Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 13

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#12 of Tales From Apartment 232


This is an origional work of furry fiction by me David Bennett. The characters of Neil, Geoff and Trevor are used with the permission of Micah Fennec (kitsune25). The character of James is used with the permission and request of Catnyp. All other characters are my own property and are subject to copyright.

If you are offended by homoerotic stories, then dont read. If you are offended by gay relationships or are under the age of 18/21, the don't read this story. Otherwise unzip your fly and stroke on.

If you like what you read you may contact me through my email at [email protected] All flames will be gleefully be dipped in chocolate and thrown to the lesbians.


Child of Mine

With one final thrust, Neil expended his life seeds into me, our voices joined in a chorus of orgasm. Neil, on top of me, laying me in the missionary, lowered himself down, and upon my chest. We were clasped that way together, him and I for the longest time, and now it was time for us to come down from our sexual high. The games couldn't last all day, but multiple times a day, now that was something else.

Neil laid his head upon my chest, a chest that unlike other red foxes of my breed was devoid of the tuft of white hair and was blessedly flat. It was the perfect place for Neil to lower his head and lay, his stomach on top of mine, and genitalia inside of my opening. It was bliss to have him on top of me. Our hotel room would never be the same. We had torn the sheets from the bed, knocked lamps from tables, and had pilfered just about everything that wasn't bolted down into our bags...oh wait, I was talking about sex. Silly me. Well needless to say we had been having lots of sex, and this was just time number,

"Five?" Neil asked in wonder. Well I'll be...

"Five." I answered, my voice a little hoarse from all the activity. Thank the dark lord that we had purchased the penthouse, and that we had no one around in other rooms to complain about the screaming. Oh yes there was screaming. Neil screamed in orgasm, Neil screamed when I laughed like the devil during foreplay, and I screamed like a madman while I rode Neil into the night. We were tired, we were spent, and we were drained. The room was awaft with the odors of our male musks. Somewhere in the hotel room, one of the knocked over lamps flickered and threatened to go out. Much like my energy at that time. I think the only things that weren't in upheaval from our torrid acts of love were the television which was showing one of my older pornos from a few years ago, the hot tub...well because it's a hot tub and tends to weigh a lot, and the walls. No not even the bed that we laid upon in that moment had been spared, it's frame was slightly bent from our acrobatics and had moved outward from the wall by about 2 feet and rotated abut 30 degrees. The chandler that hung from the ceiling had a pair of my panties hanging from them, or at least I think they were mine, Neil and I had been getting pretty crazy.

I closed my eyes and simply breathed, my hair matted about the mattress and the sides of my face. I hadn't showered all day, and with good reason. I was indisposed. A definite "Do not disturb" kind of day. It was funny how I was worried about alarming the other guests of the hotel. Call it my satanic beliefs, but I had a wicked longing just to imagine the other guests squirming from the sounds of our lovemaking. I loved getting under the skins of those more conservative than I.

Neil leaned up, taking his rat face from my chest and moving it to my lips as he brought us into a little kiss. It wasn't deep, it wasn't lustful, more over it was something that we both needed and accomplished in that moment. Neil then lowered his head to my right shoulder, facing inward and brought his left hand to curl around my hair near my right shoulder. It was a gesture of admiration, and of ownership. Even though I couldn't see it with my eyes closed, I knew that his wedding band was still upon his left ring finger. I was wearing mine as well, on my left hand, which took Neil's right hand into it, and locked the fingers together. We were together.

"Oh...by Margaret Thatcher's old baggy eyes I can't believe us." Neil said in that delightful British accent that drove me wild. Unlike Lindsay, who turned out had faked the accent just for kicks; Neil's was an accent to die for. And come to think of it, I was dead tired. Had I died yet, and if so when do I get the cotton candy and bubble gum?

"Neither can I...this is a record for me...outside of work." I said, opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling. The ceiling had images of leaves upon it, in a tropical display. For a Sydney Hotel penthouse, it gave the image of some room off in Tahiti or the Bahamas, something definitely exotic.

"Work? You call this work?" Neil asked with a light chuckle.

"Not this, this I call an afterglow sweetums."

Neil gave my hand a squeeze to convey a hint of disapproval at my humor. "I mean, the sex."

I closed my eyes again, and took in a deep breath of air. "That? Why I don't know, it could be considered work, but I don't get nearly half the work out." I joked. I was answered with a playful punch in the side by Neil's left hand, and a shaking of his head against my chest.

"Well then, maybe you out to 'work out' more often?" He said with a coy tone.

I scoffed. "Neil, for once I am out of the mood. After 5 times, I don't think anyone would want to."

Neil spooned himself and dug his groin into me a little deeper. I gasped in pleasure, but sighed, I really wasn't up for anymore. My ass was sore, despite it's versatility, and the cock inside it was a definite stimulation. I let him know to stop by taking my right hand and grasping at his shoulder a little. I felt his rat tail wagging between my bent knees, and he gave a sigh of his own.

"This has been really special for me." Neil whispered into my left ear. He leaned in and gave my ear a lick. I shuddered and opened my eyes once more and looked to him.

"This has been special for me too. But, sadly every good thing has to end."

"Aye to that mate." He said as he slowly began to pull his cock out of me. It fell out with a slurp, and a little of his semen ran down my crack, but not too much. He laid his cock against my sheath; my cock had long since retracted back inside of me, and moved his head to lie in the crook of my neck. I simply breathed and held my fellow man, and ran my left hand to his head of white curls. His hear was matted to his head with sweat and oil, and not really that fun to have my furry little fingers running through but I really couldn't complain. He would have been purring, had he been a feline, but he just breathed in a way to let me know that he was exhausted but satisfied.

"What time is it?" I asked, looking at the side of his head.

"Um, 4 am I think." He said as he yawned.

"Can you check?"

He nodded and leaned over to the floor, and picked up the old fashioned alarm clock and looked at it. "Shit." He said


"It's nearly six in the morning."

"Six? Hot damn."

"I think 'hot damn' as you Americans say it is hardly the phrase. Now, holy fucking shit, that I can imagine."

I pinched Neil with a gleeful smile upon my face. "You cussed."

"Damn right. It's the bedroom, the place for foul mouths. Well, that and sailing ships but I don't see you in a sailor suit now do I?"

I laughed and spoke with a more feminine voice than my usual one. "Would you like me to wear one for you?"

"Nah, besides it's too early in the morning for me to appreciate it."

"I know. We have to be out of here by noon you know."

"Yeah," He began with a sigh. "Yeah I know."

"So, can you believe we went at it for over 18 hours?"

Neil scoffed. "Yeah I can. We went at it for 12 yesterday, and that was only 3 times."

I giggled, amazed at the number figures. "Nice when you think about it."

"Yeah, nice." He said with another yawn.

I rolled my eyes. "You're tired huh?"

He shifted his weight a little and nodded against me. "I'm fish bait Renee...stick a hook in me cause I'm ready for the rod." He said in a tired voice.

"But you already got the rod from me an hour and a half ago."

He pinched me this time, in the rib. It kind of hurt. "Ow"

He simply snickered and let out yet another sigh. There was a lot of sighing going on in this bedroom. Yawning too.

"So did you enjoy the opera?"

He nodded his head. "Oh yes. I had always wanted to see the opera house of Sydney. I am glad that you took me."

I gave him a pat on the back, "Glad that I could take you. You know, that female cross dresser made a rather convincing boy."

"Eh, I didn't so much as notice as I paid attention to the plot."

"I guessed you would have paid more attention to the plot."

"You guess right my love."

And he kissed me. I kissed him back and then went back to my resting position, laying my hand upon his head.

We had seen the legendary Opera, The Marriage of Figgaro in light of our own marriage. The Plot was kind of complicated, and I didn't understand Italian, but from what I did know, is that the Opera had a scene with a rather buff wolf singing in colonial underwear. The male had to be straight; I could tell by the way that he presented himself. He stood erect, but not perfectly erect, and nor was he poised. He was handsome to gawk at I had to say. The female cross dresser, a border collie that I wanted to call lassie at first, made a very good boy in her drag. The role that she was cast in, was the role of the friend to Figgaro, and because of the need for really boyish looking men, women normally played the roles. I didn't know what to feel, but because she did such a good job in her performance I gave her a "standing" ovation. One of the only times a woman has ever done that for me. Err hem...

