Ecstasy: Unexpected Experiment

Story by Jace Winzor on SoFurry

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When I made the turn down the road, you could already see where the party was going on by all the car, lights everywhere, and not to mention the music so loud you could rival a small stadium with it. But that's how things went when my frat house threw a party.

My name is Brett and I'm a senior here at FSU, Furry State University. I'm pretty well known around campus mainly do to the fact that I'm a pretty important player on the football team. I'm of feline decent and about 6'1" with around 235lbs of built solid muscle on my stocky frame. I have been rated by FSPN as one of the best tight ends in football this year. But don't take that the wrong way... I can hear you snickering already. Despite the position's name I play on the football field, I am 100% straight. Sure I have seen countless naked guys in the showers and locker room before, but nothing I saw in there has ever turned me on.

On the relationship front, I recently got dumped by the girl I had been seeing for pretty much the most of 3 years. The bitch thought I cheated on her and because of her conniving cunt of a roommate and "best friend" kept putting it in her head that I was. I hate the bitch. And so when the slightest hint of proof came up that I might be cheating on her, she dumped me. So, going into tonight's party, I was in fuck it mode and I was going to pound some sorority slut raw to make me feel better.

Being a senior in the fraternity that was having the party, I pulled up right outside the house, got out, and made one of the pledges park my car and find me later with the keys. I was pretty nice with the pledges and treated them like furry beings, not like some of my other brothers that treated them like shit. When I got in, the place was beyond packed. People of all shapes, sizes and species were dancing, talking, drinking, and basically partying it up. Out of nowhere, a big brown bear who was one of my good friends, basically pounced me with one of his bone popping hugs. He already reeked of booze. His name was Kevin.

"Brett!! How the fuck are ya!!" He screamed over the deafening music close to ear so I could hear him.

"Alright... Does the music have to be so fucking loud!?" I yelled back into his ear.

"DZ is Djing. You know he likes it loud." He shouted.

"That's putting it lightly..." I said with a chuckle. "Is there anywhere where it's not as loud? I already have a headache." I yelled back to him.

"Back yard!"

"Thanks!" I gave him another guy hug and shook his paw the way only we frat brothers know before I started to make the trek through the mob and out to the back. On my way, I was met by other frat brothers and nodded hello and shit like that. I got a couple long glances from some of the chicks there which made me feel good, made me think I still got it. I even got a anonymous butt squeeze from someone but that thing wasn't too uncommon with a party as packed as this. There are always nameless feels when I used to push through a dancing party crowd. Used to drive my old girlfriend crazy with jealousy.

I finally made it to the kitchen and once the door shut, it was a little less quite but not that much. I could hear my ear ringing as I walked up to Derek and gave him a bro hug and frat shake. Derek is one of the presidents in our frat which is kind of funny since he is a wolf. I always tease him that we're his wolf pack now. Just a little pun off a pretty funny movie we watched a while back while we were shit faced hammered. He grabbed a drink off the counter and shoved it in my paw.

"Fuck that bitch dude..." he started off out of nowhere. "You're better off without her. Here's to single life!!" He rose his plastic cup, pounded his drink, and then grabbed the ass of a chick that just so happened to be passing by. Just just giggled and scampered off. I just gave a slight smirk and did the same, minus the ass grab, "I'm gonna get you so fucked up, its gonna be worse than that night in Stephanie's house.... remember that!?"

I grimaced. Even though I don't remember exactly what I did, there are numerous pictures and videos floating around to remind me what I did. I certainly can't become now a politician after that night.

We ended up having a pretty good laugh and pounded a few more beers before him and I headed out back where it wasn't as crazy loud and crazy busy. Derek lead me over to a group of people he knew and that I think I had met once before but really had no clue who they were. However, there was a pretty hot chick there who was already giving me the "come fuck me" eyes so I wasn't too bothered to go. She looked young, but I didn't care if she was of age. If she was at a party like this, then she should know what might happen. Too bad for her, right?

"Brett," Derek said, "This is Peter, Mick, Julie Ann, Karen, Steve-o, Kim, and Jen. Everybody, this is Brett, as I'm sure you all know." I smiled and nodded to everyone, being polite. Momma didn't raise no fool.

We started talking about all sorts of bullshit and this, that, and the other. One of the pledges came up to us and whispered into Derek's ear and I could tell by his sudden pissed off expression that it wasn't good. Derek was a wolf and even though he didn't play on any sports team in college, he was built bigger than I was and he was a couple inches taller than I was. I had seen him truly pissed off before and it took 4 of us guys who all play on the football team to pull him off this one kid. The kid was stupid enough to actually spit on his girlfriend at the time and he went ballistic. He wasn't that made right now, but I gave him a curious look as he walked away and he just shook his head letting me know it wasn't anything major.

