Rougue Hero

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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Rouge hero: By Raven Fox. A decorated hero gets his heart broken; he goes rouge and causes trouble. An old friend that still has a crush on him is sent to stop him but starts having second thoughts because she still loves him. (Authors' note) This is another older piece I did a few years back, but it was rejected by this site. So it sat in my hard drive for a few years and I decided to clean it up and do a few changes. I changed the main male character from a male fox to a male human. I added the part when the Brotherhood did the mission in Nevada. Eliminated was Don using magic on his fighter to change it, I added the part of him hacking a droid to repaint the fighter. Enjoy, I hope this satisfy some of my watchers as I finish up End of an Era. RAVEN FOX

US Areospace base at California 2140

Don a major of the space force is hanging his head with black hair low. The males' human girlfriend has just broken up with him. He watched as the blonde hair woman walked away. "Well fuck you to, you bitch. Whoops, I mean heartless witch, because I still like female canines." He thought to himself as the woman walked up to a male wolf and hugged him. "You little tramp, I hope you catch something." Don turns and walks back to his barracks.

A tan fennec vixen stood watching the confrontation with a disgusted look. "Oh Don, what did you see in that witch. I have feelings for you, but I am going to wait for you to make the first move." She muttered to herself, as she walked to her fighter.

Don went to his stateroom and lay on his bed then stared at the ceiling. He thought back when he first meet Lynn, his girlfriend. Don rescued her from a mugger who was trying to rape her. She was nice to him and treated him with kindness. Lynn started to try getting him to resign from the Areospace force. He didn't want to resign, in two years he can apply for early retirement. Don knew he would get it because he's a decorated hero and a few places will hire him.

There's a knock at the door and it opened. A male gray wolf walked in and looked at Don. "Major Don T. Blume; your off flight status till further notice. A court is going to do a psychological check on you in a few days. You are restricted to base till then." He walks out.

"Well, I am getting out of here any way. Good bye Areospace force, hello free lance." He said to himself getting off his bed and walking out his stateroom.

Hanger bay of space force base.

Don walked up to his fighter. The sleek craft still has its weapons attached to its hard points. He grinned and summoned a maintenance droid. The human hacked the droids' programming and had the droid repaint the fighter. It went from a light gray to a midnight black. Don grinned at the sight of the black colored fighter and climbed in it. He is now wearing a black colored uniform.

A male wolf watched the fighter launched out of the hanger with a human hand giving him the finger as the black fighter took off. The wolf who's Lynn's new boyfriend called for a scramble. "Shoot that traitor down!"

"Belay that order, stand down." Said an anthro male tiger walking in the hanger bay. He glared at the wolf. "I know all about this current situation. Some little voice told me that Lynn broke up with Don. You grounded Don and restricted him to base because you're seeing his ex-girlfriend. I know you don't like Don because he's highly decorated and a human. Well, you're confined to your quarters and you can't see your new girlfriend. We are going to contact the fox's home world because we don't have a pilot skilled enough to deal with Don on Earth at the current moment. Colonel Grey fang, I am going to have you transferred to Alaska. So far I only lost one pilot and fighter; I have no intention of losing any more pursuing Don. Guards, escort him to his quarters." The tiger walked out of the hanger being followed by a fennec vixen.

Couple hour's later Mars orbit.

Don grinned and looked at the red colored planet. "Well, I better think about what I am going to do. I only have enough fuel for one jump. I am heading to the foxes home world, screw Earth!" He starts to program the jump when two unmarked fighters flew pass him. They are pursued by the Mars security force. "Time to make some new friends." Dom banks his fighter and damages the security force fighters.

"Unknown fighter, thanks for your help. Please identify yourself?" Said a male voice in the com circuit.

"This is Blume, I just gotten discharge from the service. I am currently unemployed looking for work." Replied Don looking at the two fighters.

"Well you're lucky; we are currently hiring pilots at the moment. You have your own fighter and you seem to be a talented pilot. So, do you want to work for us?" Said another voice.

Don grinned to himself. "Sure, no problem. I prefer my own sleeping quarters."

The voice laughed. "No problem, you're hired. Just follow us to our base. Welcome to the brotherhood, we are a little group of anthros that are making life difficult for a group of humans that hate anthros. The group is called Humans for Earth, the Areospace force doesn't do any thing to them, and so we fight for anthros only."

Don laughed to himself. He knew about the anti-anthro group. The group causes riots and beat up anthros. They rape female anthros and vandalized shops own by anthros. Don is glad that he never ran into the brotherhood. He heard about them, the Areospace force called them rouges, but Don hates the Humans for Earth group. The government won't do anything about them but arrest a few members. "No problem brother, I am a human who likes anthros. It will be my pleasure to help you guys out. I can't stand that group at all. They beat up my father one day because he was talking to a vixen and nothing was done about it." Said Don with a smile. "I found my calling; I am going to have fun working for these guys. No more rules, no more regulations and no more Co's telling me how to do my job." Don thought to himself as he followed the fighters.

Mars surface twenty minutes later.