"And the bridge? Did you like walking across the bridge top?"

Neil made a nervous noise. "I told you I don't really like heights. But I still went with you today."

"You didn't like that view? To see the harbor and all the ships, the Opera House, the Ocean, and the rest of Australia spreading out beneath us?"

"Oh the view was nice, to die for really, only it was the heights that got to me."

"You didn't say anything on the tour..."I said in a sad kind of way.

"I didn't want to offend you darling."

"You didn't, I am more worried that I made you uncomfortable. As your husband I should have known that, then at least this whole commodity could have been prevented."

Neil gave me a hug and brought his hand that was playing with my hair to my head. He took in a deep breath, held it, and then let it out. "And as your husband I should have told you." He said in a lowered voice. "I'm sorry."

I smiled and started to feel sleepy all of a sudden. I took my hands and rubbed at my eyes and spoke through a yawn. "Don't mention it."

"You're tired." He said.

"And so are you." I said as I closed my eyes and simply rested my hands on his back.

"I know." He said.

And we rested in silence. We closed our eyes, and drifted off to sleep, only to be awoken later by one of those mysterious chance awakenings at the same moment. He rolled off of me then, and pulled the blankets over us, and we went back to sleep.

My sleep was full of dreams. Dreams of events long ago. I remembered a happy memory, one that I still cherish. It was of Asher, and me one awkward night years ago. It was the first time that we had seen one another naked. We were at our house on Tumbler Street. It was rainy that day, one of those rare Los Angles rainy days, when you both go out in shorts and T-shirt in the morning thinking that the temperatures are going to be in the hundreds, but it turns out that it rains by noon, and you're stuck outside walking home.

To elaborate, Asher and I were going on a walk to get to downtown so I could pay a bill. Not having a car then, I had to walk all over the place, and Asher kept alongside me to make sure that I didn't get in trouble...or gay bashed. Well we had made it as far as 30 blocks by the time the skies had opened up and we were getting soaked. We walked all the way back home hours later, soaked from fur to bone, and had no choice but to get in the shower together to keep from catching cold. Asher had, and has a beautiful body. It was one of those afternoons that we could have had sex, if I had wanted to. As it has already been known, I've had to tell Asher no on several occasions, each time harder than the time before it. I didn't know what it was, but Asher was just so convincing. I really do love Asher, and I am glad that we had that one night of passion together at Micah's place, but sadly nothing more would ever come of it. He had his love, and I had mine.

I awoke for a moment amiss the dreams sometime around nine. Neil was using the bathroom. It woke me for only a moment, and did me no further discourse. I fell back to sleep in no time.

I was awoken finally by the sounds of the alarm clock ringing at 10:30, nearly shooting up out of bed when it did so, I opened my eyes, and looked about the hotel room. Neil was awake, and was packing our things, we had a 1 o clock flight back to the United States to catch, and I saw that he had slipped into his briefs but nothing more. I gave a doleful sigh, and sat forward in bed, the sheets falling to just above my crotch. I rubbed at my tattooed chest, and reached over to the alarm clock. I picked it up, and gave it a gentle toss against the wall at about 60 miles an hour. The poor hotel's alarm clock never had a chance, discontinuing it's ringing thenceforth. Neil shook his head at me, and adjusted his glasses.

"Alarm clocks not your cup of tea?" He asked. He Ironically held up a cup of tea for me as he walked back over to the bed. My adoptive mother and I used to drink Green tea together once, once...but murder changes one's drinking habits now doesn't it? I took the tea into my hands and thanked him and shook my head.

"No. I prefer to have someone I trust wake me up. Sometimes I like to be awoken with a kiss, or even a full body lick, you know just something to get me started in the morning. But alarm clocks? Nah. I'd rather work at McDonald's from 6:30 in the morning to 10:30 in the morning than to be awoken by an Alarm clock." I said as I took the tea, and wagged my tail. My tail was so nasty from the sweat and from the sex the night before that my tail had shrunk to half it's normal volume. I felt like a dog...err...what I imagined one felt like

"Well remind me to have the bell boy give you a full body lick the next time we stay in a hotel." Neil said with a joke. I made a face and sipped my tea, and made a har-har noise with my nose.

"You know, don't temp me with the bell boys. Some of them here in Sydney are pretty cute you know. That chinchilla downstairs is quite the looker." I said as I held my nice warm tea out a little.

Neil scoffed. "Him? Come on, if you want chinchilla all you have to do is turn into a woman and ask Trevor for some sex." He said with a humorous air.

I shook my head. "It's not in my belief system to sleep with a straight man. I am sorry but I just can't do it. Bi guys I can handle, but not straight ones. Who do you think I am, Kurt Storm?" I asked, making reference to the legendary character from two fairly well known gay novels: The Boy Who Picked The Bullets Up, and Panthers in The Skins of Men. The character was like myself, gay and a relative slut, only Kurt liked to seduce straight men. I seduced gay and Bi ones.

"Belief system? I am not sure I understand your system."

I turned to face my underwear-clad husband and ran a hand through my greasy hair, disgusted with myself afterward. "Well it is really quite simple. Would you like to hear?"

Neil finished with the bag that he was packing, and made a "go on" gesture with his hands. "By all means."

I tilted my head to the side and sipped my tea once again, smacking my lips afterward. "It goes like this. Unlike some men out there, I don't go by the rule that says 'If it's male and walks I'll fuck it'; I tend to subscribe to the notion that the men that I sleep with should at least be gay themselves, so I don't feel that I am encompassing on someone's morals or their personal infatuation system. It just seems to me that I want to know that the man is attracted to me honestly and not on some whim. I also am not too keen on being some Bi boy's first male experience; something about it just rubs me the wrong way. If I could Neil I'd just have it be gay boys all the way, but sadly I do sleep with some bi ones."

"Bi? Who's Bi?"

"Geoff for one."

"Geoff, as in my fellow Brit Geoff. Geoff the skunk."

"The very same."

"Wow' that's news to me."

"Well Geoff isn't to proud on the matter. Plus Geoff has been kind of, well, careless lately with his sexuality. From what I hear, he got a straight man drunk and had sex with him."

"No... really?"

"Yes really. Not only that, but that straight man happens to be Trevor."

Neil gasped and let his jaw drop open, giving me a perfect view of his buckteeth. "No." He said in a deep disbelieving tone."


"Well he always seemed like a ladies man, all those ladies he slept with."

"Who, Geoff or Trevor."

"Well I knew that Trevor has a girlfriend, but what's her name."


"Yeah that's the dame. I thought they were together."

"Well apparently one night they both come home drunk and they just kind of fall into one another's arms and out of their clothes it would seem."

"I'd have liked to see that." Neil said with a grin. "I'd of loved to see them puke during sex."

I rolled my eyes. "Charming dear. I'll remind myself to put vomiting on my list of sexual acts I wont do."

Neil was obviously in an interested mood. "So what else happened?"

"Well it went pretty much like that. They had some fantastic sex from what I am told by both parties, and then they went to sleep. Trouble was when Trevor woke up, he wasn't in the bed he had in mind."

Neil made an O with his mouth and made an impressed noise. "Oh wow. So what's going to happen now?"

I shrugged and began to make my way to the edge of the bed with my tea in hand. "Dunno, it's really quite complicated. I mean, Neil if it was something simple they wouldn't be having this kind of trouble talking to me about it. Obviously Geoff has some apologizing to do, and Trevor has to really think over weather or not he is going to forgive Geoff for his act."

Neil nodded as I slipped out of the bed and began to walk with an intentional feminine step towards the bathroom. "So, just out of morbid curiously because they're my friends and all, just who buggered who?"

I finished my tea and set it down on the coffee table, the one that was slightly off kilter from the sexual activity the night and day before. "From my understanding, it was Trevor that fucked Geoff, and that's it."

"You mean they didn't even fuck proper?" Neil said, sounding disappointed.

I laughed once. "Yeah, apparently so."

"I can't believe that. You don't go to bed with a man and bugger him and not expect to get buggered in return. That's just the way of things." Neil said as he started to walk behind me towards the bathroom.

