THE COMPANION MANSION: {Rova - Part 1 of 2}

Story by McLeod on SoFurry

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- KOVA -

(Part 1 of 2)

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{Written by: McLeod}

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** ** The room in which I waited for my Client was quite comfortable, but by no means the most luxurious within the mansion. It had all of the basic necessities that I needed, though: a large, king sized bed with silk sheets; two bedside tables that held; an armoire with my various outfits chosen by my Clients; and a small bathroom, complete with a glass shower. Yes, this room served its purpose throughly - I had no complaints.

I stepped in front of the large, full-length mirror that dominated one wall of the bathroom, looking over my current outfit for any imperfections. Part of being a Companion was attention to detail - you wanted your Client to be as pleased with your appearance as possible. This was simple logic: the happier the Client, the more C (Credit) you got. And, following that logic, the more C you got, the easier your financial life became.

Just between you and me: I liked living an easy life.

"Eve, what do you think? Does this make me look fat?" I asked out loud, although there was no one in the room.

Not someone but something: I was talking to Eve, the Artificial Intelligence that ran all of the mansion's electrical systems and provided a security grid for the house's occupants. Throughout the sprawling manor there were thousands of receiver microphones embedded into the walls and ceiling, allowing Eve to hear what went on throughout the day. In every room there were hidden speakers that allowed Eve to communicate with us audibly. As an addition to Eve's sophistication, there were also mobile robotic arms running on tracks above the ceiling. When someone needed Eve's help lifting or moving something, the arms descended from a panel and went to work with the task at hand.

My Employer thought of everything when he had this brilliant home constructed.

Eve's voice sounded from a speaker in the wall to my left by the sink, her tone smooth and humble, yet a bit computerized. "Not at all, Kova. I think you look quite nice."

I growled under my breath. "Don't lie, Eve. Come on, tell the truth." I posed in the mirror, doubting the functionality of this ensemble my Client had me wearing.

A panel in the ceiling slid inwards and sideways, one of Eve's various arms descending and grabbing a brush from the bathroom counter. I moved the necklace I was wearing out of the way so Eve could brush my hair.

She always liked brushing my hair.

"I am telling you the truth. Rixus won't be able to keep his hands off of you." A series of static bursts emitted from the speakers - Eve's version of laughter.

I smiled. I had to admit, even though I didn't have 100% confidence in this new outfit, it was actually really cute - and simple. I put my paws on my hips, right above the pink bikini with tiny white bows. Reaching up, I placed some of my long hair behind my right ear, chuckling at the diamond necklace Rixus had gotten me. The necklace was easily 5,000C. The four earrings I wore (two in each of my long ears) were carved from pink diamonds, one of the most valuable stones on Rama 5, my planet. Even the bikini I wore was expertly made, constructed of 100% silk.

Yes, my Client adored me. I didn't mind the pampering one bit, but I didn't let it go to my head. This was a job and it was my duty to keep a humble and sweet disposition. If I turned into a vane bitch, my easy C would come to a gruesome halt.

I adjusted the necklace and bikini, then let my hair fall back into place, the pink length coming to a stop at my shoulders.

It was so curious when my Client requested that I dye my hair for our meetings. You see, my fur is black, so the pink headfur contrasts dramatically with the rest of my body. Truth be told, though, I really liked my pink hair. It was unique - different.

"Stunning, as usual." Eve cooed, her robotic hand resting upon my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. I smiled and patted the mechanical appendage.

"Thank you, Eve. Your opinion always means so much to me." Her hand patted my back and retracted, the ceiling panel repositioning itself.

"Rixus will be arriving in exactly five minutes and twenty-two seconds, dear." Eve said.

"I guess I should be prepared for his arrival then, shouldn't I?" I chuckled and walked out of the bathroom, crawling onto the super-soft bed. I laid facing the door, my body curved seductively. For a male, I could make gorgeous women envy me without even trying. Working out and eating right really did have their perks.

The holographic clock on the backside of the door read 4:59:23. I had exactly 77 seconds before Rixus would enter the room.

Anticipation rippled through my slim body, blood already rushing to my dick.

I counted down the final seconds: 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 -

Three. Two. And ONE.

_ Knock! Knock! Knock!_

I called towards the door. "Come on in, Sugar."

The door gave a soft hiss as it slid sideways into the wall. Standing there, his massive form completely filling the large doorway, was my Client: Rixus from the planet Gams. The mammoth male stepped into my room, his heavy footstep thudding audibly.

Like with every meeting I had with this adonis alien, my breathing became erratic as my heartbeat skyrocketed. Gamshians were a rather large race of aliens, both as individuals and as a whole population.

