded silently and padded after the husky, trying to walk in a straight line. The husky pulled out a clear water bottle and took a long drink from it before handing it to Summer. He tipped his head back, holding the bottle high and took two good swallows before coughing and spitting a mouthful out onto the ground. Vodka, not water. The chubby husky laughed while Summer coughed, wiping his dripping muzzle. "Sorry I should have warned you" was all the husky said.

That might have been too much, it clicked in Summer's mind at that moment that he was more drunk than he should be, past the point of simply lowering his inhibitions. Such is the way of alcohol though that he didn't care. The husky was looking more and more attractive, Summer studied him for a moment. He was chubby but not fat, it gave him a soft friendly look that made Summer want to be wrapped in his arms. The husky did not have a canine cock, it was more human shaped and swung heavily between his legs. Seeing that the husky's cock was a little hard made Summer feel better about his own hardening member.

He may have been staring, he didn't realize until the husky touched his chin, pulling the folf's gaze up to his eyes. "See something you like?" The husky asked seriously.

Summer stammered for an answer and was saved from having to give one as the husky lent forward, pushing his muzzle against the folf's. Summer parted his lips, letting the husky's tongue slip into his own muzzle. His lips closed, he suckled, he felt the tongue exploring his mouth, his teeth, his tongue. So lost was he in the kiss, Summer didn't even give a thought to the fact that they were standing just barely past the ring of dancers, hundreds of eyes could still be on them.

Summer's tail swished behind him, forming a soft 'S' with each change in direction. His back was turned to the fire, despite the distance he could feel the heat on his bare ass. His paws remained steadily at his sides, but the husky reached out and touched his hip with one paw. Summer shivered, breaking the kiss after a moment. His cock was hardening but he didn't care, he could feel the tightness of his sheath as his cock grew, strained against it and started to slip out.

The horse with the drum noticed the two canines kissing. Without saying a word he started packing away his drum, trying to hide the spreading little grin he had. The chubby husky broke their kiss, Summer kept his eyes closed, opening them seemed like to much effort anyways. The husky was urging him to his knees. Ouch, one knee twinged as it hit the dirty still a little sore from his solo adventure in the forest that day.

Summer felt something on his nose. Eyes were forced open just in time to see the husky slap his muzzle again with his semi-hard cock. He felt himself grin, though he was drunk and felt a little detached from his from what was happening. That was until he started looking around it occurred to him that a lot of people seemed to be watching, this husky was obviously looking for some action right then and there.

"no, no, no wait" Summer was saying. The husky reached down and took Summer's muzzle in one paw, holding his muzzle closed not roughly but firmly. "Don't worry pup, it will be fun." The husky replied, then looked up sharply.

"Bill!" Someone called out, obviously speaking to the husky. Summer couldn't see who it was that was speaking but he could tell they were standing right behind him. "I see you found some amusement for tonight."

Bill, the husky let go of Summer's muzzle and the folf tried to protest again. The husky took the opportunity to slide his hardened cock into Summer's muzzle. Firm paws grabbed the back of his head and kept his nose firmly against the dog's tummy. Summer wailed internally and started to struggle, paws coming up to grip the dog's legs and trying to push himself away. He was either too weak or two drunk to struggle effectively. The wine told him this was what he wanted and he started wondering why he should struggle.

So many furs watching though. His own cock was fully hard, his knot already swollen to its limits. He wanted to be used in front of a crowd, but not like this, he wasn't ready. Why was he so turned on then he wondered.

"Suck it bitch, I know you're good at it" came the husky's voice.

Giving up struggling, Summer started to suck. Eyes were screwed tightly shut, his mind trying to pretend nobody else was around. He moved his tongue around against the underside of the dog's cock, sucking on his entire length. Summer's muzzle was long but he could feel the head of the husky's cock almost at his throat. Summer started to bob his head, pressing with his tongue against the sensitive ridge of flesh at the dogs cockhead. The grip on his head loosened, letting him move his head up and down on the shaft in his muzzle.

Hands grabbed his arms from behind. Summers started to sit up, to turn his head but he was pushed forcefully back down on the husky's cock. One hand was holding his paws together, another started to caress his balls. His own cock jumped at the feeling of fingers there, he could feel precum leaking from the tip of him and running down his length.

