The Struggle Within CH.1

Story by Shadow the Umbreon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Struggle Within

Officer jenny's motorcycle started making noise."Huh?" she looked at the gas gauge. Stupid motorcycle, she thought. She pulled over and put her hand on the engine.


"Ow,Damn it! Gotta get that fixed. Well better let it cool down" she walked around and found a place to sit. "at least I can work on my story now. Let's see...'The 2 men started digging. The bag the second man-'" she was cut off by a noise. It sounded like a yelp of pain. Officer Jenny ran towards the noise. There, she found two men burying a bag. "FREEZE!" She unholsters her gun. But it's to late. The two men ran off, each into different directions, behind trees and shrubs. In seconds they disappeared. Jenny starts running after them, but stops to inspect the bag. She opens it. "Oh" she vomits. Then she takes the bag and runs to her motorcycle and gets on. She rides to Saffron City.

*17 minutes later*

Officer Jenny pulled up I'n front of the Pokemon center. She grabbed the eevee and ran In "NURSE JOY! NURSE JOY! PLEASE HELP HIM!" Nurse joy runs to her and grabs the Pokemon. "What happened to him?" she strictly asks.

"I found 2 guys burying him."

"WHAT!! Those sick-"

"Can you help him?"

"I can try. He needs surgery badly. Wait at the surgery waiting room. You can watch through The window." Nurse joy takes the eevee to the surgery room as 2 assistants follow her. She lays the Pokemon on the surgery table. Then gets gloves.


She cuts a line across the stomach

"2 broken ribs,a fractured one, stomach? And-" she feels his legs and his head "a concussion, and 2 broken legs. Let's get to work" She starts working on him. "John, give him some air. Levy, help me."

*2 1/2 hours in*

The soft steady beep of the heart monitor is the only noise In the room.

Nurse joy and her assistants continue working. Officer Jenny is still In the waiting room.

"Wait, wait, somethings wrong" John says.

"his lungs punctured!" quickly they move fast to patch it up.


"is it on?"

"there must be more punctures then we thought. Quickly-"Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Nurse joy continues working.

"Nurse joy..." Levi says.

She continues working

"Nurse joy."

She is still working.


She stops. Then sighs. "This is the hardest part of my job. Time of death 6-"


They turn around.


"It's...a miracle."Levi says

"Quickly, lets get back to work."

*An hour later*

Officer Jenny meets Nurse joy outside of the Pokemon center.

"He doesn't seem to have an owner."

"He needs a place to stay. Jenny, can you take him to that farm up the hill."

"Sure thing."

* * *

"so your telling me, you found him buried, then you took him to the hospital, AND he has no owner?"

"Pretty much."

"Uhh sure. Bye and I hope you catch them."

Rick closes the door."Poor thing gonna have to keep him In the barn" he walks out back and opens the barn door. A squirtle, Quilava and her Cyndaquil, a 9-tails, and a Pidgeot all look at Rick and the new eevee who is a new part of the family

"Listen up. This little eevee is a new part of the family and I want you to treat him as such. But he's hurt right now. So be careful. But if he wakes up, send Dan to get me." Rick leaves. "Mommy Mommy! Can I play with him?!" the Cyndaquil says.

"Not now Anthony honey. Now come over here, it's time for your nap" Taylor, his mom, tells Anthony.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok so I spent about 5 hours on this chapter with the tv on. My hands are sooooo sweaty right now. And I'm soooo tired. I didnt even play today. So I'm gonna take my WELL deserved break and play some Modern Warfare 2. I will try to upload more some other time. I feel like I'm getting better then how I was with my old storys. Improving I say! Okay bye!!!!!!

The Struggle Within CH.2

\*7 Hours Later\* Taylor awoke to the sound of movement and heavy breathing. She turned around. The little eevee was waking up. He stared at her. "Uhh. Hiya. I'll be right back" She walks over to a growlith. "Psst Dan....Dan" the growlith opens one...

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The Struggle Within

First of I need feedback. A lot please. I'll take any type. Criticism,praise,etc. Hope you like and enjoy:) prologue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The eevee shivered In his sleep.Not from the cold but from what happened minutes ago. \*Flashback\*...

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