A female wolf watched as two fighters from the patrol landed. She smiled at the sight of the two fighters knowing that there were no problems. "I am glad both of them made it back. Good pilots are hard to come by. What the hell?" She said as a black fighter landed. The wolf knew that the fighter is an F-96 Areospace force fighter. This F-96 has a been painted black giving the fighter a more sinister looking appearance because of the black coloring. "Dam, why would anybody do that to a nice looking fighter? The F-96 is a beautiful fighter, but this one is mean looking." She thought to herself as a ladder is wheeled up to it. A male human stepped out of the fighter wearing a black flight suit. He puts his helmet in the cock pit of the fighter and walks up to her. "Well, well Don Blume. What did the Areospace force do to you to make you join us?" The wolf asked the decorated human.

Don looked at the female wolf and smiled. "Long story, I'll tell you in a minute."

"That's the best kind hero. Why did you paint your fighter black? I all ways thought the F-96 have beautiful color." She asked looking at the black fighter.

"It now matches my attitude; I am in a different mood now." Said Don with a smug grin. "What's your name?"

The wolf looked at the human and at the black colored fighter. "My name is Jill, what happen to you? You're a hero of Earth, a lot of humans and anthros look up you."

"Well, here's my story Jill." He told her what happen to him. The break up with his girlfriend, being removed from flight status and restricted to base. "In my opinion, I earned an F-96 from what I did for the Areospace force and Earth." Don said to Jill with a grin.

A male lynx walked up to Don. "Whoa, Don Blume. I think the Humans for Earth group is going to have serious troubles now. My name is Scott, and this is." Pointing at a cougar. "Is my wingman Rodger. I just heard your story; don't let Jill talk you out of this. Those Humans for Earth scum blew up my last place of employment; half of the brotherhood lost their jobs because of them. Jill has a little too much compassion in my opinion; let me show you where you are going to sleep. Then I'll introduce you to every one else." He leads Don away from Jill.

Jill watched as the three males walk away. She sighed and looked at the black colored fighter. "I can't believe a hero of Earth went rouge. Don seem to have a great future, a nice girlfriend, a career in the Areospace force. He just threw it all away and changed his fighter into a beast." Jill takes one last look of the black fighter, runs her hand on the wing and walks to the other fighters to check on them.

The next day at the Areospace force base at California.

"Well general Seiko Red fang, I need a couple of pilots who can take on Don Blume. He snapped under stress and went rouge on us." Said Cyrus Black claw a Male athro tiger looking at an older male fox on a com screen.

"Oh my, that's not going to be easy. He's a to good of a pilot. That's what he was trained for." The image of the fox turns aside looking at something and grins. "You're in luck my friend; we have the means of getting Don eliminated."

"No way, I want him back alive. He's having some problems and I want some personnel to look inside his head so we won't have this happening again!" Said Cyrus looking at the screen.

"Ok, you want him in one piece and breathing. We only have one pilot and you have one to. You got to escort your pilot here so we can train her. The catch is you and her have to spend a week here with us." Said Seiko with a grin.

"What do you mean her?" Asked Cyrus with a curious look.

"Nova Bright fang is the pilot in your squadron that can match Don in piloting skills." Said Seiko showing Cyrus a picture of a tan fennec vixen. "Bring her to us and in one week she can help you guys in catching Don alive.

Cyrus grins at the screen. "We'll be on our way in a couple of hours. See you in a couple days and thanks."

"Good luck Cyrus, you are going to need it old friend. I hope we can get Don caught in one piece to." Said Seiko and the screen goes dark.

Cyrus punches a number on his phone, some one answers. "Send Nova to my office ASAP and packed for ten days. She's going with me at a training school at the fox's home world." He hangs up and looks outside his window.

Skies over San Francisco at the same moment.

"Don here's the situation; a group of Humans for Earth have ten anthros on a building roof top. They are holding them hostage demanding that all anthros leave public office with in ten hours or they will start executing hostages." Said Scott in his headset.

Don grips the controls of his fighter and sneers. "The only friendies are the anthros right?"

"Yes Don, the humans on the roof top is Humans for Earth thugs." Replied Scott.

The black fighter dove at the roof top and strafed the armed humans on the roof top. No anthros were hit by the weapons fire. Don circled the building top and smiled when he found out that none of the anthros were harmed. He saw a human move and Scott finished him off. "I better practice on strafing ground targets, I am a little rusty." Said Don as he formed on Scott's wing.

"You did pretty good Don, we'll practice tomorrow." Replied Scott as the fighter's left Earth atmosphere to fly back to Mars.

Mars base three hours later.

Scott, Rodger and Don watched the news of the hostage crisis on the screen in the rec room. They watched the video footage of Dons fighter strafing the humans. The group cheered when they found out that no anthros were harmed. They cheered louder when they found out that all the Humans for Earth thugs were killed. Jill watched from the doorway with a sad look. She turned and walked back to her stateroom. Jill looked at a message on her com unit: WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO THE FOXES HOME WORLD TO RESOLVE THIS. JUST KEEP AN EYE ON HIM TILL FUTHER NOTICE. WE WANT HIM ALIVE!! BRIGHT FANG. She grinned at the message and shuts off the com unit.

Two days later, foxes home world at an office.

Cyrus sat at a chair looking at Nova. He looked at the fennec vixen with a compact build and long reddish brown head hair. Cyrus knows she has a crush on Don. "Are you going to have any problems confronting Don?" He asked her.

