Arcturus Chapter II: Iridia

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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#4 of Arcturus

Arcturus Chapter II: Iridia

As the Survivor's Hawking drive cast it back into a more understandable definition of space, a large green star known as Beta Iridani, close to the border of the FFC with the Empire. shone its bright green light on the ship's hull. The system had one habitable planet, called Iridia. It was a Hive planet, a planet-wide city hundreds of floor high. Surrounding the planet in equatorial orbit were massive stations and docking ports. Large freighters, the size of a decent asteroid, used these to offload their cargo, which would then be transported to the surface by space elevator. Smaller ships simply flew down to the surface spaceports. It was currently a swarming mass of activity.

On board the Survivor, preparations were made to launch a cargo ship containing most of the salvage gathered the day before. These goods were technically illegal (still belonging to the original owner), but there were plenty of less scrupulous merchants that didn't mind a detail like that to make a good deal. The ship itself would sit well away from the planet, outside effective sensor range, they tried to avoid attention as much as they could.

Gray stood in the second ship docking bay, for once he was the first that arrived. He wore the standard ship clothes he always wore and had a backpack slung over his shoulder. He heard the entrance hatch open as the other members of the team walked in.

Leading the group was Steel, decked out in full combat gear and wielding his evil-looking weapon. He'd be in charge.

Next were a pair of foxes, Gray recognized them as some of Steel's security forces. They were twins, called Rodney and Rodger. People just called them Rod. (not confusing in the least, you'll agree). They wore the same outfit as steel and had assault rifles slung over their back.

Next was the tigress, Samantha. Gray perked up as he saw her come in. She smiled at him and winked.

The last to enter, some way behind the others, was the ship's captain, Elisabeth (or Lisa) the vixen.

Gray looked surprised at her, "Liz? You're coming with us?"

Lisa smiled and replied, "I felt like stretching my legs in some real gravity for a change." Steel crossed his arms, "As long as it's clear that as long as we're planetside, I'm the one in charge, Captain or no."

"Don't worry grumpy, I'll let you do your job." She grinned widely. "So, I suggest we get going then, plenty of work to do." The group headed off towards the airlocks and boarded the ship.

The ship, called a "Tortoise", was a large bulky affair. The name was quite apt as it had a small cockpit at the front and a rounded cargo bay that constituted most of the hull. Its pair of engines was only suitable for short hops. It's a ship meant to haul stuff.

Steel sat down in the pilot's seat and did that thing you always see pilots do in movies, flipping just about every switch there was to flip. He punched in the code to open the docking bay, which did so. He took off at a gentle acceleration, let the computer figure out a good approach and after a 3 hour flight, which was quite dull, they found themselves hurtling through the atmosphere, enveloped in flame. As their speed dropped the flames cleared from the window and they could see down to the surface. This was under constant bombardment of radiation, it was just a huge steel surface dotted with antennae and various types of small constructions. It shone with a sickly green reflection of the sunlight.

"Coming up on the landing pad, hold on to your hats ladies." Steel grinned as his passengers clutched their seats tightly. "This might be a bit rough."

Steel fired the bottom thrusters at the last minute, the enormous thrust generated quickly slowed the fiercely hurtling ship down to a softly sinking ship. The rapid deceleration made them feel as heavy as lead for a few seconds. The ship touched down on the circular pad gently. An annoyingly perky female voice sounded through the ships' speakers.

"Greetings and welcome to Iridia! If you would like to enter our docking facilities, please transmit identification number and ship details."

Steel typed a bit on the ship computer

"Welcome traders! Your Tortoise class ship requires a docking bay of the 3C classification, please provide bank and account details and authorize the transfer of 2500 credits."

Gray raised an eyebrow, "2500 creds just for parking? I don't even want to know how much a drink costs down here."

Steel typed again and finished by scanning in his fingerprint and retina.

"Thank you! You may now utilize your assigned docking bay for a maximum of 48 standard hours. Please enjoy your stay!"

This pad then lowered itself into the city-planet and took them down into the planets bowels. They travelled through large tunnels, occasionally passing other ships going the other way.

