Chapter 12: Plan of Attack

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#12 of The Spyro Chronicles SE

Part 4: The Coalition

Chapter 12: Plan of Attack

Dragon Realms, Uncharted System

[Error- Unknown Date]

[Unknown Time]

[Unknown Location]

The cool wind whipped across the scales of Spyro. The chilled winds caused him to open his eyes and look around. He lazily yawned and slowly observed his surroundings.

He was on some sort of a rocky platform, suspended in a sunny-like sky. The sky was of a blue mixed with black but still reminded him of the regular sky. The bright sun lit up the area and white fluffy clouds floated on by. Soon the sky began to brighten up into a sort of lightish blue, still retaining its black origins.

The rocky platform he was on sat in the middle of the sky, pieces of rocks and debris floating on by. This place seemed familiar... like when he first met... the Chronicler... Spyro looked around; hoping to hear his voice but nothing came.

Spyro sighed and looked out. There was another island floating off just in the distance. With the flap of his wings Spyro was sent aloft and descended to the new platform. Upon landing he once more looked out. Seeing nothing but the sky and clouds he sighed and walked to the edge. He peered over the rocks and down to what seemed like the Dragon Realms below.

He saw what looked like a large expanse of forests, cities, and mountains, all surrounding a large volcano with that all too familiar silver tower jutting out from it.

Spyro watched as armies fought around the tower, trying to seize it. Suddenly, a large purple dragon... a familiar purple dragon... one that he had met before... not too long ago... flew to the top of the tower and glowed a blackish light.

The tower glowed purple and shot out a beam of the same color into the sky. The sky turned red and the crust of the planet turned red with intense energy. Everyone outside the tower was vaporized and the entire surface of the world below lost any form of life whatsoever.

Horrified, Spyro retreated back onto the platform. Suddenly he felt something assault his mind. It was a dark presence that felt like a spike of cold ice slicing into his skull. Spyro roared out and grabbed his head with his claws, trying to subdue the pain. However, it kept assaulting him. Suddenly a voice started to drone in his head.

"Spyro... why do you fight? Why do you fight destiny?" Spyro didn't answer. Instead, he struggled to keep himself from passing out from the pain.

"It is the purple dragon's destiny to do was it to safe guard its secrets... now its time to unleash its fury upon the world..."

"I... don't know... what you're talking about..." Spyro said in reply. The voice was definitely Malefor's. Spyro had to fight. But... what if he was right? What if it was the purple dragon's destiny to do this? But... wasn't it their destiny to bring about the Great Cleansing? Why so? To 'cleans' the world? From what though? Malefor was its only issue... why would there need to be such an event? Nothing added up for Spyro. He continued to clutch his head tightly.

"This is no longer about the Great Cleansing my young dragon... the purple dragons of yore never knew about this new secret buried beneath the dragon realms... now... we can use it... and wipe out all impurities throughout the cosmos!" Spyro gritted his teeth tightly but felt a blackness flowing over him.

"I... can't... you're going to... destroy everything... I must... fight!" Spyro suddenly felt the presence leave him and his body returned to normal. He looked around, panting. He felt himself again. If he could see his eyes he would have seen that they were golden. However, the color change faded away just as quickly as it had come.

A warm voice filtered through Spyro's head and it sounded familiar. It was a female's.

"Spyro... you and your friends are in great danger. Every living thing is in great danger."

"From what, the Final Solution?"

"Yes... Malefor seeks to use the weapon and destroy all the forces that oppose him so he can rule the world that crawls out of it with an iron fist. If he is allowed to, everybody is doomed."

"But... how did he find out about it? Who is that black dragon helping him? Who is Fang, how come I've never seen or heard of him before?"

"Fang was a servant to the Dark Master, but was recruited by another force. The black dragon belongs to the same evil force that is spurring Fang to resurrect the Dark Master. They all want the same goal, the firing of the Final Solution in dark mode."

"But why is this happening now though, why can't it happen at any other time?" Spyro was getting a tad frustrated. Things seemed to just happen right after the other, with no intermission of any kind.

"The Great Cleansing has awakened this beast Spyro... and now it is rising to the surface of this world as we speak. The weapon will only reveal itself if it is activated into stand by mode. Malefor seeks to do that so he can learn of its location. You must stop him Spyro. Go now."

"Wait, who are you? What do I do?!"

"My name is Singe... and the answers you seek will become more apparent with time. Now go, there isn't any time to waste." With that Spyro felt himself being launched in the air and just as suddenly placed on a surface and he then noticed he was lying down.

[System Reboot]

March 6, 2204

0833 Hours

City of Warfang

His eyes shot open and he found himself lying in a dimly lit room. The room was a half circle shape, with a balcony like window at the far end. Spyro was lying on a soft bed which had stone works carved onto the wall and room and a soft material made up a mattress. There was a cloth over Spyro and his head even rested on a soft cushion as well.

