Invasion CH 6: Taking one for the team
#9 of Invasion
Commissioned by Videogame30 and kindly typed by Sangaire. These are the two who make dream...
Commissioned by Videogame30 and kindly typed by Sangaire. These are the two who make dreams come true.
Ch 6: Taking one for the team How splendorous are the hanging fruits on a slumbering rose. Jay could admire them all morning if it wasn't for the harsh interruption which was a loud knock at his master's door. A wake-up call done in cruel taste, for his juicy view was now obstructed by questions and those prideful loving eyes that could be posessed by none other.
Pretty harbinger of desire--oh how he was loftily tempted accordingly. No thought came to him as a nostalgic bliss wafted through him like a yonder dream. In some strange way, Pahygzes had come to embody every pleasant memory in Jay's past. Perhaps it was that constant gentle warmth, but he couldn't really be certain beyond a few vague emotions that were nearly impossible to place a name upon. Instead, he would just have to take this gift as it had been offered: a new day in love.
What a precious thought that was, as he came to contemplating his situation while admiring that plump sheath as though a stuffed under-cooked sausage. The mere sight of it made his mouth water and he hadn't even put the male package to his lips. Pahygzes seemed to look on, fawning for attention like a favorite pet. "I'd ask what you wanted for breakfast, but I think I already know." The stallion chuckled out quite amused.
An early meal could not undermine his gay hunger for a horse's cock! "The lust you've put in me, it would take a great deal to satisfy is with the meat that a male horse offers." Jay whispered, leaning his head down to lick all over the salty fuzz-shrouded cowl and balls as though it were a meal by themselves. "I would require...." Then he blushes and hesitates, knowing what he asks: "refreshment." An intentional vie for the horse man's rich seed as a hot drink! While another person might have tea, coffee, or juice, Jay would be happily enthralled to down some potent steamy cum as a beverage.
Pahygzes purred quite contentedly, putting up with the worship for several minutes before finding his duty. "I'll have a meal brought up to us and then afterwards you will be attending your class again while daddy see's to the logistics for distribution of supplies as well as make my report to the emperor." Come to think of it, he'd never met this emperor but had always been shy to see what the guy was alike even though he was too shy to admit the fact.
Instead, he fed his curiosity with an avid imagination while the admiral sent a courier to the kitchen to retrieve some food they could share. Ehlosians had an appetite for a hundred things more than humans could safely eat, including various grasses and mildly poisonous leaves brought form the home world. The local delicacy that the aliens seemed to have fallen in love with was the sweet grass of Kentucky, which was no coincidence.
So to have some common ground, Pahygzes settled on having a meal that both of them could share. The only thing lacking was Jay's inability to metabolize plants into protein like herbivores, but the stallion had an ample supply waiting and all the human had to do was suck it form the source like a common spunk-hungry mare whore. Perhaps some people might find the act demeaning, but he had to do something to maintain his muscle mass and he hardly thought the horses would go through the mass amount of bullshit that it took to cultivate soy plants. Not when cum was just as good for the daily requirement!
While waiting in a boring expanse of time, he was allowed to rake his fingers through and play with the elegant tail while the stud earnestly asked him questions about his former life with those fuzzy pink ears attentively cocked in his direction. Surprisingly, none of the queries had anything to do with sex but more commonly things he loved to do or keep. "No, never in the military but I had friends who served. Back then that was more of a police force for global actions like the old GSG-9. It was only in the last ten years that most defense forces were disbanded except for dealing with terrorists or seceding nations run by dictators. Wait...why am I pouring my life story out for you?" Then he bit his tongue, finding the last part rude and an affront to his master.
He expected some punishments to me meted out for the insolence, but Phaygzes surprised him with a warm fond chuckle instead. "Your right of course, intimacy demands detail from both partners. I'd be happy to tell you about myself if you like. There a lot to say so I'll keep it all brief." Actually he looked forward to that. While it felt in his heart that he'd know the horse forever, he could claim very few facts that he actually knew aside from what he'd picked up in unspoken cues.