The Gamshian before me stood two meters tall, his body packed with muscle and power. Rixus's appearance was similar to that of a human male, with the exception of his massive bulk and four other qualities that identified him as an alien:

1.) He had four colossal arms with three digits on each: two fingers and a thumb. His hands were easily the size of my head.

2.) His skin color was of a carmine red (a shade darker than human blood) with black markings covering his entire body, even his handsome face. I thought the markings made him look even more powerful and stunning. :-)

3.) He had a black scaled tail similar to that of a snake's, the length about 92 centimeters (or 1 yard).

4.) This final quality kept me in a state of awe when I was around Rixus: his eyes. Unlike humans, Rixus didn't have any "whites" to his eyes - they were black. His irises were a bright gold that seemed to glow in low light. His entire figure reminded me a a volcano, his eyes the yellow glow of lava. Those eyes were so hypnotic he could tell me to have sex with a plant and I'd do it. I'm completely serious.

Rixus grinned down at me as he approached the bed, his golden eyes filled with mischievous lust. I crawled to meet him at the edge of the bed, my cottontail wagging excitedly. My diamonds on my necklace clinked together as I moved.

"You look beautiful tonight, Kova." Rixus said, one of his hands brushing against my cheek. I pressed against his warm palm, tingles running up and down my spine.

"You have a great taste in lingerie, Big Guy." I murred, inhaling deeply, his exotic scent filling my nose and brain. My mind was beginning to go fuzzy from how good he smelled.

Rixus gently gripped my shoulders and lifted me to my knees, his face inches from mine. His mystic eyes gazed into my blue ones, his white teeth sparkling as his grin widened. One of his hands from his lower set of arms gripped my chin softly.

"I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about you. You are beautiful - the outfit is just an augmentation to your perfection." He whispered into my ear, my heartbeat increasing.

I loved it when he googled over me this way. It made me feel...well...peaceful. Our time together was special to me, even if we were not in love. He was a friend with benefits.

My heart stopped for a brief moment as our lips connected, then it resumed its accelerated pounding against my sternum. Two of Rixus's arms embraced me, their strength causing me to swoon into the kiss. I pressed myself into the Gamshian's mighty chest, his powerful heart thumping against my body. His lips tasted of rose petals and male lust - they were delicious. Rixus's other two arms began undressing him, articles of clothing falling to the floor.

The adonis suddenly broke the kiss, flipping me onto my back upon the bed and crawling on top of me, his body completely naked. I was consumed in a world of pleasure as he kissed my exposed tummy, moving upwards oh so slowly. My paws gripped his expansive shoulders as his lips touched my furry flesh, small moans escaping my mouth. This was heaven.

"Do you like the gifts, Kova?" Rixus said between kisses, two hands softly caressing my thighs while the other two held up his body. When he said "gifts" he was referring to the outfit and accessories that I was wearing.

I groaned loudly as his tongue traced a path to my nipple. "They are fabulous, Rixus. You've outdone yourself, my dear."

He chuckled, his free hands massaging my bikini-clad hips. "You haven't shown me a bad time yet, and for that I think you should be rewarded."

My back arched and I gasped in pleasure as his sharp teeth gently clamped down on my nipped, slowing grinding from side to side. Electric waves flowed through me, causing my fur to stand on edge and my dick to harden swiftly, straining the fabric of the bikini. Rixus grinned evilly as he noticed this.

"Seems as if you got me a present, too. I'll just have to see what it is exactly." His tail darted beneath him and wrapped itself around one of the bands of my bikini, lifting it up and tugging down slowly. Inch by aching inch, my hard-on appeared.

In a flash of movement Rixus's free hands hefted my arms over my head and pinned them to the bed, his tail ripping the expensive underwear from my body, the fabric shredding in two. I would have cried for the destroyed garment if it wasn't for the Gamshian's tail wrapped around my leaking cock.

"Nghhhh!" I gasped out as my dick was suddenly gripped by the tight coil of his muscular tail. This alien had a powerful tail and he definitely knew how to use it.

Rixus growled as he nibbled at my jaw. "Oh, does this please you, Kova? Should I stop?"

If he stopped I would have punched him. "N-No! Don't s-stop, please!" I stammered and groaned as his tail went to work on my erection.

His sharp fangs bit into my neck then, surely drawing blood. The sharp pain of his shard-like incisors piercing my flesh only lasted a brief second before it was replaced by one of the most wonderful pleasures I've ever felt. His saliva was laced with a pheromone liquid that caused pleasure when it entered the blood stream. Instead of pain, his venom caused sheer ecstasy. I screamed out as bliss swept over my soul.

Rixus's arms kept me pinned as he lowered his head towards my pre-covered dick, his velvety tongue lapping at my fur, blood-filled saliva dripping down along the way. When he was directly over my manhood, he looked up at me, his eyes asking for my permission for continuation. I gave a weak smile and he grinned lustfully.

