Muddy Spin's Big Problem

Story by Tundra LaMount on SoFurry

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The sun just peeked over the mountain tops and cast her light down on Sunnie's sleeping body. She roused and woke up, shaking off the sleep from her light blue coat with a shower of rainbow sparkles. She stretched out her body, still warm from the hay- she slept so sound! Sunnie supposed her sweet dreams were a gift. After all she was a sweet blue Pegasus and sister to Rainbow Dash, sharing her cloud and rainbow cutie mark, as well as her rainbow colored mane.

"What a great day." She sighed out, blinking away last night sweet dreams and feeling more playful than ever! She quickly remembered all of her travels and mused about last night and the exciting celebration that had brought her to this land named Suntra, and her many new found pony friends!

One in particular popped into her mind and almost made her prance about in her stall. His name was Muddy Spin, and just his name conjured all of the exciting things he had shown her in her short time in Suntra. The fun they had caused her rainbow tail to swish about her excitedly.

He was young and dashing, and all pony! Sunnie had guess he was several seasons younger than her, but that didn't seem to infringe on their friendship. If anything they seemed to get along quite well. And she noticed he took special pride in showing her all of the fun corners and clearings in the forests Suntra was well known for.

He had even invited her to his stables, and gave her the empty stall to make her own for as long as she stayed!

"Hi there Sunshine!" She suddenly heard his voice behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Muddy's dark grey head with black mane poking over her stall door. "Can I come in?"

Sunnie narrowed her eyes and growled out to him playfully. "Muddy, everyone knows good ponies don't share stalls."

Muddy took a proud stance and tossed his head high, causing his mane to fall cutely over his eyes. "I have a real problem I need you to help me with!" He said with some worry in a hushed voice, "Besides it's morning and all of the other ponies have gone out to play in pastures. I think we're alone. No one will know."

A concerned feeling took Sunnie for her friend. "I guess- Come in then. What's your problem? How can I help you with it?" She said spinning quickly on her hooves in the hay she just slept on. She knew her stall smelt like her- blueberries and cream. Muddy had told her how he liked how she smelled. No sense holding back now.

He came in. Muddy was a dark pony, stocky and slightly taller than her. The stall suddenly seemed a bit small. He was all pony too. Not a Pegasus like herself, but she didn't mind his smooth grey all-equine coat. His cutie mark was to die for- a cloud like hers with a strike of white lightening coming down. He smelt like rain.

"What's the problem Muddy?" She asked anxiously, not visibly seeing anything wrong with her companion.

"I feel kinda." He chose his words carefully. "I've been thinking of you a lot, and well... when I do there's a certain force I feel. Kinda like magic built up in me, but I can't seem to release it."

Sunnie turned her head to the side inquisitively. "Really? Like an all over thing? Like your aura is stuck?" She was referring to her pony aura. All ponies had it.

"Sort of." Muddy replied. "It starts like that, but then gets more focused. Like between my..." He motioned with his head towards his rear quarters.

For a long moment an uncomfortable silence filled the stall between the two ponies. As a certain realization hit Sunnie, she wondered if he was even serious!

He was dead pony serious.

Sunnie burst out in a spastic laugh! Muddy was young and had told her he hadn't had many experiences with girl ponies. He obviously didn't know the ins and outs of ponies and what they all eventually do when simple horseplay and magic just aren't enough!

"Why are you laughing!" He glared and stomped, and Sunnie swore she could see his dark grey cheeks darken red. "I feel like this is your fault!"

"It is!" Sunnie said with a knowing smile. "The good news is. I can help, but it may be a bit weird for you."

Suddenly Sunnie felt in control, and that was something she wasn't used to in her chaotic life. "Do you feel this 'force' right now?"

He nodded imploringly. "Real bad. Especially when I... see you."

She laughed. "Of course silly!"

Sunnie stepped forward and plunged her head under his belly in front of his rear leg. "Oh yeah." She said with concern, peering up and seeing the bright pink head of his pony pump dangling deliciously from the grey foreskin of his pony sheath. The sight of it sent shivers down her back and caused her wings to flutter. A tinge of her own pony heat suddenly flittered over her nether parts. "Yeah. This is bad Muddy!"

