Chpt.3 – we gotta go back...

Story by winter wolf on SoFurry

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Chpt.3 - we gotta go back...

As the door slammed behind us the young husky didn't look quite as friendly partly because the barrel of his rifle was in my face,"shit!" I shouted as the young husky tried to hush me "wow, wow calm down, I just want you to take your clothes off." he said calmly, Kyle shouted in confusion "fuck no I don't sway that way, dude!" at this point the perky husky was getting frustrated, "no I just want ya to take of your N.C.B. gear, it could be contaminated."

As we threw our N.C.B. equipment out the back door, the husky introduced himself, "hey I'm Luke, marine core sniper, the tiger driving is john he's spec opps and the horse in the passenger is Sam, she's a lady." He said with a smug look on his face, "where are we goin???" I asked, for once the tiger in the front spoke up," New age air force base I can fly us outta here." ,"NO!" I shouted, "we have to go back to the British base camp!" the tiger looked back in confusion, and returned his eyes to the road whilst shouting, "why the fuck would we do that everyone there is probably dead!" I replied "look we just need to go there you can get supplies there!" john sighed and whispered "fine."

As the camp came into view we saw that they were still fighting, as we reached the camp Kyle ,Luke ,john and Sam got out of the truck and ran to get ammunition and other supplies, where as I ran straight for the medical tent. I pushed passed the decontamination shower and the first thing I saw was the blood, it was everywhere, everything in the room was covered in blood, I looked to the bottom of the tent and saw Matthew panicking, himself covered in blood. I ran to the to him and as I got close to him he saw me and met me half way and wrapped his arms around my torso, then looked up to me with tears in my eyes and said "please help me, this...this just isn't the way I'm wired, I can't kill people ." I put my left paw on his head and said reassuringly "its fine we're goin home, no go outside there's a US marine truck out there get in the back of it I'll be out in a minute."

I started gathering medical supplies and executing the infected where they lay, it wasn't a sort of sick pleasure it needed to be done. As I walked out of the tent one of the infected jumped on me, but at the moment I hit the ground half of it had disappeared from view, as I looked up half of its body was over the tent to my right, as I turned to my left I saw Luke, holding a smoking barret 50cal. As I threw the rest of the body off me I turned to Luke and said "was there really any need for that?" he just laughed and swung the huge rifle over his shoulder and got back in the truck, I followed suit.

As I sat down in the back of the truck closing the heavy steel door behind me and we started driving, I looked around me and the once spacious passenger area was now quite cramped as it was filled with supplies , Once we were driving it was really kinda...boring! we talked about our families and how things in Ireland are different to things in America, along with other things we had been driving for about seven hours when we heard a cough like noise as the truck rolled to a halt at which point john slammed his forehead into the steering wheel " what's wrong??" I inquired

"we're outta gas!"

"did we not left anymore?"


"fuck!" I shouted as my head fell into my hands," you guys stay here and I'll go find some." THEN Sam spoke up "actually there is motels a mile and a half down the road we could push it?" I laughed "your kidding right???this truck must way what? three tons??? maybe five tons with all this stuff it would take a couple of hours?" Luke then sighed again and said "well that's what we gotta do. Everybody out!"

As I flung the steel door open once again there was a howling wind, blowing sand everywhere there was no visibility, so I pulled my shamag up over my muzzle, brought my goggles down and started pushing like everyone else.

Two and a half hours later we arrived at the hotel, and began to clear it out making sure the place was empty and securing the rooms, it was two to a room and the first thing I wanted was a shower, so I had one.(DUH,lol)


"What's wrong, what's wrong???"Matthew shouted as he burst into the bathroom welding a shotgun, as I stuck my head out to reassure him I said "it's fine waters just really hot, haha.". As I dried of whilst walking into the bedroom wrapping the towel around my waist, I opened the mini bar and I was astounded to find a full size bottle of whisky "YUM!, jack Daniels 1939, this is old!" I said whilst licking my lips, Matthew peeked his muzzle up over his book and asked "what was that a good year or sumfin???"I was shocked "What did you not do history in school???1939 was the year the Nazi invaded Poland, starting world war 2, ha, regardless it was a good year for whisky" I said as I winked and a a huge mouthful.