I reached the door and put my hand on it, and suddenly I was aware of how naked I really was. I lowered my tail for a moment in a rare instance of modesty, and looked over my shoulder to Neil.

"If you recall, our first time was one sided. I topped you, and that was it."

Neil nodded and placed his hands on his near-naked hips. "Yes but you will recall that our first was our first of many. Hell we've either been seeing the sights or fucking, so surely you understand what I am trying to say." He said, lifting his arms out in front of him and making flat-palmed hand gestures.

I shook my head and opened the door. "I understand it, but I don't agree with it totally. There are times that even I don't go all the way."

With the door opened, I looked at our spacious bathroom. It had everything; shower, toilet, tub, and large mirrors. It would have been nice to keep the hot tub in the sale locale as the regular tub, but I wasn't the one that designed the room, so meh. The bathroom was in total disarray, and it was chaos ruling supreme in the land of the towels. My towels that I had brought from home were on the floor, along with the hotel's, and some of our clothes were hanging off the edge of the bathtub as if to dry. I shook my head. "We're going to need to clean up." I said as I walked towards the shower stall with the glass door, and opened it. The shower had aquamarine tiles to match the color of the ceiling, and I had to say that it was a fine touch. I stepped inside, and got the water going. I yelped in surprise when the ice-cold jets of water hit my body. Neil just laughed at my expense as he leaned against the counter. I shook a finger at him and cringed against the wall until the water started to warm to the setting I had it at. Once it was there, I was in bliss.

I grabbed onto the hotel's meager bar of soap that they had provided and began to wash myself while Neil watched. Oddly, in any other light someone might find this scene erotic, but for some reason I don't usually picture shower time going hand and hand with sex time. Sure I have had sex with Micah in the shower, but that was different...or was it? Was I actually using soap that time? Ah well.

"So you don't always go all the way?" Neil asked.

I lathered my scrotum and sheath and started to hum a tuneless melody. "Mm hmm."

Neil shifted his weight against the counter he was leaning against and gave his tail a flick. Shortly after, he pulled his briefs up a little by the waistband and scratched at his side. "I don't understand. Why don't you go all the way, all the time?" Neil asked, his voice genuinely curious. I had to give my rat husband some credit; he did keep a conversation going when he wanted to.

"Well that's simple Neil hun. Sometimes I just don't want to." I said as I began to lather my torso and my tattooed chest up as the water beat down on my back.

"But why?"

I scoffed. "Well, cause then I'd be giving it my best every time. I'd be giving it my all, every time. Not that I didn't give it my all with you, but there are sometimes that physically I just don't want to or can't give it 100%. I am mortal after all..." I said as I moved the bar of soap under my chin and began to work my shoulders.

"I see, so you don't want to make it champagne and caviar for dinner every night right?"

I shrugged and turned into the water to rinse myself. The water on my front was just as nice as it was on the back, and just what I needed. "If you want to put it that way, then yes. I don't want to make it a fancy affair all the time. Sometimes I just want a burger and fries you know?"

Neil walked to the door of the stall and pressed his hand against it, sighing and shaking his head.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just married a sweet man." Neil said as he turned around and left.

The rest of the shower was quiet and without incident. I washed my fur, washed my tail, and shampooed my self from head to toe, and then repeated the gesture with conditioner. Humans have no clue how long and hard it is for someone like us to get showered and bathed. Humans are just, hairless things...nice penises though. As I thought about it, I had never seen a human in person before, only in movies. I knew them to be a lot like us, only hairless and non-animal shaped. Humans were also a race that considered us to be inferior, even though they were the minority. Go figure.

I finished up the shower, and grabbed my towel off the floor to dry off with. I reached onto the counter and grabbed some hair ties to pull my hair back with, and pulled my hair into a braid after toweling off. It felt good to be clean again! I looked to the tub, and decided to dress. I grabbed a black cutoff tank top with a rainbow flag in the middle of it, and slipped it on, followed by a pair of short black spandex shorts. I had bought the outfit at one of Sydney's local gay outfitters, and I had to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the clothing that I had bought. Though they weren't clean, they weren't dirty, and I'd have to wear them anyway because at that moment I didn't know that Neil had already packed our bags already. For footwear, I grabbed a simple pair of sandals and kicked them on. I felt so good with my tummy and ribs exposed to the world, and my tattoo showing. I knew that I would get some stares from people, but hey it was my body and I was going to do with it what I pleased.

I grabbed Neil's clothes; a simple blue button down shirt and some khaki shorts and threw them over my arm as I opened the door. I have to tell you that the devastation I saw in that room has little parallel. It was as if someone had let Roseanne come and live with them and told her that there was a cookie hidden in the room somewhere and had made the mistake of letting her try to find it. Everything was where it shouldn't have been, and nothing was where it was meant to be. Pity, to think that it was only Neil and I that had done the damage, to imagine what it would have been like if the others had been their to join in our sex I don't think the very fabric of the multiverse would have held together.

I saw Neil sitting on the bed wearing some denim pants and a green silk shirt. It looked nice against the brown of his fur. Looking now I realized that he had all of our stuff packed, and I tossed his clothes at his side.

"There you go, that's the last of it."

"Thanks sweetheart." He said as he grabbed his clothes and moved towards the suitcase at the edge of the bed and repacked it. We had enough clothes in our suitcases to cover the length of our stay, but I was worried still about how much we were taking. We had to buy a whole new suitcase just to carry the gifts that we were taking home for the others. All in all, I had three suitcases, and Neil had two, which left the gift bag - bringing the total to six. Six bags of luggage, weather they were small or not were a pain to have to take through customs and were even more of a pain to have checked.

"Are we ready?"

"Yeah I think so. We'll be early for the flight, so I wager we take the scenic route when heading towards the airport."

"Yeah, and lets not take the limo this time, why don't we just take a cab?"

Neil placed a hand over his heart as if offended. "Ride in a common cab when we can ride in style? Dearest..." He protested. I shook my head and placed my hands over the hips of my spandex clad body and struck a pose, my pelvis out a little and my back swept backwards and to the side.

"Remember what I was saying earlier about not giving it my best all the time? We don't have to go for the best in this case either. Have you ever been in a Sydney cab? I sure as hell haven't. Think of the money that you'll save on taking the cab as opposed to taking the limo."

Neil held up a finger as if to protest, but then closed his mouth. It was as if he had thought of something I hadn't. "Your right on that part." He said as he stood and slipped into a pair of sneakers.

"See? I do know a thing or two about a thing or two."

Neil walked over and leaned in, pressing his muzzle to mine. I closed my eyes and stood fully erect and leaned into the kiss, letting our mouths open for a moment to give one another just a brief taste, and then move on. It was a tender little frencher, and a sweet smooch to boot. As the kiss was broken, Neil pulled back and grabbed the handle of his suitcase. "I love you."

"And I you."

Neil in that moment suddenly had his face fall as he looked around the room. He was doing the same look over that I was doing earlier. Undoubtedly the scenes of our lusty encounters were replaying in his head as he looked about and pieced together what had caused such a mess.

"Darling...did we do this?" He asked.

"Yes." I said simply as I found my bags beside the bed and decided to grab them.

"And are we going to..."


"So we're not going to..."


"We're just going to..."

"Yes." I had no clue what he was talking about but I was making answers nonetheless. I stuck out my tongue and smiled.

I threw a bag over my shoulder and grabbed the handles of the others and dragged them by the wheels towards the door. "Come on, let's go. Besides I don't want to see the look on housekeeping's faces when they see what we've done."

And it was a good thing that we left when we did. Within minutes of our leaving housekeeping arrived, and I am told the scream coming from the poor woman who saw the devastation could be heard two floors below. I didn't envy them for the task of cleaning up after us. Was it wrong not to feel guilty for leaving the mess though?

We took the cab after all. The purple colored cab picked us up in front of the hotel, and took us to the airport.

* * *

We arrived at the Airport in LA, nearly a day later. It was nice to see home again. To know that I was in the place where my real bed was, was a comforting thought. I had to admit however that crossing the international dateline was a pain in the ass. I was so jet-lagged as I stepped off the plane that Neil wasn't surprised I didn't know what day it was. What a flight.

