Rebirth of Reemon 2

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#13 of Season 7:Total Recall

Rebirth of Reemon 2

Patamon and Gatomon sat in the sand in the limbo plains resting between the gateway to darkness and light. It was the most romantic sight these two had encountered in a long time. The stars gleamed brightly. They didn't think of all the baggage at home. Patamon had his hand around Gatomon's neck. She looked her blue sapphire eyes and it was like their love could start a new. Without any more tension around they were both free to be as they were. They leaned into each other and kissed. Gatomon slid letting her body curve into him. Their passion grew quickly. Gatomon pressed her hands against his soft yellow chest. She continued to let her hand drop now resting on Patamon's growing shaft. Gatomon soon shifted again now letting her body sit on top of Patamon legs. She worked his shaft letting his moans build up making him become more angst.

Patamon moaned, "Yes, oh yesss."

She brought he kissed down letting her hand rest as he was fully erect. She teased him licked the front all the way up the shaft giving an extra few licks to the head letting him moan some more.

Patamon begged, "Please take me."

She came down taking in Patamon's penis. He had never felt this good. She went to work bobbing her head. There was no one around so Patamon let out his moans nice and load. Patamon brought his head up to the back of Gatomon's head.

Patamon moaned, "Ohhhhhhh yes."

He gave way and Gatomon took it all in. Patamon slid up from under her and shifted to that he was kneeling. Gatomon laid down her head also reaching the water. Patamon didn't wait he pressed his tongue against her clit and pressed his stubbed hands pressing it and stretching it.

Gatomon moaned, "Mmmmmm."

He continued to go deeper she clawed her hands into the sand. He kept going as her climax was building up really increasing his pace.

Gatomon moaned, "Yessssssss!"

Her orgasm came. Patamon took it in. Patamon leaned back sitting on his butt. Gatomon leaned up and sat up against Patamon. She lowered herself letting him penetrate her. She wrapped tightly around him. They both gave motion giving everything they had to each other.

They both moaned reaching a quick orgasm, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Gatomon got off and regained her energy and said, "We should get on with it."

Patamon said, "The light isn't bad. It will fill you with the same warmth of my love. That is what you were missing all along."

Gatomon asked, "But will there come a time when I'll have to step back into the darkness?"

Patamon said, "You should let someone else. You haven't had this opportunity handed to you. You shouldn't let it slip away. We can finally have a real relationship and finally start to truly bond with our son. And soon we will have another child and he or she will be in our care I promise."

Gatomon said, "Ok. Then let's step into the light together."

They both got up and went into the water as soon as they went deep enough they were returned to the tower Gatomon resided in.

Reemon's tried his hardest to remain part of the normal world. Gabumon however completely penetrated him giving him an experience of sex which seemed to be awaking Veemon. This was happing so much so that Reemon began to slowly disintegrate back into the darkness. His long rod rammed into Reemon's asshole. Gabumon's knot almost made its way with each push. Reemon couldn't even use the darkness to his advantage. His mind was clouded by the rather relentless Veemon making his way back. The red began to fade and Reemon's growls started to fade. Gabumon had tricked Reemon with a return no one expected and said things that made Reemon believe in him. However it was now Gabumon who had Reemon tied down and continued to increase his pace.

Reemon blurted out, "I can't go back to being a memory."

No matter how hard he fought he was pinned to the bed and was forced into this. Reemon could see the darkness begin to fade even more. Soon it would all be gone. Reemon couldn't believe that Gatomon was right about Veemon's strength through sex. Veemon's desire to feel this good would eventually break Reemon's hold. It came down to Reemon's lower body was all blue. Veemon would be back soon and there would be nothing to bring him back. Reemon was now thinking he was a fool. Gabumon was holding up feeling the pressure build up. That warmth and the revisiting feeling would probably be the ticket. Gabumon tried to hold back trying to get back as much as Veemon's body as possible. The urge got harder and harder to control for both of them. Reemon's growls became more like slight moans. His body arched still trying to pull out but he was only getting weaker. Gabumon went full throttle unable to pull back any more and moaned, "Ahhhhhhhh."