Sam still felt a bit weird, "This is...I feel like I'm being pulled down in my seat."

Steel replied, "That's the planet's gravity kid, the ship only works on 0,95 G, Iridia has 1,2. You'll probably get tired pretty quickly, just take it easy for a bit. You get used to it." He got out of his seat and turned around. "Alright, we're going to split up into two groups. Lisa will take Rod and Rod with her and collect the supplies we need. Sam and Gray, you're with me. We've got some potential buyers to meet."

Now at this point you're probably thinking, why aren't they just loading up the local Google and searching for deals online? Well I mentioned the word "illegal" and the internet is always monitored for this sort of activity. So if you want to sell or buy some illegal goods, you meet the guy in person.

The tunnel came to a halt and opened up into a massive room, a sea of white and red lights reached as far as the eye could see, it extended up and down dozens of floors. Every wall honeycombed with spaces of varying size. They were brought to a specific space and their boarding ramp extended to meet an airlock in the wall. They got out, suffered through the decontamination and emerged on the other side.

A wide open space stood before them, akin to an airport terminal. It was also equally busy. Foxes, wolves, felines, avians, horses,...All manner of creatures sped back and forth, all seemingly in a hurry.

Steel grabbed Gray's shoulder, "Pay attention around here Gray, way too easy to get lost. Keep me in your sights and just follow me.", he turned to Lisa. "You know where you need to go, so let's meet back up at the hotel at the end of the day. If you get in trouble use this." He handed her a small black device with a single button. "push that and I'll come running."

They separated into opposite directions. Steel waded through a small crowd towards an elevator. They got in and he typed in the desired address. (just try fitting a couple hundred buttons in there). The lift descended rapidly accompanied by some jazz. A minute or two of staring at the door later while being assaulted by incoherently structured "music", they stepped out. (I may have worked a personal opinion in there somewhere)

They stood in a dimly lit room. Steel took his gun off his shoulder and turned off the safety. "This isn't exactly a good neighborhood, just make sure your weapons are visible and the local scum should avoid us."

Sam looked around nervously at the shadows. She reached down and opened her holster. Gray put his paw on her shoulder, "Don't worry Sam, anyone that sees Steel is gonna think twice before he tries anything." She smiled at him.

Gray continued, "Lead the way big guy!" Steel shook his head disapprovingly and headed down an adjacent corridor. "It's not too far, just a few minutes."

A few minutes later they arrived without incident at guarded door. It was flanked by a pair of bulls sporting combat gear and what looked like shotguns. One of the burly creatures raised his hand, "Hold it! What's your business?"

Steel clicked his safety back on and lifted the gun back on his shoulder, "I hear Mr. Valentine might be interested in some of our wares."

"Traders? Name?"


The bull talked quietly into, presumably, an earpiece, "You can go in, no weapons."

They handed over their weapons and submitted to a quick search. The bull searching Samantha was a bit more thorough than he needed to be, which deserved him a glare from both the males.

They were lead through a small hallway into a largish room. Thick carpet lined the floors, expensive furniture adorned the carpet and some of the furniture supported a large (read, fat) lizard. The guards left and the assumed Mr. Valentine eyed them up, "So, you have an offer for me do you? Let's have it then."

Steel took a small pad listing their inventory and handed it to the man, he read through it swiftly. "Mmmmm, not a bad little collection friend....suppose I am interested? What would it cost me?"

Steel replied, "For the whole inventory, 400 000 credits."

The lizard feigned surprise, quite badly, and exclaimed: "400?! Well that is a bit high isn't it? Nonono, I can't give you more than 300 for this."

Steel kept a level face, "If you don't feel you can afford it I understand of course, but 400 is the price. It's well under market value as is."

The lizard attempted a few more arguments and offers, but Steel remained quite adamant. Valentine sighed deeply, "Aaaah! You are an infuriating man, wolf....I have one last offer, 350 thousand and I'll collect the goods myself, today."

Steel nodded, "That is acceptable, you have a deal Mr. Valentine." He walked up to shake the scaly hand. "Here's the docking bay number, payment on collection."

They left the way they came. Gray patted Steel on the back, "Nice going big guy! He was sweating his ass off in there."

