A Fox Amongst Wolves part 2: The Morning After

Story by Dfox789 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Fox Amongst Wolves

I finished part 2 a lot sooner than I thought I would. So here it is. Part 3 is in the works and will contain my first yiff scene so it might take some time. Untill then enjoy

I woke up the next morning feeling comfortable. I haven't felt like this since I was still with my parents, although something wasn't right, but what? That's when I noticed I wasn't in my bed. I was in someone's home, in their room. How did I get here? It was then that I realized that I wasn't alone. Whomever house this was, was spooning me. I tried to move, to get out of the person's arms when suddenly they moved me and I was lying on top of him."Morning foxy, did you sleep well?" that's when I recognized Alec's voice and wondered how I ended up with him in his room. "Yea, I guess I did, but I should probably go, I don't want to bother you anymore."

Alec then squeezed me tighter and sounding more awake said" No, you don't have to, it was my pleasure. Besides you make a great snuggle buddy. I wouldn't mind sleeping with you again." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Alec, the wolf who saved me last night from being raped from his pack, just took me to his place and did who knows what to me while I was asleep. I tried to get up again but he held me to tight." No I really should go. I've already bothered you enough last night. You know with me going on about myself. I'll just call a friend to get me and I'll be out of your fur."

He turned me around so our stomachs were pressed together and I stared into his eyes again, There was something different about them from last night...they looked distressed. They looked like those of a child who did something wrong and was about to admit it." Actually " he began, " there's something I need to tell you about last night, but let's get you more comfortable first." I looked at him puzzled. Why would he wanted to talk about last night? He sat up while still holding me. He held me up on his lap and put my head to his chest. "Dereck, look, about last night. I planned all that." "You did what?!" I looked at him like he was insane. "What do you mean you planned last night?" He took a deep breath before he continued.

"Well you see I saw you a few months ago at The Tail and well from that moment I knew I had to have you." I stared at him with disbelief. I was about to yell at him when he stopped me. "Now before you go thinking anything. I asked around until I found one of your friends. I think his name was Josh or something. Anyway I started asking him stuff about you and well, I really started to like you."

"He told me you had some trust issues so I was nervous about making the first move. So I sort of set up the whole situation so I could make a good first impression. Please don't be mad at me, I just wanted you so badly." I stared at him, unsure of what to say to it. Part of me wanted to run out here and far away from him thinking of all the things he probably wanted to do to me. Then again another part of me wanted to stay there and nuzzle myself under his chin. I wanted to stay there because no one had ever taken so much interest in me to plan such a stunt.

I looked up him and licked under his chin and said "I'm not mad, I'm just shocked that someone would take so much of a liking to me." It was his turn to stare at me in disbelief. He then pulled my head completely under his chin "But I have Dereck. The moment I saw you. Then I started to learn more about you and I just knew I had to meet you." He started fiercely licking the back of my head. His tongue rubbed on my fur the wrong way warming my fur up. I just sat their murring in delight. He hooked a finger under my chin a forced me to look up into his eyes again.

Our muzzles were right next to each other and I could feel the warmth of breath on my lips. It was at that moment when I realized that I wanted him as much as he wanted me. I leaned forward and we locked muzzles for the first time. Our tongues entered the others muzzle and danced a dance of passion that I thought I would never experience in my life. I wanted the kiss to last forever but we were both running out of breath so I pulled away.

We then made eye contact again and I saw pure joy in his emerald eyes. "So uh, do you want to go get some breakfast?" he asked me. I simply nodded my head and laid it back on his chest. Even though I knew where I was and who I was with I still felt like something was off but I just couldn't put my paw on it. I looked down as I felt something poke my inner thigh when it hit me. We were both completely naked. My ears pressed against my head I blushed.

"Oh yea I like to sleep naked and well, you drooled a lot on your clothes. Don't worry there in the dryer right now. If you want you can put them back on, but I rather see you that cute tush of yours while your here." He punctuated this by giving my butt a firm pinch, which made me jump. I decided to just stay the way I was.

A little later we were enjoying some eggs and bacon in his kitchen and we started talking again. "So I have a question for you Dereck. Why are you a virgin still, you're like what, twenty? I remember already having sex at the age what's up?" I thought for a while then said "Well the truth is I want my first time to be with someone special. Not just a one night stand but someone who actually cares about me and not just about how to do me." It took a minute for him to process all of this but he then said "Well do you think I could be special enough for your first time? I mean I know we just met but do you think we could..." I stopped him by planting a kiss on his lips again. Not for as long as the first but the passion was still there. "Well maybe. I don't know right now. Let's give us some time first ok? That reminds me is there even an 'us'? I just need to know." He looked at me again like he did before he told me his plan last night.

"What's wrong Alec?" "Dereck do you know how foxes are looked at by wolves?" I just shook my head, confused on where this was going. "Well foxes are seen only has a tight hole to fuck, and nothing more. A lot of wolves see you like that and on top of that you look extremely sexy. Haven't you ever noticed that most of the guys who hit on you in the club are other wolves?" I thought about it now and realized that Alec was right. At least half the guys last night who tried to get me were wolves. "I guess you're right, now that you mention it."

"Well that's how the others in my pack see you. I want there to be an us Dereck, more than anything right now, but for there to be an us well you're going to be something else till then." "What?" I asked getting nervous on what he might say next. "Well in order to get the guys to go along with last night I told them they were helping me get a new pet, and well Dereck, that's what you're going to have to be until I convince them that you're a real fur; a not just a hole for them."

I was shocked at what he said. To be Alec's pet. That was a bit much for me. "So you're saying I'm going to have to be a lap dog for you until your pack sees me as an actual fur? Alec... I don't think I could. I mean, part of me wants there to be an us but I don't know if I could do that." I looked away not wanting to see the sadness in his eyes. Alec got up from the table and knelt down next to me putting both paws on my shoulders. "Please Dereck I would really like for this to work, but it's going to take some time to convince them. You don't have to give me an answer right now but I do want one."

I leaned in and gave him a tight hug and said "Ok Alec. I think that's just all I need is time. This is all happening so fast." I looked over his shoulder and saw the time. "Shit, I got to get ready for work." I let go and looked at him "Do you mind giving me a ride to my place so I could get ready?" He picked me up out of the chair and cradled me up against his chest holding me like a small child. "It would be my pleasure."

A Fox Amongst Wolves Part 3: The Choice

Part 3 is finally up. Tell me how I did and how I can inprove my writing. After a great morning with Alec, he dropped me off at my house (not before he planted another long kiss on my muzzle) and then he left. We had both agreed to meet again at The...

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A Fox Amongst Wolves Part 1

This is my first story so be honest, and tell me how I can inprove and if there are any errors. As I sit here in the dark forsaken basement with cold steel attached to my wrist and ankles to make sure I couldn't escape I sit and wonder to myself...

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