Nova looked at Cyrus with dark green eyes. "Sir, I have no problem with the current assignment. I will bring him back to you alive."

"The brotherhood killed twenty Humans for Earth people a couple of days ago in San Francisco. So far the public doesn't know that Don joined the brotherhood." Replied Cyrus.

"I don't count Humans for Earth as members of the public sir. To me, they are criminals who should be locked up. I am just going to follow my orders and catch Don which is my current objective. If any Humans for Earth try to stop me, I'll deal with them." Said Nova looking straight ahead.

Cyrus looked at her with his jaw hung open when Seiko walked in. Seiko walked up to Nova, stuck a type of pen in the back of Novas head and she went limp. "What the hell did you do to her?!" Cyrus stood up glaring at the fox.

Seiko smiled at the tiger. "Calm down old friend, Nova's a cyborg. When she was six years old a space liner she was on suffered a reactor accident. Nova and twenty other anthros were the only survivors out of three thousand. Due to fennecs being rare, we repaired her. The only organic organ on her is her brain and spinal cord. There are some advanced computers on her to maintain her body. Yes Nova knows what she is. She had you fooled didn't she?"

Cyrus looked at the limp form of Nova with pity. "She looked real and acted like a normal anthro."

Seiko did something to Novas hair and peeled the skin off her head. Cyrus looked at the metallic skull with the pieces of thick wire to maintain the shape of the large ears. He looked at the dark green eyes with no lids and the white colored teeth grafted on to the silver colored jaws. Seiko stuck a cable to the skull looking at readout on a hand held computer. "Well she's doing fine, plus she wants to mate with Don. Such a pity she can't have any kits, she'll have to adopt one. I am going to upgrade some software on her computers so she can out fly Don. It will take a couple of days to do it. I heard part of the conversation between you two, I am glad that you want Don alive. Nova won't kill Don at the moment, I would have to go into her brain and reprogram it. That my friend is hard to do and nine times out of ten it doesn't work." He puts back on the skin on the skull and does some adjustments. Seiko sticks the pen in the back of Novas head and her eyes snapped opened.

"What happen, did I fall asleep?" Nova asked looking around.

"Uh no, you didn't miss anything. I just walked in." Replied Seiko looking at her.

Brotherhood base at Mars surface

Don looked out a window admiring the moon of Demos. He sipped his drink as he gazes thru the window. Jill walked up to him. "So what's on your mind?" She asked him.

"Not much Jill, just admiring the view. What's happening on Earth?" Don asked looking at the female wolf.

Jill looked at the human she mixed feelings. She wants him to return to Earth to redeem himself or go to the fox's home world. Jill doesn't want Don to destroy his reputation by killing members of Humans for Earth. She wants him to be a hero again by leaving this group. But now she has orders from her friend in the Areospace force to keep an eye on him till further notice. "Well Don, the Areospace force is being quiet at the moment. The press release regarding your whereabouts is that you're on a vacation."

Don chuckled and sipped his drink. He looks outside at the sight of the Martian moon sinking at the horizon. "I know that some people think of what I am doing is wrong. I don't want to be part of a group that follows orders from politicians. I may be a hero to a lot of people, but to some people I am a tyrant. I did some things to a few groups I regret, groups like the brotherhood. Sure I can go back to the Areospace force and said that I went insane, but there will be another higher up like Grey fang that hates my guts and treats me like dirt. No, I am through taking orders from desk bound jerks. I am going to help groups like the brotherhood who has the guts to help anthros because the desk bound jerks doesn't have the balls to help them because they want to stay in office. Sorry Jill, I had to get that off my chest." Don said taking another sip of his drink.

"Is there any one at the Areospace force you liked?" Asked Jill.

"There are a couple of people, a couple of other pilots. There's this fennec vixen named Nova Bright fang. She has a crush on me, now I don't think see likes me now. Because I am a traitor and I was dating a human female. I am thirty and she's twenty, I won't mind seeing her again soon so I can explain my actions. Nova is loyal to the areospace force; right now I think she hates my guts. So I think my source of friendship will be on the fox's home world." Said Don in a low tone voice looking at the Martian sky.

Jill is quiet, her opinion of Don just changed. She understood what's going thru his mind. He snapped under the stress, because his bosses won't stop all the problems. "Don, you got to work one threat of a time. You can't solve them all at once. The Areospace force takes care of the troubles in space, not on Earth. The law enforcement takes care of trouble makers like Humans for Earth, not a military branch like the space force. Don just for your information, Nova is worried about you, she still cares about you." She thought to herself as she walked away. Jill stops and looks at Don and says. "I sure hope you make a decision and go back to Earth, or go to the fox's home world. I sure will hate the history books calling you a traitor till the end of time." Jill walks back to her room.

Don watched Jill walk away and snickered. "Sorry Jill, I am sticking around for awhile. I think I'll be remember as someone who stood up for Earth anthros, or as a professional trouble maker. I don't care how history will remember me; I'll be pushing up daisies."

Next day foxes home world at a computer room.