His tail flicked at my balls as his tongue ran the length of my dick, sending giant shivers up my spine. My toes curled as his heated ribbon of flesh pleasured me, my lower lip sucked in between my teeth. The feeling of his tail fondling my sack was an odd - but excellent - sensation, but nothing compared to his tongue. I honestly believed that his tongue had microscopic barbs that injected me with his venom - but that's just a theory.

"You want to feel my mouth around your cock, Kova?" Rixus whispered seductively, making me moan out loudly as he flicked his tongue across the head of my dick.

It was hard to speak through the pleasure that filled my brain. "Gods, y-yes!" I gasped out, my claws digging into my palms as they were held in place.

He smiled. "Okay, then." With that he plunged down upon my shaft, making a scream out again.

I withered underneath his herculean form, small whimpers and gasps escaping me, fueling his lust with the fires of sexual satisfaction. His mouth was like a tunnel of liquid flame, burning me but leaving no injury. The Gamshian male held still, clearly enjoying the pitiful sounds I was made as he dominated me.

His mouth slowly ascended up my pillar of flesh, my balls tingling, my nerve endings singing with ecstasy. That rough tongue of his wrapped itself around the base of my cock, wiggling and tightening as his mouth rose and fell. My hips bucked reflexively, my mind on the best sort of high in the galaxy.

Sex with Rixus was always new and adventurous - and never dissatisfying. He didn't use my body, no. He made love to it - worshipped it. To Rixus, I was the friend on whom he could rely to vent his malignant feelings to. I was the one he called when his father was having problems with the kingdom.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that Rixus is royal. A prince, in fact. You wouldn't know it though - the hierarchy atmosphere displeased him greatly. Even though he was to take the throne, he acted with kindness and compassion - the qualities of a true leader. For his self worth I admired him.

I was going to blow soon, the distance before I reached my peek growing shorter with each passing second. "Rix - Ngh! - Rixus! Can't last much l-longer, hon." I gasped out as his fangs barely scrapped the topside of my shaft, pleasure-filled venom seeping into my veins.

Rixus immediate lifted his mouth from my cock and released his grip on my wrists. He was a blur as his lips collided with me, two of his hands gripping my jaw, the other two gliding down the sides my body. I felt his lips part and his tongue slide in between them, brushing against my teeth. I opened for him, and our tongues met in a warm, wet embrace - dancing with one another, almost. The Gamshian's saliva tasted sweet and fruity as it merged with mine. Was there anything to this male that wasn't terrific?

As we kissed, Rixus tried something with me that he hadn't before. His tail slid in between him and I and wrapped itself around my cock as before, but this time it didn't squeeze or stroke me - it just moved all across the surface - then it was gone.

Rixus chuckled and that's when I felt his tail on my ass, circling around my entrance. His tail was slick... Huh? His tail didn't have seminal fluid glands, so how was it slick? That's when I realized that it was my pre-cum that coated the tail's surface. Rixus is very clever when he wants to be.

"Nghhhhh!" I moaned out as his tail pushed forward, stretching out my hole gently. Oh, Gods, it felt so damn good. The scales felt so cool as they slid past my tight entrance, inch by inch disappearing into my ass. I grabbed Rixus's shoulders as I cried out in pleasure, his tail wiggling in my ass.

Rixus licked my sensitive ear as he whispered, "You love this, don't you, Kova? My tail makes you so wet, doesn't it?" Him talking dirty to me always got me so hot.

His tail did a wave-like movement, rippling up and down my heated tunnel. "AHH! Y-Yes, Rixus, oh Gods y-yes!"

The movement changed to a circular cyclone going a million miles per hour. "But you want the real thing, yes? My tail doesn't make you cum like my shaft does, hmm?"

Tears were welling up in my eyes from the aggression of his appendage. "N-NO! I want y-your cock inside m-me, Rixus! P-Please!"

He licked at my throat, kissing at the underside of my jaw. "You do? Tell me how much you want it, baby."

As if my moans and shouts of pleasure wasn't enough, I begged him. "I w-want you to fuck me, Rixus! I c-can't stand it anymore!" He laughed darkly.

"Oh, you can do better than that, I'm too sure."

Fine. You want me to be a sex-crazed bitch, here you go, Big Boy. I wrapped my arms around his neck suddenly and buried my face into it. I opened my mouth, canines bared, and bit down as hard as I could into his crimson flesh.

His body (and tail) jerked as my fangs speared through flesh and muscle. A gasp/holler came from deep inside his body as I held my jaws clamped tightly, the sound frightening me and giving me a sense of control. It was an epic rush.

