Tarot Chronicles: Reading 2-- Queen of Swords

Story by Behemel on SoFurry

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#2 of Tarot Chronicles

A seemingless helpless female in destress come into the midsts of Zerrex and Behemel as they attempt to take her back home. However, more is to her than meets the eye as they are challenged by sinister fellows seeking her out. Thrown into a plot of abduction and blackmail, the two warriors must deliver this damsel to safety. Needless to say however, some of them have different things in mind...

The Tarot Chronicles: A Story of Behemel and Zerrex

By Behemel Fatereaver and Zerrex Narrius

Second Reading: Queen of Swords-- A female of determination and quick wit is encountered. Confident and unafraid to speak her mind, she comes into the company of our heroes in need of help. Her heart is as brave as her tongue is sharp.

The Drakkaren yawned a bit as he walked down the path, adjusting the straps of his backpack absently as Blackheart gleamed on his back, an indistinct blue ripple seeming to pass through the metal for a moment as the male looked ahead and skywards, saying mildly: "Gods, it's nice out for once." He smiled a bit, glancing back and forth as he strode down the dirt path at the fields on either side of

him, breathing deeply and stretching his arms out wide before he grinned over his shoulder at Behemel beneath the radiant sun. "And that breeze, too! Ugh, it's been forever since I've felt a good breeze on my scales."

"You couldn't ask for better weather" Behemel comment, feeling the dirt beneath his paws and his hood ruffled in the wind. The excursions from their previous quest led them past the village to which the ruins had been. Now having found what they sought , they headed out . "The fates were generous so far, haven't they?"

"Well, nice enough." The reptile smiled slightly over at the lion, boots kicking up a bit of dust as he continued easily forwards, reaching a hand back to absently adjust the heavy sword on his back. "Now all we need is sex. Unless you want to have sex. I'd be cool with that." The lizard grins toothily for a moment, then he turns his attention back to the road, feeling a spark of mischief run through his system before he looks ahead curiously, eyes narrowing a bit as his features tense and become a bit more serious as something moves ahead, near a crossroads marked by an ancient, listing wooden totem. "Oh, sure, every time I make a joke... do you see something up there? It would really suck to have this day ruined by getting my ass kicked."

Before Behemel could comment on Zerrex need for sexual attention, he too saw the crossroads up ahead. One heading west to a deep forest and hills , while the other headed north to mountains. "Don't tell me you don't know your own way home, now do you?" he asked.

"No, no, no. Not that. Although to get home from here, it's more than a hop and a skip and a jump." Zerrex shielded his eyes from the sun, grimacing a bit as he thought he noticed some kind of movement ahead, but the shape had vanished. "Just thought I saw someone. I dunno, maybe the heat is playing tricks on my mind, though. Gods know I'm not used to actually having a good day."

Behemel looked to where Zerrex had, and in the resulting instinct, he too sensed something. Slow movement among the tall grass. "Wait" he said, grasping Zerrex's shoulder to halt him. Zerrex looked at him with question while Behemel's eyes were locked on that spot. "Let me go ahead and check it out" He asked and proceeded forward, cautiously.

The lizard glanced over at the lion for a moment, and then he half-bowed to him and gestured onwards with an amused smile. "By all means, then, go right ahead and let's see what you can do." He paused, then crossed his arms, grinning a bit. "I'll just safely watch from back here."

He glanced at the lizard almost sarcastically, feeling as if the lizard expected assassins in the grass. He did know better. With the essence of Chronos, his trusty weapon, resting just beyond the recesses of his mind, able to come forth at will, he proceeded to the crossroads unafraid, his eyes glued to the patch of grass . Something was there that much was sure.

He approached the side of the road and looked into the grass. His expressional change to mild surprise at what he saw. Lying in the grass in a sleeping state was a young female leopard. She was wrapped in a brown cloak, her body dusty and bruises upon her arms and wrists. She breathed softly in her unconscious state, her breath stressed as if she was in a nightmare.

"Zerrex come over here. It's a female." Behemel spoke aloud as he entered the grass, getting closer in fear she was seriously injured.

The reptile tilted his head towards the lion, watching curiously as he headed towards the crossroads, and then he frowned a bit and walked forwards as the male called to him, asking dumbly: "Is she hot?" He paused meditatively, rubbing at his face slowly as his emerald eyes darkened a bit, flicking back and forth and wondering mentally if this was bait for a trap, his instincts murmuring to him that either way, this would lead to trouble as he carefully walked towards the spot Behemel was near, the male cocking his head a bit as he looked down at her but stayed a short distance away, eyes drawing slowly over where she lay in the grass as he muttered to himself: "Not the best shape, but doesn't look like she was just dumped out here by anyone, either... maybe she got lost." His eyes narrowed a bit, not voicing his other worry: she was less lost and more something like trouble.

Behemel stood up to look at her fully, examining her to see if she was in fact okay. " What do you propose we do?" he thought aloud. standing beside his friend.

The reptile glanced over at the lion, saying mildly: "You're asking me? I thought you were the one with the ideas and the brain here." He paused, then added as he leaned down a bit towards her. "We could... kick her and wake her up?"

"And here I thought you'd think of something more perverted" he couldn't help but jive.

Zerrex snorted in amusement, saying blandly: "Well, hey, if you want to take her clothes off, we can do that too. But personally, I like to know a little bit more about a person first." He paused, then stepped forwards, nudging the female lightly and unceremoniously with his foot. "Rise and shine, there, before I really do strip you naked. Out of necessity, of course."

"I was kidding Zerrex. Dont be so perverted!" Behemel growled and leaned down by her side, "Wake up, miss. Wake up."

The young leopard growled groggily, coming out of the state of her daze and looked up with bleary eyes . As her eyes came upon Behemel with the white hood, her eyes went wide and she drew a knife at her hip. With swift reflexes, Behemel took a firm grip of her wrist, stopping her motion.

"You won't take me alive you pig" She scowled, fighting the grip futility,

Behemel remained calm as she fought him. "I am afraid you confuse me with someone else, miss."

"And here I thought you knew me better than that by now." The reptile grinned a bit at the lion, but then his eyes traced downwards as the female began to stir, kneeling down a bit and glancing over her curiously. "Oh look, she's alive after all." He paused meditatively as she made her attack against Behemel, and then he glanced over at him, saying mildly: "See? I knew she was trouble. Can we take her clothes off now and tie her up? She did just try to stab you, and I'd like to make sure she doesn't have anything else... stabby... concealed anywhere. Plus she just called you a pig and all."

"Zerrex!" Behemel growled with frustration, then turned to the female , seeing her look of fear and detest "Please ignore my friend. he is a bit one track minded. We mean you no harm."

The reptile held up his hands with dry amusement, and then he glanced down over the female thoughtfully, glancing over her slowly. "So, not that I'm complaining, why'd you try to stab him? And since it sounds like you're trying to avoid someone... are you trying to escape the law or mercenaries? Because we're neither. At least, I don't think we are."

"Do you have a name milady" Behemel asked,

The young cat sat up slowly, her grip on her dagger weaken . "Amelia" she replied simply" ... im sorry. I thought you were one of them."

The lizard nodded after a moment, then he stood up and clapped his hands together absently, glancing over at Behemel. "So now what do we do? Because I have this sneaking suspicion we aren't going to just leave her alone in the dirt out here." He paused ,then looked at her curiously, crossing his arms. "Who's "them," anyway? Because I like to know what to look for in case someone decides I'm in the way and they should get rid of me."

The young leopard was hesitant, looking hesitantly at the larger lizard, almost in a stuck up way by his attitude. She drew her focus to Behemel, feeling more comfortable with him considering . "I... I was attacked on my way to ... Matira Bay. I'm traveling to my family there. Bandits... I'm afraid I just barely escaped."

Behemel looked at her curiously, from her change in attitude . "Well miss, you have nothing to fear from us. Me and Zerrex are traveling adventurers and if you let us, your more than welcome to join our company till we get you to safety" he said, bowing his head humbly.

The reptile grunted after a moment, rubbing absently at his right bicep. "Well. I guess that would certainly work, yeah. It's not too far away, is it? I'm not exactly familiar with this section of the world." The lizard paused, brushing his hair back before he looked skywards, gazing over the clouds before he shook his head a bit. "And you were travelling alone? Well. Even if we didn't start off the best, I gotta give you credit for having guts. Either that, or there's something you're trying really hard to get away from." He paused again, then smiled a bit as he glanced down at her. "I know how that feels, though, so don't worry about it. Can you stand up on your own, or do I have to carry you? You look kinda beat."

The young leopard Amelia sneered a bit at Zerrex, disliking his cocky attitude despite the dangerous charm. Letting go of Behemel, she slowly stood up herself, brushed off her dusty brown robes and walked past Zerrex. "I'm just fine thank you.." she said sharply, her footsteps sharp upon the ground, while Behemel knelt back up.

"She is a spirited one, " Behemel said to Zerrex.

"I like her." Zerrex said mildly, and then he walked forwards, quickly falling into easy pace beside her and looking down at her amusedly as he rubbed thoughtfully at his features. "So where are you from? Also, do I get a reward from this? No, not money, I don't really care about money. I could go for something else, though." The reptile half-leered at her, and then he winked over his shoulder at Behemel. "Or are you more his type? You know, strong, tall, dashing, helpful, all that jazz?"

Amelia spun around with a sharp look in her eye. "If you think I'm going to let you violate me against my will, think again lizard lips . I might not be as strong as you but I'll be damned if i Let you take advantage of me" she growled, then turned back down the road "If I must ill go alone".

Behemel looked at Zerrex pained and annoyed. "Have you no sense of chivalry?" he asked in a whisper to the lizard.

The reptile shrugged amiably, leaning over to whisper loudly in return to the male: "I think she likes you." He paused, then cleared his throat and walked up beside her, glancing over her mildly. "Besides, it wouldn't be pure violation, you know. I'm plenty sure I could get you to enjoy it. I might be all muscle but it's all muscle in all the right places, if you know what I mean." He grins a bit, then adds mildly: "But hey, if you want to hook up with him, go right ahead, too. It might help him loosen up a bit, since every time I do something bad he scolds me for it." He paused meditatively, rubbing at his head thoughtfully. "Then again, you've just been grouchy yourself. Maybe you two are perfect for each other."

"Zerrex!" Behemel shouted sharply, causing the Lizard to stop. "Now is not the best time . My apologize miss."

Amelia nodded to Behemel with respect as they proceeded to go left down the crossroads, the port closest through the forest ahead.

"Well, it's true. Anyway, I'm polite compared to everyone else I know. You should see some of the people I hang out with." Zerrex said mildly, reaching back and absently squeezing the handle of Blackheart as he gazed skywards again, and then he looked back and forth off the path as they began to pass into the trees, before laughing a bit as he stepped off the path and approached a large, wizened oak, stroking a hand along the bark and murmuring: "Well, what do we have here?"

His hand flicks downwards, and then it plucks a single black rose from near the roots, the lizard smiling slightly as he steps out onto the path and holds it gently between his fingers in front of himself almost like a beacon, before clearing his throat and walking onwards as if nothing had happened.

Amelia was interested briefly as Zerrex plucked the rose then turned back again her focus on the road. Her actions were distracted, hurried as if she was being chased or out of fear. Behemel could read her body language clearly, and could tell she was hiding something. The forest got deeper, as the trees blocked out the sun a few times, the woodland creatures making their merry noises.

"Miss Amelia, can we assume your family will be at our destination? Only want to make sure there will be safety for you there" Behemel asked, after a very long time of silence.

"Yes.. I know for a fact I have family there" she replied quietly, her gaze shifting now and again among the thicket of trees around them.

Zerrex played the rose back and forth absently through his fingers, looking down amusedly before he glanced over at Amelia with a slight smile as his eyes narrowed thoughtfully at the way she was rushing along. He paused, then caught the rose in his fist and crushed it, black liquid dripping through his fingers before he absently rubbed his palms together, darkening the scales as he tossed the stem away and murmured a short verse beneath his breath before gazing curiously at the female again. "Strictly out of interest of not being ambushed for the fiftieth time this week... what exactly are you trying to get away from? No offense, but I can't see a pretty lady like you picking up and running away to family in some town apparently a good distance from here without a good reason. And good reasons often involve things that want you very dead, in my experience."

Amelia halted in her steps, Zerrex striking a nerve that caused her fur to run up her spine. "Now look you slimy son of a --! she shouted, her robes ruffling from her fast motions till Behemel raised a hand between them. His expression grew stern as his gaze focused around them.

"You know what I hate most about your senses Zerrex?" he asked rather randomly, his muscles tightening.

"I'm always right?" Zerrex said mildly, glancing back and forth before he flexed his fingers slowly, automatically stepping to the side to shield Amelia with his body and put her safely between himself and Behemel. "So now what? How many are you counting?"

Behemel chuckled, "Sadly yes, Its most annoying when you are right" he said sourly, "I count 20. " Then Behemel stood high and raised his voice. "No sense in hiding. Reveal yourselves. " he said superiorly, At his request, several men in black masks rose from the trees and brushes, surrounding them. and caused Amelia to shrink behind the backs of the two males.

Zerrex snorted in amusement, rolling his shoulder slowly before he reached up and grasped the handle of Blackheart, his eyes roving over their ambushers as a slight smile crested his muzzle. "Cute, really. Gods above, one day I'm going to go outside for a walk, and there aren't going to be any bitchy, stabby females or thugs looking to also stab me. Let me save you guys some trouble though: we aren't going to hand over our valuables, and no, we're not threatened by your dorky outfits. Why don't you just turn around and leave before this gets messy?"

One of the thugs, a large bear with red tattoos on his body, stood before them. "We take no interest in you two warriors. I'll keep it simple then. Surrender the girl into our care, and you are free to go" he addressed them.

Behemel glared at the gang around them, and it occurred to him they were no mere armature bandits. Each one held different assortment of weapons, and each one holding it skillfully.

Zerrex looked thoughtfully over his shoulder at Amelia, pretending to consider, and then he cleared his throat quickly when he thought he saw Behemel glance at him, looking away innocently before saying mildly to the bear: "Look. Babe's a pain in the ass, but we're kind of her bodyguards at the moment. What do you want with someone like her, anyway? All she's been is trouble for us." He paused, glancing thoughtfully over his shoulder at her. "She must have ransom value if mercenaries want her, though... so you must be someone important. Or the daughter of someone important."

Even in the stress of the situation, the leapord only glared at Zerrex crossly an unanswering.

"THAT , " the bear growled, "Is no concern of yours. Hand her over. She was in our care before and we will take her back now. "

Behemel then swifly extended his arm out, and in a flash of light his reliable Scythe Chronos appeared in his grip. The men around them flinched at the sight. "That is not happening" he growled furiously.

Zerrex flashed the female a grin, winking at her. "Don't worry, I'm not going to sell you for ransom." He paused, then muttered under his breath: "I'd rather trade you for a house with a nice swimming pool. But the point of the matter is that you guys had better take to the winds. We're obviously making this our concern, and while you look a little higher class than the usual riffraff stupid enough to attack us, I could really go for the exercise right now." The lizard flexed his body slowly, punching his right hand into his left palm as his eyes flick back and forth.

"Get them!" the bear roared, and it caused a rally cry that caused the assassins to charge, with their weapons. Unlike typical highwaymen, these minions moved with faster speed and handled their weaponry with that of a trained warrior.

Behemel's pulse quickened and his muscles tightened. "Keep your head down, miss!" he warned, and with Chronos ready, he dived right into the thicket of several bandits. What appeared in the blink of an eye was a simple sweep of his scythe, and a tremendous gust shook the trees and grass, sending the bandits, those not sliced apart, scattering in several directions.

The lizard snorted in amusement, watching as they rushed forwards, grinning a bit: they were trained at what they did, to say the least, and he was glad for the challenge. Amelia, however, he could sense quivering with fear behind him... and it dampened the excitement somewhat, the reptile stepping forwards and slapping a sword aside as it slashed at him with a grimace, making the mercenary stagger before he swung a fist upwards to smash in his muzzle and knock him sprawling before he reached his other hand out almost absently, seizing another mercenary by the throat and yanking him forwards to shove him down into the ground as he tried to lunge past.

"Great. Just great." The reptile's eyes flicked up, and he swung his hand out again to catch the neck of a spear as another tried to stab him, holding onto it and grimacing in distaste before he kicked the body of the weapon hard to knock it skywards, gracefully moving into a reverse roundhouse kick that shattered the skull of the warrior before reaching a hand up to easily catch the spear as it fell, windmilling it around his body with a snort of amusement. "Come on, can't anyone put up a decent fight anymore?"

Luckily, Behemel's attack caused his foes to charge at him, leaving him less concerned with protecting Amelia. He was confident Zerrex could handle it, despite his dislike of the role of protector. The sound of a chain caught Behemel's ears as he turned and maneuvered his head briefly. A weight with a chain zoomed by his whiskers, thrown by a enemy at a distance.

"I'll show you how to use a chain whip," Behemel growled, lowering his scythe a moment. Then in a swing towards the direction, the blade detached from the base, the scythe's blade flying forth guided by a chain. Moving horizontal with Behemel's swing, the chain easily wrapped around the startled assassin, and locked in place with the blade into the chains. The black lion then dug his footing and with all his might , swung the hand handle of his blade in the opposite direction.