His sperm was indeed the ticket. A lot more of Veemon's body returned. There were only blots of red left. Gabumon already knew that he was mainly focused on the eyes. Reemon's eyes were actually blue which meant Reemon was still there. Veemon's eyes were the original conduit to pass into the world and give Veemon control. When his eyes and the rest of the small blots were gone Veemon would finally be back in full. Gabumon had never even stopped. That orgasm only seemed to fuel Gabumon. Gabumon was pretty determined to get Veemon back. He let his knot fully go inside. Reemon started to only moan he'd be gone within seconds. Gabumon pushed on and very quickly feeling another rush. Gabumon build up quickly and gave way. The rest of Reemon faded. Veemon's eyes returned the big red glazed eyes with filled with passion and love finally looked upon his rescuer as he was fully awoken.

Veemon moaned, "Oh Yes."

His orgasm had come since he had been fully horny his sperm leaked down his penis. Gabumon finally untied Veemon knowing it was finally safe. Veemon leaned up pressing against Gabumon's body. Know that he was free they could finally finish this great experience in true bliss. Veemon rode off of Gabumon feeling to much lost time finally letting himself loose. Veemon wrapped around Gabumon tightly.

They both moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

They both gave way.

Veemon got off and smiled, "I love you."

Gabumon said, "I love you too."

Veemon quickly covered his mouth as if he never wanted to say that.

Gabumon asked, "What's wrong."

Veemon explained, "I finally see how Reemon felt. This time I was the memory and he was the one out living. He truly is the other part of me. A part I held on to since my existence. It might not seem like it but Reemon really was a victim. Suppressed and born into darkness with no way of escaping it. Reemon was a living shadow wanting to live in the normal world. I was the only capable catalyst. Everyone just thought he was some crazy experiment the Monodramon thought of. He was born with me and inside me. So in the end it was I who created this living memory. When I was dreaming I kept dreaming about having sex with Agumon. Each new time felt like its first and each time I appeared to be young. The thing is even though Reemon is a memory he was able to make his way here and take my body. And when he did; he unleashed hell because it is in his unchanged nature. He couldn't help it. He took Agumon along with a lot of others and absorbed them. He still has them captive. In a way we need Reemon back if we ever want to see the others again."

Gabumon asked, "Do you feel sad for him?"

Veemon said, "It's strange, but I really do. I am the reason why he was born in darkness. I was the same way but was completely unaware. When I removed him I was able to finally see where I was a remove myself from the darkness. I needed him. Without him I'd still be lost. And he's right some things. He gave me Stitch and so many other wonderful experiences and I couldn't seem to figure why it was only hate that was building up inside. Deep down it was simply regret that he couldn't actually been me. Now I want Stitch back because of what Reemon gave me. And something tells me that he can change if he could actually see the let and step in it."

Gabumon asked, "So you want him to come back."

Veemon said, "It doesn't matter. I won't be able to hold him back forever. He will become stronger than me again. Sex is the only thing that could hold him back."

Gabumon said, "Then let me travel with you until you can find an answer."

Veemon said, "It won't work twice with the same creature. Reemon will be able to push through and absorb whoever I was with unless it was new."

Gabumon said, "You've slept with a lot of creatures so far. You're running out."

Veemon said, "Then I'll just have to find way back to that strange limbo world. I'm going to have to have to find Gatomon and Patamon quickly."

Shoutmon had finally been returned to his old metal loving self. His ambition of ruling this world with an iron fist was gone and instead replaced with wanting to be a kind king. And beside him was Tikal who also returned back to her majestic beauty with loving nature. Their love had shortly returned as they were in a space ship. They had never left and now they wanted to finally make love instead of wanting to find ways to dominate the creatures. Shoutmon cuddled over as they both sat on the ship stools. Shoutmon pressed her against the wall with his deep passionate kisses missing this feeling already. Tikal leaned back and left for about ten minutes. When she returned she had her old cloths back on, her short brown skirt and small brown bra.