However, as soon as he left, Kim (the "fuck me eyes" chick) quickly took his place when I was looking the other direction at Derek as he walked away. Now I was feeling pretty tipsy at the moment cause I was about 13 or 14 drinks back and I actually flinched when I turned back and she was right there. She was a vixen and close up, I could tell that she wore too much make-up. "Insecurity problems", I thought to myself and I smiled. Just some suave confidence with a little degrading comments here and there and I'd be pounding her asshole by 2am.

It didn't take long for her to start dancing up on me still giving me the fuck me eyes. It was kind of amusing to me cause her head only came up to about my chest but I let her amuse herself. I didn't really acknowledge it. The game has begun. After about 10 minutes of her dancing up on me and me totally ignoring her besides the occasional paw on her lower back, she tugged on my arm which drew my attention away from the conversation I was having about our offensive playbook with another one of my buddies from the team.

"I wanna go dance..." She wined and pouted, looking up with me with her biggest doe eyes. I frowned.

"What!? no... It's too loud in there." I said, letting her know that I was going to be the one in charge tonight.

"Pleeeeeeease..." she begged again, this time batting her eye lashes and doing some little childish jumping. I couldn't help but look at her bouncing tits. They were so young and firm. She probably didn't even need a bra.

"No... I'm talking to Rick." and with that, I went back to talking to Rick. The test was laid and her true intentions would be reviled even if she didn't realize it. If she was going to bitch out and I was going to let her, now would be the time. If she stays, then well... we know the rest.

As I was talking with Rick, I kept looking at her out of the corner of my eye. Rick was smiling big because he knew exactly what was going on. He played along like a good wing man should. She pouted and kind of hung onto my arm and kept slowly sipping her drink, occasionally looking up at me, hoping to get some sort of attention. I could tell she was getting bored but she was also a light weight with the drinking. Her body was swaying from side to side and the time was about right. I nodded to Rick with a wink and he winked back.

"Alright Brett, I'm gonna go get a drink, you want anything?" Rick said in almost a too loud of a voice.

"Nah, I'm good bro... Thanks."

I let him get a couple steps away before I grabbed Jen by the wrist and yanked her with me. She gave a little squeak and stumbled to keep up in her high heels.

"What are you doing!?" She yelped.

"You wanted to dance, so lets fucking dance." I said.

"Really!?" She exclaimed. I didn't answer because for one, he had gotten into the house by then and it might of even of been louder than before. I shoved my way through the crowd, not caring who I pissed off cause I was one of the biggest dudes there. Once we got to the middle of what was turned into the dance floor, I grabbed her by her lower back and pulled her quickly right up against my front. Her face looked shocked and out of her comfort zone and that's where I wanted her. Sweet little innocent girl was going to grow up real fast tonight.

I started moving with the music, keeping her close to me, never letting my eyes leave her's. She looked scared but I could see she was started to get a little more grounded. Within a couple minutes she was starting to break out of her shell but every time she started to move on her own and let go too much, I'd bring her back by moving her around, switching side and positions. I was in charge tonight and each time I did it, it took less and less time for her to let go again until she started smiling every time I manhandled her. She was beginning to like being taken control of and she was right where I wanted it.

Time seemed to go in slow motion then. Dancing and drinking started to blur together. It was a little while before Derek was out there too, next to me with some hot chick too. He was basically fucking her on the dance floor when he reached over and dropped what looked like a smarty pill in my drink. I looked at the drink and then back at him. He just winked before looking back down at his bitch for the night and really started dirty grinding with her. I was pretty hammered by then so I just shrugged and drank it, pill and all. That's when things really got fuzzy. The fucker gave me ecstasy.

It was starting to get late and I was getting horny. I grabbed Jen by her waist as she was backing her ass up against my swollen crotch and whispered into her ear. (well, loud enough for her to hear over the music, duh.)

"I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you...."

She froze for a second and at that second I grabbed her wrist and pulled her with me as I made my way upstairs and into an room. I flicked the light on and one of the pledges was making out with some kinda fugly chick on the bed. His eyes went wide and he almost started to cower away from me.

"Get the fuck out!" I said in a booming voice that demanded obedience. Both him and the girl stumbled over each other as the couldn't leave the room fast enough. As they passed me, I tossed Jen on the bed. She whimpered a little as I threw her, but she just laid there, looking at me with those frightened insecure eyes. I flashed a cocky jock smirk before I flicked the light off and kicked the door close with the heel of my foot.