The bandit went flying with the motion of the chain, as Behemel literally whipped the pathetic body into his own allies in a whirlwind of metal and grace of Behemel's strength.

The lizard glanced to the side as the startled assassins were punished with Behemel's wide attack, before he made a face as a mercenary with an axe charged at him, the male swinging hard towards him... but the reptile easily slid backwards before he gracefully spun the spear around and slammed the butt of the weapon into the towering horse's face, knocking a spray of fine blood into the air and making him stagger before Zerrex quickly swept his legs out from beneaht him with an easy flick of the spear, knocking him flat on his back.

Before he could rise, the lizard quickly stomped hard on his stomach, knocking most of the fight from the enemy before he slapped another mercenary across the face as he attempted to rush the lizard, knocking him sprawling to the ground before the Drakkaren's foot slammed into his face with enough force to flip him over onto his back, grinning a bit... and then he turned and threw the spear hard into a mercenary that had thought it had slipped past him, the warrior going down in a spray of blood as Amelia winced away from the fallen fighter. "You know, I at least deserve to see your boobs with how many times I've saved your life today!"

After smashing several bandits away, the sound of blood and smashed bones filling the air, Behemel had probably took out 8 before he threw his clutched prey by his scythe's grasp into the air. At that time, the lock of Chronos detached and the chain withdrew and released the prone bandit in midair.

Behemel then crouched and with a mighty growl, leapt high into the air. He was then above the airborne enemy, and in a powerful spin, he delivered a mighty kick into the bandit-- a wolf's --- stomach and send the poor soul rocketing to the ground where it smashed against the earth hard.

The reptile glanced up as he watched Behemel slam the mercenary hard down into the earth, watching as several of the injured looked with terror up at the lion, and the lizard shrugged a bit as he walked over to Amelia, throwing an arm around her with a grin and half-leaning on her even as she glared at him and tried to shove him away. "See, she's under our protection. And it looks like only a few of you have all your limbs intact, so why don't you call it a day? Because see, he obviously doesn't have the same kind of sense of humor I do, and I don't think any of you could rightly take on my friend here so easily. And I'm not too shabby myself." Zerrex paused, glancing down at his claws mildly before he looked up, his emerald eyes narrowing. "So leave or die. Your call."

Behemel landed soundlessly on the ground, with his scythe held at his side loosely. Each motion he made was both swift and graceful, as if the wind itself aided him. The black lion stared grimly at the tattooed bear, and was pleased to see the shock on the leader's face.

"Retreat.." He said in regret, and with his command, those that could still walk swiftly ran into the deep reaches of the forest . "You win this time, punks" the bear said before he sprinted into the woods and vanished. As their scampering ended, Behemel let out a breath and Chronos vanished again from his grip in light.

The reptile grunted as the mercenaries fled, looking down at Amelia and winking to her. "See, wasn't so hard." He paused, then half-shoved her in return when she hammered a fist against his broad chest, knocking her sprawling before he waggled a finger at her reprovingly. "A thank you would be nice, you know." He paused, then looked over at Behemel, adding mildly: "Next time you babysit, I get to look cool. I'm sure we'll have to deal with more trouble on the road, after all... chicks like her always come with all kinds of baggage, especially when they continue to hide important details that again, could get us killed." He turned around, half-glaring at the female as he crossed his arms. "And I still don't have my thank-you."

The young leopard, stood up , her hood now discarded . As Behemel rejoined them, he turned to her knowingly. "Miss, as much as I want to help you, but hate to admit it but Zerrex is right. You been withholding information from us?"

"Why would you say that, "she said rather stuck up in her tone.

Behemel sat himself down on a nearby cut down tree stump and looked her over. "Well for one thing you don't look like a lost commoner girl. You haven't done a good job to hide that necklace and finer garments under your robes." he pointed out as he examined her, pointing out the silk tunic she wore. " In addition. those men were after you SPECIFICALLY. Not to mention their skills were well beyond simple bandits. Those were trained assassins."

"Ha, I was right!" Zerrex grinned and pointed at himself, looking over at Behemel triumphantly, and then he cleared his throat before walking over to Amelia and leaning down, whispering cheerfully into her ear:

"Besides, I can always extract the information in a variety of ways, you know, if you don't tell us. If it's for our own safety, then... we gotta get it out of you either way. Or, you know, we could just leave you alone, in these big scary woods full of assassins and gods know what else, and you can try to fend for yourself until you're ready to be honest." Zerrex paused meditatively. "Except by that time, you'll probably be in something's digestive tract. Or in pieces. Or in chains. Or in one of a thousand other bad ways. So why don't you talk before they send some real assassins after us? Because now that we've kicked the asses of those thugs, if they really want you, they're going to send some big guns. And even if you want to see my ass killed, after they do so, they'll kill his pretty ass." He jerked a thumb at Behemel. "And then I don't even want to think about what they'll do to your pretty ass."

"ENOUGH!" she spat at Zerrex interrupting his lengthy chain of verbal torment.

Behemel sighed at his friend's taunts. "Despite Zerrex's threats..." he said with a growl in the lizard's direction. "We are not taking another step forward till you tell us the truth." he stated, crossing a leg over his knee in patience. He was obviously more disciplined than Zerrex in his language.

The leopard sighed in resignation, and tossed her hood away. "Alright alright... I'll tell you the truth."

"They aren't threats, they're warnings." The reptile replied pointedly, and then his eyes returned to Amelia as he crossed his arms, saying in a quieter voice: "So just who are you, then, and why are they after you?"

She hesitated for a moment, and cast her gaze down. "My name is not Amelia. .. My real name was Sharari Windreach. My family are the Atlas Wind . They are nobles that have prospered into a large trader's market. Naturally, my family made enemies with the growth of their business, and cause of it we were able to live comfortable lives. However as of recently a rival trade business began to try to buy roots and claims from us. But my family refused to do so" she explained sadly, her tone no longer frantic and now honest.

Behemel's gaze lightened seeing her sad, and finally putting things together.

" About a 4 days ago, those same men took me from my home, under orders to hold me as leverage to influence my family to surrender their trade company. About a day ago however, I was able to escape."

Zerrex nodded after a moment as he rubbed the underside of his muzzle, muttering: "Now that makes sense. So you're on the run now... and is this place we're going to really safe? Or are we just in for another ambush once we reach there? It sounds like these people really want to get their hands on you... and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't hesitate to make you dead, either. They'll know that if they can't get you to cooperate, their next best option is to start killing everyone they can, and they don't exactly seem like they'd be hesitant about that."

"They need me alive. I overheard them." she explained sharply to the rude lizard. "My family wouldn't be willing to hand over their legacy over a corpse!"

"How exactly did you escape?" Behemel asked.

Sharari turned to the lion . " I knocked out one of the guards and stole his dagger. I was able to run out from their base back in the mountains and ran all the way down. I didn't have any previsions i was in such a rush, and I ended up in the plains... "

"Where you passed out?" Behemel answered for her. She nodded embarrassed

"Someone told me they needed me alive once." Zerrex said mildly, as he reached up and absently rubbed over the black scar surrounding one eye. Then he shook his head a bit, saying mildly: "Well, look. You made it out of there. My biggest concern is still whether or not our destination is a safe one, though... they could be waiting for us anywhere on the road ahead, and I take it we're not heading to some secret safe house in the middle of nowhere no one knows about."

"I just need to get back to my family" Sharari said, turning to Zerrex. We have a trade extension on the coast down this route. I was heading there where I met you two" she said and turned to Behemel. "My family is there. All we need to do is get there, and the nightmare will be over. They lose."

Behemel exchanged a glance at Zerrex, making sense of her story now.

The reptile looked unconvinced, but he nodded after a moment before crossing his arms and looking over at Behemel with a shrug. "I'd say it's your call, but you got that look on your face that says we need to do the noble thing or whatever, so I guess we're continuing like nothing's changed. Just do me a favor, babe." Zerrex glanced over at her, reaching out to poke her nose lightly as he fixed a flat look on her. "Don't lie to us anymore. The more we don't know, the more likely we end up in trouble. And I swear to gods if we end up getting rocks dropped on us at some point because you failed to mention that these people who are after you happen to have connections with more than just mercenaries, I'm going to put you over my knee and spank you like the spoiled little girl you are. And not in a good way, either."

Sharari growled in his direction. "I never lied to you!"

Behemel stood up, "Zerrex might I speak to you in private please?" he asked.

"You never told us the truth, either." Zerrex retorted, and then he glanced over at Behemel and sighed, saying mildly: "Excuse me for a minute though, I need to go get scolded now." He glanced over at the lion, then grunted and headed away from the female, glancing over his shoulder at her as his eyes surveyed the woods, disliking what an easy target they were in this area as he muttered: "I got a bad feeling about this whole setup. Not my usual pessimistic bad, either."

Behemel turned to Zerrex when they were out of her ear's reach. "Im not yelling at you first of all, and second of all it just seems like we were just thrown into this." he explained. We couldnt leave her in the dust and can you blame her for being secretive?"

"Yes." the reptile said blandly, and then he cleared his throat. "I mean. Not that I'm not secretive myself, but the difference is that I can take care of myself, and the things that want me dead are a great distance away and very, very easy to spot when they actually come after me." He paused meditatively. "We should give her to them. They might actually feel sorry for me and leave me alone."

This perked Behemel's interest. "And what exactly is after YOU?" he asked?

The Drakkaren only grinned a bit, though, leaning forwards and asking interestedly: "Is that an agreement that we should go and give her to them?" He jerked his thumb at the female, then he laughed a bit and shook his head. "But does it really matter? I'm sure things want you dead, too, Behemel. Not like everyone I meet wields weapons like you do and has a hate-on against demons for the reasons you do, either."

Behemel restrained the urge to strangle the Drakkaren for his cocky attitude. "This is NOT about me, and it's not about you. It's about her. She is kidnapped from her family by assassins, hired by a rival trade company which probably has more than just assassins at their disposal. If I had to guess, they could easily have posted rewards for her whereabouts. Are you really willing to leave her at the mercy of people who could might as well kill her if they don't get what they want?" he asked.

"You know, you're cute when you're angry." Zerrex said mildly, reaching up to poke the male's nose, and then he glanced over to her, adding quietly: "And well, I know we're in deep enough that we have to see this through to the end, either way. I don't think she's going to willingly drag us into danger, but I'm worried she knows more than she's letting on. And she was eager for protection... sure, the mercenaries there weren't exactly run of the mill thugs, but my worry is there's something way worse after her. And she knows that there's something worse after her, and isn't going to tell us until, oh look, the giant fire-breathing monster is right on top of us." The reptile made a face, crossing his arms. "Plus she's a bigger pain in the ass than you are."

Behemel grumbled at his jab at him "Look. Let me put it this way. The faster we get her to the port, the sooner we can get her out of your hair. Besides, I don't think she is lying anymore. She told us up straight now. Rival trade company and hired assassins. I don't think they can fester up anything greater. At least nothing we can't handle. "

"Hey, I didn't say I couldn't handle a giant fire breathing monster, I'd just like to know about it first. I hate being set on fire." Zerrex replied, holding up a finger, and then he cleared his throat before quickly striding away and over to the female, leaning down and making her wince back as he said mildly: "We've decided we're going to continue protecting you. I think I'm not supposed to make as many sexual remarks to you or pick on you as much, but he wasn't quite clear about that. Either way, we should start moving on, because a forest is not a place we want to be when there are bad guys lurking about." He paused meditatively, then grinned at her. "Although I suppose with me around, there's always a bad guy about."

Sharari blushed a bit, still trying to keep a stern face as Zerrex walked back in place and down the road. As Behemel joined at her side, he told her, "Please don't take Zerrex's bitterness personally. Despite his attitude, he is a nice guy. He just doesn't like to show it," he defended.

"Oh, of course..." she said not realizing her face was still a bit flush from his advance. They all walked forward deeper into the forest.

The male hummed a bit as he slipped his hands into his pockets, glancing back and forth and listening to the sounds of the forest as his eyes slid mostly closed, letting his feet easily guide him along the faint and narrow path before he finally shook himself out of his reverie and glanced over his shoulder at the two, asking loudly: "Are you making out back there yet?" He paused, then added: "I also have no clue which direction we're supposed to actually be heading in. How big is this forest, anyway?" The lizard grimaced as he looked up, watching as the trees a short distance ahead rustled before the sounds of some animal retreating rang through the forest as a few birds took flight in startlement. "Not that I'm entirely complaining, I just want to know if we're going to be stuck here overnight."

"The coast is 2 days journey from here. Once through the forest, there is a marsh we will have to cross , then we should be home free" Behemel explained, remembering the terrain from a map he had.

The lizard grimaced a bit at this, rubbing at his face absently. "I hate marshes. The last time I was in a marsh, I was stuck in a tree. And not in the way you're thinking, more in the way the tree was trying to eat me." The reptile shook his head, then glanced over his shoulder at the two. "I vote that you go first, rich girl. You'll spoil their appetites."

This time, Sharari grinned at Zerrex herself. "Me? I haven't complained once about the terrain. Your acting more like a girl than I am." she sneered at Zerrex.

At that moment Behemel broke out loud into laughter. Zerrex gave Behemel a flat look, and then he turned around before wincing and walking into a branch extending from a tall tree, grunting as it slapped him and he grabbed his face before he ducked beneath it with an embarrassed mutter. "You know, I can always sell you in the next town we get to."

"Ahh geez and just when I was starting to like you?" she retorted with a smirk, now proudly leaving her hood off.

They traveled into the woods till nightfall was clearly upon them. As Behemel observed the setting darkening sky, he sought out for someplace to hide out till morning. " Dark will be too difficult to navigate . We should find a place to hide out" In a few minutes, he spotted a cave into a steep hillside.

The reptile glanced back and forth, then noticed Behemel's gaze, following it to a cave before he carefully approached, grunting as he stepped around a few logs before leaning beside it and glancing over at the lion curiously. "You want to go in first or me? Smells pretty musty, but gods know this might be someone's home. Although I have always wanted to wrestle a bear, and this could be just the opportunity I've been waiting for."

"No need," Behemel offered. "I'll search through the cave. You two wait here" With that he left into it, After about 15 minutes, Sharari was sitting on the ground cross-legged while Zerrex waited. The female stole glances at Zerrex in curiosity.

The reptile nodded after a moment to the lion, grimacing despite himself, and then he leaned backwards against the wall of the cave, looking back and forth through the forest and rubbing absently at his right arm every now and then. Finally, he glanced over at the female, catching her stealing a look over at him, and he cocked his head, asking mildly: "Can I help you with something?"

"Me?" she asked, then turned away embarrassed. "Why, no nothing at all. Why you ask?"

"I dunno, the fact you keep staring at me. I can't decide if you're drooling over me and all this..." Zerrex paused and raised an arm, flexing a powerful bicep with a grin, before the expression turned to one of milder entertainment as he continued: "Or if you're just wishing I'd burst into flames. Or if it's both."

"Don't be full of yourself." she said, turning away but her face was redder now . "Did it ever occur to you women don't like guys who act macho. Of course from your complaining, odds are it is an act."

"You're right. Really, I'm a soft sensitive sweetheart with a loving, generous heart." Zerrex touched his own chest, giving her a wounded look before he snorted laughter and shook his head, walking over and slapping her shoulder with a grin. "Lighten up, beautiful. Tell you what, you stop being such a bitch and I won't harass you quite as much. Besides, if you're not into me, why aren't you hitting on the big mysterious lion and spending so much time giving me goo-goo eyes?"

"Pfft!" she replied. "your delirious,"

At that time, Behemel returned from the cave. "It's all clear and.... " he saw the two close. and had to admit felt a bit curious. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked

"Not at all" Sharari replied, standing up out of Zerrex's grip, and proceeded to Behemel. "May I say something?" she asked.

"Um... sure?" Behemel replied,

"I want to say thank you, to both of you." she said, bowing her head to Behemel. "This isn't your problem. yet you chose to help me anyway. I just hope you know how grateful I am to you ."

Behemel chuckled a bit "It's quite alright. Miss. Sharari. We simply are doing what anyone else would do." Behemel replied, raising a tone for Zerrex's benefit to hear him.

"She wants in your pants." Zerrex said helpfully, pointing at her, and then he paused. "Well, actually, I think she wants in my pants." The Drakkaren clears his throat before he walks over to the lion, tilting his head as he asked curiously: "So how big is the cavern system? Where do you think we should be setting up camp?"

Behemel gulped down a lump of embarrassment, his hood shielding him from Zerrex seeing him blush. "Um well... we need to make sure the hunters after Sharari don't notice us. It's pretty deep, We should set up camp inside deep enough. That way they won't see our firelight even at night" he explained. pointing into the cavern.

"Alright. Sounds good." Zerrex said cheerfully, and then he glanced over his shoulder at the female and winked at her, exaggerating the motion before whispering loudly: "Now you hit on him while I'm gone, since you don't like big muscle-heads like me." With that, he turned and strode easily into the caves, striding easily along the stone passage and laughing to himself, the sound reverberating off the tunnel as he grinned and shook his head in entertainment.

Sharari felt she could implode from embarrassment and then ran into the cave to herself, and Behemel followed.

For a time, Behemel and Zerrex worked to prepare Camp. Behemel saw to Sharari's needs in terms of a proper place to sleep by offering his mat to her. She was in fact taken by his sense of chivalry. She had lighten up a great deal since they met that morning.