In a sudden swoop, the horse grabbed him and shifted to sit Jay on his giant lap, exploiting the chance to nibble on his hair and rub his nipples. "Before I start, I want to tell you that you are no coward. On your international coalition file, it said you refused military service on personal grounds unspecified. To your friends and government that says coward. To any ehlosian that has sense in their head, that says character and conviction. The true cowardice is to give into pressure and do something unfounded in comparison to your own honor." Phaygzes mused thoughtfully, his voice as gentle as silk. This admission actually surprised him as he hadn't given the insubordination much thought. Sure, it was more difficult to get a job after the incident but he didn't want to learn how to shoot someone no matter how bad they might be or noble the cause for causing death.
The horse began his tirade by taking a long breath in preparation and it was by this dramatic indication that Jay would hear something that the stallion wouldn't confide in anyone else that he knew as it could be damaging to his image as acting commander. "My father.... he thought it prudent to the families success that I continue the family tradition of going to officer school to serve the next emperor as every male member had done in centuries past. I wanted no part of it. I am and always will be a poet and lover at heart. It was an impossible fantasy as long as my clan curved favor with the leaders. Without much choice in the matter, I did as we expected and was given a great fluke of life: this job. I call it a curse, father a blessing, but no one in my family ever aspired this high. Not merely a general but a commander of fleets! I suppose our dutiful combat record spoke far more than my minor amount of experience on the job." A strange thought came to him: if anyone could be considered human it would be this horse.
After all what man or woman could not contest to hearing a similar story of broken dreams and sacrifice for the silly pride of a public image. Jay had seen such a thing happen countless times; Phaygzes was no soulless alien, he was a brother in pain. "He must be proud of his son now." The human offered tentatively, trying to break the awkwardness. Perhaps nothing would. Sensitive souls so shattered never healed easily, he knew from experience with gay friends pretending in order to be liked by their own fathers.
"Such is blasphemy but I will say it: his pride should have died with him along with this conqueror's dynasty. Don't you see, Jay love? My chivalrous generation has no holds on the younger troops. While we think of our slaves as equals fulfilling a needed purpose, the young only view your kind as disposable trophies to deflower and throw away. I will make the blow to your people as gentle as possible, but our sons have lost that intimate respect my father did embrace and value in good stallions. Kindness afforded a fallen enemy is a dying flame, for no trace of warmth follows it." Perhaps it made became a frightening revelation.
On top of that thought he was actually surprised by how depressing the conversation had turned. In all the time that he'd been with his shiny ivory protector, there was no hint of these concerns on the equines mind nor did he expect them to come to the surface in such an unexpected confession. Fortunately at least, breakfast did finally arrive as a proper distraction from all of those pacing woes.
A deep bowl roughly the size of half of his body was brought before them by a shy communal mare with brown fur and then left alone again just as quickly. The platter was filled with a sampling of various fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, but the chef must be a close confidant as there was a sizeable portion of Phaygzes favorite foods: the tiny ears of corn.
A strange fare for a horse to like, but it clearly filled him with a certain delight as he grabbed each singly and devoured it with murmurs of pleasure. Compared to earlier, eating together was a relaxing event as they both grabbed things out to nible on in a steady silence of wet crunches. Once they had eaten their fill but not enough to be greedy with it and make themselves ill, it was time for class and Phaygzes left the bowl behind to be dealt with by the servants of the ship.
On this ship, the fortress of a warlord, he could imagine that the only servants were mares and the only humans allowed would be the ones expressly belonging to one specific officer. While they had taken some silly risks with the admirals safety, it seemed in this case the horse took it more seriously.
A soldier in the form-fitting armor accosted them on the way to obedience school and when Phaygzes asked to the nature of the problem, the armored steed simply twisted on his heels and showed off a very vulnerable chink in his protective suit; his but naked and glistening in all its black and white paint glory. Apparently the fifth seargo armor application field was malfunctioning. The admiral giggles and promised to have something done about it while the sight surprised Jay: apparently all horses were naked under the suits as it was to tight to allow the loincloths.
As before the trip to the sex school was very quick and prompt. Rather than push him in and abandon him inside like the first time, his owner knelt down and kissed him on the lips before leaving Jay in the lingering warmth of the sweet sour horsie breath. It took a moment staring at the locked door in dumbstruck bliss before he could manage to collect himself for the class and turn himself about.