Nova is limp sitting on a high tech chair. The skin is off her skull with a cable attached to it. Cyrus is looking at the fennec vixen. He stared at her tan coloring with cream colored front. Cyrus looked at the silver color skull with dark green lidless eyes staring at nothing. He looked at the skin draped over her medium sized breasts that is her head skin. Seiko walked up to him and looked at Nova. "I remember her when she was six years old. We got a call from a hospital that a vixen is badly burned all over her body. I was the first one to see her at the ICU unit. She was completely covered in bandages and missing her arms and legs. Plus she was missing most of her pelt. She's an orphan; I am the closest person to a father to her."

Cyrus looks at Seiko in shock. "Does she have any relatives?"

Seiko gave Cyrus a sad look. "Her whole family was on that liner, she's the only one who lived. Nova was exploring the liner when the accident happen. She was going back to the cabin when it happen. If the accident happen a few seconds later; she would have been killed. If it happen a few seconds earlier; she will still have all of her organic body parts." Seiko touches the metal skull. "I know what you're thinking Cyrus; I couldn't let a little vixen die."

Near Las Vegas Nevada.

Don, Scott and Rodger are landing their fighters at a section of desert at the out skirts of town. They found out the Humans for Earth has a cell at a truck stop in town. Don landed his fighter at an abandon hotel; he got out of it and looked around. He smiled as the other two fighters landed near his fighter. After the two fighters powered down; he walked up to the two felines. "Let's go have some fun." He said with a grin to Scott.

Scott smirked and looked at Don. "Yes, let's go cause some mischief hero." As the trio of males walk to town.

"No, I prefer the term fighter for anthro rights." Replied Don as they walked away from the fighters. Scott and Rodger laughed as they walk.

Couple hours later at a truck stop.

The family of anthro foxes is at the truck stop fueling their vehicle, when two guys and a woman started harassing the foxes. Watching, the station owner just watched as the group continues to harass the foxes.

Don saw the confrontation at the truck stop. "Looks like a family of foxes needs our help."

Scott tosses a ski mask to Don and Rodger along with a bat. "Let's have some fun!"

They confronted the humans. Don took on one of the males; Rodger took the other. Scott went for the woman. The woman glared at Scott saying. "You wouldn't hit a lady?"

Scott sneered at her saying. "I don't hit female anthros; I don't have any problems hitting a female human thug." He hits her with the bat.

The trio of males assaulted the humans and then went to work on the truck stop. They went in the place and trashed the place. The station owner pleaded for mercy as Scott went at him. "Doing nothing is just as bad. If you called the police we wouldn't be doing this coward!" Said Scott as his hit the station owner. Don watched as the fox family drove away real fast. Scott saw Don looking at the family of foxes driving away and nodded. He looked at the station owner with a snarl. "I want you to give a message to your Humans for Earth friends. Disband and leave us alone. Tell them to quit destroying our businesses, harassing us and doing physical harm to us. If they don't disband, the brotherhood will continue to kill their members and make life miserable for them." He knocks out the station owner. As they walked out Scott gave the woman one last kick in the midsection as he walked by her. Don looked at her and spat on her; she reminded him of Lynn.

Seven days later, Areospace force base at California.

Nova is walking near the main gate of the base reading a report. "Don, I better find you soon. This thing the brotherhood is doing against Humans for Earth is getting ugly. Some politicians being financed by the group want military intervention. I am glad I back here on Earth, we manage to convince the president that we'll take care of it." She thought to herself as she looked at her hands and body. Nova knows that there are alloys exotic metals under the fake fur made of a type of light weight material. She knows that she can lift a ton and can see in pitch darkness, plus take hits of most weapons made.

"Excuse me miss, do you know where Colonel Grey fang is?" Asked a blonde woman at the other side of the gate.

Nova turn at the voice, she knew that the woman is Lynn. "Oh, I am sorry; he has been transferred to Adak Alaska. He caused some problems here over a week ago."

Lynn looked at the short fennec vixen then smiled. "All right miss; do you know where Major Blume is?" She asked with an icy smile.

"I am so sorry Lynn; major Blume is on assignment. Due to some problems with Humans for Earth we can't give out times when pilots come back on assignments. Just keep checking every day, have a nice day." Replied Nova as she walked away.

"Wait, I usually get those times from some one. How come you're not giving me that information?" Lynn recognizes the vixen. "Oh I see, you were near by when I broke up with him. Don't say that foxes are common, I know fennecs are rare. Grey fang told me that there's only one fennec vixen on this base. I saw you glaring at me that day, so miss fennec. Where is Blume? I want to make up with him." Replied Lynn looking at the short vixen.

Nova walked to the gate, she grabbed one of the steel posts. "Lynn, I know where Don is, but I am not telling you. You had your chance with him and you blew it."

"Tell me where he is or I'll hurt you. You fennecs are weak and scrawny, I know I can mess you day up!!" Lynn is screaming at Nova. "Are you laughing at me you scrawny vixen?" She looked at the laughing vixen.

Nova stopped laughing and glared at the human female. "You don't want to mess with me you hairless monkey. I am a special breed of fennec; I am the type you don't to pick a fight with."

Lynn watched as the fennec vixen that's five inches shorter than her bend the steel post and straightens it. Then she squeezes the post with her hand. Lynn saw the furrowed areas where her fingers were. She looked at the fennec vixen glaring at her. The vixen spoke. "Don't you ever threaten me again you hairless monkey. I don't want to see your face again Lynn. If I do, I am having you arrested. Right now our conversation is being recorded and now a copy is being made because you threaten to do harm to me. I suggest you leave now and don't show yourself here again." The vixen glares at her slamming a fist on a steel railing bending it and walks away.