Summer was trying to tell himself to calm down, just go with it, his mind wasn't working very clearly and he couldn't see why he shouldn't. He kept sucking, again using his muzzle and tongue to stroke the husky's cock. Every swallow was filled with the salty taste of precum. The hand that was caressing his balls moved and gripped his cock, squeezing him just behind his knot. His knees went week at that, he would have fallen if not held up by his muzzle and his paws. His ears told him other people were talking, but he couldn't tell what they were saying. All his senses were engaged as the stranger rubbed their hand over his knot, squeezing it, caressing it and stroking it.

The cock abruptly left his mouth. Summer pried his eyes open again but only in time to see the yellow fur of someone's tummy before another cock was pressed against his lips. Summer took it more eagerly this time, the alcohol in his system and the throbbing in his cock urged him on. Other paws were touching him, stroking his fur, his sides, he was vaguely aware of people standing nearby. He felt paws stroking his chest, teasing his nipples until they were hard then pinching them.

The fur he was sucking started to hump his muzzle, fucking Summer's mouth while gripping and pulling the fur on the back of his head. Summer heard a cry, and then tasted cum, the fur thrust forward and his cock bumped the back of Summer's throat. Cum was pumped down his throat, forcing Summer to swallow all of it. The fur stepped away, it was a lion, his cock falling from Summer's muzzle. He saw the husky standing nearby, stroking his cock with his paw and watching.

Another fur stepped forward, an otter. Was that .... Summer's thoughts were cut off as the otter grabbed Summer's scruff much like the lion had and shoved his cock into his muzzle. The otter wasted no time in waiting for Summer to suck, he started to buck his hips and fuck the young folf's muzzle. He was trying to suck, trying to tease the right places with his tongue but the otter moved so fast that he could barely do more than keep his lips tight around the fur's hard cock. It didn't take long before the otter's cock spilled cum into Summer's muzzle. The first few spurts landing on his tongue, the rest on his face as the otter pulled away and stroked his cock to cum onto Summer's fur.

Summer didn't open his eyes until the otter was done, when he did the otter was gone. He could feel cum running down his muzzle, it dripped onto his lips and he licked it off instinctively, more cum ran down his face and cheeks. Someone was urging him down on all fours. He went down because he couldn't keep his balance with someone one pushing him. Paws were on his ass, someone spanked him hard and he heard laughing. He wanted to cry out but before he could say anything someone spanked him again. He braced himself for another hit but instead the paws were petting his stinging behind gently. It wasn't until he had just let his guard down that that paws swatted his ass again. Summer swore he could hear the sound echoing off the tree's and it brought tears to his eyes.

The swatting paws parted his ass, another paw held his tail up and out of the way. Summer felt someone's breath on his tailhole, felt someone's tongue drag firmly across his tailhole. He wanted to tell them to stop, but he was shaking, it felt good but he felt dirty. Someone was teasing his tailhole, licking him lightly, then blowing, making him shake.

A girl was approaching him, a fox. She was short and slender, much like Summer she was fairly androgynous, though he hips definitely had a feminine wideness and nobody would be able to ignore her breasts. Nobody except Summer who could hardly see straight and currently was feeling a tongue trying to push into his sensitive tailhole. The vixen walked right up to Summer, his eyes were at her tummy and his nose was suddenly filled with the scent of in-heat female.

He had little experience with women and he hesitated, did she really want him to? The fur holding his tail yanked sharply, making him yelp. Quickly he brought his tongue forward, sliding it between the softly furred lips of her pussy. The centre strong part of his tongue pressed and moved over her clit while the tip of his tongue found the wet entrance to her. Summer was surprised at the sharp metallic taste of her.

Summer hesitated again, licking his lips, exploring the taste of her in his own mouth. The vixen, not to be out done by the men, grabbed Summer's scruff, pulling his muzzle roughly against her pussy. He started to tease her clit, flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth across it. The vixen moaned loudly, he could hear that but little else. She kept pulling at his scruff, it felt like she was trying to pull him into her. Summer moved his tongue down the length of her pussy, he could feel her wetness soaking the fur on his muzzle. His tongue found her entrance again, he teased it, probing it gently for a moment. Someone behind him roughly pushed their tongue into his tailhole and he felt his knees going weak again.

The vixen pulled on his scruff again as he started to collapse forcing him bring his attention back to her. His tongue pushed further into her, seeking her pleasure. The vixen was humping his muzzle, he could feel her clit rubbing against his fur as he tongue fucked her. His tongue was getting sore, but he doubt he could stop. He pushed deeper, his tongue filling her pussy until she grabbed both his shoulders. Her claws dug into his flesh and she arched forwards over him. She held her grip for a moment, Summer was sure he must be bleeding. Eventually she let him go and stepped back, she stumbled a little bit and was held up by a male collie who took her out of Summer's sight.