Aside from the students he recognized from last time, there were a few new ones that he hadn't seen before. Jay promptly took an empty seat and waited patiently for the naked mare to start her lesson plan. Surprisingly though, she led the way in a mass exodus like a mother duck right to a nearby room with a huge aquarium looking thing filled with an unmoving blue goop, like hardened jello.
Beside the tank was a pair of goggles attached to a grey wire leading to some odd alien computer terminal. Frankly he didn't know what to make of such a sight. Gawking at it in confusion with everyone else, the mare started a formal description of this scientific torture device. "Welcome to the next level class. When a master finds his mare lacking in experience for entertaining multiple partners at once, he books an opening in the schedule to throw her into this thing. I introduce you to the ships gang-bang simulator! While your body is penetrated in all viable holes by multi phallic imitating tentacles and played with all over like caressing hands, the visor is programmed with various holographic porn movies from mare perspective to make the whole experience as real as possible. And.....the best part is your partners never tire, but we are here to time each of your limits. It takes two hours at least to be qualified as a party slave, but I don't expect that from any of you. Ten minutes will be satisfactory. Questions?" After a description so awful and frightening, he'd be surprised if anyone actually did.
It turned out to be one of the new guys; apparently curious what would be going into his body to bugger him. "And what cock will we be taking?" To Jay, such a question seemed irrelevant after the day he had yesterday on the fuck machine.
Still the teacher seemed more than happy to indulge it. "They will be equine, but much smaller and gentler than the normal thing. As I stressed in the previous classes, this is a place of careful training; everyone enrolled is to be stretched in a long-term nonviolent painless way until they can be adequately ready for the honeymoon. For those who fully transform before usage by their owners, the hymens will also be broken here to keep pain and discomfort minimal." That last bit scared the whole lot of them nearly to death. Clearly, they wanted no part in this fate of losing their proud masculinity for a pussy as a slut slave.
For his part in it, he didn't know how to feel about the situation; envy that he'd be nothing like the other sex slaves or lucky that he could keep his shape and gender even long past the point that everyone else had lost theirs. More than likely it would just be one of those things that ate at him until he could reconcile realities with regret. Jay just hoped that the horses wouldn't suddenly decide later on to put him in some kind of zoo.
While he prepared himself for what would undoubtedly mean rape from a hundred of angles, the teacher went on. "While all of you will have basically the same things done to your bodies, your stallions have programmed a personal fantasy into the visor for you to watch and interact with." That was news to him; he'd never heard of interactive porn and grew more than a bit curious over what Pahygzes planned for him. That personal touch might actually make tentacle rape more acceptable.
The first thing on everyone's mind was likely to be who would go on this carnal carnival ride first. Jay had shown uncanny bravery for a great many things but even he lacked the kind of courage it took to be immersed in what could be described as a tank of blue snot! It was then that the mare surprised everyone by giving them all a taste of the tentacle tank simultaneously. "Before we begin it is best to note that the goo fouls easily but is far more difficult to sanitize so you will give the ship permission to take its fertilizer/food source directly as to be completely clean for the training." The mare saw fit to demonstrate first my tapping the wall twice and then bending over with her butt pressed against it.
Jay could only look on in horror as a grey tentacle shot right up her butt and rapidly cleaned her insides before retreating. "Most of you will get to know this procedure if your stallion is picky about cleanliness of you have constipation. I assure you it's harmless...and quite satisfying." She mused as an afterthought with a lick of black lips. He had trouble believing it, but had never experienced such violation before to really know or make a judgment on it.
It would have been fine if the whole business of writhing slime things didn't remind him of snails and slugs, but it couldn't really be helped. Psychologically, he had inexplicable barriers against such a thing even if the teacher had proven to them that it was all safe and harmless if a bit lacking intimacy. Of course intimacy, comfort, and personal space were things not really given to slaves; who should expect to be filled by something at any minute.
None of the other guys wanted to be violated either but there wasn't any choice. Jay could guess that a stubborn pet would be met by force to do whatever was expected. It really wasn't all that much of a stretch to assume that the teacher had friends on call to better 'help' the men accept being trained by flailing slimy limbs.
Either not wanting to be thought of as afraid or had figured out the consequences on their own, the other trickled to the far wall and submitted themselves for a cleaning until he was the only one left. Under threat of being seen as pampered and helpless by the rest, it was now his turn and he had set to prepare his mind for that immediate rape.
