For Better or For Worse chapter 4

Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#4 of For Better or For Worse Chapters

I know it's been awhile since I last posted ANYTHING but I have been able to find time to write the fourth chapter!!! Yes! I got a very interesting review from a good reader and he made a valuable point, I do sometimes get carried away with the sex, but again, the sex is a key factor in the story. If I told you why, it would ruin everything, so I'm keeping quiet. Without further delay, here is chapter 4!

Chapter 4 - Hunted

The doctor turned, shifting his glasses back into place with his index finger as he stared across the room.

"This cannot go unseen, you know what to do."

The person shrouded in shadows across the room nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face as he turned swiftly, exiting the room silently. The doctor smiled and situated his glasses again, turning to his assistant who was typing on a computer.

"This should prove most interesting my dear. Let's see how this plays out, shall we?"

The woman looked up before nodding, her vibrant blue eyes dull and bored. The doctor let a chuckle escape him, clicking a button on a keyboard and watched as several cameras appeared all over the scattered screens. Oh this would be very interesting indeed.

Red's POV -

The day was just beginning. The skies were bright and clear as we trudged through the forest, now far away from the facility we had escaped. I stared at the back of my companion, Chris as he led the way, not really knowing where to go. We had no destination, we hoped to find an abandoned cabin or something on our journey so we could stay in it and have a bed to sleep in, hopefully two beds. I was glad to be away from that horrid place, but the thought of abandoning other test subjects there made me angry at myself. I wanted to save them, wanted to bring them with me, so they could taste freedom as well. Stopping in mid walk, I looked at Chris, who turned to give me a questioning look.

"What's wrong?"

I shifted and swallowed, a bit nervous about saying what was on my mind.

"We need to go back. We have to get the others."

Chris gave me the 'you're insane' look and walked closer.

"What are you saying, that we go all the way back, and storm the place? Have you lost your mind, or is that memory loss also affecting your thinking. We'd be killed. It's too risky. And even so, we don't even know if there are any more test subjects, let alone more like us. It's complete suicide!"

I shook my head still, turning and starting to walk back.

"Well if you're not in, then I guess I'm going alone. I'll be back, go back to the waterfall, we'll meet up there."

Without another word I trudged back, not bothering to listen as he told me to come back and tried to make me change my mind. A silence followed before I heard running behind me, making me turn to regard what he was doing.

"Wait up, you're not going alone, I'm in."

I smiled and nodded, walking fast back towards the facility, it would take a long while, but I'd do it, or it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

Several hours later....

Chris's POV -

I could see the facility ahead of me. I could see in his eyes that he was dead serious now. He was actually going to go through with this. A guard passed close by us, running in another direction at some order being given, making both of us duck and hide quickly behind a large bush. When the coast was clear he jumped up, waiting for no guards to be nearby as he rushed through the empty field, going over to the exact door we had escaped from before pressing against the wall, motioning for me to come on. I gave a quick glance both ways, worried that I'd be spotted before sprinting across the clearing and pressing myself against the wall beside him.

He put his hand on the handle and quickly opened it, spinning and darting inside while I followed behind. When I went through the door he was pressed against the wall next to where you turn left. He was looking, and with one hand, told me to stop. I stopped beside him looking with him to see two guards posted at the next door. I leaned back and gave a silent sigh before silently stepping out into the center before running towards them, the sound of my clawed toes making them spin around, there faces in shock as my hands went to there throats, lifting them into the air and squeezing tightly, strangling them. He rushed past me and stood by the door, waiting to continue, one of the guards' hands went to his gun, about to pull it but I squeezed tighter and twisted my hand to the side with a jerk, snapping his neck. The other was so shocked he didn't do anything but sob as I threw him against the wall, a loud crack sounding through the empty hall.

So far we went undetected. We didn't make any noise that could be heard from any other rooms. So far it was good. When he opened the door I looked, nobody was down this hall. WE rushed through it but stopped as we came to a door. With hesitation I opened it and looked inside, it was a room, but nobody was in it. Closing the door we headed forward, opening and checking every room before opening the door and going into the next hallway. There were four guards posted, one at each door. This hall had to have some people inside the rooms. Halting, I looked at him as he gave me a sideways glance before we both charged through the door, being silent but not unnoticed as the guards noticed us as we were able to take out two of them. I reached out as the third ran for a red button which was probably an alarm, throwing him against the wall making his body give a sharp jerk before falling motionless to the cold floor. The other guard, who was too quick for me to catch, ran forward and slammed the button.