Once everything was ready, Behemel realized they needed more light. "Okay I'm gonna grab some more firewood for the night," he explained, "You think you two kids can get along till I get back? he asked playfully.

The lizard shrugged a bit from where he sat by his backpack on his sleeping mattress and sheets, Blackheart resting across his lap as he absently polished the blade. His shirt was long discarded, scarred, muscular chest flexing in the flickering light as the tattoo over his right bicep twisted and bulged, seeming to strangely move of its own accord. "I'll try and keep my pants on. You know. Unless she ends up coming over here and tearing them off."

This however made Sharari's heart flutter a bit as she turned away slightly. Behemel glanced at the two a few times, unsure if leaving them alone was good or bad. "Just don't kill each other till I get back." he sighed, and left for the woods to gather the kindling.

Once Behemel left, Sharari stared at Zerrex, her gaze like a dagger. "Why do you treat me like I'm some sort of spoiled brat?" she ask.

"Because frustration gives such a pretty glow to your cheeks." Zerrex replied mildly, glancing up at her with a bit of a grin before he put the sword aside, saying mildly as he sat back and crossed his arms, his strong frame flexing. "Don't take it personally, I'm a jerk to pretty much everyone. Besides, much as a jackass I am to you, you're the one who keeps talking to me and hitting on me."

The lizard stood up and walked over to her, holding out a hand to her with a quietly-entertained expression on his muzzle. "Do you like to dance?"

"When did I hit on you?" she couldnt help but ask, feeling now a bit flustered at the gesture. "And it's a bit hard to dance when there is no music . You don't look like the dancing type." this time she innocently teased.

The reptile rolled his eyes, then he reached down and grasped the leopardess, hauling her easily up to her feet before pulling her against his broad chest, taking one of her hands in his own larger one and firmly wrapping her other arm around his waist before he gently grasped her hip, saying softly: "Well, then I guess there's just a whole lot you don't know about me, isn't there?" He smiled down at her as he carefully began to move in an easy, slow rhythm, the sound of their feet echoing quietly through the cave, adding sound to the movement, making a tapping, gentle beat that the reptile carefully kept to as it mixed with the crackling of the lowering flames.

She couldn't help but breathe a bit easier being in his arms. and the pattern of his steps did make up for lack of music. " Okay I'll admit it..." she chuckled, "you are a charming male, when you don't screw it up, " she said, leaning into his body, "Though I will be honest, I ... never was a dancer."

"Well, you're doing fine with it now." He continues to gently guide her in the dance, gazing down at her with soft entertainment before he spins her gently, then he wraps both strong arms around her and lifts her into the air, carrying her against his chest as he spins easily on the spot with her before grinning down into her eyes. "But if you were never a dancer, just what were you?"

She blushed trapped in his arms. " A artisan. My skills were among crafts. But i was greatly a scholar. A preference that my family wished " she said, looking away. "I am still unsure what I am though..."

"Well, don't worry. It's not like anyone knows what I am, either." Zerrex winked down at her, and then he set her lightly down on the ground before grasping her shoulders, meeting her eyes and stroking a finger under her chin to guide her head upwards before he kissed her forehead softly. "You're young and beautiful yet. We'll get you out of here and you'll find what you want to do. Just make sure that at some point, I get to see your boobs, okay?" He grinned and winked at her, laughing a bit as he patted her cheek before turning around and walking over towards his mattress, and then he gazed over his shoulder, his eyes only half-teasing as he added softly: "Of course, if you get scared tonight at all... you can always come over here and share my blanket. I'll even let you have the sleeping mat to lay on. Unless you just wanna cuddle up to me, 'cause that's fine too."

She turned red in the firelight, and wanted nothing more than to give in to her desires and lie across Zerrex. "I.... I ..." she stammered, and closed her eyes. " Would you judge me if I was blunt with my feelings?" she asked.

"Yes." he replied seriously, and then laughed and shook his head a bit, smiling across at her with entertainment as he absently patted his tattoo. "No, Shar, I wouldn't at all. I didn't get to where I am now by judging people. Go ahead, say what's on your mind." He sat back a bit, eyes roving over her, feeling himself softening a bit at the look on the girl's face, at the expressions of her body.

"I ... call it you budgeting hits on me all day, but I am very much attracted to you. Despite your demeanor, " she said her tone strong willed. "What isn't there to like, beside your attitude. Tell me, why do you act like a dick when out around Behemel?"

"Oh, I'm a dick to everyone, don't worry. It wasn't because he was there." The reptile looked surprised for a moment, and then he shook his head, looking entertained. "Besides, I was being a dick to you when we were alone, too. And I wonder, why is it you keep talking about my dick?" He winked at her, but his tone was more playful now before he glanced over her with a slight smile. "You really aren't interested in him more than me, though? Funny, all things considered. I'm the ugly one of the two of us, after all."

"Not at all! I mean.... " she hesitated... "First of all I only said it to you twice that word. but... I like you both. I mean , you are both attractive men, and... its why I ... It wouldn't be fair to him as well as you."

"Threesome?" Zerrex grinned at her toothily, and then he winked over at her and rolled his shoulders, resting back a bit and putting his hands behind his head as he nodded a little. "Well, we got a long journey ahead of us, anyway. I'm sure you'll settle on one of us before then. And if not, well. I still expect at least partial nudity at some point."

"Um... what is a threesome?" she asked..."I'm not... very experienced with men really" she said,

The reptile cleared his throat at this remark, and then he winked. "Let's just say it's when two males work together to please a lucky lady like yourself. Unless you want me to forgo the euphemism and say some very naughty things that might make you go a far deeper shade of red than I've already seen tonight."

She blushed hard, but her arousal was clear, and scent easily reached Zerrex. "Oh stop... I don't know how much i can take."

He looked over her with entertainment, at her blushing and her trembling, and then he stood up with a roll of his eyes and a quiet laugh before he walked over to her, not waiting for her to react as he scooped her up in his strong arms and walked back over to his sleeping mattress, laying her down on top of it and grasping her shoulder as he gazed down into her eyes for a moment not speaking, not needing to speak before he kissed her gently, working their mouths together slowly as he pushed lightly down against her and slid his hand down her side, his strong body flexing half-over hers as he leaned over her both protectively and almost imposingly.

She groans a bit against him , and in his very embrace she gave in and kissed him, back, feeling his strength easily overpowering him."Mmm...oooh... it's been .. so long since I been with a real male" she mewed weakly.

He smiles slightly as he draws back, then teasingly kisses along the side of her neck, murmuring playfully: "And here I thought I was just some muscle head to you." He climbs overtop her, leaning overtop her and stroking a hand along her side as he gazes down into her eyes, letting his solid frame rest overtop hers as his other hand strokes over her face before kissing her again, more passionately this time as he lightly grinds down against her form, letting her feel the size, the strength, the weight of his body.

She savored the feel of his body, and soon realized she was far overdressed. She then pushed him up till she and him were both sitting, as she slowly removed her robe and tunic, slowly undressing before his eyes. "My first time... was rather disappointing," she admitted to Zerrex slowly... hoping he would understand her hidden feelings. Her need to feel sexual desire.

He nods and winks, letting his eyes rove over her body, taking in the curves and shapes of her form as he breathes softly and rests back a bit, reaching down to open the fly of his own pants with one hand before he leans forwards and helps push the last of her clothes away, leaving her body nude and beautiful before him as he grasps her sides and kisses the side of her neck teasingly, murmuring softly: "Well, then I'm sure I'll more than make up for that this time... I like to think I know what I'm doing, after all." He gently guided her hands to the waistband of his pants and boxers, letting her half-push them down herself as he aided her in easing them off, body flexing as his enormous, still-flaccid shaft was revealed inch-after-inch-after-inch as he growls teasingly into her ear: "And I like to think I'm pretty well equipped for the job, too..."

She was speechless at the sight of the growing member, even with his jeans still hanging around his legs, Now becoming bolder Sharari leaned forward, her breasts now in good view of Zerrex as she gently stroke the massive flesh between his legs.

At that time, footsteps sounded in the cave as Behemel finally returned. He turned the corner with firewood in his arms. " I'm back. are you two getting along..." he feel speechless to see Zerrex sitting back while Sharari stroked his massive hard on. A sight of his friend he had not seen and a sight of her that he dared not to think about while she was under their care.

The reptile arched his back in pleasure, closing his eyes in bliss as the female stroked along his shaft, seemingly undeterred by its imposing size; a fact that made him enjoy her company all the more as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her body closer as he lowered his head to mouth slowly at a breast before his eyes flicked upwards as Behemel strode in, and the reptile grinned widely, winking over at him and unabashed despite the awkward situation as he leaned back a bit, pulling the female all the closer to his nude body as his shaft throbbed powerfully as one of his hands moved to gently play with one of her breasts, saying mildly: "I think we're doing pretty good, actually, yes. How are you?"

Behemel stood struck a minute, unsure how to interpret. At the worst he expected Zerrex to rape her in the highest extreme but in the end, she showed initiative to his advance, and despite his best control Behemel was starting to become aroused at the sight. " Well I guess I don't have to worry about you two arguing anymore"

"So, are you going to go away or join in?" The lizard tilted his head mildly as he hefted the female into his lap, making her grunt and blush as he curled her back against his chest while slowly, teasingly grinding his thick, heavy shaft up between her buttocks and along her lower back, making her visibly shudder as his hands rolled slowly up along her stomach to grip into her breasts, and he pulled her lightly back against his powerfully-muscled chest as he kissed the side of her neck teasingly, half-lidding his eyes at the male. "Either option works for me, after all. And this is a far easier way to explain to her just what a threesome is."

Behemel despite his body screaming at him to go for it, couldn't help but ask, "Can I assume your inviting me then?" he said, wanting official clarity before he made a risky mistake on a young female.

Sharari, glanced at Behemel, lust in her eyes. "Yes... " she said breathlessly from her own lust. "I ... I want to offer my gratitude, to you both... ooh" she groaned at Zerrex's touch.

The male grinned a bit, tilting his head towards him as he ground against the female's back slowly as his hands rolled her breasts in his hands, saying easily: "You heard the lady. I think she wants you to join in." His hands slid outwards, rubbing down her sides to grasp into her waist.

Behemel allowed himself a dark chuckle. "As the lady commands" he said humbly, unable to control his grin. He approached the couple , and as he stood before them, Sharari didn't hesitate to grasp onto his powerful thigh, her claws digging into the folds of his robes.

She reached up and slowly undid the sash that held his white robes together and soon pushed aside it to reveal a well toned, chest of black fur, "If anyone deserves this..." she said her voice thick with lust, "it's you for being so nice. and frankly, you two are both desirable males." she said, her tongue stealing a lick of Behemel's toned abs and caused the lion to freeze from the gesture.

He growled amusedly at this, rolling his shoulders slowly as his body flexed behind the female, keeping her comfortably resting back against him as he grinds teasingly forwards against her before kissing along her shoulder, then reaching his other hand upwards to squeeze playfully into a breast with one hand as the other tickles down her stomach, slowly massaging downwards to her sex, fingers teasing along her sensitive labia as he pressed forwards against her back, eyes half-lidded. "And you are a beautiful female indeed, one that we're going to tend to in every way possible..."

She shivered at his touch, and dared not to fandom what it would be like to have them both on her. "sigh... and here I thought you said i was spoiled," she retorted even in her pleasure, still having a silver tongue. At this time she had untied Behemel of his robes, while he was still speechless by the girl's newfound forwardness and she shoved the robes away and causing his leggings, and trousers to fall around his feet, joining the puddles of clothing already around them.

The reptile growled in pleasure as he gripped into the female's waist, slowly guiding her upwards and forwards slightly at the same time, urging her on as his shaft slowly ground down between her buttocks, until she was lifted high enough by his strong hands that the head of his heavy, engorged member was able to slide between her legs, grinding teasingly against her sex, pulsing slowly as it pushed lightly at the entrance to her passage and he leaned forwards slightly, body flexing powerfully as he grinned. "Well, you are being spoiled right now, aren't you? Two big males on one little lucky girl..." He slowly rocked his hips upwards as he pulled her down, using gravity more than his strength to do the work as his head slipped forwards into her sex, parting her lips and grinding into her passage, beginning to stretch her almost immediately as she sank slowly down the immense pillar of rock-hard obsidian flesh, the reptile pulling slowly back against on her hips as he felt delicious, spreading ecstasy at the feeling of her tight sex engulfing his massive member as he breathed softly: "Now if that's not spoiled I don't know what is."

"Oh my gods," she said fumbling with Behemel's last garments, and feeling deeply impaled by a cock so big, bigger than she ever had before. Her first and only previous lover was nothing compared to these two warriors in size. and to her surprise when she groaned, she was greeted by Behemel's cock. also generously huge before her as it bounced against her nose, and went wide eyed by both the invasion and the size of the male before her, Now she was feeling spoiled and loving it. "Oh Zerrex... it's so big... I never ..." she groaned, grasping Behemel's cock now as if in desperate need for balance. At her need, Behemel too took hold of her shoulder, and rested a paw behind her head, in a caressing gesture.

The reptile grunted softly as he leaned forwards a bit, body flexing behind her as he grasped firmly into her hips, rolling his hips slowly forwards to grind an inch more of his immense shaft up into her sex as he said hungrily: "Well, you have now... don't worry, I'll be gentle... I'm sure we'll both be easy on you this first time." His eyes half-lidded seductively as he teasingly kissed the junction of her shoulder and neck, his hands gripping tightly against her hips, using his strength to support her even as he eased her slowly down the girthy length of solid flesh, pleasure pulsing through the reptile's form at the feeling of his hard length being lazily engulfed by the tight deliciousness of her sex.

"So your implying this is just a first of many," she sighed trying to be coy but lust had already taken hold and she started by giving Behemel's hardening cock a sensual, slow luck, then slowly continuing the same motion till it was slick and Behemel was giving off sounds that were similar to purrs. " I think i might take you up on that offer" she said before she leaned forward despite the grips on her and took the head of Behemel's engorged cock into her mouth, where she swirled her tongue around it like candy, and caused Behemel's hind claws to scratch at the stone below.

Zerrex grinned a bit at this, letting more of his enormous shaft push into her body as she sank further down his length, rolling his hips slowly to gyrate the heavy obsidian penis against the sensitive walls of her passage, pleasure and lust rollicking through his system as he slid one of his hands slowly out to her stomach, almost able to feel his shaft bulging through her body before his fingers slid upwards to grasp and roll a breast, teasing it almost delicately as he nuzzled against the back of her neck, pushing his body forwards a bit as he carefully shifted position to slide up onto his knees and grunting quietly as his thick member slid deeper into her gripping passage, a burst of pleasure filling his system as he murmured hungrily: "Oh, I'm sure we'll have many a fun romp..."

She would of comment but could only groan, her will fighting her body's desire to pivot against him as well but she tried to keep herself in control, all the while going down on Behemel's large cock , stroking what couldn't be swallowed with her paws as she stroke and explored Behemel's cock, ballsack, and thighs, teasing him, and causing him to growl and his claws to intertwine with her fur.

"Oh gods... she is good" Behemel growled, feeling each moan and groan that matched Zerrex's thrust and vibrate around him. " I'm grateful you two... ahh, made up" he groaned, feeling her mouth suck him more, pre leaking willingly down her throat to which she tasted and enjoyed.

"Oh, I think it was best for all of us." The Drakkaren grinned a bit, letting his eyes rove up and along Behemel's strong frame as he watched the hungry ministrations of the female to the lion's own enormous member, licking his lips slowly as his hands roved along her form and he thrust a bit harder up into her, almost managing to hilt his full, immense length into her sex as he groaned in pleasure and his testicles slapped lightly against her inner thighs, the male's masculine form pressing forwards against her back as he slowly teased her bosom with one hand and the other gripped firmly into her waist, drawing his member back before thrusting almost lazily forwards, moving with slow deliberation that sent thrills throughout his body, hard enough to make her hips automatically rock but gentle enough to allow her stretched passage to slowly adjust to the massive size of the male's member.

Behemel's grip on her head tightened just slightly, her head taking in more of his cock and sending his fur on end from the assault of pleasure. He used his self control to keep from being too brutal despite his lust was surging through him, demanding to be wild and take things further. "Shit... your good at this, Sharari" he growled, patting her head, and turned to Zerrex. "how does she feel ?"

"Tight." The Drakkaren grinned and leaned forwards, letting his muscles flex powerfully against the female's back as his hands roved along her body, beginning to thrust a bit harder in and out of her burning passage, pleasure rollicking through him in waves as he breathed hungrily and rocked his hips with a bit more force, feeling her working her slender frame automatically back against him and sending up thrills of delicious pleasure that made his form flex, enjoyment coursing through his system as his eyes slid closed and he grunted hungrily, supporting her with almost his shaft alone now as his hands roved along her frame, massaging along her body and taking in the details of her form, delighting in her shape as much as the passionate sex.

Her body began to buck more against him, growling accustomed to his huge size , so large and strong and she started to rock into him for more, the feel burning inside her and her muffled cries around Behemel's cock becoming louder, as well as her pace on him growing faster. Behemel felt his cock grow harder and longer inside her, almost afraid she might choke " A tight fuck, isn't she?" he toyed with his friend as she began to grunt more.

