Demon blood - Prologue

Story by BlackStrike on SoFurry

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OK, first a few words. I started to write this story a long ago and it's still not even close to completion although I have a lot more scenes ready, just to connect them together and fill the gaps. Right now, what you see, is v1.0. My English grammar is far from good so if you find any mistakes, please let me know - I will appreciate any help in that regard.

As for this story and it's characters, it's all (c) BlackStrike, meaning, me. You can reach me on [email protected]

I tried to keep names of characters original, thanks to great help from site which has an extensive base of names from all parts of the world. Furthermore, and as always in my stories, sex is just a part of the story, not it's core. I enjoy sex as any of you but it is not the point of my life and I try to keep it in some normal amounts...despite my better judgment ;). Anyways, here's the story - like it or not. In any case, leave a comment - I really like hearing from you, guys.


*********************** DEMON BLOOD - PROLOGUE ************************



  1. Life in a palace

  2. Enemy at the gates

  3. A herald

  4. For blood and honor

  5. A meeting in the shadows

  6. Truth, and nothing but the truth

Addendum 1 - Names


"Welcome, pup.

You came as you said you would, and I thank you for that. My name is Petronius, and I am a philosopher. During one of my explorations of the known world, I heard a legend about a mighty king from days of old, and a story of his kingdom. It was so detailed story, that I started to wonder if it might be true, and soon, I was gathering a pieces of the story all around Egyptian region. It might be just a legend, but I met priests who told me that it is more than a mere legend, and showed me papyruses with proofs of event described in that story. I will let you judge it though, if I have your attention to tell it to you, and you decide for yourself will you accept it as a truth or a mere legend."

Old philosopher, looking almost as ancient as any of the pillars in a temple sits down in his chair, leaned forward, his paws holding tight on his walking stick, as if he is afraid he is going to fall down without its support. But his eyes glow with inner strength and intelligence, despite his fragile appearance, as he points toward a table "Pour us a cup of wine for each, my child. Story is long, and my mouth will be dry in no time. And sit with me and listen." He closes his eyes, and as a young wolf male walks toward a table to pour two cups of wine, old man starts his tale...

****************************** Part 1 ******************************

************************** Life in a palace **************************

"My dear!" shouts a thin looking jaguar, increasing his walking speed to reach small, beautiful cat, currently in middle of a talk with a young looking tigress in a slave garment.

As she hears familiar voice, she turns her head, smile on her face not too bright, almost looking like a simple mask, but it seems that approaching jaguar doesn't notice that, in fact, he smiles happilly, leaning his head to kiss cat's cheek softly.

She turns his head and offers it to him, while at the same time she waves her paw toward a tigress "You have your orders, Aziza. When you finish everything, return to me with your report. Thank you, my dear."

A tigress nods, glancing towards jaguar with only slightly narrowing his eyes, but her nod hides a flash of hatred in her eyes, and she whispers. "Yes, my Mistress."

As she turns to leave, jaguar looks after her and frowns. "You are too kind with her, my dear. She bears bad blood in her veins and she needs to be treated as such."

Cat laughs softly, looking at jaguar "Always vigilant, always in a mood to put everyone in their rightful place."

She wraps his paw around jaguar's arm, and she starts walking with him, looking down as if she is thinking something, when jaguar speaks again. "You know me, Sanura. I like things put where they belong."

With just a slight twitch on her face, hidden by her bowed head, she quietly asks "And where is your place, Osaze?"

Without slight hesitation, jaguar responds with a smile, patpating cat's paw gently "In a high priests council, my dear. And in time, at your side, as your beloved husband."

She answers nothing, just nods, only for a second, shadow passing over her face, but she soon lifts his head, smile again on her muzzle. "Escort me to my room, Osaze. I am not feeling good today."

Jaguar looks at her, his eyes searching for hers, but she keeps them away, and he simply nods, turning with her into left hallway, where rooms of royal family members are.

"My princess, you need to visit doctors. You are feeling weak for far too long. I am starting to worry. You are our God's only child, now when your brother is not with us anymore, fallen in a field of battle with those treacherous hyenas. But his victory will be remembered for all t-"

"Enough, Osaze." she speaks, her voice with a note of sternness "Everyone knows of my brother's victory, but it won't return him to us by speaking about it. It is in vain, now when he is...dead. Pain is still here though, and we would greatly appreciate if you would avoid that subject for now."

Jaguar bows, standing in front of the door to her room. "Forgive me, my princess. I forgot how you were fond of your brother. I guess pain is truly immense. Once more, forgive me."

She smiles slightly and nods, reaching with her paws to touch his shaven head. "It is forgiven. May pharaoh's blessing always shines upon you."

He smiles and bows deeper now. "May his name never be forgotten, but remembered for all times as mighty and wise leader of his people."

With a nod, she waves her paw "Now leave me rest, Osaze. I will summon you later and we can have a lunch together. I presume you learned some new stories to entertain me tonight?"