Larry a male fox runs up to Nova panting. "Uh Nova, the brotherhoods three main fighters have just been spotted near by. They just destroyed an abandon airfield and they're after a convoy of vehicles heading east towards Arizona. The convoy of vehicles has half of the leaders of Humans for Earth group. Maybe we should delay taking off for a while?"

Nova smiled then her features turned serious. "Tempting, but we have orders to catch him alive. I know you're from the home world and hate the Humans for Earth group. We got our orders; we can only keep a lid on this for a little longer. But sometimes those prevailing winds have a tendency of slowing us down, there's a big difference between flying in space and in the atmosphere." She grinned.

Larry grinned and followed the tan colored vixen with long reddish brown length head hair. "She's cute, but I prefer a real vixen. I am glad that she wants Don alive. I still think that Don is a hero. I liked what the brotherhood did in Las Vegas, four Humans for Earth badly injured and now in jail for twenty years. The state of Nevada doesn't tolerate hate groups; the automatic twenty year prison sentence discourages hate groups from setting up there." He follows Nova to the hanger.

Skies over Arizona.

Don looked ahead and saw the convoy of vehicles heading east. He grinned to himself and caresses the flight controls. Don knew that the brotherhood would deal a crippling blow to the Humans for Earth when they destroy this convoy. "Target in sight, lets go exterminate some vermin."

"Yes Don, lets go step on some cockroaches." Laughed Rodger as the trio of fighters dove.

"I hate roaches, but mice taste like chicken." Replied Scott as the fighters destroyed the convoy.

The fighters attacked the vehicles like eagles killing prey. The vehicles exploded and people ran out only to get killed by either Scott or Rodger. Don kept strafing the vehicles till he got a warning tone in his headset. He looked at the radar in the HUD on the windscreen. "Dam, two F-96 Areospace force fighters! Scott, Rodger, escape plan Echo! I'll meet you guys at meeting place Bravo." Said Don as the fighters went three different directions.

Aerospace force fighter following Dons fighter

"Let them go Larry, our mission is to catch Don. I might need your help with Don; he's very good at evading." Said Nova to her wingman looking at the burning vehicles on the ground.

"Such a shame that we couldn't save the convoy." Said Larry, he grinned at the sight of the ruin vehicles.

"If we were told a few minutes earlier and not have gotten that three minute delay for take off we could have saved them. Power up your leach cannons Larry. The blast will shut down his electrical systems." Nova said looking at the black fighter.

"What about you?" Asked Larry in her headset.

"I am shielded from energy draining weapons Larry. We'll disable his fighter, then use our tractor beams to tow him back to base." Replied Nova as she gripped her controls.

Dons fighter heading north.

Don looked at his HUD noticing the fighters are following him. He grinned knowing that there's no one in the Areospace force that can match him. "So, you guys want to duel with me. I can arrange that, prepare for a lesson of ejecting from a damaged F-96." Said Don in his radio.

"Don, stand down and give up. I don't want to shoot you down." Novas voice said in the headset.

Don grinned to himself. "Nova, they sent you to get me. Who's flying your wing? He or she better be good. I know you're a good pilot Nova, you're close to my skills but not that close. Don't worry, I'll just do damage to your engines so they will be at fifty percent power. I don't want to destroy our friendship." He turns to the fighters, the two fighters out maneuvered Don. "Nova, you have improved. You're going to make this fun aren't you?"

"Yes Don, I have improved on my piloting skills. I still like you, but stand down and surrender. You are at the point that you'll just get a slap on the wrist." Said Nova out flying Don getting behind him.

"Good bye Nova, I'll think about it ok." Said Don as he did a space jump.

"That took a lot of guts; he's not going to make it easy for us is he." Said Larry forming on Novas wing.

"No he's not; I gave us a thirty percent success on catching him. Don't worry we're not in trouble, you're a witness that he perform a jump in Earths atmosphere. Cyrus knew that we have a slim chance in catching him on the first try, let's head back to base." Nova said shaking her head. "I will catch you Don, but I am going to break your concentration next time." Nova thought to herself with a smile.

Areospace force base later.

Cyrus watched as the two fighters landed, he grinned seeing that there's no damage to the fighters. Two foxes walked up to him, the shorter vixen salute him. "Sir, we were close in catching him, but he performed a space jump. I think we got him nervous."

"Larry, did major Blume perform a space jump in the Earths atmosphere?" Cyrus asked the other fox.

"Yes sir, he did when Nova was about to use the leech cannons. Don either did a blind jump or he had the jump preprogrammed. That move is risky because of a lot of risks." Replied Larry with a grin.