The reptile grunted in agreement as he slid his hands over her back to grip her shoulders, twisting his hips slightly as he thrust firmer into her gripping, delicious sex, feeling her sweet fluids dripping down around his heavy member, further lubricating his passage and making it easier to thrust as the intensity of the sex made him groan in pleasure, bliss rolling through his body as he felt himself losing a bit more control, pistoning with a bit more ferocity in and out of her as his claws dug teasingly along her body and he leaned forwards a bit against her, feeling the clenches of her passage against him that signaled her own excitement and delighting in the passionate heat radiating off her body, her form almost seeming to spark with it as she hungrily tended to Behemel's own huge malehood with her mouth, her energy seemingly inexhaustible with the way she moved so eagerly between the two powerful males.

Sharari threw her head up with a shriek of estacy, a thread of salvia and Behemel's pre dangling from her lips. " Oh oh yes! I'm... cumming! Ahh!" she arches and breaks back feeling as if her body would pop from the pressure as she explodes around Zerrex deep inside her.

The reptile grunts in pleasure as he continues to thrust firmly up into the tight sex of the female, before arching his back slightly, eyes sliding closed in bliss as he feels the female's sex clenching rhythmically around his girthy cock, her sweet juices bursting down and further lubricating his passage, making it all the easier for him to thrust deep into her even as her passage clenches all the tighter around his obsidian shaft, hands clutching into her body as he grinds forwards against her, her cries of bliss like music to his ears as he feels his own lusts rising higher, his own pleasure growing greater as his hard shaft grinds upwards against her tight walls, growling in animal bliss.

Losing herself a moment, she goes back to throating Behemel, now taking a bit more in that surprised her, and caused Behemel to groan at the tight warmth of her mouth, restraining from causing more force upon her to make her choke but she continued to provoke. Her paws now began to massage the base of his cock and his balls. "Ahh damn ! " Behemel gasped, wanting so much to fuck her mouth hard.

The reptile grunted hard as he felt her passage continuing to squeeze against his shaft as he thrusted firmly up into her body, and his hands slide down to grip her hips, angling his thrusts a bit more to grind his thick shaft harder against the sensitive walls of her passage, grinning slightly as he leans forwards against her before reaching a hand up to grasp the back of her scalp, pushing lightly forwards with each of her movements to help her take more of the lion's thick cock into her hungry jaws, looking up at the other male with a playful growl as he says teasingly: "I don't think you have to worry about hurting her, Behemel... look at how hungry she is, look at how greedy she's swallowing back on you, and believe me..." He grunted as she bucked back against him, feeling her passionate movements only quickening even as her first climax ended. "She's not minding this at all."

"Apparently restraint was wasted on her... she is a tough one after all" he growled, and slowly begins to thrust into her mouth as Zerrex does to her, "You like that?" he asked Sharari and she only responded with a muffled "mhmm" and still groaning from Zerrex fucking. She wondered how much she could take, before he came . Yet she was hungry for more.

The lizard thrusted harder up into her body, sliding a hand down to her breast and squeezing into it, teasing the swell as he rocked his body weight forwards with every movement, grunting in pleasure as he felt his thick shaft forcing to the hilt with every thrust, moving with enough force to rock her body slightly with every movement as he growls hungrily behind her, feeling her slick wetness dripping down along his crotch as his own pre spurts into her passage, breathing harder as his muscles flex powerfully and he grinds lightly into her back, fingers digging lightly into her body as he moves his whole body with every rough thrust, letting her feel both his strength and sheer mass of powerful muscle.

She felt herself rising again, her orgasm threatening to explode as she feared his cock would puncture her at some point, but the ecstasy awakening a wild side to her. At the same time Behemel, felt his own release coming but steadied himself, holding off as best as he could before he give her what apparently she wanted.

The lizard growled hungrily as he pistoned firmly in and out of her, teasingly nipping down the side of her neck before he bit lightly into her shoulder, fingers grasping into her waist as he thrust hard up to the hilt and then gyrated his hips firmly, grinding his huge shaft against the walls of her sex before making short, vicious thrusts that almost lift her off the ground with their force alone, growling deeply before he draws back, taking longer, harder thrusts as his member begins to stiffen up inside of her, feeling her hot, burning sex clutching against his shaft as his own lusts build higher and pleasure burns through his masculine, powerful form.

Behemel's hips now pistoned with just the same force and Sharari was taking it eagerly. After several seconds, Sharari on the brink pulled up for a moment, "please cum inside me, It's so good I can't take it! mm" She shouted before going back down Behemel again with a generous squeeze and lick. Her demands almost unhinged Behemel, waiting for Zerrex to finish first.

The lizard grinned at this, growling hungrily before he teasingly drew back, whispering hungrily in his ear: "Well, since you asked so nicely..." His eyes flash as he digs his fingers into her hips, slamming to the hilt again as he thrusts hard upwards, lifting her off the ground and bending her body slightly as the lips of her sex kiss into his groin, his testicles slapping loudly and firmly against her thighs as he begins to piston savagely in and out of her sex, supporting her easily against his solid chest and with his lap as his hands hold tightly into her waist, his member stiffening completely before he bites down on her shoulder, his eyes burning with lust as he gives an animal growl of pleasure and he begins to release volley after volley of his thick white load into her, blast after blast spilling into her form as her sex clenches around his obsidian member, grinding his powerful frame forwards against her back as he thrusts fiercely into her with every blast of his seed.

Zerrex's cumming triggered hers, a titanic eruption inside her as she screamed out around Behemel's size and in turn caused him to lose it. His thrusts becoming rough and brutal almost aching her mouth, till finally his thick shaft , as hard as marble erupted jets of cum into her waiting mouth to which her tongue eagerly licked and gulped at . He roared aloud with his release.

The lizard thrust roughly into her, his seed bursting out from between the lips of her sex, spilling down to the ground as he thrust powerfully and groaned around her shoulder at the feeling of her passage clenching hard against his member, tight and burning with erotic ecstasy as he continued to release his thick load into her, before he finally began to slow, drawing his head back and licking his lips slowly as he gave a grunt of bliss and thrust to the hilt into her before letting her rest back against him, breathing hungrily as he slid his hands along her sides as he felt her own climax come to a halt, tickling his fingers slowly along her stomach with a grin of pleasure. "Well... this might just be a pleasant enough journey after all."

Behemel, panting a bit, but still very hard , pulled out of her mouth, and caressed her face, cum still dripping from her lips as she panted. "I think you were right, Zerrex. This kitten has been keeping secrets ." he grinned teasingly , and only made her blush.

The lizard winked, then he slowly drew backwards, pulling his girthy shaft free from her sex and grinning slightly at the waterfall of seed that burst from between her trembling legs, carefully setting her down on the cavern floor as he stands up and flexes, rolling his shoulders and glancing over at the lion with entertainment. "Nice to see you developed a sense of humor. We should get you laid more often, you're much more fun like this." He paused, then grinned lecherously down at the female. "And something tells me that shouldn't be much of a problem in the near future."

The leopard looked up to them in desire, licking her lips with a smirk. " My sisters often talk about such things... and well I do enjoy it seems. " she said meekly. She peered at the two males still naked and their cocks still hard. "Can we... do more?" she said willingly.

Behemel turned to Zerrex unable to contain his letchous glee, " We will need a bigger mat then?" he asked rhetorically.

"It seems that way." The reptile replied amusedly, and then he winked down at the female, rubbing his hands slowly together in front of his naked, scarred chest as his eyes drew over her with pleasure. "And I can't wait to meet your sisters, in that case."

"Now you're going to far" Behemel joked elbowing Zerrex in the ribs as he turned to the other sleeping mat. He gestured Sharari to move a brief moment, admiring her cerves and naked body , as he pulled both Zerrex and his sleeping mat into one large one, just accomidating for the three of them to lie down easy enough.

"We'll see whether I am or not when we meet these sisters." The reptile replied with a grin, sitting down on his mat and looking entertained, rubbing a hand absently along his broad, naked chest.

Sharari chuckled. "Fraid not muscle head, " she teased. "MY sisters are both overseas"

The reptile grunted at this, then he winked over at her and reached out to shove her playfully. "Well, in that case, you better be ready to handle enough sex for all the females I won't be able to bang."

Behemel tugged and finished making the makeshift bed, and awaited the other two. Sharari grinned at Zerrex wickedly. "Oh are you going to punish me for disappointing you?" she tempted.

The reptile snorted in entertainment, reaching a finger out to stroke playfully under her chin as he cocked his head towards her and winked. "Don't tempt me now, sweetheart, I just might."

"I think we let lose a monster in her, have we not?" Behemel comment, enjoying the change of situations. Not wise but unable to feel pleased by the turn of events.

"I happen to be very fond of monsters." Zerrex winked at the female, stroking her face almost delicately before he grinned teasingly over at Behemel. "But hey. If you don't want to deal with this, I will... be more than happy to accommodate all her needs myself."

"Don't think you will cut me out of this" he said, sitting on his side of the mat, and waiting for Zerrex to drag Sharari between them.

The lizard snorted in amusement, and then he picked up the female easily in his arms, settling himself on the mat and resting with her half in his lap, half-sprawled out towards Behemel so she could relax against him, his fingers tickling gently down her side as he said playfully: "Well, you were the one who called her a monster." He looked across at the lion innocently. "I was just offering to deal with this... most savage of beasts."

"Wrong type of monster" Behemel half teased. and immediately, leaned into Sharari, making sure she was sandwiched between the two males, as Behemel began to caress her sides and inhale the scent of her arousal, causing him to growl.

The reptile snorted in amusement, pushing lightly forwards against the female's frame as his fingers played over her sides, nuzzling teasingly against her as he grinned slightly at Behemel. "Well, if you insist... it does seem like there's more than enough of her to go around, after all, and she doesn't seem to mind herself..."

Sharari felt enthralled by the two men around her, open to a new world for her and willing to be their plaything for the time being . "Please. I need more... " she begged , between gasps as Behemel played with her back and ass , stroking her fur.

The reptile growled teasingly, leaning down and slowly drawing his tongue along the slope of a breast, gently taking part of the swell into his mouth as he suckled lightly, teasingly back against a nipple, his hands massaging along her sides as he half-lidded his eyes and gazed at her seductively. "All hot and bothered, are you? What an eager little delight you are..."

"Indeed she is" Behemel growled into the back of her neck. "I hope you're willing to show me the same attention you gave Zerrex, will you?" he asked, giving her ass a playful slap

The lizard playfully ground forwards against her, squeezing into her hips as the female squirmed and moaned between them, looking over at Behemel with amusement. "Oh, like she didn't show you plenty of attention..." He winked at him, then slowly stroked his fingers down her stomach, sliding them firmly between her legs and massaging teasingly at her wet, sensitive sex, making her writhe as his other hand grasped into a swell and he playfully nipped the side of her throat. "But I'm sure she'll show us both plenty more, now... it sounds like she'd do anything for some more sexual experiences..."

Sharari panted, feeling her fur explode with sensation. "Oh yes.. please teach me more" she pleaded.

Zerrex growled playfully at this, grinding his shaft slowly forwards against her stomach as his fingers slipped teasingly upwards, sliding into the silky wetness of her sex before drawing back and gently pushing against her muzzle, murmuring softly: "Well, how do you want to teach her, Behemel? Just what do you think this anxious little girl can handle?"

Behemel looked her over, as he continued with a skilled massage hitting every nerve ending of her body within her reach. "Well I don't think she is ready for the both of us at once , but maybe we can improvise here?" he growled, reaching around and angled his paw to rub her abused pussy lips and clit.

The lizard smiled slightly, tilting his head as he leaned his body forwards against hers, flexing his strong muscles as he ground into the female, sandwiching her tighter between their forms. "Oh really now? What did you have in mind?"

"How about we swap fucking that tight pussy? Assuming you didn't stretch it so far of course, " he growled, enjoying pushing the envelope of secretly filling her at once.

"Sounds good to me... we'll just have to make sure we don't take her too hard and ruin her." He grinned teasingly at the female, stroking slowly over her body as his eyes glinted mischievously. "But even if we do, well, there's always that supple ass of hers, too... and it looks like she's already plenty talented with her mouth as well."

Sharari jumped a bit in fear but was reassured by there caressing . "Don't worry. We will take good care of you" Behemel growled into her ear pleasingly. and licked it sensually and caused her to groan.

The lizard winked, rubbing their muzzles together slowly for a moment before he kissed gently along her collarbone. "Wouldn't want to hurt you when your adventurous sisters are out of reach, now would we?" He stroked slowly down her sides, then lightly back up, his still-erect shaft throbbing powerfully against her stomach as he teasingly ground the heavy, hard length against her. "And since you were able to handle me so well, I'm sure you're a natural... you just do what comes to mind, and we'll take care of the rest."

"Y-yes" she answered allowing her legs to part and wanted them both to fill her. It came to her like inspiration for them to be inside her at once. " I want boht of you so much" she groaned. .Behemel smirked at this, Taking initiative, he maneuvered under her and lifted her a bit out of Zerrex's grasp, and now held her against his body, now suckling her neck and had her spread out so Zerrex could come from on top.

The reptile grinned slightly, watching as the lion slid beneath her and her legs spread eagerly for them, carefully pulling himself forwards to lean over her as he slipped between her legs and lowered the head of his enormous shaft to her sex, grinding lightly against it as one hand gripped into her hips and the other guided him slowly forwards, grinning slightly down at her as he teased her sensitive entrance and growled playfully: "Don't bite off more than you can chew now..." He paused, then grunted and thrusted hard forwards, sinking more than half of his girthy cock in the single thrust, before he shuffled forwards on his knees and thrusted hard again, sinking almost the entire length into her as he leaned over her and let his weight drop to sandwich her body tightly between their masculine frames, grinding into her until he felt his testicles smack lightly into her buttocks.

"Oh my gods!" she cried out, pressed into both of their forms, Behemel's cock searing agaisnt her back while Zerrex once again filled her to the brim now, almost coming on contact by the force of his thrust. "Oh your gods ... ahh So good!"

The reptile teasingly gyrated his girthy shaft inside of her, thrusting slowly and easily, his body flexing overtop hers as he kissed down the side of her neck and he reached out to either side of the female, pressing his hands down into the cave floor and digging his claws lightly against the stone as her legs automatically cradled his waist, moving slowly and easily before dragging his thick shaft slowly back until it popped free from her sex, growling in hungry pleasure as he gazed over her lustfully. "Yeah, still so damn deliciously tight... you tell me what you think of her, Behemel, if she's as hot for you as she is for me."

Behemel grinned as Zerrex fucked her, causing her to arch into him, as he held her legs up again, forcing her open for Zerrex to plow into her. She groaned deliciously at the restraint. "Well then, " he replied to Zerrex, "let me have a swing at that juicy cunt of her. It's my turn." he requested , growling into Sharari's neck .

The reptile drew back with a growl of amusement, his shaft slipping free of her tight sex as he leaned down over her, flexing down against her as he rocks his hips to grind the thick member forwards along her stomach, pressing his weight down against the lustful female. "And her body's begging for it..."

Sharari let out a loud groan, virtually begging as Zerrex had said. "Ahh...!" she groaned, feeling her pussy clench at the air. With her incoherent plea, Behemel maneuvered his hips briefly, his raging dark cock pressed against her hot pussy, and he drove it slowly. He made her feel every inch as he slipped into her drenching body.

"Ahhh!" she cried out, feeling Behemel's girth inside her "So.. So... big!"

The lizard growled hungrily as he teasingly kissed down the slope of one breast, mouthing the swell slowly and hungrily as his tongue flicked across the nipple before teasingly nipping back against it, one hand stroking down her side to grasp into her hip as his shaft throbbed heavily between their bodies, feeling her hips bucking beneath him as the male's huge length ground up into her burning sex and her cries of pleasure filled the air around them, half-lidding his eyes with a growl of entertainment.

"You are right, Zerrex..." Behemel grunted, as he started a slow rhythm, making sure she felt every part of his cock in a teasing way. "She is a hot little minx . And enjoys it too."

Sharari bit her lip from the torturing assault on her body, feeling so good and on the edge, while their claws and paws were on her and hitting all her good spots inside and out. "Oohh... yeah... Its so good." she moaned, no longer bashful .

He grinned slightly, agreeing with a rumble as he allowed his thick, heavy shaft to grind slowly along her stomach, leaving a wet trail of pre through her fur as the hot, long shaft throbbed against her, trapped between their forms as he slowly moved to the other breast, working his jaws against it slowly as he flexed his muscular body overtop her, pleasure rolling through his form and making him grind teasingly down into her all the harder before he drew his jaws slowly back with a roll of his shoulders, leaning overtop her and saying hungrily: "Just don't hog her too much now, nice and tight as she feels... we gotta share the little beauty before we really break her in..."

Behemel stopped his thrusting pase a bit then, and looked at Zerrex cockily. "Im not the selfish one here , pal," he remarked, sticking out a tounge at him. Slowly he withdrew fully from Sharari , causing another groan of dismay, and gave a signal for Zerrex to continue, while Behemel continued to rub her down, keeping her body constantly electrified with eroticism.

