Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch3

Story by XenoElite on SoFurry

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#3 of Xenomorphs

Author(s) Note: Yeah Ch3, almost as long as Ch1 but just a few sentences short. Basic summary, some Plot Development plus the Queen finally makes an appearance... Afraid to say that there is no yiff, nor will there be for a few more chapters (Bring on the hate mail/comments XD).

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and entertainment, don't like it? Don't read.

_Italic words;_will indicate thoughts/ideas/memories.

Story and Character are copyrighted by me.

Without further ado let's begin.

Echo Team, Location: Monorail tunnel, Time: 10:00 p.m.

Aaron and the rest of his Team had found a Monorail train substation that not only allowed them easy access to the systems tunnels but as well as a detailed map of all the routes. After installing the map to their personal GPS systems thanks to Susan, they began moving again. The Team decided to follow route B that lead to Security and from there take the Service rail to the North gate. That 'was' the plan till they got about halfway to the Security in the tunnel.

"How come shit just isn't going our way today?" Mark asked.

"Blame Aaron's 'friends' for that they seem to know how to throw one hell of a party" Nathan said sarcastically.

"Yeah you know me... always rolling with the 'cool' people" replied Aaron.

"Your alcoholic father must have been driving this thing when it crashed" (Dave).

"Na, this looks more like your failed attempts at driving... like last time with the tank" Aaron countered.

"Hey! It's not my fault that the thing had 20 different buttons that don't do anything important. Besides that was the only spot I could find that I could fit..." Dave shot back.

"Ya straight through a concrete wall" Aaron pointed to the Monorail train that was completely blocking tunnel. "You sure did manage to 'squeeze' your way in".

"Well now what? Try another tunnel or use the roads outside?" asked Susan.



"Aren't there Emergency rails down here too?" Aaron asked.

"Well yeah but we can't get access to them from here, we need to get to either the Medical sector or Security... Maintenance would also work but it's completely under lockdown" (Mark).

"Susan could you hack the system and open up a route for us to take instead?" (Aaron).

"If I can find an access router I should be able to bypass the emergency lockdown for the Maintenance tunnel and then open up the Emergency rails".

"Alright then let's get a move on" (Aaron).

"Yaa another detour" Dave remarked.

Location: E.B.R. Base lower levels, Time: 10:00 p.m.

Rocxis slowly moved the air hatch above an unsuspecting Human that had fallen asleep in a chair propped against the wall. Smiling he motioned one of the other Xeno's over, "Take that one back to the Hive and let the Queen see him" he instructed.

The Xeno nodded its head and skillfully made its way to the male Human delivering a hard blow to his head knock him out for good. Just as carefully the Xeno lifted him up and made its way back to the Hive with its captive.

Still smiling Rocxis turned to the other 7 Xeno's in the vent with him. "Alright you all know what to do, if you come across any Human capture it alive and as 'unspoiled' as possible. Do not kill them unless you are discovered or at risk of being discovered". They all nodded their heads before splitting up checking the remaining rooms on the bottom level before moving up to the next.

While some Xenomorphs used the vents to move around others moved down the corridors and halls checking rooms as they went. Once in a while a 'thud' was herd indicating another Human had being knocked out and take-in to the Hive. Within only 30 minutes the Xenomorphs had already take-in 2 of the 9 Teams at the Base back to the Hive without alerting the other Teams.

"This is to easy... I thought these Humans would be at least smarter than this" Rocxis grumbled, "*Sigh* the Queen isn't going to be happy if we don't find a suitable-host soon". But honestly... it doesn't look like we will find one from this group at the rate things are going... There are still more Humans left, hopefully one of them will prove its worth before this is all over.

Another Xeno approached Rocxis while he was still deep in thought about the Humans here. "We have take-in all the Humans we can carry back to the Hive" the Xeno said.

"Any causalities?"

The Xeno smiled, "Only two on their side."

"I trust you left them 'recognizable' to their fellow friends?"

"Only if they look closely" replied the still smiling Xeno.

Location: E.B.R. Base upper levels, Time: 10:45 p.m.

The Commander was still in the Intel room with Team Key still overlooking the progress of the other Teams. The Radar hadn't showed any unaccounted movement beside the 2 Teams now doing sweeps as well as Echo teaming slowly making its way to the North gate. The Teams that were sent to the Medical and Control room had returned successful with the Data they were told to acquire. Part of Team Key was going through the Data as of 9:30, already they had come across some interesting things regarding what happened to Vargo. (Well... Interesting to everyone else but the Commander who already knew what happened.) The Rest of the Teams were sitting back relaxing since they had nothing better to do at the moment.

Why are they taking so long to get to the North gate? He knew they hadn't been attacked because they would have called it in. Yet they kept falling back as if they were... If they don't get to the gate soon then there plan to 'lure' the Xeno's out wouldn't work. They would instead have to wait for either them to make the first move our go in 'guns blazing' so to speak. Besides that everything else is going well... a little 'to well' for his liking thought the Commander.

"Sir where getting a urgent transmission from one of the Teams."

*Sigh* "What now?"

"...Says...says that Teams Alpha and Delta have gone missing".

"Missing!? Where!?"

"They don't know sir there is absolute no trace of them anywhere".

How could that be? We have completely secured this place; there is no possible way they could have left without us knowing about it. "Check the Radar they can't of just slipped into thin air" (Commander).

"Yes sir."

Had they struck first? Did they find out their whereabouts and decided to go on the offensive? If so how did they infiltrate the Base... Wait... the tunnels. Aaron said the tunnels where mostly intact except for a few areas. They must be using those to sneak in, but why didn't they show up on the Radar? Many other questions swirled in the Commanders mind but were forced to return to the present by what the officer next to him said.

"Sir... 2 members of Alpha Team have been found."