He smiles and allows himself to raise from his deep bow enough that his eyes meet hers now "I did, but maybe we could share some more...ah, intimate moments?" he says with hope on his face.

She chuckles and shakes his head "You know that is beyond limits, until we are...married." Last word literally hard to leave her lips, but again, he fails to notice that, mere sound of it from her lips making him lost in happiness.

"I can wait. Goodbye, until later, my princess." With that, he leaves, while she stands looking after him for awhile, pondering a thought, until she moves the curtain and enters the room with a deep sigh...

****************************** Part 2 ******************************

************************ Enemy at the gates *************************

"You may approach the throne, general Abasi." Voice bearing these words belongs to an old, but still powerfully looking male cat, sitting on a throne in a vast room, with many pillars decorated with hieroglyphics. Many of them speak about victories from times of old, victories by his ancestors, mighty pharaohs of Egyptian kingdom. His fur is almost white, his green eyes glowing with cunning intelligence, but one looking at him for a longer period can notice that his stern, strong bearing slips for couple of moments from time to time, and then it is easy to notice he is very tired. Tired of many things it seems, this meeting for a start, but of life too, his rule over this country nearing to an end, when he will have to chose his successor. With his son dead, his only option lies in a young priest, Osaze, already in love with his now only child Sanura, but that jaguar is sleazy, very ambitious, too much for his taste. He never had anything against ambition, he himself managed to conquer and add some new lands to already large empire, but he highly suspects young jaguar is more for shadowy approach - backstabbing, to be precise.

"M'lord..." speaks a large tiger in armor, kneeling down and bowing his head, holding his helmet in his left paw.

Old pharaoh blinks as if awakening and then he sighs "Yes, general...Tell me about that new discovered threat."

"It is immense force coming from a north, m'lord. A wolf tribe, largest ever seen so far, strong and wild. They have already conquered some outer regions of our empire, even one with one of our largest garrisons. I am afraid we will have to gather army as big as never before to fight them off and teach them a lesson."

Pharaoh leans forward on his throne, his right paw scritching his chin slowly as he thinks "Interesting. And what about their leader? I heard some...fantastic stories about him. They cannot be true, in my opinion..."

Large tiger shivers a bit, even in a warm month like June is, he felt shivers down his spine "M'lord...I agree not all of them are true, but he is a demon, for sure. They say he made a pact with Anubis himself, and that he is a punishment for our lack of faith. We sent our best team of assassins to deal with him, and he sent us their bodies back. They were broken as a child breaks her doll in a mindless rage. I never have seen such a force, to crush experienced fighters in such a manner. Our spy said that his soldiers speak about his Shadow guards capturing our team and bringing them to him, and that he let them try to kill him. He killed them ALONE, with only his claws, while his fighters where surrounding them and cheering him up with every blow he dealt."

Old cat frowns in disgust "I do not believe in child stories, general, and I thought you was smart and experienced enough not to trust them too. Gather our army and prepare it for battle, general. We lived in peace with wolves for many centuries, many of them living even here, in palace, but this tribe will disappear from face of this world. If their army is led by a demon, ours is led by a God."

General smiles with mirth, and bows down all the way to the floor "Yes, m'lord. Your guidance has never failed us. We will be victorious!" He lifts his head a little, his eyes still respectfully looking down at the floor "Seeking permission to leave and prepare battle plans with other generals and start preparing army for a march."

Pharaohs leans back on his chair and nods "Yes general, do so. We will be moving in two weeks from now, and in meantime, send scout teams to gather information about enemy strength, numbers and movements. I want to know what type of units they have, how trained they are and their weak spots."

Tiger arises and nods, still keeping his head bowed down, and he starts walking backwards, spreading his arms "As you command, m'lord."

****************************** Part 3 ******************************

**************************** A herald *****************************

The day passed so quickly for Sanura. She was reading old scrolls from her father's personal library, where priests didn't have an access to meddle and change them. She learned much about the days of old, and she found out that there were contacts long, long ago with a wolf tribe with a strange name, meaning "Unity". They were led by a wolf that had demon blood in his veins, large "alpha" as they called him, and he took care that many of newborn pups bear his blood - his tribe, smaller at that time, needed fighters to survive in hostile environment and he, as best fighter, made a harem of best females to breed them and provide his tribe with much needed strength. She guessed that this is the same tribe, now far more powerful, no matter demon blood in their veins is watered down during time. And one leading them must be a direct descendant of old alpha, Aengus. She met some of wolf kind, most of them wanderers from far north who remained here from sheer curiosity, and in truth, one especially catch her attention. He came recently, and he was just as she imagined them - big, strong, dark as a night without a moon, but so cheerful, so funny and his blood was not poisoned by that accursed demon blood. Although, he was immensely strong, and she sometimes found his sharp teeth and very long fangs, almost unnaturally long, so frightening. But as he was mostly smiling in her presence, she learned not to worry about his appearance, but what made her worry, was the fact that she started to enjoy his company far more than it is normal considering she is a princess and he just a servant of local noble.