The lizard snorted in amusement at this, leaning down slightly past her with a teasing grin. "Oh, so this is what it takes to loosen you up, is it? Remind me next time we're near a brothel, we'll get you relaxed yet." He growled teasingly, then leaned back slightly, letting the head of his shaft grind slowly up along the female's legs before he found the hot, wet entrance to her sex, stretched slightly from the huge members of both males but still eagerly seeming to grasp at his shaft, and as the lizard slowly thrusted forwards, he groaned hungrily, feeling his cock sinking slowly into her deliciously-tight passage as it clenched at him, still tight as she bucked her hips eagerly and moaned loudly. "Ooh, yes. I don't think we could ever ruin this girl... she's too tight to ever remain stretched for long, even by big males like us."

Sharari groaned again, her head and back arching in frustration and arousal. "Oh please! Fuck me, It's so good. Don't ever stop!" she cried out. She was so loud and needed Behemel was worried a moment the assassins after them would overhear . But her squirming body against him and his cock erased that worry. She was too turned on by their actions and dirty talking, she was willing to be their bitch for how long they wished. Behemel willing replied as he grasped hold of one of her breasts, massaging it tenderly, and she turned her head to him, and thrust her mouth upon Behemel's giving him a lustful kiss to contain her cries.

The male growled at her cries, her voice only adding to the thrill of pleasure in his body as she turned her head away to hungrily kiss the lion, and he lowered his jaws to teasingly kiss down her exposed throat, letting his masculine frame grind down against her as his solid musculature flexed, his hands clenching into the floor out to either side as he rocked his hips powerfully with every thrust, the female bucking eagerly back against him as he felt her passage clenching fiercely around his heavy shaft, her form trembling with bliss beneath him as he panted hungrily, testicles slapping a hard tattoo against her tight, supple buttocks.

They continued this pattern for a while. Zerrex fucking her, then he would withdraw to let Behemel replace him, each giving her a good share and had her screaming after a while. Zerrex and Behemel spreading up and intensifying their movements the longer it went. Sharari nearly was clawing at Zerrex's back , digging into his scales in the ecstasy of it. "Ooh yes!! she cried" reaching an orgasm that

caused her to let go. "Oooh yes fuck me like I'm your bitch! I love it" she pleaded.

The lizard grinned widely at this, his eyes flashing as he leaned back slightly to begin pistoning his huge shaft harder and faster in and out of her tight, slick sex, almost making her body bounce with every fierce thrust as he brought his hands up to grasp tightly into her waist. "Oh, you like that thought, being our bitch, huh? You need it, don't you, every inch of my cock and his and it's still not enough for how much you want it, is it?" He leaned over her, grunting hungrily as his huge shaft pistoned in and out of her almost rough enough to bruise her sex, slamming savagely to the hilt again and again as his testicles slammed a fierce tattoo against her before he drew back suddenly, his eyes burning with pleasure as he tore his huge shaft free and suddenly slid to a half-kneel overtop her, reaching down to seize her hands and drag them up to his shaft.

She eagerly grasped it, moaning hungrily, stroking his huge, throbbing length rapidly as it shone with the pre and dripping sexual juices coating it, the male grunting hungrily as he licked his hips slowly. "Yeah, you know what to do, don't you? Milk the seed you hunger for out and get ready to bathe in my load, and Behemel, you can fill this needy slut up just the way she's screaming for..."

Too enthralled in the activity to respond, he absolutely agreed as he now shoved his own cock into her and began pistoning inside her at a frenzied pace, the two of them both close to coming as Behemel growled louder.

Sharari grasped Zerrex's cock and brought it to her breasts, then enclosed his cock around her flesh and massaged it, her tongue licking his head softly.

The reptile flexed overtop her and grinned at this, thrusting into her bosom as her hands continued to stroke the body of the massive, solid member not covered by her breasts, feeling bliss skyrocketing through his system as he reached a hand to grasp the back of her skull, feeling her suckling hungrily at the head of his shaft and her tongue greedily chasing along his penis as he began to stiffen up, lust racing through his body before he threw his head back and roared as he arched his back, feeling his orgasm strike as erotic ecstasy burned through his system and his shaft throbbed and hardened between her bosom, thrusting almost savagely forwards as he began to release thick volley after volley, thrusting forwards hard enough at first to shove his shaft into her hungry jaws and unleash thick gouts that burst down her throat and out between her lips, her eyes bulging even as she gave muffled cries of pleasure as his load flooded her mouth and fired into her stomach as if from a cannon, before he drew back and grinned as her hands eagerly stroked the hard, long length of flesh as he continued to release blast after blast of seed, thrusting into her grip as he covered her face and breasts in thick white ropes of his hot load, gazing down at her with hungry dominance. "Oh yeah, bathe in it, get every last drop you can, bitch!"

The display also aroused Behemel further as his now rapid thrusts became bruising to Sharari, making her form jump with each thrust as he now released a loud roar and buried inside her to the brim. His roar followed by a eruption of cum from his cock, expanding her insides briefly as he came, and triggered her own release, she Screamed muffled by Zerrex's cum and cock, as she released her own orgasim along with Behemel's their mixed juises now spilling onto the cave floor below them. Behemel continued thrusting, slowing down till his high ended, but yet to pull out of her tight cunt.

The reptile slowed gradually, looking down at her and half-lidding her eyes as she moaned and trembled beneath him, his shaft leaking several long streamers of seed before he grinned slightly as his eyes drew over her, reaching down to teasingly stroke a single finger under her seed stained muzzle as he whispered playfully, feeling her fingers squeezing into his shaft slowly: "You look much prettier like that than outside when you were trying to fight off all those hot feelings for me, beautiful. Doesn't it feel better to give in like this? Don't you like this, the little hungry bitch for two males instead of the snooty travelling companion?" He laughed a bit, then winked as he reached his hand down to stroke slowly over her stomach, murmuring playfully: "We're going to have lots of fun with you on this little journey now."

Behemel couldn't help but roll his eyes at Zerrex's cockiness, more for that than exhaustion. "I think she prefers the term, tough" Behemel sighed, standing up for her in her tired state as she panted upon her chest, obviously pleased.

Sharari, didn't respond as she laid against Behemel's chest unopposed, "Oh yes I look forward to what other surprises you might have for me, the both of you" she said, feeling sleepy

"She was snooty before. Now I can see her as tough, though, seeing how nicely she held up between us." The lizard replied with a slight smile, then he reached down and gently rubbed a hand along her body, leaning down to whisper teasingly into her ear: "You cuddle up with the big lion and keep him relaxed so he's not so crabby tomorrow morning, then. Just make sure that next time you cuddle up with me, babe." The reptile laughed a bit, then he flicked her nose gently before looking at her with strange affection, and then he turned away, absently picking up his pants and boxers and grinning over his shoulder at the two, shaking his head in amusement. "Cute image." With that, he half-hopped into his boxers, carefully shoving his slowly-growing-flaccid member into his jeans as he walked out into the night air and glanced up at the dark ceiling of the trees above, and the flickering lights of the stars faintly visible through the canopy.

"I heard that!" Behemel growled at Zerrex as he was just before out of ear shot. And relaxed as she cuddled against him, wishing that she could still be surrounded by the two males even in her sleep.

Outside, Zerrex glanced up at the darkness above, and then he yawned a bit as he sat down against the outer wall, looking up at the stars for a few moments before smiling a little to himself, and then closing his eyes as he breathed slowly. Thoughts ran through his head, memories played out in his mind's eye as he slowly settled himself, relaxing a bit against the stone wall and glancing down at the tattoo on his right arm, and then he reached up and touched it absently before he looked up to the sky again, relaxing slowly in the darkly-lit atmosphere. Hours later, he headed back into the cave, but only long enough to pick up Blackheart and walk back out, content to spend the last few waning hours before morning awake as he sat outside the cave and slowly polished and sharpened the sword.

Despite Zerrex's late night up, Sharari was pleased to wake up surrounded by the warmth of both her lovers as morning came. Doing their best to clean up after the wild night of sex, Behemel and Zerrex quickly packed up camp and proceeded to leave the cave and back on the road. In that one night, the air between Sharari and Zerrex had cleared, allowing them to get along fairly well as Behemel led the way down the path.

The reptile absently adjusted the straps on his backpack as he walked down the path, letting himself trail behind a few paces as he snuck a glance at the female, then over at the male. He smiled despite himself, enjoying the greater sense of tranquility in the little group before he looked skywards thoughtfully, muttering to himself: "But of course, nice as everything is now... I'm sure that just means something horrible is going to happen in the near future. Life's a bitch like that, after all."

Behemel grunted at that comment. "Since when have you been such a pessimist?" he growled disliking the air of negativity. "And to that end, what was that comment about when you said i was crabby?" He looked crossly at the lizard.

"You were crabby." Zerrex paused meditatively. "And now you're crabby again, I see. It looks like we need to stop for sex again, assuming that's really what got you feeling better and not glorying in the handsome masculinity of my body." He nodded seriously for a moment, trying to resist a smile before striding past, adding mildly: "And you might notice that I'm always negative, yes, but I'm also always right. Then again, it's not like I want to be right about bad things. I'd rather be wrong."

Behemel cast an angry snarl at Zerrex. "First of all . I'm not Crabby. We are on a protective mission to help Sharari. I'm being serious! and second when did I ever stare at your body. You flatter yourself..." Behemel grumbled, disgusted by Zerrex's grumpiness.

The reptile grinned amusedly at this, looking in entertainment over his shoulder at the male before he glanced at the female, whispering loudly: "Maybe you should show him your boobs. He might cheer up."

"I'm not crabby. I'm just as I always am. I will be more at ease once we get past the swamp" he said. "To mistake me being serious as crabbiness just means your lack of your skill as a warrior"

"Is that the best you can come up with?" The reptile snorted amusedly, and then he glanced ahead, adding in a more-disgruntled voice: "Have I said already I hate swamps? Because I really do. After we get through the swamp, though, will we be close to the village we're heading towards? Because much as I've come to like you, Sharari, I may not be willing to trudge through two swamps for you quite yet, either."

"You're a lizard. You were born from swamps." Behemel said with a sigh.

"I am a Drakkaren, actually, and my origins are from the Cradle of Life, not a swamp." The reptile replied indignantly, crossing his arms and looking over his shoulder flatly, before he pointed at the female. "That's like saying... she was born from a blizzard. Because she's... a leopard."

"Boys boys!" Sharari cut in, getting between them before they could lunge at one another. "Will you two grow up! Look it's a small sacrifice to cross the swamp to get home, but seriously, cant you two get along?" she pleaded.

Zerrex looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, and then he finally looked over at Behemel, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "No, probably not. You know, unless he admits how charming and handsome I am, then I may reconsider."

"I'm not interested in you in that way Zerrex," Behemel said, and turned to rejoin the hike . "Beside I'm not the one who keeps flexing every three minutes."

"I like flexing. It keeps my blood flowing." the Drakkaren replied easily, and then he crossed his arms, looking down at the ground as the terrain started to get a bit more barren underfoot, the plants both sparser and stranger. "So are we heading into any dangers here? You know. Apart from the assassins."

Behemel sighed, trying to ignore the irritating lizard. "If we are careful no. There are beasts in the swamp but they don't attack unblessed provoked." Behemel informed, seeing the marshes up ahead.

Zerrex grunted at this, nodding a bit as he walked forwards. "Yeah, well. I hope that stays true then, and nothing's agitated them or anything to make things worse for us."

As Behemel led the way, Sharari pulled at Zerrex's strong arm. "Hey, try not to be so down. Beside what is life without a little surprise?" she perked, giving him a smile.

"Well, as long as that surprise isn't a fifty foot monster that tries to eat us, I suppose you're right." Zerrex said mildly, glancing down at her with slight surprise at her amiability before he paused meditatively. "Then again, maybe it'll make for good cooking." He paused, calling over to Behemel: "See, I can be positive!"

Behemel only waved it off. with that Sharari leaned up and gave Zerrex a kiss. "Beside believe it or not, I'm not that spoiled. I love the thrill of adventure" she admitted, and ran up to catch Behemel.

The reptile crossed his arms with a snort of amusement at this, shaking his head and smiling despite himself at her back before he murmured: "Cute." A pause, then he sped up his pace slightly, catching up to them but trailing a few paces back, wrinkling his muzzle as the smell of the swamp permeated the air around him.

The sun was soon blocked out by the damp trees overhead, and a thick haze overtook the road. The stench of distilled water was around them along with a odor that made their noses cringe. An unpleasant road , but necessary to reach their destination. As they walked the cries of swamp creatures echoed in the eerie march as the trees hung sadly, adding to the gloom of the swamp. "Be on guard, " Behemel said softly, "If the assassins are stupid enough to attack, they have good cover if they wished."

"Now who's being negative?" Zerrex muttered, but he nodded in slow agreement nonetheless, looking back and forth as he took in the atmosphere of the place, the way it made his scales seem to crawl and a shiver roll along his spine. He grimaced a bit as he stepped up a bit closer by the female, his right hand flexing slowly as his sharp eyes glanced back and forth.

Behemel ignored Zerrex as they kept on, the road starting to disappear into a sliver of land that divided the murky waters from parts of the swamp, causing them to jump over some patches of water . About an hour in, the forest became dead quiet, while Behemel kept his ears open, and Zerrex swatting at stray mosquitoes now and again .

The reptile grumbled a bit as he rolled his shoulders, looking back and forth as they move deeper into the swampland. It was gross and humid, and strange things moved back and forth and rustled through the weeds and dark waters... and the lizard looked up with a wince towards the sky as he said finally: "This terrain is awful. On the bright side, though, I'm not sure it can get any more gross thanit already is." He paused, looking down at his soaked combat boots as he made a face. "I'm going to have to burn these later."

"I'll buy you a new pair when this is all over" Behemel said, if anything to satisfy the complaining lizard.

Sharari perked up a bit at mention. "Actually when this is over i plan to..."

Just then, a loud snap echoed through the silence. From below Sharari's feet, the patch of ground she stood on unwrapped and flipped up. She gave a shriek before a tthick tarp wrapped her up and swooshed off the road and into the swamp.

The reptile cursed sharply, leaping after her immediately and his complaints forgotten as he sprinted after her, leaping a wide flow of muddy water and kicking off a stone as he tore Blackheart free from his back, shouting: "Shar!" His eyes flashed as he followed her, putting on enough speed to keep just behind the tarp, not daring to try and slash it open while she was wrapped inside it... but his eyes glowing with anger, not in any way intent to avoid the ambush as it was, either. Let the trap be triggered: they could get rid of their pursuers that much faster.

Zerrex ran into a clearing of trees his knees deep in the swamp water, as he met the captors . ALl of them held formidable weapons. However somewhere different, Instead of just assassins, there were also some in robes that held metal rods. Sorcerers. All of them had surrounded the sack which contained Sharari, guarding her.

"Welcome warrior," the tattooed bear spoke, grinning.

The lizard skidded to a halt, and then he snorted at this as he rested Blackheart on his shoulder, looking dryly amused. "Well, well, look at that. You guys a little higher pay-grade than the last batch of assassins we ran into..." He paused, then narrowed his eyes, saying softly: "But that just means I'm only going to give you the one chance to surrender now, instead of being nice like last time. Let her go, or die. Your call."

At that moment, Several of the sorcerers stepped in behind him, each of them holding fireballs ready to throw in their hands.

"You're in no position to threaten me, hatchling" the bear spoke, (remember him he was the leader the last time) . "Keep in mind we are in a swamp. Do you know what is in here?"

"Slime, filth, and maggots, but I take it you meant other than what's standing right in front of me?" The Drakkaren asked dryly, and then he shifted Blackheart to his left hand as he reached up to crack his neck with his right, grinning slightly. "Go ahead, though, tell me why I should be all scared and terrified." He paused, narrowing his eyes as he added darkly: "We'll see who ends up scared by the time you're done hiding behind your cronies."

The bear grinned . "Natural gases. The swamp is full of different types of fumes that can go up in flames with a rogue spark, and we could all burn to hell. " he explained wisely, like an elder talking to a child. " We are men of honor. We rather do the job or die trying, so we have nothing else to lose. boy. Now if your smart, toss aside your sword..." he spoke the last words venomously, driving

his words carefully to Zerrex.

The reptile snorted in amusement at this, resting the weapon on his shoulder as he glanced to the side, as if pretending to consider... and then he glanced over at the bear, smiling calmly as he said softly: "If you were so confident and so ready and willing to kamikaze, you'd have done it already. You ran away last time, if I recall... and you're an idiot if you think I actually need this sword to kill each and every one of you." He paused meditatively, then added softly: "And by the way, it really shows how professional you morons are when you miss basic facts." He stopped, letting the silence spin out before he met the bear's eyes coldly. "I'm not the only bodyguard, remember?"

Behemel stood directly behind the bear, his scythe drawn while the Bear registered this into his head before his eyes went wide with realization.

"What the hell--" Before the bear could say anything more, Behemel had delivered a mortal slash at his neckline. The bear's head went flying through the air like a ball, tumbling into the far away swamp. The body stood for a moment before dropping and sinking into the waters below. The assassins jumped in fear to see the cloaked Lion with his scythe. making him look like death itself.

"Thanks for ruining my entrance, Zerrex" Behemel retorted .

The reptile snorted amusedly and shrugged before he stepped forwards, throwing his sword in a surprisingly-graceful movement, and it flew through the air like a spear, tearing through the chest of a mage and sending him crashing backwards with a gargle and a thick burst of blood before the Drakkaren grinned widely: "Oh, you didn't think I'd forget that handsome, grumpy mug of yours, did you?" He paused, then punched his fist against his palm, saying mildly: "Shall we?"

