The Road to Nowhere

Story by Vincent Wolfe on SoFurry

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A beast does not know that he is a beast, and the nearer a man gets to being a beast, the less he knows it. - George McDonald

When Hell spills forth it spills forth with sound and fury and leaves nothing but a sour stomach and bees in your brain. That's what the room resembled, Hell. I hadn't checked in but a night ago and somehow it had been flooded with a brackish black liquid that might have once been water. The walls were caked with dried food, various sauces and God only knows what else. The television was sticking out of the wall, the mirrors were smashed and somewhere in my nose I could smell blood. It was rotten sight.

I was naked with the exception of a scuba mask on my face. My heart rocked in my chest, begging for all of this to not be true, but I knew deep down it was. It was the truest thing in the world. It wasn't until my eyes drifted to the bed that my shaking legs took control of my body, propelling me towards a woman I couldn't remember. I stared at her. She was a feline. Her fur was caked in sweat and dried semen. She had a small tattoo on her hip. I stared not knowing if she as alive or dead until she ushered a phlegm filled sigh.

I wondered to myself what her name was. It was right on the tip of my tongue and as I looked around the destruction; I a slight panic began to set in yet again. I flopped back on to a chair that had been slashed, apparently by her claws. As I sat there I pulled a blunt out of an empty soda can and lit it, the name eluding me until I looked at name on the can. "Sierra," I murmured. The moment I said it every memory slowly reentered my addled mind.

Captain Jack and I were speeding along the Texas Panhandle heading west in a World War 2 Duck that we'd bought from Army surplus. With the help of some modern ingenuity we'd managed to get that old transport up to speed and were cruising down the highway pushing one hundred miles per hour. The wind whipped through my scraggly bat fur as I glared through my sunglasses at the horizon. There was nothing around except the tedium of the open road and the apathy that travelled with it.

Suddenly the sky turned green and ripped a sunder and thousands of manta rays filled the sky. They swooped and dove and I remember staring at myself from the back seat. As I watched myself flail about like a mad man I knew the drugs had kicked in. "Sweet Jesus," I yelled jerking the vehicle off to the side of the road before stepping on the brakes and shutting the army vehicle down, the suddenness of it all waking Jack who grumbled loudly but unintelligibly.

It's always bizarre watching yourself flail about like a maniac knowing there's nothing you can do to stop yourself from looking like an idiot. Even though you can see exactly what your body sees it doesn't really matter. It doesn't stop it from being an unbelievable spectacle. I've been told it's possible to reclaim one's body but, I've yet to be able to do so and had to let the drug run its course.

"Jackass you drive," my body yelled at Jack.

"The Hell Roland? You could have torque the axle. Then where would we be? How would we drive to Tokyo in that state," said the fat cat irked beyond belief, "You let that shit get right up on top of you didn't you?"

My body screamed about the flying fish and I ducked down in the backseat. Jack grumbled and reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of powder, something that wasn't coke but, something entirely different. As he grabbed for the bag he pulled a knife. I instantly became nervous as to what was going to happen. I'd only seen him pull his knife once before and it didn't end well for the other guy.

Jack sat on my body's waist and screamed at it "Open up you fucking prick," forcing my mouth open with his knife as the body flailed. He cut its tongue and put the powder on it causing it to scream again and jerking me back into my own body. The manta rays still swirled around and occasionally splattered into grim masses of blood and guts on the road but, at least I was back in my now sweat drenched body.

"Jesus," I said.

"I'll drive," he muttered and took over at the wheel.

The poor fool. It was only a matter of time before he saw things my way. He'd be shrieking with me as the space eels fell from the sky and our nerves burst into flames.

I looked in the back where the ghosts of several GIs probably resided and looked at our haul. We had all manner of uppers and downers, two gallons of ether, cocaine, weed, acid, mushrooms, peyote, three bottles of rum, two bottles of tequila, various cans of soda, heroin, laughers, screamers, six cases of king cobra, mescaline, methedrine, adrenochrome, a cache of weapons and money all courtesy of a dealer who had a knife plugged into him.

It was impractical to have that large of a cache hidden under a tarp with you. Sometimes ego takes place of logic. We were short on logic.

"Hey what's that up there," asked Jack pointing to two hitchhikers in white shirts and black pants.

"Choir I think, maybe Mormons."

Jack pulled the Duck over. "We're giving them a lift."

It was then I knew that the drugs were starting to work on him. This wasn't a good idea and as they ran up to the vehicle I could feel the world morphing yet again into something more sinister, something that leads to blood and tears.