Cyrus looked at the two foxes. He knew Nova follows orders and will bring Don back to the base. "Alright, we knew that we had a slim chance in catching Don on the first try. I am going to have the anti space jump device installed on your fighters, to make sure we get him next time. Go to the briefing room for debriefing, I am going to look at you gun camera footage. Good job, we'll get him next time." Cyrus watches the two foxes walk away, he grins showing his teeth. "I just want the brotherhood do one more mission before I take Don back. I support the brotherhood; Don running into one of their patrols was a stroke of luck in my part. I am the one that gives them information. When I get Don back, I'll have him plea temporary insanity. I still think he's a hero. The main leader of Humans for Earth is going to the Martian moon of Phoebus in a few days. I want that bastard dead; I am sending that info to the brotherhood in a little while." The anthro tiger watches the footage from the gun cameras and smiles. "That maneuver took balls Don. Did Nova made you nervous or you didn't want to hurt her? I think the later." He laughs to himself.

Three hours later at the brotherhood base at Mars.

Rodger walked up to Scott and Don with a big grin. "Don, I am glad you escaped those Areospace force fighters. So did they eject or limping back to base?"

Don grin at the two felines. "Limping back to base. They should be back at their base by now."

The trio of males walked to the recreation room to watch the news from Earth. They watched the news of the destroyed air base and convoy. The news channel they watched is owned by anthros and the owners hate the Humans for Earth group. The news anchors spoke the news with smiles. The human male and female gray wolf at the news desk smiled saying there was no survivors from the convoy. Don, Scott and Rodger cheered at the news, and then a com unit on Scott started beeping. Scott looked at the com unit and grinned and looked at the others. "In a few days, the leader for Humans for Earth is going to Phoebus for a meeting. Most of the members of the group are going to be there. I feel like dealing a killing blow to that group."

Don looked at the male lynx; he counted Scott a close friend. "We better be alert friend, this is going to be a very tough mission. I suggest training in the next few days so our reflexes will be in top shape." Said the male human.

Scott smiled at Don and nodded. "We'll start training tomorrow hero; I want to go back to working on computers. Roger here uses to be a salesman before his place was torched by the Humans for Earth. What are you going to do hero?"

Don grinned at the two felines. "I am going to the fox's home world, I am through taking orders form desk bond jerks. I think someone will hire me."

Scott grinned at the human. "Well if there's any troubles look us up and you can work for Rodger or me."

"I'll keep that in mind. You guys have my respect, you fight for a reason. You and Rodger care for hard working anthros, not for politicians who want to stay in office and keep their pockets lined with credits." Replied Don with a grin as he walked to his sleeping quarters.

The two felines looked at each other and shrugged and followed Don. Jill watched the conversation and shook her head. "For the first time I hope they succeed in a mission. I want this to end; too many have died in this fight." Jill thought to herself as she typed a message on her com unit.

Areospace force base at the same moment.

Nova is stripped down to a black bra and panties. She looked at her thin compact body with medium size breasts. Nova looked at the tuff of cream colored hair spreading over her cleavage. She ran her hands over her body pretending that Don is doing it to her. "Don, Soon I am going to catch you. Cyrus is going to pardon you. He's just going to give you a slap on the wrist. Then I am going to take Lynn's place as a friend." BEEP Nova picks up her com unit and reads it. "Well, it looks like Dons going to be back here in a few days. I better tell Larry about this." She dresses up and leaves her stateroom.

Three days later Phoebus orbit.

Three fighters are flying in formation toward the moon. Don smiled to himself as the moon grew larger in his sight. He tensed up as he flew closer. Don knew that one mistake made and he was dead. The headset beeped as a bunch of fighters head toward them. The HUD unit showed a squadron of fighters coming from the vicinity of Earth. "This is going to be interesting guys." Don said looking at all the fighters heading in their direction. "Scott, Rodger lets hide at the old space station and try this later."

Scott cussed under his breath looking at the fighters in his display. "Alright Don, we'll try this later. I want to get this guy, this has to end soon." As he and Rodger followed Don to the old station. Scott knew that Don is right about hiding for the moment. The human knew how to do missions like this, since Don joined their group almost three weeks ago they had more victories in two weeks then they had in one year. The lynx look one more time at Phoebus and sneered at the moon.

Areospace force fighters heading toward Phoebus

Nova looked at her display as the three unknown fighters turned away from the moon. She knew that later Don will try again. "Larry, they are heading toward the old space station. Don is going to lie low at the moment because of us and the Humans for Earth security fighters. Lets contact those fighters and tell them that we're looking for the brotherhood.....Dam those jerks are engaging us, take them out!" Nova said as a fighter started to attack her.

Dons fighter heading toward the space station.

Don sneered as he heard the radio message from Nova. He turned his fighter around and headed toward the dogfight. "Change of plans guys, looks like the Aerospace force is on our side. My enemy is my friend in this situation."

Scott shook his head as he and Rodger followed Don toward the dogfight. "Alright Don, after this side mission. I am taking out the leader. If the Aerospace force tries to stop me, I am taking them out."

"I'll deal with the Aerospace force after this. You take out that leader after this; I'll watch your back." Replied Don.

Scott grinned as he followed Don. "No problem hero."

Nova's fighter.

Nova out flew a fighter and was about to shoot it down when it exploded in front of her. She looked around and saw a black fighter flying next to her. "You guys are a sorry sight, I am gone for a few weeks and you need my help." Don said in her headset.

"Thanks for the assist Don. I can't believe they engaged us. What is wrong with these guys?" Nova asked Don.