I slowly got on top of her, my body dwarfing her's in every regard. My big arms slide around her like a hungry snake as I pressed my lips to her's. She whimpered again but also moaned this time. I quickly forced my fat rough feline tongue into her maw and explored her small muzzle. I actually felt her gag as my fat oral muscle filled her jaws and pushed to the back of her throat. I was beyond hot with passion now and the ecstasy was kicking in hard. I don't think my dick has ever been this hard before.

I was moaning loud into her mouth as my hands slipped up under her shirt and pulled it up over her head. As I raise my head away from her as her shirt passed over her's, I looked at a pair of the most perfect breasts I had ever seem. Blanketed in soft pearly white fur, they layed there begging for a mouth. I reached down and cupped her left tit as I leaned back down and started to kiss, nibble, and suck along her neck. I could tell she was in heaven now. Her moans escaped her mouth with gasps. Her body shook with passion riveting up and down her spine. I wasted no time now as I moved down and started sucking on her right tit while my hand roughly groped her left.

Meanwhile in the back of my mind, I slipped my right paw down her lower back and teases into the waistband of her tightly fit jeans. Caressing the top of her crack, she let out a loud gasp and arched her back high. I could feel her legs shake and then she slumped back down again. I couldn't believe it. She already had an orgasm. This was going to be a good night.

So enough with the foreplay then I figured as I got back on my knees and worked her jeans open. I grabbed the sides of her jeans and panties and yanked them down. Instantly, the sweet smell of her sex filled my nostrils, making me even more intoxicated with lust. I moved back and almost savagely pulled her pants off and threw them away. I slide up between her legs now, like a python stalking its prey. I stopped, only a few inches away from her quivering pussy and even in the slight moonlight coming through the window, her cunt looked amazing.

The insides of her thighs were already wet from her previous orgasm and so I dove right in. She screamed in pleasure, her paws instantly grabbing the sheets and holding them in white knuckled fists. My fat tongue expertly rolled around and teased her. (Felines are the best at eating out pussy. Don't care what anyone says.) I spent what seemed like an eternity on her snatch. She must of cum like 3 or 4 times before I finally stopped. I slunk back off the bed and stood there, looking down at her. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose and fell rapidly with her breath. Her thin vixen body lay limp with exhaustion but little did she know, that was just starters.

I pulled my shirt off and tossed it away, reviling my dead sexy cut chest, abs, and arms. I fumbled for a second with my belt as I kicked off my shoes and then down with the pants. My big 8 inch thick cock sprang up and throbbed in the moonlight. Almost on cue, she looked over at me between those lazy eyelids and her eyes instantly got wide. I slowly walked around to the side of the bed, closest to where her head lay, my fat cock swinging back and forth between my powerful thighs.

"Suck it bitch..." I said in a seductive whisper as I reached down and waved my heavy meat at her muzzle. Kim slowly slid over closer and grabbed my dick by the base. I got a shot of ego boost when her paw couldn't even reach around the whole thing. She looked at it for a second, just taking in the size before she opened her mouth and closer her eeys. Slowly she pulled her maw over my cock and started to suck. My head draped back and a very satisfied groan rumbled up from my chest. She feebly worked on my dick for a couple minutes before I got bored and wanted more.

I pulled my cock from her mouth and gently shoved her to the side of the bed. I layed down the other way she was and then pulled her on top of me for a nice 69. She wasted no time to jump back on my cock and she was so much better at this angle. With my dick curving up slightly, it fit perfectly into her maw and I almost forgot get quivering cunt right in front of my mouth. I was just about to lean up and dive in again when this massive fucking cock suddenly hovered over my face.

I looked up at the guy who was inches away from my head and also inches away from my girl. It was Colin, a tall and built canine who was also the QB of our football team. I had seen him naked countless times in the showers and he was always playfully teased about the side of his junk. I had onl seen his sheath soft, but even then it was close to 7 inches and pretty damn thick with a huge set of low hangers to boot. But now he was standing over top of me almost with this monster cock with a drunken grin on his face.

"Dude.. I'm shorwie.." He slurred his words. "But I'ff bin washin you two and yoor so fuahk'n hot... I.. I can't wait any longer..."

And with that she stepped forward and started to slide what had to be over 13 inches of beer can thick cock into the girl I was going to fuck who's cunt was not even 4 inches away from my face. I turned my face away with disgust.

