Fighting Fursecution: Entry 8 - - - Predating Madness

Story by coreguardian on SoFurry

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#8 of Fursecution Journals

---Wow a new chapter so soon O.o and this chapter and the previous ones now have chapter titles...---

Chronicle of: December 23, 2020

It was only a few days after the completion of cedoperforin, and I was already watching the world change around me. For better or worse I couldn't yet say, but I knew deep down and prayed that this drug I invented could alter fate and bring about a new age of human expansion.

I relaxed back in my luxurious loveseat sofa in my thirty-second story high loft resting above Evo industries and sipped down a few drops of tasteless alcohol. My thirst seemed unquenchable for the last couple of days as all manner of food stuffs were treated with the same regard, my body refusing to settle down from the last few days excitement. I stood up from my rest and looked out my panoramic window and straight down toward the center of town, momentum the only thing keeping me from falling over due to exhaustion. The entire city of Sensation, scholars, publicists, fans, and even the tabloids have hailed me for the past few days with unending praise, phone calls, and emails. The icing on the cupcake for me was a gift basket hand delivered to me by a terminally ill boy suffering from severe heart disease thanking me for finally "finding the cure no one could."

_In purest pride and heartfelt regret, I really thought that what I had accomplished would have been my first step towards turning back time on that internal clock we all seem to possess; not healing the body, but bringing back the soul. Seems I still have much to do, but for now it seems like I made people happy and that has to count for something. _

I closed the blinds to the window and walked over to the bathroom, the lavender air freshener still stinging at the air left behind by the cleaning lady earlier that day. She had done a great job I admit as I could see the sparkle on the finish of the sink. I lowered my bottoms and slowly slipped out of them, throwing them in the nearby hamper along with my bathrobe I was wearing because I had not even the energy to get myself dressed in the morning. I looked very broad at my face in the mirror, staring at the famous scientist everyone now loved but who secretly still felt unsatisfied with his work. I pushed my hand against the glass, distorting the picture until I was unrecognizable, but sure it was still me because of my hand print.

I turned on the shower water and let it run for a minute so it could properly heat. I peeled off the rest of my ensemble, watch and underwear included (but never the necklace I was always wearing for the symbol it illustrated; pride) and stood naked in my bathroom, letting the warm steam envelop my body. I rubbed at my chest with a yawn and finally hopped in, that small feat even a task thanks to my fatigue. The water sprayed against me as I adjusted the showerhead for an optimal nozzle setting. It felt nice to relax. No worries, no extol, just silence other than the thumps of my heart.

It was then I realized something was wrong. I listened for the sound of the water, the stomp of my feet, the clap of my hands and heard nothing at all but my ever increasing heartbeat. I turned off my shower and immediately hopped out, attributing my external hearing loss to the moisture in the air. I beat at my head as though my ears were clogged, almost as if I had just went for a swim and spun around in the water too much. I struggled at my ever increasing problem now, fearful of what was happening. I ran out to my living room, gasping for breath, screaming out "help" and not even hearing myself yell. I reached for my phone, tried dialing at the three digit code we all know so well, and even failed at that as my vision began to blur. I dropped to my knees and tried to gather my thoughts, but all I could hear now was the sound of a wolf howling as I passed out on the coffee table.

Testimony of: January 6th, 2021 (Two weeks later)

I couldn't believe still even as I sat with Chris in his hospital suite what I was seeing. I tried grabbing at my brothers face and pulled back every time I would hear him growl at me as I approached, even though he was dead asleep. His face was so strange to me now that had I not been the one that had found him passed out, I never would have thought it was him. I had been calling for days to his phone with no reply. It was an uneasy feeling in my gut that lead me to his place and found him like this.

At first I really didn't know what to do. I mean, there was this huge wolf in the center of my brothers loft, just laying there breathing heavy like it was a wounded animal. I approached slowly, being sure to grab some sort of weapon in case it was ready to pounce and only produced an umbrella. It was only when I circled the animal and saw that he was wearing my brothers necklace that I put two and two together based off all the recent media craze that had hit the streets, television and interweb. My brother had injected himself with his own drug, probably the first human test subject I'm sure cause he was always like that, never leaving the fun to someone else. Now it seemed he too finally had been hit by the side effect just like the millions if not billions of Americans that also took cedoperforin to heal themselves from their illnesses.

I didn't know what to do for him, I just felt like I had to be there, to catch him up on recent events and see if maybe he knew how to fix this. I sat in the bedside chair for a couple more hours, catching up on my soaps as I waited for him to wake. The doctors claimed that he wasn't in a coma, but rather a deep sleep, and that similar patients suffering the transformation had undergone the same ordeal, although Chris' time in limbo was a little longer spent than others it seemed.

In total, I would say I was at the hospital for five hours the same day when he finally woke up. It wasn't pleasant at first to say the least. It was hard seeing him rise with this big wolf face and rub at his eyes, almost as though he hadn't realized what had happened yet. "How you feeling bro?" Was all I could muster to ask.

"Dante... What happened? Why am I here?" Chris asked as he looked around at everything in the room but his own person. I thought how best to handle such a delicate situation, but actions always have spoken louder volumes than words for me. I finally stood up and grabbed at a nearby metallic thermos and handed it to Chris, seeing disbelief in his eyes as he touched at his face, clearly more lost than I had even initially hypothesized. "What... happened..." Was what he kept repeating over and over.

"Let's go back to your place Chris. You've been cleared for hospital discharge. Let's go talk about what you created..." He looked at me even more confused as we made our way out of the hospital, everyone staring but Chris still focused on the reflection I dared not take from his grasp. He stumbled a bit with his new found legs, either his energy not yet fully returned or paws were harder to get used to than I thought. It was an adventure to be sure just trying to get his huge new physique into the passenger seat of my car.

We finally made it back to his place and sat down in his living room for a bit, me trying to explain what had been going on for the last couple weeks, every sentence probably hitting my brother hard because he knew he was the cause behind it all. He kept rubbing his hands together in uneasiness, me speaking more but knowing he was only half paying attention to me."Why don't you go splash some water on your face or something bro? You need to calm down or you're going to give yourself a heart attack, and I'm not sure even your insurance premiums cover two huge hospital visits." I joked around with him to put him at ease as he finally stood up and made his way to the bathroom. I watched him walk as though he were a newborn child, experiencing the world for the first time.

I waited for fifteen minutes until I finally got worried and made my way down the hallway. I found Chris just standing in front of the bathroom mirror, staring hard at it."Are you ok?" I asked as he pressed his hand against the mirror as I saw a teardrop run down the length of his new snout. He lowered his head & arms and started to cry, and it was then that I realized that his paw was no longer the hand that had made a handprint on the mirror before. Things had changed, and he was responsible.