"Holy cow," exclaimed the puffy white fox, "I've never seen a car like this."

"It's a Duck. Army used them in the big one."

"Army," exclaimed the lamb, "I've always wanted to join the military. Maybe in a year or two when this mission trip is over I'll enlist."

"Well, I suppose you boys should get a lesson in the way soldiers travel," I said and then stared at them for an uncomfortably long period of time, "Well, fall in!"

They climbed up and sat on top of where the drugs were stored. I tried to keep from wigging out and asked, "Where are you headed?"

"Lubbock," said the fox as we pulled away.

"Well, that's a bit of a drive," I said and then began staring again as the two became seemingly uncomfortable.

I turned away. How long would we be able to maintain our current state of being I asked myself. How long before one of us had an out of body experience again or started jabbering like a maniac. This was Texas. I wondered if they knew about Joe Ball and his alligator pit. I wondered if they would think that we were taking them to an alligator pit.

If they thought that we might have to leave them for dead in the desert unless, "... they behaved themselves."

Did I just say that out loud? What if I said all of it out loud? If they had heard me then it was too late. They were going to call the police and this road trip would be over. No, I had to maintain I thought. I was going to have to make a peace offering. That was what you did with Mormons from what I'd heard. You made a peace offering and wore special underwear. That is unless you were in Madagascar; then you held them hostage for twenty dollars and a bag of rice. Thankfully for them this wasn't Madagascar.

"What are your names?"

The Fox pointed, "That's Travis and I'm Robert."

"I'm Roland T. Gunn," I said grabbing Jack's knife and punctuating each syllable of my name with it the air with it, "Do either want some King Cobra?"

"No," they said in unison.


Travis and Robert looked at each other nervously

I could feel my face twisting up. "Do you see my friend right there, "I said grabbing his knife and sitting between them as the Duck continued down the road, "He's half Persian. Got anything against them?"

Their nerves seemed to be on edge. Was it the Persian thing? "No," stuttered the fox. "Well good. What about Siamese," I glared at the lamb.

"No," he whimpered.

"Well good. We don't like bigots. Especially those that don't like the medicinal use of medicine or talking lizard cowboy movies; have you ever seen one of those?"

Neither said anything. The lamb reached up and tapped Jack on the back who jerked the wheel violently sending me over the side of the Duck. He slammed his foot on the brake and the two Mormons jumped out and started running, "Where are you going? I thought we were friends," I yelled at the fleeing youths before turning and looking at Captain Jack, "Why the Hell did you do that?"

"He touched me. Fucking talons man, they get in your skin."

"You poor stoned rube," I muttered climbing back in, "I'm driving. You're obviously in no shape to drive."

Jack grabbed me by the cuff of my plaid blue shirt and glared at me, "I'm driving. As your driver I would suggest you put on your newly affixed seatbelt and get ready. When we hit Lubbock man, I'm dumping you off. I've got things to do."

As he spoke his face seemed to melt off of his skull and I nodded quickly, "I- I want my share of the stuff."

He eyed me and then nodded, "Sure man. I'll be back in a day or two. You'll need something to get you by. "

He was true to his word. He left me in front of the Hampton Inn in southwest Lubbock. It seemed nice enough, but something about it had me uneasy. I opened my briefcase found the ether and poured it on a handkerchief and inhaled then took a little something out of a small purple bottle. It was a mixture of everything I had. I smiled briefly. Then closing my stuff I staggered through the door.

The carpet was alive. It slithered up my legs and around the desk. I tried to hop and get it off of me but it was to no avail I was being sucked in! I screamed, "Jesus get off of me," which seemed to get the attention of a large beagle with that chomped on a cigar. He looked around and went back to what his noodles leaving me defenseless squirming around on the floor until I bumped into the desk.

The desk was thirty feet tall and as I climbed up it I realized the image I must have been creating. Somehow they knew who I was and were watching and waiting. I could feel the sweat pouring through my brown fur as I finally reached the top of the desk panting hard. "Checking in," I said raggedly to what appeared to be a feminine reaper.

"Of course," she said her deathly smile and glowing eyes gazing back at me, "Who are you?"

It was a good question. I couldn't remember either and so I said the first thing that came to mind, "Who am I? Who the Hell do you think I am? I'm the Goddamn Batman!"

"Thank you sir," she said dryly, "Security will show you out."

I was out on the street before I knew it. I wandered up and down the streets until I came upon a club called the Luxor. It seemed loud and the perfect place to think and drink. I breathed deeply into my handkerchief again and staggered past the line and in.