Instantly red lights started flashing and sirens went off. The guard chuckled before Red punched him in the face, making his head slam against the wall. I gave him a surprised look, not used to this side of him. He glared at me for a second, his usually so calm and peaceful eyes now narrowed to deadly slits as he went to the first door, opening it before standing perfectly still. I walked beside him and gasped at what I saw. In the middle of the floor laid a now dead Anthro, he wasn't much different from me or Red, but around him was blood. Not a puddle, but patches, as if it had been spilt there. I knew that he was a failed experiment, that's what happens to failures, there bodies deny the DNA that was given and they die painfully and slowly. Red walked over to the body, turning him over and cradling his torso in his arms, his head resting on his arm, but the body had no warmth, there was no life. He bowed his head, I could see his body tense up as he stood, walking past me and quickly to the other rooms, finding the exact same thing every time.

I looked down at the ground, swallowing back the lump in my throat before I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, and I knew he was holding back tears. He turned to fully face me before doing something that surprised me. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, his face buried in my neck as he cried silently. I knew he was crying because I could feel the hot tears fall on my neck and shoulder. I knew he had a soft heart. That much was proven when he was so determined to come back here and try to save everybody else, if there even was anybody else. After a few long moments he gave a heavy sigh and looked at me, his eyes sad but still cold.

"We need to go...there could be others alive."

I have an agreeing nod and we headed out, running down the hall and destroying the doors as we went, not caring to be silent, plus we had to hurry in case more guards showed up. We checked more rooms as we ran through the hallways, but only to either find most of them empty or a select few with a dead body. We could hear gun fire close by, which made me wonder if the others who were alive weren't trying to escape because of the alarm going off. We hurried to another hall, smashing down a door that was to the main lab. It was deserted as we walked in, seeing papers scattered here and there, the occasional chair turned over or table smashed. I knew that others were trying to get free, but they must have had to fight. Suddenly I heard a loud groan come from behind one of the turned tables, making me rush over to see what it was, Red was right beside me.

What I seen made my eyes widen, but Red acted fast, taking the groaning body in his arms and shaking him.

"Hey! What happened to you, are you alright?"

The fellow Anthro looked up at him, blood trailed down the side of his mouth, his eyes came to stare at me, then back at Red.


I closed my eyes as he turned his head away before coughing up a mouthful of blood, the bright red liquid spilling to the floor beside him. He looked up at me, and I stared down at him, by his eyes I could tell he was in so much pain, he was suffering so much.

"Please...I beg"

Red was on the verge of crying, his face was tense and he held the body close.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out of here, we'll help you."

I looked down, I knew there was no way he could be saved, and keeping him alive would just make him suffer longer. The pain he was going through was most likely unbearable, and I'd be screaming for help too if I was in his position. I looked down at him again, kneeling before taking him from Red. He gave me a questioning look but I gave him a cold stare that made him bow his head. I sat on the ground, cradling the burning body in my arms.

"You must be in so much pain...I promise I will help you...I'll end your suffering..."

My words made Red glance up, his eyes wide as he rushed over to me, shock was all over his features.

"What are you talking about!? We can bring him with us and make him better!"

I shook my head and stared down at the heavily breathing Anthro. He gave me a smile before coughing again, his eyes shutting tight and his body shaking. I took my free hand and rubbed the side of his cheek softly, trying to comfort him. I looked at Red. He was looking down at the ground, his fists clenched tightly.

"You may want to wait outside, keep watch for anymore guards. The alarm is going so we'll have more trouble soon."

Red looked up at me, he knew what I was going to do, and he didn't like it, but he gave a small nod and stood, walking over to the door and out into the hallway. I looked back down at the Anthro, he was still smiling.

"Don't worry. I'll end your suffering..."

He continued to stare up at me, his breathing now smooth and normal, his smile widened before he closed his eyes.

"Thank you..."

I moved both my hands to rest at the back of his head and at his jaw. His eyes opened and he nodded, looking up at me as if I were God. I nodded and breathed deeply, my hands tightening in the areas before I gave a hard twist, hearing a loud crack sound through the empty room. His body went limp as I could practically feel the life leave him, my hands now shaking from what I had just done. His head was now turned to the side, a small trail of blood flowing down his cheek and to the floor, he looked so peaceful, I knew I had did the right thing but still felt horrified. I picked the body up and laid him on the bed, folding his arms over his stomach and covering his exposed waist up with the blanket. He looked to be asleep, which is what I wanted. Turning I walked out of the room, walking past Red who instantly followed me as I headed for the door to the other halls, soon we would be in the center of the facility.

"Where should we go now, we've checked all the rooms, we'll be in the labs next, possibly there could be some unconscious Anthros in there, right?"

I looked back at him as I stopped, to be honest I wasn't sure anymore. I'd never been out past the halls. The only other room I knew was the lab I woke up in, which wasn't a pleasant memory.

"Yeah, we'll head to the labs. Now when we get to them we'll split up and search separately, that way we can cover more ground, I know we'll run into guards, so be careful and try not to get killed."