Don looked around noticing that the fight is over. "An excuse for military intervention against the brotherhood Nova. What would happen if you guys didn't survive and the Humans for Earth spread rumors that the brotherhood took out a squadron of Aerospace force fighters?"

Nova shook as she ran thoughts thru one of her computers. She knows that Don is right about this. The vixen looked at the black colored fighter flying on her wing. "Alright Don, lets finish this. You're in command, what do you want us to do?"

"You're going to help the brotherhood finish their last mission." Don grinned looking at Scotts and Rodger's fighters flying beside him. He can see Scott giving him the thumbs up.

Humans for Earth base surface of Phoebus.

The five figures walked down the hallway looking for the leader of the Humans for Earth. They had little resistance when they landed. The rest of the Areospace force squadron is circling the base. Don has his side arm drawn as they walked down the hall. The lights went out putting the hallway in darkness. Don felt a small hand grab his. "Don, fennec's can see in the dark. Just follow my lead, don't worry about Scott and Rodger. Felines have good night vision." Said Nova.

Don opens a door and there's loud boom of a gunshot. Nova fell to the ground near Don. He looked up and saw a gray hair human male looking at him holding an old hand gun from the twentieth century. Don recognized the guy as senator Cane on Earth. Cane looked at Don. "Well it's Don Blume. I heard rumors you joined the brotherhood. Your anthro friends can't be trusted, that's why I started this little group. I never did like their kind; years ago, I installed a device on a space liner causing the reactor to malfunction. I found out later I killed over two thousand anthros."

"You bastard, you killed my family and maimed me for life! Because of you, I don't have any relatives! I am all alone because of you, you fucking bastard! You also killed six hundred humans on vacation, you fucking murder!" Nova yelled standing up. In less than ten seconds, the senator was on the floor tied up. Don stared at Nova who has a hole at the abdominal area. He knew that a wound like that will put an anthro out of action for a week, but Nova is walking around like nothing happen. She looked at Scott and Rodger. "Your fight is over, walk away right now." The two felines look at Don and walked out of the room. "Don, you better come with us. Nothing will happen with you if you leave with us. I got something to tell you." Don walked following Nova who's carrying the trussed up senator over her shoulder. He picked up the gun and stuck it in his black colored uniform.

Cyrus office, five hours later.

Don sighed as he looked at his commanding officer sitting at his desk. Nova is standing next to him along with a male fox he haven't seen before.

The male tiger grinned showing his teeth watching Don flinch. He knew humans get scared when an athro feline grins showing their lethal teeth. Cyrus knew he had to do a slight punishment to satisfy the politicians. "How do you plead for going AWOL?"

The human not showing fear looked at the male tiger without blinking. "Nobody wasn't doing shit about that group. So I had the balls to do something about it and now all the leaders of that group along with their pilots are dead. I finally did something heroic." Don replied and did a big grin.

It took all of Cyrus self control to keep from laughing. He really liked Don because for a human, he speaks his mind and is not intimidated by a huge anthro tiger. The feline decided to pass his sentence for punishment. "Major Don Blume, I am docking you pay for the amount of 1500 credits which will cover repainting your fighter. Plus, you're restricted to the base for one month and...." The tiger looks over to Nova. "For further punishment, you're Novas' room mate for the next two years." Cyrus saw the vixen grin. "This base commanding officers' office hours is over." The two foxes and human walked out of the office.

The tiger watched as the door shut and did another grin. "I got to tie up one more loose end. My contact at the police department says that they will be moving him soon. Scott would love to do this one last mission for me." Cyrus said dialing on a com device.

Novas' stateroom, an hour later.

Don just finished unpacking his bag. He watching Nova tossing her uniform into a bag to get sent off for repair. The human looked at the lean compact body of Nova as the vixen took out a small box and started working on the hole in her abdomen.

The vixen looked at him with a neutral expression. She sighed placing the box on a night stand. "I am what you humans call a cy-borg. When I was six years old, a space liner my family was on had a reactor accident and I was caught in the blast." Nova picks up the box again and started working on her abdominal area again.

Don watched as the fennec vixen finishes up repairing herself. He remembered when Nova was a trainee and he helped her out to pass all her tests. But to him, she acted like any athro he meet. She was nice to him and he knew that the vixen has a crush on him, but he was dating Lynn. "So, what parts are organic?"

Nova turns to him smiling and walks up to him naked giving the human a view of her body. She sits on his lap and gives him a kiss. "My brain and spinal column, the rest of me is a complex gynoid. A female android, but I can't have offspring." The vixen spat. "Thanks to Caine, that murder. I remember being in awful pain and I can't remember how long I was in that medical lab."

The human felt mixed emotions and returned the kiss and stroked her body feeling her pelt. "It feels so real." Don answered stroking the vixens' pelt.

Nova turned her body and straddled the humans waist. She grabbed Dons' hands and places them on her breasts. "I am fully functional down there." The vixen gives him a seductive look with her green catlike eyes. "Want to try me out? I've never felt a males' touch before.

Don nodded because his voice refuses to work. He just watched as the vixen undoes his pants releasing his erect organ. The human still can't talk as Nova positions herself above his organ. Don just stared as the vixen spreads her labia lips and lowers herself. He stares as the vixens' lips engulfs his organ and it vanishes inside her.