Steel replied, "I'm just glad we sold it all in one go. We've got the rest of day off now, Lisa's going to be busy with the supplies until tonight. How 'bout I buy you kids a drink?"

They were very agreeable to this plan.

Steel warned Lisa to expect the lizard's men at the dock and they headed back up to the upper levels to find themselves a somewhat less seedy looking watering hole called the "Drunken Whale", with an animated drunken whale as a sign. As they entered the clientele seemed a bit rough round the edges, but the mood was cheery. Whales were conspicuously absent.

They got a table and sat down. Steel typed his order in on the touchscreen display in front of him. An automated system brought it to them along rails in the ceiling. Steel grinned and took a large sized sip of the amber liquid that arrived, "Aaah! A good whiskey at the end of the day! What could be better?"

Gray took a mouthful his drink and coughed as the burning liquid went down his throat, "Gah! Damn that's strong stuff!!" Steel laughed out loud and slapped his back, "That's a man's drink kid, be a bit easy on it!"

Samantha took a sip, "Mmm, it's not bad this", she cleared her throat subtly, causing Steel to burst out in laughter again, "You get used to it Sammy, don't worry."

They spent some time laughing and drinking, a typical good night out between friends. (Even if one was a bit older). Steel was being particularly friendly to Sam. After a while the two younger furs were getting quite tipsy, Steel seemed quite level headed as he announced his intention to relieve himself and swiftly followed up on that, heading to the restroom.

While Steel was out in the restroom, Gray and Sam kept going. They laughed at each other's jokes and were having fun. Gray was just finishing the story about the time he was caught dancing around drunk and naked in his quarters by Elisabeth. Sam felt she'd die from the laughter.

"Dear God stop!...I can't take it anymore!" She put her paw on his arm and stroked it softly, "I never knew you were this fun to be around!" Gray froze as the paw touched him and looked her in the eyes. Sam looked back and smiled. She leant forward and kissed him. Their tongues danced for a moment until Sam spotted a grey shape approach. They sat back up straight and Steel sat down, apparently not having seen the kiss.

They stayed for an hour or so longer before deciding to hit the sack. They went over to the hotel. Drunkenly they laughed and played along the way. When reaching the hotel they found out the others had already gotten there and had gone to bed. They split up and headed to their own rooms. Sam and Gray's room were one way, Steel walked the other way.

As the pair reached Sam's door, she put her arms over the wolf's neck and kissed him again. "I know we're a bit drunk...but would you like to come in?"

The wolf, obviously, accepted the offer.

They closed the door behind them as they headed for the bed. In cliché style their clothes fell to the ground one by one along the way. They dropped down next to each other and kissed deeply. Their tongues battled as their paws explored every inch of their bodies. Sam reached down and stroked the wolf's sheath. The hidden member started slowly emerging.

Gray moaned and moved his paws down to her rump, he squeezed firmly. He broke the kiss and started licking the tigress' neck, moving down to her breasts. Sam gasped as the warm wet flesh ran over her nipples, she gripped his growing meat and stroked it gently.

Gray looked at her, "Can we do it my way this time?"

"How's that?" Sam licked his muzzle.

Gray grinned, "Like a wolf of course."

She grinned with him. She licked him again and positioned herself on all fours, facing him. She wagged her rump seductively, her pussy clearly visible. "Come and get it doggy.", she laughed loudly.

Gray sat on his knees behind her and stroked her folds with his paw. She stopped laughing and purred, "Ugh!...that's a good boy.". Gray leant forward and ran his tongue over her pussy, she purred again "Mmm, keep doing that please."

Gray complied and lapped his tongue over her lips, extracting a satisfied groan. He continued licking, using his paws to rub the tigress' rump. He licked harder as he dug his way into the soft, pink flesh. Her folds parted slowly as the wolf's tongue entered his mate.

Sam grabbed the sheets tightly as the felt the hot flesh squirming its way inside of her. She pushed back, trying to get him deeper still. As Gray caressed her insides, she squirmed in pleasure. She reached back with one paw and spread her cheeks.