"It is?" Muddy asked somewhat worried. "What are you. OOOooooooh!"

Sunnie had already wrapper her horsy lips around his pink pony pump! She tugged it from it's sheath with gentle sucking pulls like a young colt nudging a mom for milk! She moaned into it, tossing her tail about while her tongue coaxed the flat tip of his pump.

"Ahhh! Sunnie! I think you're making it worse!" He cried out through gritted teeth; but Sunnie knew that's how it was. The magic built up before releasing quickly; and with the case of Muddy, she knew his release wouldn't take long at all. She simply moaned an unintelligible but fully-engaged sounding response back and playfully tugged again at his pump relentlessly! It made gentle smacking sounds against her full lips!

Then, to her delightful surprise- very quickly his pony pump began to snake out from the wet grey foreskin sheath. Her eyes grew large as she felt his pleasure slide back into her gullet, inch by loving inch. She extended her head and made her throat long as she had been taught... her lips taking in the length slowly.

Her nostrils flared as without caution he surged forward and pushed his whole pony pump into her mouth! "MMmmph!" She knew it had to feel so good to him, especially carrying this load in his sweet load in his nether for her. She saw the swollen nodes of his full pony nuts behind the pink pony pump he stuffed into her wet blue lips!

Suddenly a watery salty taste flooded her mouth, and ran out of her lips! The precum and pony drool spiraled down in rivulets off her chin. Sunnie then set her hooves (newly shod with silver pony shoes) into the dirt as Muddy began to hump her lips! "Oh gawd Sunnie. That... Ugh! It feels so good!"

She nodded as much as she could! She felt his pony pump grow solid and begin to throb. She sucked and tugged with all of her might, but muddy pressed into her mouth and sent the flat end of his pump to the back of her swallowing throat. Then she let him push deeper, past her throats reflexes, and she felt him snake down into her deeper than any pony had gone before. She closed her eyes... tears welling up as her throat contracted tightly around-

"Ohhhhh hay bales!" Muddy cried out. "How do you.. Ah! You're doing it! I feel it! I feel the release coming! Ohh Sunnie Oooooh!!"

Sunnie knew he was about to flood her! She let the length slither back out of her throat and she pinned his flaring head between her tongue and roof of her mouth! Through watering eyes she saw his pony nodes contract harshly. She then felt the surge of his hot sticky magic flow down his pink engorged pony pump, past her soft lips and out the end- into her mouth!

He ears lay flat back as she opened wide and gobbled him down to the hilt as he hit her with one mighty thrust! She could barely hear his whinnies of enthralled excitement!

Muddy's pony pump throbbed so hard it spread her lips painfully wide with each flare! She felt gallons of his hot pony magic shoot down her open throat! She swallowed harshly as he humped, but the quantity of Muddy's massive load was too much to handle, and thick pearly pony cum exploded from the corners of her mouth around his girth!

He humped her harshly- pushing his pump deep into her throat again and gushing his hot magic into her! The head of his cock flared, sealing the passage of her throat, and pouring hot magic down her gullet and into her belly! Never, NEVER had she ever had a pony that was so full of love! She felt her belly gently extend with the copious amounts of fluid magic he pumped into her body. She sucked air in through her flared nostrils as he fed her!

He humped her mouth proudly! And she did her best to keep no more magic wasted on the stall floor! With each surge she felt his hot pony batter fill her insides like a creamy pastry! She stood defiantly! Taking in all he could give her!

Then without warning, Muddy pulled out! Cum splashed down from her lips and carried in long strands to the tip of his gloriously glistening pink pony pump... that receded back into his body.

And for a while... that was it. The sound of pony hearts thudding, heavy breathing, and the pitter patter of hot love drizzling to the clay floor.

Sunnie caught her breath and a thought... panting. Muddy stepped away from her slowly. "You did it." He whispered.

Sunnie fell back into her hay. Her rainbow mane plastered with creamy strands of pony fun. Her belly so extended she looked about to give birth. "Yus." She whispered out with dazed eyes. Her gut gurgling with glee over her caloric indulgence in pony cream!

Muddy nuzzled her ear. "How did you...?"

"It's what ponies do." She whispered back. A happy grin crossing her lips. "It's what ponies do."