We both didn't move for a few minutes, the only sound was his breathing and mine coming through my clenched teeth. His blood flowed into my mouth slowly in small amounts, the lavender-hued essence sharp. His blood tasted like lemons mixed with oranges, a very unique and bitter flavor indeed.

I finally released him and held his face directly above mine, my eyes boring into his luminescent ones. When I spoke, my voice was deep, dark, and demanding - just as he asked for. "Fuck. Me. Now. Rixus."

His eyes widening - he had never seen this side of me before. Our sex was usually the laughter-filled happy kind, not the S & M type. I enjoyed this dominance he was showing over me, though, it was sexy. No, not "sexy" - fucking hot! I freaking loved it.

I became sweet with him again, kissing his cheek tenderly. "Please, Rixus, I need you."

He smiled, kissing my lips softly. "Okay."

He stood and pulled me to the edge of the bed. My legs were placed on his shoulders, two of his hands gripping my elevated thighs. I moaned loudly as the first inch of his cock slid forward, Rixus grunted.

"You're so tight, boy. I thought my tail would have loosened you up some." He laughed at my pleasure-filled face.

I opened my eyes and grinned at him. "This is loose, honey. You dick was bigger than your tail, after all." He chuckled, flashing me that beautiful smile that I loved so much.

A series of soft thrusts began, in and out, again and again, each one making me gasp pitifully. His cock was similar to a human's, except that it had grooves and ripples flowing across it's surface, raising the sexibility level dramatically. Gamshians even had muscle in their cocks, allowing them to control the entirety of it's movement during sex. They could make their shafts expand and contract in diameter, intensifying intercourse.

The bed shook beneath us as the power of Rixus's thrusts grew, the mattress creaking loudly. My claws dug into the silk sheets, sweat forming all over my body as I felt his dick pulse in and out of my body, brushing against my prostate, the bundle of nerves responded appropriately. One of Rixus's hands reached down and gripped my cock, giving it a squeeze and a jerk.

"AHH! Nghhh! F-Fuck me harder, R-Rixus!" I gasped, my back arching as the head of his shaft hit my prostate full on, a squirt of pre-cum erupting form my cock.

The gargantuan alien grabbed my hips with his lower set of hands, keeping me still as he thrusted faster and harder, the muscles in his cock undulating in a wave-like pattern.

I couldn't hold back anymore. With a giant yell of pure pleasure, I came - hard. Hot streams of rabbit-cum splattered against my chest and chin, some landing on my cheek. My balls tightened up as shot after shot of heated semen bombarded my sweaty body. My black fur soon became matted with the warm, white substance, the smell of spunk and testosterone filling the room. I collapsed weakly back onto the bed as Rixus neared his climax.

"Mmmm. You want me to cum, baby?" He growled, his hips a blur of movement, his manhood a rocket of sex appeal.

I could only gasp and moan, words lost to me as pleasure continued to rack my exhausted body. Rixus tilted his head back and shouted to the ceiling as he reached his limit.

The feeling of the alien's hot jizz shooting into my ass was one of the most sexually rewarding things that I've ever experienced. He came twice as hard as I had, and twice (if not more) as much cum came forth. He pulled out just as the second shot of molten cream burst from his swollen dick, the pink semen mixing with the white of my own. I reached up and grabbed his ejaculating member, aiming it so that the cum would land in my mouth. The third some hit me in the right eye, flowing down my face and into my maw.

Oh. My. Gods... His cum tasted like heaven. It had a sharp taste that I can only describe as what would two berries having sex in your mouth would taste like. I honestly had no name for the taste of his seed, but I'll tell you that I'd drink this by the cup like wine if it was offered.

The fourth and fifth blast of Gamshian goo landing perfectly in my mouth, my tongue lapping it up and swallowing it quickly before it cooled. I squeezed his dick a stroked it hard, the final burst of cum landing on my chin and dribbling onto my chest. Both panting like crazed whores, Rixus fell onto the bed with me, wrapping in his arms in a tight embrace, our cum smearing onto both our bodies.

My body felt aflame and so very tired simultaneously, my eyelids straining with difficulty to remain open. Rixus was panting heavily beside me, a dopey grin of satisfaction plastered across his chiseled face. I laughed weakly and kissed him, my energy fading fast.

"You're tired. Come on." Rixus hefted me into his arms and walked into the bathroom, sitting me down upon the toilet lid.

The last thing I remember before I passed out was him cutting the shower on, steam filling the room and obscuring my vision.

My dreams were filled with lovers embracing in a cloud of rose petals floating above the blue ocean...

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Keep a lookout for Part 2.

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NOTE: I need ideas for my next installment. Leave ideas in your comments, please. I would greatly appriciate it.

Thanks so much, darlings!

With love,