Gray went as deep as he could go and swirled his tongue around, one paw found its way to her clit, which he rubbed gently. He increased the pace as he went along. The tigress's juices flowed freely into his mouth, he lapped them up eagerly, her sweet taste drived him on.

Sam moaned as she pushed back, her orgasm knocking on the door.

"OH!...Almost there...don't you dare stop!"

He didn't. Sam bit her tongue and almost tore the sheets apart as she came. A gush of juices flowed in to Gray's mouth, who happily lapped them up. As she came down from her high a bit she looked back at the wolf,

"Are you gonna breed me now or what?" She grinned broadly.

Wasting no time, the young wolf got up on his knees and lined up his, now rock hard, cock. He pushed forward, the way made easy by his squirming tongue. He soon felt his knot bump at her entrance. One thing he knew for certain, he would be damned if he didn't knot this girl.

He began thrusting his meat in and out of the young tigress. Taking up a medium pace, he leant forward and grabbed her swaying tits. He licked her face and nipped at her neck. Sam panted hoarsely under his attention. She began meeting his thrusts, the knot bumped at her entrance and his balls made slight slapping sounds. Sam cried out in pleasure,

"Ugh! YES!...fuck me just like that...breed me!"

Gray pinched the girl's nipples as her tits swayed back and forth, pulling on them. He was pounding her pussy now, knot slowly forcing its way in. It shouldn't be long now. As he realised this he whispered in her ear,

"I'm going to fill you up Sam, I'm going to breed you like a bitch!"

He bit down on her neck as he gave it all his worth, their bodies thrashing in a primitive dance. Sam was almost pushed over the edge by his animal display of lust. His knot slammed her pussy and forced its way inside with an audible plop.

Sam convulsed around his cock, wracked with an intense orgasm. She screamed as she came. Gray pumped her full of his seed, strands of thick cum covered her insides and splashed into her womb. He humped her for half a minute longer, his orgasm prolonged by the feral nature of his breeding.

As he finally got down from his high, he leant forward and licked his mate's muzzle, she licked him back. Sam tried moving forward, but the knot was locked in place. She looked back, surprised. They erupted in laughter, their drunkenness reasserting itself. They fell down, spooning. As they lay giggling on the bed, locked together, they exchanged licks and Gray teased her nipples.

The knot finally died down and he withdrew, stumbling to his feet in a combination of sexual high and alcohol, "I guess I better get back to my room. I don't want Steel to figure us out like this." Sam nodded, "That's probably a good idea...see you tomorrow , mate."

Gray blinked at the term, "Ehm...yeah. Sleep tight...mate." He smiled stupidly.

He got back to the dark hall and headed down the corridor to his room, just a few doors down around the corner. He walked on drunkenly. As he turned the corner, he bumped into something big and hard. He stumbled back and looked Steel.

"So, you look like you've been having fun." Steel pointed at Gray's messy clothes.

"Steel?! Hey!....what are you doing here?" Gray replied, startled.

"Question is what are you doing coming from Sam's room? Doesn't take a genius to guess that." Steel looked the much smaller wolf in the eye, arms crossed. "If you were taking advantage of that drunken girl, you've got something coming to you little wolf!"

"What?! No!'s not like that." Gray stumbled

"Well then what is it like Gray?!", Steel growled threateningly.

"She..I....we're mates now, Steel."

"Mates?! " Steel seemed taken aback by this. "If you're lying boy I swear I'll rip your arms off so fast..."

"I'm not lying!" Gray looked the large wolf in the eye.

Steel looked at the black wolf in front of him, his gazed seemed to pierce into his skull.

"Well then why aren't you staying in her room?"

Gray's ears flattened and he looked at the ground, "We figured you wouldn't be happy to see it. I mean you sort of have a thing for her right?"

Steel sighed, his head dropped down, "....well I know now might as well go be with your...mate."

The big wolf headed back outside, head and shoulders hanging. He left Gray standing there, half drunk and bewildered. He thought about going after him, but decided that he probably wanted to be alone for a bit. He went back to Sam's room.

