A good day

Story by Artemis Snowtail on SoFurry

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The kitten mewed as he woke up in the alleyway and sat up. He had a dream that he was safe and warm with someone who cared about him.

"ahh if only" he sighed as he stretched, looking down at his brown furred skin and bones body. He stood up and walked over to the dumpster and started scavenging through it. "hmm" he grabbed a half eaten sandwich and sat down with his back against the wall, lifting it to his mouth and taking a bite, then another.

"mmm not bad, considering..." he trailed off as he finished the sandwich and purred softly, walking to the road. He bounded across the street, dodging cars and busses

"eeee!" he squealed as he leaped over the hood of a car, his tail flowing out behind him as he ran into the trees of the forest.

"gahh that was too close" he panted, leaning over and then looking up, hearing a noise.

"mroowr?" his eyes locked onto a feral bird in a tree. He licked his lips as he slowly crawled up towards his prey, climbing silently. He reached out slowly toward the unsuspecting bird. He purred with victory as he grabbed the bird with one paw and sank his fangs in to it's neck, causing instant death.

He happily chewed on it and giggled, letting the blood swish around inside his mouth and then finished with the rest of the bird and stabbing through the bones, adding them onto a necklace he had.

"mmm" he held up a small mirror he carried with him in a pouch around his waist and held it up, looking in and turning his head slowly, admiring his necklace

"Ooh stylish" he giggled again and looked around. He started walking again and purred, not noticing the shadowy figure behind him. Suddenly the figure grabbed him from behind, wrapping it's arms tight around the kittens small chest.

"guess who kitty cat!" it yelled as he spun the cat around, revealing himself to be a cute smiling wolf with large black feathered wings and grayish fur

"Roland!" the cat said as he wrapped his arms around Roland's broad shoulders.

"sup Artemis?" the wolf smiled and held his paws. The cat blushed and replied

"I think you've already heard what I've been doing" the wolf nodded slowly

"Are you gonna scold me for it?" the wolf shook his head

"quite the opposite in fact" the wolf smiled and pulled the cat gently by the paw and said

"come with me" the cat shrugged and trotted after him, watching the tail slowly sway back and forth. The wolf led him to a secluded area where no one was around, then said

"I know what you've been up to and I want in on it"

"wh..what?" the confused cat replied, staring at the wolf. He handed the cat a fifty dollar bill and smiled deviously.

"I want you" he slipped the cat's paws onto his large bulge

"o-oh!" the cat blushed deeply as he gently squeezes slowly

"mmm that's good" the wolf smiled as he slowly pushed the cat onto his knees

"I think you know what to do" he murred out as the cat unbuttons his pants, gently inhaling the musk being let out of the wolf's jeans, causing him to shiver as he pulled down the pants to around his furry knees. The cat blushed as he slowly dragged his tongue up and down the wolf's sheath

"R-Roland you taste really good"

He blushed deeper as he saw the tip poking out

"thank y-you" the wolf replied as a long moan came out while his length extended and his knot revealed itself

"y-you're so big..I dunno if I can fit you in my mouth" he nervously wrapped his paws around the knot and slowly placed his muzzle over the tip and slowly moved his head downwards, allowing it to push into his mouth, causing loud murrs to be heard from the wolf.

Slowly gaining confidence, the cat started sucking up and down, feeling pre leak into his maw. The wolf put his paws on the cats head and slowly pushed him down, causing a loud whimper to come from the feline as the tip slid down his throat, shutting his eyes and bobbing his head up and down fast, more pre shooting into his mouth and throat.

The wolf let whines of pleasure flow from his mouth as he threw his head back as he pressed his back against the wall, allowing the cat to suck harder and harder

"mmmm!!" the cat pushed his paws against the wolf's hips.

"shh don't worry kitty, I'm almost there!" the wolf howled as he started filling the cat's throat with his warm seed. The cat pulled away and coughed, spitting cum onto the floor. The wolf smiled and gently petted the cat as he pulled up his pants.

"was I good?" the cat asked as he looked up at the wolf's face.

"yes sweetie, you were very good" he replied, smiling softly. He pulled the cat to his feet

"so where are living?"

"n-nowhere right now" the cat nervously said

"well why don't you come live with me?" the wolf smiled, causing the cat to blush deeply.


"mhmm if you want to" the cat nodded quickly and wrapped his arms tightly around the wolf's chest and buried his face into the canine's furry neck.

"thank you Rol, that means a lot to me" the small cat hopped up so that the wolf was supporting all of his weight.

"will you take me to your home right now?" he asked, hoping to get there soon.

"sure, right now" the wolf smiled and flapped his wings, slowly taking off.

"eeeee!!!" the cat squealed and clung to the wolf's torso, burying his face into Roland's neck, mewling in terror.

"shhh" Roland held the cat close to him as he soared and smiled

"first time flying kitten?" Roland asked, holding the terrified cat tightly. The cat nodded and kept his eyes tight shut.

"well it's almost over" the wolf smiled as he landed outside of a medium sized house.

"open your eyes kitten"

Artemis shook his head, mewing softly.

"heh, okay sweetie" Roland giggled and carried him into the house.

"welcome home kitten" he whispered as he carried the cat through the front door

"would you like to sleep sweetie?" the cat nodded as Roland carried him into the bedroom and laid him gently down on the bed.

"good night, sweet kitten" Roland said as he walked out and turned of the light.