The House Dahan, Chapter VII: The Perversion knows no bounds!

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#8 of Dahan

Fair warning, there is a touch of bestiality in this one! Starts out normal, comes in sometime in the second half. Comments are still more than welcome.

The House Dahan, Chapter VII: The Perversion knows no bounds!

The Dahan family departed for Lord Han's estate early in the morning, the sun just barely announcing its presence in the eastern sky through a halo of emerging light. If everything went smoothly, they hoped to arrive in time for the next day's evening dinner.

The party consisted of Ling, Li, Chen, Fei and a small retinue guards. Ling and Fei will be travelling in a large, comfortable carriage. It was made out of polished wood and adorned with the Dahan family crest on its side. The pair of battling silver wolves looked as if they would leap straight off the vehicle, one of them may have blinked. It was drawn by a pair of large, black horses and mended by one of the guards. The stallions were powerful beasts, bred in Dahan stables. Their fiery eyes seemed strangely conscious, as if studying their surroundings. The Dahan horses were well known for their intelligent nature.

Li and Chen would mount similar horses and travel on horseback. Four of the best guards would escort them, riding on more common chestnut horses. It wasn't expected they'd be needed, but Li was nothing if not cautious in these matters.

As Chen arrived, Li motioned him over from beside a pair of the black horses. "Chen! Come and meet your stallion."

Chen ran over and looked up at the massive beasts. He'd only ever seen them at a distance. Li slapped one of the pair, "This one here is yours. And I mean not just for today, he's a gift."

Chen's eyes widened, he'd been used to some measure of wealth by now, but a horse? Only nobles and warriors rode them. He gingerly placed his paw on the animal's nose, it seemed to be observing him intently. Its eyes communicated a degree of skepticism at the sight of his new owner.

Li got onto his horse and looked down at the cub, "Come on Chen, he won't bite."

Chen mimicked the actions taken by Li, the stirrups were a bit high but he managed, clumsily, to get in the saddle. The horse looked back, with a seemingly disapproving look.

Li explained the basics to him and they took a few practice runs around the courtyard. Chen stallion made a few, suspiciously deliberate, sudden moves but otherwise things went well. As soon as Chen seemed comfortable enough, they set off at a calm pace.

They travelled across the family fields for a while. The scenery was repetitive and dull. Chen was still getting to know the animal between his legs (I mean the horse). It seemed to him quite a judgmental creature. Every time he did something wrong, and as a novice, that was often, the animal would give him those disapproving looks. One time he could have sworn the animal purposefully walked under a low branch, in retaliation for a careless heel in his flanks.

After a while it got easier and the beast seemed to be more relaxed about his fluffy, white occupant. Chen stroked its neck and patted its shoulder. "You're not so bad are you boy? Just getting used to me." The horse did that thing where they exhale loudly and their lips flap about a bit, seemingly communicating it was unlikely he'd get used to repeated kicks in the flanks.

After a few hours they arrived at the edge of a large forest. Li held up his paw, "Hold!...we'll take a break here before moving on."

They all got down from their horses and out of the carriage. They sat down on the grass and passed along bits of cheese and cold meat. All but one of the guards sat a respectful distance away, playing a game of dice. The one was keeping watch.

Ling turned to her husband, "So how are we getting along?"

Li shrugged, "Well enough, at this rate we should get through the woods by evening's time. Actually there's a clearing near the edge where we can set up camp for the night."

Chen was over by his horse, stroking its flanks. The horse was quite obviously ignoring the cub and made a point of grazing loudly. "Come on horse, I'm not that bad am I? Hmm, you really should have a name, something that fits you."

The horse lifted his head, snorted and turned away.

"Sheesh, sorry your majesty *sarcasm*. Hmmm, I guess I'll call you King, you're snooty enough to be one."

The horse continued its overly obvious loud grazing.

"Right, then that's settled. You'll end up liking me, King, we just have to get to know each other."

Li was watching the scene with an amused smile. He shook his head a bit and then stood up. "Alright, we're moving on!"