It was a normal club except for the fact that it had an ante-room before the main club.

I saw him. He was a human with large glasses and a fisherman's hat. He had on a red Hawaiian shirt and he glared at me. A cigarette protruded from its holder as he stood and came over to me. "You! You're the one who was flying around my car while I was driving to Vegas!"

"What the Hell," I said.

"That might have been Bat country but this is writer country and you're stealing my material," he approached me armed with a fly swatter.

"Sweet Jesus! I don't even know you! I just got into town my driver cut out on me," I ran from him trying to avoid the blows from the fly swatter, "I've got ether!"

He stopped and I handed him the handkerchief. He breathed it in and looked at me his eyes narrowing not saying anything for a long time. His eyes darted to the left. He then popped what appeared to be four black beauties and he shouted, "I'll have four banana daiquiris and four banana splits," and staggered away.

I was unsure as to what to expect until I entered the club proper. The beat echoed through the crowded bustling forms I could see the waves of the music ricochet off of the walls the spikes piercing the club goers and as they bled they danced. It was a dance of birth and death all at once and for the first time I could see full circle what the world had slowly become, a cheap techno beat that got folks moving. It was the Geo of the music world, economic, but not beautiful.

"You look lost," said a voice from the shadows.

I wheeled around expecting to see Him again. Thankfully it wasn't, it was a she and she was a knockout. She had short dark hair, an expansive bust and all the looks of a succubus about her. I wasn't sure if it was part of the hallucination and I didn't care as I stared at her slender frame. "Yep," I said.

"Relax. You know how to dance right?"

She came closer to me and started to move in time with the music as I watched her. She wore a short black lace and leather number. It looked sort of childish and yet sort of adult. She smirked as she spun around showing off the numerous spots that dotted her tawny fur. Slowly, and awkwardly I joined her slowly rubbing up against her as she rubbed back.

She looked over her shoulder at my bony batty features and purred a bit, "My my my," she said, "Aren't you a skinny something. Tell me is all of you skinny?"

My eyes widened. Was she talking to me? This had to be a hallucination. I figured the heat rubbing against my legs was probably a space heater and soon my pants would catch fire. Still, if it wasn't I figured I'd better answer, "Not always. I have a huge ego and other assets. "

She cocked her head not sure what to do with that. So I continued, "I'm heading west to head east. You're the first interesting real thing I've seen on this trip."

She chuckled, "Oh I bet you say that to all of us Princesses of a Filthy Generation."

"No," I said running my hands up and down her sides as we started to move together, "This is the first time I can say... dear God that's a big face!"

She turned and looked at me so I pointed it out. The face of the Pharaoh stared at us and she smirked, "Why yes it is. Let's find a corner."

I followed her as best as I could occasionally sucking in the ether until we were propped up against a rather sticky wall, but whether it was from spilled drinks or something else I didn't want to take that guess. "Something tells me, there's something about you that's fun." "What," I said taken aback.

"Come on. You get chased around by that Thompson guy and you tell me you aren't at least a little fun," She smiled, "Besides I felt what you have packing down there. I think you could show a girl a very good time, if you get my meaning."

"I have blow and can get booze," I blurted out.

She laughed a bit, "Well now, if I knew I'd run into such an inviting offer," she felt around my pockets and found my little purple bottle, "I would certainly have stopped that Thompson guy from chasing you beforehand."

I could barely see in the darn but she had the bottle up to her nose. I could feel every muscle in my body tense and try to reach out for the bottle but by the time I got to it she had sniffed a large portion of its contents.

"Oh my," I said.

"Oh I hope that I didn't take too much." "That wasn't coke," I then proceeded to run down the entire list of what was mixed in that bottle I could feel her start to pull away.

"What? Wait, you're joking right?"

"Lady you're gonna be on one hell of a trip."

"Oh shit!"

"What's your name," I asked her.


"Sierra," a rare moment of clarity overcame me, "We have to get out of here. Let's get to a hotel quick. You don't want to be out here like that. You don't know what you've gotten yourself into."

"But I'm the Princess of the Filth. What could possibly," Then she shrieked, "It's the Devil!"

I picked her up carrying her from the club and used my druggy sense to find my way back through the streets back to the hotel I was at prior. Druggy sense is a funny thing, everyone assumes you don't know where you're going but usually you get there even if at times it's in a roundabout fashion.

With enough money and her jabbering next to me I got the hotel room. It was a nice abnormally large hotel room, in which someone had left some swimming equipment behind. I dropped her on the bed and she began to rock back and forth. I stared at her not quite sure where her head would take her next. In my nerves I popped a few pills and downed the mini bottle of Chartreuse.