Shoutmon smirked, "You're so sexy my little hardcore country."

Tikal went back and Shoutmon continued to kiss him. His hands guided along her light pink chest. Shoutmon's hand continued to come back down and went up Tikal's skirt. His fingers tip against her panties as he pressed harder.

Tikal moaned lightly, "Mmmm."

Shoutmon moaned, "I missed you so much."

Tears came down both their faces. Their romance was rekindled after being the darkness for so long. Tikal started to get really wet. Shoutmon lowered Tikal's skirt. Shoutmon lowered his army pants that he still had on. He penetrated her wet clit and pushed on as her moans became wild and passionate. Shoutmon couldn't hold back as he missed this too much.

Shoutmon moaned, "Ohh Yess!"

He completely over shadowed her. He pressed his left hand against the wall. Her legs lifted her legs wrapping around the back of Shoutmon. Shoutmon increased his pace.

Tikal moaned, "God yes I want to have a child with you so badly. Please impregnate me."

Shoutmon wanted a child as well. Shoutmon closed his eyes completely focusing and delivering the maximum amount of pleasure. He could feel himself build up.

Shoutmon moaned, "Ohhhhhhh fuck yeah!"

His orgasm entered inside her. Shoutmon pushed on as she began to slip to the lower part of the stool. Shoutmon stopped and let her rest on the floor so that she wouldn't slip. Shoutmon removed the rest of his army cloths that he had on. He also removed Tikal's hot clothing and pressed up her light pink skin. His member rocked inside her and she really let out her moans.

Tikal moaned, "Ohhhh fuck, Ohhhh fuck, Ohhhh fuccccccccck!"

Shoutmon continuing building up to his climax, and they both released reaching their orgasms. Shoutmon got off her and rolled to his back. Tikal rolled on top of him ready to rest just like this.

Tikal smiled, "I love you my Metal King."

Shoutmon kissed her, "I love you my Country Queen."

With Veemon returned and everyone else back to normal the darkness was dead. The world had found and era of peace. Veemon was the only one who still held concern because he knew Reemon would return and try to absorb more creatures to try to fill the empty void that was. Reemon was trying to capture enough creature energy to become a being all his own. Reemon was simply trying to really exist. But now Veemon was at the helm and he wouldn't wait around. He ran to go look for Gatomon and Patamon so they could find a way to return to that world. However with the darkness gone the world was without question out of balance. So far that seemed to not bother anyone. Perhaps the world being in light was the best thing they could wish for. Veemon could easily move about without having to worry about any of the other creatures trying to halt him. He ran down a vacant street but stopped as a strange dark portal appeared. Out of it a small cloaked figure stepped out of it.

Veemon said, "Move, I don't have time for this."

The figure spoke, "Do you think you have the right to move about as you please. You might be the chosen one but you have no true power."

Veemon asked, "Chosen one?"

The figure said, "Or are you the chosen ones memory?"

Veemon demanded, "You better start making since."

The figure reopened the portal and said, "Let's see how you fair against this."

He snapped his figures and a bunch of small black shadow creatures emerged from the ground.

Veemon jumped back and tried to escape but only more shadow creatures appeared.

A voice the clouded Veemon said, "Use the key blade."

Veemon asked, "Key blade?"

Suddenly a blade he mentioned appeared in his hand. Veemon looked on with awe for only a second but then suddenly started to swing at the creatures making them vanish.

When Veemon finished he turned around to see me waiting for him.

Veemon asked, "Creator what are you do here?"

I said, "I'm here because the world fell out of balance. Someone made a big mistake by letting Reemon take control and letting him take all the darkness. Now that he's gone with that darkness the world could be doomed."

Veemon asked, "What?"