Steel wandered the streets alone, probably not the safest thing to do in a place like this even for a guy as big as him. He bought some liquor, deciding to get properly drunk. He wandered in to the local red light district and sought consolation in the arms of a young vixen girl. He left an hour later, clothes messed up and his fly undone. He wandered around some more.

As he walked through some narrow streets, taking the occasional drink, he came across a small alley to the left. He heard loud muffled voices and shuffling about. He should have probably kept walking, but he didn't care about himself at this stage. He leant against the wall and listened in on a conversation between two men. A clang of metal was heard.

"Be careful with that!", exclaimed the first voice. A low rumble in his tone suggested a tiger.

The other, lighter voice responded in a hushed voice, "Lower your voice! This is not the time to draw any attention."

The first voice proceeded, more quietly now. "Fine, just don't hit that bloody bomb against the wall like that again!"

Steel's ears perked at this snippet of information.

"It's not a bomb, it's an EMP* charge. If it went off it wouldn't hurt us a bit."

The lower voice, slightly louder again, "But those damned Imperials will! I don't want to figure out what happens when we mess up their plans!"

"Just be quiet and arm the blasted thing. 10 hours, 33!"

"It's set. Now let's get the hell off this planet and spend the money somewhere that isn't going to get invaded soon.", the tiger voice sounded agitated.

"They didn't say anything about invading?" The lighter voice seemed surprised.

"Well why do you think that big wig with the Imperial uniform told us to arm an EMP right smack beneath one of the power distribution centres of a major FFC planet?"

"That's what that is?....ah fuck it, who cares? Let's just cover it up and get the hell out of here."

Steel heard the rustling of fabric and the patter of footsteps, running away in the other direction. He headed into the small alley, filth lined the floor. He rounded a corner and there was a small black heap of fabric on the ground. He lifted one end and saw the metal beneath. An Imperial M-99, he'd seen them before. It could knock out every circuit in a two mile radius.

"Ah fuck....this day just keeps getting better huh?"

He got up and did two things. First he used his communicator to contact the planetary security force, telling them his location and that he'd found a bomb. (no need to confuse the good people with details). Someone at bomb disposal would figure it out and know he was dealing with Imperial military tech. Only 7 years after the war, they'd be raising alarms all over the place.

Secondly, he pressed his alarm button. This set of an alarm on his companion's communicators telling them to get to the ship as fast as possible. He didn't stick around for the cops to get there and headed back.

As he arrived at the ship an hour later, the rest of the party was there already. Rod and Rod looked alert, their weapons at the ready. Gray had his arm around Sam and held her close to him protectively. Lisa rushed Steel, her voice tense, "What's going on Steel?...have you been drinking?", she smelled the alcohol on his breath.

Steel responded, "Yes, I have." His calm voice in contradiction with that fact, "We need to get the hell out of here as fast as we can."

"Why?! What's wrong? I haven't even finished loading up the supplies.", she was flabbergasted.

"I'll explain on the ship, now move it!", Steel's authority asserted itself and he herded everyone onto the cargo ship."

He sat down in the seat and went through the necessary crap to get his ship transported through the tunnels. As they sped to the surface, he explained the situation in detail.

Gray spoke up, "The Imperials are attacking Iridia?! You mean they're going to start another war?!"

Steel turned back at Gray, still with his arm around Sam. "Looks like it, yes. We're getting out of this system as fast as possible. The charge was going off in 10 hours, the fleet should be here sooner. They'll be preparing the attack outside of effective sensor range, right around where our ship is sitting."

This realisation stunned the party momentarily. Lisa cleared her throat, "Well then get a move on Commander, every minute counts."

Steel wasted no time as the ship reached the surface and lifted off. As soon as they were free from the atmosphere, Lisa sent a message to the ship's bridge to prepare the Hawking drive for an emergency jump to the nearest system. The three hour flight back to the ship was silent, everyone sitting tensely. Samantha held on to Gray, comforted by his protective attitude. Lisa looked at them, glancing a smile their way.

They reached the Survivor and docked quickly. As they passed through the airlocks, they saw red lights flashing everywhere. A general alarm had been sounded. Lisa called into the bridge on her communicator to ask why. Her face froze as she listened.

She cleared her throat and turned to the rest of the group.

"They're here."