Moments later, the party was moving down a well used path in the forest. The trees closed over their heads, filtering the sunlight down to mostly green light. The beating midday sun could not reach them and the air was cool. Small furry creatures rustled all around them.

Chen seemed quite fascinated by it all, he'd never travelled more than an hour or two from his home after all. For the others, it was all rather mundane. Li answered any questions Chen had about the tournament and horses, keeping them occupied.

Several boring hours later, the sun had begun to set. At last they came up to the clearing Li had promised. It was quite large actually, about the size of a cricket pitch. At the opposite end there stood a rocky rise hosting a tall waterfall, feeding a small lake and stream. The surrounding land was quite even grass and supremely suitable for a camp. The silver water cascading down from the wet rocks reflected the light brilliantly, casting a dazzlingly clear rainbow over the lake.

They dismounted, had some quick, cold dinner and the guards began setting up the tents. By the time the camp was complete it had gone dark already. The guards would take turns holding watch at the entrance of the clearing. Their tent was placed closest to that, then came the larger tent in which the family would sleep. This was partitioned into 4 small "rooms" with single beds. (well, I say beds but I mean sacks full of dried grass with down blankets.)

They went to sleep immediately.

Ling turned in her sleeplessness for a while, after spending the whole day dozing in that damn carriage, she couldn't fall asleep for the light of her. She decided to just get up and go for a walk or something, she put on a robe. As she headed for the exit, she bumped into something soft.


"Is that you Fei?"

"Yes, I couldn't sleep."

"Neither could I, join me for a walk?"

They headed out together and walked around the edge of the small lake for a bit, the horses were tied on the other end, in reach of a drink if they wanted it. Ling looked at the water and got a brilliant idea. "Let's get wet!"

Ling threw off her robe and headed for the lake. Fei giggled and followed her lead, trotting towards the falling water. They jumped in, the cold liquid chilled them immediately. Fei gave a slight yelp "Ah! This is freezing!"

Ling laughed and swam up to her, she wrapped her arms around the tigress and squeezed her rump. "Is that better dear?"

Fei grinned and returned the favor, "Much better!"

The water reached up to their shoulders now, feet touching the ground lightly. Ling leaned in and licked her companion's muzzle, she responded and they kissed. They swirled around in the water, dancing and turning around each other.

Chen stood in the tent's entrance, watching the scene. The loud splashed had woken him up and he came to take a look. As he watched the graceful female forms playing with each other, his member stiffened. He was naked, not having bothered to put on a robe. He slowly stroked his length, watching the pair kiss and feel each other up. His mouth hung open and his tongue dangled out.

Suddenly, he felt strong paws grab him from behind, he startled. Li chuckled behind him and whispered, "Enjoying the show are we?"

Li's paw shot down to the cub's cock and grabbed it firmly. He leant forward and licked the boy's muzzle. Chen shivered against him. Li rubbed his juvenile meat firmly up and down, it was almost painful. He felt something hard prod his rump. He stiffened at the anticipation. A strong paw took hold of his neck.

Li lifted the cub up by his scruff and carried him out of the tent. As he approached the lake, the women looked up at them. Li declared in a clear voice, "I found this cub spying on you my Lady! What should I do with him?"

The girls looked at the grey wolf, large cock standing proudly at attention, with the cub he held up in equal condition and grinned. They came up out of the water and approached them.

Ling walked up to the cub and grabbed his member, it twitched eagerly in her hand. He looked into the cub's eyes and smiled that devilish smile "I think he needs to be punished, wouldn't you agree?"

Li smiled, "How would you like me to punish him my Lady?"

Ling whispered a bit with Fei. "I want you to fuck him for us."

Li grinned and took hold of the cub under his shoulders with both paws. He let him hang over his erect cock. Fei purred as she walked slowly forward, "Let me help you with that."

Fei kneeled in front of Li and licked his twitching meat. Her rough tongue rasped at the pulsating meat, lapping across it slowly, until a drop of pre formed at the top. She took him in and bobbed her head up and down, lathering up the wolf cock with a mix of pre and saliva. As she pulled her head back, she guided the tip to the cub's tailhole.