I said, "There was a reason why we kept that balance. It was because without it darkness from another world could enter ours. Now that new darkness has arrived and now all the worlds that weren't apart of this one for so long will come back as well as new worlds. Believe it or not Stitch is from another world. He is only here because of my work. He's not the only one Scourge and Tails as well belong to another world. Those two worlds weren't a part of this from the start. I added them so that the balance could create itself. Now a new threat awaits this world and now you have to become the hero once again."

Veemon said, "Can't I go back to that limbo place and with Patamon and Gatomon and fix it."

I said, "That was a once in a life time rare moment. But it doesn't matter who steps back into the darkness because this new threat would still be here. Now we also have to deal with them."

Veemon asked, "Them?"

I said, "Other life forms from other worlds that never truly existed. They all got together and formed this lethal origination. They want to absorb weak hearted creatures and use their entire life forms to refill their energy. I saw to it to give that special blade to you."

Veemon asked, "Why me?"

I said, "Because you hold Reemon inside you. You are the only creature on this planet with a sigifigent other. He was getting close to becoming a whole being. But now that blade only will give you strength. So all you'll need to drive him back is a strong heart. These shadows were just the start of a new quest to keep this world in order."

Veemon asked, "Fine, so how do I go about doing this?"

I said, "You might have to travel to new worlds."

Veemon asked, "And how would make it to the other worlds?"

I said, "You sure ask a lot of questions. In the future I won't be able to lend so much of a hand. Those evil forces will probably find a way from helping you. So I suppose I can help you this time."

I snapped my finger and a small ship appeared behind him.

As Veemon got ready to leave I said, "Be warned the creatures you will fight will become stronger. Never loose the strength of that your heart posses. Good luck out there."

Veemon didn't waste any more time. He went off to travel to a new planet.

A few days passed and he arrived on a new planet. He exited from out of the ship and looked around. The area seemed mostly swampy. There were various animals inhabiting this planet along side with more sophisticated creatures. He looked to see there were a lot of crocodiles. Among them he spotted Croc. He had recalled the memory of being in jail with him. Veemon ran up to him.

Veemon asked, "Croc?"

Croc turned around and quickly embraced Veemon with a hug.

Croc said, "It's so good to see you Reemon."

Veemon said, "Umm actually the name is Veemon."

Croc gave Veemon a smug look, "What you think you're still under parole."

Veemon said, "I thought that was just a memory. Well anyway Reemon is another creature one that is dormant inside me. Thing is that he never truly existed."

Croc said, "Nonsense, I remember being with him or you. It was a great time indeed. We haven't seen each for a while now. I wouldn't mind getting or sexy back on."

Veemon said, "If it was real than was Spyro there too."

Croc pressed his hand against his chin and said, "Oh yeah. He returned to his own planet with Rogue. I don't know anything else besides that."

Veemon thought 'Reemon went to other worlds? But how?"

Veemon said, "How did Reemon end up here?"

Croc said, "He was here for year. He talked to me as if he lived here all his life. He also started acting strange before he left."

Veemon asked, "How so?"

Croc said, "He was just sort of quiet. It was like he was trying to hold some deep secret inside him."

A portal opened up and a new smaller cloak figure came out.

The figure spoke, "Enough of the formalities Reemon why don't you just come back with us."

Veemon let his blade appear and yelled, "That's Veemon to you."

The figure got ready to leave, "Such a poor memory you turned out to be."

The shadow creatures appeared as he left, Veemon starting swinging away vanquishing them. Croc could do very little. Veemon cleared the path.

Veemon said, "Come on it's not safe here."

Veemon grabbed Croc's arm and they ran. In an odd sort of events the ended back outside the prison. Veemon stopped.

Veemon asked, "Was this a real world?"

Croc frowned, "This world is as real as any other."

Veemon said, "It looks just like home. Or maybe it was Reemon's home. This was only one of his memories. It weird I feel sort of connected to it. My heart is racing because the memories created here for me feel so real. Yet everything feels so false at the same time. Perhaps this is too good to be true. Maybe I should have tried looking for this sooner."

Croc hugged Veemon from behind, "Do you feel this. This is real. I missed you so much. You were my first and to that my only."