The others had yelled, moaned, screamed, or stayed silent with mouths open in ecstasy. He wondered how he might react and if it would be the kind of humiliating thing that earned people derogatory nicknames. As he suffered his way slowly to the wall, he notices the silver ooze leaking down their thighs. It must be annoying to continue to dribble that slime out after being emptied out; transparent stuff looked like dirty K-Y jelly.
Under a faltering ocean of stares, he nervously tapped the warm grey material twice and bent over to press his ass right against it like trying to sit down the wrong way. As he expected, the effect was immediate since the ship apparently wanted his 'fuel' quite badly. First it raised against his ass and made a perfect mold while searching for his one area of vulnerability. Once the slime had what it was looking for, something wet and warm jabbed into his body like a warm prehensile tongue, burying itself deeply in his guts several feet until it could secure its prize....then it slithered out like a snake made out of formless squishy jelly with some lumps and was gone from his ass as quickly as it started.
There was also some anesthetic quality to the slime since he could feel that his asshole was stretched far wider than normal and allowed him to leak the last traces on his legs and floor like the others. Well everyone except the mare whom showed off an amazing tenacity for anal control that proved difficult to imagine.
What astonished him most though was that there were far few people actually willing to go in the tank. Some could not get past the idea of having sex with tentacles but the cleansing had made a lot of the guys into believers. When one donned the glasses and stood by the tank, apparently it was taken as a signal to start. Everyone present started out as a goopy blue wave lurched out the top and grabbed him inside with one sinuous devouring strike like a hungry unthinking amoeba. He was quickly fucked in his face with a breathing tube/cock as his body became immersed in the uniform unchanging slime like he was hovering on a string.
Because all the goo was one unanimous color and not one particle was out of place, it looked like the man inside was being molested by countless invisible partners. All that could really be noticed was the various distortions and compressions of his skin or how his legs and buttocks were separated and everyone could see the insides of his rectum after a thick tentacle went in..or so we assumed.
Things inside were mostly muted, but gasps and grunts of pleasure could be heard to come out the top where the oxygen was being funneled through to keep the submersed human alive and conscious. At least they were pleasant noises as if the naked man in his bronze and pink collar was having a blast with being treated in this manner.
A blush came across the captive's cheeks and jay watched in awe while the crotch area became slightly clouded with several sudden squirts of cum as the suspended body writhed and whimpered, muscles creased intensely from the force of the unexpected orgasm. Taking what it wanted, the tentacles ejected him gently onto the floor all wet and slimy, digesting his cum until the 'water' became transparent and clear again.
It was only then that Jay realized the blue gel had been a different life form than the ship. Where the ship fed on waste and manure for sustenance, the formless puddle of blue stuff wanted sexual secretions; likely adapting through generations to perfectly harvest seminal or vaginal fluid form its prey and to induce simulation where necessary.
He was not a person who looked at hentai, so Jay didn't even know how to respond to such a curiosity. Alien parasites that lived off the bodily functions of other animals? Not since vampire bats and leeches had he heard of such a thing, but at least this relationship the horses shared with the creatures was more symbiotic in nature than in other cases where one of a pair of partners was getting ripped off.
Didn't take too much thinking to figure out how the slime in the tank benefitted either. One got a meal and the other got an unbelievable orgasm that must last much longer than normal. Now that he thought about it, he became curious over exactly what the tentacle thing does to make someone cum so much in one shot.
After a steady stream of volunteers was liberated of their essence, more reluctant males were basically forced to keep the line moving. Again it didn't really surprise Jay that he was last. The men were forced to shoving each other into bondage like playful mules but all of that horseplay ceased when it came to his turn. It was like he lived separately in an untouchable world and they dared not offend him for fear of visiting his masters wrath.
Being a spoiled whore was one thing, but he had actual power to hide behind. It gave him a strange feeling of being a mafia don's virgin daughter, if anyone hurt him, they could wake up with something gross in their bed at the very least. Maybe that wasn't quite accurate but he undoubtedly picked up on this aura of untouchability surrounding him. Not even the teacher felt as comfortable around him as she did others...perhaps a real fear she might lose this prestigious job.