A sound of wind catch her attention and she looked at the window, curtains moving slowly. Something was amiss, she could feel it, and her senses served her good - from a shadow, small, lithe form of a tigress stepped out, bowing "I am sorry if I startled you mistress, but I completed my task. He will be waiting for you tonight, at the same spot as last week. But he said it is last time you two meet there - he thinks Osaze suspects something and he will tell only you tonight where you will meet next time."

With a sigh of relief, cat smiles and takes a pouch from her belt, handing it to a tigress "Good as always, dear Aziza. You serve me well, and I am always glad to reward you."

Tigress blushes and bows, taking a pouch, and with a quick move, it disappears in her garment "Thank you, Mistress. I said to you that I do not ask for reward - your kindness and care about me is enough for me, but you always insist that I take money for my services. I know you do this so that I can repay my father's debt and buy my freedom once more. But know this - before I do so, before I am free, I would love that my last task be to deal with that...priest." Last word spitted with disgust, she growls quietly...

Cat laughs softly and then covers both her and tigresses muzzle "Be quiet, Aziza. You know that here, even walls have ears. Osaze is good looking, despite his strange baldness and he is in love with me. He would never hurt me."

Tigress shakes his head and sighs "His ambition is stronger than his love, mark my words, my princess. He means trouble. Be cautious. Do not trust him, do not trust his motives. He wants power, and only that. I prefer simple man, but good in his heart. Like that wolf!" She chuckles and winks to her mistress "You have keen eye, when noticing him, my princess."

Sanura chuckles and blushes "Yes, he is...nice."

Tigress grins and kisses cat's paw "Your blushing reveals you think more than just that, my princess. Do not let that accursed jaguar sees that sign. My lips are sealed, but your own body can betray you, Mistress."

Cat sighs and nods "Yes, you know much about that, my dear, so I trust your words. I will have to do something about that. For now, let me prepare for tonight's meeting. You will, as always, accompany me, my pretty assassin."

Sanura was one of small number of people who knew that Aziza was trained to be a skilled assassin, and her father's loss of his fortune forced her to sell herself into slavery as simple slave to try and repay his debts and save his life, but it was not enough. She never finished her education and training and never obtained right to become member of Assassin guild, so she couldn't find work anywhere. She kept quiet about her skills, one after another of her Masters dying in strange manners whenever they tried to force something on her she didn't liked, and story started to create that she is cursed, so one noble, not quite fond of current ruler of Egypt bought her and gave her as a gift to pharaoh in hope she will make him die too. But Aziza was given to pharaoh's daughter instead and she soon found out she is under good care, treated as a living being and not as a doormat, and she told her story to princess and her father. He decided to keep her as his daughter's personal slave, and in truth, a bodyguard. No one suspected that small tigress is skilled fighter and spy, and she enjoyed her hidden role, returning kindness to her Mistress gladly, knowing her troubles are far lesser now, when royal family was working to help her and her father deal with their debts. Soon, she will be free, but she promised herself to remain by her Mistress' side and take a good care about her...and her children later too!

Tigress chuckles and puts her fingers on her lips "Sshhhh, my princess! We do not want others to learn the truth about me!" With a wink, she walks to door, checking her garment, before she turned toward her Mistress and bowed "I will return later, my princess, as you ordered. Please rest. I suspect this night might be...long for you." With a chuckle she disappears through the door, before her Mistress understands what she said and cat blushes only after door close.

"That naughty tigress...I will order her ass to be spanked when we return in the morning. But I will have to find some handsome slave to do so! Although I suspect she will enjoy that spanking, finding it more a pleasure than a punishment." She lies on the bed, closing her eyes, completely forgetting about jaguar, only picture in her mind before she drifts to sleep is of large, black wolf and his strong paws holding her as their lips meet...

****************************** Part 4 ******************************

*********************** For blood and honor *************************

"Sir!" shouts young wolf in battle armor, standing straight in front of his officer. Older wolf turns around with a quiet growl of interest "Mrh? What is it, Dillion? You have news from our spies?"

Young wolf nods and relaxes a bit, taking a deep breath "Both our spies and our leader. He is still on his training, only communicating with Dunham, as you know, and we have news from both. Our spies report that Egyptians are gathering their army, largest so far, literally anyone who can lift a club is enlisted. If you allow me to say, in vain - they forgot how to fight and they are not a match for us."

Older wolf chuckles and shakes his head "You are young, Dillion, so I forgive you for speaking so. Egyptians were always a force to be reckoned with. They have brilliant strategists, and they had so many strategies for so many different situations even in time when we were nothing more than a wild beasts. Do not underestimate them. Current pharaoh proved he is nothing less than a true heir of mighty emperors before him. But I will let other generals check data we gathered. Tell me, what our leader says?"