Spyro slowly got off of his bed and walked over to the balcony. It was dark outside, the results of clouds blocking the sun. He was in Warfang.

"I see someone's feeling better." Spyro turned around to see Lieutenant Wagner walk into the room, a bandage over his stomach.

"Wagner! What happened!? How long have I been out?"

"Calm down Spyro. You've been out for 3 days or so."

"3 days?!"

"Yeah, after that encounter in the Burned Lands we brought you back here for medical care."

"What about Malefor, and Fang?"

"We tracked them leaving the Burned Lands but their forces caused us to make a full retreat back to Warfang. They rolled over small outposts just north of here and we've been hard pressed to keep them from just launching a full out assault on Warfang. If it weren't for the Typhus hovering over the city, I think they would have a long time ago."

"Where's Cynder?"

"She's aboard the Typhus right now for extensive care. You both took a beating back there." Spyro felt the back of his neck and felt a bandage there. There were also bandages over his wounds on his arm and stomach.

"I need to see her." Spyro simply said as he walked to the door. Wagner sighed and stepped in front of him.

"Spyro you and her need to rest. The doctors fear having you around will elevate her heart rate which will jeopardize their efforts to keep blood from flowing to afflicted areas of her body until they can fully heal them." Wagner explained as he blocked the entrance.

Spyro had a look of anger and sadness in his eyes.

"So I can't see her at all?!" Spyro almost yelled this.

"We will take you to her when she's ready. Right now it'd be best if you didn't." As Wagner said this, a large dragon, Terredor, stepped behind Wagner and with a gruff sigh, Wagner moved to allow the large dragon to enter the room.

"I see Spyro's awake now. I take it you are feeling better Spyro?" The Earth Guardian asked.

"Yes, I feel better Terredor. Where am I anyway?"

"You're in the Dragon Temple of Warfang. We erected this replacement after Malefor captured the original. It isn't much but it's become our home for the past 3 years." Terredor said in his usual gruff manor.

"It has also become the Marine Headquarters for the time being. This is where we will coordinate all of our operations until further notice." Wagner said while removing his helmet and running his hand through his hair, only to place the helmet back on his head.

"What're you guys going to do next?" Spyro asked, tid bits of his dream starting to return to his memory.

"We were planning an evacuation of Warfang if Malefor's forces got any stronger. We don't know if we can build our defenses here fast enough to combat their forces." Wagner said.

"Yes... there is a settlement south of here where we can regroup and-"

"No, we cannot run away!" Spyro said, cutting Terredor off. They looked at him with surprise.

"We have to stop Malefor before he awakens the Final Solution! Right now he's going around trying to put the weapon on stand by! If he does that the weapon will reveal itself for him to fire!"

"How do you know this?" Wagner asked.

"I... had a dream..."

"You... had a dream?" Wagner asked again.

"Well if he had a dream then..." Terredor recalled the occasion where Spyro had had a dream before.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?" Terredor and Spyro both looked at Wagner with what could either be taken as smug looks or as unknowing looks.

"Well... I guess this world is already weird enough..."

"Well... what would you suggest we do then Spyro?" Terredor asked as he stepped forward, almost ignoring the Human's comment.

"Well I... don't know..."

"Well all we know is that there are a large group of hostiles sniffing about a place far to the south. It's an artic region that lies approximately 52 Miles south of this peninsula. We have recon units inbound already." Wagner said as he peered out of the window.

"Dante's Freezer..." Spyro muttered as he remembered taking that flight south and going there 3 years ago.

"I'm going to." Spyro simply said as he started for the door.

"No, your not." Terredor said as he blocked the exit.

"You are in no condition to do battle. You must rest, gather your strength. Only then can you achieve true victory. A true warrior knows patience." Spyro sighed.

"Spyro, come with me." Terredor unblocked the door and invited Spyro to exit the room. Spyro did so and Wagner walked over behind to follow.

The interior of the new dragon temple was similar to the old, but with many key differences. The layout of the hallways wasn't as large like the cylinder ones were of the old dragon temple. Some halls were box shaped while others were of the old cylinder shape. There were many intricate designs on the walls and the walls were of a beautiful white color. There were hallways with white dragon statues or that sported small little gardens.

As they entered the dojo Spyro was really impressed. This dojo was much larger then the old, sporting an almost open roof. Sunlight filtered in and birds chirped as they flew above.

The outside walls of the dojo were adorned with several tiers of gardens and plants that were actually purposely built for people to lie down in them. The white walls let light come in and reflect off, eliciting a vibrant look throughout the new dojo.

In the center there was a statue, that of an unknown dragon to Spyro. However the statue sat towering over him just as the one of Malefor had done only before.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Terredor asked as he saw Spyro's expression.