Nova sighs with pleasure as the different signals are sent to her brain. She looks up to the ceiling as her brain is stimulated by different sensations from her computers receiving signals from her artificial vagina. "Dam, this feels nice!!" The vixen thought to herself as Dons hands explored her body.

The human explored Novas' body with his hands. He stroked her medium size breasts feeling the soft tissue. "They feel so real, plus her vaginal canal. Those foxes can build real good stuff." Don thought to himself, then regains his composure looking at the vixen staring at him. A different feeling went thru him and he looked in her eyes giving her a hug feeling her breasts pressing against his body.

Nova choked and sputtered. "I always had feelings for you, plus I am honored that you're my first." She made a strange sound as she orgasm. The orgasm was just a series of signals to the vixens' brain.

All what Don felt was the temperature of the vaginal rise and a little fluid spill out of it. He looked at the shocked expression on Novas' muzzle. "You just experienced an orgasm Nova." The human explained to the vixen.

"It felt wonderful." Nova replied looking at her lover and placed the humans' hands back on her breasts. "I just love the feel of your hands on my breasts, are they the right size for you? I can get them bigger."

The human looked at her eyes. "Don't change a thing, they're the right size. Not to big or not to small, just a pleasant hand full...... ARRRGGGGGHHH." Don exclaimed as he emptied inside the vixen. He lies on his back looking up to Nova. "That was wonderful and different."

Nova chuckled stroking the humans' cheek. "I take it you enjoyed having sex with an android?" The vixen chuckled again at Dons' head nodding and feeling his organ soften inside her. She lays her body on his and grinned. "Enjoy your break, because we're going to be doing this again in a little bit."

Don sighs as he felt his organ getting hard again.

"That's more like it my mate, I mean room mate." Nova replied seductively holding Don to her breasts.

Foxes home world few days later.

Larry stood in front of Seiko telling him what happen while on temporary assignment on Earth. Seiko grinned when Larry told him that almost nothing happen to Don Blume; all he got was a slap on the wrist from Cyrus. "Alright, dismissed, report back to your air wing. Tell your squadron mates that you were on vacation, that assignment was classified. I already told your CO not to ask you where you been. Larry, the public was told that Don was on a under cover assignment for the Aerospace force, so the public still thinks that Don is still a hero." Said Seiko as the young fox walks out of his office. He didn't see the big grin on Larry's muzzle.

Nova's stateroom same moment.

Scott and Rodger disappeared, their where a bouts unknown. Jill was Nova's contact in the brotherhood; she's back in the Areospace force. The rest of the brotherhood went back to their places or worlds. The Humans for Earth group is no more. Some how, the image of senator Cane admitting that he sabotaged a space liner ended up broadcasted through out the TV stations thru out the Earth. The public retaliated destroying businesses owned by members of Humans for Earth and known members being attacked. The politicians who were financed by the group were forced to resign and some were found dead with wounds inflicted by feline anthros.

Don and Nova is watching the news, he has his arm wrapped around her shoulders watching the TV. The couple watched the news footage of senator Cane being lead out of a prison building. The crowd is calling him baby killer and vulgar names because five human infants were killed on the space liner years ago. The camera zoomed in on Cane's head. Nova heard Don cuss something under his breath. There's a loud boom of a gunshot as the back of Cane's head exploded as he fell dead. "Someone just saved the tax payers a lot of money." Don said in an icy tone looking at her. Nova shrugged watching the TV.

Roof top at the same moment.

The male gray colored lynx finished taking apart the sniper rifle. He put the pieces in a case and adjusted the police uniform he's wearing. Scott grinned at the panic on the streets below. "Thank you dad for the movement schedule. The brotherhood is just hibernating for now. If another hate group starts up again, we'll be back." He walks thru the access door to return to the street below.

Cyrus's office at the same time.

Cyrus smiles at the news footage of senator Cane's demise. "Good job Scott, you did well son. I am proud to be your father; you did well by walking out of that base awhile back after Nova captured Cane and have Don follow her back here. You're a good son Scott." He looks at a photograph with him with a female lynx with long black hair and a young Scott. Cyrus grinned and shut off the TV. "Dam I hate paperwork." As he went back to work.

The End This is an earlier piece of mine I tried to post a few years back. I hope I didn't leave to many mistakes in it. Don't worry, I am working on Chapter five of End of an Era.

End of an Era Chapter 4; Battle for Earth part 2. Plus a Sneak peak of Lost in a world of Fantasy

End of an era chapter 4 by Raven Fox. Battle for Earth part 2. Lillian's' place, minutes after the events of chapter 2. Simon held Chell looking at her sky blue eyes. The human felt the warmth of the ocelots' body heat on his naked skin. He...

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End of an Era chapter 3

End of an Era chapter 3, The fight for Earth. Story by Shetland, corrected and finished by Raven Fox. : This chapter starts a few years before the story by introducing a new character created by me. His name is David Eastwood with a chip on his...

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End of an era chapter 2

End of an era Chapter 2. The beginning sparks of rebellion. By Shetland, repaired by Raven fox. Simon takes a trip to Lillian's home world, but a new character enters the stage and you find out who has stolen Lillian's BMW. North of Salt Lake City,...

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