Young wolf swallows uneasy, listening to words of his superior and nods, learning an important lesson today, before smiling brightly "He is good, his training goes just fine as he says, and he said something that puzzled me - if he finishes it as planned, it will be less bloodshed, and we will have easier victory, without much dead on both sides. I fail to see how he would do so with mere training, but I trust his words. Master always knew what he's talking about."

This time, old wolf laughs wholeheartedly, young one almost sinking down in fear as he thinks he said something wrong, but older wolf, his general Eghan puts his paw on soldier's shoulder "Pup, you have so much to learn. I am with our leader and I saw him doing amazing things, and never he failed to fulfill his promise. Have faith, and you will soon thank him for saving so much lives, still acquiring a victory. Go now, and tell what you heard from our spies to other generals. I need to rest."

With a bow, young soldier leaves, going toward large tent where generals gather to discuss their next moves, his head full of questions...

****************************** Part 5 ******************************

********************** A meeting in the shadows *********************

Opening her eyes, Sanura sees that it is night already, and she jumps from her bed in panic, but then she sees tigress standing in her dark garment now, yellow color of her fur masked by black make-up and she stops.

"Are we late, Aziza?" she asks, and tigress shakes her head "No Mistress, just in time. You have excellent sense for time, almost as an assassin. Please, dress, and let's leave, before someone decides to search for us."

Cat is already half way across the room, removing her clothes as her paws already grab her ankle length dark robe, and she looks at it, standing naked like that with robe in her paws, wondering what else she should wear. She smiles and winks to tigress and puts only thin golden chain around her waist before she puts robe on herself, closing it.

Tigress watches with curiosity, then smiles "Tonight is the night then, my princess?" she whispers

Cat blushes and nods "Maybe. He was patient with me all this weeks, never trying to force me, but I saw lust in his eyes, and I know he saw it in my eyes too. If he decides to give me his love tonight, my response will be in same manner, and I want to be prepared. Yes, I feel it might be just the night for that..." she looks through the window and notices a full moon outside, and she smiles "Let's go, Aziza. Night is short." They both leave through the window into the garden, and walking through hidden and forgotten paths, they are soon out of the palace...


Large, black wolf stands in a shadow, apparently alone, but his nervous glance wanders often toward corner of a street, where darkness seem unnaturally thick, without single ray of light penetrating it, and he whispers "I hope she will come, Emrys."

A voice comes from near him, apparently empty space, but it is easy to hear it, at least for him "She will. But what I am more concerned about is you. You seem more interested in this cat than it is normal. Is it possible...that you are in love?"

Wolf frowns, leaning more on the wall and sinking into the shadows "She is a CAT! I like her, but making her fall in love with me can save lives to our soldiers and get us an easy victory. You just take care about her slave. I think that tigress is more than just a mere slave. Her movements are too fluid, too skillful. She is a fighter."

"Yes, I suspect that so, m'lord. She is dangerous, but I think she too likes you. Our only threat, as I am informed, comes from that priest, Osaze. He is too ambitious, and he wants that throne. Other priests push him; they want one of them to be in power so that they can sate their hunger for gold and power. He suspects she is in love with you and I think he will soon try to get rid of that threat." Shadow across the street shifts uneasy and for a moment, shadowy form of a large wolf is visible, but transparent, nothing more than an apparition it seems.

"I will use his bald head as a decoration in my tent when I finish with him. Rest of the body will be given to our brothers who succumbed to call of wilderness and fell to madness. At least he will then do a good deed - feeding them will make them peaceful for some time and they will not attack anyone. Now be quiet - I heard something."

From far side of the room, single form approaches, her steps light, almost as if she is dancing, and despite his words, his heart skips a beat seeing familiar form. A chuckle comes from near him "You are IN LOVE, Black. Maybe this was not a good idea, but maybe, just maybe, it is time for you to find yourself a mate? She is a fine feline, and I myself like her - she doesn't deserve to be tricked and played with. We can still conquer this land, their fighters are not match for us."

Large wolf mrrs and sighs "She is beautiful, Emrys. Maybe you are right. Of all persons I met, she is most beautiful, most kind and most intelligent. She would be a good mate." He chuckles "And a good slave."

A snicker rings through his ear "You are nuts, Black. You would put a Collar of Caradoc on her? It is a serious commitment and honor. If you do so, you take her as your ONLY slave and as you say, mate. And you know she cannot be your mate as such. You know the rules."

"Who said anything about THAT collar?" he grins and chuckles "It seems you want to see me settled down and raising pups, shadow wolf?"

Other wolf ponders a thought for couple of moments "...Maybe. We shed much blood, my brother. We killed many, maybe it is time for us to grant a life to someone? Think about that. I will too. That tigress seems nice." It is not possible to see, but Black can FEEL his shadow brother smiling mischievously. Just in time their conversation ended, as she approaches and looks at him.

"Hello, Badru" she whispers "I am glad you came to see me tonight."

He bows as he takes her paw and puts it on his forehead "Thank you for honoring me with your presence, my princess."

She giggles and pulls her paw back, gently rubbing it with other, as if she wants to clean it, or rather, to spread his scent more "Silly wolf. Forget about titles, tonight I am just a female as every other."