"Yes... it is..." Spyro said as he looked around a bit more. There were several figures in the room with them, mostly Marines and other humans. There were a lot of Humans that seemed odd to Spyro. It was probably from him being used to seeing them in Marine armor but these Humans wore only white uniforms or of other colors but they weren't as detailed or as 'war ready' as the Marine combat armor was.

One that was in a form of Marine armor saw them and walked over. Wagner stopped and saluted the soldier.

"Colonel Dyke, sir!"

"As you were Lieutenant." Dyke said as he returned Wagner's salute.

"Spyro, this is Colonel Dyke. He is the Commander of all Human Forces here."

"And you must be Spyro, the purple dragon they've all been telling me about." Colonel Dyke extended his hand and this perplexed Spyro a bit.

"You shake it, like this." Dyke said as he grasped Spyro's paw and shook it.

"It's the Human way of greeting." Wagner explained.

"Oh." Spyro said as he realized what it was.

"Spyro!" Spyro turned to see Sparx buzz up.

"Sparx, where have you been!" Spyro said, happy to see Sparx alright.

"When you and your buddies took off into that volcano you left me behind! I didn't bother going in after you because that lava looked hot..." Spyro looked at him with a comical look of disappointment.

"What?" Sparx said. Wagner shook his head.

"Well lieutenant, I am off to the Command Post." Dyke said and Wagner nodded.

"Well Spyro, you should gather your rest." Terredor said as he started off to follow Dyke.

"You can join recon later, you took a beating earlier and need to rest more." Wagner said as he walked off to go do something as well. Spyro sighed and walked out to the balcony. As he exited the main door he walked off onto the balcony to find it almost exactly like the one from the temple. The only difference was that the walling was a bit more detailed and the platform itself was bigger.

The City of Warfang expanded out, showing that the Temple was perched atop a small cliff face that had accumulated over one of the taller towers in the city.

The sun was out and it shined brightly onto the white temple. The sky was filled with several fluffy white clouds that sat atop the city. The human ship, the UERNF Typhus, sat above the city, its engines flaring to keep it aloft. Several human fighters flew overhead as well, trailed by dragons as they reconed the skies above Warfang and kept any intruders out.

As Spyro sat looking at the city, large gusts of winds slapped against him. The wind felt excellent against his scales, which had been indoors for the past few days. As the fighters passed over the temple, Spyro sighed and peered down to the city below. Many buildings were still damaged from the previous battles that had raged through it, including entire sections of the city that had been demolished by the near Great Cleansing.

As the sun hit against him he heard something behind him and turned to see Karson walking up with Allison. They sat down next to Spyro and looked out over the city. Allison had her head against Karson's side. After a second they realized this and she lifted her head in embarrassment and Karson started to blush.

"So uh... you're Spyro?" Karson asked as he tried to change the subject of the attention.

"Yeah, I am." The purple dragon responded, chuckling mentally about the two's obvious affection.

"I've heard a lot about you." Karson said as he looked the purple dragon over. From the way Singe described the situation, Spyro was a dragon ready to do evil at a moments notice, or something along those lines. What was she getting at? It didn't really matter at this particular time, though the Final Solution was the problem, and Karson presumed it was the threat Singe warned him about, this was probably going to be the only time they'd get to rest.

From the sounds of the way they were running operations, they weren't long for this city. Best to enjoy the time off as it came. Still, Karson wondered just what Dyke was going to do about the whole situation. The situation was deteriorating by the second as the 'Dark Master' searched for ways to use the Final Solution. Dyke said that they had tracked the Dark Master to a citadel like structure to the north in a mountain pass, but at the current time, Dyke was not planning any assault of any kind against that fortress.

For the time being, the Marines were just setting defenses around Warfang and preparing for any inevitable assault the enemy might do. They had already repelled two minor assaults in the past 3 days. Thankfully they never even reached the city walls due to the tanks they had pulled out from the Achilles crash site.

"So you're Karson I take it? Allison's said a lot about you." Spyro said with a smile, breaking Karson from his thoughts.

"Yeah, we're great friends." Karson said, returning the smile. Allison also smiled at the statement as well. Spyro looked at him before looking back at the clouds and the Human Frigate hovering over the city.

"You want to see her, don't you?" Allison asked, referring to Cynder.

"Yeah... I'm just so worried about her..." Spyro said as he looked down to the ground. He felt Karson's hand touch his shoulder.

"Don't worry Spyro. She'll be fine. She just needs to heal up, that's all." Spyro smiled up at him and Allison smiled as well.

The fluffy white clouds added a nice feeling to the scene as they temporarily blocked out the sun and a cold wind swept through and chilled Spyro. Soon, the clouds let the sun back out and its warmth hit Spyro's scales once more. It was a perfect day out. If only Cynder were here...

Spyro heard something behind him and turned to see Aaron and Krypto trotting down to the balcony. Krypto kept his distance while Aaron trotted right next to the group and sat down.