Li pulled the cub down and forced open his tight sphincter. Chen yipped, squirming in the strong wolf's grasp. Li took better hold and yanked the youngling down, impaling him deeply. Chen screamed out loud, helpless in Li's arms. The latter began moving the cub up and down, blissfully enjoying the tight fit.

Fei lapped her tongue around the joined flesh, her paw fondled with Li's balls. Ling was still rubbing the cub's cock and got down on her knees. She licked and sucked at Chen's balls. Her free paw wandered over to Fei's dripping wet pussy and probed her deeply, the tigress soon responded in similar fashion.

Li started picking up the pace, using the cub's tailhole to masturbate his hard cock. His knot was swelling and touched the tight sphincter on every stroke. The rough flash lapping at his balls and knot had him throw his head back in delight.

Ling moved her head up and angled the cub's cock down. She sucked it hard, bobbing her head back and forth while using one paw to grab his balls, squeezing gently. Chen moaned loudly, the combined feeling of Ling's blowjob and the large, hard cock piercing his ass was driving him to orgasm quickly.

The two kneeling girls were fingering each other fast now, pumping their paws hard, slapping against the soaking wet pussies they were digging into. Fei started squirming under the constant assault. Her tongue froze and she grinded her hips against the wolf's paw under her. She groaned as she came, squirting heavily onto the ground. As she settled down, she brought up Ling's paw and suckled on it, using her other paw to caress the wolf balls in front of her.

As Ling felt her own orgasm getting close, she doubled her efforts on the cub. She squeezed hard on his knot and bobbed back and forth furiously. Chen gave a slight yip and came hard, his cock practically jumped out of her maw as he pumped copious amounts of cum onto her waiting tongue. She pulled back, and let the thick male seed coat her face and chest. Waves of electricity rolled through her as Fei pounded her pussy into climax. She writhed like a serpent, Chen spurting his last few spurts of cum onto her tits.

Li pulled the cub down hard and rammed his knot into his tailhole. He came hard, pumping the cub full of his seed. He bit down on the cub's neck as he grinded his hips. As he finished, he tore out his knot. A gush of cum fell to the ground and the cub dropped down alongside it.

Li stood panting a few moments and then turned to Ling, "I'll get him back to bed, are you coming?"

Ling looked at Fei, "I think we're going to stay here a bit longer."

Li grinned, "Have fun ladies." He bowed down and picked up the cub, heading back to the tent.

Ling and Fei started making out immediately, rolling around in the grass and feeling each other up. Ling suddenly heard a scraping sound. Looking up, she saw it was just one of the horses....she was struck by a demonically perverted idea. She grinned and looked down at Fei, "I have a dare for you!"

Fei's eyebrows shot up, "A dare?! What kind of dare?"

Ling's grin widened to impossible dimensions. "I'm not telling you now! But if you do it you can....I'll let you use me as a sex slave for one night of your choosing!"

Fei smiled at that though, "Sex slave huh? I'd like that......ok, I'll do the dare."

Ling got up and dragged the tigress over to the horses. She pointed at Chen's stallion, King. "Suck him off!"

Fei's jaw dropped and her ears flattened, "'re serious?"

Ling nodded, still sporting that impossibly wide grin. "Make him cum and I'll be your slave for a night."

The horse looked at the pair, looking intensely at the naked couple. He scraped his hoof over the ground.

Fei stood stunned for a while, weighing up pro's and con's. She swallowed, "Ok, I can do that." Ling dragged her to the horse.

Fei dropped down to her knees as Ling stroked the horse's nose, saying calming nothings to it. The tigress stared at the beast's genitalia. She ignored her screaming rationality and began stroking the horse's member gently. The horse scraped the ground again, his cock started to grow immediately.

Ling looked down in fascination as Fei stroked the soft, lengthening flesh. The wolf rubbed herself with one paw and the horse's neck with the other. The massive organ just kept on swelling and soon enough it was rigid. A gargantuan length of animal cock hung before Fei's face.

She looked up at Ling, still grinning. She took a deep breath and started licking the horse cock, running her rough, wet flesh over it like she would with any male.