He looks into her eyes and takes her paw again "You will NEVER be a female as every other. Come. Let's go to my friend's place. We will be safe there as no one is at home now. He is in other county, working with his family and I am keeping an eye at his place."

She nods and leans onto him, his paw around her waist, and he smiles as they start to walk away. Couple of moments later, shadow from a darkness smiles as he steps out of it, his form becoming more solid and he speaks "What you think Aziza? How long will take them to figure they truly love each other?"

A soft chuckle comes from another part of the street behind his back "How you know I am here, pretty wolf?"

He snickers "You ask a shadow how he can see through the darkness? I am a part of it, little one. I can see many things, and I saw one I like much tonight. And I know you were aware of my presence from the very first time. So come to me, tigress. Let's keep an eye on those two loving birds. And I want to keep an eye on you too."

Tigress leaves shadows and walks over to a wolf, her steps aimed so that she shows as much of her feminine curves to him through her clothes, and she gives him a soft kiss in a cheek "You are such a cutie, Emrys."

He looks at her, his paw reaching to touch his cheek where she kissed him and he growls, but with pleasure obviously, in vain trying to sound tough "I buchered people for lesser insults than calling me "a cutie", little one. But I will forgive you if you kiss me once more."

She smiles and kisses him again, her lips sealing around his "There. Now, let's go or we will lose them. We would be bad guards if we would lose our protégées. But I think they will not leave their place for quite some time after they enter, and then you can tell me what EXACTLY you meant by saying you will keep your eye on me, sexy wolf."

He chuckles and takes her paw in his, walking with her "For a start, I would just look at you for hours, enjoying most beautiful sight I ever saw, and then..." he continues to whisper into her ear, and their tails wag behind them, only a chuckle heard from her as she swats his buttocks lightly with her tail and smiles to him "You naughty wolf!"...

****************************** Part 6 ******************************

******************** Truth, and nothing but the truth ******************

As they walk together, Black smiles to his companion, her face still partially hidden under a dark hood "Good mask, Sanura. But your moves betray you. You walk like a royalty. Your slave, on the other paw, walks like a fighter."

She stops for a second only, missing a step, but his paw holds her and she soon continues to walk with him "You have a keen eye for someone who is not a fighter. Or claiming so. Maybe it is time for us to speak openly, Badru. For a start, your true name."

He chuckles and stops in front of a small cottage, opening the door. "Inside, my dear. There we are safe and alone."

She nods and enters, and he steps behind her, turning around only to feel a presence of his brother and he smiles when he does so - smile showing on his face when he feels his brother's feelings - their connection still strong, and he knows Emrys found someone he truly likes. Maybe even loves. He closes the door and walks toward a table with couple of chairs, nothing special , simple design for a poor people, but when he offers one to a cat, she sits and nods to him "Thank you...Badru."

He bows a little and sits in other, leaning forward to look into her eyes, thinking.

"What is on your mind, wolf? You are not what you said you are, and I am worried now. Maybe it was a mistake for me to come here. Maybe..." her voice is merely a whisper now "...maybe it was a mistake to meet you in the first place."

He smiles, just looking at her for some time, before he speaks, his voice different now, stronger "Remove your hood." She is not even aware she is doing it, but her paws already reveal her red hair, such a contrast to her grey fur. He looks at her, and she looks at him. While his face is calm, her own shows surprise, and it is not a small surprise at all.

"H-how...Who are you, whatever your name is? Are you one of those wolves with demon blood? If that is the case, if you hurt me, my -"

"Silence." He speaks, not yelling, not ordering, simply saying it and she goes quiet. "It is worse than you think, little one. I am Black, leader of those wolves with demon blood. Of all of them, I have it most. My grandfather was one who was born when underworld demon bred a wolfess. It was my duty to bring an army to revenge pathetic attempt of your priests to open a portal between dimensions and conquer this world. They opened it, but in a wrong place, and Hell broke loose on US! After years of fighting, we repelled demons back, only one remained, one who was trying to help us all the time, and who granted us a power to fight back stronger, more fierce. Strange, isn't it? A demon actually helped us. He said to us he was made from a soul of a wolf and yes, it is truth. We could feel it. He was one of us, and he helped his brethren. Now, I am here to teach your priests how it is to deal with magic. We were on brink of extermination, because of their meddling with order of things!"

She listens quietly, breathing hard, her cheeks red and then she nods, bowing her head "I...I heard about that, but we never discovered what went wrong. We thought portal was not opened at all, but it seems we were wrong. I am sorry Black, but that doesn't mean our people need to suffer because of mistakes of past, especially one made by a handful of people."

He growls, looking at her, and now, he looks bigger, power easily felt within him "That is why I came to search for you. That why I tried to make you fall in love with me. To enter the palace and finish with your priests once and for all, showing to them that for every error they will be punished. They are too sure in their supremacy. We didn't want to make others suffer as we did, but goal must be reached."