"Hey, what's up?" Aaron asked Spyro who sighed with a laugh.

"Nothing much..." Spyro said.

"Miss Cynder?"


"Well don't worry, she's doing just fine." Aaron said as he remembered her taking a beating back in the core.

Krypto remained silent.

"Hey Krypto, tell us more about your race." Allison said as she saw he wasn't talking. Krypto looked at her for a bit before walking a bit closer to the group.

"There isn't much to tell... other then them being the greatest race ever... until they were all destroyed... I'll never forgive the emperor for that..." Krypto said while sealing his eyes to search his memories of the atrocities committed by the Emperor to his people.

They all looked at Krypto with empathetic eyes but he quickly shunned their looks by turning away. Trying to change the subject, Karson looked at the other dragon in the group, Aaron.

"So... Aaron was it? Did you ever have any family?"

"Don't know. The Dark Master took my egg from the Temple before I was even born. I don't know my family and they were probably killed by the Dark Master. Karson sighed.

"That sucks... Spyro? Did you ever have any family?" They could tell Karson was desperately trying to cheer up the conversation, but in a way, he was only making it worse.

"I had foster parents, but I don't know what happened to them. Sparx is my step brother and my real family I have no clue. Ignitus was the closest I had to a real father and now he's..."

Spyro didn't have to finish it. Most of them understood his fate was probably like the others...

"What about you? You have any family?" Spyro asked, turning to Karson and Allison.

"Yeah, what's your world like?" Aaron asked them.

"Well, we both have foster families. We were both adopted. We never knew our real families and our foster families said they just found us one day on their porch." Karson said. Allison nodded in agreement.

"Our world... well its better to say 'our worlds'. The United Earth Republic has colonized many worlds so Humanity is spread across several worlds ranging from Cirmain to Earth itself." Karson explained.

"Earth?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, that's our home world." Allison said with a smile.

"What's it like?" Aaron inquired, getting more and more interested in it.

"It's defiantly a bit different then here. Not as... well... magical. Though the landscapes are similar. Forests... rivers... hills... mountains... cities... most of the planet is covered in oceans that spread across its surface. Unlike this place it only has a single moon, Luna." Everyone intently listened to Karson's description of Earth. There was still another thing that Aaron had to ask though.

"So... when did you guys ever decide to leave Earth? Like go and colonize other worlds?"

"Well... Humanity has grown into a big race. Too big for Earth to contain and nurture. Plus other worlds have things like metals for us to mine... fields for us to farm... and other things."

"All this talk about Earth is making me miss my home..." Allison said as she sat thinking of Earth.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." Aaron said.

"Well why don't we talk about something else then." Krypto said. His speech sort of surprised the group, considering the fact that he hadn't said much at all since they met the guy. A new sound caught their attention, that of a few Nighthawks flying through the air and to the south towards the ocean.

"Looks like recon hit some trouble if they're sending support." Allison said as she watched the drop ships fly off.

Spyro stood up.

"Where you off to?" Karson asked.

"I need to go to Dante's Freezer." He simply said.

"Spyro, you're in no condition to fight. Rest a bit. Recon will locate whatever it is that they're after." Spyro looked at Karson who said this and sighed.

"Resting is something we cannot do anymore... Time is not our ally."

"Excuse me, are you by any chance named Spyro?" A new voice alerted all on the balcony to a new presence and they all turned around to see a wolf walking up with wings. The wolf had an insignia on his left hind-leg and had brown fur. His eyes were golden and his wings were of a pure white. They looked sort of like angel wings.

"Yeah, I'm Spyro. Why?"

"My name is Zephyr." The wolf said with a smile.

End of Chapter 12

Spyro and Cynder belong to Sierra Entertainment

Krypto belongs to Kryptangel92 of deviantART

Singe belongs to SexyCynder of deviantART

Aaron belongs to Dragonfreak1112 of deviantART

Zephyr belongs to Dragonheart666666 of deviantART

The UER Karson, Allison, Typhus and all related characters belong to me

Chapter 13: Ready to Fight

Chapter 13: Ready to Fight Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 6, 2204 1232 Hours DragonTemple "So your name's Zephyr?" Karson asked, turning to see the new face. "That's such a pretty name..." Allison said, which got a smile from...

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Chapter 11: Into the Heart of it All

Chapter 11: Into the Heart of it All Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 3, 2204 1955 Hours Alpha Company's Approach to the Objective "Cynder look out!" Spyro said as he knocked her away from a sword strike. The Orc in question roared and...

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Chapter 10: Through Another's Eyes

Chapter 10: Through Another's Eyes Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 3, 2204 1255 Hours Lakador HQ, 12 Miles East of the UERNF Achilles' Crash Site The brisk sunlight hit the hull of the Lakador ship, causing its purple blue hull to...

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