The horse pushed forward slightly, as if encouraging the feline. Fei took hold of the huge shaft with both paws and stroked it firmly. She opened her muzzle and tried taking in the head. The large flesh barely fit, but she suckled on what little she could take. The horse pushed forward again slightly.

Ling giggled, "I think he likes you Fei!"

Fei tried to respond, but the horse cock shoved in her maw prevented anything above a moan. She kept suckling, licking and stroking the large cock as best she could. Ling pawed at her tits and masturbated at the sight. Fuck! This is so incredibly hot!

Minutes passed, but it seemed that making a horse cum wasn't all that easy. Fei pulled the cock out of her muzzle, "It's not working Ling, this is taking forever."

Ling grinned, "You could always up the ante." Fei looked at her in confusion. Ling continued, "Let him fuck you."

Fei gasped, her jaw dropped. "You can't be serious?!"

"Why not? That'll get him to cum in no time I bet."

Fei was stunned once again. Eventually she got up and nodded, "Ok....let's try that."

Ling gestured at a suitably sized rock. "If you lie down on that, he can mount you like a mare.", she pawed her tits as she said these perverted words.

Fei trembled as she headed over to the rock. She took a few deep breaths and bent over the stony surface. Ling led King over by his leads, his cock was still hard. As soon as they got there, the horse pushed his head between the tigress' legs and licked her pussy. Fei gasped and flinched.

Ling laughed, "He knows exactly what to do, doesn't he? So eager!"

The horse probed her folds, his long tongue pushed her lips apart and thrust into her. Fei screamed at the unexpected sensation, her juices flowed and were immediately lapped up by King. Ling found her a comfortable spot, sat down and spread her legs. She pawed herself as she watched the bestiality unfold before her.

King pushed forward even deeper, his tongue probed at Fei's deepest spot. The tigress moaned and grinded back and forth. The cold rock under her rubbed against her nipples.

She felt a stab of disappointment as he withdrew. A moment later, a pair of hooves clapped down on the rock and she startled. The beast's massive cock prodded her entrance. She felt a huge rush of adrenalin, fearing the animal's power and size.

King pushed forward and forced his entry. Fei squirmed and groaned under his muscular bulk. Ling looked on slack jawed as she saw the stiff animal flesh impale her friend. Her paw rubbed her clit furiously.

The horse got as far as he could go, half of its huge length still sticking out of the tight pussy. He began bucking his hips, fucking the small girl with little regard for her comfort. She rocked back and forth under the violent breeding.

Fei screamed as the powerful thrusts dragged her over the rock. She felt so incredibly full! The hard meat pounded her pussy, she moved her hips so that her clit touched the cold stone under her. She jolted every time the hard, cold surface scraped against her. She quickly came, her juices squirted around the intruding cock and trickled down to the ground.

Ling squeezed her breast as her paw slapped against her pussy, two fingers buried deep. She saw the horse buck wilder and wilder, fucking the brains out of the former servant girl. She came hard and bucked her hips into her paw, gasping for air.

King snorted as his movements became more irregular. He pumped into the tigress with abandon, sating his animal lust on the willing girl. Fei felt her legs grow numb and her head cloudy, she was being fucked literally senseless.

He snorted once more and gave a final push forward. He came inside Fei, his cum filling her up. His massive cock spewed a huge volume of seed into the waiting womb.

The tigress girl felt the hot cum wash into her and the horse began to withdraw. As his cock popped out of her pussy, a torrent of cum came out with it, falling to the ground. She fell to her knees and supported herself on the rock. King gave the girl a grateful lick on the face and trotted back to his patch of grass.

Ling helped Fei to her feet and supported her as they headed back to the tent. She gently helped her lie down on her mattress and licked her muzzle, before heading off to sleep herself.

As the party woke the following day, they had a quick breakfast and mounted up again. Chen found his horse to be much more agreeable today, as if it was in a good mood. He stroked the beast's neck. "That's more like it, King, told you you'd get to like me."

The horse looked back at him with a look that accurately told the cub that he was making an exception because he was in a good mood today, but if the cub stopped poking him in the flanks and gave him the good food at the evening, they'd get along fine.

Chen was a bit taken aback by this.