He wasn't an idiot about that either, anyone who curried favor with so many high ranking officers would surely have the connections to go far. Though he couldn't imagine what kinds of dreams sex ed. Teacher might have, the mare demonstrated ambition for being here and leading a class.
Knowing what was waiting, he grabbed the goggles and stood beside the tank. Putting them over his face and covering his nose, he tried to relax for what happened. The program hadn't started yet, so it was more like being blindfolded. In the lingering moment he stood there, he wondered if anything would even happen.
Just as bright light flooded his eyes, a sudden heavy warmth crashed down on him like warmed mud and pulled his feet off the floor. He became dizzy and disoriented for a second or two as he got flipped around. Then he suffocated for a bit until his panicked gasping introduced a tentacle cock into his mouth that let him breathe, and strangely inconceivable, it was salty and tasted just like musky dirty male horse!
The flavor was so vivid, he could convince himself it was almost real. While floating in the womb like warmth of the tentacle beast, his vision cleared and let him look at a hologram but it was his master, ever so perfect and almost alive right in his face, that pink cock gently pounding in his mouth.
A gentle touch separated his buttocks and pushed his legs apart. When jay turned his head backwards, there was that pretty appaloosa stud he'd met at the fair and practically fell in love with. The leopard horse smiled and licked his lips, stroking a giant ebony cock and slapping it playfully on the top of his butt like burnt equine salami and making the human blush in response.
Though his mind knew where he was, his eyes lied and did a damn fine job of convincing the rest of him! An inevitable groan left his lips when he felt the blunt slimy tip of the black whore tentacock beginning to prod into his ass with the same warmth as the 'room' he was located in. The appaloosa was impaled almost to the hilt and continued to grind against him as if some fervent oiled piston of malehood.
While he was taken by the two cocks, a new sensation started on his cock and forced jay to look down in wonder. Between his legs looking up ever coyly was a grey mare with her black lips locked in a tight sucking seal around his whole shaft. The intensity of her eager warm muzzle left him shuddering in pleasure.
All of this just felt and looked so good but as much as he wanted to cum, the tentacles wouldn't let him. Crucially they stopped everything when he was close and the hologram's participants also ceased their movements until the ooze continued to play with the human. Now he understood how the goo managed to milk out such a volume from the other men; it wanted every drop in one go and knew how to manipulate a horny pleasure-starved body to do it.
As desperately as he tried to hump his cock in the unending slime, The stubborn pretty mare under him refused to satisfy his needful urge to orgasm. Without further attention to his prostate or cock, his climax subsided back to the same dull horny ache that it had started; only the occasional merciful suckle or ram into his butt managing to keep him hart at all.
To be given oral by a mare was fun though, as he could scarcely remember getting head from any horse as far as he could remember. Then again, some aspects of his memory were remarkably short lived.
Whether he was allowed head form her or not, he was still not allowed to actually thrust in and out as his body was undoubtedly locked in place by the congealed vat of horse fragranced slime. Jay didn't realize I, but that was the intent to the make a slave helpless and have no control in any sexual situation no matter who was using them.
Some mutations of the milking goo could have eventually been cultured until some movement was allowable, but it was decided this current strain did the best job of teaching sex slaves their true place. The visor itself was added as an afterthought to help calm reluctant slaves from struggling and causing undue stress and damage upon their bodies.
After nearing another intense release only to be suddenly denied, he couldn't help but feel anything else besides frustrated and anger. Jay felt teased as if some hungry animal and the treat that he wanted most of all...that he EARNED with silly tricks....was being offered by a demented and unruly child right before him.
Despite his annoyance at being denied, he looked up briefly and was rewarded by the cheerful expression of his master and those same lovely blue eyes that he could never take for granted. The cock in his mouth tasted wonderful and though he knew what it really was, Jay was lost in this fantastical fantasy of domineering equine sex. It was only then that he noticed what was wrong with this picture; there was no sound. It was like a 3D movie had been muted and that was weird.
Eventually he got used to the nagging difference enough to enjoy this without feeling awkward but it was just one more detail that what he was seeing wasn't real. By force of concentration, he managed to read the stallions pert pink lips to get some impression of what his owner was saying. Mostly encouragement and happy murmurs but on occasion he gave orders to someone holding a camera or the appaloosa as they surely must be pounding some helpless mare together to make the super imposed imagery to his eyes more real.