"First thing first," Behemel grunted as he dodged one of the assassins as he attempted to grab him, Behemel delivered a slice that cleaved the wolf in half, then brought his scythe up aiming for the rope of Sharari's trap. "On you" he called out, and delivered a slash into the air. His scythe creating a crescent shock wave that flew through the air and sliced through the rope that held the tarp together

The reptile ran forwards, glaring at an assassin that tried a little too late to get in his way, and the lizard leapt up and kicked both feet hard into him, crushing him down into the soft ground before leaping off him and diving forwards as the tarp trap ripped open and Sharari spilled out with a scream. He caught her in his arms as he fell to a crouch, then he glanced up with a wince as an assassin leapt forwards, swinging hard at him before he winced as the sword tore into his right arm... and then Sharari's eyes widened as the metal blade stopped with a shriek of metal against something that wasn't flesh or bone, and the reptile snorted as he swung his arm out, the sword blade snapping in half before the lizard stood up and slammed a punch into the assassin's stomach, knocking all the fight from him as he collapsed, and she looked with shock at the reptile's scales, seeing a glint of something beneath them before they healed together almost instantaneously, and he winked at her even as he back stepped away from the crowd and put her safely down behind him, muttering: "Our little secret for now, okay?"

"Wha..." She gasped, unable to comprehend what he was made out of . " What are you?" she said in awe , not in fear.

The reptile glanced over at her, then grinned a bit even as he swung a fist easily out, clotheslining an assassin attempting to charge past and snapping his muzzle loudly before he elbowed him hard in midair, sending him crashing to the ground. "Now that would be telling." He reached out and stroked a finger playfully under her muzzle before kicking one of the fallen assassin's daggers up to his

his hand, catching it and snapping it forwards in an easy throw, the knife flying through the air to sink into the skull of another sorcerer. "Come on, let's get you out of this melee before someone goes and ruins that pretty face of yours."

Behemel witnessed as Zerrex caught Sharari as well as his surviving a strike to the arm. While it was an eye-opener, Behemel brushed it aside as he was being converged on by two assassins, both were cat that charged with agile grace.

He then dug the base of his scythe into the marshy ground, and used it to swing himself up. The two assassins couldn't stop enough to end up hitting one another, their weapons going into the other, As Behemel leapt out with his weapon still in hand, he immediately swung it at an adjacent warrior, bisecting him in a clean sweep of his weapon. Without their leader, the assassins became unconstructive and uncoordinated.

The reptile grimaced a bit as an assassin swung a heavy axe towards him, stepping backwards and letting the blade thud loudly into the ground before he stomped his foot down, shattering the neck of the weapon. The enemy staggered backwards in surprise, flailing for balance, and Zerrex stepped forwards and simply smashed his skull down into the assassin, whose eyes bulged wide in shock for a moment before he spilled backwards, unconscious. The lizard snorted at this, and then he reached down and seized the heavy blade of the battleaxe, ripping it out of the earth and half-turning to throw it like a disc, sending it flying across the field to slice the arm off one assassin before burying into the gut of another, the lizard making a face of distaste before his eyes locked on his sword, glancing over his shoulder at the female and saying mildly: "I'll be right back."

With that, the lizard shot forwards, going into a sprint and not stopping even when a large wolf tried to step into his past, simply ramming into him and hefting the mercenary into the air as the breath whooshed out of his gut at impact, before the Drakkaren threw him hard down into the ground and punted him like a ball, knocking him flying through the air before the lizard leapt forwards and seized his sword with his left hand, tearing it free of the corpse and muddy marshland it was still buried in. "There we go, old friend. I wouldn't forget you, now would I?"

"Get you and your sword a room," Behemel jested a bit, while ducking a fireball from a sorcerer in the distance. As another fireball zoomed his way, Behemel swung his scythe again, this time creating a shockwave of air that condensed just short of his body that send the fireball hurtling backwards, and ended up striking the sorcerer. The sorcerer gave an agonizing cry as he ran, and dunked into the swamp water.

"It's the only thing in the world that's ever loved me unconditionally." Zerrex replied seriously, and then he sidestepped and slashed the legs out from under a mercenary before sprinting forwards towards one of the last remaining assassins. He held up his hands in surrender, back stepping rapidly, but the lizard only charged forwards, hefting his sword backwards with a grunt before slamming the flat of the blade forwards in a rough swing that batted him into the twisted trees and ferns of the forest, sending him crashing through the undergrowth as the reptile let his sword swing back to rest across his shoulders and he shaded his eyes, saying mildly: "So he might have survived that. Maybe."

"We will have to work on your self control, friend" Behemel comment, joining the Lizard side. Despite their efforts, several more enemies stood before them, any of which could still grab Sharari.

At that moment, one of the sorcerers in clear frustration, raised his paws into the air. The red cat sorcerer, let out words with a growl and a fireball grew in his paws. He held it high and began to make it bigger and bigger. Behemel's eyes widen at the move. "IDIOT!" he roared at the sorcerer, him putting to much power into his spell. "NOt here!" His muscles tighened in urgency. the fireball fatal to them all.

The reptile grimaced at this before he glanced over at the female, shouting and waving an arm to her: "Sharari! Run!" He winced, then looked over at the feline, adding flatly: "You can stay or go, I... don't care as much which. But if you have some trick up your sleeve to deal with this, now might be a good time."

Behemel struggled to think as the hot head sorcerer now conjured a fireball as large as a boalder. He then brought his scythe back, and aimed at the water below . Chronos began to hum as the air vibrated around him. "Grim Zepher!!" he roared, and brought his scythe a clear wave upon the water. The swampy waters roared as the shockwave lifted them forward. IT caused a huge wave of water to rise up sweeping away several of the assassins before. The large wave, hit the large fireball, however though not extinguishing the nova, it caused the spell to burst as it met the water, sending smaller sparks and flames scattering in all directions in a flurry. The flames scattered till one of the flames suddenly grew and erupted in a loud explosion the rocked the swamp. One of them had struck a gas vein, causing a portion of the ground to shake in response.

Behemel covered his ears from the explosion, the worst of it being near a random patch of the land.

The reptile winced backwards as flame, water, and chunks of land flew in all directions, then he cursed at the sound of the explosion, feeling pieces of rock pattering against his body as he half swung his sword around to shield himself with the flat of the blade, shaking his head our briskly as he gritted his teeth before dropping his sword back to rest on his shoulder as he looked over the chaos and debris that lay before them, rubbing slowly at his face and brushing a bit of dust from his chest before he said blandly: "I really, really hate mages. I don't think I'm including you in that for once, though, if only because we aren't dead or on fire at the moment."

Behemel grumbled at the so called gesture of his friend.

As assassins and sorcerers were startled from the blast, Sharari had hid behind one of the thick trees, thankfully unharmed as she observed the scene. Something then caught her eye, from below roots from what she thought were nearby trees moved and slipped into the water. The water moved with life under its surface.

"Look out! Something's in there!" she called out.

"Oh, of course something is." Zerrex winced, swinging his blade into a ready position before he glanced over at the lion, adding dryly: "I may be taking back my words in a few moments, it looks like. You know. When we possibly die and all." The lizard cleared his throat as he set himself, leaning forwards a bit and gritting his teeth at the rippling liquid.

A rippling in the water trailed around where the assassins, now scattered where standing. At that moment, several vine-like tentacles shot out of the water, and coiled around one of the assassins and lifted them into the air. Screams and shouts erupted out from them as more vines sprouted from the swamp. Then from the water, despite its depth a large bulbous body began to emerge. It slowly rose up looking like a bulb from a plant, its leafy exterior a dark green that blended with its surroundings. the tentacles came from its lower body, while feelers waved around lazily in the air. Its ball like body shared also its face, a gloomy pair of eyes, and a extra wide mouth that had rows of teeth.

"Yes. I take back anything nice I've said. Next time, just let me be blown up." Zerrex winced at this sight, staring over it before rose his sword, muttering under his breath: "Why is it every time I wander into a goddamn marsh the goddamn flora decides to make me breakfast?"

At that moment, the giant plant turned to gawking assassins. In a bellow of a roar, it lashed its roots at them, entering a frenzy, obviously disturbed by their actions and decided to reap its vengeance.

"It only attacked cause they disturbed its sleep." Behemel corrected to Zerrex, " You keep quiet it won't do anything.. almost, anyway"

The reptile glanced over at the lion moodily as he stood ready but closed his muzzle, biting back a retort for now even as he pointedly glared at the lion, then returned his eyes to the massive plant, feeling a nervous tension run through his body at the sight of the huge, ugly thing. He breathed slowly through his mouth as he set himself, drawing his eyes over it, wincing at the way it was so greedily tearing into the other assassins and hoping it wouldn't turn on them next.

"If you're so anxious," Behemel argued sensing his detest. "Then join Sharari. I can handle this if I must. If you're scared of course," he couldnt help but bait the reptile. "I rather fight it myself than listen to your agonizing ranting"

The lizard slowly turned to glare again at the lion, and then he muttered aside to him as he once more turned his emerald eyes on the huge plant: "When we get out of this, I'm going to set you on fire myself, I swear."

Behemel chuckled at the bluff. "Is that your way of saying, I don't turn from a challenge?" he said as the large plant swallowed a sorcerer and reduced him to mulch instantly.

"If you want to go, then go. I can do it."

The reptile glanced at him dryly, and then he stepped backwards, half-bowing to him as he gestured widely at the huge carnivorous plant. "By all means, then, go ahead and aggravate the giant plant further and show me what you can do."

The plant had finished with its foes , having skewered a final assassin into a tree with its roots. Still pissed it began to slowly turn . "Sure no problem. I'm sure Sharari , won't mind seeing me fight off this huge beast then. I'm sure she will enjoy the show like you will," baiting Zerrex as he done to him.

The plant roared out a bellow as it locked Behemel in its sights. "I'll make salad out of you, " he growled, Chornos ready at his side.

Zerrex stabbed Blackheart into the ground, then he crossed his arms, looking mildly over at the lion and he said dryly: "I think it wants to make an entree out of you. Let's see who eats who at the end of the day." The reptile smiled slightly now, rubbing his hands together absently as he watched with entertainment. "You go and impress that girl over there, Behemel. It'll be nice to see you not so crabby in the mornings."

"I told you," Behemel growled as he readied his stance. " I . Am . Serious!" With that, he leapt for the giant plant. and delivered a slash at the beast an inch away. A massive wind swept through the swamp with a howl, and in result, the beast was sent hurtling into a tree.

The reptile rose his hands above his head and clapped cheerfully, and then he called easily: "Good work, kid! Now eat it!" He paused, then shrugged and crossed his arms, grinning slightly as he leaned against his sword. "What? You said you were going to make salad out of it. You eat salad, don't you?"

"Don't be so literal!" Behemel roared, and delivered a slash diagonally across the plant's face, causing a huge rip in between. It let out a large bellow, before whipping its tentacles out, and knocked Behemel back. The lion flipped in midair, and skidded back, his legs deep into the water.

"Zerrex!" Sharari, called out. "That thing is a gigasplant! You need to know something!"

"Why do I need to know something, he's the one fighting it?" Zerrex glanced over at her curiously nonetheless before glancing over at the male, pointing at the lion. "See, he's not even doing a half bad job dealing with the goddamn thing. You know. Except for the fact he's-" The reptile glanced over at the lion and cupped his hands around his muzzle, shouting: "Not eating it!"

"He shouldn't eat it! " She shouted out angrilly, hitting Zerrex in the back of his head. "Its poisonous! It's filled with poisonous gas!!"

At that moment, The large plant let out a large inhale, its body expanding. THen with a large cough, it spewed a large cloud of poison smoke. Behemel then immediately struck the water, diving out from the fumes as they passed over him.

The reptile made a bit of a face at her, and then his eyes flicked to the side and narrowed as he became more serious, watching as the toxic fumes washed out of the creature and spread outwards, gritting his teeth before he muttered: "Oh great. What kind of poison are we talking here, then. What else do you know about this ugly son of a bitch here?"

"Its poison is fast working, causing paralysis if you inhale it too much, and eventually its fatal. and..." Sharari struggled to remember what it was she needed to know. Something important was escaping her mind.

Once the smoke cloud cleared, Behemel emerged from the water with a gasp. He rose back to his feet, and caught sight of its feelers, looking like tubes that produced the same smoke.

Behemel growled in frustration, the poison an unforeseen but not impossible hurtle . He then charged once again, then began to circle the beast, delivering slash upon slash of wind blades from a distance. As the beast let out another poof of smoke in his direction, Chronos's power easily swept the smoke away with the wind.

The reptile reached out and grasped her shoulder, looking down at her as he frowned a bit. "What, what is it?" He paused, then glanced up at Behemel, making a face as the lion continued his heavy assault against it, adding dryly: "You sure he's not okay over there on his own? I mean, he seems pretty able to keep the thing at bay with that wind-trick of his."

"Umm..." she started then she remembered , reading about it from her studies. "BEHEMEL!" she cried out to his attention. " Its gas is also flammable! You can use it to your advantage!"

Stopping a moment to look over to her, he smiled. "That is helpful. Thanks Sharari! " with that he jumped high into the air and with another slash at range, he both delivered damage, as well as propelled himself into a nearby tree, observing the creature from a distance.

"Wonderful." Zerrex glanced over at the beast, then over at the lion as he rested against the the hilt of his sword before glancing down at it mildly, saying dryly: "What? If they need my help, they'll ask for it. He's doing fine." He stopped, then grimaced a bit and kicked the large blade before looking over at the huge plant. "Goddamn thing is durable, though, I'll give it that."

Behemel turned to Zerrex. "Hey! Toss me a light, Zerrex!" Behemel shouted.

The reptile groaned and slapped his forehead, then he glowered down at his sword and kicked it over before shrugging his backpack off, digging quickly through it as he replied flatly: "Yes, excuse me while I find last night's bonfire, I think I packed it neatly into the bottom of my backpack!"

Behemel growled as the plant monster began reaching tentacles to try and snag him. "Zerrex! Don't give me an attitude! Anything!! a flare or something?: he scold

The reptile muttered under his breath, and then he glanced down and kicked a broken chunk of pole - likely from the axe he'd shattered earlier - into the air as he tore a can of oil free from the backpack. He tore the lid off this with his teeth, then dropped the bag to catch the pole as it fill, briskly emptying the fuel over it before kicking the bag hard to dislodge a flint lighter. The reptile snatched this up a moment later, clicking it to set a spark off that made the pole burst into bright, hungry flames, half-covering his eyes from it with a wince as he snapped: "Now what?"

"Toss it to me!" Behemel shouted. He then gave the beast a slash from above, its blast hitting it square in the eyes and caused it to roar , also releasing another ploom of smoke. Behemel then jumped down from the tree, and into the water. "Zerrex!"

The Drakkaren grunted as he stepped forwards and threw the flaming stick to the lion, then he slid in front of the female, covering her with his body as he added dryly: "I'd cover my ears if I were you, just in case we get lucky for once and this actually works."

Dodging the cloud of poison, he reached out and grabbed the torch. The beast grew agitated its eyes squinting now at Behemel as it began to inhale one more, the same fumes billowing just inside its mouth. "Now!" he shouted and flung the fire into the beast's mullet.

The beast practically swallow the stick, to then its hole body expanded violently like a hiccup, Fire then ploomed out of each of its exits, its feelers and its mouth breathed flame. Its body started smoking and after a long wail, the beast slumped to the ground, its tentacles falling dead and motionless.

The reptile winced backwards at the burst of flames that rose through the creature, and then he sighed a bit in relief, looking over his shoulder at the female and asking mildly: "So what are you now, a botanist?" He paused, then turned and kicked Blackheart up to his hand, adding aside to the sword in a mutter: "And see? Perfectly fine."

"I studied a lot back home. It was part of my work" she explained, smiling.

The lizard nodded and grunted a bit, and then he shoved the sword onto his back before starting to gather things up, tossing them into his backpack before glancing over at Behemel, saying mildly: "Well, I'm glad that you two had this under control nicely, then. Why don't you go give him a big kiss as a reward?" The reptile grinned over at her, winking as he stood up and flexed his arms. "Or are you still more interested in the muscle-bound idiot?" He winked, then laughed and shook his head before looking at the lion again, calling easily: "You gonna eat it now that it's well-roasted?"

Behemel strode over to them , giving Zerrex a look. "It was a figure of speech, idiot" he spat, Behemel stepping in front of him and gave him a light shove. "You take things too literally"

The reptile snorted amusedly as he stumbled backwards, and then he looked over at the female, whispering loudly behind a hand: "He's crabby again."

"I can hear you," he replied , then after a moment, he cracked a smile and gave a laugh. "It's a good thing I know by now... you don't mean half of what you say"

The reptile touched his own chest, saying seriously: "What? Me? I never joke." He paused meditatively, then smiled a bit himself, relaxing slightly as he glanced at the lion and nodded with a quiet laugh. "But it's good to see you loosened up a bit. Not bad work on the... plant. Thingy."

Behemel shook his head, his mane now unkempt from the fight as he groaned wondering if Zerrex's infuriating attitude would be the end of him rather than some beast.

"Ahem.."Sharari spoke up, grabbing your attention, will you both stand here please?" she beckoned to them both.