Veemon asked, "Was it me or was it Reemon?"

Croc said, "Your both pretty much the same. You both get over emotional as times like this. And neither of you would want to stop a sexual attraction."

Croc started to rub Veemon's arm.

Veemon said, "Before this happens you should know that it's not going to last. I'll lie. I'll say that I love you but that isn't true. It still never is."

Croc said, "I'm aware of the whole love deal. I've had sex with a few other creatures and even I slip in the temporary love notion. It doesn't last for most creatures but we move on too. So we haven't done it in a while so I was thinking we should catch up on all times."

Veemon asked, "Don't you want to go somewhere more private."

Croc continued to rub his arms, "There's no one else here."

Croc's body pressed closer he leaned in and kissed Veemon's neck. Veemon had already become so tense from all the stress of being deemed the chosen one. Croc grinded his hip against Veemon's rear and his scaly penis reacted. Croc's hands grabbed Veemon's hips. Veemon held on to the steal cage of the prison fence. Veemon arched his head back and a let a long groan out. Veemon brought his head back and leaned into Croc's kiss. Croc began to slowly penetrate Veemon's asshole. Croc made sure to really work it in slow as there kiss continued to grow. Croc started to make more of a humping motion as he could feel Veemon loosen up. Veemon broke free of the kiss and moaned wildly. Croc increased his pace. Veemon started to sink down Croc followed not wanting to exit him fully. Veemon was on his knees and leaned his ass out more. Croc grabbed Veemon's tail and continued to hump increasing the pace even more. Croc had lost control and he let his urges completely take over. Veemon was also way into to notice much of anything else. It just so happened that other creatures were passing by getting ready to shot a movie. They passed by from another side of the prison and overheard their load moans. They hopped the fence and they giggled amongst each other. They set up the video camera dying to get this online for whatever popularity was gained from sending in actually male on male porn. None of them still noticed the camera since they were so far into this session both letting out frantic moans.

Croc moaned, "Shit I'm getting close."

Veemon moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Veemon had his orgasm first and Croc quickly filled Veemon. Veemon eyes fluttered open to see the camera on him. Veemon blushed and his fingers came to his mouth as if he wanted to gasp. The creatures saw it and seemed as if they were getting ready to run. Croc pulled him back and pulled his arms down and continued to thrust. Veemon could only moan. They creatures ended up staying. Veemon was little caught off guard but it actually didn't mind the attention. Veemon spread out his legs and let his penis dangle. The creatures were surprised and were also getting turned on. Veemon rode off of Croc finding the attention actually turned him on more. Veemon stroked his penis feeling himself build up. The creatures started to make out leaving the camera to resume recording Veemon and Croc.

They both moaned, "Ahhhhhhhh!"

They both had their orgasm. Veemon knew he wasn't even close to finishing. Veemon got up and he let Croc in front as now it was his first time seeing the camera. Veemon penetrated Croc this time. Croc could care less for the horny creatures before them or the camera. He was too much in the mood of sex to worry about anything else. Veemon grabbed Croc's tail giving back the same treatment. They both built up again.

They both moaned, "Ahhhhhhhh!"

Veemon got off and Croc turned into him kissing him.

Veemon got out, "I love you."

Croc said, "I love you too."

They left the other creatures to finish off their horny desires. As they walked further Veemon's cheerful smiled faded.

Croc asked, "What's wrong?"

Veemon said, "That's it. We both know it's going to end now. Plus I have to travel to other worlds."

Croc asked, "What for?"

Veemon said, "The darkness from the other worlds has come together. They want to absorb creatures so that they themselves can live. I am the chosen hero destined to stop them. I have to go."

Croc said, "Then I should go with you."

Veemon asked, "What?"

Croc said, "I can you help you out whenever you're in a tight spot. You really think you were just gonna tell me that and run off by yourself than you really are as silly as Reemon. I'm going with you and there's nothing you can say that's gonna stop me."

Veemon said, "Fine I guess we should get going then."

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