Things intensified like a machine increasing its tempo, the pounding in his ass going far deeper and faster than it had before. Were he not so horny this might have been a bit more debilitating though he managed to weather the cock beating up his untrained ass. He got a fair few gropes and pinches on his ass while pink thick heavy balls hammered against his chin with every sinuous thrust through his lips.
It didn't take long to enjoy this rough treatment either. He swore he could feel every detail and vein on each cock as they bounced around in his body like wriggling water balloons filled with hot fluid. Even the mouth under him had the graceful tongue and firm lips to wag all over his erect and comparatively unimpressive dick.
Then things suddenly got changed up as two more horny muscled horses entered the room! One appeared to me a Clydesdale with the familiar and unique fluffy 'bracelets' and fetters, while the other one was a black Andalusia with a curvy long mane like a gypsy or an ostentatious Spanish duke. Jay could only blush further as both of his hands was each put on one of their giant towers of cock as he trusteed in and out against his curled fingers and palm as though using a flesh jack sleeve.
Oddly enough he found this new revelation more degrading than actually being fucked. It felt kind of insulting, but it wasn't as if he could complain since he was already busy with 'entertaining' two others to even contemplate the idea of double dicking with humongous horsey cock! Pretty soon with four mighty stallion organs out and going crazy all around him, Jay lost all sense of where he was or what he was doing as a kind of sexual zen came over him and he went with it.
He couldn't move his hands; that wasn't allowed. But he felt every bit of saggy foreskin crumple in his palms and fingers like it was folding satin. At the highest apex of their excited thrusts, the two new horses couldn't have been farther from his head than a foot or so. Jay gave each of those smug over satisfied grinning faces a curious glance before confusing all attention and devotion on the one that he should have in the first place.
His master stood out nobly apart from everything else if only because Jay doted on every breath, quirk, and smell that made him so hypnotically beautiful and unique. Such a glorious sight of brilliant ivory to focus on as though a unicorn even as an un-flared phallus nudged it's way in and out of his lips like a plump bratwurst that couldn't make up its mind on whether or not it wanted to be eaten.
Not long into his admiration, he felt them going off sporadically one at a time like stud cannons. The clyde came first and showered his face and slender back with a hot rain of pattering droplets. Then was the Andalusian, a white spray tangling itself in his hair like an assault of bird droppings. The appaloosa followed suit and filled his ass with a gallon of steamy horse breeding slime. Pahygzes....oh that wonderful wonderful Fabio of horseflesh...he came then and filled jay's belly almost to the brim with his creamy love juice almost like a satisfying soup.
Finally...praise be to was his own turn as the mare under his body did her job and quickly got him to the edge once again. Considering all that happened before, it wasn't all that hard; all his lustful gayness had done most of the work for her! His master dropped to his belly and bent his head over lower to have a kiss with him as the horny female underneath did her greedy best to harvest all the cum out of him as speedily as was possible.
So much going through his mind and even though he knew he was just floating in an amniotic pool of sentient tentacles, it was nay impossible not to enjoy all the things that had been done to him or convince his own body otherwise that what had truly happened was far more disgusting than he's like to admit. Without warning, the inside of the mare's mouth turned into a super tight stroking virgin pussy with suction that threatened to pull his balls out through his urethra. It was still that same shy grinning face but he could tell that the tentacles had lost patience and would do anything to get his seminal fluid out.
As he bucked and writhed in the tantalizing virgin muzzle the appaloosa's cock turned into an enormous aneros prostate toy at least ten times bigger than normal and gave his man hut quite a severe beating. He knew he owed the vat its due payment but did it suddenly have to play so hard?! For each time he put even an inch of his manhood into those coy lips he wondered is the 'mare' would ever let him go; the treatment an over his more sensitive areas could best be called barbaric now that the goo was no longer being gentle.
Even trying to resist out of spite had its difficulties. Because this was a monster that fed on the sexuality of most mammals, that proved a monumental task. Instead, while he managed to resist and fight back a bit, the sex creature ultimately had its way with him and when it changed shape to an anal canal far tighter than was possible to have in real life; Jay knew his resistance would be measure by a matter of seconds and not minutes.