The reptile looked over at her for a moment, then he crossed his arms, asking mildly: "Will it result in me getting maimed, shot, stabbed, caught in a trap, or set on fire? Because I'm very paranoid about that."

Sharari shut him up by giving him a kiss on his cheek, then silently she then walked up to Behemel and too brushed his mane aside to give him a kiss as well. both of them smiled at the gesture.

The reptile laughed a bit, then he reached up and touched his cheek, shaking his head and looking at her with entertainment. "Well. Shall we get out of here before something else comes to try and eat us or blow us up?"

"Agreed" Behemel said, blushing a bit under his hood. At that the 3 of them quickly left from the murky waters, both smelling bad as well as they made their way back to the road and out from the swamp.

"Agreed" Behemel said, blushing a bit under his hood. At that the 3 of them quickly left from the murky waters, both smelling bad as well as they made their way back to the road and out from the swamp.

The Drakkaren absently rubbed at his arm as they began to emerge from the marshes, feeling relieved at the fact there was more solid ground underfoot now and less still water as he walked onwards. His fingers flexed lightly as he glanced back and forth, then up at the sky overhead, absently mumbling to himself as he trailed a few paces back behind the others.

Though the swamp was well behind them, the odor from it was not. " I don't want to complain but... I really need a bath." Sharari mewed, feeling her fur still drenched from the murky waters. Night was fast approaching too, making the air cold against them.

"That you do." Zerrex said mildly, and then he winced back from her when she flailed at him. "Okay, okay! Maybe we could all do with getting clean." He glanced back and forth, then up at the darkening skies, adding mildly: "Or at least dry. We could set up camp somewhere before night falls on us."

Behemel held out an arm to stop them, his ears catching the sound of something. "The gods must be blessing us today," he said as he pointed off to the right, past the trees near the rocks, they could see the sea beyond. They had reached the coast, and to the further rends of the forest there was a waterfall and pond through it. "That is a good place to make camp"

The reptile glanced over at this, and then he rubbed absently at his face before grunting. "As long as it doesn't rain, anyway. I've never been a fan of water." Zerrex paused for a moment, and then he headed towards the site as he shrugged off his backpack, rolling his shoulders absently as he tossed it down in the grasses. "Want me to go get the firewood for tonight?"

"Sure Behemel replied , as he placed the supplies out by the serene looking lake.

"What? Don't tell me your afraid of water?" Sharari teased Zerrex with a wink

"Well, I wouldn't say I was afraid of it. Just that I'm not a friend of it." Zerrex replied with a slight smile, and he pulled his sword off his back before tossing it down, turning to head towards the forest and humming absently to himself as he began to gather up sticks and fallen branches.

Sharari looked at him leave and turned to Behemel. She put a paw on his shoulder. "Hmm... its his lost... looks like I just might end up taking a bath alone... unless you want to join me" she hinted to Behemel.

The lion looked up to Sharari, seeing the mischievous intent in her eyes and he couldn't help but smirk himself. "You are a wonderful mystery, Sharari."

The reptile hummed absently to himself as he plucked a few last branches from the ground before turning and heading back towards the campsite, rolling his shoulders a bit as he wandered through the forest. He glanced back and forth curiously as he emerged into the empty campsite, then shrugged a bit as he dropped the wood in the grasses and dug a quick, crude fire pit, letting his mind wander as he worked through the simple task of getting their campfire started, barely noticing that the other two were gone.

Sharari's hums and purrs of pleasure peeked from behind the rock formation where the waterfall and stream were hidden, that led to the sea beyond. The constant notice perked Zerrex's curiosity.

The lizard glanced up after a moment before he stood with a grumble as he walked over to his bag, kicking at it before rolling his eyes and heading in the direction the noises were coming from, asking: "So have either of you seen where the damn flint is, I..." He paused, then instead looked dumbly at the two as they came into sight, his hand still raised.

The two were cascaded under the waterfall, both naked, while Behemel stroked skilled paws over her body, both bathing her and stroking her sensual spots to make her aroused. His mussel was buried in her neck, absorbed in her presence as the water cascaded over their naked bodies. "oohh Behemel..." she said dreamily.

The reptile snorted in amusement, crossing his arms and watching the two with a look of entertainment in his eyes before he shook his head and grinned a bit, murmuring to himself: "Well, at least he should be much less cranky now. Or so I hope, anyway." He laughed to himself, shaking his head as he drew his eyes slowly over the female's body.

Her breasts bounced as Behemel caressed them, his movements slow, teasing, as he then finally made his way down to her exposed pussy, wet from both the waterfall and the foreplay.

"Do I impress you, Sharari?" Behemel asked, teasing as he slipped a finger inside her.

"Ohh... oh yes... You were wonderful back there... ahh" she groaned, wondering if he meant fighting or right there now.

The reptile snorted in amusement, resting back a bit and continuing to watch the two with a slight smile as he crossed his arms, letting his gaze rove along them, the way Behemel teased her, tortured her with affection, the way she responded so eagerly... and he leaned comfortably back against the rocks, grinning a bit wider, entertained by the sensual show.

"You're a wonderful warrior.... ahh" she mewed, squirming in his tight embrace, her back against his chest. A position she preferred perhaps.

"Just a wonderful warrior?" he teased, giving it emphasis with another thrust of his paw inside her.

She gasped and sighed at the gesture, and she smiled deviously. "And a wonderful lover as well, do you need to know that " she said with a chuckle.

The reptile growled in amusement as his eyes drew over her, the way she almost sparkled in the flow of the waterfall, the way the streams played over both her and the larger feline, the teasing of his hand against her and the way she responds so eagerly. He enjoyed it, leaning back comfortably as if watching a heated competition, the way they worked against not just each other but to control

themselves and their own lusts.

Behemel continued to stroke her insides, making her groan. "I take pride in my style. can you blame me? Or should I stop?" he mock threatened, and she replied by pushing harder against his body.

"NO ... no don't stop. It feels so good. " she begged, and her begging turned Behemel on, and caused his erection against her back to grow, almost startling her by how big it felt . Behemel continued, using his other paw to roam her body and with his knowledge of pressure points, he boht relieved her tension and aroused her, making her helpless within his grip.

The lizard flexed his body as he roved from the female to the male, taking in the strong shape of his body, the way the lion covered the female's frame so easily and completely with his own, the growing eagerness in his own movements as he stroked along her supple, slender shape. The two were working together hotly beneath the flowing water, and the reptile's eyes half-lidded at this, enjoying the passion-play between the two as the female arched her back and pushed herself against the male and his stroking, strong hands.

At that time, Behemel had applied pressure where her spine met her tail, and caused her to give a cry that he would of bet made her cum without any stimulation below, and he then turned his head. He grinned as he sensed Zerrex's presence. "Enjoying the show, my friend?" He asked.

Sharari couldn't help but gasp and turned, her face red to see the lizard watching entertained.

"You know, when you smile like that, it almost scares me because it's so weird to see you so happy." Zerrex replied easily, winking and tossing a wave to the female. He leaned back a bit, tilting his head towards them as he spread his arms, saying amusedly: "Don't let me stop you two now. It looks like you were getting quite into it there, Sharari."

Behemel sighed, "I told you. While we are working I have to be serious, something you rarely are." He then looked at Zerrex with a smirk. "Besides, I owe you for having your fun with Sharari while I was the one collecting kindling, do I not?"

"Yeah, that is true. So shall I leave you lovebirds alone?" The reptile grinned teasingly as he bowed a bit towards them, before he looked up and winked. "Don't worry, I won't peek unless you want me to."

Sharari was silent a bit , till she saw Behemel's chuckle. She too had to admit, it was nice to find Behemel not so serious. "Now now... unlike you selfish lizard, I like to share. Your welcome to join us. Beside, weren't you the one who wanted to see if she was ready for the both of us at once?" he said, giving Sharari's ass a generous rub.

The reptile snorted at this, and then he easily stripped his shirt off and balled it up in his hands with a slight grin. "Well, I think we all were curious about that... and who am I to deny such a pretty lady?" He winked, tossing his shirt away before reaching down and stripping both pants and boxers next,kicking them off with his shoes before he slid easily down to the water and walked forwards, feeling the natural heat of the springs spreading soothingly up through his scales as he approached the two, his shaft half-hard as he let it grind slowly forwards against the female, his hands reaching up to squeeze into her shoulders as he teasingly kissed the side of her neck before drawing back with his eyes half-lidded, gently stroking a finger beneath her muzzle. "So Sharari. Just how badly do you want it, huh?"

She gulped down a lump of embarrassment. as she had her eyes closed. "Badly..." she gasped, feeling them both against her, in that position she come to enjoy.

"I'd very much like to see..." Behemel jested half heartedly, "Who can get her off the most between the two of us " He said, his paw still stroking her clit.

"I think you just like seeing me teasing this poor little girl." The lizard glanced up with a wink. "But don't worry, I like seeing you do your thing with her, too." He laughed quietly, then kissed teasingly along the side of her neck as his hands slid up to her breasts, working one of the swells slowly in his strong fingers as the other massaged along her side, before he whispered teasingly into her ear: "Then again, looks like you're just as eager to be the victim of such a contest, aren't you?"

"Oh yes... oh please.. fuck me . Both of you fuck me.." She gasped, too consumed by sexual stimulation to be bashful as they were all naked in the water.

At her anxious request, Behemel started stroking his soaking wet paw from her clit and to her puckered ass, stroking the boarders between the two and caused her to gasp and fidget a bit in excitement. "So Zerrex.. any preference ?" he asked.

"Why don't we let our eager little prey choose? See just where the dirty little girl wants it." He grinned teasingly down at her, leaning down and kissing slowly along the other side of her neck as his hands squeezed firmly into her body, twisting her breast slightly and teasingly as he ground himself forwards into her frame lightly, sandwiching her tightly between their muscular forms.

"Ahh..." she gasped, comprehending what was going on. "I... I want Behemel behind me.. and you in front of me.." she choked out, eager to be fucked and filled. her body on fire from Behemel's treatment . His sensual assault on her, caused her whole body to electrify.

"Behemel couldn't help but smirk at her eagerness. " Well then, any complaints Zerrex?"

"None at all." Zerrex growled teasingly as he licked slowly up along the female's throat, making her shudder harder as his hands slid over her body, fingers tickling over her sides before he grasped into her hips as his erect, hard shaft ground slowly against her stomach, looking down at her with hungry, half-lidded eyes as he easily and slowly lifted her into the air so they could position themselves with greater ease at the eager, lustful female's tight body, both masculine forms still looming over the slender feline.

"OH please... no more... I can't take it... I need you two inside me!" she begged, her arms now clutching at Zerrex's shoulders and back. Behemel continued holding her up from his end, massaging her ass and making sure she was stimulated enough to endure their intent with minimal pain.

The reptile grinned a bit wider, and then he squeezed tighter into her hips as the head of his shaft ground teasingly along the lips of her tight sex, leaning forwards against her and breathing: "Well, then... let's give you your wish." And with that, he thrust hard upwards as he pushed suddenly down, yanking her body forcefully downwards as his shaft slammed up roughly into her sex, piercing deep into the tight, gripping folds of her passage as he arched his back with a groan of pleasure.

Sharari shrieked, feeling so full so fast but it made her body arch too, an orgasm already ripping through her body from the sheer size and speed of his entry. "AHHH! Ooh... my gods...." she cried out, her claws digging into his scales.

Behemel frowned just a bit, a little jealous. "Looks like she missed your presence," he replied.

"What can I say? It's a gift." He winked at the lion, slowly gyrating his hips as the female shivered violently, feeling her sex clenching against his huge, heavy shaft as he ground it roughly against the sensitive walls of her sex and felt both waves of heat and her sweet juices dripping along the huge shaft, his hands sliding slowly along her hips to grip tightly into her waist before he thrust hard upwards again with a grunt, guiding her legs to curl around his thick, solid body as he slammed to the hilt in her, her juices bursting down in another flow as she cried out and clutched at him, and he growled teasingly as he licked his own muzzle hungrily. "Your turn now, Behemel... let's see how loud she screams for you."

"Depends on her screams..." Behemel paused, massaging her tight rear entrance, and exciting her, causing her to tighten . "Try to relax," he whispered into her ear, " It won't hurt long, and then it won't hurt at all. Just try to enjoy it. I won't move till you are ready. "

Sharari hesitantly nodded, trying to listen well while her head spun with Zerrex's steady thrusts. Behemel held on to her hips as well, keeping her steady , signaling Zerrex to slow down a bit so he could enter her from his end.

The reptile flexed lightly against the female, grinding gently against her before he leaned back and pulled her slightly upwards, reaching his hands down and squeezing teasingly into her supple buttocks, rolling them slowly before spreading them lightly for the lion, winking at the male over her shoulder as he keeps her held tightly forwards against his broad, powerful chest. "Looks plenty ready me... looks eager to experience everything she can, in fact, and to please two big males like ourselves with every part of her slutty little body."

Behemel nodded at Zerrex and aimed his already slick cock at her asshole. Slowly, he started to apply pressure , and she cried out a bit in pain, causing him to go slower. "Ahhh..." she cried out, shoving her head into Zerrex's chest .

"You can tell she never had it here," Behemel replied, stopping a moment before applying more pressure.

She shook a bit, trying to keep relax and trusting the two males as he know got the head of his cock inside her tight rear passage.

The reptile laughed quietly and nuzzled teasingly against the side of her neck, sliding his hands up and down her sides before he ground his shaft lightly against the walls of her passage again, keeping her pleasure high as her legs shivered against him, his fingers digging lightly into her buttocks as he murmured: "Ooh, sounds like it must be extra nice, in that case... and she seems like she's enjoying it plenty herself, whatever else, aren't you? Pain and all... but maybe that's just making the experience even better for you, the thorns before the roses."

She sobbed a bit, causing Behemel to feel bad and leaned in , rubbing her back, in the sweet spot he discovered she liked. "I beg you , relax, my dear. I promise you only bliss." he whispered, Between Zerrex and Behemel, Sharari leaned into them, letting go and loosened her muscles, allowing her to be their plaything.

With her relaxed state, Behemel slid in easier. He entered her, now a third of his cock inside her. he could feel her muscles of her ass tighten and relax with each breath of hers, her heat making Behemel growl, the heat making it tempting to fuck her straight but he restrained and continued pushing. He would not move till he was inside her fully, and she was accustomed to it.

"Pleasure and pain can mix and amplify each other..." Zerrex whispered teasingly into her other ear, thrusting slowly up into her, grinding his thick, huge shaft against the walls of her sex before he dug his fingers lightly into her buttocks, making her gasp and open her teary eyes to stare up at him in shock as he dug his claws in almost deep enough to make her bleed. Then he kissed teasingly up the side of her neck as he felt the male's huge shaft sliding in deeper and harder, as he felt the pleasure in her body building and mixing further with the pain as he gyrated his own hips slowly and teasingly again against the tight walls of her sex. "I can feel the heat in every part of your body, growing and growing... you lust for it, don't you? You need it more and more..."

Zerrex's encouraging worked on their both, while she opened to Behemel, he was pushing more and more of his cock into her. He could already feel the added pressure of Zerrex's cock separated by the thin wall of flesh. In what felt like a few minutes, Behemel let out a pleased murr as he found himself fully sheathed inside the young cheetah, his balls resting near her cheeks as she groaned, now completely full by the two men on both sides, the closest she ever been with two males.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" He half-lidded his eyes as he looked down into the female's irises, alive with pain, pleasure, and lust far deeper than either sensation, rocking his hips lightly forwards to grind his own hilted shaft slowly, fiercely inside of her, making her shudder as his hands slid along her body before he drew slowly back, then thrust in gently again, growling hungrily as

felt his huge, heavy shaft pushing deep against her inner folds, her body tightly pinned between the huge, masculine form of the lizard and the lion, feeling the pleasure quickly building as his muscles flexed and he felt his own lusts and pleasures building higher and higher with each passing moment.

"Ahh! Easy... its too big... not so... rough" she tried to speak but couldn't help but cry out with each thrust of Zerrex while Behemel stayed still till she was ready. He was concerned while Zerrex was lustful and wanting to fuck her.

The lizard pushed himself lightly forwards, slowing his movements, rubbing his body against hers as he strokes his hands along her sides before nuzzling the side of her neck lightly, murmuring teasingly: "What, can't handle it? And here I thought you wanted it all..." He winked, then bumped their noses together as he ground teasingly forwards again, sliding his hand slowly along her stomach, feeling her body almost bulging with the size of his girthy shaft. "You'll get used to it faster if we move a little. Don't be afraid: I'm not going to hurt you, sensitive as you feel, full as you feel."

She groaned, feeling the pleasure build inside her , and couldn't help but start to rock into him. Wishing to make this go smoother, Behemel reached down to the junction of Sharari's pussy and Zerrex's cock, and reached to stroke Sharari's clit. She then jolted in the sensation, and impaled herself more against Behemel's cock. He growled in approval.

The reptile thrust lightly, moving easily in and out of her sex as his fingers gripped gently into her hips, nuzzling slowly against the side of her neck before leaning down further to kiss teasingly along her collarbone and then mouth a breast gently, giving a soft sound of pleasure as he continues to move with controlled, gentle power. One of his hands rubbed around behind her, gripping into a supple buttock as he grinned slightly and drew away, meeting her eyes again with his own as he felt his lusts intensifying, her sounds like erotic music, her body hot against his scales as the water rippled around them, making an almost primal sound of pleasure in his throat.