She keeps her eyes down, and she sighs "Is that all why you came?"

"Yes. I came for that." comes the answer, his eyes still looking at her carefully

She lifts her gaze and looks at him, her eyes filled with tears "I...understand."

He smiles to her and shakes his head "No you don't. I came for one reason, but I stayed because of another. Emrys was right - I love you, Sanura. Everything on you is beautiful, your body, your personality, your name. "Sanura" means "kitten", right?"

She smiles slightly and bows her head again, nodding "Yes. And name you chose for your mask means "born during the full moon". I should've known from the start. My love made me blind. And it is hard to believe in your words Black. You are known as ruthless, merciless. If this is a game to get me be yours and that way to make sure you will rule Egypt too without shedding much blood, then kill me now. I will not live with my heart broken."

He stands up, taking her paw and lifting her from her chair, and she leans onto him, almost falling down as she starts to cry. He holds her with his paws and then he reaches with right one, to lift her muzzle up toward his face "I truly love you, kitty. I want you as my mate. Yes, it is a good way to end this war and ensure my victory, but I do not care about it anymore. I want you. Your love, your dedication. Look into my eyes and see the truth."

She weakly looks into his eyes and remains still like that, gazing in them for quite some time, and then she smiles "I am yours Black, now and forever.

He smiles too now, and now when they both know the truth and are able to live with it, they kiss each other, like never before, with fiery passion, and he slowly opens her robe, his eyes widening as he feels her naked body under it, and he breaks the kiss, breathing hard, looking at her, his paws on her shoulders "I see you came prepared. I wonder who was here to seduce whom." He chuckles and she does too, as she slowly removes his vest, unfastening his simple belt, more of a rope around his pants and letting them fall down.

"Good girl, my kitty." He smiles looking into her eyes "But before we start, know this - I cannot take you as my mate, but as my slave. I cannot mate officially with a feline - it is against our laws. Tribe would kill us both."

She looks at him, standing still for couple of moments, thinking, and he already starts to worry did he lost what he just found - a perfect love. But then she nods, bright smile appearing on her face as she kneels down, leaning her head on his crotch, kissing his sheath "I am yours...Master."

He sighs with relief and then gently reaches with his paw in her hair, gently pulling her head back to look into her eyes "Then show me your love, my slave. Show me that princess can be a good slave too, that you know what only is truly important in your life."

She blinks, she would nod but his paw keeps her for doing so, but her smile speaks everything to him "I already know, Master." As he lets go of her hair, she hugs around his legs with her arms, rubbing her head over his sheath, his scent spreading all over her, and she doesn't mind others will be able to feel it from a mile distance - she found her love, her place, and she wants to show to his Master, that she is sure in that.

"What is truly important..." she kisses one of his heavy nuts in a furry sac, " my Master's desire. That I fulfill them. He is most important for me."

He smiles and nods, his paw rubbing her ear gently "Good kitty. And what your Master will give to you for that?" His sheath slowly swells and he murrs with pleasure....

She stops for a moment, and then looks up at him, her paw moving to gently rub his sheath, pulling skin down to reveal more of his pink shaft "Love me, Master. Only me. Protect me, protect my people, make us live in peace, and make me yours forever, to serve you and give you whatever your desire is. Your pleasure is mine pleasure. When you are feeling good, happy, I am feeling like that too."

He nods, his paw gently pushing her muzzle to the tip of his peeking cock, her nose touching it and she eagerly opens her muzzle, her small, pretty tongue starting to lick over his wolfhood slowly, her left paw wrapping around growing shaft, starting to stroke it and build it more, making it harder and larger "In time, kitty. Now, I want you to please me. Show me you are ready to fulfill my every wish."

She smiles and blushes softly, nodding "Yes Master, I will." She pulls his shaft down so that she can insert it slowly in her muzzle, her right paw holding his heavy sac, left one wrapped around root of his cock, and she bobs her head over it, slowly, her tongue flicking under it as she moans with pleasure. Her maw fills with her saliva and his pre, and soon it is filled with large, hard wolfhood, bigger than ever before, and he closes his eyes, leaning his head back, growling "Ggoood girrrrrrrrrl!" his whole body hardens, every muscle swollen and hard, as a stone, same as his shaft deep in her maw. She starts to choke and gag as it presses into her throat but she doesn't give up, and soon, her gagging reflex eases, and she lets tip of his cock slides in her throat, starting to swallow.

He spreads his legs a little, making his position more stable as she fiercely sucks onto his shaft, bobbing her head fast and deep now, and he is amazed at her eagerness to please him, already having to fight a desire to cum. He never felt like this, so much pleasure hitting him, and he cannot hold back anymore - with a loud outcry, he releases his seed in her maw, wave after wave, catching her in surprise. At first, she pulls her head back, almost starting to choke, but as she manages to swallow first tide of his seed, she relaxes and starts to lick with her tongue, her paw stroking his shaft and milking it as she swallows each and every drop of his fertile seed.