The male flight attendant had given me a hard time because of my dress. Apparently the male didn't like my choice of apparel, so he refused to serve me my in flight dinner. Neil was about ready to tear the guy five new assholes when he started to curse him out. I had never seen Neil so angry before. I suppose that he was just being defensive of his husband.

When we walked into the terminal, there was Rowdy and James there to greet us. It was 3 in the morning that we were getting in, so most of the others were asleep...or stoned in Chong's case. Rowdy, unlike the last time I had got off a plane decided not to tackle me, but rather to simply walk up and hug me. He was wearing his normal denim shorts, but instead of his jersey, he was wearing a black leather vest with his chest bared. James was wearing a mid drift white t-shirt and his jeans with his thong straps visible, the alley cat coming out at hours not odd to him.

Rowdy embraced us, and gave us a hug. I loved being in his strong arms as he hugged me a little tight for my personal comfort. "Nice to see you too!" I said between my teeth."

"There's my favorite married couple!" Rowdy said as the white wolf let us go. His cornrowed hairstyle still hadn't changed in the time that we had left. I was glad for that.

"Favorite? Well then that's sweet of you." Neil said as he handed James his bags.

"Good to be home huh?" James asked.

"Oh yes." I said, turning to the alley cat. "And I can't wait to get home and into bed."

We all left the airport and piled into the Ford LTD, Rowdy driving and James riding shotgun with us in the back. It was not the limo, but it was our car. I knew that so long as I was in that car I'd be safe. We pulled out of the garage, and started driving.

"So, how was it?" James asked from the front seat.

"Lovely." Neil said softly.

"I happened to enjoy myself." I said.

"Good. So you got a lot done?" James asked as he turned around in his seat to talk to us.

I laughed, and Neil snickered. "Oh I think we got several things done."

"Like?" Rowdy asked from the front, looking into the rear view mirror.

I adjusted my shirt and tilted my head to the side. "That depends on what you want to know."

James shook his head and drummed his fingers against the back of his chair, his eyes dancing in the night light. It was interesting how wide his feline eyes got in the dark. I suppose that it was because he was more related to a domestic breed of cat that he had the feline slit to his eyes. I had a slight slit to mine, but not as dramatic as his. Not even sparky, the cheetahling had eyes like James'. It was enigmatic. "Why don't you just tell us everything? You know, don't skip out on the details..." He said with a sly little lisp. I knew the lisp to have been a joke, but it was still funny to hear the cat make the sound.

"Yeah, please do share. I wasn't up all day and night waiting for you to miss out." Rowdy said with a light chuckle.

"Neil?" I asked.

"Renee?" He asked back.

"Do we feel like sharing the details?" I asked as I took his hand into mine, squeezing our fingers together. He gave me a squeeze back, a nice "I love you" kind of squeeze.

"Sure." He said as he cleared his throat. "We had our honeymoon." He said with a tone of finality.

Rowdy scoffed from the front and took the car around a corner. "Yeah we kind of gathered that much. We would kind of like to know what you did if you please."

I leaned out with my free right hand and squeezed Rowdy's shoulder. He cooed a little bit and shrugged into the squeeze. It was a nice and brief tender moment, a moment between good friends, and an on the spot moment. "Ok you silly wolf, we'll tell you." I said as I sat back and stretched out my long legs as far as they would go. I took my right arm and put it against the arm rest of my door and licked my lips. My tongue went across the tops of all my teeth as I did this, making for the odd yet familiar sensation of the points of my teeth going across my teeth. "Well, we started like just about every newlywed couple does; we made love. Oh, it was so fabulous guys, I cannot tell you..."

"How did it go?" James asked casually.

Neil chimed in with a clearing of his throat. "Well, we started by kissing one another, and then we touched, and then we went into a 69. After that I had Renee bugger me, and like Renee says it was amazing." Neil said with a tone of slight embarrassment. I squeezed his hand again, and received a squeeze in return.

"So Renee, how is Neil? Any good?" Rowdy asked as if the question really didn't mean anything. I crossed my legs, and moved my tail to lay across my lap going around my right thigh. My tail was so busy and poofy, it looked like a whole other creature in my lap. My reddish orange fur tapering to a white ring and a black tip at the end of my tail. It was a feature that only I had. I had never ever seen the black tip on the end of any other red fox's fur, so that was a marking unique to me. It was nice to have my own mark.

I smacked my lips once, and answered Rowdy's question. "Well, he is better than a certain wolf that I know." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Rowdy made a pained "Oooh" noise and placed a hand over his heart.

"Ouch Ne-ne, you cut me deep!" He said in a play hut tone.

"Aw don't worry Rowdy. It's not that you are bad, it's just that everyone else is better than you." I said with a laugh. James broke into laughter and slapped his knee, turning around to sit forward once again. Rowdy narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"Hey I'm driving this fucking car, one more like that and I'll flip this bitch." He said in a deeper and calmer voice.

James was still laughing in the front seat as he slapped Rowdy's naked thigh. "Well, if you flipped this car over, would that be the first time you ever let anyone get on top of you?" James asked amiss the laughter. Rowdy, not really amused, shook his head and muttered under his breath.

"Look new boy, you don't stop making comments like that and I'll have to pull this car over to the side of the road and shove my foot down your throat." Rowdy said, getting a little more serious. Rowdy was getting tense, he really didn't like being insulted. Call it his former gang banging days, but I really didn't mess with that. I cleared my throat and recrossed my legs, moving my left over my right.

"Um, how about we finish talking about my honeymoon?" I suggested .

"Good idea Ne-ne." Rowdy said as he took another corner, this time a right turn. We were getting closer to home, I could see the towers of downtown getting bigger in the front windshield. It was still odd, not seeing the Bank 1 tower where it once was. After collapsing in the earthquake, downtown was never the same without it's biggest tower. It was like in the movie Independence Day when the tower was destroyed by the alien ship, it was a blow to every Los Angles citizen's ego to witness, regardless of weather or not what happened in the movie was fake or not. Personally I had seen the movie 4 times in the theater, and the movie never failed to get better every time.

"Well, after the first night, we fell asleep, and then woke up the next day and went to see an opera at the famous opera house. It was awesome in there. There is an organ in there that is the world's largest, or something like that...anyway...we saw the opera, and then went back to the hotel and had sex again. The next two days we went around Sydney, going to the shops and to the beaches, checking out what they had to offer as far as shopping and swimming. Did you know they have a ton of nude beaches?"

"Nude beaches?" James asked as he was calmed down from laughing earlier.

"Yeah, nude beaches. Australia is really liberal when it comes to their beaches. I had the chance to do some sunbathing with Neil on one of those beaches, and then we went skinny dipping down to a secluded area and made love in a cave off somewhere. After that, Neil went back to the hotel and watched some Australian television."

Rowdy shook his head and changed lanes, moving to avoid hitting a Geo that was swerving around a little bit. It was a pretty narrow miss, but a miss that I was grateful for. I really didn't want to get into an accident my first night back.

"You sure do like watching TV, don't you two?" Rowdy asked as he leaned out the window to flip off the driver of the Geo. The Geo responded by honking it's horn twice in anger, and swerving once again. I looked over my shoulder out the rear view mirror at the driver of the car behind us. It was a gazelle type of fur, but I couldn't tell if it was male or female. It didn't matter, that gazelle couldn't have been sober by the way that it was driving. I was sure that within 24 hours I would hear something in the news of an accident involving a Geo, I was that positive that they were going to hit something.

I turned back around, registering the question that Rowdy had asked. "We like our dose of TV." I said simply.

"I think Renee wants his MTV" James said with a smile from the front seat.

"Yeah, I want my MTV." I said sarcastically.

"Good station eh?" Neil asked, turning to face me. "I've never watched that station."

I made a "hmmf" noise and recrossed my legs once more, noticing that we were getting closer to home. "Neil, you'd be better off watching one of my pornos than you would watching the garbage that they have on that station now a days. It's mostly rap...and not nice rap at that."

Rowdy's face fell and he made a face of disapointment. "Hey, I happen to like rap a little."

I laughed once and shook my head. "No Rowdy sweetheart, I mean that the rap is not nice, as in it's angry. I didn't say I didn't like rap."

"Well you implied it." Rowdy said in a hurt tone.

"No I didn't." I said defensively

"Well you implied something." Rowdy said as we took yet another turn, this one to take us into downtown off the freeway.