The sucking anus now worked him like a cow milker, bouncing up and down his cock with a ferocity moaning, now, truly trapped in that cruel tentacle maw as it sought to empty him of all his essence and energy in one deft seizure of vibrant throbbing avarice.
Overall it just proved too tantalizing and unfair for him to resist and jay shudders as though taken a sudden chill and gives the goop its last morsel of the day, orgasming harder than he knew was possible. Such a huge wad of vicious spunk forcing itself out became an almost painful burst. Once the tentacles had grabbed every drop from his flaccid leaking manhood, it lifted him out over the rim of its enclosure and lay himself on his side.
He removed the goggles to see that the other men were still sticky with the stuff and taking various positions to sleep. After what had just transpired on his body, he was more than willing to follow suit if it weren't for some mysterious feeling in the back of his head which told him it did not happen. Normally he was predisposed to listening to weird feelings, but this had something legitimate to it that he couldn't describe.
So with nothing to do, he wondered about his former life and what had become of the horses under his care or if he might ever be able to render service as a farrier as he once had. On the tail of that thought, he also wondered what had happened to his elusive uncle. More than likely one of those jumpsuit servants, since he was too old to do anything else. Jay wasn't an idiot: he noticed those jumpsuit stallions typically picked people in their 30's or younger for sexual service.
He also gave a curious thought to what it might be like to live in his master's household with his son and wife, but he got an impression that it would be a reunion that wouldn't occur for years yet. Maybe if he remembered, he wouldn't have to get his curiosity satisfied and have the horse tell him about the other species that had been conquered. Surely, there must at least be a dozen and he wanted to know all about them, and maybe if he was lucky, the admiral would tell him why the ehlosians went forth to conquer all these many worlds in the first place. Not that he felt he deserved to know, it was just that he was curious. Really, if anything, his candid wonder would entertain the alien more than anything. Why should there be any perceived offense in that kind of irrelevant interest?
Still, even though he told himself not to, it was increasingly tempting not to sleep. Jay could only guess that there were some lethargic properties in the tentacle slime that made staying awake a harsh trial. The only thing comparable was having a big feast on thanksgiving, though admittedly, the tentacles had put plenty of ooze in his stomach and ass. The raw taste of sweaty horse still lingered in his mouth like some primal lusty garlic.
Horse flavored slime would probably be a weird feature of any animal if one didn't bother to think about the reasoning behind it. This life form was intended to evolve not only as a symbiot to the aliens, but to take sustenance from mares and captives while teaching them...more or to make love with many male partners. The only true problem that he noticed was that the beast only followed the hologram program when it felt like it, but in comparison with the rest of the experience, that proved a very minor grievance.
Aside from the need to sleep, there was also another inexplicable urge which overcame all of his senses or modesty: Jay was overcome with an unexplained hunger to grab and cuddle with his master. Frankly he had no idea where such a notion had come from, but the result was the same. Some intimate need threatened to overtake him, driving a wordless love in him, of all the things that had been on his mind in the last hour the last would certainly be what was in his head banging around now: Jay wished the white steed were here in this room right now so he would hump into pahgzes beefy muscular arms and cuddle his way into the downy soft chetfur as though the horse were a giant teddy bear!
In fact the great lumbering beast was always so gentle and affectionate and understanding that it wasn't particularly hard to imagine his owner as some kind of plush, at least, well, he doubted a bear could represent the right image but a bunny seemed more like the horses character. Then again, bunnies would probably care more about sex than his daddy horse managed.
Jay found himself too tired to stay awake, strange images of a big horny easter bunny with a basket filled with rubber dongs followed him around a wonderland of grass and trees growing in the shape of horse cocks and even dribbling with morning 'dew'. A faraway volcano in the shape of a mare's black dripping sex spewed forth a hot river of hot smoking cum as he looked on in awe. Knowing the likely danger involved even though it was all just a dream, he went on to explore a nearby grove instead, a beautiful hazy place where horny stallions of all colors bathed in the sun and invited him in far more friendly and sexual manner than required. It was a good dream; a reminder of the passionate person he the grove of male flowers ready to blossom with the right encouragement to produce milky hot nectar.