"Do they know what happened to rest of Team Alpha and Delta?"



"There died sir... both of them are horribly gauged and slashed all over".

"No... No... NO! NO! NO!" yelled the Commander. How did they get in! How!? Let alone how did they manage to take out 2 of his teams without him or anyone else knowing till now!? "How long have they been dead?"

"Hard to say sir but the bodies are still warm... no more than half-hour Id guess".

"Tell Teams Bravo and Charlie to start looking for how those fuckers got into our Base without being dictated" ordered the Commander.

".....Yes sir"

"Also have Teams Fire and Halo start doing sweeps inside the Base, I don't want this happening again". Fuck! This ruins my entire plan... but perhaps not... Echo Team is still moving around without much trouble it seems. Maybe I can use them as a distraction to buy us some time... Send them into the Hive with some explosives and cause havoc. No that won't work... they wouldn't get to the entrance without being discovered... Hhmmm.......... What to do what to do...

Location: The Hive, Time: around 12:00 a.m.

Matt slowly came to awareness feeling the dull ache on his head from the blow the Xeno gave him. Opening his eyes he found himself in a dark room of some sort with what appeared to be some sort of secreted residue. Now standing up, Matt began looking for an exit out of the room. Peering around he noticed what looked like a tunnel on the far side of the room. "That's a start" Matt guessed making his way towards it. After taking ten steps he heard a hissing sound followed by some clicks along with movement in front of him. "What the?" 2 large Xenomorphs now stood in front of him blocking his path; one of them gave an angry hiss at him and pointed behind Matt. What? Does it want me to go back? Why? Actually a better question would be where the hell am I!? And where the hell is the rest of my Team?!

"I could answer those questions" a feminine voice said from behind Matt.

Matt jumped at the sudden break of silence in his head and turned around trying to find the voice's owner. What he saw made his heart skip a beat and a cold chill wash over him, there towards the back of the room was the Queen. Matt was surprised he didn't notice her presence the first time he looked around the room... actually now that he looked closer... it wasn't so much a room as it was more of a chamber. My eyes must have finally adjusted to the darkness in here, which would explain why he didn't see her before.

What appeared to be a 'smile' spread across the Queen's face "Yes... you humans do have such poor eye sight... it's no wonder your dependant on creating your own light for your selves".

Again Matt was caught off guard by her sudden input, Is she in my head? Or is she just really good at reading people....

"Both actually."


"Now now... to answer your earlier questions; you're in our home you humans call 'The Hive'. As for the rest of your Team, they are also here while the others are still back at their Base" finished the Queen.


"What? Is my beauty too much for you take?" The Queen half-acted putting a clawed hand to her forehead. "It's not polite to stare at a lady" she playfully scolded.

Stare? At what? Her sharp teeth and claws? Her tail?

"Some people/creatures find those attractive traits just as you human males find breasts so appealing."

Fuck! I've got to stop thinking out-load because this conversation just got weird... "Why am I here? Why wasn't I killed?

"Well... I was curious to see what my children and I would be facing against so I had ordered a group to sneak in and bring some of you back for study. Well you got picked to be studied, the rest of your friends are either already dead or are close to it. Although to be honest you are too, I have learned all I need about your group and to put it nicely I'm not impressed. *Sigh* here I thought your Team would pose a threat to Hive, but if all your friends are like you the-".

What sounded like and felt like a simple breeze was soon escalated to a roaring wall of wind that blew through the chamber Matt and the Queen were in interrupting the conversation at hand. The wind was strong enough to throw Matt half way across the room, and if the Queen had been standing, push her back a few feet. The wind was soon replaced by a deep rumbling sound that shook multiple levels of the Hive before subsiding leaving the inhabiting Xeno's who witness it confused and some slightly fearful as to what happened.

"What the fuck was that!?" exclaimed Matt as he slowly rose to his feet looking around himself half expecting parts of the floor and ceiling to start giving way.

The Queen just stayed where she was silently staring-off at something before rising to her feet and made her way to the exit of the chamber. "It would seem your friends either got brave or very foolish... I'm willing to bet that half of them died in that blast or whatever it was... *Sigh* there went half of our 'fresh food supply'". She said something to the 2 Xeno's at the exit (Who were also collecting themselves from the sudden blast of wind) as she continued down the corridor.

"Hey! Where are you going!?" shouted Matt after her.

"To see the collateral damage of course, can't say I will miss not seeing you again but that is as much your fault as it is mine" with those final words the Queen disappeared into the darkness leaving Matt alone..... well almost alone...

The 2 Xeno's from before approached Matt hissing and clicking back and forth between each other obviously trying to come to an agreement about something. However it wasn't long before they both seemed to settle on something and focused their attention back on Matt. Without any warning, the Xeno on the right swiped his claws across Matt's face leaving deep oozing gashes across it. Now blinded and in pain, Matt screamed covering his face with his hands while backing away from the approaching Xeno's. The other Xeno followed Matt delivering a bone breaking blow to Matt's chest and jaw before sending a powerful kick to his gut sending him against the wall in a jumbled bloody mess of pain. The fist Xeno approached Matt again lifting him up to eye level, giving one last angry hiss the Xeno's mouth shot forward ripping his throat (and most of his neck) clean off. With a satisfied growl the Xeno dropped him and with his fellow accomplice left the chamber.

Matt was unable to do anything... He couldn't breathe, move, and already his conscious was starting to fade. The corner of his vision was beginning to blacken and his heart and body began to slow down to a stop signaling his death. Yet before Matt was completely swallowed by the darkness on last final thought came to him. Everyone... I'm so sorry; I hope I won't see the rest of you too soon... We shouldn't have come here...

Who pissed themselves a little? XD I had fun writing this one especially the end. Rate, Comment, and Critize.