"Ok people, lets not argue." James said, folding his arms. "Lets talk about something else."

"Right, what were we talking about Renee?" Neil asked.

"I think we were talking about the honeymoon. In any case, I took Neil on a tour of the harbor bridge towards the end of our stay. That's where you get to walk to the top of the bridge and look about at the city. I cannot tell you guys how great of a view it was, it's kind of like going to the top of one of the skyscrapers here in town and having a look about. It's really quite something. Well after that, I took Neil back to the hotel and we made love a record 5 times. That was about it." I said with a smile.

"Still say you implied something." Rowdy muttered under his breath, and then spoke louder. "But damn girl, 5 times? Did your dick fall off from fucking so much?" He asked with a sense that perhaps it might have happened.

"No, but this 'girl' as you call me was definitely beat after 5 bouts of love making."

"You? You're forgetting your partner that was also tired." Neil said as he gave my hand a hard squeeze, reminding me that he was still there. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Yes, and Neil was also really tired."

"Wow. I'd kind of like to try you out Renee, you've really got me interested." James said, licking his lips.

I made a nervous chuckle and closed my eyes. It was nice to be able to shut out the world, the light from the street lights being the only thing keeping me awake in the darkness as the light filtered it's way through my eyelids, making a kind of orange like color for me to see while I rested my eyes.

"You, and just about every other gay man in the greater LA area. James, I have to tell you that I am not going to be able to just sleep with anyone, now that I'm married. You are going to have to ask Neil."

James had probably counted on this, because he didn't miss a beat, he had already turned back around in his seat, and was looking at my husband. Neil raised an eyebrow from behind his glasses, and made a "yes?" like face, as if to ask why he was being looked at that way even though he already new the answer.

"Neil I have an idea-" James began.

"I don't know." Neil said, holding his hand up.

"Just hear me out." James said quickly.

Neil shook his head. "No, you wait. Let me speak." Neil began, sighing. "First off it's early in the morning, and I doubt all of us are thinking to clearly; I can see that with the way we all have been acting towards one another. Second, I did just marry Renee after several months of dating, and several more months of celibacy. So, I hope you can understand when I say that it's difficult to tell how I am going to feel about Renee having sex with other men at this point in the marriage. We've been married for such a short amount of time, and I'd kind of like to have him for a little while before he goes off and starts being himself again."

James swallowed hard and nodded. "Well, you will let him sleep around wont you? I mean, as a prostitute I can't afford to limit myself to one man so I am having trouble understanding the concept of monogamy. I mean, sure, it must be special for you to to just be with one another, but are you going to let him share his gifts with others too?"

I opened my eyes and looked to Neil who was just then closing his. He looked so tired, I didn't blame him for closing his eyes. He looked to be in a tired sense of peace, as in someone who is resting, but is still exhausted. I took pity on him and I lowered my head upon his shoulder. It was soft and nicely shaped to allow my head to rest. I could have fallen asleep that way, just as I had on the plane, but we were so close to our home that to have fallen asleep then would have been pointless. Neil smacked his lips and wagged his tail a little at the tip, and scratched his left thigh with his hand before speaking again.

"In time." Was all Neil had to say.

"'In time'? Well what about his work, like his porn films."

Neil was quick to answer this time, as he leaned forward and opened his eyes. "That's something different. That is something he does to make money, and that is his job. Right now he is working on a major motion picture that is due to come out at the end of the year, but, that doesn't mean that he won't end up doing a porno on the side. In that case, I would have no choice but to submit and let him do it."

I spoke up. "Well Neil, I have been thinking of doing another porno to make some extra cash. Gustov has been wanting for me to do a scene for a long time and is willing to pay me good money."

"Good money? What is good money?" Neil asked.

"5000, last time he called. Just for the one scene."

Neil coughed and smiled. "Well then! For that much I can look the other way for this one."

I nodded, and nuzzled my head against his shoulder to reassure him. I didn't want him to think that I ever planned on leaving him.

"Well, what if it was me that was doing the scene with him? Would you object then?" James asked.

Neil thought about it for a couple of blocks, and scratched his head. This was obviously a hard one for him. He inhaled deeply through his nose, and exhaled out his mouth. "Well...in that case...I wouldn't have anything to say. It would be work for the both of you, and it would be out of my hands."

James clapped his hands and smiled. "Hot damn. I will come by the studio first thing day after tomorrow. You won't be disappointed Renee, I promise." He said smiling to me from his chair.

"Somehow I believe you." I said softly. "But for now, lets take this one step at a time. Porn is a hard business, and you have to be able to do a lot of different things. I have no doubt that you'd be able to do it, but Gustov has some standards; standards that you'd have to live up to. You can't just wander onto the set and expect to work. Take it one step at a time, and when I go in to Adam and Steve studios sometime soon, we'll see what happens." I said as I closed my eyes and yawned. I was really getting tired. I needed sleep.

"Well gentlemen, we are home." Rowdy said as the car came to a stop.

I opened my eyes and looked out the window to the Churchill Estates tower that was my home and sighed. I was home. Neil and I carried our bags up to my apartment to where Neil and I fell out of our clothes, passed all my sleeping roommates and climbed into my bed. We were going to sleep. And only sleep.

* * *

The days went by, and I was able to recharge myself. I was really quite drained from the honeymoon; sexually and otherwise. It felt good to get back to Universal and start filming once again. I did all kinds of scenes, and said all kinds of cool one liners. The thing about those few days was I kept noticing James coming back home with a smile every day, a kind of evil smile as if he knew something that I didn't. It kind of got to me one day while I was filming a scene at Universal. There was a scene where the antagonist of the story, played by Lindsay, smiles at me from a distance and then drives away. I almost saw that same evil smile on the face of James that same night. I had meant to confront him about it, but every time the thought came to mind, it always slipped from me and I forgot to ask.

It wasn't until the Monday after we had returned until I figured out what was going on. I had come home early to pick up my fighting clothes so I could teach a class down at my dojo. Sure I hadn't had a lot of time to teach down at my dojo, but this was one of those days when I could. Anyway, I had come into my apartment, and I looked around. Sparky and Jicentia were sitting on the couch watching a tape of the last race Sparky had run and were pointing out flaws. Asher and Rowdy were out training, and as such weren't there. Chong was curled up in a bean bag chair, looking like he had just stepped out of a shower, holding a Narcotics Anonymous book in his hand and staring at it intently. I was wondering why he wasn't reading it, but then again I wasn't sure of weather or no t Chong could read. It was still a nice sight to see. I had asked him about it and he had told me that Lt. Mitchell had given him the book, to help him prepare for the actual meetings. I smiled at that point and looked about the room to find James sitting at the kitchen table. He had his gun sitting on the table along with a stack of money and he was filling out some paperwork. After grabbing my fighting bag, out of morbid curiosity I walked over to him to see what he was filling out. It was a contract for Adam and Steve films. I was shocked, but not surprised at the same time. The young one really did want to get with me, and I had to admire his persistence. Perhaps Gustov and the others at the studio saw something in James that I didn't. All I knew was James was a hooker, who was now getting a chance in the porn department. It was going to be interesting.

And so I found myself, going to Adam and Steve films in secret (to avoid any trouble with Universal.) to do the inevitable; work with James. And so I stood in front of my first real boss, Gustov Stautz, talking about the scene that I;d be working on with James.

Gustov was a relatively handsome German Shepard type of male that was getting on in years, but was no less fiery backstage. He was infamous for wearing knee high riding boots and parachute pants, and he was also famous for his mirrored pilot's glasses and for carrying a riding crop under his arm. I wanted to say the he looked more military than he did director, but I had got the sense from years of working with him that it was just a fashion that he had developed, and he had refused to change it, not even the beret on his head.

I stood with him that day, naked except for some silk boxers. I felt so uncomfortable in those boxers that it made me want to rip them off and go naked, but I couldn't yet. I needed to wear them for the scene that I was doing. And that was what I was talking to Gustov about.

"So what exactly did you have in mind? A free style scene or do you actually have something set for us?" I asked him, folding my arms across my naked chest.

Gustov was holding a clipboard in one hand, and his riding crop in the other. He looked down at the clipboard and pointed to something, and then looked at me as directly as he could with those pilot's glasses on. "You are to do a series of set sings, and you are to sex heem as I say so." He said in his thick German accent.