He nodded and gave me a grin that made my heart melt. He was back to his normal self, although we were in a serious situation, his eyes were so gentle and he was still as cute as ever. Opening the door we rushed in, splitting up and taking each end of the hallway. I only prayed that he would be safe, I didn't care what happened to me,

Red's POV -

I rushed down the hall, turning right and opening a door, finding an empty lab with an empty examination table. I growled low as I could hear multiple footsteps running towards me, I knew it was guards, and they didn't want to chat. Slamming the door I ran, opening more doors that only led to more empty labs. I heard shouting and then the sound of guns being shot as the guards seen me. I ducked and dodged the bullets as I ran, praying they wouldn't hit me as I busted down a door and ran in. This room was lounge room where the doctors relaxed. I seen an elevator open and a doctor run out only to stop dead as he seen me. His eyes widened as he then ran for the cabinet that probably held weapons. I stopped him by grabbing his coat collar, lifting him into the air as I got right in his face.

"Where is the labs with the other experiments!?" I said, my teeth showing and a heavy growl in my throat.

He screamed in fear and dropped all that he was holding, tears now streaming down his face.

"I'm new here, I just started today! Please don't kill me I have a family!"

I shook him again and screamed.

"Where are the labs!?"

"On the second floor, the other doctors told me the second floor was where they did the experiments! When one is a success, the subject is brought down to this floor and taken to a room! Please, please don't hurt me!"

I let him down gently and seen that I towered over him, he was probably only 5'7. He was young, definitely not fit for the work he did.

"Thank you, I'm not going to hurt you, get out of here while you can, my friend may not be so kind if he runs into you."

Giving a quick nod he ran, not caring to pick up his things as he ran out the door and down the hall. The guards had gone down another hall hopefully, which gave me time to catch my breath. I looked around, seeing only couches and vending machines. I headed over to the elevator and pressed the up button, the door opened and I stepped in, pressing two as the door closed and I began moving. Elevator music started playing, which actually made me chuckle. The door opened finally and I was staring into the face of a guard. His eyes widened as he reached for his gun but my hand caught his throat and squeezed, breaking his neck before he even got it out of the holster.

I looked down at the body and sighed before moving on, looking around at the few doors that lead to the labs that held other Anthros. I went through the first door on my left, and as the door opened my eyes set on a covered up body on the large table. I quickly went over to it, removing the cover to find a dead Anthro that had a puddle of dried blood around his head and shoulder. He was a failure...and they killed him...My fists clenching tightly as I bowed my head and silently prayed he rested in peace.

I searched the other rooms, finding only dead bodies, I prayed for them too. As I was in the process of praying to yet another dead Anthro, whose bright green scales now looked dim due to lack of life, a loud explosion that literally shook the room made me jump. I looked in the direction the explosion had come from, running out of the room to look and see the end of the hall covered in flames. I was shocked to stillness as another explosion shook the place, seeing the flames consume more of the hall, but my shock was replaced with surprise as I seen a black Anthro run out of the flames, straight towards me. As he seen me, he stopped only a couple of yards away.

All I could do was stare at him, at first I thought he was Chris, since he had black scales, but it wasn't. This Anthro was the same height and was defined in muscle from head to toe, but he was dressed and held a handgun in his right hand. He looked me over quickly before reaching for me with his free hand and making me run behind him.

"Come on, they're right behind me!"

I didn't know what to think but as I looked back, I seen about a dozen guards jump through the flames and begin firing at us. I didn't question him as we ran through the halls and went through doors. After what seemed like forever he stopped and that gave me time to catch my breath. He gave me a look over his shoulder while he emptied his gun and slipped another magazine into the handle. I swallowed and looked up as I heard the cock of the gun, surprised to find the gun pointed at my face. My body instantly froze as his finger went to the trigger.

"Ok who are you, was it you who made the guards sound the alarm? Or are you just another experiment who was secretly sent to kill me?"

I shook my head quickly and stood, the gun followed me.

"I...don't know my name. I don't remember anything. But I assure you...I'm not going to kill you...if you don't kill me...I came back here to set the other Anthros who were being held captive free. Are you one of them, you don't look it, you got a gun and you have good clothes, I should be asking you the questions."

He stared at me for a moment before lowering the gun and putting it in the holster on his thigh.

"Wait a minute, you escaped? So you're the one that got away, where's the other one, I heard two got out. I'm surprised they haven't sent troops to kill you yet. Judging by your clothes, you've been through hell."

I looked down and noticed I was only in shorts. They were dirty and torn slightly. I looked back up and smiled nervously.

"Uh...sorry...I only have this. Who are you anyway? How did you get out?"

He looked me over before going and opening a door that was to a lab. He came back out with a large shoulder bag that looked to be filled with something.