"Dude!?" I yelled but it was too late. I heard the cardinal roar of lust coming from Jen's lungs as she death gripped my cock with her paws. I tried not to watch but it was like a car wreck, I couldn't help it. Inch by inch that monster cock filled her cunt to the brim and more. The sweet smell of her sex and the bitter musk of his crotch filled my nostrils making me shutter. I couldn't believe that I was getting turned on by having this huge dick so close to my face going into a cunt.

Colin was about three quarters of the way in before he started to pull back out and start to slowly fuck her. His strong arms reached out and grabbed her hips and held her as he pistoned his dick in and out of her, going a little deeper each time. Jen was in sheer bliss. I had never heard a girl moan like that before and each time Colin pushed in a little more, she would yelp a blissful yelp and her legs would open more, bringing her dripping wet cunt and his big dick close to my face.

Within minutes, Jen's legs were nearly convulsing with another crushingly powerful orgasm as she screamed and then suddenly her legs gave out and she dropped down on me smothering my face with her cock stuffed pussy.

At first I couldn't believe how hot it felt. The heat radiating from her snatch and his dick was intense. I was just about to push her off of me when I froze, feeling a strange tender hand on the side of my face. I looked up at immediately locked eyes with Colin who was looking back down at me, smiling warmly. Time seemed to stop as I felt myself get lost in those deep ice blue eyes of his. That's when a feeling brought me back a little and it was the feeling of his monster cock rubbing back and forth against my cheek as the started to fuck Jen again. But the strangest thing was, I wasn't disgusted by it. In fact, the more he did it, the more I like it and the more I wanted it. I actually began to move my muzzle against his strokes to feel it more and more. Then a familiar mouth sucked over my pre leaking cock that almost sent me over the edge. With a cock filled pussy in my face and a hot mouth around my cock, I was starting to see a brand new avenue of sexuality that needed exploring.

As pleasure flooded my mind, my feeble sense of right and wrong went out the window. It started to feel like a fuzzy haze filled dream now more than anything. I felt myself actually open my mouth and slip my tongue out and dragged it slowly up across Jen's bulging clit and up the belly of Colin's huge cock until I reached his nuts. I stopped when I felt Colin shutter and pick up his pace. I did the same. I lapped like a fiend at her sex, not caring now if I licked him or her. It was all the same now and I didn't care. Colin really started to let go, using all of his cock to piston in and out of her stretch and abused twat until he pulled out a little too far. His cock popped out and slid right down her belly and right across my muzzle, really covering my short fur in stick sex juice. Both him and I sort of snapped out of our ecstasy drunken induced sex coma.

We both looked at each other and for a second we seemed to really click like nothing I've never felt before. In seemingly slow motion, Colin pulled his cock back and aimed it right at my mouth. The last bit of hesitation in my body left as he pushed it against my lips and my jaw opened effortlessly. I can still feel to this day how it tasted and how big it was as it slid over my tongue. The mix of his and her's sex washed over my taste buds, setting off explosions of new amazing and equally addicting sensations in the deep hidden recesses of my mind. I had to have more. So for the next hour, Colin took turns between Jen's aching cunt and my willing maw.

I lost count of how many orgasms Jen had and I really had to hand it to her, she stayed in there like a trooper. I was starting to become numb with everything. I could feel my body start to shut down too. Jen's mouth had kept me on the edge for so long, I couldn't take it and I think Colin noticed it. He suddenly shoved all of his cock in and then grabbed the back of the vixen's head in one of his massive paws and shoved it down all the way on my cock. I howled with pain and pleasure as my cock squeezed down her narrow throat and immediately exploded. She gagged and struggled, but at her weakened state, Colin didn't even budge as he watched with a certain gratification as my body flexed and jerk each time I shot another thick rope of cum into her throat.

After the 6th or 7th shot, Colin let go of her head and she yanked off my cock, gasping and coughing. Colin then grabbed onto her hips like never before he pounded her with ruthless abandonment, not giving her a second to catch her breath. I couldn't even believe how hard he was fucking her. She couldn't even make a sound it was that rough. Then it happened, I had a front row seat as he hilted every inch of his moose sized cock into he. I watched that thick vein underneath flex and he started to fill her gut with his seed. But I was totally caught off gaurd when after the 3rd shot, he quickly pulled out and started furiously jerking. Several more spurts of the thickest cum I'd ever seen exploded out of his dick and splattered all over her ass, her snatch and my face. The smell was so strong, it almost made my stomach turn. It was pure male and I knew it.

It was the first facial I had ever received. It was the first bi experience I had ever done. And one thing was for sure, It wasn't going to be my last.


Written by: Jace Winzor