"The Devil," she screamed, "The lunatic is in my house! His face is folded and he smells of beer nuts. I can feel the world"

"You deluded girl it doesn't get any easier from this point on. Just let it roll. Don't fight it."

She jumped off of the bed and ran for the door. I staggered after her my buzz starting to kick in again. As I hit the wall I noticed she had opened the door and was starting to grab left over room service food from the hallway and had begun tossing it in to the room, "winter will soon be here! We must prepare!"

I could taste the blood in my mouth and smell it burbling in my nose as I crawled to the bathroom Sierra darted back in to the room and knocking herself into the television. "It's your fault, "She shouted at the TV before picking it up and chucking it into the wall. She then burst into insane laughter.

"Sweet Jesus woman control yourself, "said reaching under the sink and yanking out the water supply sending the cold liquid everywhere.

She stared at me then smiled grabbing a lighter, "Fire fire burning bright let us set this place alight."

It was a bad trip. Something had kicked off somewhere in that brain of hers and whatever id that lurked behind those luscious curves was out. Unfortunately as I thought she had decided that the first thing she would set ablaze was the curtains.

I jumped up finding extra strength to reach the curtains and flung them in to the middle of the room which was now sort of filling with water. Sierra giggled again and struck a pose showing off the fact that she was lacking underwear, "Uh oh, I'm a naughty girl aren't I?"


Her infectious grin and intense gaze pierced my soul as she purred, "What are you going to do then skinny?"

There was only one thing I could think of and that was the on emergency pill in my suitcase. I went for the case and opened it, and grabbed a large blue pill and ingested it. It was experimental. Jack had said that it was used on horses that had difficulty mating. Well, I was going to need all the help I could get.

Then all of a sudden I felt it; Not from down between my legs but from above. As the ceiling from the hotel faded from view and the cold Texas wind blew across us I saw God. He looked down at the two of us and shook his head as if to say, "Really, this is how you're going to get out of this one."

All I could say was, "It's all I know."

With that he uttered, "After this go to Biafra. You will be needed there." Then as suddenly as he appeared he was gone.

That was when I looked down and so did she. Through my loose fitting shorts I could see it. It was the largest erection I had ever had. That night I had learned that God worked in mysterious ways and that I now had the power of the God Cock.

Sierra gasped, "Oh, it's everything I ever wanted!"

I tore my clothes off and affixed the scuba goggles to my face, "Bend over and be received, but first, take off that dress, but leave the gloves on. I like them."

She did so. There was nothing sexy or sensual about it the clothes just seemed to fall off her body like dying leaves in autumn. She slowly crawled over the bed on all fours facing away. I didn't need even that much encouragement and took hold of her hips thrusting my fully engorged length into her tight feline pussy.

She moaned loudly as I reared back and thrust into her tight sex again and again. Each thrust causing the bed to shake violently; each thrust coming faster than the last as I pressed my chest into her back. My hands reached around and grabbed her chest clutching her breasts tightly as I huffed overtop of her.

"Oh God! Yes- My God! Fuck me," She moaned loudly.

"You like that," I shouted smacking her ass.


"Good," I panted bucking into her faster still.

The bed creaked dangerously. It was on the verge of collapse and so was I as I felt her sex tighten around mine she gasped and moaned loudly. Her body shuddered as she came.

"I'm almost there," I grunted and bit the side of her neck.

All of a sudden she arched against me and huffed, "I forgot my pill. Try not to cum in me."

I whispered back, "I'll cum where I please," and shot my first load into her sex, followed by several shots across her back as we both collapsed on the bed.

As the world went dark I remember walking toward the window and collapsing as she murmured quietly, "Oh Skinny. What a mess."

So that was the story of how a hotel room got destroyed and how I wound up with Sierra. The poor thing barely knew what hit her. Somehow I figured that all she knew was eating, fucking and partying; wash, rinse repeat. She'd said she was, "The Princess of the Filth Generation."

I don't think she'd ever known real filth until that night. She may have seen the doorway to Wonderland but had never really ventured in. Last night she had ventured a bit down the rabbit hole, but how far? What effect would it have on her? Was it too much?

I couldn't know the answer to that. I inhaled the last of the contents in the purple container and tossed it aside. I was too tough to die from this stuff, but too stupid to live a normal life any other way. At least I had a destination of my own now and not just the whims of Captain Jack. Maybe in Biafra I'd find a place to be.


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