He pants wildly, every time he exhales, it is with a quiet growl, and he looks down at her, smiling "You are good, kitty. I never finished so fast. But it is not over yet." She looks at him, licking her lips and she nods, her green eyes sparkling as she stands up.

"Master..." she whispers softly..."Yes, slave?" he responds in his deep voice, looking at her, her cheek becoming red as she blushes and lowers her head "I...I..." words stuck in her throat, he looks at her with question on his lips but then he smiles "Do not tell me you never had a male before?". She nods weakly and hides her head in his armpit, hugging him

"It is alright, kitty. It hurts at first, but then you will ask your Master to make love with your every day, every night." He leans forward, his right paw moving around her back, left one under her knees and he lifts her in his arms, and he carries it to a simple bed, not worthy of such a glorious moment, but time and place irrelevant to them now, only their love. He puts her down and she curls up, trembling "I want you, Master. But I am afraid..." she whispers.

He lays with her, his shaft still hard despite recent climax, and he smiles to her "Trust me, my slave. Let me guide you." She smiles at his words and nods "What is your bidding, my Master? How do you want to take your slave?"

"Go on all fours, kitty and lift your tail for your Master. It might hurt and you might try to run away from me, but that is not an option. I will keep you in my paws and slide you on my shaft, all the way to my knot."

She nods and swallows at the mention of "knot", only hearing slaves speaking of such thing. She heard them say it is heavenly pleasure to be locked for a mighty canine in such a manner and now, she is going to feel it herself from leader of them all. Her heart races wildly and she still trembles, but she does as ordered, lifting her tail high for him as he positions behind her, his paws on her buttocks, tip of his shaft already aiming at her tight passage, still sealed. Covered with her saliva, his pre and now seed, it is slick enough to slide inside without stopping, but he is careful for a start, not wanting to hurt small feline with his swollen cock. He rubs tip of his shaft between her petals and she starts to moan and whimper, feeling thick wolfhood teasing her, and she pushes back with her paws, toward him. He smiles, waiting so far for that reaction, and when she next time moves forward preparing to push back once more, he pulls her too, sliding half of his shaft in her, loud cry escaping her muzzle "MMmmmmmaaAAAAAahhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screams, biting her lower lip then and mumbling, tears running down her cheeks as he holds her with his paws while her body spasms and try to release from his grip "Easy, kitty...It will pass soon. Do not pull from it but slide on it more, or next time will be painful too. Push back, slowly, when you feel ready."


Emrys sits on a bench in a comfortable shadow with Aziza, smiling to her when she leans on him and asks "You can feel him don't you? You and him share a pact. Blood pact, to be precise."

A wolf chuckles and cocks his head "You know much, for a simple slave. Yes, we share just that what you mentioned. I saved his life once, when we were kids, and we made it then. We didn't know at that time he has so much demon blood in him, and except empowering me, it also created a link between me and him."

As a loud outcry of her mistress is heard, Aziza jumps up but wolf's paw grabs her. "Relax Aziza." he whispers, looking into her eyes. "It is done. She belongs to him now and not you, nor anyone else can do anything about that." She turns her head to him fast, her eyes burning with fire, but as she looks into his eyes, she frowns and sits down again "If he hurts her..." she whispers...

"He won't. Now, he won't. He discovered love, and she is the one for him. Something changed in him when he met her. He was not so eager to fight and conquer. I suspect this will be his last victory - capturing her heart. And she will get much in return. He has so much love, and he will give it all to her." he pulls tigress more to him, smiling "Can you sense that too? Can you feel it? No crying anymore, no sorrow. Feel it Aziza. They love each other." He gently touches her cheek, looking at her, but remaining quiet and she blushes, idly playing with his fingers and looking down.

"What about you, Emrys? Are you...mated?" she asks quietly, her small paws holding his one, bigger than both hers. He chuckles softly and shakes his head "I have a son, but I am not mated. She wanted my seed and I gave it to her, but we remained just friends. I love my son, but I want a family. Large one. Mate, children and such."

She nods quietly, biting her lower lip, and she lifts her gaze, her steel grey eyes narrowed a bit "I presume you already have someone in mind? You must be very popular in your tribe. And not only yours."

He chuckles and cocks his head, flicking his ears "That is...partially true. As one of leaders of our people, I am popular, yes. And yes, one pretty female captured my eye recently. I am working on getting her as my...soulmate."

She nods and bows her head, letting go of his paw and sit just like that, quiet for a moment. She smiles then and tosses her hair aside "I wish you luck then, Emrys. You deserve to be happy. You are a good man."

He laughs and nods, his paws suddenly reaching for her and he pulls her to him, despite her tries to pull away and he leans her back on his chest "Silly tigress. I was speaking about you! Do not tell me you didn't figure that out so far?"