"ooh yes..." She gasped, enjoying the feel of their hands, and cocks and muscles on her, making her want to be used and abused , but couldn't voice it. Finally satisfied with the time and her motions, he withdrew a little bit, then thrust up into her. Sharari let out a cry of joy, her muscles squeezing them both in shock. She felt pure bliss

The reptile allowed his movements to begin picking up lightly, leaning forwards against her as he pulled her lightly forwards, gripping into her hips as he angles her body slightly, his huge shaft grinding firmly against the sensitive walls of her sex, murmuring teasingly into her ear: "You love it, don't you? You're hungry for more, aren't you? You want to feel both of our shafts, ripping into you like the slut you are... you need it, don't you, but I don't hear you begging for it... so why don't you beg for it, bitch?" He slides a hand up, gripping the underside of her muzzle and tilting her head upwards so their eyes lock, his gaze dominating and powerful as he fixes her with the full force of his emerald irises, teasingly sliding one finger between her lips. "I want to hear you begging... and then screaming our names..."

"Ahh" she groaned, and wanted to fuck herself on them but Zerrex's grip refused to let her move. Behemel, deciding to play along with Zerrex's demands stopped to, his motions slow and teasing. "Ahh... p-please...' she groaned in need.

The reptile tilted his head playfully, looking down into her eyes hungrily, asking in a gentle whisper into her ear: "What's that? I can't hear you, bitch... what do you want? What do you need? What do you desire?" He grinned slightly, accenting this by gyrating his hips, grinding his huge shaft suddenly and roughly against the walls of her sex before squeezing into her body as he leaned down against her, saying teasingly: "Be a good girl now, and beg for it properly... loud little bitch like you can do better than that."

Behemel encouraged her by another sharp thrust of his hips, sheathing himself again inside her tight ass and making her bounce in response. "Aaah! Yes! F-Fuck me! Fuck me you two. I need it " she begged, and locked mouths with Zerrex hungrily in lust.

He grinned at this, letting his eyes slip closed as he kissed her back, pushing down against her as he clutched her closer to his body and starting a strong, powerful rhythm, his thrusts slamming up into her with enough force to rock her body but controlled instead of chaotic, almost biting into the kiss in primal hunger as he bears down against her before drawing his head slowly back and away, tasting her breath as he growls hungrily into her eyes. "That's much better, bitch." His eyes burn as he pushes her back against Behemel, the lion like a wall he's able to keep her pinned against as he thrusts roughly in and out of her gripping sex, feeling the eagerness of her body only further fuelling his lusts.

Behemel then began to pick up momentum, now pulling out more and thrusting into her, bouncing her back and forth like a pinball between them, her shouting and screaming with each thrust, as his paw still tortured her poor lips in blissful sensation. "Oooh yes! aahh gods! Fuck me, make me your bitch ! " she yelled, "I love it, being filled by two real males. YES!"

He thrusts in half-time with the fellow male, shoving deep into her with each and every powerful movement, feeling her body rocking back and forth between them before he steps forwards with a growl, leaning down and teasingly biting into her shoulder as he pistons his thick member harder and rougher into the tight, gripping heat of her sex, feeling her passage clenching almost painfully against his member with each hard movement as his eyes burn with lust, tasting her flesh as his eyes burn with lust and his body flexes with power, sandwiching her tighter between their masculine frames, dominating her slender body easily as he uses her almost as nothing more than a toy for their pleasure.

Between Behemel's tenderness and strength and Zerrex's lustful desire, Sharari's nerves were on fire with so many feeling she felt lost in the tides and was simply riding them out with no control. She cried and screamed, her mouth filling with water from the waterfall , as she lent her head against Behemel's shoulder to which he left his paw from her drenching cunt to wrap around her in comfort, all the while increasing his thrusts and beginning to mirror his friend Zerrex. the two matching their speeds and growing faster and harder.

The reptile gyrated his hips, grinding against the walls of her sex before he leaned forwards with a hungry growl as he thrust hard, body pulsing with pleasure as he slammed to the hilt into her hard enough to make her body shake as her hips bucked fiercely against him, before he drew his jaws back, panting roughly as he gripped tighter into her body and allowed his rhythm to increase again, his form flexing with power as he began to move more rapidly, more desirously, grinding deep into her sex with every fast, hard movement before drawing back and slamming home again as he growled: "I can feel your pleasure, your lust... it's like you're on fire... you need it, don't you? You want to feel filled with our seed, you want us to flood every inch of you with our hot load, don't you bitch? Scream for it, scream for us, Sharari! I want to hear you scream for it!"

Scream she did, her voice singing beyond the roar of the waterfall as she rocked with their thrusts. Now Behemel was growling, his cock now pistoning inside and out, reaching the head before he fucked her again, his wilder side now overriding his better judgment to take it easy but she didn't seem to mind.

"Oh yes yes! Oooh fuck me Behemel! Zerrex! I need it so bad. It feel so damn good! Fuck me! Fuck me till dawn! AAAH!" she screamed in orgasm, but still she wanted and needed more.

The reptile's eyes burn with lust as he slams in and out of her, moving his weight into every movement, pistoning roughly in and out of her sex as her passage clenches against his hardening member, feeling it becoming like steel inside of her and his orgasm rising higher and higher as his body pulses with burning passion, her orgasm flooding down and bursting out of her sex, the sounds of his thrusts wet and meaty and rising in the air to mix with the erotic cacophony of her screams and begging as he breathes hungrily over her face and says lustfully: "Then get ready, slut... get ready to feel what it's like to have two powerful males fill you up... here it comes!" He roars as his claws sink into her hips, slamming savagely up into her, again, again, again, as his shaft stiffens completely and begins to release massive volleys of his load with each and every thrust, bursts of semen spraying into her, flooding her body, filling her womb as the reptile arches his back with another animal roar of erotic bliss.

"AAAHH!" she screams and throws herself back into Behemel as she is filled, as a result Behemel reaches his peak, his cock hard and pulsing with need as her orgasm clenches her muscles around him in heat and wetness. With a might roar of his own, he thrusts fully inside her and explodes, his cum spurting out around his cock and inside her ass , as she groaned and cried in bliss.

He slams hard in and out of her gripping sex as he continues to thrust roughly, seed bursting from her sex and spilling down into the rippling water below, his movements rapid and powerful and almost bestial before he finally begins to slow, grinning down into her eyes as they burn with bliss and he steps close, nestling her lightly between their strong masculine bodies as he murmurs gently into her ear: "We may just make a high-class slut out of you yet, beautiful... and at this point, I'm even tempted to kidnap you myself for all kinds of nasty situations in the future."

Behemel held her tired body in his arms, him kissing her head and she purred into it. She opened her eyes at the gesture. Calmed by Behemel's gentle nature along with being excited by Zerrex's bad boy attitude. "You'd make a fortune from it , " she teased, also causing Behemel to laugh a bit too.

"You are perfection, Sharari." Behemel thanked, cleaning her with some water from the pool.

"I probably would, pretty girl." He laughed, stroking under her chin before winking at her, slowly stepping back and pulling himself free, rolling his shoulders with a grunt of pleasure as a waterfall of seed cascades down from her stretched sex, then he grasps her shoulders lightly and leans down to kiss her lips for a gentle moment. "But we'll have to make sure you get plenty of practice before we go sharing your talents with the rest of the world."

Behemel winked at Zerrex as he slowly pulled out from Sharari as well, a similar flood flowing from her ass. "The night is still young," Behemel said , teasing her by massaging her breast and tweaking her nipple with his claws, making her gasp at the touch.

Sharari purred in agreement. and then pulled Behemel by his mane to bring him close so she could kiss him as well. her tongue into his maw and his into hers.

"And I'm sure we'll put every moment of it to good use, too." The reptile nodded, looking entertained as he crossed his arms, letting his eyes draw over the two with a slight grin of entertainment.

"Hate to throw a wrench into the works, but I'd like to ask, "Behemel said, caressing her body against his, enjoying her resting in his arms. " Who did you enjoy more? "

"What, are you asking me?" Zerrex cocked his head towards the lion almost innocently. "Because if you are, I think I better tap that fine ass of yours so I can properly compare you to pretty little Sharari here..."

Behemel scowled at his joke. "No... who out of the two of us did Sharari enjoy, jerk" he growled. Sharari felt on the spot a bit, wondering what would happen should she answer.

The reptile shrugged with a grin, then he leaned over towards the female, whispering loudly behind a hand: "You better say him, he's getting crabby again."

"Hmm, hard to say" she announced then, teasingly, reached over to both of their cocks so she could massage them. "I think I'm gonna need more time to decide."

The lizard smiled slightly at this, winking at her as he growled in pleasure. "And well, I'm sure we'll be able to give you plenty of that and more..."

"I'm not cranky," Behemel said well overhearing the stupid lizard "But I'd be happy to put Zerrex to shame. I hope you don't need to sleep much," he growled, leading Sharari to a stone near the side of the bath as the two males converged on her. They fucked for several hours more into the night.

As morning came, it found the reptile dressed in his pants, relaxed after last night's long, delicious session. Sharari was still curled up and asleep, but the lizard had long since slipped away, sitting near the edge of the pool and silently polishing his sword as he gazed out over the water, humming quietly to himself as he watched reflections play over the water's glassy surface.

"No matter how long you look into the water, your own reflection wont hit on you," Behemel jested, already fully dressed as he came to his friend by the waterside.

"I hit on myself enough as it is." The reptile replied absently, continuing to polish the sword be

before he smiled slightly over at the fellow male, then he glanced over him before looking back at the water. "So, think we'll be able to reach her village in a little while? And do you think it'll go smoothly or are we about to get eaten by something?"

"I think we are in the clear" Behemel sighed with relief and sat beside Zerrex in a meditative cross-legged position, "Do we have some problems here , Zerrex? I can't help but feel hostile when you take jabs at me."

The lizard looked at him for a moment, then he threw his head back and laughed before standing up, putting his sword on his back as he shook his head with visible entertainment. "Behemel, believe me. When I start treating you politely, then you should be worrying about me trying to cut your head off. Otherwise..." He kicked gently at him, winking. "Just try not bein' so crabby all the time."

Behemel rose to his feet, pure puzzle on his face. "And how am I crabby? I am never crabby?" he argued unable to understand where it came from.

The reptile shrugged amiably, looking at him kindly for a few moments before he walked back towards the camp, sword resting on his shoulder as he yawned a bit. "Sharari, you awake yet? Or do I have to carry you to the village?"

"Mrk... sleepy... " she dreamed, still exhausted from the night of deep sexual desire.

"Maybe we should carry her. Besides we are almost there. After all we did put her thorugh alot last night" Behemel admitted.

"Alright." Zerrex placed his sword over his back, then he picked up his backpack, slinging it on before reaching down and easily lifting Sharari in his arms, then tossing her over one shoulder, half-holding onto her like a sack as he looked over at the lion. "Ready to go?"

"Yep," the lion agreed as the last of the camp was picked up the last of his affects and proceeded to the village. In less than an hour they could see the port town in the distance as the sea breeze greeted them from the nearby cliff and the seagulls cried out.

Zerrex hummed absently under his breath as he walked along, easily holding Sharari over his shoulder as his eyes roved over the blue skies above, watching clouds roll by with a slight smile on his face as he cradled the female a bit more comfortably against his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck and head against his masculine breast. He kept easy pace with the fellow male, breathing softly and looking curiously back and forth, finally asking: "So how many people live around here?"

"A good amount," Behemel replied as they entered the outskirts of the village. "many are traders and fishermen. "

At that time, Sharari woke to the sight of Zerrex holding her in his arms. "G'morning, handsome," she mewed and trailed a claw on his chest.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiled slightly down at her, then kissed her forehead gently as he squeezed her gently against his broad body before setting her carefully down on her feet. "We're almost at the village now, apparently. I dunno, do you recognize the area at all? I'm the outsider here, after all."

She looked around excited, "Yes yes! We are really close to my family outlet!" She said with a cheer and ran forward down the road, she smiled at the two of the, in eager glee .

They soon reached the estate , a small building near the seashore with the royal crest of her family's trading company. "Uncle!" she cheered, leaping into the arms of a older leopard with gold and red robes.

"Sharari! Your alive!" the old cat cried out, accepting her in a large hug.

The reptile followed her curiously, looking back and forth suspiciously before smiling with some relief as he saw her greet the male cat. Then he paused, glancing back and forth before slipping awkwardly away down a side alley, rubbing at his face embarrassedly as he muttered: "I'm no good at goodbyes. Well, nice knowing you, Sharari."

Sharari turned to see Zerrex disappear but was soon interrupted by her uncle's questioning and worry. "And who are you?" Behemel looked at the older cat and bowed.

"My apologieze sir, I am Behemel. We met your niece in need and we escorted her here. I hope we didn't cause any trouble. "

"It's true, uncle. He and his friend Zerrex has been wonderful and saved me" she argued to Behemel's defense.

Zerrex hummed absently as he wandered deeper into the village, and then he frowned a bit as he turned another corner before wincing at the sight of a wolverine in a dark navy suit, her expression coldly-calm, her eyes focused quietly on him. The left half the fur on her body was light blue: the other half was gold, interlocking in a pitchfork-like pattern, and small, triangular horns stood up from her skull. Behind her, a pair of leathery blue wings were furled, and she reached into the lapels of her suit before checking her pocket watch, before the Order Devil asked in her quiet, serious voice: "Trouble on the road? I was expecting you to arrive earlier."

The Drakkaren grimaced a little, and then he shrugged his backpack off, walking towards her and digging into it for a moment before pulling out the clasped orb. The two stood a few feet apart for a moment, and then Zerrex smiled a bit, saying quietly: "What? No attempts to freeze me in a block of ice, no talk about how no one is above the law, no reminding me of my... obligations? I'm a little surprised, Sabnock. Usually by now-" "I came for what you were supposed to get, that's all. I was sent by the High Princess, who gives her regards to you. I don't like to waste time, Zerrex."

Zerrex mumbled under his breath, but then he held the trinket out to her, and the Order Devil took it, absently tearing the crystalline orb out of the golden base and examining it. The reptile crossed his arms moodily, and then the female glanced at him for a moment measuringly before she nodded slowly.

"I won't drag you back, Zerrex. Both because I loathe listening to your whining and because I have my duties as Magistrate to attend to. Besides, Lilith didn't ask me to, she only asked me to ensure you were... in one piece." She paused for a moment, then tucked the crystal orb away into her suit before producing her pocketwatch, saying quietly: "Watch your back, Zerrex. Next time, you might have the ill luck of encountering someone who actually wants to hurt you." And with that, she simply seemed to fade away, as the Drakkaren crossed his arms and looked down at the ground silently.

After a short while, Behemel was once again on the streets. The meeting with her uncle was brief and after a proper if prompt farewell, Behemel left Sharari, and was perplexed to find Zerrex gone. He then went into town leisurely, in hopes to find him, and possibly beat some sense for leaving without saying goodbye. After a while he wondered if Zerrex ditched him till he saw the lizard come out of an ally way.

"Sulking doesn't suit you, Zerrex," Behemel said, catching the lizards' attention.

The Drakkaren looked at him darkly for a moment, his eyes almost glowing before he shook his head out a bit, hammering his fist against his skull. "Sorry, must have... gotten lost. Both here and in here." He laughed a bit, straightening and cracking his back before asking mildly: "Sharari home safe? No ninjas, or zombies, or killer ants?"

Behemel examined Zerrex for a moment, sensing something amiss but put it aside for the time being. "Haha... no , everything is good. I decided to leave . to give her time with her family. "

"Zerrex! Behemel!" a voice called from the distance. They turned to see Sharari running towards them.

Zerrex jumped, wincing as he clenched his right hand into a fist... and then he wheezed and grabbed at his chest, glaring at the female. "Holy hell, I was going to kick your face off. Wait, what are you doing here? I thought we had you all safe and sound and... you're not going to try to stab me again, are you?"

She laughed . "NO silly" she said , holding out two sacks in each paw. " I wanted to give you these. You left so fast , I couldn't even convinced my uncle to give you rewards for helping me. And don't say no, you deserve it" She then handed each of them a pouch, gold coins jingling inside.

"Thanks, then, Sharari." Zerrex smiled a bit at her, then he reached out and patted her head with a wink. "You're a good kid after all, you know that? Crazy bitch or not. I'm... glad you're safe."

"Thanks a lot," she said in mild sarcasm to the term. "And one last thing you two," she trailed off as she walked up to them. She then gave Zerrex a kiss on the lips, her hands grazing his body and cock briefly so no one around saw. and she then went to Behemel, His kiss sweeter and her hands slower. "You two... thank you very much" She then turned around, hesitantly and then went home.

The reptile kissed her gently back, and then he glanced down at the bag of gold coins, bouncing it slowly in his hand before he turned and walked down the street quietly, tossing the sack from hand-to-hand. Then he sighed before simply tossing the bag into the bowl of a beggar without bothering to even look to the side before he slid his hands into his pockets, walking onwards as he glanced up at the blue sky above with a bit of a smile. "Nice girl, really. Nuts. But nice."

"You are one strange lizard, Zerrex" Behemel commented, distasting his comment on her. "But you are right . She is nice. Come on, let's go on" he said, as the two left their duties as bodyguards behind.