James was sitting on the set of scene, which was made to look like a locker room. It wasn't as good as the locker room set at Universal, but it got the job done. James was wearing his red thong, which stood out upon his alley cat fur very nicely. He was enjoying himself, getting ready.

"So what do we do exactly?" James asked, crossing his bare legs on the bench.

Gustov looked at his clipboard once again, and then turned towards James. "Well ze scene is simble. I vant you two to start out whit you James kissing Ne-ne up against ze lockers. Zen, you will kiss down his body, and take off his boxers, and zen you will give him a blowjob. When I tell you, you will stand and turn around, and Renee will move your thong down, and he geev you anal sex. Zere, now isn't zat zimple?"

I nodded to James. "Think he can handle it?"

Gustov nodded. "We gave him a try out weeth one of our stage ands, and he did well. You are in for a treat I sink." Gustov said as he playfully slapped my ass with his riding crop. I rubbed my ass and walked onto the set to where James was waiting, and leaned against the lockers. The lockers were reinforced so I could lean back on them and not topple them over, but somewhere in the back of my mind was still the worry that I'd be knocking them over in no time. Gustov walked over to his director's chair that raised up and down, and sat in it as he was lifted up about 20 feet in the air, and the camera men moved into place. I could see the doors that read "exit" right behind Gustov's lift, and wondering if I shouldn't just run out those doors in order to avoid having sex with James. But I was there to have sex with someone, and contractually that man was James. I sighed and assumed the position that Gustov wanted. He gave me an approving thumbs up.

James moved in front of me, and placed his hands on my hips. He was very gentle, and I kind of liked the feeling of his feline hands on my waist. He was staring into my eyes with those hypnotizing cat eyes of his, and I couldn't help but to stare back. They were nice eyes, and he was a nice cat. I could really see no problem with me having sex with him, other than the fact that it was so soon after my marriage. I wonder ho Gustov felt about that.

"Alright, ready on ze set?" He called.

"Ready." James responded.

"Ready." I said a little softer, trying to get into the mood.

"Alright zen, cameras shoot, and action!" He called.

With that, James moved in and pressed his lips to mine, and opened his mouth. I closed my eyes and opened mine to let him inside. His tongue slowly crept out of his mouth and into mine, but not as slow or as tender as Neil's. I could definitely sense some lust in that kiss, despite how it was. James began to move his hands up and down my sides, sending little tingles of pleasure through my more sensitive areas that he passed over; my lower ribs, my armpits, the lines of my pelvic bones with his thumbs, and the small of my back with his longer fingers. I kept my eyes closed as he kissed me, moving my tongue against his. He had a flavor unlike any that I had kissed before, but maybe it was because he had something fruity to drink before we had gotten started. He had the flavor of strawberries, and his mouth was defiantly softer than any mouth I had kissed. The only thing that set him apart from the others was how he puckered his lips on the inward thrust of his tongue, and opened his mouth wider on the retraction. That and his textured tongue. That textured tongue was a funny thing to feel on my own, but it was pleasing none the less. I began to thrust my tongue deep into him, and I did it quick and hard, to make the kiss lusty. I tested him to see how he would fare, if he would stay tender or if he would pick up on the cue. He wisely returned the tongue thrust with near to the same power as my own, and gave me a suck on my tongue as I tried to pull it out. He was good. I wondered if his eyes were open or closed, I couldn't tell.

I began to move my hands up and down his furry back slowly, getting the chance to feel at James' toned back muscles. I kneaded them, and massaged them as I worked my way up to his shoulders, hooking my arms under his and squeezing at his collar muscles, and then slowly bringing my arms back down towards the small of his back, where his hands were on me. His hands slipped lower, over my tail and onto my buttocks. He squeezed, a little hard. It sent a bolt of power through me that I felt from the top of my head to the tip of my cock, which was now emerging from my hilt and was getting ready for action. Some people tell me that they can feel energy being transferred during sex, well I have to tell you that is true...cause I just felt some.

With one powerful suck of my tongue, the kiss was broken, and he began to slide down my body, making kisses here and there. I opened my eyes, and I could see the cameras out of the corner of my right eye, filming every movement that James was making. James was moving lower, past my nipples and now towards my navel, kissing softly. It felt so natural, the kisses like little tiny gnat like zaps of pleasure though my person. I kept a hand in one place as it slid up his back and eventually to the nape of his neck as he kissed at my waistband, and began to pull my white silk boxers down. The silk was a gentle caress against the skin of my cock as they came down, and the still air of the room made my penis throb as it was revealed to the world. James smiled and knelt there, admiring my penis.

"Cut!" Gustov called. They had to move the cameras and get ready for the next action. They camera men moved and got in place, some really close to me, and others not. I could feel the warm breath of James upon my dick as I waited for his cue.

"Action!" Gustov called.

James closed his eyes, and opened his mouth wide, and plunged me as far as he could into his mouth. He was so warm, warmer than any mouth that I had ever been inside before. He started to suck, working the perfect porn star suck by going down the first three or four inches of me, and then snapping his head back to move it out. The pleasure was a tumbler of sensation, sending me not to Shangra La, but bliss was a fair statement. That textured tongue upon my cock was something else, something all new. Sparky had one kind of like it, but nothing like James'. I let out a moan that was not entirely fake and began to open myself up for the camera; opening my arms and my legs about as wide as I could go, making myself look like some kind of sexual victim yet all the while enjoying myself.

I had to admit that James was good at what he was doing. His skills were definite in the way that he worked his head. He did it to please me, but not so much as to get me to cum quickly like some would, but more to be tender and lustful at the same time. I took my hands and placed them on the back of his head as he sucked me, him swallowing farther and farther down on my foxhood. I could feel myself leaking a little precum into his mouth which he swallowed greedily. It was a shame the camera couldn't see me leaking the pre, but that was a formality that happens quite often in the world of porn. I felt James take his hands and place them at the top of my calves, resting them there and using my legs for leverage.

His mouth began to concentrate on that inch just below my cock head and began to go back and fourth on that inch, up and down. His tongue remained pressed flat against my penis so that I was thrilled beyond the normal capacity of a blowjob. While James was no Neil, he most definitely was a somebody when it came to what he was doing. I loved it, and was actually starting to mentally enjoy what was going on. I started to move my hips a little and thrust into his mouth a tiny bit as he did this, to get him to go a little deeper on me. He pulled off of me and pressed my member against his lips and began to lick his way up and down me; swirling his tongue around my head. I was feeling good, I could've cum.

"Cut!" Gustov called, signaling for the oral sex to stop. James pulled back a little but stayed on his knees as he looked up at me. His eyes told the story. He was young, so young, and here I was, older and wiser, and yet in this singular moment - this singular adult act - we were both the same age. It was something that I had never connected with before, when I was having sex with someone that was younger than me, but now I noticed it. James and I were bonding, through this act. Sure, it's not the best way to go about bonding, but we were bonding none the less.

"Places!" Gustov called as he slapped his riding crop against his hand. James stood, and pulled his thong down, revealing a healthy sized cathood. He was semi-erect with my mind leaning more towards erect. He turned around, and lifted his tail, showing me his pinkish hole. I smiled and moved over, positioning my member at his entrance, but not entering until I got my cue. I looked at his back, and he had a well defined back and spine, it wasn't bad to look at in the least. I took my left index finger and began to trace my finger from the top of his neck down his spinal ridge a little, bringing him to shudder in what I felt was happiness. I stroked my penis with my right hand, waiting for the cue. The camera men had to get a lot closer now, one directly beneath us in order to get a good angle of my penetration. Another cameraman was on my right and back about two feet, his camera on his shoulder, ready to roll. There was a camera on a boom, over our heads, ready to record us from above. I was ready.

"Alright...action!" Gustov called from the seat as he leaned back in his chair to enjoy the rest of the show. And what a show it was.

I slowly pressed my penis against his hole, expecting to meet some resistance, yet he opened and accepted me as if he had been pre loosened for entry. His ass burned like nothing I had ever felt on my prick before. It burned even more than Neil's did. It was a nice warm sensation to have upon me as I started to slide as gently as I could into him. I pressed myself up until I reached my knot, and I held myself there for a moment as I let my hands take firm grips on his hips. I wanted to make sure I had a good hold on him, so I let my fingernails hook in a little as I did this, to soft fur of his hips tickling my hands a little.