The folf hung his head weakly, the world was spinning around him. Someone's tongue was still probing his tailhole but he was having trouble focusing on the sensation. Paws gripped his cock again, someone was stroking him. His fur raised and he shuddered, that he definitely felt. A second later and felt a wide rough tongue rake over the sensitive pointed tip of his cock. Summer twists his head, it was the chubby husky.

Summer let his eyes close again, it was getting harder and harder to keep them open. The husky started sucking his cock, taking the entire length in his muzzle. The feeling of the rough wet and warm tongue was driving the folf insane. The fur who was rimming him stopped, a moment later he felt something cold and wet on his tailhole. He turn his neck. Lube. The horse was running his fingers up and down, over Summer's tailhole spreading lube from a bottle in his other hand. Summer had taken fingers in himself before, toys even but he'd never actually been fucked. He caught a glimpse of the horse's hard cock, it was huge, Summer was actually afraid of it. His mind cried out, trying to push aside his drunkenness.

Summer tried to say something, stopped and grunted. He was close to coming himself, his balls were aching to release into the husky's muzzle. He tried again "please don't I can't ..."

He was cut off by the horse placing the flared head of his cock against his tailhole. "Come on now, be a good bitch" The horse said.

"no, too much ..." Summer stammered. The horse didn't seem to be listening because Summer could feel the pressure against his tailhole increasing. The horse was trying to push his massive member into the little folf. It felt like a wall pushing against him, Summer couldn't imagine how the horse was even going to get into him. It happened though, a sudden relief of pressure and his tailhole stretched to its extreme, allowing the horses flared head into his body.

Summer thought he should be seeing stars, really he wasn't seeing anything. The horse was at least gentle. Slowly the stallion eased the massive length of his cock into the little folf. It seemed to take an eternity before Summer felt the horse's hips against his ass. He came then, rewarding the sucking husky with a shot of hot cum. The folf could feel the dog's throat swallowing with each spurt.

The three furs were still for a moment, the husky eventually moved, the horses cock twitched inside of him. A few of the onlooking furs let out encouraging yells. Summer could feel the horse starting to pull out of him, he could feel that flared head deep inside of himself and for a moment he thought it's movement was going to make him cum again. The horse pulled out of his tailhole until only his head remained, then impaled him again. It was a little faster this time. The stallion kept repeating, pulling his cock out then plunging it back into the smaller fur, a little faster each time until he was pounding Summer's tailhole, making him rock forward and fight to stay up on all fours.

The stallion slammed into him, Summer's world reeled and he fell forward onto his face. The horse didn't miss a beat. The folf was grabbed around the waist and hefted up. The horse was holding the folf against his chest, pistoning his giant shaft of horse meat in and out of his abused tailhole. A whinny and Summer could feel the horse's muscled arms tighten around his body. He actually felt the head of that huge cock flare inside him, could feel the horse pumping cum deep into his tailhole. Summer came again, completely without touching his own cock, just the thought of being filled with that massive cock, the thought of all the onlookers. He sprayed cum onto the fur of his tummy as the horse sprayed cum inside him.

Stallion cock pulled out of his tailhole, the horse set him down and gave him a surprisingly tender kiss on the forehead before walking back towards the fire. Someone, Summer wasn't sure who, picked up him and helped him back to the campsite. Cum flooded his thighs, his tailhole couldn't seem to hold any of it after the massive cock had stretched him open. He was vaguely aware of someone rinsing his fur with water and towelling him off before he completely lost consciousness.

Summer opened one eye. Blue, a vast stretch of blue appeared in front of his face. Mind flipping over he opened the other eye, more blue. Sitting up quickly was a bad idea, as soon as his head left the pillow it started to throb. The wind gusted and shook the thin walls of his tent. That's right I'm camping, he thought. With one paw on his forehead, Summer reached for the zipper on the tent flap and it fell open, spilling sunlight into the Folf's sensitive eyes. A soft groan and he crawled out into the retched light on all fours, shaking his last paw free of the sleeping bag. The world reeled when he stood up and he noticed, to his embarrassment, he was naked as could be.

Justin and Lexi were there, sitting across from each other and sharing a simple breakfast of nuts and cheese. Summer quickly covered his nakedness with his paws. "Um sorry I .. uh ". He reached back in his tent and grabbed his shorts. Once they were one he sat down, greatfully taking a piece of cheese from Lexi and nibbling it while holding his aching head in one paw.

"Any idea where I was last night?" Summer asked.