"The name's Damon. I took my chances and busted out when the alarm started blaring, I was hoping the confusion of the place would let me get some supplies and clothes. I was right. I got suited up and luckily found a handgun and a shit load of ammo for it."

He put the bag over his shoulder and turned and started walking to the flight of stairs.

"Come on, we have to get out of here before we run into more guards. I don't wanna be thrown back in that fucking room. If you brought the other guy with you we have to find him and get out before they start bringing in the guards with machine guns. And trust me. They are not to be fucked with."

I nodded and decided to leave the questions for later. We descended the stairs and opened the door at the bottom before making a mad run toward where Chris and I had split up. I could hear gun fire in the distance and wanted to hurry. We raced to where the gunfire was coming from. We saw that a few guards were shooting down the next hallway at someone. I was about to rush them but Damon stopped me and pulled out his gun, taking aim and firing two single shots that landed in there heads perfectly. Blood splattered across the wall as they collapsed. When they didn't move we went to where they were, seeing Chris looking over the top of an overturned mobile table. When he seen me he stood and ran towards me, but froze when he seen Damon beside me with his gun. I seen Chris's body tense and he took a step back, but I made him calm.

"Don't worry, he's a friend, he escaped, he's coming with us."

Chris stared at me for a moment before nodding and walking over to him and holding out his hand.

"Bad time for introductions but oh well. I'm Chris. Nice to meet you, thanks for keeping Red safe...I'm grateful."

Damon nodded and told Chris his name. After the talking was done we rushed to where Chris and I had entered, luckily no guards were there so we escaped and made it to the forest safely. When the facility was out of sight and hearing range we stopped, resting on the ground to catch our breath. Damon was standing and holding onto his knees, his breathing heavy and quick before he just suddenly started laughing. I gave Chris a worried look and looked up at Damon who sat down in front of us and leaned back against a tree.

"Man I can't believe it, I got out. I'm free. All thanks to you two, that we're here, what now?"

I looked down, not really knowing what to say, secretly hoping Chris had the answer, and he did.

"Well, Red and I were planning on finding a place to stay, like a cabin or a house that was abandoned. We can't sleep in the woods for the rest of our lives. After we find a place to stay for awhile, I was hoping to figure out were to go next, I thought of returning home, but what I am now...they may not be so...welcoming. And plus, I have to help Red, I was the one that gave him the idea of escaping and getting his life back, so I have to stick with him and keep him safe."

I gave a small nod, feeling like a small child being quiet while my parents were talking. Damon gave a nod and looked at me.

"So...Red, you don't remember your name huh? I guess that's why you gave yourself a name, probably thought of the name cause of your scale color, right?"

I looked up and nodded before looking at Chris and speaking.

"So, what now, we didn't find any other survivors and those bastards are definitely going to send people out to catch us and bring us back. We have to find someplace safe, somewhere secretive. None of us can go back home...were...monsters..."

Chris's facial features turn from soft to angry and he grabbed my shoulders, getting so close to me our lips almost touched.

"You are not a monster, do you hear me? Your human, it doesn't matter what those bastards did to you, your still human. So what if we're different looking, that doesn't change anything. But you are not a monster Red, do you understand, you have feelings and emotions. You feel hate and happiness, sadness and joy. You're funny, smart, and very nice. Those are not the qualities of a monster, got it?"

I looked down and nodded, closing my eyes as tears threatened to overflow. Chris slowly let go of me and sat back down, sighing deeply before speaking again.

"Alright, well I think it's best to just sleep for tonight and we'll start looking for a place to stay tomorrow, hopefully we can find a house. So let's just sleep."

He looked at Damon who nodded and situated himself before closing his eyes, his arms crossed over his broad chest. I layed on the ground and curled up into a ball, hugging my tail as I shivered slightly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Chris laying down next to me.

"You must be cold, don't take this wrong but I'll keep you warm, I'd hate for you to turn into a frozen scaly Popsicle."

I nodded slightly and huddled close to him, feeling his arms wrap around me as his body pressed against mine. I wanted to keep my distance but it was cold, so I huddled as close as I could, my head against his chest as I fell asleep to the sound of his calm heartbeat.

Ok well that was fun! I'm so terribly sorry if this chapter isn't interesting or anything, or containing sex, but I want this fic to be GOOD, not mindless smut. :'( Sorry it took so long to post, I have been busy. I like the new character, and have great plans for him in the future! Please read and comment/fav/vote! I love hearing opinions and people gushing over how good this is. Although I'm not EXPECTING people to gush, but I hope so! ^_^ Oh, and if you have any ideas on what should happen next or what would be good, please send me a message, THAT is how I get my ideas, by hearing other peoples first! So please, don't be shy! And don't worry! everything falls into place, I promise, you'll LOVE it! Read and comment people!!!