So there I was, inside of James, when I started to hump at a slow to fair speed. He was loose, but not pussy loose. He was just loose enough that I could hump into him without any resistance. James closed his eyes and he took his right hand and wrapped it around his member and began to masturbate himself as I began to take him. His hand began to work at a pace not entirely different from the one that I was working at. I was humping inward at a rate of a thrust a second, so he had to be doing the same. It was kind of cute, how we were both working in sync like that.

James let out a moan that sounded fake, but I could tell wasn't as I started to increase my speed by a fraction. The pleasure of his dry to semi-moist innards thrilling the skin of my penile area quite nicely. I began to squeeze at his hips a little bit as I humped, to let him know who was in charge. He grunted with me, and bent further forward, to let me in deeper.

My knot began to slap against his ass as I worked, sending a sledge of pleasure through me with each slam. I knew how good it would feel to have his ass lips close around my knot and milk me for everything I was worth, but not then. This was not a tyeing film, so I wasn't allowed to tie him. It wasn't bad, I just humped him as hard as I could without letting my knot slip into him. He seemed to know my pleasure and he began to grind his ass against my knot, conferring upon me a pleasure that felt as good as hot chocolate on a cold day - it hot my spot.

Gustov shuffled in his chair, even though I couldn't see it. He was enjoying the display in front of him. I don't know if it was because it was me or if i t was the sex itself, but I got the feeling that he was pleased with us. Even as I was tracing my hands up to his ribs as I humped, my long hair falling around us, I knew that everybody there was enjoying themselves.

James' orgasm came as a surprise to me. I felt his ass clench and throb against me as he had jacked himself off to the point of cumming. He had cum off cue, but we would have to make do. The bench, the lockers, and the face of the cameraman beneath him were all saturated with his life seeds. I had to keep from smiling at the expense of the poor Crow type of man. But, I was getting close myself.

"Cut!" Gustov called. The camera men then moved, and switched positions again, including the poor crow. The crow moved out and grabbed a towel for his face and wiped himself down as he got ready to film the next angle.

I pulled my cock out of James, and began to stroke it, just ever so nicely to keep myself hard, as the cameramen got themselves set up.

"Action!" Gustov bellowed from the chair.

I wrapped my left hand around my member, and began to masturbate. It wouldn't take me long. I groaned and worked my hand around my knot and pumped and stroked until I came. I moaned as I started to shoot my load all over his back and his butt. It was pleasant to feel, and it was a good orgasm, a good orgasm indeed. James sighed, and began to grind his ass against my cock as it finished it's load. It tickled me. I reached out and began to smear my pooled semen around his back and tail as we finished the scene.

"Cut! Brilliant! Good work you two!" Gustov said as his chair was being lowered to let him down. I turned and looked around as I saw all the cameramen walking off the set, their cameras in tow or over their shoulders. I grabbed a towel off the top of the lockers and began to wipe myself down as James did the same to himself. Gustov walked up and patted us both on the back, clasping hard with his hand as he did so.

"Good, good boys. I am thrilled weeth how zees scene went. James you are young yes, but good." He said as he patted James on the butt with his riding crop. That's the sign of a true compliment from Gustov, when he taps you on the butt with that crop.

"Thanks Mr. S." James said as he grabbed his thong and slipped it back on.

"And you Renee, good as always. It's a shame we lost you to Universal." Gustov said as he shook his head.

"You didn't loose me Gustov, I just have a second filming job is all. And by the way, they don't know I'm here. " I whispered the last part under my breath. Gustov made an O with his thumb and index finger to let me know he understood. He still shook his head and wagged his tail a little low, and looked like he was about to say something, when I noticed and Gustov heard the double doors behind his chair open and close. I looked over his shoulder, and saw a pair of Eagle type males in suits waling forward. They had laminated ID tags on their left pockets, and they didn't look to happy. One was taller than the other, the one on my left, and the other was about a foot shorter. They walked towards us with a look of definite determination on their faces. Gustov turned around and his face fell. He went from overjoyed to slightly annoyed as he looked at the suits walking towards us. They looked like government agents or something. From what I heard, Gustov didn't like the government for some reason. Perhaps it was a dispute over citizenship or something, but the bottom line was that Gustov didn't look to happy.

"Oh goody." Gustov muttered as he tucked his riding crop under his right shoulder and stood at relative attention as the men approached the set. I wrapped my towel around my waist and tossed my long hair back. When I did I got kind of a head rush, my body still kind of in the after sex mode. I turned to face the men as James seemed to have snuck away somewhere. He was conveniently absent in this moment of general awkwardness. I wondered why.

The men reached the bottom of the stage, their spiffy black polished shoes hitting the base of the set as they stopped walking. The eagle on the left, the taller one, turned to the one on his left, and raised his eyes. "I think he's the one we're after." He said in a thick southern drawl. The one on the right nodded, and slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants, his hand feathers hooking a little on the lips as he did so.

Gustov moved in front of me and narrowed his eyebrows from behind his sunglasses and muttered a curse word in German under his breath, and then stood at a better attention. "What are you two doing here?" He asked in a low voice.

The tall one looked towards Gustov, and pointed towards his ID. Gustov didn't seem impressed, but his face did fall further. "I am agent Marshall, and my partner here is agent Irving. We are with the FBI here on official business."

Gustov growled and pointed his riding crop at the Agent and shook it a little. "FBI? You're here to deport me aren't you?" Gustov grumbled, his accent getting a little thicker. Agent Marshall stood there, undaunted by the shaking riding crop in front of him and blinked his eyes.

"Gustov, maybe we should find out what they are here for, before we jump to conclusions?" I suggested,

"Zey are here to tell me I ave to go back to Germany. Zey are here to tell me zat my green card is no good now. I just know it." Gustov said, his voice becoming a little worried.

"Come on, why would the FBI come here like this and do this now?" I asked, not entirely convinced myself that the FBI wouldn't deport someone like this. I was just glad that my erection was leaving me as I stared down at the two Government agents. I looked over at Irving. His eyes spoke of repulsion, like something he was looking at offended him. I wasn't sure weather or not that could have been me, but I had a guess that it was one of the two of us. I looked at Irving's attire. White shirt, black tie, gold tie clip, pens in the breast pocket that probably cost more than my rent, ring on the left ring finger, and snappy dress shoes. He had the government ID in his left breast pocket, which had his picture on the left, the shield of the FBI on the right, and in the foreground big blue letters that read "FBI" across the top. Of course there was a lot of little writing on the ID badge, but he was too far away for me to see it. Undoubtedly it had his personal information on it.

Gustov shook a little now, his anger and fear starting to get a hold of him. "I am not going back to Germany! I am not going back! I love et here in America, don't make me leave." He said, starting to plead.

Agent Marshall shook his head and looked at Irving. "Why do I always get the crazy ones?" His drawl groaned. Irving just shrugged.

"Lucky I guess." Irving spoke for the first time in a high throaty voice.

"What are you here for? Are you here to arrest Gustov?" I asked, placing my hands on his shoulders for reassurance. I could feel how tense he was, not just from the moment, but in general. His shoulder muscles were more tense than any id felt, and they were like steel under my hands. I wished he'd relax.

Marshall looked at me and shook his head. "We are hardly worried about this man and his green card status. As far as we know, he's fine to stay." Marshall said, his voice polite and quiet. "I don't know what he's so jumped up over, I swear. You sir are like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs." Marshall said as he pointed to Gustov. I snickered, the man did have a point.

"So you're not here for me?" Gustov asked, sounding a little hopeful.

"No." Irving said. "We are here for the fox." He said pointing towards me. My ears swept back and my tail dropped.

Now my first thoughts were, what have I done and how am I in trouble? I was trying to think if maybe I had finally done something wrong and now I was going to pay for it. But then I had to think logically, surely there had to be a reason why they were there. A good reason.

"Renee? Vat did he do?" Gustov asked as he turned and looked over his right shoulder at me. "Vat did you do Renee?" He asked. Becoming curious.

"Nothing...as far as I know."