Purring with pleasure, tigress nods, pressing more into shadow wolf, turning aside and curling in his lap, wondering how someone as him, considered a shadow, can be so hard, her paws kneading on his muscles, as if she wants to make sure he is solid and here with her "I...I wasn't sure. You were teasing me, now I know, but at that moment, part of me almost died. You know that feeling when you see someone for the first time and your heart skips a beat, and you feel drawn to that person instantly?"

He smiles softly and nods, his large paws so gently rubbing her back and side, and now he wonders how she, trained assassin is so cuddly and soft with him. But he does enjoy it, that much is obvious, and for next couple of hours, he lets go of his stern demeanor, turning from proud warrior into a skilled lover, for his beautiful tigress only "Yes, Aziza, I felt it too, from the first time I sensed you nearby. I didn't saw you then, I FELT you, felt your soul and that speaks everything." With that last word, he puts his paw on her chin, lifting her head and he sees two tears in her eyes, tears of happiness. Lowering his head, he presses his lips to hers, his paws pulling her up to him as he kisses her passionately...


As Sanura feels her pain slowly starts to fade away, only feeling left is ticking down in her belly as her heart beats, her tight passage spasming around large wolfhood, she pants, trying to regain her breath, her muzzle still wide open from surprise and pain she felt. "M-master..." she whispers in a weeping tone, and he gently reaches with his paw to touch back of her head and slide his fingers through her hair.

"Easy kitty...Master is here and he will take a good care about you. Pain is almost gone, isn't it?" he whispers softly, lovingly, his left paw under her, massaging her belly gently.

"Y-yes still stings, but not much...I can feel you now in me...Oh Gods, you are so big!" she moans, slowly starting to move a little forward and back, not even an inch, still afraid to push deeper.

He laughs softly and leans forward to kiss her back "Spoken like a true virgin. I am not that big kitty. You just never had a chance to feel a male before. You will get used to it soon." He reaches with his paws and he puts his warm palms on her breasts, feeling her hard nipples and metallic rings on them, and at that moment she starts to shiver, lust starting to overwhelm her. Her next push is stronger, deeper, and she yelps a little when she feels tip of his shaft sliding so deep in her, but she knows there's much left out, and she feels a greed now, biting her lower lip, desperate to feel it more. He too senses her eagerness and his hips follow her motions, two bodies adjusting to each other, working in perfect unison now, until he feels her cervix with his tip, now only inch of his shaft out of her. Grip of her walls is so tight, and he growls with every push, fire flowing through his veins, those on his shaft large and pulsating from rush of his blood through them, and she cannot see that, but his eyes turn into red color, his fangs starting to grow, something he doesn't remember happening any time soon, so much he is aroused. His voice fills the room, loud growling and snarling showing his lust and desire, her purring adding to that, and in no time, he wildly impales her with his shaft, his beautiful slave squirming under his powerful slams, screaming in pleasure "M-MASTER! Mmmmmmm...." she continues to moan, and bite her lip, unable to speak, her words stuck in her throat as she feels his feral strength.

"You feel so GOOD, my slave. Gods, I am going to fuck you all night and next day too!" he closes his eyes, glow in them penetrating even his heavy eyelids, his fingers buried in her breasts, her nipples squeezed between them as he kneads and holds onto her while pounding strongly in her depths.

Lost in pleasure, two bodies melt into one, and for next hour, room is filled with loud cries of pleasure, world beyond it so distant, so place, almost like a someone else's dream, their own perfect world right there with them, in a small room.


Breaking the kiss, Emrys smiles, looking at Aziza, and he sees her lick her lips, returning the gaze to him, and suddenly she feels something, some other presence. She tries to turn, almost jumping from him, but his paw grabs her and she yelps, her head turning to him, waiting for an explanation. He is still smiling, and she kisses her nose, whispering "Relax my pretty assassin. Those are my guard. I called them to replace us on sentry duty. Black has plans with your mistress, and they will very likely last for a day more."

She looks around and notices seven dark forms leave shadows, each one bowing a little toward them before returning into darkness and disappearing from a view. "More shadow wolves? How many of you are there anyway?" she asks with curiosity.

He laughs softly as he stands up and wraps his paw around her waist, starting to walk with her "You know that saying "Curiosity has killed a cat"? Well, this feline is damn curious. There is many of us, and each one of us is sworn to fight for our tribe and our leader, until there's a smallest bit of strength in us. Until we live. That is all you need to know, little one. Now forget about them - you have one shadow wolf right here who demands your attention!" He laughs more and nips her ear, licking over it and hearing her purring...



Addendum 1 - Names


Aziza = precious

Emrys = name of one immortal

Abasi = stern

Osaze = loved by God

Sanura= Kitten

Aengus = exceptional strong

Dillion = faithful

Dunham = dark skinned fighter

Eghan = ardent

Caradoc = dearly loved

Badru = born during the full moon

A wish and a curse

First, a fair warning. This story is not dedicated to sex as such, but to sex as a part of the plot. Thus, you won't see it until nearly end of the story, which now is nearly 11 pages long. What is a goal of this story is to tell a tale of an unusual...

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