Taking Over...

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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This takes place in a world where anthros/furries are in the place of humans, and they are treating ferals the same as humans do. Singer is (c) to me, and as always, comment and let me know what you think and/or want to see when this is continued.


The she-wolf walked the streets, unlike anything anything you'd see at this place, this time. Whereas 90% of those on the streets were furs, anthro creatures that stood on two legs easier than four - she was on all fours and oddly enough unleashed. It was unusual to see a feral at all and let alone one that wasn't collared and leashed by some opportunistic fur. This wolf was unusual to others of her own structural build also, being almost too plain, too normal to notice.

Black and white made up the entirety of her fur colour, though with her it was in a vitally different way. From her left foreleg up to her throat, chest, and stomach then along then down right hind-leg, silvery white fur reigned without a single mar of black fur to interrupt the clear lines bar in one place. Should someone of a poetical nature see her, and the white mask that covered her muzzle bar the black nose-pad, and which provided a silky contrast for the eyes - they would possibly be inclined to use comparisons such as the 'moons rays transformed into fur' or something of the like. The rest of her body was cloaked in the deepest black, as though shadows themselves had been given shadows deeper than any black known.

Her eyes were the one detail about her that furs seeing her noticed. Blue and gold orbs sat in their proper positions on her eyes, almost regally observing the world when she lifted her head up high enough - both of which would bring to mind the winter skies. Blue eye so light in colour that it barely held any of the icy tone, her one golden eye so bright in colour it was like the high sun of the arctic wastes that afforded harsh light but no warmth, and both screaming with an intelligence that would match an anthro's. It would only be rare that anyone would see such glorious eyes - for the she-wolf generally walked with her nose to the ground, following certain scents. The only mar of her silvery white fur was on the underneath of her jaw, and given her rather submissive way of walking - barely anyone had seen the teardrop of inky black fur that trailed her throat.

She wasn't alone, though the almost defeated way in which she walked would make those observing believe she was. Trailing behind her about a dozen paces was a rag-tag pack of canines, all also feral though a few of them held the same intelligence of the clearly hunting wolf in front of them. She was their leader, she had gathered them up from the gardens of furs and now - they roamed the city, hunting for others of their own kind. The pack was comprised of younger and older ferals, wolf, dogs and mixes equally represented and even in pairs which would possibly seem illogical. A male wolfhound would be observed trotting along beside a smaller female wolf, which would be seen jumping lightly to flick her tongue almost lovingly against his maw. Other such partnerships were common among the rather large pack, with only a few left minus a mate.

Up in front, the she-wolf stopped walking, opened her eyes and stood up straight - but never would she have looked so tiny and alone with those behind her hastening forwards. They knew she had found them the newest member for their pack - or at least she had potentially. Tails began to wag furiously as they licked her jaw submissively - she was the first of them and the most selfless, so she was the leader in the hearts and minds of those she protected. She shook a second, before nipping three of the still lonely pack members, a mixed breed dog, a pedigree spaniel and a wolf older than she was, telling them in that way that they were to come with her. All of the three with her were male, which alerted the pack to the fact that whatever canine was ahead of them - it was female.

The only female leading them, leaped over the six foot fence without any issue, her slim body scaling the wire easily before she landed with barely a thump.

The others following her had a little more trouble, though the spaniel and the mixed breed ended up getting through by worming their way underneath the wire. The older wolf took three or four attempts before he managed to land beside the rest. If someone had been filming them, or watching - then they possibly would have observed that while hunting, no noise had been made, no calling barks or yips or even a growl, this 'pack' hunted in silence. The three males waited for the female to get her bearings, before she trotted forwards, seeking with her nose and stopping for a moment to pause and sniff again.

She paused in front of a small fence, and leaped over, only to turn tail and scramble back with her first noise - a startled yelp. A huge mastiff dog had lunged at her with something akin to a roar, scaring the life from the little female - though the dog soon stopped and sniffed, her long whippy tail wagging. " I'm sorry! I thought you were a burglar! Come back!" She whimpered, calling to the wolf when she finally worked out that the 'intruder' was another feral like herself. She heaved her tan body up, resting her enormous paws against the fence though it creaked - and then revealed the shackles of her confinement. An enormous chain was wrapped around her neck, and chained to a loop in the concrete which she lived on.

The male wolf was the first to approach the mastiff, touching noses with her tentatively before speaking in gruff tones. " Are you held by your masters? Would you like to run free with us, in a pack the anthro's have never seen before?" He was nudged aside by the spaniel, whose tail was wagging lightly. " Would you like to smell the ground, go wherever you like and sleep in a puppy-pile? Would you follow our Alpha where she leads us, to find us the special ones?" The spaniel was stopped from speaking by the rather excitable mix-breed dog, which broke in with light barks punctuating his words. " Would you like to have friends and play when you want? Would you like to find a mate within us, and live out life without commands?"

The mastiff female was confused, at first though when she puzzled things over she gave an echoing bark in agreement. " Yes yes yes! I want to be free! I want to run and play and hunt! I just don't know how to get rid of my chain!" The little she-wolf stepped forwards again, her ears perking a little as she jumped the fence smoothly, almost like a fox. " I can help you there, just stay still!" The wolf looked at the pin into the ground, before pawing at it and frowning. " When I get out the way, run around in a long circle, keeping the chain tight, see if that loosens it up!" She backed away, keeping herself out of the way as the dog began to lollop around.

The chain jerked, at first, but the pin refused to loosen, even when the dog had to stop, almost wobbling as she got dizzy. " Woah! That didn't work, miss! Now what do I do?" The she-wolf growled quietly, before staring intently at the pin and then tilting her head. " Run, pull at the chain hard when you do, with all your weight!" As the dog obeyed, the pin in the ground jerked, but held - though the three male canines observed it. In unison they all yipped or howled, different pitches for each of them. " Do it again! Do it harder! Then you'll be free!" She listened, but jumped about in different directions on the instruction of the female wolf, until a metallic screech sounded and the pin came free.

The mastiff immediately jumped the fence, though the chain got stuck and she ended up trapped again. She was able to turn now, and tug backwards against the chain, pulling herself free almost easily though she left behind a few chunks of fur and a droplet of blood where the chain links had pinched her flesh. " I'm free! Free! Free!" She was clearly excited, not noticing the sniffing males - but she certainly took notice of the spaniel when he looked at her with gentle brown eyes. Her tail wagged before she licked him on the nose, and they led the female back to the waiting pack.

They forgot about the she-wolf behind them in the excitement of the rescue - but the furs in the house had seen what had happened, and they were NOT happy. They weren't silly either, and called up the pound, assuming that the wolf was a husky and therefore not a risk to approach. The rescue had provided enough time for the bear to get there, and he hooked a catchpole around her neck as she became aware of his presence. She erupted into a still silent rage, biting aggressively at the catchpole and trying to grab the bear, who struggled to keep hold of her at first before readying himself. " Oi! Ya lil bitch! Calm down! We won't hurt'cha if you settle down!" His words only alerted her to the hare approaching nervously on the other side...but she calmed down.

Calmed down only until the hare was within lunging distance where she grabbed hold of his paw, and bit down, sinking her teeth into him until blood began to pool beneath her and the hare started screaming. A blow from the bear made her yelp and release the hare, another blow made black begin to appear at the edge of her vision. " You stupid bitch! You'll pay for hurting my buddy!" The bear rained another blow down on the wolf, knocking her senseless as he began to drag her through the garden and towards his van - and further away from the pack that may have saved her from what was to come...

The end, for now.