Irving shook his head. "Yes you did something. This was years ago and this has only now been brought to our attention. I am going to have to ask you to get dressed and to come with us."

I swallowed and nodded. "Alright."

Gustov started asking what I did over and over again, trying to get the agents to tell, but he was ultimately silenced when Marshall threatened to take his green card for interfering with a government operation. Gustov silenced but not before telling me to take come clothes out of the costume closet to go home with.

The agents followed me into the large walk in closet as I grabbed some clothes. I grabbed some string bikini briefs, some leather pants and a black fishnet shirt. I slipped the outfit on and topped it off with some black boots. I was going for a more dark look to myself that evening.

The agents took me outside to the stereotypical black four door sedan with the government tags on it. The interior was a light beige leather, and was comfortable to sit in as I slipped into the back seat. It was obvious that this seat meant the agents had to have trusted me a little, because while there was no handles or window controls on the doors there was no cage separating me from them.

I buckled my seat belt, and we were off.

The ride was pretty silent for me, but talkative for the Agents. They joked back and forth, and spoke about people they worked with. They really seemed to enjoy talking about another agent, this one by the name of Dickens. From what I picked up, Dickens was embezzling funds from the government in order to fund his prostitution ring that he was holding with some local drug lords. I was surprised how someone could get in so much trouble these days. Though the talk of drugs made me think of Chong sitting in my apartment, and I wondered if perhaps he didn't have something to do with this. If he did, he'd need more than that NA book to save his ass when I would be done with him.

We pulled up to an office building downtown about 30 minutes later. It wasn't that far from the apartment, but out of what I felt was walking distance for that evening. I looked up at the three story building and sighed. There in big bold letters was,

"FBI Regional Field Office"

I was let out the car, and I followed the men into the building. It was after hours, so we had a lot of security panels to go through as we made our way through the building. We took an elevator up to the second floor, the damn thing was so old that I thought it would buckle under the combined weight of the three of us, but it didn't.

The elevator opened up on the second floor to reveal a room of desks like you see on all the cop shows. There were wooden pillars everywhere, desks, and offices in the back behind obscured glass windows. Marshall pointed towards one of those offices and I went where I was directed. I walked and went to the door. It had Marshall's and Irving's names upon the glass window. I put my hand on the brass doorknob and opened the door.

The office was like your cop show office; two desks that were front to front, stacks of papers and a pair of lamps covering the desks. Pictures of wanted felons all over the walls, news paper clippings, a pair of filling cabinets over in a corner, and a kid sitting in one of the Desk's chairs, drawing on a legal pad. Wait a damn minute, a kid?

The kid looked up at us. He was a red fox too. He looked at me, and then looked towards the Eagle agents and frowned. He didn't seem to happy. The kid was wearing a back t-shirt and some jean shorts. He had markings on his face that were similar to mine, but not in the same places. The markings around my eyes were common, and he had them too.

The kid had to be no more than 10, but he looked like had had seen a lot. He had long slender legs and a skinny body, but he had a big bushy tail to compensate. He had his hair long, in a ponytail that ran to his shoulder blades. The kid had probably only had one haircut in his life, and that had to have been when he was a baby. The kid was doing some rather nice drawings that I recognized; runes. He was drawing a picture, a circle with a series of runes in it. He must have been pagan, or at least brought up in a pagan family. I found if funny that the kid was using one of Agent Marshall's more expensive looking pens to do the drawings, while there was a cup of cheap government issued pens just to his side. Well, when you can have brass you go for the gold.

Marshall cleared his throat and walked into the room a little more, shutting the door behind us. Irving walked around to my right so one was on either side of me. I felt like a criminal. I wanted to know what I was doing here, and what this kid was doing here as well.

"I see you kept yourself occupied while we were out. Was Agent Clark a good sitter?" Marshall said in an impressed but I want to grind your skull into the pavement kind of way. The kid shrugged and went back to his runes.

"She left me 10 minutes ago. She said I was disturbed." He said in a spiteful voice that only a child could achieve.

"Well I am not surprised. Given your circumstances, I could understand you being a little snide, but you've been rather rude to us today." Irving said in a more calm and almost fatherly tone.

The boy shrugged and drew another rune. "She was just as rude, trying to be like my mom." He said in a low tone, almost making his voice pre pubescent deep. "She's not my mom."

Marshall swallowed hard, as if there was something he wanted to say to the boy but had to keep inside. "Yes, she isn't you mother, but she was only trying to help. You could show a little respect to her, she was only doing what I asked her to."

"Yeah sure...do i get to go home now?"

"In a few moments. Fist we had to get some things squared away with Mr. Morningstar-Simonsen here. Now that he's here we can get you home."

"Home?" I asked.

"Yes, surely you know him?" Irving asked.

The kid shook his head at the same time as me. "I've never seen him before in my life." I said as I began to stare at him. The boy reminded me of myself at his age, only not so rude. My rudeness didn't come until my teens, and didn't leave until my twenties. But he looked like a younger version of me...then again a lot of red fox boys look like I did as a kid.

Irving nodded. Marshall sighed. "It would make sense, given the mother's story."

The boy slammed a fist down on the table, making a soft but noticeable noise. "You leave mother out of this!" He said as he growled a little.

"Calm down half-pint. We'll have you out of here in just a moment." Marshall said as he turned towards me. "Renee I am going to ask you some questions here and now that will help us decide what we are going to do next. We need some basic information. Now I want you to tell us the truth to us alright?"

I nodded. The kid sat back down, and looked at me. He smiled a little bit, as if he understood me a little, and went back to the paper.

"Now tell me, does the name Darla Valcielia sound familiar to you."

It didn't. "No."

"Alright. Were you at all sexually active 10 years ago?"

I was. I scoffed. "Yeah, I was 17. I was having sex with the other boys at Barton's and some in my worship group."

Marshall nodded. "Alright, any females?"

I was going to say no right off the bat, but suddenly the name Darla sounded familiar. I thought on it. "Perhaps." I said.

"Did you ever have unprotected intercourse with any of those females?"

I looked at the child. He was sitting there, doodling a picture now of something else. The child didn't seem to care about what he was hearing. I gulped, and looked at Marshall. "Probably."

"Did you ever engage in sex with a woman as part of a satanic ritual?"

And suddenly it hit me.

I was inside of her, my knot buried all the way into her cuntlips, my hands on her breasts, and my back arched. I was cumming. There were men all around me, all naked, holding candles and chanting. I had runes of candle wax written across my back, and the female under me had her rings digging onto my sides. She was the priestess, and the Altar. I was anointing the altar in a deeply important satanic ritual. I was moaning the woman's name...priestess Darla. I had had sex with a woman...and I had had unprotected sex on top of that.

"Yes. And I did have sex with Darla, I just now remembered."

Marshall nodded, and put his hand on my back.

"Then allow me to introduce you to your son...Mr. Morningstar-Simonsen." He said in a low voice. The child looked up at me as he heard this, and he stood up and out of his chair.

"My father?" He asked.

"Your father."

I looked at the child now. It had to have been true. I looked him over. Why, he even had the black tip to his tail just like mine. He was a miniature me. It was true. I felt myself going weak in the knees and staggered back a step, but Irving caught me and helped me to stand. The world began to spin. I fainted.

When I awoke I was sitting in the chair, alone in the room with the child. He was staring at me, intently. He was looking at me as if I had suddenly become the most important thing in his life. And I had nothing I could think of to say.

"You're my dad?" He asked.

"I must be." I said after a moment of thought.

"Wow. Mom told me you were far away or something, that you were probably dead."

I didn't know Darla too well to make a judgment call. She was a one time priestess that was there in our All-male group to make sure we did the anointing properly. I was chosen because the group found me the most worthy. I guess this is what happened from it.

"Nope. I'm alive."

"By the dark lord..." He said in amazement. So the kid was satanic too eh?

There was a long moment of silence before I spoke again. "What's your name?"


"Cyric? Well it's nice to meet you." I said. I extended my hand across the desks, and he shook it. He smiled at me and his eyes danced with wonder. His eyes seemed to be saying "wow, my father".

The door opened and the agents walked in. They told me that I was to take Cyric, because Darla had tried to sacrifice him. I was now his legal guardian because I was his parent.

Boy, I would have quite the story to tell the boys when I got back to the apartment.